Type "1337" on chat

>type "1337" on chat
>nobody online knows what it means

How are you hanging on fellow boomers?

Attached: 23-year-old-doomer.png (421x421, 174K)

Other urls found in this thread:



Woke up at 4am im a fucking dripping puddle of sweat
Night sweats are a bitch

I had that happen in Overwatch

Attached: 4AA88041-1FC7-4EAA-AE65-40A480C0F0FE.jpg (1024x576, 75K)


k1d5 7h353 d4y5 4r3 50 f4r r3m0v3d fr0m 7h3 cr1n6y 34rly 1n73rn37 cul7ur3, y0u 5h0uldn'7 b3 73571n6 7h3m
17 w1ll 0nly c4u53 y0u 6r13f

fuck this is obnoxious to read tho

user we are old enough to realize that 1337 isnt funny anymore.

>you will never again own ub3r n00bs w/ ur 1337 h4x

Attached: IMG_aec5b6be-48eb-4828-9e6b-314c3a903d67.png (1920x1080, 1.05M)

What was the point of 13375p34k?

the only word i got stuck on was 73571n6 but the rest I could read as easily as normal english
can everyone read it so easily or does it really filter out zoomers who didnt grow up with it?

What the fuck is this

I can still read 13375p33k perfectly.
I haven't typed it or even thought about it in at least a decade and I still remember it.
Of all the things I could memorize this was probably the least useful.




>kids these days are so far removed from the (crinby?) early internet culture, you shouldn't be testing them it will only cause you grief.

Fuck I can see why this shit was dropped.

It was code to impart messages to hide from Norman eyes.
Now it works on Zoomers and Normans


It means leet you fucking zoomer.

W0w33 y0u kn0w numb3r sp33ch, s0 0ld my m4n

zoomer spotted get the fuck out
testing, it took me a couple seconds

Not as cancerous as peak IRC chat where 90% of any sentence was abbreviations, and people intentionally twisted their sentences to contain as many as possible, even losing meaning in the process.

>people already don't know what the thing in the save icon is

Attached: Save-icon.png (256x256, 6K)

I don't miss 1337 but I do feel very out of touch with what kids want out of games. The idea that they grew up with mobile trash is just frightening. I don't understand how they could even care about games if that's all they were exposed to, surely that sort of exposure would just teach you that games are worthless ephemeral trash.

>hurr what's on the "save to harddrive icon"

i'm so fucking tired. school is kicking my ass, I'm only performing 'OK' at work, I'm 10 lbs heavier than I should be, and I suck/don't have time for my passion. Also barely any time for vidya.

Attached: 1534661300094.png (800x855, 576K)

nice blog

>"The arrow?"
>Realize he meant the fucking floppy
I thought it was because of the relative size and not because of, you know

Attached: Really now.png (264x382, 79K)

Wait so what's the arrow for??

I have younger co-workers who only play mobile shit and fortnite. It took months to convinced one to try Battle for Wesnoth since it's free and he loved it but still doesn't want to move on to anything with an up front cost or which would require the effort of pirating.
Shit's disheartening.

uh, down generally meant saving onto the disk, and up loading from the disk

...and that's a GOOD thing!

You probably have late stage cancer. Not even joking either.

Yeah fuck Norman.

Attached: attack his heart.jpg (1280x720, 67K)

Are you actually retarded?

Literally no different than growing up with a game boy. Get over yourself lmao.

ive noticed in the past year that NO ONE in games knows what 'based' means anymore

truly i have become the boomer i fear

Attached: 1532148607398.png (324x313, 235K)

am hanging in there, had an accident that ruined my right wrist so learned to game with mouse in left hand. be ready for anything lol...

how am I supposed to know some meme from like 700 years ago when memes didn't even exist

fr0m n0w 0n w3 5h0u1d 0n1y u53 13375p34k 70 c0nfu53 7h3 z00m3r5

"leet speak" is pretty easy to understand to anyone with half a brain: mrc-cbu.cam.ac.uk/people/matt.davis/cmabridge/

The principle is the same. Your brain automatically translates the words as you see them. If you have difficulty reading or a intellectual disorder like being a complete fucking retard or dyslexia, then leet speek is easy to understand.

Just horror and sorrow for me.


>not 73h

No not really because unlike Gameboys mobile phone games do not have good game

>play any game with text chat
>type “a/s/l”
>no one knows

Attached: 6735434C-0F7E-4783-80C4-7EB54D1FDBCC.jpg (640x640, 95K)

Have you tried jerking off/having sex until you pass out?


>last time i saw l33t was a decade ago
>can still read this normally
my french had to suffer for this


How is "based" related to vidya? You might as well be wondering why no one understands what "kino" means

73h r31

b07h 4r3 4cc3p74bl3

Yeah you're just a cringe incel buddy, no one took asl serious even in 1999.

19/f/hopefully your bedroom UwU

1 kn0w 1h47 f331 br0

I wouldn't know what it is too, if not for zoomers spamming this nigger word here.

3h3h3h3 n1c3

lol u tk him 2 da bar

Holy fuck I haven’t seen this shit in ages


Attached: 7c522dbc3f8c4040fc6bd206b166cb64.jpg (678x515, 57K)

Attached: 1337.gif (650x650, 78K)

big poopy smelly ass

7|-|/-\75 |\|()7 |23/-\|_ |_337 5|>3/-\|

Not doing great. I remember before literally everything was a controversy to shitpost about. It didnt matter what was in your game so long as the gameplay was good. Now it's nonstop screaming because a female is the protagonist which is pandering somehow, or this character is too sexy/stereotyped/etc... I want to go back.

Attached: he hates it.png (600x342, 111K)

+|2`/|-|4|2|) |-|!|>5+3|2 !|\\/||>05+3|2.


h473 f007f465 7h0u6h, 7h3y'r3 50 60dd4mn 4nn0y1n6 h0ly 5h17 455f4c3d n1663r p1zz4 5h175

Pretty good since I don't spend 95% of my time on videogames/internet

Attached: Bronson_No.gif (500x224, 478K)

|75 }u57 4 |)1/=/=3r3|\|7 4((3|\|7 /=46607

its Testing faggot

they're just llamas fuck em dude

Attached: itspayne2.jpg (484x682, 48K)

Fuck the true 1337 speakers are here.

>Playing tribes ascend
>Type vgc
>"That isn't a voice bind you dumbass"

Attached: fb3.png (760x524, 146K)

>Posting Megatokyo

based trips of truth

>eats crayons

Attached: 8B68B32B-84D3-4BB0-A364-19CD9218193E.png (336x384, 10K)

>remembering megatokyo

god millennials are pathetic