>it's okay when the nips do it
It's okay when the nips do it
Yes, Japanese people are allowed to like spiderman, what is your point?
They made miles white because japs hate black people.
EVERYONE hates black "people"
No they made him jap.
Sounds good.
So, pretty much Takuya Yamashiro?
I don't watch or read capeshit, but I just came here to say "good".
Nah i just said something. i really don't know if they made him japanese. Could also be that they turned him into a white character.
Too be fair, didn't the West make the human protag of the Pikachu movie Black when he was suppose to be Asian or at the very least light skinned?
>implying everyone is fine with black people
user? Where the fuck do you live?
>japs fixed miles
And what does that have to do with Spider-Man you autistic pokemon manchild
Its funny when they make established characters like starfire or Hermione from harry potter black and you fags cry about BUTTTT ITS A ESTABLISHED CHARACTER YOU CANT DO THAT LOOK THE BOOK SAYS WHITE, but are ok with whitewashing
Shows you never really cared about the issues you always bring up
The thread is clearly about race changes in other country's works. Follow the OP, silly.
What a bitter nigger you are.
In the game it's a white kid.
but they made him asian
What a bitter DOUBLE nigger you are.
I didn't say i didn't have a problem with it. You are projecting that onto me.
Cope more, nigger.
Making an established character a different race for sjw points isnt the same as making a seperate one.
Miles isnt supposed to be a black Peter Parker, hes a completely new Spiderman.
this isn't videogames and it's also five months old and from reddit
You can't even see asian features
>Miles isnt supposed to be a black Peter Parker
Miles is established as a black guy, the hell are you talking about
No they didn't
Goddamit /pol/ is so retarded that it hurts.
No they didn’t change Miles’ race, a recurring theme in the movie is “anyone can wear the mask”. So in that poster they have an Asian man in Miles’ spider suit. He’s still black in the movie, it’s trailers, it’s promotions, etc.
That it's not the same as making the Human Torch for example, an established Caucasian character , into a black male and your comparison for Miles is fucking stupid.
Learn 2 read.
It’s ok when the Chinese do it, but unforgivable when the japs do it?
What the fuck are you idiots talking about? He's black everywhere. I've seen the trailer in those big screens in Shibuya and he's black as ever.
Explain why
>look I replied to everyone take that!
Right back at you by the way, if making all the redheads black is fine then making all the blacks asian is fine too.
No (you) for you.
This reminds me of when China completely edited the new Karate Kid movies and made Jaden Smith into the bad guy.
Youre autistic or a bit slow arent you?
They made an established black character white in Spawn and did the same in Doctor Strange
wait why is this on Yea Forums?
Better than replying to no one
Yea Forums constantly feels the need to talk about blacks 24/7
Sorry I mean the Ancient one was Asian
So whitewash good blackwash bad, got it champ
Based nips hating on the black devils
That's still shit no matter what the race change.
My point was that Miles was created to be Miles, not "Peter except hes balck" so it's not even the fucking same thing youre complaining about.
because everyone already thinks japs are weird perverts.
/pol/ REALLY needs a win after they were tricked into campaigning for Israel’s number 1 fan, lost out big in the culture war as more movies leap big into those progressive bucks (most successful movies, games, cultural exports in general worldwide and domestically were multicultural), and now have to deal with corporations literally lining up to offend them cause /pol/ spergs on Twitter make great marketing.
>where is my (you) give me my (you)!
>They made Spider man hispanic and Irish before but nobody cares because FUKKIN NIGGERS REEEEEEEEE
There are more Hispanic Spidermen and women than black or asian
Yeah youre autistic.
Exactly. Literally no one likes niggers
japs hate white people too
Oh I'm not him but I thought you were calling Miles shit
Makes sense
is this what this thread is about?
where can I watch this with Japanese audio
We Yea Forums now?
Your argument makes no sense, miles was created to be miles so describe what miles looks like then
By your logic its ok to blackwash starfire cause starfire was created to be starfire!
The other way around, remember when nextlifx made Death note and people only bitched about yagami being white but nobody cried that L, the palest motherfuck in the world was casted as a black guy? And if you did say something, you were called a racist
>Miyano Peter
No sir, I don't like it.
There's only some Scenes
No I'm right see
he proves my point
How did you even get that frim my posts?
I swear this thread is full of autists or ESLs who still struggle reading english.and cant follow a discussion.
Like this retard
Miles is black because his creator Bendis wanted forced diversity. Same with all the other black characters he made.
Stay mad subhuman anglo
>calls others retards but can't use good punctuation
>Aoi Yuuki Gwen
Yes this is good
>The other way around
Just looking at this thread proves you wrong
>only further proving his autism
Youre just the gift that keeps on giving
>remember when nextlifx made Death note and people only bitched about yagami being white but nobody cried that L, the palest motherfuck in the world was casted as a black guy?
Bull fucking shit everyone complained about that shit. The only ones called racist were the ones claiming that it was only bad because niggers nigger nigger. Funny enough the black guy hated the faggots calling it white washing
it's because the Japanese would never accept this
they fight back, why don't you fight back user?
>just screams autism over and over again cause he can't think of a argument
What about all the nu-Asian characters in Marvel? Bruce was replaced by a Korean
user pls
They did accept it, he's black in the movie
the dude in the picture is Asian
>cant read
>feigns stupidity in order to save face after losing argument
>"why are u callin me autistic?!?!"
user don't speak to retards
I love how japs think they're allowed to make fun of blacks, they're both below us superior white people. It's like a mongrel insulting another mongrel.
I want to Believe. Sauce?
I think you're misunderstanding. He's saying that in OP they made Miles (established black character) Asian/White to appeal to a larger audience, which is the same as making characters like Hermoine black to appeal to a larger audience. However, because the character isn't being made black in this case, Yea Forums is all for it instead of crying
They aren't making fun of anyone they're using "Anyone can wear the mask" shit from the movie
Read what? all you said was "uhhhhh the 2 situations are different but i won't explain why"
then went on a autistic tangent to avoid answering the question
You have pretty bad memory, people were complaining about L and light. Specifically making fun of that fact L was turned into a nigger, half the people in those threads thought it was funny half were mad. Everyone was mad about light being turned into a dopey white zoomer.
That's dumb considering they didn't make him white or Asian and he's still black in the movie
fucking based.
I wish whites were like this
But asians have higher IQ then whites
Notice how they have completely adopted the tactics of the "left" by blowing every little thing into some big thing. Like OP's post, clearly less about actually stating facts and more about baiting to congregate their fellow tards together
No he doesn't.
He just keeps asking how Miles isnt a blackwashed Peter Parker and I explain to him several times why this isnt so, but he doesn't get it so I cant be bothered to take anything he says seriously since hes probably mentally retarded.
But Miles isn't blach, he's mulatto, a mix between black and mexican, he's lightskin at best and in that artwork you can clearly see he has light brown skin on the dark side of his face.
Yea Forumsmblr SEETHING
You're arguing with someone that said he agrees with you though
I didnt avoid anything.
Youre just a retard esl that lacks basic reading comp.
I would hate miles even if he was blue or green
Holy fucking based
Except the poster OP is referring to is a reference to the main theme in the film, that anyone can wear the mask, its not about who is underneath it but their actions. But this seems to be lost on the pol side of Yea Forums
Holly fuck not even a racist but please be real for the sake of keks.
>me:this character isnt meant to be a Black Peter, hes his own thing
So point to the comment in the chain where you did explain anything
So, he's not a nigger spic in Japan? Good
He’s not even white in that art, it’s just the glare effect being shit.
The Japanese and blacks should be thankful Europeans let them exist. Whites are the master race and we need to rise up and take back the earth.
ITT /pol/ tries to justify being hypocrites. I don't like niggers as much as the next guy, just admit you're racist and don't like seeing basketball americans in your media.
Why are you being retarded?
Right he isn't black peter, hes a black guy with different personality then peter and not like him