No Bikini Items or Costumes in Muslim Kombat 11

>“Our design is just getting more mature and respectful. You’re not going to wear a bikini to a fight. You’re not going to be showing so much skin. I think it’s just what the game is about: You’re going in to fight for your life, and you’re not going to be wearing such scantily clad items."

>“I’m sure that will disappoint some fans. We don’t have bathing suit fighters, and I think that’s fine. If people are disappointed, I don’t regret making that change by any means.”

Feel that contempt - that UTTER contempt. Reminder MK11 shills were saying you could get sexy equipment items for your characters, and now they've resorted to saying "WELL MK FANS ARE SECRETLY GAYS AND DON'T LIKE TITTIES"

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Other urls found in this thread:

Good thing I only play good fighting games.

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24/7 outrage marketing

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Do you really need 3 threads on this subject?

>more mature and respectful
Reminder that it's a game about punching people in the dick and doing heart signs in their wounds. It's also so mature that it spells combat with a K
>You’re not going to be showing so much skin
Real life fighters tend to wear very little due to the fact that clothing restricts movement, all you have to do is type in womens UFC into google for many examples and to further add to the ridiculousness of this comment their own comic depicted this

NRS have gone full retard

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It's the same mentally ill person who shills his terrible futa fanfics.

>outrage marketing

Can anyone explain to me how former fans hating a game translates to sales? Because it doesn't seem intuitive.

Literally no backbone or balls.

Because they think that shitting on old fans will get them the shiny new audience they feel they so rightly deserve, the audience made up of people who hate video games and people who play them.

i get that sex is not all, and one plays mk for the gore, but this. is. RETARDED!

if LOL ESPORTS is the problem, then the custom variation system already fixed dat shit, theres no reason for them to not allow sexy costumes for personal use in homes or online, and the fact that Ed Boon is the one saying this, basically BETRAYING his original view of the series is simply unheard of!

MK will never be respected same with DoA no matter who hard you hide the shadows of your past will forever loom over your future

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>Seething because less fanservice, tits, boobs and ways to have porn of probably the characters that deserve least porn because of their violent series

This, may as well accept it full force and cater to the fans that actually enjoy your work instead of chasing this retarded unicorn of "well they only hate video games because they haven't played mine".

>I get that sex is not all
It's a compliment, be proud.

So you're not going to refute any of my points just throw a tantrum in greentext? alrighty then.

There is no thread on this on Mortal Kombat subreddit. Are they deleting them?

>boobs = porn
Either potential rapist or jealous tranny

Am I supposed to care? Flesh Pit Mileena was literal LCD garbage.


No sexy costumes...

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Sex is natural though, you ok?

No sexy costumes....

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Oh fuck off this didn't need another thread

Still looks like a tranny with fake boobs underneath.

No sexy costumes.....

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really that is not sexy, and Sonya's gym suit from Mk1 wasnt sexy either.

Mk3 was a bit more on the sexy side, but not to be fap worthy.

Looks better than classic models.

Remember when Nike got Kaepernick for an ad? That move made them 6 billion dollars

/pol/tards are a great source of outrage marketing, they'rw too stuoid to realize they're being ouppetered

>showing as little skin as possible
>nothing form fitting that doesn't have to be

>but not to be fap worthy.
Jealous tranny

I don't understand why people are so upset by this change. The tits NEVER looked good anyway, and if you think so, you are a FUCKING LOSER. They were always tacky. Go play fucking DoA if you're pathetic enough to need pixel titty in every facet of your life.

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There are girls in my gym with more boobs and muscles than this boy

>you are a FUCKING LOSER. They were always tacky. Go play fucking DoA if you're pathetic enough to need pixel titty in every facet of your life.
Oh no, boobs! Womeb with big boobs dont exist and they should die!

No, no mk fan cares about it.
It only DoA fans masquerading as mk fans making a piss fit over it.

All because their game is being shit on by the whole world. DoA fans prefers fetish barbie dress up gatcha to their own fighter.

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burgas arent sexy, user.

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Not even almost what I said. I like tits, but I'm not starved of them, because I'm not an inept fucking retard.

That’s why SCVI is dead right?

>I like tits
Sure you do faggot

What happened to Jacqui boobs? A lot of black women have that size though? Maybe they prefer underdeveloped bodies? Sonya's body is closer to a boy's body than to a strong woman

Do you actually, seriously think someone is going to buy Mortal Kombat to show up heterosexuals?

Do you think those people outnumber the heterosexuals who drop the game because it's less interesting to them now?

MK reddit is shit memes 24/7 with maybe one dead thread about gameplay. It's somehow worse than TYM.

>I don't understand why people are so upset by this change.
Remember when MK used to make fun of puritans critisizing it by making Babalities in the game, instead of caving into them? Those were good times. Shirtless dudes and women fighting with heels is not realistic in the slightest so its a bullshit excuse.

You're shouting into a riot user.
The games been co-opted by the horny and lonely incel movement so all you're going to see is a circle jerk of the same counter arguments the next week or so.
Reminder to filter everything Mortal Kombat and Woman

Are you saying big boobs would trigger you?

i dont care about lack of boobs too much
but NRS are being hypocritical and you can smell the tranny pandering here

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SCVI is dead because its online play sucks shit. Everybody loves its character designs.

YASSSS queen! Kotal's boobs look delicious XDD

>Our design is just getting more mature and respectful.
>nutcracking attack from cage still in

>The games been co-opted by the horny and lonely incel movement

They're called heterosexuals.

they wanted characters to look realistic for this one thats why there aren't gigantic size boobies

I want to see the men covered up as well. They make me feel insecu-*cough* i mean it's misandrist and objectifying. Also, why are they all hunks? They should be less beefy and more skinny. It's an unrealistic standard and, again, misandrist.

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The supposedly "edgy" game found boobs too problematic and covered the women in burgas, with a bullshit excuse that its somehow "realistic".

>No, no mk fan cares about it.

I'm a MK fan and I care about it.

But let’s keep all the Male characters topless, because fuck you.

>is dead because its online play sucks shit
What fighting game doesn't?
no really. i never have enjoyed playing fighting games online because of how shit online is.

Why are you afraid of video game characters being sexy, is it because you'll never be?

It’s there game, let them do what they want with it. Maybe they just genuinely want their female characters to look cooler.

And it's also expensive as fuck. $90 in Canada. Spending that much for a video game at the base level is fucked up.

Really. All men should be out-of-shape unattractive slobs in baggy T-shirts. Just apply the same standard.

>If people are disappointed, I don’t regret making that change by any means
That just sounds intentionally antagonistic. But it's fine, it just means I won't being buying it

This, they're objectifying and that is simply wrong in this day and age. Cover those men up.

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>Our design is just getting more mature and respectful

Why is that important for a fighting game?
Are these people dumb?

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Women with breasts above C cups exist you know.

Yeeeeah, see. The difference is gamers are addicts and they need their fix. That's why DLC is so lucrative. That's why mtx make so much money. No matter what you read on forums, gamers talk a big game, but are mostly pathetic, thrill-addicted tools...mostly. Worst (or best) consumers in any market, besides actual gambling.

>All the dudes are bare chested
>Meanwhile all the girls are covered up
>This is being "respectful"
Why are woman such delicate flowers?

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No they don't, that's just a misogynist fantasy

Obnoxious hypocrisy. It's a fucking trashy gore game. There never has been and never will be anything sophisticated or respectable about it. It's on the same level of entertainment as fucking 80s slasher flicks and now they're acting like titties are too juvenile for them. Absolutely retarded.

They are overdesigned and their design is ugly.

So did this costume come with her dick as well?

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A long, long time ago, before most of you fuckers were even floating around in your fathers sacks, Ed Boon pissed of the entire country so much that they wanted to ban video games. Mortal Kombat was on the news for months because the violence was so unheard of in vidya, so gratuitous, and so plainly targeted at a younger audience. But he stuck to his guns and said fuck you, video games are supposed to be crazy and over the top, and you aren't in a position to tell us, the creators, how o make them, or what people can buy with their money. I really thought he was cool at one point, the man who stuck up for the rights of the people who made and loved video games.
Now, he's a hypocritical, corporate-minded piece of shit who will do whatever his marketing team thinks will help him get the most brownie points with people who couldn't even beat arcade mode on easy. He'll gladly pander to fags and trannies, especially since one of the biggest names who will carry his games tournaments is exactly that kind of scum.

I haven't liked or played MK since deadly alliance, but it's still a sad day for fighting games when Ed fucking Boon betrays everyone who ever believed in his games and creative freedom.

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This is just retarded. Like 0.01% of people play games for sex.
Call of Duty, Fifa, Halo, Assassin's Creed, Mario, Zelda, Gears, ect... all of the best selling games don't involve half nude girls.

If people bought games for tits DoA and Soul Caliber wouldn't be nearly dead niche titles omly bought by pedos.

MK11 will sale better than DoA and SC combined.

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What are you, one of those Amish kids that are allowed to be in the real world for a period of time and this is your first time seeing a woman who isn't covered from head to toe?

>the fanservice game that was only on Steam for ONE DAY, wasn't advertised at all and wasn't even supposed to be downloadable in the west immediately got massively more popular than KT's attempt at a "more respectable, serious" fighting game

If I was a KT CEO I'd be (thinking) really hard about what this means.

Thing is, devs can still do that. What're people gonna do about it? kek. But they don't stand their ground, because gaming is a billion dollar industry now. Big money means selling out and appealing to whatever is popular. Social media compounds the issue even more.


FRIENDSHIPS and Babalities were made by Boon (so to speak) as a way to stick it to the government on the case of the games gore. and now you are saying that the guy who said once 'Here's your child friendly content! happy you Puritan imbeciles?' is now cowering in fear of a bunch of idiots with NO actual power in comparison to the FUCKING GOVERNMENT just because they are loud?

no, i dont buy it! NO ONE WOULD BUY IT!

Literally only trannies complain, gays and women always loved fanservice

They'll claim male power fantasy as if no woman is attracted to chad mens bare bodies

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No you arent2

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>Thing is, devs can still do that. What're people gonna do about it?
Pirate the game out of spite.

Big tits are more realistic, and easier to achieve genetically than a man over 6 feet being more cut naturally than body builders that take enhancements. let alone the 8 feet monstrosity that is Shao Khan. This is a move for identity politics, pure and simple. Maybe once he deflates the men down to natty terrirorty, stops having most of them being shirtless, and stops having Asian men being taller than 99% of every Asian man who has ever lived, we'd buy the "i-it's for realism bro!".

Not even going to pirate it.

Ed Boon is uncomfortable with his team but you can't say no to a tranny

>All the dudes are bare chested
>Meanwhile all the girls are covered up
>This is being "respectful"
Why are woman such delicate flowers? So woman being objectified ad sexual objects is wrong but men it's fine?
If a dude complains about being objectified they're a fucking faggot but with girls we have to just bend to their will and cover up woman?
This is equality?

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I dislike the idea of no more sexy outfits, but I do hope to never see again a character costume like this I've from Mileena, as it is an abomination, easily her worst ever, and has absolutely zero sex appeal

by Allah it is permissible to kick a women's skull from her spine if she dresses immodestly.

Tell me that's not official. Tell me that's not Jax.

>more mature and respectful
It’s a game made famous for its absurd levels of gore, but it’s female body parts that are bad, right?

Women with big boobs exist, in fact new generation of women have bigger boobs, triggering the feminists (aka uglies and old hags) and trannies.

It might just be the coloring of the outfit but it looks super bland and lazy.

>This is equality?
Its politically correct idiots making women less equal than before. Men are still allowed to express their sexuality and their naked bodies while women have to keep dressing more and more clothes on top of them.

This game is literally gay

>You’re not going to be showing so much skin. I think it’s just what the game is about: You’re going in to fight for your life, and you’re not going to be wearing such scantily clad items.

>no greentext of this with a half naked Kano attached as an image
Yea Forums, I'm dissapoint.

This is funny because you seem to believe that this whole push for being more PC is meant for outrage when its just meant to please Advertisers.

Its even funnier because you dont understand how engineered consent works and how you and the whole left have been essentially manipulated by those evil corporations you hate so much to push their opinions as your own.

Corps want everything to be as non-edgy bland grey sludge so attract more money from other corps for advertising their products.
Big pharma wants to sell you those tasty, cheap to make but otherweise completely useless hormone pills and antibiotics so they have advertised this shit to you as a lifestyle, you goon.

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Really though. Mortal Kombat is the worst franchise you could have picked to promote "better representation of women."

I mean, all those women are gonna be rushing to see fully clothed women getting the shit kicked out them and then violently murdered on screen. Because when I think feminism, I think violence towards women.

>This is just retarded. Like 0.01% of people play games for sex.

No, the retard is you, because you're thinking of people who _exclusively_ buy it for sex, instead of all the people for whom it's one more thing in the pile of several things they like, which are a huge majority of people since a huge majority of people are heteros.

>but if you like other things why would you drop the game because of just one thing being removed
Because literally millions of different entertainment products (not just games, but TV shows, comics, movies, music, etc.) are all competing for my money and attention at the same time and it really does not take much at all to move one of them from the "yes" pile to the "no" pile. Typically if I see one thing I dislike, I drop the thing because that's all that's needed. Just one show of weakness.

>Bitching about a game because you can't fight as oversexualized characters

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It must be miserable living life where this counts as contempt.

Yep, that’s Jax. He looks way better than he did in X

well, thats dissapointing, a man who actually fought the fucking governmental authorities and helped to literally change the gaming scene should NEVER be scared of a bunch of entitled crying hambeasts who are using the internet to shove their views into people's throats.

>mature and respectful
>we settle our differences by killing each other
The absolute state of western developers.

when exactly did the narrative switch from violence being the problem to female sexiness? i know parents were still pissed when GTA came out, was it really fucking Anita who did all this?


Only 2 spergs are upset about mk11.
>Muslim Kombat troll/DoA pedo
>Titty collage incel crying about scary ultra violence

They keep getting btfo'd but their autism won't ket them stop getting rekt.

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>gigantic size boobies
I can imagine you acting all creepy when talking with a woman with big boobs, thats why most sjws are pedos.

Don't use my wife for shitposting thank you.

I don't know, kill them? Just walk into their office with a gun and shoot them all in the face? No one'll miss them.

Take a medium where people can eat their cake and have it too, and shit all over a portion of the audience in the name of progressive agenda pushing. People are still going to buy MK11, but at least I'll save a few bucks passing on it.

What is with that armor? It looks so much like plastic in texture that I'd mistake her for a cosplayer.

>Mature and respectful
>In a game about being as disrespectful to your opponent's corpse as possible

This move isn't making the game more inclusive you nitwits, its cutting off more and more of the target audience. It used to be "edgy people who enjoyed blood sex and violence" and now its "edgy people who enjoy gratuitous violence but are strongly averse to seeing a tiddy". This means the straight edge crew. And you NEVER want to court the straight edge crew as your main demographic. They WILL curtail your creative freedom more so than you are doing to yourself now.

>i-if I post a weeb avatar weebs will give me the reason!
Kotal and Kano are sexualized btw

You really expect me to believe all the angry anons in this thread including myself are just two autistic samefags?

Get the fuck out of here they absolutly ruined him. His look in X was the best he's ever looked, absolute perfection, and they've gone and taken a huge shit on it like they have the females, Sub Zero, and Kabal.

you're really, really shitty at your job, Mr. McShill. a least change your fucking file names to make it look like you've been here for more than 5 minutes, you stupid asshole.
No amount of damage control can change the fact that Ed Boon is a fucking HYPOCRITE

>guys are all naked 10/10 chads
>women are butt ugly and covered from head to toe

>when exactly did the narrative switch from violence being the problem to female sexiness?

When the attacks started coming from the left instead of the right.

True, these threads will be shut down once MK11 comes out and sells gangbusters as expected. Tiddies aren’t an essential part of the series like people on this board would have you believe.

But muslims are pedos

>Changing your game simply to get brownie points from the Far Left groups that don't even play your games because it might increase your profits by a fraction of a percent in the short term

Even more pathetic

>more mature and respectful
Those people should take a look at the game they're making and the whole series

>This is funny because you seem to believe that this whole push for being more PC is meant for outrage when its just meant to please Advertisers.
Its meant to push the actually sexy outfits to costume DLCs.

Yes, and titty collage incel boy has been banned multiple times now.

>not wanting to have a fighting game with titty monsters

user are you pozzed?
Do you take the cock?

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>Some fans will be mad

Are you mad, user?

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Only uggos and orbiters care about this. Attractive women enjoy the attention.

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Man, I bought a copy of Mortal Kombat 9 through this whole debacle just because of the lunacy presented during this game development cycle. What a lousy state for the franchise to be in right now. There are few medias more stifling than the American one right now.

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>clearly, we are being realistic and making them wear clothing that makes sense for a fight
>*points to UFC fighters barely wearing clothing*

I refuse to support games that support a clear agenda like this, so I won't be buying this game. *leaves ignoring the idiots that try to make every game political and assume I don't support any games when I just support the games with no political messages*

>bikinis are unrealistic in a game where you travel across dimensions and time using magic to rip a still beating heart out of a guys chest with your bare hands

Nrs are way past using realism in any context when talking about their games.

I have a feeling if it weren't for the feminist shit, less people would be mad about this. Like it only became an issue when people saw this as a big fucking deal in a culture war. Before it would be seen like Nolan's Batman: Less flashy, more "real". Now it's seen as "WELL MK FANS ARE SECRETLY GAYS AND DON'T LIKE TITTIES".

>This only matters to maybe 100 posters on Yea Forums but because it's all anonymous and worldwide the posts won't stop coming.

Jax had an ugly playdoh face (same goes for Johnny Cage) in X, NRS knows how to make people now and Jax is all the better for it.

Its really not.

They want that E-Sports Advertiser money. I would tell you to look at the actual Costume DLCs like I did but then again we both know that you are just Leftist sperging.
Enjoy sucking that corporate dick for free.


>MK11 will sale better than DoA and SC combined.

This is a disingenuous argument because while it's probably true, it's only because the reputation of the franchise will carry it. And that reputation was built by doing the exact opposite of what they're doing now. Mortal Kombat has literally never been about being "respectful" and has aggressively been opposite of that, provocative to the point that they tried to make it illegal. That reputation will take a hit when people see MK11 for what it is, and the whole franchise that comes after it will pay for it.

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>the only way to dress sexy is to dress as a playboy bunny

I’m sorry you’re still 12

>They want that E-Sports Advertiser money.
Not with the face-ripping gore they wont. E-sports is for preteens.

But guys, men being shirtless is a male power fantasy alone. No one on Earth is attracted to the body of a man. That body type is just the default male body

JC I'll agree with you but Jax looked fantastic, his MK11 look is way too soft and round.

Also I like how you went for two minor games instead of something like Street Fighter, which also very much sells on sex these days. Cowardly much?

Majority of MK forums agree the reasoning is fucking stupid because of the shirtless guys but otherwise they don't complain about the change.

>This is just retarded. Like 0.01% of people play games for sex.

Imagine being so underage that you never heard of the phrase "SEX SELLS".

He looks like Michael Jai White now, which is good.

Serious question.

Why is it OK for male characters to be properly dressed for battle but women fighters must be scantily clad or else people lose their shit?
Why that difference?

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It matters to literally everybody who has heard of Mortal Kombat but go ahead and pretend it doesn't.

Jesus I’m pretty sure gory fatalities that make the general audience go “woaaah gross” is what has made MK as a franchise grow. Fucking Yea Forums dweebs putting so much importance to digital tits and where there sleeve cutoff is. Everyone is gonna love Mk11 and you’ll just be bitter

>brutally killing women after beating them up is ok
>showing a little cleavage and ass is bad
the arguments just don't make sense. this is all fake controversy because the game itself looks shit right?

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So a game stops being good if some women have big boobs?

as long as men continue to vote for leftwing politician this is going to continue to happen

> Game allows you to beat muslim women
> Yea Forums hates it

When did Yea Forums become progressive?

>Why is it OK for male characters to be properly dressed for battle

1. They're not you retard. Half of them are shirtless and don't give me that BS that's properly dressed for men but not for women.
2. We're 99% heterosexual men in here, so obviously we care about female sexiness more than male sexiness.

Because everything must first and foremost exist to pleasure Yea Forums's dick, everything else is secondary. It's what rampant nihilism mixed with a complete lack of validation in life does to someone.

Did they not make this same claim when people shit on 10 for the same thing?

>If you want titties and asses go play DoA!

You morons DO know that series is also dying because of this problem right?
When they came for the steam visual novels, you didn't speak up.
When they came for Senran, you didn't speak up.
When they came for Mortal Kombat, you didn't speak up.
And now when they come for DoA, there will be nobody left to speak up for it.

>so provacotive they almost made it illegal
>literally just a basic ass spine rip fatality
What are you saying in that they are doing the opposite now? They are trying to be violent not inherently “oh how do we get into a legal dispute” fucking moron

>implying left or right wing politards give a shit what video game characters are wearing, they want them all banned because free thought is bad mkay

Yes. That is literally the SJW argument. The exact same game magically stops being good if you have any erotic female characters in it. Erotic male characters are okay because most SJWs are closet fags.

Right, the sexuality isn't completely removed from it. Despite toning down the sexiness from the comics, the mainstream Marvel movies are making more now than they were before. Star Wars may have slave Leia, but it was a success before that and isn't really defined by that. Sex sells, but too much of it and you're out of the mainstream.

>Why is it OK for male characters to be properly dressed for battle
Wut. The men are all half naked.

that is the only positive outcome of covering them bitches up. i will do a fatal on every skarlet faggot i play against

Gamers, RISE UP!

Why is not OK to have scantily clad sexy women in a game?
Do you have a problem with sexy women?
Are you sexist?
Especially in a franchise that always had them.

>Why that difference?
Why is it okay to be mad if there are sexy scantily clad woman in a game but not when they are removed and the Dev tells the mostly male target-audience to fuck off?
Why are you okay with censorship under the guise of political correctness?

>2ebare heterosexual men

So, if you're not consuming your weight in sexualized media you're going to turn gay and civilization will collapse?

You're still not explaining why women must be dressed scantily clad but men are OK to be properly prepared and dressed for battle.

Men are wearing loincloths for battle and little else. Realistic women in army gear fits games like Metro, it doesn't fit Mortal Kombat.

No, its just SJWs being SJWs.

How about learning to digest a single piece of media without allowing your porn addiction and mental illness to take over?

The censors will not stop until everything fun in the world is reduced to gray sludge. The objective is not to eliminate sex, it is not to eliminate violence, it is to eliminate fun itself because fun is bad.

Meanwhile, in reality:

>“These are quote-unquote video games, and they’re forced down our throats under the guise of protected speech. It’s garbage. It’s the same as pornography. They have desensitized people to the value of human life, to the dignity of women, to the dignity of human decency.”
-Matt Bevin, conservative republican governor of Kentucky

Yeah, this realism bullshit again I knew it.
Are we trapped in a time loop?

so not having good looking females makes the game good ? even NRS knew this decition was going to pissof some of the fans , so is safe to assume that if it doesnt hurt the sales too much is certanly not goin g to boost them

>Right, the sexuality isn't completely removed from it.

Yes it fucking is. There are ZERO sexy designs left in the game. They got all removed, every fucking last one.

>You're still not explaining why women must be dressed scantily clad but men are OK to be properly prepared and dressed for battle.

Give an example of a Mortal Kombat game where this happens. Or quit strawmanning.

How old are you? You seem to be going that awkward teenage angst Catcher in the Rye rebel phase.

>men wearing loin clothes into battle
>clearly talking about baraka
Bruh he’s a savage monster man let him wear a loin cloth

>are you sexist?
Isn't it sexist to make all female character be paraded around like sluts wearing bikinis while male characters are properly dressed for battle?

Your game is going to flop and suck ass accept it or go the way of XV-kun

Get fucked you thirsty ass retards. There is a smorgasbord of pornographic material on the internet for free at your fingertips right now, you should make use of it instead of trying to make everything sexualized.

It's so tiresome to be talking about a game and have an army of thirsty dipshits start fap baiting. If you need the characters to be dressed like strippers to enjoy a game you need therapy. Not everything has to be underpinned by libidinal bullshit.

Why would I reply to you when you're not even reading my posts you stupid cuck?

>Says the guy fapping to gore in a childrens fighting game.

MK9 beats the fuck out of that

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>they wanted characters to look realistic for this one
Then why are there female characters in a fighting game? Checkmate, Feminist.

>implying all this censorship isn´t happening do to a small group of leftwing feminist pushing it
>implying that if democrats didn´t start losing power due to that small group they would not drop them right away

THIS. The media are fucking hypocrites, they don't care if they are hypocrites so long as they have something to complain about. If you are bothered by nudity in games, but are ok with fucking Mortal Kombat fatalities and massive gore then you are a fucking hypocrite that only complains about what goes against your agenda.

>men are OK to be properly prepared and dressed for battle

None of the men in the game are properly dressed for battle you fucking idiot, they are ALL sexualized. Being shirtless is sexualized. You fucking retard.

Both sides of the political spectrum have a beef with sex appeal. But only one political side (the far Left) has completely dominated the video game industry, among many other industries. What we need is more centrism.

It's for that massive untapped female gamer and white knight market that this game is going to get.

>nipples poking through shirt

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The only thing I catch from your post was "vidya is 99% heterosexual men so women must be sexy or we riot".

>Why is it OK for male characters to be properly dressed for battle
first of all the aren´t in this game, second of all female fighters are already pants on fire retarded so might as well go the extra mile and make them sexy if you already throw out all sense of realism, third of all even if they were dressed probably that doesn´t explain why they all have to be ugly and have the same small breast size

Be honest, Yea Forums. Are you truly mad they're pandering to retarded SJWs who don't play games or are you mad you don't have something to fap to in a game?

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Killing is means to an end in these games. Sexiness is extra. They're there for different reasons.

I mean that’s just a flat out lie from preorders alone but okay man you do you. You don’t have to play the video game :)

They should make skimpier outfits unlockable content, that way it should please both sides.

This is why they keep masks on most of their female characters.

>How old are you?

43 and I've seen this exact same shit take so many forms over the years you wouldn't believe. In every medium there are loud, obnoxious people who make it their life's mission to prohibit everything other people enjoy. Their excuses vary, but that's all they are, excuses. Their goal is to make other people as unhappy and unfulfilled as they are.

>How about learning to digest a single piece of media
good joke. at this point literally no piece of media is still allowed to have sexy stuff

I'm mad about Ed Boon being a fucking hypocrite despite being the actual reason video games get rated in the first place

>trying to make everything sexualized.

Excuse me, retard, but the people complaining here aren't trying to "Make MK sexualized". Because MK always was. They don't want a change, instead, they want no change.

Outrage marketing is attempting to piss of your fans so Nu-journalists splatter your name everywhere. Name spouted every two minutes translates to sales. GTA was one of the first games to successfully do this.

i actually like the MkX designs .... suggestive enough and cool looking at the same time ... why didnt they expand more on kitana's MkX design ?it would have been great to see this with better models

Attached: Kitana.jpg (1619x1080, 150K)

I fap when I watch porn, mortal kombat is a vidya gaem. Jesus y’all need to quit being on this site so damn much it’s gon Rot ya dam mind

>If you need the characters to be dressed like strippers to enjoy a game you need therapy.
If you need violence to enjoy a game, you should be put to a mental institute you fucking disgusting incel.

>"we are saving 'fun' guys!"
>being 43 and still holding these beliefs

Just kill yourself already, oxygen thief.


>Killing is means to an end in these games

No it's not you fucking retard. It's a fight tournament. People only die in it because Boon wanted to make it edgier than Street Fighter.

It's just /pol/ making another stink about a game they weren't ever going to buy anyway.

Fatalities do not impact the match itself, they happen only after the match is over. Time to get rid of those problematic killings. Gameplay is the only thing that matters, right?

>or are you mad you don't have something to fap to in a game?
Has anyone over the age of 9 ever actually fapped to anything in a Mortal Kombat game? Like not SFM porn made with modified assets, but actual in game shit?

Cause I highly doubt it. And I'm sure everyone knows this, which is why the whole "You just want to fap" argument makes me feel like this is an "Outrage marketing campaign" and everyone saying it is a paid shill.

>Their goal is to make other people as unhappy and unfulfilled as they are.
That's incredibly immature. People can be irrational for many reasons, to boiling it all down to that is to misunderstand people's motives.

Overwatch also did this with the Tracer controversy.

You sound like one of those people.

>I fap when I watch porn,
Yeah, snuff porn you fucking sicko. Grow up and get a girlfriend, stop playing childrens games.

except that if people still allows for things to change, that smorgasborad you are talking about? will be deleted too!

Jesus this some incel levels of
>SJWs and women have ruined everything, EVERYTHING

I don't believe that's a real thing.

Do you actually think that's sexy?

It's means to an end. It's a game about fighting to the death.

The fatalities are part of the game play. Extra? Yeah, but it's still accomplishing the goal of the game.

Yup this guys 4chans, how are you’re real life relationships going?

And your vision of the world is black and white. Us vs them.

Just end yourself and cleanse the world from your shit.

Do you find just the sight of women sexy? Like, literally, does all that ones has to do to appeal to you is be seen by you?

That is actually what's happening and if you don't see it all around you you're just not looking.

If I were to ascribe a motive to it, it's probably just spite. Men having fun with women not being in the center of it makes women upset, so they try to tear the whole setup down, consciously or not.

>You sound like one of those people.
neogaf transpants?
ffs since 2014 this place has gone to full-on sucking down censorship jizz tankards for some fucked up reason.

>not going to show any skin on women
>most of the guys are shirtless
Sounds a bit bias, are they making the game for faggots?

>Yeah, but it's still accomplishing the goal of the game.
Goal of the game is to beat the opponent, you did that before Fatality. As a matter of fact the game should be just a bunch of white squares smashing into each other, so we get the pure gameplay experience.

1. That's not sexy.
2. That's not practical either so you can immediately tell their excuses are horseshit. What the fuck is that metal plate under the boobs supposed to do?

No I only find tits and skin attractive. If I see a women in a form fitting elegant night dress I spit in her face and ask what’s the point and demand she remove her clothes so I can determine if she is breeding worthy because that’s how sexual attraction works.

Well yes, the last champion of MK was a furry faggot so it only makes sense.

more obsessed than an european engaging in banter with an american

No the dipshits complaining here are mad they can't fap to a video game. They see a conscious design decision that was clearly made early in development as SJW pandering for the most puerile reasons, and it's fucking pathetic. You can ask any actual fan of the games what their favorite aspects of it are, and none of them are going to say "THE SEXY OUTFITS" you fucking sperg.

If NRS had said something along the lines of "Oh we just decided to do something different with the outfits." none of this indignation would be present, and the only people angry about it are thirsty smooth brained animeposters on this board.

Better put those squares in bikinis or it just won't be a game and therefore there's hypocrisy for some reason.

>Posts a really shitty one

>good fighting games
Unless you have a time machine Im thinking nah

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There’s a fucking balance between cute girl in cute outfit giving me feelings and literally any woman ever giving me a rager. I’m just saying sexual attraction happens before nudity in the real world, not in anime vidya waifu world

He only stuck to his guns because his opponents were religious and right wing. As soon as the left wing batted her eyes once at him he rolled over like a dog.

The girls are all really boring and dull looking. There should be at least one hot sexy babe who is also a killer, it's a cool character archetype. Why do you want to play as a boring character.

Better make MK PG with no violence whatsoever because only the gameplay matters right?

>Just end yourself and cleanse the world from your shit.

Mmm-hmm. I promise to you that if I ever commit suicide, I will take dozens of people with me. People like you.

that´s just the problem user
sjws never make any comprises.
they never stop until everything that even slightly goes against their agenda is destroyed.
and if you disagree with them on anything you are just some nazi, incel and remember "it´s ok to punch nazis"

Fucking Raiden, Shao Khan winning was a better timeline than this one

Isn't it sexist to make all the male character be paraded around like gay bodybuilders wearing shorts while female characters are properly dressed for battle?

SFV struggles to sell in 2 years as much as MKX did in 6 months.
SCVI and DOA6 are still comparable games given the budget and price models.

Ok I kek'd, well done.

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because this IS a conciosu design decision that was clearly made in development ad SJW pandering for the most puerile reasons.

say what you want about actual pervs, but if you dont see that how they are INDEED taking away our stuff, then you are not righteous, you are a bigoted moron.

>They see a conscious design decision that was clearly made early in development as SJW pandering

That is literally what it is.

meanwhile in UFC the women fight in underwear. the men also fight in underwear.

>incel levels

Attached: ThatWord.png (600x518, 454K)

If the internet is to be believed, it became a problem when hideous SJW whales with blue hair and other insecure females got mad and started bitching girls in games are too sexy.


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How does it feel knowing EVERYONE but inceld LOVE MK11. Just watch this.
Stay mad DoA pedos.

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who the fuck cares

it's like the devs behind the latest MK themselves are making up this controversy because violence no longer can be used as a selling point for their games

next MK they'll add rape as a feature ("rapeality!") and then remove it before release claiming "those pesky SJW said we couldn't do it and being the feminists we are we decided to listen to them!"

seriously fuck this dev

fuck off with your fake controversy nobody ever played MK for tits

I think it has more to do with the history books my guy. They know this'll be a hurt to sales but they will be on the "right" side of history or some shit, trying to change vidya's image or some shit

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Nigga you what

I know you will.

>male characters are properly dressed for battle

Why do you keep repeating that when it's clearly not true? Have you even seen the male characters in that game?

I wonder which one of them made that conscious design decision early on.

Attached: WokeMKDev.png (575x517, 405K)

MK11 girls are less developed than doa girls except Marie Rose

Porn is the next thing they'll ban. Retreating does not lead into victory.

Jesus they do that cuz it’s a fucking regulated sport. Also they aren’t facing swords and guns. My god I can’t get over how Fucking stupid this is.
>MMA girls show skin... so... please remove any character in there armor/outfit, please just give them black trunks so I can see that skiiiiin
I’m so glad NRS doesn’t consider pandering to you fucking weirdos

How much of an underage moronic autist do ya have to think ripping out someone's spine wasn't edgy as fuck in video games?
Heck, even now?

you are right: NOBODY played MK for the sex.

however, cant you really see how before Ed Boon was ok with sexy costumes and now suddenly the same man says 'no, its not okay'? that is wrong in every single point of view, you just DONT do that! that is what is calling betraying your ideals.

>everyone doing the Switch gape in the thumbnail

I'm not going to watch that soi show, get the fuck out of here with that shit.

>that pic
So sexualize Johnny is ok but Cassie can't even show arms?

>Why is it OK for male characters to be properly dressed for battle
Because people don't care about men.
>but women fighters must be scantily clad or else people lose their shit?
Personally i don't lose my shit, i just skip the game(and go DoA/SoC/SF5) in the sense that it's not aimed at me which is all good no issues.
If you want to know why i have a double standard, it's because you have to suspend your disbelief when you see women beating the shit out of men two times their size. That suspension of disbelief is so fucking huge you can fit bikinis and boob-plate in there for the simple reasons that i don't crave cocks in my mouth and ass.

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Hyper violence is the aesthetic people know MK for, MKX toned down the sex appeal similar to 11 and still sold crazy well for a fighting game (5 million copies in 6 months). If it was time for MK “to pay for it”, it would’ve been in 2015 and it clearly didn’t

This is the result of Westerners giving praise to feminists.
The Western man strangled oneself.

>one of the most retarded betas in youtube .
cool story bro

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>all these retards thinking people buy games for boobs and not game play
worst loud minority than trannies

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nah but people will who don't care will hear about mortal kombat anyway and so they will buy it

>western fightans
not like I'd want see NRS in game girls in bikini though

You won't know who's like him, you don't even know what you're mad about. You operate on this brainlet level of convenient assumptions and narratives.

>Also they aren’t facing swords and guns.
And how do Kotal and Kano protect their huge exposed chest?

>next MK they'll add rape as a feature ("rapeality!")

That would be unironically based and if this was 1997 it might actually happen and people wouldn't freak out too much (they'd freak out a little bit as is appropriate, but not as much as they now freak out about a game having a fit girl in a swimsuit).

Why do female athletes wear such tight, form fitting clothes? Surely they can do their physical activities without showing so much skin.

You say that but someone responded saying “that’s sorta exactly what’s going on” so sure they might not technically be a celibate. Actually no people on Yea Forums mad about mk characters not being slutty are def celibate, maybe just not involuntary.

This is sexist as fuck.

The only people who have a problem with sexy women are women themselves. They get angry and jealous that someone is prettier than them so they want women who look like them because it's "diverse."

>so I can see that skiiiiin
Based Mohammed

>Also they aren’t facing swords and guns
Tell that to MK shirtless men.

>Hyper violence is the aesthetic people know MK for
And "realism" is NOT the aesthetic MK is known for. I have played every game in the series. This is the most boring looking one by far.

I’m so sorry you’re retarded ;_;

Did the boobs hurt the sales of the previous MK games at all?

you fags will still buy it and the season passes.

>Being genuinely scared to have a open mouth gasp because some anonymous virgins cherrypicked their instagrams and youtube thumbnails.
Ironically the most onions thing possible.

>are ugly women themselves.
Normal women don't care and some of them even enjoy fanservice.

He says he's trying for a "more real" experience which means going with less overtly sexualized outfits.


Not at all which is why all this “Yur Gaem will FL0P!” Is incredibly cringey lul


>let's appeal to girls for our brutal fighting game
Legit best marketing strat ever boys

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>Having a cock-sucking grin in your thumbnail like a nu-male.
Yeah not clicking that shit.


core values

Are you saying women are weaker than men and they need more protection?

Actually no, realism in the sense of the characters looking like real people has been part of the series since the first game’s use of digitized actors.

The problem is that the ugly women are a vocal minority who call you a bigot when you don't agree with them.

>High IQ

>you don't even know what you're mad about

Oh, I know exactly what I'm mad about. I'm mad about my entertainment being constantly eroded and diminished for asinine reasons by people whose stated goal is sometimes "equality" or sometimes "security" but the actual goal is always "stop having fun, I didn't approve of this fun". Those people need to go, and it doesn't matter what they identify themselves as. They're all the same to me.

>Enjoy MK since the start for the over the too violence, cheesecake and fun but dumb setting and story
>Suddenly MK wants to be gritty realism, but only when it comes to female outfits.
>There exist people who actually defend this.

I wouldn't have minded a weird realistic MK if they'd gone all out, but why just for the females? How can this be anything but the worst sort of pandering?


Women showing arms is being sexualized? Literally sound like a rapist

>mortal kombat
>mature and respectful

these faggots have really lost the plot haven't they?

Attached: mkx3.jpg (620x349, 95K)

Real people in outlandish, colorful costumes. Not real people in gray drab bullshit.

Well you're jumping to conclusions here. You're assuming that because boobs and revealing outfits didn't hurt sales of previous MK games, not having these things won't hurt the sales of this game.

>Thinking about cock when you get excited in a public room.

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I think women are fine, but I have a straight gamer friend who brags about sexual exploits who says he finds overly sexual designs insulting to his intelligence. It's like a marketer trying to play mind games on you; even if you like the product, the fact that they think you need something to make the peepee the hard to buy it reduces you to a stupid animal.
And yes, we're all animals.

'more real'

in a world where ninjas, dragons, gods and demons. where mystical experiments can make women who manipulate blood or create vessels to countlesss souls.

where a movie star can have superpowers or shaolin monks can master magic or people can travel to different dimensions.

no matter how you slice it, theres NOTHING REALISTIC about MK. kitana, Mileena, Jade, Tanya and Skarlet are not human, they come from another world, a world that should not be bound by the logic on our world, and OUR world on mk's context is just as weird.

that is just an excuse to justify something stupid, plain and simple.

ah yes "realistic" mortal kombat

Attached: shao-khan-babality-mk9.jpg (1600x900, 160K)

>mature and respectful
>in a game where you rip the spine out of your enemy
at least its still 1v1 and doesn't use the mediocre 3v3 format

The worst part is that this will only affect the NEXT game they make saleswise so they won't even realize how stupid they are.

But the game is still about people ripping their spines out and cutting others in half?
If you are on board of MK for the violence, why do you care how women are dressed? They are still gonna get their spines ripped out and get cut in half.

A guy who looks like a faggot is a faggot.

Nah but men without shirts can appear as more than just shirtless stripper. Where as with the outfits the girls used to have, it’s hard to see anything but slutty stripper. Not to mention when they did dress like that they always did more slutty thing like running their hands along their hips and shit. You ain’t gonna see Johnny Liu or Jax sensually rub their hand down their abs, while yes they are shirtless they aren’t “sexualized” where the girl ninjas before just felt like a fuck doll that also fights

thass rite
fighting for your life in a full hijab is much more realistic

Sonya’s MK1 outfit isn’t really outlandish. Hell, they kept her MK3 one in 11 as a gear option, same goes for Kano.

If you ever have an open mouth gasp in response to anything that isn't the most mindblowing orgasm of your life, you're soi.

Why did you ignore the entire rest of my post just to repeat the same point you have this entire thread? Is it because you're a paid marketer? Really makes me think.

There's degrees to it. It's like Nolan's Batman that contains many unrealistic aspects of the series, but with a more grounded feel than before.

>idiots still complaining about girls
>meanwhile I got Kotal, Kabal, Noob, and Shao Kahn back
>Shang Tsung
>maybe Woolay eventually
Stay mad over girls fags

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>He says he's trying for a "more real" experience which means going with less overtly sexualized outfits.
>More real experience
>Means less sexualized outfits
>Sexualixed outfits aren't realistic
>Magic, demons, gods, and people ignoring getting every bone in their body broke and shots through the head is realistic.

Only a paid marketer would be this retarded.

How is dressing women properly be considered "pandering". Who are they pandering to?

Enjoy being the top player in an increasingly irrelevant game.

>Sonya’s MK1 outfit isn’t really outlandish.
Could that be because Sonya is one of the "Real Earth" characters, and not one of the "Magical Ninja Demon World" characters? Hmm.

Nah they fixed it now. They made a dedicated meme sub and memes are terminated on sight. So now it’s a lot of “I hate the meme ban” memes and beta customer support shit

Really, the realism argument is obvious horseshit and needs to be thrown out of the window until they at least remove all X-ray moves from the game. Nothing is less realistic than somebody having his spine and skull shattered and jumping immediately back in the fight as if that's a scratch.

and the worst part: the paid marketer IS THE GUY WHO CREATED THE WHOLE FUCKING FRANCHISE!

this is WAY beyong wrong.

>Who are they pandering to?
People who don't buy their games.

is babby khan the best babby?

>male and female characters have to be the same or it's not fair

Solution, swap the clothes. Women with only pants. No slutty lingerie any longer, problem solved.

SJWs obviously. Nobody wants to see "properly dressed" women.

Were they not in the last one? What the fuck were they thinking.
Last one I played was 9. 10 looked like shit so I didn't buy it.


>Replies seem to be me being a homo or just against tits
Idiots like you people seem to amaze me. I mean, y'all making this a big deal and over-exaggerate that showing skin is the forte. If you're dick-thinking by wanting thots in skimpy clothing, then have men wear speedos. It's called hard equality.

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You're pitiful

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There's degrees of verisimilitude. What's done because it's cool and what's worn because it looks sexy are two different topics.

Based as fuck
You are the definition of a hypocrite.

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Only Kotal and Woolay were in X. X was their game for fresh faces. I liked some of them but it was obvious they were just there to job in the story.
Quan Chi died in story though so that’s why it’s hard to say he’ll be coming back.
But this game’s gimmick is just bringing people back just because

>all women are topless in long pants
>all men are crossdressing as harem dancers

Weird but I'd play it.

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>Lobbies delayed


they are too poor to buy anything

And they want their money because?

>What's done because it's cool and what's worn because it looks sexy are two different topics

That is an astoundingly stupid and artificial distinction to make.

>mortal kombat
This fucking timeline, man.

Liberals are overwhelmingly the rich elite.

Well Moe said it so I guess that means everyone said it.

Tough talk from someone who lost half her breast size.

it doesn't but it proves them that the gamergate is real and is winning, meaning they can enforce more censorship on other products. Those people don't get hired to make money.

>the highest selling fighting game series currently
I know this board doesn’t play vidya but come on

>Muslim Kombat
I kekked

I honestly think Kano's outfit looks stupid.

Attached: ortal-kombat-11-cassie-cage-kano-gameplay-costume-variations-mk11-2019-EnJRWfQ0K4I-716x403.jpg (716x403, 69K)

>city slickers

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Imagine how much of a spineless castrated faggot you need to be to post this unironically

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>"You’re going in to fight for your life, and you’re not going to be wearing such scantily clad items."

Attached: ufc.jpg (1024x645, 76K)

>Our design is just getting more mature and respectful

To who? video game characters? a bunch of code?

Mortal Kombat? more like Sharia Lawbat!

>more mature and respectful

For a game about ripping out spines?

unironically looks like a roided tranny from a BLACKED porno ready to defile some blonde bimbo whore

Is Mortal Kombat design Halo vs. the pizza delivery guy?

I can't wait not to buy this game.

Yeah, you tell that soiboi bitch.

Attached: jay-cutler.png (400x496, 305K)

Everyone knows that people who play DOA get off to it. Thank fucking god MK isn’t DOA. It’s trash and the sales reflect that

I’m glad you and 6 other weirdos would be happy

How so? They really are two topics, the fact that enjoyment can come from different sources and styles and there is no universal aesthetic that is enjoyed by everyone is proof of that. The thrill of a rollercoaster is different than the thrill of a stripper.

>You’re going in to fight for your life, and you’re not going to be wearing such scantily clad items."
it's martial art with a few staged play, like wrestling. Does he literally actually believe world war 2 was also fought on a ring with lucha libre nazis, kung fu commies and a rainbow worth of body builded kamikaze?

not the ones that get outrage by polygons and make 0 profits crying about it

your ignorance is funny.

>Everyone knows that people who play DOA get off to it.

No, retard. You could maybe make the argument that people get off to the swimsuit DoA games, but people who "Get off to DoA" get off to SFM porn using the DoA assets. Same with MK. Which none of the new outfits will prevent, and the better faces will in fact help.

Anyone who keeps bringing up the "You just want to fap" argument is certified retarded and really needs to kill themselves.

ok smartass prove me wrong

It's sad that fighting games are so fucking niche genre that every game has like peak of 10k players at max and then it dries out in the first month
the online experience is always trash and soon enough you'll be fighting the same 50 people online until next game rolls out
it's only the enthusiasts who keep playing and rest of the normie trash feel like it's too overwhelming to learn the game and after they've mashed 12 hours of the game, they never touch it again

Then there's shit like Fortnite that gathers millions upon millions of people because it's accessible to the most braindead of individuals and somehow manages to keep these cretings playing even when they die 20 games in a row without getting a single kill themselves, being content with just looting cool shit in the beginning while eventually dying a shitty death

It's not fucking fair, I wish fighting games were the top dogs with hundreds of millions of people around the globe playing them

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>Doesn’t spend hours complaining about digital girls not showing as much skin as before

Good for them. They'll still alienate everyone that such a change would pander to because the rest of the game is white men tearing people in half

Well shoot. I was actually looking forward to this. Guess I won't be buying it now

>here's your jade bro
Wow, that looks bad

>prove it
You first hun.

>I wish fighting games were the top dogs with hundreds of millions of people around the globe playing them
This will never happen until they unfuck the controls. There's a reason why fucking Smash is so popular compared to the rest of the fighters.

Not that guy, but the lack of angry tweets of the elite can't be shown. Them carrying on with their lives and not having their social media posts shared on Yea Forums is the most proof you're going to get. It's up to you to show them being angry about this. If not, you're operating on that "well I haven't seen it but I'm sure it happens" mindset.

Based Ed, degenerate Pajeets blown the fuck out.

haha that's the power of the asian bean poisoning. the programming showing already. In befor incel, in before "have sex", in before "who hurt you", and so on.

Literally all rich people do is complain on twitter m8. What world do you live in?

fucking trannies
a thong and microbikini might be too tasteless but classic costumes are absolutely fine and fit the games theme

I mean I get that this is corny on principle but mk girls are fucking ugly as shit and have the fridge body with plastic bimbo tits shit tier look in spades. That flesh pits costume was probably the least sexy "sexy" thing I've ever seen

Then it shouldn't be hard to find the liberal billionaires mad about this. All I can think of is Notch and he's... Notch.

because it's braindead simple?

I'm married and I fuck almost daily. I still love seeing titties in my bideo bames. What's your problem besides being an insecure closet faggot?

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I genuinely hope you die from staph just like the good ole days faggot

that's called libido and is perfectly normal .

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Why are there two threads up with the exact same first post?

Look at her FACE

>almost all male characters have multiple shirtless options
>one male outfit is titled 'Beefcake'
Sure, more mature and respectful.

Hey mods? You out there? You moved a thread talking about Microsoft censorship to Yea Forums but you let multi post threads up? The fuck?

There is absolutely nothing wrong with fanservice.

There is if your a rich liberal elite living in San Francisco.

It is now with these shit art directors.

>Immature from Mk1->10
>Suddenly mature
Yeah, I buy that. Totally no other motivations.

>Our design is just getting more mature and respectful.
This sentiment right here is the antithesis of Mortal Kombat. I personally could go either way with having cheesecake in most games, but MK's appeal was always the tongue-in-cheek indulgence in gratuitous violence and sex appeal and this shift in design represents a potentially huge change in the overall tone and feel of the series as a whole. This is what's troubling fans, more so than the lack of skimpy outfits.

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>and antibiotics
fucking kek

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can you put that outfit on other girls?


wtf mkx is supposed to be dead!? why does it have more players than sfv, doa6 and soulcalibur??

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>mature and respectful

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Fighting games are inherently autistic to begin with.

She only diddles with animating the fatalities. The Polygon article literally tells you who's behind making the women wear burqa.

Mods are idiots i was warned for asking Yea Forums for documentaries. The message said requests are /wsr/. So apparantly discussion isn't allowed on Yea Forums.

I wonder if they're going to redo the

MK has always been lowbrow as fuck. Super edgy violence and hot chicks dressed in revealing gear. Why should it change?

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Damn she is built like a fucking fridge.

Even worse!

>however, cant you really see how before Ed Boon was ok with sexy costumes and now suddenly the same man says 'no, its not okay'?

It's as if it wasn't his decision afterall.
Because it isn't.
Blame Warner Bros. they censored Injustice 2 as well.

La creatura..

Like seriously, whose that outfit catering too?

It all started with giving women the vote...

SCVI is comfortably the best game in the series, though.

It's still easy to find matches, albeit not as instant as it was at launch.

It's not Ed Boon's doing. Blame Warner Bros.

Bikinis are not mature? Jesus fucking puritanical idiots.

Jealous rapist tranny :)

>Cassie looks she just got out of Mass Effect Andromeda

>Whine about something not being realistic
>In a game where people can throw fireballs, use magic, and rip people in half into bloody confetti
I think that is called mental illness, those "oppressed" women ARE NOT REAL.

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I can kill a girl and eat her brain in this game and NRS thinks that that's somehow more adult, mature, and respectful to women than seeing them in a their original MK outfit or bikinis. Just take the females out the game because being in a game where you can brutalize women is the most disrespectful you can get.

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Do we all turn into beta cucks when we get older?

Back when I was a kid Mortal Kombat was the definitive "fuck mom, fuck school, fuck society" game. That you skipped those leftist indoctrination centers to blow your lunch money on.

And now it has been reduced to this? "Haha be a mature adult #respectwomen gaming is an inclusive space :)." Surreal stuff.

Let's not overreact

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>Our design is just getting more mature and respectful.
Really? The fucking Joke and Gore: The fighting game is suddenly saying that they are being "mature" byt not including bikinis? If they want to be realistic, some of the characters should be walking naked, since having clothes have zero advantage at the level of fighting they are in.

Why do you hate women so much user?

I miss Mortal Kombat being an immature counterculture piece...

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I still remember playing Mk with everyone bleeding flour.

>when exactly did the narrative switch from violence being the problem to female sexiness?
When it started getting more clicks than other "news".

>not using the blood cheat

Best selling MK or what?

Going full Gillette

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>Call of Duty, Fifa, Halo, Assassin's Creed, Mario, Zelda, Gears, ect... all of the best selling games don't involve half nude girls.
OoT literally has you carry around a naked fish loli in a vore dungeon

Bingo. It's very telling that not only are all the men still huge and ripped with bare arms or chest, but even fucking BARAKA of all people is showing more skin than ever in the game that has the women in B cups and covered head to toe.

user come on

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/thread liberals destroyed epic style

Here's a petition to sign if you want the MK designs back in MK11.

>That you skipped those leftist indoctrination centers to blow your lunch money on.

Soul Calibur 6 is actually trash and I say that as a fan of the series. The only worth the game has is as a dress up simulator.

Around when Mass Effect got on the news for it's sex scenes and suddenly people realized that Video games still weren't just a children thing.


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He tried to warn you about Boon and Tobias' faggotry. But you didn't listen. Why didn't you listen?

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>You’re not going to be showing so much skin.
Berserkers would like to have a word with them.

cringe . i cant feel anything else

Pics pls

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>more mature and respectful.
>Mortal Kombat
These 2 things are antithetical of each other, why would anyone try to do that to MK which only got popular due to its immature humor and combat that's often supposed to disrespects the loser for being shit

My only issue is the Edenians since it fit their whole Utopia thing. Putting them in more conservative clothing changed their whole cultural aesthetic. If Rain shows up in his MKX look, which I actually liked for this same reason, in gonna be booty blasted.

Most other characters were dressed in Halloween costumes and it looked silly. I'm fine with the overall shift in tone on a large scale, it's just where it conflicts with lore that I get annoyed.

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he shitting on the game

>muh muslim kombat!

Even if you don't like MK they're right

Edenians look so fucking generic, like superhero type costumes. Outworld its a fantasy realm tyhé Conan and this is what they came up with.

It basically got Simpson'd: it absorbed the very culture it was originally made to counter. Like Simpsons, MK is a relic best left in the 90s.

It's actually really good.
>near-perfect balance
>fantastic variety of character playstyles
>larger portion of character movesets are viable
>2nd best singleplayer in the series after 3
>2nd best character creation and online after 5
>most characters are more fun or interesting than in any previous entry
>lethal hits are the best new mechanic since guard impact
Legitimately a really good game.

>"W-we're happy to change it to appeal to the modern PC culture which is predominantly inhabited by people that neither buy or ever consume video game products at all! Y-yes, we're very proud of our choices!

Gave devs now are such betas. Not even MK is safe, it seems. Are people THAT scared of having articles written about them by effeminate "men" and raging feminist "women"? Fuck 'em, they're not buying your shit anyway, they just wanna talk shit about it and you personally.

>They keep getting btfo'd but their autism won't ket them stop getting rekt.
I agree with your point but why do you have to talk like that, are you fucking 12

Resetera trannies are not going to buy this game anyway. What a retarded move by them

man you really want to keep this thread going dont you

Do you look at a woman in public who is literally just wearing normal clothes and bust a nut?

>6 billion
>/pol/tards did it
[citations needed]

Nope he loves it. Said it's better than sfv in his most recent stream actually.

>No Bikini Items or Costumes
I've been waiting for bikini bo rai cho for all my life.
Fuck this shitty game and fuck those shitty femi-monsters.

>Can anyone explain to me how former fans hating a game translates to sales?
The same former fans said MKX was going to sell like shit for not being as sexy as MK9 and MKX was the best selling MK game to date

>Can anyone explain to me how former fans hating a game translates to sales?
From what i've seen, pissing on old fans of game translates to huge success.
Couple of good examples would be WoW and skyrim.

Don't forget BOTW

This. I don't get it why ripping spines is okay, but showing tits is not.

Oh, i probably should've added what i think is the reasoning.
When you piss of old fans, they are extremely likely to talk about it everywhere out of frustration. Just like we are doing here now.
This is like free marketing that reaches a lot further than some ads.

Good camouflage, Snake.

Lol, no one complaining actually plays Mortal Kombat. All the complainers are larpers from DoA. Ya know the fighting game whose player base prefers their barbie dress gacha game over the fighter. Literal pedos.

MK fans come for fighting and violence not pixel tits.
These same spergs said MKX would bomb. MKX is the best selling fighter of all time.

Even its biggest competitor SFV couldn't match in 2 years what X sold in 3 months.

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This. Loved that outfit, and it didn't have stiletto heels for once.

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>gets impaled 40 times during a fight = ok
>wearing a bikini = whoa this is dangerous


News fash discord trannies, even when men get married and have sex daily, they still masturbate on the side and enjoy looking at revealing outfits in things like video games. Stop pushing the false dichotomy.

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>MKX is the best selling fighter of all time.
Not with 5m copies, no. Still extremely strong sales though.

>make a WW2 game with female soldiers
>"Who cares if it's realistic! Fucking nazi gamers! It's a game ffs!"
>make a fighting game where every girl wears a burka
>"It's all about realism!"

Ive played MK for decades and I think the covering up is stupid. You cant just say "oh everyone who disagrees with me doesnt even play it!" Lol.

>You’re not going to wear a bikini to a fight.
Um like real fight like mma or boxing?

I don't think that was implied. What's that have to do with vidya?

It's almost like different works within the same medium can be thematically different.

Because it's not about realism to these retards. Its about controlling the content of the game.

To be perfectly fair, the hypocrisy also applies to the other side.

Personally I say fuck realism desu

>Progressive game comes out
>SJWs buy it to spite the evil white male gamers
>Game sells

>Anti SJW game comes out
>it always sells like shit

>to be fair,
>the hypocrisy applies to the other side
No, it doesnt

It's because SJWs infest only the most popular brands. So even if the game is filled to the brim with left-wing politics, shitty decisions, and atrocious designs - it will still sell well because of normies who just buy what they know and what was marketed enough.

>MKX is the best selling fighter of all time.
Hahahahaha, at 5 million, it has like half the sales of SFIV.

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>things that never happen

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>Man sees someone more attractive than him
"He worked hard to be like that, I wish I was him"
>Woman sees someone more attractive than her
"Fuck her, I hope she dies"

>ways to have porn of probably the characters that deserve least porn because of their violent series
What did he mean by this

>anti-sjw game
Besides Kingdom Come, what is there?

>Kingdom Come blocks your path
>every game from before 2010 blocks your path
>every big jap game blocks your path


Staying true to history is now being anti-sjw?

Western game devs dislike you. They're not being forced to censor or add political shit, they legitimately believe the things they slag in their games.
Its a hope that they'll get a new audience of enlightened, super kind and accepting people. Even though the enlightened, super kind and accepting people have a history of trying to kill people and driving artists and other creators to suicide.

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So retarded blue hair whales want historically set games to have no form of authenticity and for complete fantasy/fiction games to be pulled down by realism? Sounds stupid tbqhf. The truth is they just want their politics to infect everything, and just use a checklist of fake excuses every time.


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Then what's an example of an anti-sjw game

Actually, yes, because sjws are pro revisionism, anti sjws are against it. Any game that refuses to put identity politics into itself is anti sjw too.

Fuck this game and fuck NRS
For the first time in this series since DA i wont be buying this crap
Take your censorship politics and shove it where the sun dont shine

>Anti-SJW game
Name one you fucking SJW

I don't know, Moonman Doom?

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The thing I don't understand is why can't we have a middle ground? MK9 looks fucking dumb, only a 12yo find those trannies attractive, and the costumes were terrible.
MKX fixed that, the suits are beautiful, well designed with a lot of creativity. Now, on MK11 character look like background NPCs, Jade looks TERRIBLE, she looks like an Outworld merchant NPC

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Not really
>No, it doesnt
It applies to literally the exact examples you mentioned
>Yea Forums is fine with unrealistic bikini armor
>gets butthurt about unrealistic female soldiers

Does ed Boon still think it's the 90s where utter kontemp for your fanbase sells units?

women are cocksleeves, that's why

>MK9 looks fucking dumb, only a 12yo find those trannies attractive, and the costumes were terrible.
Go back to r*ddit

Pretty sure MMA fighters fight almost naked.

shoo shoo anita

peak kitana.

>properly dressed for battle
>when all the males are topless

>properly dressed