One moment is cuhrayzier than all DMC 5

> One moment is cuhrayzier than all DMC 5
How Itsuno will EVER recover?

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Sekiro always manage to surprise me. DMC5 was bland garbage. Nothing in that game felt soulful.

> [PS4] Sekiro: Shadows Die Twice (From Software, 03/22/19) – 157,548 (New)
> [PS4] Devil May Cry 5 (Capcom, 03/08/19) – 15,353 (164,703)

Sold in 2 days as DMC in 3 weeks

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How much is Sekiro combat focused? I know there's stealth but is the level design, secrets and weird shit interesting in this game? I was pretty tired of "souls" combat by Bloodborne so even with the changes to combat Sekiro has im just not all that excited to play it.


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Stealth is almost nonexistent

> is the level design, secrets and weird shit interesting in this game
Second half of the game is gorgeous, Myiazaki really toped himself

the combat is not really anything like souls games. there are a few bosses that play like souls bosses, but these won't be the ones you have trouble with. souls combat is just - roll, roll, hit them until they hit back, roll roll, repeat - this game doesn't give you openings like that and forces you to be aggressive in most cases

Does anyone have a "You've been visited by Crow, while scrolling Yea Forums. Type WOOOO in the thread or you will be fucked up" picture?

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It's still combat focused. You can make things a lot easier in many places by using stealth, but you're still going to have to fight.

Exploration is the only area I think this game is weaker than Souls. Because of the lack of equipment, almost all items you find are the same few consumables. So there's not a lot of item descriptions to read, but the levels look nice, and there's still some interesting things to see.

I have to disagree. Stealth is really alternative in this game, and it is cool

I agree. the exploration is not as good as dark souls, but I didn't use 90% of the things I found in those games so the consumables here are honestly welcome imo

If by alternative you mean "really only feasible in the first 4 hours"

By actually being a good game and not simply being popular for horrible reddit memes about difficulty

DMC confirmed for scaring away casual babies with arthritis

>Sekirofags are now so desperate to defend their shitty game they'll attack completely unrelated franchises
I'm surprised you're still cognisant, to be honest. Didn't know it was possible to survive with that much sodium in your system.

Funny to read, cause 5 is the most casual in the series

>comparing a good, serious game with a haha funny epic demon game


LAMO all that shilling for nothing. Ahahahahah

Sekiro didn't even need shilling it just dropped by like the coolest guy in town and got all the chicks

Not even close to souls combat. If you play it like a souls game you will be have a tough time.

Why Miyazaki so alpha compared to Itsuno? Itsuno looks like a fucking beta manlet and make games to overcompensate his weakneses, while Myiazaki making games to face his own weakneses. Hes like fucking Kamina

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Not in a million years

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92/100, cope harder DmCuck

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And now look to your Trash and la creatura nuLady

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>25 posts
>10 IPs
barry.. easy on the samefagging

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maybe if you need to make an image so people tell you to stop samefagging, you might be samefagging


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Imagine one madman literally set all DmCuck fanbase on fire
What a legend

>IP count didn't go up
good night and good luck

The kite guys and that one suicide shinobi who just drops a REEEEEEE before killing himself and you actually made me laugh out loud, it was amazing

Cope more, DMCfaggot.

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God bless you

It has probably the best level design out of all Miyazaki games. You reach local Anor Londo very fast and the game branches into 3 huge areas with some amazing interconnection between them. Endgame happens in one of the most legitimately gorgeous places Miyazaki ever did, both in terms of aesthetics and exploration since it has both verticality and underwater exploration.

The game still has a lot of combat but the exploration segment is also incredible.

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i liked dying light too

that's not from dying light you dummy


>when it's 90 on opencritic now

Both Sekiro and DMC5 are amazing. A seething nincel made this thread.

>underwater exploration.
you can dive in this game?

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legitimately no one but barry would bother to make an image like this

you learn it later on, yes

>the fuck is that sound?
>the fuck is th-
thread related


Rent free.

Oh yes.

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I had to dew it: