I wanna play Dark Souls for the first time, but don't want to pay 39,99€ for the "Remastered" version that everyone hates.
How much will I be missing out on without the infamous multiplayer/invasions (on a pirated version)?
I wanna play Dark Souls for the first time, but don't want to pay 39...
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you're too late for that
At this point in time? Nothing.
Invasions were fun when nobody knew what they were doing. If anyone invades you at this point NOW? They're hacking or expecting a duel. Das1's PvP is horrible, which consists of circlestrafing cheese. If you need summon help, there are NPC's you can summon instead of players.
Not much but you should play Demons Souls first.
I played the entire game offline and didn't feel like i was missing anything.
However i'm not a tryhard faggot nor an autist so take my advice with a grain of salt.
Dark Souls 3 is better, is still active, and is on sale right now humblebundle.com
Cheers, anons.
Yeah, I'll check it out.
what a fucking shill
ya, I like Dark Souls 3
>"Remastered" version that everyone hates
Is this a thing? The Remaster was my first time playing Souls, what was the problem with it?
The bonfires look different
That's it
It fucked up countless graphical things. The game you played didn't look anything like the original
way to blow shit out of proportion, get a grip on life faggot
That's objectively wrong tho
the dark souls board game is so fucking bad
I'm sorry that you're blind and retarded. I bet retards like you saw the comic sans in the silent hill 2 HD edition and said the same thing.
AFAIK they hated it because:
>it improved very few things graphically
>a lot of the bugs from the old version remained
>it only included fixes the community had figured out and made years prior for free, yet had a new pricetag
>the old version which had all the community mods was removed from steam because of it
It wasn't removed from steam, just look up "Dark Souls Prepare to Die" and you'll get it
Ah, ok. I wasn't too sure, like I said.
There are some lighting differences, and the bonfires look kinda shit. It's a bit annoying, but not a deal breaker, especially if you're playing for three first time.
The remastered is perfectly fine. The only reason people disliked it was because they already owned the original and didn't want to pay again for such a small upgrade.
Don't be stupid.
It has tons of bugs and glitches that never existed in the original, so the original game modded to run at 60 fps and with higher textures is just objectively better.
solo play is the real test of skill anyway
so you're not missing much
if anything buy 3 for the pvp since it's still kinda active
>not shiling ds3
DS1 is the only souls game where I strongly suggest to ignore the online component
It looks, sounds, and plays like crap.
I've played through the entire series and invasions were mostly a side note. I didn't invade people and playing through the game I wasn't really invaded all that often. I think I was invaded maybe a dozen times in two playthroughs of das3.
I made multiple characters at specific levels solely for online stuff.
For example I had a guy specifically made to invade Sen's Fortress. Or an Ornstein guy made to help people as a sunbro. Or a dude meant to invade Burg.
>The remastered is perfectly fine.
Fuck off Bamco shill.
Ds2 is the best dark souls game. And the best multplayer
Now post the original having 15 fps in Blighttown and the remaster 60fps
lighttown is supposed to be low framerate just like bigfoot is supposed to be blurry
Both had 60fps on PC retard
Get the Switch version. It has all the performance improvements of the remastered version without any of the ugly graphics changes.
The original is on PC you faggot in 60fps.
The Switch version has fucked up audio and it doesn't even hold 30fps.
Don't be retarded.
>all the performance improvements
Bamcoshill at it again.
The multiplayer really doesn't matter. It's just a few autists who latch onto it and try to claim it's why the majority play the games.
No... NO
don't play demons souls. its shit
yes and no
the lighting is so fucked in the DEmaster
>missing out on peak demon's/dark souls
Imagine doing that, missing out on a refreshing experience with the newly invented invasion mechanic. Imagine not experiencing the wild as fuck multiplayer at the time when nobody knew what they were doing. Literally missed one of the highest points of gaming right there.
You just proved our point. The DSfix version in your image looks objectively far be tter than the remaster.
why did they remove the play button?
DS1R is the only game from the series I've played, I finished it yesterday. The game is pretty great and runs well, even the infamous Blighttown didn't drop any frames on my 10yo CPU and 750 Ti.
I never felt I was missing anything by not being invaded by sexyBoi69, and if you're relying on summoning other players in order to beat bosses, you're not getting the most out of the game anyway.
Just don't buy it.
This is a retard that thinks DS2 is good btw, ignore him. Demon's Souls is still better than any Dark Souls.
Because you're not supposed to play the Remaster.
Blighttown never dropped frames on PC in any version of the game, it's PC... it was just consoles that were incapable of running it at even 30 fps because the place is massive, it's all rendered at once and has like 50 torches all over the place.
This. I owned the game before and only picked up the remaster when it was on sale for like 7 dollars, but when I want to replay Dark Souls now, I go with the remaster. I don't even care for online that much.
DaS Remaster has to be my biggest disappointment of the last year. I was excited to relive especially the PvP but it died in a fucking month.
You are even better off playing SotFS for a PvP at this point.
The ps3 version ran at 720p and 15-25fps. The switch version is 1080p and pretty much locked 60fps.
Interesting. I'm pretty sure I'll be replaying the game as I had quite a bit of trouble with two of the bosses and ended up grossly overleveled for the final third of the game. Is the latest piratable version + DSFix the way to go or do I need to add other stuff?
I'm sorry that you never grew up and care this much about the graphical representation of entertainment for children
Locked 30fps I mean.
>user wants to play Dark Souls game
>other user suggests playing a recent installment of the franchise and provides a link to purchasing it for cheap
>wow fuck this shill haha right guys im fitting in!
even in handheld mode at 720p?
SotFS is the better game anyway
The armor textures are lower in detail, also the game lighting is brighter overall
That's about it, the environments actually look better and overall the game looks better.
>playing 2 or 3 before 1
Letting him know of the sale is nice, but fuck off with this. If anything, you should start with Demon's Souls.
I messed up on that one.
This is deep
i watched my brother play the remaster for about an hour. it's the exact same shit as the original version just with slightly better lighting.
How about he just play through the souls games in order you clown
PS3 was 5-25fps, Switch is better but the game is literally downgraded from PS3 and it doesn't stay at 30fps.
It's dead, set sail, full speed ahead!
Agreed, but only if possible.
Don't do this.
Just bad lightning with minor changes that don't really matter, at least you have 60fps without fucking up shit.
Also, remastered has more people right now if you intend to play online, but you aren't missing that much except for easier ways to get some spells and sometimes interactions with other people.
What in the flying fuck
Holy shit those rocks are straight outta King's Field. Pic related, they end up looking like the right side when you up the internal resolution in the emulator.
Gank forest was a ton of fun, I admit, even if combat was very clunky in comparison to sequels.
DaS2 had a great build variety and I remember grinding rank in Arena, peime autism. Got pretty bullshit op build back then.
DaS3 is still active and is very smooth in comparison but is also very bland. Only thing I remember is dealing with ganks and kiting them through level and enemies.
literally the whole point of it was to make the game prettier and it came out as ugly and deformed like your dumb ass
It's fine if you never played Dark Souls but the OG fans felt they got ripped off because it didn't feel like a true remaster. There isn't much of an improvement from the original.
nobody cares about consoles you double nigger
They didn't fix instant backstabs and thus the PvP died in a month.
Seriously, a 100 milisecond confirmation animation like DS2 and DS3 would've saved this, even with the bullshit dark magics being OP.
>Playing games in order
I don't get this. I mean, sure you want to be able to 'fully understand' the story or something, but why force yourself to play ancient shit first. Thanks to all the little "improvements" in game design over the last years, old game design becomes barely playable. I personally prefer playing a new game in a serie first, and then check out older games in the serie if I liked it. It makes me respect the game more and let me see where the new ones come from.
If you didn't play Souls before it came to the PC you're a neonuzoomer redditor
Why are you telling me this?
>before PC
So only Demon's Souls?
King's Field doesn't count.
Just pirate it but make sure that it has DSFix and the DLC, but as many have pointed out invasions fucking suck in DS1, it's all a backstab chain fest or cancer builds specifically made to fuck with you (bleed lifehunt scythe, dark magic) cooperation is nice only if you're playing with a friend because if it's with randoms it's pretty forgettable
Wrong, the whole point was to make the game playable on modern systems so normal people don't have to hook up ancient machines to play games they like brainlet
Dark Souls was on console long before it hit the PC you ultrazoomer
>2011 - ancient history, barely playable
>2016 - modern and slick
dsfix is all you need
any PTD version will do alright
>to hook up ancient machines
To see the games' design change and evolve with successive entries. That way you can better appreciate the newer titles, since you've experienced what came before. Additionally, games in a series or just games from the same developer will often have callbacks to their older titles - Dark Souls 3 in particular is very heavy on these.
>General statement must refer to these specific games only
>strafe, strafe, strafe, teleport, backstab
>strafe, strafe, spam parry, spam parry, spam parry, repoist
Not him, but I'd hardly call 11 months a long time.
based retard
Yeah, but I get that too when I play the new games first and then check out the older games.
If it's a slog to get through the old games, I'm not playing the newer games.
Anyone that talks about how great the PvP is in DaS is 100% a shit-eating 15yo with 0 taste. The ideas behind some of the covenants is pretty good, but you're really not missing out on anything without them. There are hard-coded elements of it built into the actual game. The online shit is largely a detriment to normal play.
worked fine on windows
Yet you issued a general statement in response to a post specifically aimed at the Dark Souls series. A bit hypocritical, no?
Invasions rock, go fuck yourself.
The messages in the game are a huge part of the Souls experience. Just buy it, you pathetic yuropoor.
Irrelevant for 60% of the players
But if you play the newest game first, you'll be lacking all this context and only possibly find out about it afterwards, so your first plathrough will be lacking in comparison to one done after you have already gone through the previous entries in the series.
>exposed zoomers who didn't learn about dark souls before DS1 PC version trying to damage control
The whole point was to jew people and they released a shit product to do that. Case closed.
and a completely pointless downgrade for the 40% that are actually relevant to the discussion
Agreed, don't start with DS3, a lot of the shit that happens and places are directly from the first game
This works both ways, if the newer games are soulless cash-ins, then you might never end up going back to the original game and finding out why everyone loves it in the first place. That's why when you're not sure how to approach a series, you come here and ask.
In this case, the majority seem to be of the opinion that starting DS1 is recommended. If you went to an Ace Combat thread, people would probably point you to the PS2 games.
Stop generalizing.
I did that and never regretted it. I loved it and served as a great platform to get into all the other souls. Do it.
>tfw we'll never again get a gravelord covenant that actually works
Sigh. It was my favorite concept.
>finds out about Dark Souls in September 2011 - boomer
>finds out about Dark Souls in August 2012 - zoomer
I always wondered what the cutoff is.
2012 and later is zoomer
Now you know
Start at Demons obviously
If console chads hadn't gotten Souls popular with word of mouth on comsole PClets would've never heard of it to begin with and never begged for it to be ported to the PC on change.org
PC guys should kiss console players' feet
Demons souls is fucking ass my dude
If you didn't know about Demons Souls before it was localized you are a zoomer.
Where were you fags when Demon Souls sold badly and Sony didn't want to even release the follow-up in the West?
This. Bamco is what saved Souls.
>t. shit at pvp
Don't do this, both DS3 and DS2 are garbage compared to the first one.
Nah they're all good and worth playing.
Dark Souls 1
Dark Souls 3
Demon's Souls
Dark Souls 2
Found the irrational purist retard who’s probably also a Sony fanboy. Demon Souls is OK and Dark Souls 2 was good. Get over it.
DS3 is way better than 1.
The gameplay in the first game is atrociously trash.
Based and 100% correct although I'd give Sekiro a 7/10 only
I was thinking about getting remaster on switch. is it still 30fps? i know the jump to get to the asylum again is pretty much impossible for me on 60fps and i have to switch it for most jumps. do the ports with 60fps made these jumps hard or are they fixed?
In terms of pure soul, ingenuity, polish, and visuals. Literally cannot argue with this, if you do you haven't paid any attention to the games.
Demons Souls > Dark Souls 1 > Sekiro > 3 > 2
Didn't like BB so I won't place it.
>Literally cannot argue with this
I do. :)
Pay attention to the games bro.
>barely playable
Exactly because of that, you fucking clown. Playing a game with better gameplay and QoL improvements and then going back to an older entry is much more jarring than first playing the older entry then going forth. And from what I gathered DaS 1 is much more worth a playthrough than 2 and 3.
>didn't like BB
>Sekiro over anything
>blighttown never dropped frames on pc
Only if it's highly modded, the released version never got above 20fps on any pc
The vast majority of gamers do
Sekiro has the best gameplay by far and some really neat ideas. It wasn't perfect that's why it's below the two pinnacle Souls games. It was better than the rehashes though for obvious reasons.
It was a $40 patch 7 years later
Sekiro's only good aspect is the gameplay and even that some might enjoy less than the slower, more tactical and deliberate gameplay of Souls
In all other aspects Sekiro is subpar
>more tactical and deliberate gameplay of Souls
I see you haven't played Sekiro.
It's still better than 2 and 3 regardless. Being able to swim underwater and kill fish as well as sneaking around is fun. Maybe not as engrossing but still fun. My list isn't wrong.
Swimming and half-assed stealth doesn't make up for it having
>worse exploration than Soulsborne
>worse weapon variety (aka none)
>worse armor variety (aka none)
>worse replayability (zero online/pvp/char creation/enough variety in builds)
>worse setting
>worse music
>worse atmosphere and world building
>worse level design
>worse story
>bunch of subjective bullshit
The game is just as long as your typical Souls game despite most of your complaints, so something about your post is off. The music is on par, there was more attention put into the story presentation than any Souls game, the level design is far superior because it's more open and vertical, it has 4 endings so replayability is fine, the setting is great, and there are upgrades and special moves so your weapon variety falls a bit flat because there is build variety in Sekiro. And the character himself is cooler than whatever monstrosity you've ever made.
The only thing you said that makes sense is that the world building isn't as good which is true, but it does have its own atmosphere it's just not at the Souls level. Foggy forest was the best in the series for example.
Here's some things you'll probably ignore.
>better graphics
>better mobility
>better enemy design
>better bosses
>better animations
>arguably better progression system
>better death system
>better challenge
>only at a technical level, nothing in Sekiro is as pretty as some locations in BB or Souls
>not really no
>some are good
>Meh, it's the most recent game
>>>>not really no
>pirating From Software game
kill yourself you fucking muslim pig.
Thatz was for the enemy design, I missed the mobility line
Yes it has better mobility, but grapple flying around is only fun for so long
Even more of a laugh in that case. You're a dumbass.
Sorry for exposing you as a Sekirodrone
>have estus equipped and ready
>try to use it after i do a roll or after i drop down
>my character does the shrug animation
I never had this problem in PTDE
For one, newer entries are often not better
Fuck Namco Bandai. A proper DS1 remaster could've been the best Souls game ever made. Instead they fucked with the lighting and asked for $40. I will never not be mad.
>souls games
I can't even imagine being this retarded.
because you're already a retard
>better mobility
>a good thing
come on and zoom
come on and zoom