What games are actually lovecraftian? none of that meme bs
What games are actually lovecraftian? none of that meme bs
What did he mean by this?
Toejam and Earl
Hin doo doo.
fake text and yet retards fall for it
Bloodborne, no, not because of tentacles
Actually that's legit.
One of the cats in his stories is named "Niggerman"
It's pretty much an open secret that most of the current day intellectuals are racist, but are also too smart to reveal that they are racist.
Not all of them.
Lovecraft's forehead is abnormally low.
He is closer to BASED Arabs than his contemporaries.
No, that was the name of his cat in real life.
No you fucking mongoloid zoomer, it was not a cat on his stories, it was his actual cat.
And the text in OP is fake, he was racists but he never ever talked or wrote about India in any of his stories/letters. It was a made up quote by someone on Yea Forums you dumbfuck reatard.
“The Rats in the Walls”
It’s a good story
A game about punching tentacle monsters in the face and getting more powerfull by it is inherently not Lovecraftian.
Whites came from Arabs.
It is absolute fact. Racism is more for primitives than for evolved human beings even if it's all true.
Just to be clear doom guy/slayer is the Lovecraftian horror
All I am saying is he was our guy
>OP is a faggot
H.P. Lovecraft
Except he's comprehensible. A demon can understand that they're not invincible and can be shot to death or torn up with a chainsaw. They don't just drop to their knees in submission because this 8 dimensional entity compressing itself down to 3 dimensions to slap them breaks their 4 dimensional minds.
>hardly any games that cover the Randolph Carter stories like Kadath
maybe one day
>Whites came from Arabs.
Nope. Arab literally means mixed. They're a hodgepodge race of bandits and traders.
Wrong. Also being prejudiced towards strangers is common to literally every living being on the planet and is essential for survival of a species.
are you two daft? it was also the name of the cat in The Rats in the Walls.
cosmic horror? lel
only horror is console exclu
Yep, I can also confirm because I read the story. Those guys are daft retards who merely heard one fact about Lovecraft and never read a story