Why are rehashes bad when EA does it but ok when Nintendo does?
Why are rehashes bad when EA does it but ok when Nintendo does?
Literally everyone even in nintendo groups points out how rehashed the mario New series is. No one forgives it.
mods close bread plz
Only one per console
nintendo games are actually good
it's ok when Nintendo does it, especially because when they try to depart from their estabilished formula they end up making mediocre shit like BOTW
the only mediocre game there is 3DS NSMB2, the rest are good even if uninspired
>using a DLC to pad out your image
OP is a faggot
EA doesn’t really rehash so much as rush and under budget their games then kill the developer because no one bought a rushed game with no content.
People fucking despise the NSMB series for instilling a mentality that ruined other Mario games, which is only recently starting to wear off.
Because NSMB is not the only thing that comes out of Nintendo, unlike Ubisoft, EA, and Activision (though Activision seems to be diversifying now).
This, no one is defending nu-mario
Because EA doesn't have a manchild cult defending their every jew move.
but they keep buying the games anyway, so nintendo's just going to keep shitting out more of them. bing bing wahoo rehash deluxe had huge launch sales.
>Splatoon 1.5
>Smash Bros
>Kirby games
>Mario Kart 8.5
>the structure of pretty much every console 3D Zelda, but BOTW
I know you're excited to post reddit memes but the nintendo manchildren don't like Nu super mario bros.
the sales figures prove otherwise. they'll complain online but still buy all of them, which sends the message to nintendo that there's a sizable market for these lazy rehashes.
First post best post fuck you op
at least hal has already said that the next kirby game will be a major departure from the rtdl formula.
That's casual audiences, not typical manbabies, manbabies aren't what sold wii sports, it was casuals, manbabies make rants online about nsb
Oh my god these games all have grass and trees on select area???
Oh no, all these games contain a forrest! How terrible!
Fuck off
casuals didn't buy the wii u at all, and nu bing bing wahoo u still outsold smash 4, splatoon, and mario maker anyway.
face it: the manchildren audience might complain online at times, but at the end of the day, they'll buy whatever nintendo shits out for them.
Why are you responding to obvious bait?
Sorry, this was so dumb I had to respond.
Mario Odyssey has the worst looking one