>an ancient evil rises
An ancient evil rises
where is onpu
in the onpu zone
where is the onpu zone
it is where you want it to be
Does this show get better or worse after the first season?
Depends. Is darker better?
I guess. I did like how every single kid in the class was an actual character and got their own episode, but that episodic nature made it hard to binge watch. I'm not saying an entire season would have to be connected end to end, but it might be nice to have a more ongoing plot than "every several episodes they take the next witch exam".
Better. But the first season is still pretty good.
>a baby gets miscarriaged
>little magical girls
More like my ochinpo rises!
>but the story in the original mass effect is good
In my pants
Bioware games are never good
Posting best boy
>An ancient evil sleeps
Whats games does this?
every game where an ancient evil awakens
>PreCure flamewars
>Doremi spam
>DB flamewars
>OP threads
Why are Toei fans like this?
saint seiya fans are pretty chill though
>an ancient cunny awakens
onpu hot
The end of Dokkaan is literally a masterpiece. How can other magical girl shows even compete?
God Bless DoReMi spammer
>an ancient evil rises
>it was the legendary hero al along
>you've been helping the evil guy keeping his evil rule al along
name 15 games that do this