The goofy side-character ends up being more popular than ANY of the characters in the main party

>the goofy side-character ends up being more popular than ANY of the characters in the main party

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Mina > Momo > everyone else > shit > your favorite

>More popular than Kirishima or Todoroki
She's not even top 5 in the japan poll

She's the traitor, one year from now she'll be besties with Toga

I want my dick to melt inside of her tbqhfam

The gooks who live vicariously through Bakugo have shit taste, shocker

but she is my favorite

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Japan has no taste with there own stuff
There was a heisei rider pole where fourze came up like 13th place
That's un fucking acceptable

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Make way for literal best girl

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based and pinkpilled

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Pinky a shit

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I bet she has a gaping hole from the massive dildos she uses


>best girl is a one off filler arc

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That's not Froppy, OP

this is probably true most of the time because they seem the most human Kuwabara and Leorio are other examples

Best girl

>doesn't apply to living things
She's shit

based taste

Godamn I wish there was more porn of this pink fluid druid FUUUUUUUUCK

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>best girl will never show up again

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>cute girl that's anime only

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>go to an island
>touch the floor
>make island super tiny

>go to bank
>touch bank
>bank gets super tiny and kills everyone inside it
>walk off with bank in pocket
>blood everywhere but not on the money since it's inside the safe

What a broken ass power holy shit. You could kill so many people just by shrinking building on them.

They were too good for this manga

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please don't make us go back there

Yea Forums doesn't want shonenshitters, it's bad enough with the dragonball spics and nu-rutards

M-my heart

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>the washed up boomer and his midget gf

>this is a 21-year-old woman

That's the best part

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-yu best girl

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fuck you guys I can never unhear this

They're gonna return, I feel it.
La brava and the Gentle Criminal will go through a redemption arc just screencap this.

Are they gonna be heroes?

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