>the goofy side-character ends up being more popular than ANY of the characters in the main party
The goofy side-character ends up being more popular than ANY of the characters in the main party
Mina > Momo > everyone else > shit > your favorite
>More popular than Kirishima or Todoroki
She's not even top 5 in the japan poll
She's the traitor, one year from now she'll be besties with Toga
I want my dick to melt inside of her tbqhfam
The gooks who live vicariously through Bakugo have shit taste, shocker
but she is my favorite
Japan has no taste with there own stuff
There was a heisei rider pole where fourze came up like 13th place
That's un fucking acceptable
Make way for literal best girl
based and pinkpilled
Pinky a shit
I bet she has a gaping hole from the massive dildos she uses
>best girl is a one off filler arc
That's not Froppy, OP
this is probably true most of the time because they seem the most human Kuwabara and Leorio are other examples
Best girl
>doesn't apply to living things
She's shit
based taste
Godamn I wish there was more porn of this pink fluid druid FUUUUUUUUCK
>best girl will never show up again
>cute girl that's anime only
>go to an island
>touch the floor
>make island super tiny
>go to bank
>touch bank
>bank gets super tiny and kills everyone inside it
>walk off with bank in pocket
>blood everywhere but not on the money since it's inside the safe
What a broken ass power holy shit. You could kill so many people just by shrinking building on them.
They were too good for this manga
please don't make us go back there
Yea Forums doesn't want shonenshitters, it's bad enough with the dragonball spics and nu-rutards
M-my heart
>the washed up boomer and his midget gf
>this is a 21-year-old woman
That's the best part
-yu best girl
fuck you guys I can never unhear this
They're gonna return, I feel it.
La brava and the Gentle Criminal will go through a redemption arc just screencap this.
Are they gonna be heroes?