SLANT gives Sekiro a 5/10

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Other urls found in this thread: Pressgrove&src=typd

who is slant and why should i care


Fuck off with your clickbait review OP. No one cares about your shitty site.

how will we EVER recover from this devastating blow?

>coasts on borrowed moves
I wonder if they gave this to bb

it's a 4/10 lmao. Metacritic down to 89

Who the fuck is Slant?

>What you get is good
>But you get that only by "earning" it
>even though you already paid for the game
Seems fair.

Nioh >>> Sekiro
soulsfags btfo

based slant dabbing all over shitkiro
hopefully this is the wakeup call nu-Yea Forums needs!

A literal who giving a very low score to some AAA game to get clicks
OP is a faggot for sharing it

Their complaints seem to be they didn't go far enough with the combat and I agree.
The combat is incredibly shallow.

But JONNY give that game 10/10.

There you go i spared you the time to read through this shit

But I thought Japs liked it?


>The reviewer

Attached: review.jpg (306x307, 31K)

Jesus christ this reviewer sounds like such a huge casual. He has clearly no idea how to play the game. He thinks that dodge is the primary mechanic in the boss fights.

Finally someone calls out the garbage stealth system. Shit is laughable.

This is all I needed to see.

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>linking to the website rather than an archive
fuck off with this clickbait


look at this dood

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actually based Pressgrove&src=typd

This should tell you all you need to know about the "reviewer"

based as fuck


>literally dabbing on fromcucks and kojimakeks


>direct linking clickbait sites
Fuck off shill

wtf i like Jed Pressgrove now

>t. I couldn't beat butterfly lol

>he can't get his co-op butt buddies to hand hold him through the game
How pathetic, imagine occupying a """"profession"""" around reviewing video games and yet you suck at them.

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>an intelligent game
Mmmmh phrmmmf oh god i'm coming.

What the absolute fuck?

He's right.

this guy gave the new wolfenstein 1,5/5 stars

hes /ourguy/

why are so many shitters trying to review games lately? this retards can't even finish the game not saying sekiro is any good just in general

>those hair genetics
Opnion discarded.

Always Slant with these ridiculous bait reviews that actually always drag scores down.
Trying to desperately get views over the backs of hardworking devs.
Don't pay them any attention and they will go away.

dunno who the fuck they are, but they got a point, this game sucks ass

It’s always a butthurt anglo

They think the whole world should serve their wants and casual needs

impressive level of contrarian hispter this faggot is

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holy fucking onions

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A bit harsh.
I'd give it a 7/10 at least.

It's no Souls or Bloodborne but it's still okay.

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How insecure do you have to be to have a avatar of yourself hiding your face?

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Contrarian as fuck. I sure hope Metacritic won't count the review from this dumbass.

This. They should have either made the game a full stealth game (actually would have liked that) or just not used it at all. By half assing it, it just ruins the experience more often than not since you have to use it at times but at the same time it isn't well done or particularly useful.

t.brainlet that neve played an intelligent game

>all these fromcucks literally SEETHING arguing on twitter with this literally who

Lmao, sad.

based and redpilled

What are some intelligent games?
They did. He brought the score down to 89 lmao.


>that shade at bloodborne in his review
Bloodborne fags utterly BTFO

The day Yea Forums was exposed.

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I like his style, it's true


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> Pressgrove&src=typd
Attention whore detected, abort any ongoing transmission.

Based and redpilled.

Western cuckboys are at it again


I quite literally said this out loud, word for word, when I saw this thread.

he's literally right

remember the artist? neither does anybody else

>too hard
>standing still spamming L1 with occasional jumps too hard

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This guy must give shitty reviews to pickle jars because he needs his boyfriend to open them for him.

There's your problem, a lot of shitters on Ps4. Look up PC, and Xbox.

>spamming any move in Sekiro

That’s just asking to have your posture get taken down like a bitch. Might wanna try playing the game bro

>Sekiro’s draining boss fights not only seem to contradict the idea of the player feeling like a furtive ninja but also highlight the contrived lengths that FromSoftware has gone to in order to satisfy players’ thirst for difficulty
Literally retarded

it is AAA

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Gone Home

>one basedboy destroys all from cucks

Holy fucking based.


This guy single handedly dropped BoTW score from 98 to 97.

Is he... still based?


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seething fromsoft shill

I've beaten it.

This. The guys is just smelling his own noob farts and is angry he’s shit at the game. He didn’t even finish it.

Fucking double based

He's not right. Some people have different taste in movies and if you think no one gets enjoyment from oscar winning movies you're retarded.

It's over Sekiro bros

that was indeed based

Ok then you blatantly lied, congrats.


excuse me who?


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>he shat on the boring as fuck shitty zelda

Goddamn, even more based.

Ninties BTFO'd

>from cucks still obsessed with BOTW after two years

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Sounds like he got stuck on the first 1 or 2 bosses and just decided to give it 2 stars.

>The recipe for success in these melee contests, which can initially appear unfair, tends to be similar to that of so many other violent skirmishes within Miyazaki’s catalogue: lock on, dodge (a lot), parry, and counter during openings
Most likely tried to play it like a standard Souls game then got his ass handed to him.

even more based dude

>coping this hard

t. really really likes crash

>He brought the score down to 89 lmao
But devil may cuck fans said 89 was a great score?
Which is it?

So, you agree with his BoTW review or not?

I’m guessing your low IQ only allows you to post that image 300 times in the last 2 years.

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it's a 97 you retarded souls cuck HAHAHAHAH

t. sucks dick at the game

Quality hot takes from this guy.

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Man, nintendo discord trannies are coming out of the woodwork.

lmfao, well i guess it’s better to falseflag and try to save face, i guess?

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>talking about low iq
How about you look at yourself in the mirror, autistic weeb?

>50% down from DaS 3
>30% down from BB
>rumors of From going back to scamco like a bitch


stay seething
slant destroyed nintendo

What games does this guy like?

Well he seemed to have a positive opinion on the new God of War, so that one


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here is your intelligent game bro based on this faggot

I don't feel better than anyone for enjoying Kojima or Miyazaki games. I don't give a shit if you enjoy them or not. I do. This guy is making it sound like the whole reason people enjoy these games is to feel better than others for some bizarre reason. The whole reason people actually play these games is because they're fun and people enjoy them.

I don't give a shit what some writer thinks, I'm gonna buy and play every single Kojima and Miyazaki game, like I already have, and I'm gonna enjoy all of them so long as they don't suddenly start producing trash.

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super mario run

>But muh DMC

>This seething room temperature IQ discord tranny

Oh nononono

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No Metacritic score is great the user reviews are nuked and id trust those before I trust "professional bought or not overall scores".

I guess id trust Metacritic on games before 2007 maybe.

What do I do with the 2 serpent hearts?

They didn't destroy shit you retarded from shill. Zelda always wins

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>”Its gameplay highlights the contrived lengths fromsoft has gone to to satisfy fans want for difficulty”
>They literally casualized the shit out of Dark Souls 3 prior to this game
This game is more of an apology letter for that.


Kojima is fucking garbage lmao

>Indie 3deep5u comfy artsy garbage

Oh nononononohahahahaha

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>In the end, the game’s combat system lacks a truly innovative hook such as the Ki Pulse dynamic from 2017’s Nioh, the boomerang axe from 2018’s God of War, or the total dependence on defensive technique in last year’s Way of the Passive Fist.
The scrub didn't even notice Sekiro has the best realization of swordfighting yet seen in any video game. How's that for a hook faggot

Better score and better sales From cuck. Stay forever assmad.

enjoy your 60/100 garbage lmao




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This is avant-teen levels of bad taste, to be honest.

No wonder.

>n-no u
Stay SEETHING, china man

He was playing it like a Souls game and getting mad that his dodge button didn’t always work.
It’s DSP all over again.


For fucks sake.

>surname is literally one letter away from being an anagram of "Progressive"

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I too used to hide my face in photos when i was an insecure teenager, what a fucking sóyboy.

anything other than shura/immortal severance endings are very unlikely to do without just googling how to activate them

It's a bit complicated. You want to follow the instructions for the Dragon's Homecoming ending. Beware of spoilers.

>Nice FromSoft and Kojimbo shitposting thread
>Suddenly cheap BoTW bait
>Literally every single nintendie takes the bait and turns the thread into a BoTW shitpostfest.

Why are Nintendo fans so insecure about BoTW?

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>accuses people of only liking things because it makes them feel superior
>praises this pretentious tripe
Must be projection.

what a great score
stay seething

Congrats you're a predictable NPC

Yeah, he's a masturbatory hipster alright.



The same game gave shit scores to Bloodborne and RE7

Now I understand.

i really really like the game. but so many of the attacks are so misleading. i'm fighting owl right now. and he as this attack where he flies forward and does an attack, however after this attack there is three possible follow ups that require three different tactics. i'm not really sure how i'm supposed to know what the fuck he's going to do. so i usually just dodge and hope for the best.

Because there's organized nintendo discord trannies that are shitposting on the latest multiplat releases.

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Who would have thought the jealous faggots mad about BOTW being a massive success were autistic From stans. Doesn't surprise me since they're used to getting cucked by better games.

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He is completely right about MGSV that shit was absolute garbage



Here's your 60

The worst part of this image, aside from the cringy “intelligent game” nonsense at the end, is that he’s literally 100% correct despite looking like he chugs soi.

BotW sucks

>discord trannies
Wouldn't those be Sony fans?





What an embarrassing choice of words.

no it doesn't

here's your 40 lmao

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Look it sounds like this guy never made it past the first few hours.

Cope, discord tranny.


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this guy is actualy b a s e d

>meaningful meaningless name
Don't even have to click.

nice selfie, baldie


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>The recipe for success in these melee contests, which can initially appear unfair, tends to be similar to that of so many other violent skirmishes within Miyazaki’s catalogue: lock on, dodge (a lot), parry, and counter during openings
>dodge (a lot)
Opinion discarded

smelly weeb

Considering all criticism is generally met with “git gud”, it’s not far fetched to assume some people play it to get a sense of superiority over others. But I’m like you in that I play because it’s fun

>stealth game where the stealth is shit
>stealth game where the stealth tools are shit
>stealth game that has trouble keeping up with Tenchu games from 20 years ago let alone modern games
>stealth game with completely retarded, deaf, blind and borderline broken AI
>action game where the combat is QTE shit
>action game with one weapon with an extremely limited moveset
>action game with sluggish animations, input lag, stored inputs and enemies reading your inputs
>action game where you get le cinematic kill every single time
>grappling hook is underutilized and hysterically inconsistent
>most prosthetics are useless
>one combat skill slot
>but combat skills are also useless so does it matter?
>ninjitsu not even worth mentioning
>exploration is extremely limited, but worse, boring and unnecessary
>shit camera
>shit hitboxes
>lock-on randomly breaks
>poor enemy variety with reskins everywhere
>mostly un-imaginative bosses that are rehashed
>runs like shit on consoles despite also looking like shit unlike DMCV that runs at 60 and doesn't look like a PS3 game
>music is generic shit flutes and strings that could have come from a "Japanese Traditional Music" library and no one would have noticed. A sad truth compared to DS and BB

I haven't read the review but it's pretty easy to tear Sekiro down if you want to. I still really like the game, but it's incredibly easy to pick on. You could easily give the console versions like a 4/10 and back it up with arguments.

Haven't read something this scathingly accurate in some time. That's a perfect troll post.

>Wouldn't those be Sony fans?
Yes. Dumb Snoy Discord trannies are everywhere.

based and redpilled. Kojima is truly a hack

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Remember this fag, I think he had a blog where he wrote reviews and most of them were shit, now he's on twitter defending his bad review

>but DMC


What kills me isn't the score, it's how short the review is. It makes me feel productive at work.

Should've been a 7. The multi enemy combat reminds me of Breakdown. You have to cheese a ton of mobs with the spear or axe I-frames, or resetting as opposed to giving you additional skills to build on deflection and mikiri (which is easy 1 on 1 and impossible 4 on 1).


Why the fuck so many people complain about fighting groups of enemies? Don’t you guys use stealth? The most enemies I felt like I was forced to fight was like two or three.

>It's no Souls or Bloodborne but it's still okay.
That's why its good though

The game honestly feels like one of those Souls ripoffs from some other developer. And the "literally everything is killed with finishing move animations" is unironically something you'd see in a shovelware title.

I have a thousand problems with the game, but it's still a good game. Giving it a 4/10 because "it's not as good at stealth as tenchu" is grading on a crazy curve.

>runs like shit on consoles despite also looking like shit unlike DMCV that runs at 60 and doesn't look like a PS3 game
DMCV does not look good. It does the trick that lots of action games do where the character models are extremely detailed, but everything else looks like mud. Sekiro has far more detailed environments.

Yeah I sure miss back when I had to slap a dragon's toe for 5 minutes until it randomly died without showing any signs of damage

Slant destroying Shitkiro

did he write up a half-finished review because he thought Sekiro was also half-finished?

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Even RE2 is 60 fps on base ps4. They have no excuse outside of being lazy fucks rehashing the same shit and outdated engine over and over.

unironically based

The stealth mechanics are incredibly weak, esp. if you don't realize the XP gold mine at Hirata Estate path early game, and never get a stealth upgrade. Enemies always walk in pairs too, so outside of the dead monks who never check when their buddy screams, you Stan one guy and have to reset or pull out the axe/spear. Whenever you get forced into fights with the midgame enemies it always turns into prosthetic cheating until its down to a single mob leader and a mook. That's not challenging, it's just weak game design. I really enjoyed the aesthetics of this game too, so it's a shame for me.

hope this sticks

>In the end, the game’s combat system lacks a truly innovative hook such as the Ki Pulse dynamic from 2017’s Nioh, the boomerang axe from 2018’s God of War
>the boomerang axe from 2018’s God of War

Holy shit.

that's where it became clear that this guy is just a contrarian retard

>They've apparently never played, much less beaten, an intelligent game
Unironically a correct assesment of Kojimadrones, based af

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>>exploration is extremely limited, but worse, boring and unnecessary
you never find anything cool. Maybe some mats to upgrade your prosthetic you rarely use or some sugar. Very underwhelming. In souls games you'd find a new piece of armor that looked cool or had resistances that could help with the poison swamp. Find a new 2 handed weapon that would mix up the combat a little bit from the sword and board you've been using. I agree with a lot of those complaints even though I enjoyed the game. They need to expand on their concepts if they make a sequel.

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I mean, I guess I agree with what he says about the stealth, but he hardly does a good job of criticizing the combat. And that's because it's really quite good.

>"After playing for 90 hours I can say that this is a GOTY but it's not worth it..."
>"It's extreme difficulty for a single player game is absurd. From Software made a work of art but the price to enjoy it is exaggerated"
What did he mean by this?

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What big brain games does he recommend?

Going by this thread it seems like he slaps a negative review on most big releases.

Why do you care what a company you don't even like says?

Is this the Armond White of video game reviewers?

>activision game
>not AAA

armond white has actual taste and doesn't praise noname artsy indie shit for no reason

>And that's because it's really quite good.
I think it's pretty shallow but still very entertaining. Being aggressive is the way to go. Mix that with relentless assault from the enemies where your defensive options also contribute to your offense is a great change of pace from the more passive combat of souls game.

I was pretty disappointed at the lack of weapon options. Early in the game you encounter enemies that go fucking nuts with their spears and I couldn't help myself but want to use one.

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wtf, this basedboy is actually based as fuck

more like a hive mind, annons reaction is perfectly rasonable. NPC reactions are iracional, thats the joke.

Armond White has better taste in films than 99% of moviegoers, though.

Slant is a racist term for Asians. Why the fuck would I care about what these faggots have to say?

Holy fuck it's literally zoomkid

I wanna punch this face

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>Sekino still exposing shitters
How can one game be so based?

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> On top of that, the hero is very quick, perhaps inspired in part by Snake’s over-the-top speed in Metal Gear Solid V: The Phantom Pain.

What? What kind of comparison is this

depends on the encounter
if you're fighting a bunch of schmucks at the same time then you're gonna have to dodge when they through out unblockables or get close to breaking your poise
those red hat fuckers at the end are a good example

That's because from cannot into optimization and spams high poly assets everywhere

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holy fucking s o y

For reference just in case people don’t know who they are. Here are Slant’s highest rated games
> 1. Ocarina Of Time
> 2. Majora’s Mask
> 3. Chrono Trigger
> 4. Super Metroid
> 5. Red Dead Redemption
> 6. Final Fantasy VI
> 7. Shadow Of The Colossus
> 8. Super Mario Bros 3
> 9. NieR: Automata
> 10. Portal 2
> 11. Metroid Prime
> 12. Tetris
> 13. Resident Evil 4
> 14. Braid
> 15. Bioshock
> 16. Super Smash Bros Melee
> 17. The Last Of Us
> 18. EarthBound
> 19. Okami
> 20. Silent Hill 2
> 21. Final Fantasy VII
> 22. Super Mario World
> 23. Portal (2007)
> 24. Mass Effect 2
> 25. Planescape Torment
> 26. A Link To The Past
> 27. Max Payne
> 28. Castlevania: SOTN
> 29. Final Fantasy Tactics
> 30. Psychonauts
> 31. StarCraft
> 32. Super Mario Odyssey
> 33. SoulCalibur (1999)
> 34. Journey
> 35: The Witcher 3
> 36. The Wind Waker
> 37. Inside


This is a really good review and jives with all of the different streams I've seen.

I'm waiting for the flood of sub $20 used copies


>deluded from cuck in denial

simple != shallow

Get this through your heads you fucking brainlets

> Majora’s Mask that high

Where the fuck is this mudwall a soldier is asking me to climb inside the castle? There's no fucking wall made of mud ANYWHERE close

>DMCfags are so desperate to shit on Sekiro that they are unironically calling this soiboy based because he said the game was bad
Pathetic sight to be quite honest.

that's not even their list faggot

I actually follow Slant, but this Jed Pressgrove guy is just retarded. Sometimes games get into their GOTY list, but this guy shits on them in his blog.

I'm a noob and am trying to install an RX580 to replace my old GTX560. (was getting 18fps on sekiro lol) I have plugged it into the motherboard and used the included cord (8 sockets with two 6 sockets) to plug the 8 socket into the card and the two 6 sockets into two other 6 sockets that were previously connected directly into the GTX 560. I get a blue light on my RX580 when I turn my computer on.

My issue is that when I plug an HDMI cord into the card and to my TV no signal is picked up. I haven't installed the drivers CD yet.

It is, but OP probably put OoT #1 with Majora because it was their #1 on their 2015 list

I read the review, it seems like he’s actually salty that the game is too EASY, since the stealth-mode AI is (in his eyes) brain-dead retarded and painfully easy to cheese.

I don’t know where the idea is coming from that because it’s a bad review, he must be a shitter who can’t beat it. His chiefest complaint is that it isn’t challenging or engaging.

Activision didn't fund, only published it in the west. It'll fully funded by From


>start of the game
This game is amazing lol parry here, parry there DEATHBLOW! HAHAHAHA
>mid game
Wtf are all these bullshit hitboxes like holy fu- I DIDN'T EVEN PRESS THAT BUTTON I SWEAR THIS GAME IS FUCKING RETARDED 0/10!!!!
>finished the game
yeah, pretty good.

the stealth sucks, it's worse than garbage stealth like in batham games

Shinobi Execution

Is this man a legitimate retard?

Ubisoft is full of cock guzzling leftists who are literally DRUMPF spouting eurpoids.

Why does every reviewer have the same exact taste & games every time?

>but dmc


Ignore him. Just go to the old grave idol and start from there

My opinion of someone has never gone from based to absolutely retarded faggot hipster this fast.

Are you illiterate? Hes saying the stealth is "easy" because enemies have markers above their heads to tell you what their alert status is. Its a fucking retarded complaint and hes clearly reaching for something to shit on the game for other than "this game too hard so it suck lol" The tagline of the fucking review is "Its boss fights highlight the contrived lengths that FromSoftware has gone to in order to satisfy players’ thirst for difficulty."

Going from a shitter that died dozens of times to butterfly and ogre to beating estate owl and sword saint in about 5 tries felt pretty good.

Because they don't actually play games or know anything about game design. So they have to just copy what everyone says is good so they appear to look like they know what they are talking about.

>this is a really good review of a game I’ve never played. But I’ve watched people play it.

Wtf is happening to this board

just finished it after avoiding Yea Forums for a month >story
actually pretty decent, I enjoyed it very much
phenomenal, feels so fucking satisfying and takes time to learn
>level design
decent, but a step down from what we're used to by fromsoft
>world design
felt great exploring the map, and it actually had connectivity. this was one of my main complaints of DaS 3
it could use some more environments though
>enemy design
while some areas had lacking variety, it didn't matter much to me because each enemy had such a wide variety of moves and felt amazing to learn
>elite/boss design
one of the best parts of the game. as I said earlier, felt amazing to adapt to all their moves
they also looked great visually, same goes for the arenas

overall fucking loved the game, 9/10 for me. only bloodborne beats it when it comes to fromsoft

This guy called Bloodborne "an embarrassing sequel to dark souls"
I guess he's right

>decent, but a step down from what we're used to by fromsoft
How so?

but that doesn't work on hard-hitting enemies, your posture will get fucked

this consumerist mentality is the reason we have so much mtx. people have been conditioned to buying their way into victory. back in the day the kids that put 20 quarters into an arcade machine were SHITTERS and ridiculed for it.

His list of "intelligent games". Lmfao turns out he's actually a Kojimacuck and Fromcuck. Oof.

Metal Gear Solid III
Way of the Passive Fist
Dark Souls
Super Star Soldier
Ninja Gaiden (original and 3D)
Contra 4
Castlevania III
Solomon’s Key
Golden Axe: Beast Rider
Blazing Lazers
D&D: Shadow over Mystara
Metroid Prime
Super Ghouls n Ghosts

I missed the smart shortcut placements and the maps looping in on themselves, I feel like they relied a bit too much on placing new checkpoints instead of making a lot of use of the same area
also, I exclude DaS2 when I say that, because that game had by far the worst design

shit taste and a retard
bloodborne is a spin off

weird he's a from fan who hates bloodborne and sekiro

and dark souls isn't? are you actually fucking retarded?

well at least someone out there appreciates solomon's key

He also says Dark Souls is harder than Sekiro. The man is a gigantic retard.

Yes I remember it. I saw it in theaters before there was oscar buzz. Cuz I like movies and don't wait for people to approve or disapprove of them.

>decent, but a step down from what we're used to by fromsoft
I disagree - I think the level design was great (as was the mobility), but I think the world is let down by the enemy AI and how bad/exploitable it is. It doesn't matter so much in DaS since you're more limited in mobility, and running past things usually means you're running past them in the same space using a resource that's also required to block. But having jump, grapple, unlimited stamina and stealth all together really highlights the AI shortcomings

Better taste than half of Yea Forums desu

Wow he looks like Yahtzee if Yahtzee was gay

>sequel to dark souls
this guy is just straight up a retard

True. This game is just okay. Glad I pirated it instead of giving 60 dollars to these noobs.

nigga its just as easy to run past everything in all of the past Souls games. The stamina makes basically no difference in this regard.

>He also says Dark Souls is harder than Sekiro

This is a common thread among journos that are so unskilled them being sekiro is questionable. IGN said something similar along with other obvious joke critics. It's like they are terrified of cupheadish controversy, stealth killed 1 enemy and said "YEP IVE SEEN ENOUGH THIS GAME IS EASY."



>9. NieR: Automata
I puked, but I should have stopped reading when it said OoT was #1
Any list that puts OoT #1 is a meme list

i'd like to see your #1

nobody mentioned dark souls, you're actually retarded

nothin personal kid

Attached: 1553673020425.png (539x341, 269K)

this. ogre and butterfly fucked my ass pretty hard
but weird thing was that I NEVER got mad, or frustrated. not a single time. the combat just felt good to me, and I never felt like it was unfair

You guys are just giving slant clicks. Probably the intention of this thread. Wouldn't be surprised if slant is OP

nice projecting cuck

>lights a match next to you
nothin personnel rite back at ya

What are the best reviewers / game news sites that aren't afraid to be called contrarian just because they have differing opinions of the masses?

OoT is literally the most acclaimed game of all time

Yea Forums


>Slant hates slant game


The one that gave a shit review to your favorite game.

Haven't bothered thinking about what my top game would be honestly
In terms of playtime it'd be Warcraft III but I don't think that's a #1 game
Either way anyone who puts OoT at the top has put in about as much effort as I have


>nigga its just as easy to run past everything in all of the past Souls games
Once you know what you're doing yeah, but the lack of mobility and stamina gave you a more cautious outlook on your first run through until you learned spawn positions.
Compared to this game - falling off a cliff doesn't immediately kill you and send you back to a bonfire, if you take a wrong turn you can often jump like a retard and spam grapple to get out and re-stealth to engage again, you have indicators above enemies showing you their position through walls, there are far more ways to survive and escape

>Dabbing on Kojimadrones
>Dabbing on Fromfags
>Dabbing on Zeldacucks


*sips soi*
*chugs soi*
*drowns in soi*



what's an actual decent game news site nowadays that covers a large range of games? PCGamer is full of ads, tech sale ads and every second article is about Fortnite or Apex.

Jew + onions + atheist.

DaS3 was basically "this door does not open from this side" the game. Shortcuts felt obligated and forced so its almost like they avoided that.

>felt great exploring the map, and it actually had connectivity
>also, I exclude DaS2 when I say that, because that game had by far the worst design

huh? Sekiro is just nippon DaS2 when it comes to world and level design

Ironic. There was no basis to accuse me of projection. So why did you quit sekiro after 1 kill?

there's nothing wrong with das1 and mgs3, the problem is the sequels and the retarded fanbase that accompanied them

they're just mad that sekiro is exclusively not on the switch.

Attached: reviews.png (1100x1087, 463K)

If you run past everything you miss important shit and if you don't regularly kill minibosses you'll have far less health for the end-game bosses. On a first playthrough you don't know what rewards there are for exploring certain areas so you explore every nook and cranny. The point to stealth is that enemies tend to be far more capable and dangerous in Sekiro compared to Souls enemies and there tends to be a lot more of them so dealing with them head-on would be very difficult.

No faggot, DaS1 is what started the retarded fanbase. And Bloodborne and Sekiro are both different enough as sequels go it's not even funny, but this faggot is actually the bad part of the fanbase. Hates the games that actually try being different from Souls. And Metal Gear Solid 3 is not "intelligent" in the least and what also started the retarded fanbase. What a surprise both are his favorite. And look, Metroid Prime is there too. I mean, Jesus.

random youtube footage of a game

congrats OP, your shitty wordpress hosting crashed.

seriously, mods, ban this spammer.

i unironically agree with the score.

they aren't exactly wrong

sekiro is divided into two chunks, there's the base game that can be tackled any way you want and then there's the bosses that enforce a very specific style of gameplay that can hamper those that enjoy the base stealth and subterfuge mechanics

honestly the bosses feel like they are there just because it's from software and less because they should be there

I don't get it. MGSV was awful but Sekiro is legit great game. It looks like he just want to be cool and dislike popular things instead of actually understanding shit.

This sounds like someone who gave Celeste or The Witness a 10/10


I’d give it a 6 or 7.
In a vacuum it is not a bad game, but not sure how they intended to make it less stale by cutting off half the game and all the replayability.

>If you run past everything you miss important shit and if you don't regularly kill minibosses you'll have far less health for the end-game bosses
Sure, but the only point I was making was that it's easier to get around the world and dodge everything in Sekiro compared to any other souls game. I don't think it's that much of a disadvantage to just backtrack for items and bosses once you've found the next idol, either. My first visit to Gun Fort had me sprinting from the bridge to the giraffe idol without stopping. I love the game, but it doesn't feel like the AI was updated enough to account for the increased mobility

Mgsv was one of the best games in 20 years. You didnt like it for reasons unrealted to gameplay

>Golden Axe: Beast Rider


>reviewer makes clickbait review
>retard on Yea Forums posts the link
Every single time, learn to archive faggot

He probably only put it on there to make it seem like he played a game with similar parry mechanics as Sekiro. It's a shit game with Bethesda tier animations, but he thinks it's "intelligent" and makes him look like he has obscure tastes so no one can call him out on it.

Depression quest


+1 he has a new fan now

based as based fucking based as FUCK

Attached: hqdefault.jpg (480x360, 30K)

>Yea Forums says he's a onions boi and cuck
>he's actually based as fuck
>Yea Forums says his profile pic is him trying to hide his face
>he's actually just telling kojidrones to get the fuck away

Attached: average v user.jpg (960x544, 131K)

I have thousands of hours in Dwarf Fortress and I fucking love Sekiro.
does DF count as an """intelligent game""" or is that too hard for him too

people respond with "git gud" because most criticism is not real criticism, but a lack of understanding of the game or complaining about things that are irrelevant if you understand and are good enough at the game
tons of retards complain about "broken hitboxes" and how the ogre is unfair but the reality of the matter is that they are fucking bad and pressing the dodge button too early. the only acceptable response to such a person is GIT GUD

Attached: ogre.webm (924x518, 2.95M)

no, you're just a tryhard faggot

Lmao is that a switch port?

You aren't paying for "fun". You're paying for "a device that allows you to have fun". You're paying for "the development hours that let that device be produced".

For instance, rollerblades shouldn't get a 5/10 rating just because you need to learn how to use them in order to have fun with them. That's insane. They should get a 5/10 rating because they're tacky 90s shit.

>tfw I have one of the highest rated reviews on Steam