Insider here, just want to let you guys know that they are dropping another extensive Cyberpunk 2077 teaser trailer at 12:00 PST to ramp up hype for E3.
Insider here...
is it gonna be sunny or cyberpunk?
Very nice. Surely someone wouldn't tell lies on the internet.
Stopped reading there
Very cyberpunk. You are gonna get a look of a really awesome mission that happens very early on in the game.
Will post a timestamp and a WEBM of our office once I get back in doors.
What's up with the spic sidekick? Can we dump his ass or will the smell of tacos be present throughout the game? Also can we fuck the hot corp lady?
>Insider here
I wanna blast that bitches walls with my brew
you cannot make this shit up lmfao
So Bladerunner isn't cyberpunk? Holy shit.
It will be about the gay pride event at the sunny beach of Night City.
is there punk rock in it? how about guys wearing mohawks?
>works at CDPR
>posts American time instead of European
Nice larp, mate.
Still office hours in Poland though
Are you retarded? If you work in Poland you would fucking put the time of release in either European time or include both, not put it exclusively in American time. Now fuck off larper.
Would you?
Trailer will be probably english so it's logical to use PST since most of english speakers live close to that time zone. Also its close to the end of work time in Poland. So it's makes sense to me but I dont trust OP.
>set in california
checks out
*it's makes*
fuck I can't type for shit
>"""""""""""""night"""""""""""" city
Gameplay in a teaser?
He's lying you faggots, this same thread gets posted about every upcoming game
thanks mate.
random question if you can answer, will there be in-game entertainment like seeing a live band, a stripper, playing poker, stuff like that?
just being immersed in a cyberpunk city is my dream. Omikron and Anarchy Online are the best i got and they are old as shit.
>in game live band
could be cool. Cyberpunk concerts would be fucking sweet to attend.
Cheap drugs, cheaper women, sleekest rave wear.
I call bullshit.
A punk (aka criminal/thief/anarchist) sporting cybernetic implants.
I believe that's the most accurate and basic description I can give you.
Everything else Yea Forumsiggers are spouting about what cyberpunk is and isn't is bullshit.
My interest in this game died the moment they said it would be first-person only.
Spic sidekick is at least a nice change of pace from the usual nigger best friend. Would have just preferred a qt A.I. wife like Cortana.
3rd person movement fucking sucked in the Witcher games. Even basic shit like walking and turning was janky as fuck.
>game about cyborgs and upgrading your cyborg
>can't see your character
Fucking retarded tbqhfamlam. Also,
It means a genre in which the future is full of cyborgs, mandatory 40%+ of your scalp visible when receiving haircuts under penalty of law, punk rock music only or you're deemed unfit for society, and they destroyed the sun so it's always dark as shit so everything has to be eye-bleedingly neon colored.
pic related is why BR 2049 flopped
Two and a half more hours till OP either gets vindicated or tarred and feathered.
Not enough Ana De Armas tits was the biggest issue with the movie.
insider here to let you know that op is full of shit.
CD Project Red doing their best to take back the Hype from VTMB2.
have faith user.
Why are there racists on Yea Forums?