Here's your new MMO race, bro

Here's your new MMO race, bro.

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Other urls found in this thread:

Here's one subscriber less, bro

Thanks, I love it. I can finally be the Lion man Paladin I always wanted to be.

Now there's finally a reason to play this game

Imagine if they were just a little less wide

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but where is the porn?

>SB ends with a fuck ton of characters still plot relevant
>All new zones are on the 1st

What? What about the empire? They're about to gas the fuck out of people...

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The customization options will determine whether I fantasia from Roe or not.

hol up, this is just a fucking Hellsguard Roe with a lion head attached to it.

Nah, the alliance has it for now. Go take a vacation bro and don't you even think about facing Elidibus without your useless friends :^)

It's a completely new model with completely different animations.
I guess you could say it's still a fuckup how much it looks like a roe though

Does look like a roe
Gender locked races are awesome as long as majority of races are not gender locked .
I love it

>confirmed to be taller and thiccer than roes
who ready here?

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You're just adding on that part, they are more naturally shaped than Roes. If they were thicker than roe's their waists would expand outward at this point since Roe's are pretty much square torso's

>There's a very real possibility that Dancer does slashing damage
Fuck. Dragoon is going to be in the dumpster in 5.0.

>still no other blunt class to sync with MNK

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>Needing new races
>When Lalafell exists

They should just have deleted their plans for new races and add 2 more jobs instead

They are reworking the damage types. Wait for May to panic.

they have bigger arms and legs

They said the same thing before SB.

SE doesn't even try anymore, do they?

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That would be even worse because it means making the combat even more shallow so nobody feels left out

Based on the Mrhappy interview with Yoshdida, what do you think they're going to do with healers?

The same as last time
>nerf sch
>people bitch about it
>buff it again
>is OP again

Damage types are not depth, they're just an annoyance

>every single relevant empire officer is a ff12 judge
>make a ff12 end game
>get a gunblade class instead of emperial judge
call me when they'll add the best class

Said the same shit for SB all they did was change the icons.

Nerf/delete the fairy, or change it to cooldown.
AST will stay more or less the same.
Rework WHM into something that people will still not enjoy.
They will say fuck it next expac and take the same approach as they did with tanks and divide healers in two categories.

No, they're literally depth, you just don't like them so you want them gone. Niggers like you are why we're going to end up with one-button rotations like WoW.

>DNC replaces BRD
>GUN replaces WAR
>DRG no longer meta
>SCH gutted
All we need now is for NIN to get nerfed and we might actually have some different raid comps from the last 5 years.

So ShB will be
>WoL and friends go to an adventure at the first crystal
>meanwhile on your crystal zenos is trying to claim his body and empire back

Are we having 2 stories at the same time?

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How do the damage type debuffs make combat more deep? All they do is restrict party composition. Can't have a ranged job without also having a DRG, period.

The debuffs are pointless and the distribution of damage types is retarded. Now 7 out of 11 physical damage jobs use slashing.

>middle of SHB MSQ
>play as Zenos
>Objective: Solo Garlemald

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>add male and female models for races that were previously gender locked

>add new gender locked races

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The developers being actual retards and failing to build on the system doesn't mean it's not depth. Job coordination in order to raise performance is absolutely depth.

Fuck off, we don't bother anyone.

If the empire is the last problem in our world, maybe they want to show what will happen once all evil is purged. Therefor, this expac might prepare the next one where instead of completly BTFO of the empire, we must contain them. Dunno.

and then they can't even wear helmets. Shadowniggers is being so blatantly rushed.

What "coordination"? The debuffs are literally part of the rotation you're doing anyway. Even if you were the only person in the party with that damage type, you'd still apply the debuff just to increase your own damage, which is exactly what Monk does. It is not depth, it is not "synergy", it is just flat out some jobs require others to function properly. The only possible value it could be interpreted as having is that it makes troglodytes such as yourself feel momentarily clever for realizing that some party comps are retarded and shouldn't be used.

I'm all for more beefcakes but I'm still surprised SE bothered. I'm sure they have the population stats on roe's and in lots of other aspects of the game they bend to popular opinion. Don't see why they bothered unless they got secret barafags on the dev team

How do you feel about no Male bunnies? Do you give a fuck?

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i really wish they had proportions more akin to the ronso but i know that slapping a lion mask on the roe was a lot cheaper and easier to do but they just look so chunky right now, with how low effort it is i'd have to say the gender-lock is because whoever made them and the fuckrabbits is being a autist about letting them make the other gender
hell even if they had grabbed the amalj'aa proportions it would have looked closer

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Almost all my barafags friends all going Lion next expansion
I'm more worried about the roe population.

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not a single one.

Again, this is the result of the devs failing to properly build on the system and create more jobs that actually use the other damage types. But instead of doing that, they're once again just deleting it because that's easier for them to balance.

This is like the XIV version of pic related.

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>Job coordination in order to raise performance is absolutely depth
Not him but all it means is it'll create ball and chains. i e. if you bring this class then you'll have to bring this other one since one buffs the other.

please tell me wow has a tattoo feature so you can at least put the glowy bits on

Looks like that one guy from berserk


Was I going to play one? No.
Do I think SE is being lazy as fuck? Absolutely.
>b-but MUH LORE
Is not an excuse when fucking male miqote are running around everywhere.

My only complaint is the human feet, they look incredibly out of place.

I've been playing the same race since 2.0 and I have no intention of swapping.

Slashing jobs have had the answer to this forever. They have multiple jobs that can apply the debuff. The fact that other damage types don't is the because the devs are fucking retards, and instead of building the system properly they're going to scrap it like they've done for so many other systems in this game.

I personally had no interest in playing them, but genderlocking is dumb and SE completely deserves the shitstorm they created by doing it. Only people who actually would have been upset about male Viera are the contrarians on Yea Forums, who choose their opinions on the basis of spite and thus can be disregarded.

Read the Mr happy interview. They wanted to make a beast race but they knew people would cry if they didnt have viera. They said fuck it and did 1 of both.

They do, for that race and Lightforged Draenei, at least.

Don't care at all. Sucks for people who wanted them but the Ivalice Lore seems more important than anything else.

jesus fuck i hadn't even noticed the feet, holy shit, its like the skyrim races feet but at least you can fix that with modding

Personally I'd rather play as a loli miqo'te

Don't care about races at all, i wanted more new jobs however, be it healer or something else.
I liked they two new jobs in SB, both SAM and RDM are pretty fun for me so i'm hopefull that even if the rest is not that great, the new jobs will be quality

>No lion lady dancers.
It hurts.

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Oh, so they intentionally stretched themselves thin. That's so much better. Now we're getting two half races, and one of them looks ugly.

>What you wanted

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Not only do I not give a fuck, I was against them are wanted gender lock on them in the first place.
I only regret that they wasted time on Ronso trying to squeeze them in instead of using that time to make headgear work on Viera, and then just adding Ronso (Both male and female) in the next expansion with more effort put it, and maybe females for those.

>Lore seems more important than anything else.
Nah. That's just the lazy excuse they give to justify being lazy shitters.

i thought it was going to be that one crying cat face from the thumbnail

>one of them looks ugly.

a view or judgment formed about something, not necessarily based on fact or knowledge.

Hrothgar objectively look like shit. Their fur textures are flat and their faces look like emotionless rubber masks with dead eyes.

Did they just take a Roe and make the head different because there wouldn't be much point in changing anything below that that's going to be covered in armor all the time?
Other than the head, it's literally just long fingernails, too much chest hair, and a belt tail.
He doesn't even have claws on his feet, waist down is literally human.
Why even bother making a new race if you aren't going to do anything with it?
They'd have gotten better results spending all that time working on fancy cosmetic hats that change your character's head shape that everyone could wear.

>GUN replaces WAR
He doesn't know, does he?

You're right, there is more to take into consideration since they are in the game, which means they bring depth.
But they're also a badly implemented mechanic that make some party compositions better than others for no real reason. The interesting part of having skills that lower resistance to a damage type is timing them right to optimize party damage. If it would just be a generic damage up effect, it would retain the meaningful part, but get rid of the needless composition requirements

Hrothgar look like trash. I know you're trying to "stick it to the trannies" or whatever but it's not necessary, they already lost. You can admit that Hrothgar look like shit.

Oh I know. Still they have given a lot of love to the Ivalice lore so that seems like an added bonus to me. Then again I loved Tactics and FF12. The Hrothgar this really has no excuse.

>Are we having 2 stories at the same time?
Why do you think the Roleplay system exists. It allows us to stay in the first and still be able to participate in the story back at the source by taking control of various NPC's characters.

>because there wouldn't be much point in changing anything below that that's going to be covered in armor all the time?
You know most of them will be semi naked because gay furries, right?

No. Lazy is not making helmets work. The fact that there is a completely separate race comprised of all males to play as means the exact same amount of work went into it that would have it they had just made one race with two genders.

That's archeage though. Their beast race wasn't that good. E for effort though.
Nah, dude. Hrothgar look like goofy uncanny valley teddy bears. Their animations are even worse. They went with funny gentle bara giant instead of badass beastial warriors.

This is just sad. A big turnoff from playing nightborne. Same as that fem troll model from a npc that looks fucking awesome and the actual troll models.

Fucking this.
They have the same body shape as roe and I already didn't like them, they look so awkward. Their proportions are messed up, too wide and not tall enough they just look like walking fridges. Though apparently hrothgar are going to be taller than roes so there's still hope

>You know most of them will be semi naked because gay furries, right?
>Half-ass the one race you can't get away with half-assing

i figured gun was going to replace drk, the rework is either going to come when everyone is trying out gun anyway or well after gun is out so unless it sucks i'd imagine any tanks that aren't already warriors or paladins are going to be gunbreakers

Entirety of final patch of Stormblood ruined between leaks or the fanfest.
I felt emotions at the end of ARR and HW ending wasn't that bad either minus Yda being Lyse.
Fuck you Yoshi.

Imagine thinking that hrothgar looking like dogshit is a matter of opinion.

Hrothgar use roe-like proportions to make fitting armor on them easier.
Every "weird" decision when it comes to races stems from armor

>Objective: Take back what is rightfully yours.

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I like the Hrothgar!

t. femAu Ra

I don't give a fuck, i'm all for gender locking, catboys were a mistake
Even if they added them gay pedos would have cried until they got their shota bunnies

Yoshi said according to developers, PLD is currently the superior offtank because of utility like cover (he expressly mentioned cover, he doesn't like how much of a catch-all it is), leaving DRK and WAR to vie for the main tank slot.
He elaborated by saying with 4 tanks, he's going to subdivide the role into MT/OT roles. I personally think this is a terrible idea because it further partitions the least popular role in the game and the PF autists are going to scream if you try to go in with double MT or double OT jobs.
It remains to be seen where DRK and GUN fall after the tank design split, but this has really been bad news for tank players and I feel like not enough people are talking about it.

>i'm all for gender locking
Behold, the enemy of all men.

I was dissapointed since I was exicted at the prospect of the FF14 breaking new ground by showing what Male Viera would look like before any other mainline or spin-off game could

I find the situation more ironic then anything. The development team basically went:
>People have been asking for Viera since 1.0, guess it would be a good time to add them now
>Oh shit, people have also been asking for a new beast race to play as
>Well Viera are just elzezen with ears and look too humaniod, and making male Viera will be a big leap to do both lore and work wise
>Fuck it, give people bunny girls since most males play female cats anyway, and makeHrothgar/Ronso male since no one plays Fem Roe or any other non-kawaii ugu female race
In the end they wanted to please everyone, but pissed off a bunch of people. Still I get to be a dwarf in ShB so I'm happy. Lali-ho boys!

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It's not just roe-like it's literally the roe body model. The game actually only has 4 body models: Lalafell (both genders), Male Roe, All other males, all other females. Male highlanders also have a unique chest model but otherwise that's it. All other racial body differences are done through scaling, animations, and textures. Hrothgar use the male Roe body model with fur textures and tweaked scaling/animations to try and make it look different.

>2D can even make shitty hrothgar look good
It's a magical medium isn't it?

>In the end they wanted to please everyone
They wanted to please everyone while they were barely making deadlines as it was. It was a recipe for disaster.

Eh. There aren't nearly enough tanks that people can afford to be picky, and I highly doubt the content won't be designed so that double OT/MT can't clear.

It's because their snouts are actually elongated some. Compared to the 3D models which are basically this guy.

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I think the lack of them is stupid because it highlights the laziness that has permeated the dev team since SB release, especially when the two halves we got both look like rushjobs, with Viera literally using Fran's outfit as racial gear (as in the exact fucking model from FFXII), Hrothgar's shitty faces, and both of them being unable to wear certain pieces of gear because the devs couldn't bother making them fit. And that's before you go into the fact that they went on record six years ago to say that they weren't going to do genderlocks ever again. On the other hand however I'm content with my current character and wasn't going to change no matter what the outcome was, so none of this really affects me personally.

The retards screaming that the lack of male Viera is somehow homophobic and sexist are fucking idiots though. There are perfectly valid reasons to be upset about it but those paint huffers are trying to make it all political when it isn't, and most of them just wanted male bunnies so they could do gay ERP with their new twinks/shotas. Which is further highlighted by the fact that the people outraged about the lack of female Hrothgar can be counted on one's fingers. Those people can go fuck themselves. I'm still salt incarnate over Blue Mage but it seems everyone cares about gay bunnyboys infinitely more than they do about actual gameplay.

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The dumb thing is that people actually haven't been asking for a beast race. Even by their own poll, beast races are the least popular option in every region. Demand for races has always been: Viera (and other humans with animal parts) > Mixed races > more clans/customization for existing races > beast races. And specifically mammalian beast races the least popular choice, yet that's what they ended up doing.

They also could have just looked at their own game data for what races people play and see that hardly anyone plays Roes. Or looked at any other MMO and seen that beast races are always the least popular options and some variation of "sexy humans" is always the most popular.

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Furfags are just obnoxiously fucking loud so Yoshi thought they were actually any kind of meaningful demographic. The worst thing about Hrothgar is how many fucking furfag degenerates they're going to bring into the game.


The category the Aura slot into have less than both beast race options combined though.
Seems like a fair compromise to me.

I'm with you on the blue mage salt. However, I do still do the weekelies to farm aetheryte tickets from allied seals. I don't give a flying fuck about viera one way or the other.

People have most definitely asking for a beast race, even if it's a minority.
We already have 20 variations of sexy humans with animal bits so why can't we have ONE race that somewhat resembles something else?

I don't give a fuck, I just find it disappointing that the main reason we didn't get them was because Yoshi didn't want to his team to come up with a male Viera appearance. I don't mind gender locking if it's for good reason, and I even consider lore to be a good enough reason, but Yoshi just felt comfortable taking an existing race and adding to it in his own game.

*gay furry music plays*

>buff khajiit
I like it


There's some small sliver of hope on the horizon for BLU. In his latest interview he switched from 'we have no plans to make BLU unlimited' to 'we have some new content planned so let's see how that goes before we decide anything'.

You wish hrothgar looked as good as khajiit.

am i the only one who would like to see them add more options for existing races instead of entirely new ones?

we STILL have only four goddamn face options for every race, many having only one or two good ones

It's hard to blame anyone but Yoshi himself in this case. They had the info, the writing was on the wall. They knew what people wanted and deliberately chose to ignore them. Hell, if they were absolutely determined to do a beast race, they could have avoided at least some backlash by doing one that we have already been introduced to and has some popularity like Bangaa or Lupin, but they specifically went for furry Roes that not only has no one ever expressed interest in playing, they have never even so much as been hinted at.


You might be right, but they also seem different from Roes in places, especially the waist.
I think it's a bigger different than Elezen being an elongated Midlander for example, but it could also be the clothes and posture that make it seem like that

who hype here?
Also what wouldbe the best class for them? Thinking about WAR/PLD/MNK

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I do

They really should have just made male Viera into huge, muscular chat rabbits that are more beastly than the females. We'd still get the same people whining because they're not feminine twinks or shotas, but they wouldn't have any argument about genderlocks at least.

that will probably be their next expansion selling point seeing how they made a big deal about the customization options for viera/hrothgar. pretty obv to guess people will complain about the other races post this

Those two statements aren't contradictory. I'm pretty much certain they'll never lift the worst restrictions on BLU, but they have said many times now that BLU is still in its early stages, they have a lot more content for it planned and not just more masked carnivale. He wants to see how people react to a more complete vision of BLU before they decide on whether limited jobs was a good idea or not.

Spoilers: it's not

>The dumb thing is that people actually haven't been asking for a beast race.
Every Viera thread on here turned into shitposting how they're Elezen with bunny ears and how much better would it be if XIV added a beast race instead. There were lots of posts celebrating a lion race leading up to the JP Fanfest.

Also, in the very image you posted, beastmen > more clans/customisation and matches mixed races demand. You need to add the 2 different kinds of beastmen listed, you doofus. 20% is not a small percentage. There are people definitely asking for that shit.

Fuck, I can't go looking for fanart of them can I?
Anything that gets made is going to look better than the original.

femroes are more men than catboys

Because it's wasted effort if only 1% of people will play them.

>Every Viera thread on here turned into shitposting how they're Elezen with bunny ears and how much better would it be if XIV added a beast race instead.
Yea Forums is filled with furries. That doesn't mean anything

By trying to make content specifically for BLU so they can pretend it has anything to do, they're just dooming themselves on any future limited jobs too. Because then they're going to have to make all new content specifically for BST and PUP. It would be less work if they just made it a proper job, but they were only thinking about what corners they could cut in the short term because apparently they're way fucking behind on ShB.

>You need to add the 2 different kinds of beastmen listed, you doofus.
11.2% + 6.8% = 18%
Mixed races = 23%
More clans = 19.6%

My bad, I shouldn't have said people.

There are subhuman degenerates definitely asking for that shit.

I always believed a furshit race wouldn't fit the game because of the lore
I just can't take this game seriously anymore
No difference between hrothgars and amaljaa beside what the jewfells say

>Anything that gets made is going to look better than the original
sadly yes

The only way to play Ronso is to play Ronso with a horn.

>since no one plays Fem Roe

Only the best play the best race.

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Quick reminder for everyone on facts:
Hrothgar was designed first, they thought about adding a new beast-like race and then they thought about adding Viera to satisfy player demand. Viera is the bonus here Hrothgar is the baseline and we might have gotten no Viera at all.

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Because it doesn't actually resemble anything else? Hrothgar are such a rush job they just have the Roegadyn male skeleton and body type.

>No difference between hrothgars and amaljaa beside what the jewfells say
Did you forget the part when Lalafell became a beast race in ShB.

I care mostly as a Final Fantasy fan who wanted to see what they looked like in game. Give proper context as to what they were and are.

So I'm disappointed, but not devastated. I hope to see them in the future.

>Every Viera thread on here turned into shitposting how they're Elezen with bunny ears and how much better would it be if XIV added a beast race instead.
You realize that's all pure contrarianism to spite the gay/tranny boogeyman. Until Paris fanfest and the subsequent hrothgar leaks, everyone was convinced we were getting male Viera and no one was upset about it.


Is sad that only trannies play the race

Quick reminder, they wasted their time with blue mage and could have spent that time on something actually worth while.

yeah its retarded

The it's the opposite user. They play Au ra and Fem cat

> A: *laughs* There are many different body types in the world, and before, we couldn't represent all of them due to cost. But now, we're starting to look into different body types for races, starting with the plump miqo'te. You'll be seeing them in the MSQ, so please give us your honest feedback.

Looks like they're openmided with different body shapes at least

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Customization come at the cost of headgear supprot. The Viera ears and Hrothgar muzzles literally are headgear, they use headgear's slot in the character appearance data.

Q: With the two new races' unique heads, how will their headgear work?

A: It won't be displayed, because those face parts wouldn't work in FFXIV's system if headgear were involved. Even Viera ears would've had to be moved down to where Miqo'te ears are. It would've been meaningless if you couldn't go all-out creating characters from these new races, so we decided that helmets wouldn't be necessary. You can equip them, but they won't be displayed. However, things that replace the head are OK, like the snowman head, fat chocobo head, etc. No glasses. Basically, the default is that it won't be shown, and only things that replace the head are ok. We'll make more things compatible over time, bit by bit, but they won't be compatible at launch.

I'd really like that. Seems every race, everyone is only using 1 or 2 of the faces.

I very seldomly use visible headgear anyway, so I can live with that. I am just the one opinion of many though.

Good roes are underrated as fuck, godspeed user.

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What will you be doing for the next 3 months?

They are rated exactly as they should be, as shit. There's a reason nobody plays that trash.


Trying to get the rest of the big fish I need.

Playing mahjong

Attached: akagi.jpg (259x195, 8K)

collecting an ever larger pile of worthless gil. might level dark knight if the changes make it less spammy

searching for the perfect balance of cuteness and sexy for my lala

does even anyone play? I queued for 10 minutes before getting a match and then gave up.

Level some more jobs to 70, get another Heavensward anime weapon, do the FF XV event.

Spend an ungodly amount of hours in the ShB benchmark character creator once it arrives.

Collecting rare glamour and doing the XV crossover. I'll definitely go on hiatus some time after April.

I expect them to use this as an excuse to never make decent headgear for new gearsets. "No point making nice helmets when it won't show up on our premier races anyway". They're already really slack with headgear options. Anytime you see a set where the headgear is some random circlet or accessory that doesn't really fit with the rest of the set, it means that the set was originally designed with no headgear, they only made some because the slot needs to be filled.

Yeah? I have no problem getting matches on Primal as long as I'm queueing at non-stupid times. Typically

Galka 3.0

How do you play? I understand the rules but i can't predict what tiles i'm going to get like, at all. I'm effectively blind it's all random to me.

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Who gives a fuck, they're massive pussies. Just fucking release full hrothgar and stick to your guns.
They're just idiots for allocating resources like this because genderlocks have proven to be poorly received.
Why would you waste your time on a race you didn't want to put into the game right away and not just save it for the next expansion as a selling point?
Dumbass fucking japs.

Still trying to get my Craft//Gather blessed weapons
Kill me

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It's like poker, you're not supposed to know which tiles are going to come out but you can give yourself better chances looking at the tiles that have been discarded.
There's always some randomness because you can't tell which player is holding what even at the end of the round.

You try to discard tiles that aren't going to work toward your sets while trying to avoid playing into opponents hand. Simply following advice that bot gives you will help you pick up on what to do more or less.

Goals for shadowbringers
1. Finally bring desynth up to current levels (weaver, goldsmith, thinking blacksmith for weapon desynth)
2. Finish Aettir Lux
3. Finish Excalibur
4. Triple Triad card farming. But seriously fuck the chaos rule.

You can't predict what tiles you will get. What you can do is observe tile efficiency, i.e. keeping tiles that are more likely to becomes sets and discarding tiles that are less likely to become sets. Like, a wind tile can only be in a set with other east wind tiles, so if you have a single east wind then there are only 3 other tiles in the entire wall that can make that tile a set. But if you have say a 5 bamboo tile, it can potentially connect with the 3, 4, 5, 6 or 7 bamboo, which is 19 total tiles, meaning you are much more likely to draw something useful.

I got 6 weeks left to get the last 400 Accessories for every job. Not bothering with Alphascape Savage till unsync. Will be doing Eureka Hydatos to make money for a house and upgrade my Pyros gear for my alt jobs. Also helping out a bro through MSQ, he started in January and just reached 4.3, having a blast the entire way.
Kinda wish I had something to do with my Hand/Land, I guess I could go for Blesseds, have they given 350 Second Hand gear yet?

Cross World Visiting Shenanigans. Going to be early pulling hunts, participating in datacenter RP events, and jewing the marketboard.

MIN & BTN aren't hard, what ones do you have?

They did that because they weren't even going to make Viera. Hrothgar was the race they actually wanted to make but Yoshida said that if they were seriously considering it being the last races they add they *had* to do Viera due to demand.

Look for male bunnies and female Ronso in 6.0. Easy money.

This. Only gays plays them.

They think this is the last chance they will have to add new races because each new race adds more work going forward, and they think they are at their capacity. If that's true though, they really fucked up even worse than people imagine, because it means they'll never be able to resolve the genderlock shitstorm.

For Gather BTN
Trying to finish the WVR one but 590 crafts are a real pain. Also most materials in the 50-60 craft range are expensive as fuck right now

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You can do it my son.

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>Customization come at the cost of headgear supprot. The Viera ears and Hrothgar muzzles literally are headgear, they use headgear's slot in the character appearance data.

No they don't. If that were the case, NO headgear would work at all. We already know that some things do work, like the Dancer AF ribbons.
Yoshi also flat out stated they'd implement more things over time, which also wouldn't work if their heads took up the helmet slot.

agreed, if they wanted to do a beastial race they should have done it next expansion. in that time they could they could talk about how beastribes are the same as people more or less and they'll have time to make the fur look better. Its too bad matsuno never made a male viera art throughout all these years. I'm sure part of the outrage is that people really are curious what a male looks like

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I'd be lying if I didn't want male bunnies and have them be like female au'ra, where the males are small and cute and the girls are tall and imposing. But I never actually expected it to happen so I don't really care. It's not like I'm switching from my female highlander anyway.

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Yeah which is the entire issue, they should stop releasing expansions every 2 years and focus on fixing optimization.

There's no way an MMO this big should have this glaring of an issue with dev time, especially on their third expansion. The fact that people don't take issue with this shit is even more retarded.

When the people you're paying 15 dollars a month to are saying they don't have a system set forward to properly deal with gear bloat there's something to be concerned with.

That's bullshit they have male viera concept art somewhere most likely. I recall something about it being one of the many cut content in the games.

You have to remember the viera from tactics TACTICS PROPER are extinct, every viera you see are from fantasy ivalice or XII's timeline.

I feel you on Weaver currently 470/590, my only SB Crafting Blessed is CUL and that was just a bunch of bullshit ingredients that was required in only 1-2 recipes.

I wait until this time to do all my best tribes, which I started.
Also leveling the jobs I haven't yet.

I care more about the combat changes than the new races.

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I may be wrong but didn't Blizzard do something similar with WoW in which they used an expansion window to basically update their game? I think FFXIV is dangerously close to needing one of those.

I don't understand how people don't have all jobs leveled within the first few months.

They have an opportunity now to become THE MMO, but this clinging to the cycle they've settled into is going to be their undoing.

Blame WoW and Blizzard for this. Their supreme laziness since WoD has conditioned people to accept this shit as normal.

mostly because of gear. i don't want to keep sets of gear for various levels of classes. i'm at 57 on my paladin and i'm considering queueing for leveling roulette, despite being in augmented ironworks

i only level the jobs i like really, anything else is just for me to do when im bored

The average consumer isn't going to understand a company taking a break from content to focus on improving their backend and development processes. All they see and care about is the content drought.

Also to some extent the XIV team isn't falling behind due to lack of trying. They're always advertising new positions, they just can't get the hires.

Are the crafter ones worth the time? I don't have anything else to do the next 3 months but the invest could be a little big.

Yeah it was called Warlords of Draenor.

funfact: mostly lalafells max out the jobs. other races don't.

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god help you if you get vault

only trannies care about gender locked races

It's fine, he said augmented ironworks. that's 130 gear, vault is around 140-ish. Just means the healer will actually heal slightly more.

primal or aether, which datacenter do I pick?

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Love this anime

which is why i'm leary. though its perfectly doable, just can't multi pull packs, and as a paladin i have enough cooldowns for Charibet

leveling is the easiest, second most drone thing you can do in the game(next to running 2 dungeons every week to cap). why wouldn't people get it over with?

Augmented Ironworks is actually fine for Vault. I've seen people go in with way worse.

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Yeah. Working on a MMO is a special kind of hell.

Why would I level jobs I wont use at all?

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Can't be worse than the tank I had who was wearing all ill 90 and 100 shit.

These literally look indistinguishable to me. Could you imagine getting worked up over discrepancies THIS minor????

dont really care too much but id be lying if i said i wouldn't like male viera in the game

they really shit the bed adding 2 genderlocked races though, no resources my ass now everyone is going to beg for the other gender every day and its pretty clear they'll do it in the future anyway

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>Wasting sub time on jobs you'll never play

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Aren't they hiring a community rep for NA?

Playing through SB to be ready for when ShB drops.

The fact they didn't even have the i90 gear you get for free just from doing your job quests was the most baffling part.

We were still able to clear but only because I was playing RDM.

I healed the Vault with Book of Spades on my scholar.

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Why is there no good porn for the scions?

>No glasses

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Now imagine this feeling for fifteen years, that’s the Warcraft High Elf curse.

I seriously hope you guys don't play on PS4 or on a AMD GPU.

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free market decides what gets made. and the free market demands futa cat OCs fucking other cat OCs

People would rather commission their futa cat OC fucking other futa cat OCs.

everyone is too busy drawing dicks on their custom character instead

I'm on AMD GPU and it's fine.

>Yda of all fucking people is the only one with a solid doujin

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lispy twink fags and their tranny discord buddies literally on 42% watch

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Yes, well, she is very attractive. Also would you mind sharing friend?

>>>>Hrothgar was the race they actually wanted to make
>Viera have been teased since 4.1
>yoshi has outright stated prior to Stormblood that if they did Viera, they would do another race and genderlock both rather than male Viera
>also stated that Viera were planned for 3.0 instead of Au Ra, but were swapped out because of an inability to decide on a male equivalent
>Viera already existant in XIV lore, Hrothgar completely unmentioned
>Yoshi stated at fanfest that Hrothgar were unfinished, and were decided on at the last minute
Keep deluding yourself, furfag.


Square should be filling those divisions, the dev team shouldn't have to put in the billings they should be able to find people or shift people.

Honestly square just sucks dick at putting people on projects they SHOULD be on. They should have cut their losses with XV ages ago and gotten pre-production on XVI going way earlier.

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The Y'shtola/K'lyhia one is pretty good.

Too bad it's monster porn and she doesn't look like lyse with her helmet off. :(

Y'sholta has a good one too but I just want a WoL with a a scion.

Nah Sadu has a way better one, and Yshtola has a good full color doujin

>mfw Fran technically has more porn than any other FFXIV character now.

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I've never seen that error so I dunno what to tell you if you do.


>do DRK lvl 50 quest
>can't take it seriously because i'm so cute
>just want to give "Fray" a hug and pinch his cheeks

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What's with Aether always have a self-help party up? Do people get enjoyment pretending to help other people?

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>No glasses

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Square is a retarded company in general.

Look up GRIDANY on a site of your choosing

They're literally just the UCoB/UWU glow on the Primary Hand as you craft. The have the same stats as their respective expansion's highest ilevel primary. Pure glamour/completionist's bait.

Attached: UWU Galleyking Frypan.jpg (1920x1080, 347K)

who /not mentally ill or healslut or rpfag/ here?


based primal normie

Attached: drift.png (458x668, 379K)

Yo. Every FC I join seems to be filled with these. Is Primal really any better?

I think the new races look cool B)

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user you're on Yea Forums. If you're not at least a little mentally ill, you don't belong here.

much appreciated friend.

There's trannies on your DC.

I'm kinda tired of my "edgy" glamour for DRK, do you guys have any ideas for a Berserker look? Im thinking about using that iron club from the PvP, but no idea about the armor. Im a male Highlander.

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So, you simply have to craft 1 of everything for this?

t. leftypol discord tranny

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>do DRK questline
>can't take it seriously because i'm a paladin fag through and through and never felt what i'm being told i felt
Failure to relate. My dark side can suck a dick, my dick.

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>Yoshida is taller than Mrhappy

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>Im a male Highlander.

To what end?

This site was never yours you fucking normie. You reddit ass shits just moved in one day and never left.
fuck off.

Now that's a post I can relate to.

>needing to make this post in order to validate yourself
you're just as bad as the degenerates in my eyes

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Not "everything", but each crafter has a set amount needed. Same with Gatherers. And yes, you only need to do one of each.

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>tfw used to tell catgirl spergs on my server i was getting the spray bottle if they didn't calm down
>they'd unironically get super bent out of shape and say they're reporting me
what is wrong with these people?

I play on ps4 and its okay.

they get laughed at and passively aggressively teased here, unlike on aether that's a fag safespace.

>i'm tired of edgy drk
>now tell me how to dress like berserk

Attached: 1386912175375.png (399x382, 87K)

You are fucking disgusting
Fucking never ever try to peddle your mental illness and convince people it's how to fit in ever again.

Raiding, leveling jobs, Eureka relic weapon, and Frontlines.

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>Incel neckbeards on Yea Forums think they know how to run a multi billion dollar company.

Yoshida wears big boots. They're about the same height shoeless.

I used to emote hitting miqo'te with rolled up newspapers. Turns out they like being treated like that

But I want a big manly Viera. Like a taller Highlander built body but without the caveman face.

Clinging to your fantasies of sekrit club as a last ditch effort to save your shipwreck of a life? Based

Hilde is the real expansion ender, you did do it right?

At the very least they should still support stuff liek glasses/visors/summoner horns/circlets.

None of that should be inconvenienced by ears or muzzles.

Why is it that the word "tranny" is thrown around SO much more on ff14 threads than any other topics on /v?

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berserker, like ooga booga me smash thing with big club and never die, not like guts or le fruitcake fate bahzahkah

>Monk relic began as literally your fists with gloves on
>Then robot fists for harder smacking
>and for the finale...
>blunt damage btw

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>tfw no sassy black woman in your FC

look at what game you're playing

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Imagine defending BLESS of all games. The state of seething children

higher transgender population than the other 3 biggest MMOs, anime artstyle, were easily established as an outgroup to support an us-vs-them mentality around the time SB dropped, which is also when XIV began ballooning in popularity

bc the game is chock full of them and they're annoying loud pests most of the time
honestly spend 10 min lurking on /xivg/ and you'll see why

It's the new s*y

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>lesbian trans woman
honestly cringe

When I say berserk is like a crazy dude going rampage, like Hercule from Fate/Stay Night, and not a dude in full black heavy armor and a dark glowing giant sword.

Dunno. I played female cat for years, got tired of it and midlanders are bland.

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Just think about these dudes strutting around savagely fucking mqoute twink bottoms

Because FF14 has a significantly visible amount of trans gender players. Be it the customization options for characters or sheer brand recoginiztion coupled with the correlation of obsessive behavior and mmo grind. I've only been apart of two FC's and both of them had openly trans players (and not passable ones either)

they've been plaguing this site for over half a decade now and they have never once been welcome by the community at large besides when they samefag reply to themselves

Hot new buzzword to try to dismiss people claims
People regularly assert that any of the following are tranny behaviors:
You try hard at the game (too busy trannylogging)
You don't try hard at the game (erping tranny)
You roleplay (erping tranny)
You don't roleplay (too busy trannylogging)
You play a female character (grown man)
You play a male character (creeper)
You play a miqote
You play a au ra
You play a lalafell
You play a hyur
You play a roegadyn
You want shota bunnies (trannies want to be cute boys)
You want manly bunnies (trannies want manly boys)
You don't care for bunnies (only trannies didn't want bunnies)

this game lets you have gay marriages

theres a cat tranny named nguyen I see all the time
viet fucking shit

I think it will be difficult to achieve that look in FFXIV, at least with a tank. Something like sky rat armor might work.

these faggots don't know how to make a joke so they pick the laziest buzzword to get cheap laughs

very funny hearing about the same shit everyday, these anons make it seem like they're enlightening you with some esoteric knowledge

that cute lizard girl you're erping?
yep, this is her

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Post his lewds


you forgot the one where actually whittling down everyones "arguments" and justifying yours makes you a tranny, too. good list otherwise tho.

>Some people are taller than other people
oh no no no?

Square doesn't get enough credit for this shit. Pre 3.0 was fucking unplayable with all the RMT whisper spam in every fucking zone.

>make a male and self-insert
>make my waifu
Which one, Yea Forums?

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you are only pretending to not get it because you're offended since you're the problem

self insert. then make several waifus as retainers

The glow looks so fucking nice
I wanted one but might aim for more

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make a waifu self-insert

>If we did create a male design for the Viera, he would be quite elegant, handsome, and slim. He would look more like the Elezen race, but with bunny ears.

Shota faggots on suicide watch.

new female race
>meticulously handcrafted bodies and faces with a lot of thought and care put into them

new male race
>roes with plastic fur and dopey looking animal heads

male players are tired of being shit on all the time this was just the straw that broke the camels back

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>buying anything jewvida with their overpriced gpus

a male character doesn't have to be a self insert, user. just try to think of a character you would enjoy playing, whether it's male or female. of course, looks are important, so play around with the character editor with several races.

Make your waifu and self-insert

Shut the fuck up tranny

I always thought mr happy was fat as fuck
He's chubby but doesnt look bad at all

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How much of a grind are Zodiac weapons nowadays? I was thinking of making one to kill time.

Self-insert as your waifu.

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>handcrafted bodies
not even the faces are new

Why would I play narrative-driven MMO, with expansive lore, and not self-insert?

>They just glow while you craft
I hope they fix this shit
None will know you have them unless you craft something

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you think this accomplishes anything but really it just shows how unstable lgbt actually are, making giant text walls to defend yourself then doing the "i'm laughing with you not at you" thing

>have to talk to a different NPC outside the MSQ to learn if certain characters survived the last battle

Great design, Yoshi.

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I recently got to the books and decided fuck this

I didn't give you permission to respond, self hating tranny
You sure do know a lot about the LGBT

getting a zenith is pretty easy. atma farm is still a chore but the drop rate has been buffed. the worst part is the books and light farm. But you should make at least one for the kettle.

Its a pretty sizeable grind, you need to do a lot of fates and instances, and the books are a pain to get done too
Fortunately a lot of it can be solo'd now obviously

I'm thinking about it and i think i would turn into a sin eater if this all was real, corrupted by light i would become. This expansion's theme is interesting to me and i'm coming to terms with it. If bringing the cool night can soothe a medicant's burns then i'll do it but don't expect me to step out of line for even one dialogue choice.

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>atma farm is still a chore but the drop rate has been buffed
atmas has been 100% drop rate for a while

He lost weight. He still needs to hit the gym though, he could look even better.

Well, self insert is definitely an option. But with expansive lore, it's also just as fun to make a character fitting of the world he or she lives in. Just throwing out some suggestions in case you feel limited to only those two options.

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>direct X

Oh boy

That's good to hear. As you can see I haven't worked on one in quite a while.


play whatever you want as long as you don't tack on some retarded real life reasoning for why you play x gender

It's literally not
The drop rate isn't bad but it's more like 1/5. I just did that part.

I just started one a few weeks ago and it took me 10 or so fates for a couple zones, so no i don't think that's true

oh fuck were the dungeon atmas de ones buffed
my bad

This fucker right here gets it.

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get your eyes checked

So will the next Hildibrand questchain give up /hildythink?

yea those ones are 100 now the mahatmas

>extra customization at the cost of headgear
>extra customization
I don't see it. What is even the difference between these clans besides pale vs light tan?
Hrothgar at least have earthen colors and no horn vs tundra colors and horn.

They didnt show everything in the trailer brainlet.

Both races are still a WIP. They at least confirmed different ear options for Viera.

Is this your first expansion, tranny?

>imagine being such a manlet you have to wear stilts

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Man it sucks being an FC and whenever you say hi, nobody talks unless they were already talking with each other.

Fuck I hate this clique based system

Yoshi is really insecure about his appearance which is why he dresses like a host with the dyed and styled hair when everyone else on the team just looks normal.

where do cliques come from user?

>talking at all

He knows he's ugly as fuck, nomura had that phase when he was in his thirties, but yoshi's been like this for like 7 years now. Shit's pathetic.

>Trans lesbian

Like, if you're not going to take a daily dose of dick with your mental illness, why even bother?
Lesbians don't want dicks.

i havent touched hilde since heavensward. it was such a slog i just stopped

I believe i could make them look awesome. or anyone could, devs always show the shit feature combinations of the races

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>Imagine unironically playing as this

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do you play this game alone like an autistic loser doing the same thing over and over again?

>Face paint
A no from me

I'm good if the grey-brown Tactics tint is available in-game like in the cinematic trailer.

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God that sucked. Elidibus shows up ready to fuck shit up, you show up ready to fuck shit up, you fight and he wins then he leaves? He doesn't finish up anybody and just gives up, if Estinien saved us all well then show me that! Excite me.
I'm still in denial that it flopped like a wet noodle, what was that all about? The trailer shows Zenodibus defeated. Why did he leave all the way back to Garlemald? What the fuck man. Are we getting an additional surprise MSQ patch nobody heard of? Nothing happened we're back were we were just before the patch.

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I have RL friends to play with user. We talk everyday.
You have Rl friends, right?

This. The Hrothgar in the trailer looked pretty bad, but the Ronso comparison screenshot looked amazing.

heh, loser. imagine doing anything unironically

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This guy looks like a Power Rangers villain

why are you so pink? are you mad or embarrassed?

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hahahaha no :(

why don't you initiate the conversation then?

it's like how people complain how pf is dead but they don't make pf's themselves.

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>Go to tower, find portal room.
>See the first on a monitor or something
>Tancrid fighting lion
>Holy shit, we have to get this working and help
>We'll call you when its up, and we have a base on the other side.

There, I fixed it.

Trailer actually happened, we did beat him. Elidi-Zenos just cheats and auto-rezzes afterwards. Then we get fucked by G'raha's vision fuckery, which was the only reason we "lost".

Is this an armour in XIV or is there something very similar to it?

you dumbass
i just said whenever i initiate a conversation, people don't respond. it's only when there's other people already talking to each other. BUT IF I START IT UP NOBODY TALKS.

People don't understand that saying hi is the ultimate basis of social interaction, sure it's not a conversation starter but saying hi is a good start damn it.
I don't know if it's an american culture thing or an internet thing but people tend to just not respond, they hide, it's cowardly, say NO.
For the love of god if you don't want to run something say NOOOOOO.
I always say no thanks if i don't want to do something it's courtesy.

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It was definitely trash. No real lead in to Shadowbringers at all. No sense of tension or urgency. Just a huge sudden misdirection of the plot. The story was building up to Garlemald for ages, it finally starts, then you just get zonked out by the mystery nigga and get told "no don't do that, come do this other thing instead, but I'm not going to explain why you should care. Buy SHADOWBRINGERSâ„¢ to find out more."


he's the face of FFXIV so he has to look the part being a success with jewelry and a good outfit.

the team in the background are just normal people. soken is probably the only guy carrying the team right now.

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I too an watching that

Judging by your post, it's because you're annoying. You're also probably bad at the game too.

>"Why yes, I've completed BA. How could you tell?"

right? so many times I'll ask something and they'll just put me on read. if you're busy or don't want to help me out that's cool. JUST FUCKING SAY SO AND ILL LEAVE YOU ALONE.

>retards that think you're meant to make friends inside MMO and not just play the MMO with friends you already made outside of it
big yikes, I can literally see the people in your fc cringe as you attempt to force a conversation

it's called being a rockstar.

judging by your post you are a tranny xD got emmm oh my god i'm saving that on my highlight reel

I don't blame them for ignoring you.

Because you're meant to care about the Scions missing their fucking souls, and Tataru crying and telling you to not face everything alone makes you want to save them first.

>literally just copy and update textures of FFXII Viera model to use in XIV
>they didnt do the same thing with Ronso from FFX for Rothgar
Why are the devs so incompetent?

i don't blame your mom for aborting you OHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH

mrhappy is kinda cute 2bh

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I'm more worried about the fact "Zenos" jobbed i mean he came all the way here then he lost, okay, then he went all the way back to garlemald to tell the emperor that he's going back here to try again. Where is he going? Why is he going over there? What is the hell is he doing?

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too bad about that balding hair.

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But you're not really given a sufficient lead to divert you in that way. Just Tataru basically guessing "if he said to go there then maybe the others are there" and that's meant to be enough to get you to drop everything right at the height of the battle. There was really an unlimited number of things they could do to put in a solid hook, a believable reason for you to suddenly care more about the Crystal Tower, but they prioritized keeping everything a total mystery, even though fanfest already spoiled it all.

Always thought Mr. Happy was some white neckbeard. Didnt know he was a Persian mudlsime.

>I now have the power to swat WoL like a fly!
>I aquired it by possessing the strongest garlean you have
>No, I don't care that WoL killed that garlean and his primal form before, I got this
If only the fucking cat wouldn't start calling us.

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>Shorter than an old Japanese man who's leaning forward.

how many people are going to switch to hrothgars just to spite trannies

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how below average do you faggots look to type stuff like this

that's what makes him cute! CUTE!!

I think they don't read the FC chat, it's far fetched but i think 90% of this playerbase is looking at discord or something. There is no reason to ignore someone you barely know. What is it they don't want to meet new people? Maybe they'll be fags, maybe they'll be cool, stop looking at youtube videos.

I like my Highlander too much to switch.

In 1.0 different weapon types did actually have different damage types. Cesti were blunt, claws were slashing, and katars were piercing damage. That's why PLDs have those macahuital plank "swords". Because they dealt blunt damage.

>drop everything right at the height of the battle
You already did that when you collapsed in battle against notZenos. Aymeric literally told you they had it under control and you don't need to push yourself so much.
Considering the last two story patches have been about Scions dropping like flies and now you being all alone and vulnerable because of The Voice interrupting you, it's pretty important that you get that shit sorted out. Most people have an attachment to the Scion characters so you'd ideally care about saving them and having them all help you out against Garlemald in 6.0.

I know they read FC chat. When someone they know logs on. They'll pop in and say hi when they log on. Nobody says hi when I login. :(

You're right it's very clear now that as long as the voice keeps paralyzing us at random times we're no good on a battlefield. That makes sense.

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He's honestly pretty cute, but he's insufferable otherwise so instant turn-off.

I really want to play one but I've been a femlander since ARR and I'd feel bad about fantasiaing.

>Most people have an attachment to the Scion characters
Do they? I thought the majority of people hated most of the Scions.

>macahuital plank "swords". Because they dealt blunt damage.
That's really stupid when you know what a macuahuitl actually is.

Should be barefoot 2bh

I would tear apart an alternate demension for Alisaie, the rest can sod off.

Then you have to crash into the group and become accepted by being an upstanding person.
Go hard, make yourself a place in their circle.

I'm because of the manly cats

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good tastes

They also did deal slashing damage. I simplified the system when I was describing it before, but basically there was a grid and every weapon type had different amounts of slashing, blunt, and piercing. Enemy types were also vulnerable to different damage types. Like skeletons were weak to blunt damage, so the idea was that you'd bring out a macuahuitl if you had to fight one of them.

I get that much. But in the context of the story you are not given sufficient reason to think that doing as mystery nigga commands is actually going to help you get your friends back. As the player you know it will because we already know it's the entire setup for the expansion, but as a piece of written narrative it needed something more. The absolute bare minimum should have been some dialogue from G'raha that you can save the scions if you take his advice, but they couldn't even get that much and all you get in the end is Tataru's guess. Something better would have been like this guy said We already know we're going to the First, there's no need to keep it a secret at this stage, so use that freedom to actually set up the plot a bit more. Instead of just leaving it at "go to the Crystal Tower", actually have us go there and find out more about what we'll be doing next. Give us some solid reason why doing this is absolutely crucial, like a vision of the future world in ruin, or show how this is the definite path to saving the Scions. That gives you the firm, strong motivation to change course and makes you interested to see how it's all going to happen. Ending it on the total non-mystery of "what does this weird hooded man want, guess I have no choice but to find out" is so lame.

I like them for the most part. Just Lyse was bad but luckily they separated her from the main group.

that sounds cool wtf

they also need paws

is this the xiv version of that shitty wow set

These threads usually get no more than 200 posters, let's say 1000 posters come and go between various threads. That's no majority, don't believe what you see is the whole picture or you'll lock yourself in ignorance.

Certain weapon skills also interacted with enemies in cool ways. Pugilists had a move called Concussive Blow. If you used Concussive Blow (or MRD's Skull Sunder) on a skeleton, they would lose their head and you'd unlock different types of loot. There was a buffalo NM in Limsa where you had to break off its horn to get the horn drop, which was then crafted into nice gear.

The very fact that a mystery nigger somewhere is making us unable to fight correctly is reason enough to seek him out if only to make him stop interfering.
Furthermore the WoL canonically cares about his companions.

they want to save the exciting bits for when shadowbringers begins

heavensward ended with something exciting but started stormblood off really low key

I play men if I can romance cute hetero only waifus or waifus if I can't romance anything.

I'll take cute girls wherever I can get them.

He could have just said 'hey man go to the Crystal Tower' in his first message instead of screeching about MUH GATES MUH GATES WHY WON'T THEY OPEN

Bloody hell and sacrificed that because it was too much to handle dev-side ?
XIV must have had so many problems.

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I'm not denying that, dumdum. That doesn't make it an interesting spot to end the entire fucking expansion on, nor was it executed in a satisfying way. Just having any contrived reason doesn't make it good storytelling.

For what it's worth, I like the look of your character, user.

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1.0 was full of cool systems that never saw fruition because they fucked up so hard, and now Yoshi has no desire to bring them back because they're hard to balance endgame around.

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I hope they actually end up explaining why he was such a retard about all this and don't just leave it as a plot hole. I mean, we know who he is. We're friends. He didn't have to succ all our friends' souls and nearly get us killed just to get us to go to the Crystal Tower. He could have just asked and we'd have done it.

because he's trying to get in touch with you by resonating via his Source counterpart, G'raha, who's trapped behind the gates of the Crystal Tower and is consumed by his thoughts of escaping.

All i'm saying is that it makes perfect sense but your right it's lame ultimately now Elidibus is a lose end, he should have been dealt with that would have been satisfying. What even is his plan now.

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not really at all. I'd put a bullet on every furries head if it could go unnoticed but left is miles better

My midlander friend has all his shit maxed out.

I tend to have a main for each category: DRK, BLM, DRG, BRD, SCH. Gearing them all up really sucks though

>Why does G'raha pretend he doesn't know us if it's really him calling us
Because he's not our G'raha, it's the G'raha from the first shard

Here's your playerbase bro

Attached: file.png (369x498, 183K)

>open the gates niggaaaa
>calimity's coming nig open the gaaaates
>what gates who are you
>niggaaaa let me through open the gatesaaah

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chubby chasers will go after actual 4/10's as long as they have a beard

It's the same cat from the future that teleported his crystal tower into the first.

Why the hell do people think there will be a bizarro world versions of characters from our world?

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>1.0 ended with Bahamut breaking out of the moon and causing a calamity.
>2.0 ended with The Red Wedding from Game of Thrones
>3.0 ended with a kaiju battle, a dead Scion, and a journey of bittersweet reflection as you said a final goodbye to your dead best friend.
>4.0 ended with a scowling emperor, a faggot telling us to go somewhere, a bad ass rescue that we never got to see, and a "Final" battle with Zenos that was in no way satisfying because it wasn't actually Zenos. Just some Ascian faggot that I didn't connect with at all.

The only genuinely good thing about it was waking up in Ishgard and having a moment with Aymeric, Edmont, and being reminded that Estinien is a bro and still has our backs, even if he'll likely be a cheeky cunt about it.

Because these kind of things go hand in hand with "alternate dimension" it would suck major balls if they do that.

Because it's literally in the full trailer? It's the scene right after the Dancer in the crystarium, camera goes into the CT and shows hooded G'raha, he's on the first shard

Your typical male viera poster

It's the same Crystal Tower from our world. The slides shown at fanfest confirm that it was "warped" there. It's not an alternate G'raha, it's our G'raha.

And that makes him an alternate world version.... why?

Stormblood would have annoyed us until the very end i'll give it that.

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>tfw you saved a lot of shisui sets just in case
My Lion will look so fucking good in it

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proper fundoshi when

Actually when the camera goes through the holocrystal it's teleported from the shard to our source and we see our g'raha trapped in our crystal tower. He's just beyond our gates that we have right here.

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If FF14's designs were any uglier it would be WoW

It's from Syrcus Tower, themed after one of the bosses there.

Your obsession with comically oversized muscles is disturbing.

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I hate you. I hate everything you are and everything you stand for now and will stand for in the future.
If my hatred for you could be measured in destructive power, it would be equivalent of every star in existence at this very moment being combined into one, super massive giga star condensed down to the size of a ping pong ball and going super nova in the center of the foul womb that spawned you just to gurantee an accident of the magnitude that is you never happens again in this timeline.

Get the fuck out of my existence you bara fag cat fucker bidoof.

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We need Akihiko Yoshida back

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Just because it shares Allagan architecture doesn't mean it's the same tower. An entire city was built into it.
>Shows some sort of targeting interface
>Immediately after G'raha opens a sort of window or door

>say the guy who's probably obsessed with comically overdesigned MMO girls

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>Imagine being this mad over a guy playing a videogame

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>Just because it shares Allagan architecture doesn't mean it's the same tower
No, especially not when Eulmore also has identical architecture to Limsa. But the devs themselves already confirmed that the tower was warped there some time in the First's past. What most likely happened is that G'raha woke up in the future, then teleported the whole tower across dimensions AND back in time.

all /XIVv/ threads are a furry circlejerk from now on get over it

No they don't shithead, stop trying to spread nonsense

Ronso is cute! Cute!

Primal is Yea Forums dataserver but you have to deal with a few brazil
Aether is reddit
But in a month datacenter will split
so whatever

This fucking thread.

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why the fuck does the one on the left looks better than anything they showed in the reveal video?

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You tried to hit in the dark but missed your mark.
Bara lovers love pectoral muscles inflated like balloons that look ridiculous and anatomically incorrect. I'd pop a Hrothgar with a needle. Move on to actual muscles will you ?

It's probably an NPC with a unique model

The Crystal Tower didn't warp into the 13th shard when we went there, why would it need to warp to the 1st? Not to mention that the 1st must have had their own tower because they built an entire city around it, you don't do that with a random building that just fucking warped into your universe

>I don't know where am I!
Get out, newfag.

When the fuck did they confirm that?

hello newfag! Welcome to Yea Forums! :3

I predict that not only will they remove(or functionally ignore like they did with legacy elemental properties on gear) damage types, they'll also remove the single abilities or combos used for applying type buffs/debuffs, and add traits to each job in place of them that bump up overall potency at the applicable level.

Im already collecting porn of them.
Its all gay.

>The Crystal Tower didn't warp into the 13th shard when we went there, why would it need to warp to the 1st?
I assume we'll find that out.
>Not to mention that the 1st must have had their own tower because they built an entire city around it
>When the fuck did they confirm that?
Check out the slide here It says the tower wasn't built, it "appeared". Japanese text says "warped".

I held off on playing FF14 for years because the races are so boring.

>My dark side can suck a dick, my dick
tank chads of the world unite

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share it bro

What will they do with elemental materias in ShB?

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share the load

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Those still exist?

Get fucked comedians, welcome to Yea Forums.

Rejoice, furfaggot. Because you are getting what you wanted this expansion.

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That's not a confirmation that it teleports, user. We already know that aetheric evens have an effect on the shards, for instance that calamities are mirrored on them. It's not farfetched at all that something as aetherically conductive as the tower would have a reflection on the shards, probably by design too.

What's with the undersized head?

In due time it will be available in a singular place for all to ogle.

well, you did remember Urianger and Y'shtola talking about how crystals were losing their aether, and aether was disappearing in general right?

the baby is mad? ;3

surprised he didn't say something about also being a furry since thats what a lot of cat boys are


thank you, will wait patiently

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>everything non-human is furry

I'm sorry Betsy cut funding for your Olympics, buddy.

We don't know for sure if Calamities are mirrored or not, but it's something I'm excited to find out. But we know for sure that there was no Battle of Silvertear Skies at the very least. And if the tower there was a mirror of our tower, then by design any alternate G'raha wouldn't be able to get in because there were no Allagans on the First and thus no royal blood that the tower can respond to.

Assuming an alternate G'raha exists.

lol but i was told only based and straight males wanted male viera??

remove blunt/slash/piercing
remove wildfire or change it to wear off after X amount of gcd and ogcd skills, none of this time requirement shit.

based straight males want kimahri to poz their negholes

>brd does piercing
>mch is changed to blunt. Bullets are blunt objects after all
>dnc is slashing
Would this work? Gives many different job synergies

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