Why dont people care about this game anymore?
Monster Hunter: World
Its almost as if its not a game whit infinity content and people have played it for over a year.
It's shit
Monsters suck dick. Armor and weapon aesthetics were made boring.
No content. If it had 30 more large mosters and 4 more areas it be pretty good.
I don't know.
I stopped caring around 60 hours of play time after I made the Jho set.
Don't regret playing it but I have no reason going back before Iceborne and even then I'm wondering if I should.
I don't know what the 4 player mission thing is called but it's like an MMO.
Elite players grind, get all the shit they want, and drop the game until theres new shit.
This saves them money on the games subscription fee or for PS4 players the PS+ fee.
If you're not working hard in the game your being lazy and enabling the game company to be lazy and not release new content to keep you paying.
The people that do this are casual, escaping reality by leaving the game on doing nothing or chatting, or the hardcore roleplayers.
The game is still full price on steam and theres no crossplay.
Piracy and cheating.
If someone on PC could 1 hit kill shit for you, you wouldnt have to grind and keep paying subs fees.
That's what happens when you make a game for normies and ignore your make fanbase
See Pokemon lgpe
Panders to westerners with no attention spans
Everyone is waiting for Iceborne. I’ll come back for Arch-Tempered Nerg though.
Am I the only one who thinks SEKIRO has borrowed MHX's Adapt Style and Aerial Style?
There are 10k in-game right now, doesn't look dead to me.
I'm not familiar but it sounds like your right from what I've seen in Sekiro.
I have the game both on PS4 (normal) and PC, it plays a lot better on PC, but no news on release date of PC Iceborne and PC feels a lot behind because of the events. Should I just buy Iceborne on PS4?
>full solo hunter
>also an entirely unremarkable player skill wise before people post pro`s soloing everything
>I will never get a win against kulve
>behemoths bullshit armor is inaccessible forever
>the good version of leshen where you dont have to spend 15 minutes talking is out of the question
Hopefully fancy nerg is the same as fancy xeno so I can at least experience a full fight.
2 reasons for me
>Having a full set of Drachen makes getting AT gear feel pointless
>All HR gear will be irrelevant when Master Rank gear comes out
Because it's a mediocre Monster Hunter game and people can just go back to playing superior ones such as 4U or GU for example.
Tied with Tri, it's the most lackluster title of the franchise. Shit maps. Shit monster roster overall. Shitty monster AI and all of them are complete pushovers except Behemoth and Ancient Leshen, which aren't even from the franchise lol. Shitty weapon designs as well as shitty weapon variety. Lackluster armor designs and layered armor options. Worst farming system. Events on rotation is flat out retarded. Collab and event gear are underwhelming in number. Handler is fucking obnoxious and useless. Unskippable and pretty long cutscenes for a shoehorned storyline.
I don't care about "m-muh QoL changes" like having unlimited whetstones and pichaxes when the game has just so many poorly executed shit. This title just doesn't feel rewarding to play.
I'm not sure about the game, but the series' 15th anniversary celebration has been fucking terrible so far.
I do appreciate some of the QoL changes, but many of them were never big issues to begin with.
For example, when was running out of whetstones ever a thing?
I liked the Leshen quest.
At that point I was so fucking tired of sniffing farts and analyzing footprints, some dialogue was a welcome change.
It isn't too challenging thanks to non-shit controls, and it had less content than your average Monster Hunter entry due to not being able to recycle everything dating back to the PS2 games for the first time ever.
Hopefully Iceborne will have tons of new content.
Because of the time limited and time gated content.
Is there any hope of MH returning to its pre-casualized and westernized self?
I think not and it makes me sad.
Wish I had friends to play with =(
It could, but probably only for spinoffs on Nintendo platforms.
Well I'd take it.
Afaik Gen/GenU was made by the B team and I love that, so let's go
I care and still play it once a week or so but there's just not much for me to do til Iceborne drops anymore aside from events with friends
Well I just got into this game just now. I did beat anjanath, what am I in for after? Any tips play with Insect Glaive
build your kinsects for speed as that's the most important thing to have on it, speed bonus on your actual glaive is good too but not necessary just prioritize speed when nurturing.
That makes sense, as I always felt they hit the monster after they notice me.
also don't worry and waste too many resources on armor until you hit high rank, every bit of armor you make in low rank will be completely obsolete and never used again, just make do with random parts you can make along the way, high rank doesn't take long to get to.
>Any tips play with Insect Glaive
never go on offensive without red and white essence
take Power Prolonger skill
don't spam aerial attack every time, ground combo is actually stronger
speed should your priority, as mentioned above
If you wanna grind, you'll grind. If you're a normal person, like me, you'll play through the game, finish all the missions you can unlock and do some stuff online with others cuz it's fun for a while. Then you'll feel satisfied and as a normal person ought, move on to the next game, poking in on this one if it has a significant update to feel that feeling of accomplishment again for a bit. Only crazy people play a single game for 1000+ hours.
I never realized how slow the grind was. I really started playing through was last Decemeber and then the New Years event happened and I was playing it daily to get all the gear from events I missed/ daily quest. But once that event ended, I just play it once a week to complete the weekly quest and accomplish some events. I'm on PC, so it felt a lot less lively once all the events disappeared.
Will they amend stupid decisions like having both random dropoff and fast travel simultaneously in Iceborne?
Lol no
You’d neither completely forget them and have to savage for some or had 17 more after a really really tough hunt
>caring about an old game
If GenU is made by the “B team” they’re the SSS tier team to me.
More Mecha bugs when?
I fucking love Ahtal-Ka and Jet Dragon
The real issue would be forgetting them after you've gone from Gunner to Blademaster. It was probably the weakest QoL to bring up. Combinatons would've been a better one.
Because Generations Ultimate is better and has a hundred times more content.
>There are 10k in-game right now, doesn't look dead to me.
I forget that PC players think that this is a lot.
>caring about an HR game
Iceborne not being on PC at launch was the final straw for me. Come the fuck on. What could possibly be the excuse?