I feel like I'm the only one excited.
I feel like I'm the only one excited
No deal unless they add Fallout 4 VR. I would actually be tempted to buy if that was the case. But no. I'll stick to PSVR until I can justify a full PC upgrade and the next gen of PC headsets are out.
I'm actually looking forwards to the PSVR2/PS5 bundle that will inevitably exist. PSVR may be entry level and limited but it's what got me into VR and it's plug and play.
>standalone VR
>rift store only
>inferior tracking
>inferior graphics
>no mods for Fallout 4 and Skyrim, both of which aren't even coming out on it
>can't pirate stuff
How about no. I have a regular Rift and am quite happy with it, but this seems only worth it for normalfags who don't really care about vidya that much besides playing for 2h on weekends. Better off waiting for Steam's headset desu.
>Fallout 4
You can both fuck off.
Also no porn games. This is the biggest blunder of them all.
...context for this mad? It's the shittest Fallout after 76, and it's Bethshit, but it's also a massive open world, with a narrative, NPCs, settlement crap, power armor, and a lot of interesting enviroments to explore in VR.
Skyrim goes from being my least favorite TES, and bland as fuck as an open world game, to being something I could fuck around in for another hundred hours.
We'll never admit it when speaking to someone about VR off user sites, but yeah. The dream of eventually having fully interactive and 4k+ textures sex dungeons is as much a draw as eventually being able to do shit like drive around in GTA5 VR.
>I am excited for this
It's really not. It's just finding it's direction and audience; and that audience seems to be Playstation gamers. In the end people will always choose the affordable and least effort filled option, and right now thats the plug-and-play PSVR. It sold massively at Christmas.
I already have a PSVR and a Mixed Reality set (I got the PSVR first to dip my toes in and the MR headset was the icing on the cake when I got my 1080ti)
The quest does nothing for me.
It has been trying to find an audience and direction for 6 years now.
bullshit, PS5 VR will be good
Because you're the only one paid to be, you fuck.
Quest is a Beat Saber machine and probably never anything more. It can't handle anything more. Maybe one or two decent playable games, similarly simple and low-spec. It will only ever have a few dozen games total, over its entire lifetime.
2019 is going to be 'THE' big year for VR, but maybe only recognized in hindsight. VR will almost surely finally have its 'killer app' amongst the slew of day-one content for Knuckles (and Valve HMD?) that we already know is coming. Not just BONEWORKS and HLVR (the most obvious contenders), but all the top SteamVR devs have had knuckles for years now. Pimax getting fully up and running with immediate fulfillment of their own all-in-one package (with lighthouses and controllers, which will supposedly have 'feature parity' with valve knuckles) will be a big-in-hindsight thing, as well. Vive Focus Plus is looking to be the first of the fully open hybrid-standalone devices which will come to dominate in the future.
That all looks great, amazing even, but first they need to bring more full length games to the medium. There are what, four or five, and only one of Skyrim length being heavily downgraded Skyrim itself? We can move onto cool uses of the tech when people actually own and want to own it.
>anything but a meme
I'm waiting for knuckles tbqh
I doubt HLVR will disappoint on length. Boneworks will probably be shorter, but still substantial.
>standalone VR
so it's wireless oculus with inferior tracking?
>phone games for your face
hard pass
>$400 for a gimmick which doesnt work without a $1000 pc.
Wait 10 more years pckeks
It's like mobile phone VR but with the phone built into the HMD only it's not a phone (can't make calls). slightly better optics/ergonomics, but it's still not going to be running anything major (see ). major selling point is definitely being wireless, but they're being pointedly quiet about battery life (probably less than two hours).
The stupidest thing in the whole design (and all other 'standalone' so far) is making it genuinely literally all-in-one when they could have easily made a hip/back/pocket/etc. unit for battery and compute (and then had significant upgrade-upsell potential down the road).