When did you realize it was a masterpiece?
When did you realize it was a masterpiece?
Other urls found in this thread:
It's really crap, I hope shills will leave soon
sick of the shills
AND my friends constantly fucking going on about it
ive stopped going on discord because its all they ever fucking discuss now
all the same person, WEW.
>Outsold by Dino-Shit
Right as I started the game for the first time
Man, this game got boring really fast
fpbp. It was the biggest disappointment of 2019
Immediately after killing the first enemy
Genchiro rematch.
When/where can you get a new weapon? I've been at the ogre for days and it seems like I should be using something other than a fucking katana on it, what am I missing?
Found the zoomer tranny
Imagine buying this crappy game instead of pirating it
Nice try, DSP.
>consolebabby sales
Now include PC
>new weapon
user... I...
>literal tranny
you can't make this shit up
the first snake scene
specifically when I realized FROMsoft made a better Uncharted and Metal Gear than their own companies. How the fuck do you let that happen? How the fuck do you let the niggas that made Demons Souls make better cinematic setpieces than these motherfuckers, but actually have it be gameplay?
I am so impressed
we’re going west, to the birthplace of the divine dragon
so it is connected to bloodborne?
also did the dragon bring the bugs or did it show up at the fountainhead because they were already there? I found the giant carp carcass at the bottom of the lake covered with bugs and thought maybe the parasites grow in the fish? And what’s the distinction between becoming a noble, which we see from the guy on Mibu Village entails drinking a bunch of fountainhead water and becoming infested, which seems to be the goal of Senpou temple, but the bugs are also in the fountainhead waters right?
It's not, but none of From Software's games are. It's really good though. Most fun I've had with a single player game in over a year
When I stopped thinking of it as a Souls game and started treating it like Stealth with actual good combat.
So, after getting my ass whooped by the first samurai miniboss.
You're kidding? Theres no other weapons? I thought that was just a meme...
Try using the dodge and the attack button youtube.com
Making a better stealth game than Metal Gear is hardly a high bar to surpass. The first MGS was outdated when it released.
>no weapons
>shitty arm mechanic
>le ebin grapplinghook
oofa boofa
Confirmed retard who hasn’t played it
>saves wojacks as arguments
outdated doesnt mean bad, you wonder why thief isnt as popular as MGS? I mean it HAS better stealth right? so it MUST be a better game right you underaged fucking faggot?
jump, the game straight up fucking lies to you sometimes, JUMP to dodge. dont fucking roll ever unless youre doing a health attack
>Deflect mini game boss with a second phase of sorta dodge around and do the same.
>Masterpiece tier.
Man Fromshitter standards are low not even half as good as any one Ryu clone encounter in NGB.
More of the opposite for me, very disappointing. Tried to force myself to like it but just can't, the combat blows.
Coping ResetEratard.
Armored warrior/lady butterly boss fight.
They both hapenned at the same time for me.
How do you deal with the fucking headless?
>The combat is shi-
the combat in Sekiro shits all over NGB, come at me
Worst signposting of any of the games, and I’ve found the bosses to be hit or miss.
Magic Butterfly can just get stunlocked in her first form, and the second can be stunlocked temporarily.
Bull and Cavalier-JP were OK though, but they slid around a lot on the walls, and if you have the firecrackers, the horse fight becomes trivial.
When it’s good, it’s really good, but progression seems completely pointless outside of upgrading damage and getting the deathblow health recovery skill, so at this point I’ve just been grinding against all the possibly paths toward progress and taking whichever seems easiest.
is this the new raid strat? pretend others are trannies?
Did you even watch the video? I was talking about chained ogre, if you dodge behind him you pretty much win.
either save them for when you have the purple umbrella or just watch your terror buildup, their attacks are easy as hell to deflect and with divine confetti they go down quick, whenever it disappears it’ll show up behind you so just jump forward
the dodge is like a 2 frame window, its not worth the risk
the prayer beads and memories are essential for progression but yeah I get your point, I was excited once I got the prosthetic esoteric text though to get some more interesting skills
You don't dodge the attack when you're in front of him, you dodge to stay behind him.
>its not worth the risk
You can easily dodge a shit ton of things in this game. Not everything, sure, but it's way more useful than you think, you just need to git gud and time it well.
When it was revealed that the main character gonna use a dex weapon.
best action game ever made
sekiro > god hand > ninja gaiden > DMC
surprisingly accurate list, godhand has the best combat and the worst everything else
It’s not.
The game is good and has really cool ideas going on. BUT, it also has a pretty big amount of smaller flaws. To name a few, the camera is even worse than past games. Some enemies normal atatcks will break the camera mid-animation, camera may get stuck behind an enemy or follow him. Grab's hitboxes are wonky but thankfully most can be easily avoided, more visual clarity about what is and what is not a grab would be appreciated (looking at you, Snake eyes). Some enemies with large blades like the headless monkey do the same damage if you get hit by the sword's handle than by the blade. A lot of prosthetics are pretty situational and get rendered useless once you get the upgrade, which does not substitute the old one in cases where it's the same thing, but better. The stealth system is extremely half assed, PS2 games had better mechanics and AI, it's not the main focus but it's still one of the pillars of the game.
The 2 apes bossfight is the most stupid thing I've ever seen. There's barely any skill involved in that fight. Just spam fireworks and pray to RNG Jesus so they don't stick together else your fight will last 7 years due the inexistant openings. You can get hit while doing the centempide pull to the headless one. Pisses me off the most because even after defeating them you don't feel realized, it's just a chore and you know you got lucky.
Overall I really like the game and I'm glad FROM's experimenting a bit, but jesus christ, the word "polish" is so alien to them it should be ilegal at this point.
One last thing that irks me a lot but it's more subjective autism are the button prompts on item pick up and talking with characters. You telling me you got all those artists and creative minds and you put the most generic Controller buttons out there floating on top of objects and NPCs? Couldn't you get someone to desing a few icons?
The only one of those I’ve found effective is for the raven arm and axe arm. I haven’t gotten to the last tier which works for the firecracker arm yet though; maybe that one is good as well.
The problem I have with that tree is that it has the nightjar skill, which against a lot of enemies seems broken in how effective it is. It’s hard for me to want to even consider using something like the spin move or the big two hand attack, when there’s an alternative that’s much faster and knocks enemies out of their attack animations most of the time, oh and by the way no stamina, durability or “sword magic” from DS3, so spam it away.
It’s a tossup for me whether I think combat arts or “Dragonrot” is more of a dropped ball. At least combat arts have some effect on the game though.
>7th gen tier graphics
>Camera is still a mess
>Hitboxes are still terrible
>Optimization and performance are still terrible
How do they keep getting away with it?
When I fought the first general
Is there any other media or books, comics, movies, etc. with the same vibe as Sekiro? Sengoku era Japan with mythological and supernatural elements while being relatively low on the magic aspect (relegating magic more toward over-the-top fighting techniques and mystery rather than casting spells)?
Doesn't necessarily have to be Sengoku Japan specifically, anything with a similar feel.
most of the combat arts are trash or semi-broken I agree but the one from Isshin is fun as hell. Dragonrot was a big disappointment for me, I was excited for world tendency to come back but I had so many dragon droplets and post-Genichiro died so rarely it was never an issue, maybe one playthrough I’ll let everyone stay sick to see what happens
>I’ll let everyone stay sick to see what happens
All it does is inhibit quest lines, NPCs never actually die from it.
Graphic don't really matter, game looks good.
The camera is not excusable, there's plenty of action games doing it better nowdays. If you put a system where the camera tracks the enemy, make it FUCKING TRACK THE ENEMY.
Truth to be told only grabs have bad hitboxes. Regular attacks are pretty tight, altho udnervalued due the stupid amount of tracking that makes many animations behave unnaturally
>Optimization is terrible
While I agree their past games have horrible eprformance, this one is pretty good on PC. Runs better than DS3 for me with higher settings. I did hear the performance on consoles is horrible so the point stands I guess.
I can excuse some thigns due them being AA but after 5 games you'd imagine they figured out howe to make cameras works, ffs.
Why do people not realize that their arguments are made weaker by complaining about hitboxes. Even if it's true, "The hitboxes suck" is always going to be interpreted as "I died, so this game sucks."
Naruto !
I have more of a problem with being slowed down because of that mist shit + terror is the frenzy of this game, it's seriously fucking stupid
They're AAA, though.
If you don’t mind visual novels, then Akai Ito and Ali Shiro probably fit the bill.
damn he was acting like a retard in this webm
are you far enough to buy the purple gourd? and the most is annoying but you can still jump and the attacks are easy to deflect, stay aggressive they don’t have much health or posture
The hitboxes are demonstrably busted.
Get a life
Didn't take very long, but this is where it truly sunk in.
I'll probably wait a bit more before tackling them down, because i still don't have that purple gourd.
I'm with this guy. I don't know how people can play this trash
Its good but has a few things keeping it from being great, one being the combat itself. If you've ever played mgr or did rg in dmc the game is kinda a cake walk. With no combos really to flesh out your moveset you're left with baby's first parry mechanics.
any word on a performance patch yet
The grabs are weird sometimes, but the hitboxes themselves are fine.
In your mind there are exactly two types of people talking about this game: shills and your friends
Alright, user
>He didn't unlock the move
this is the only one anybody can find to post. almost all regular attacks have really tight hitboxes that you can actually dodge. it's just souls shitters complaining because they can't spam their iframes
I think it's specifically the "perilous" attacks that have tweaked (read: huge) hitboxes to make EXTRA sure the player is taking the right kind of evasive action.
Be prepared for shills telling you its a feature.
that’s what I did, then when I got the purple umbrella I took out the one in the woods, the water ones are easy
When I finally understood it, I started to feel like it was a masterpiece.
Now that I don't have execution problems, each time I play it, I find it worse and worse.
It's not a masterpiece. It's fine game, that feels worse due to "missed opportunity" effect. that's it.
>not stylin with your prosthetic combo attacks
Shockwaves are a staple of From's games. It wouldn't be the same without them.
Not true. Thrusts are easily counterable with mikiri counter and even parryable. Same with the sweeps, you can easily jump over them.
The only thing that's tricky is the grabs.
I kind of feel the same way. it's a great game but it makes me feel like the second half of Bloodborne made me feel. just kind of not what it could have been
most fun boss in the game, too easy but still
>Hitboxes are still terrible
no you just suck
>Optimization and performance are still terrible
game works fucking perfectly not even single drop
top nigger
No offense but those techniques you learn and the prosthetic tools really don't make the game any less shallow in terms of combat. It pushes its mechanics well, which I appreciate, but there's very little to expand in the ng+ thus making it less desirable for more playthroughs.
>Thrusts are easily counterable with mikiri counter and even parryable.
Exactly, those are both "correct" actions to take against them. If you try to sidestep backwards or jump thrusts you will pretty much always get hit even if you're outside of the visible range of the weapon.
>60 FPS cap
>Works perfectly
Anything under 120 is unplayable.
too everyone saying it felt too easy once it ‘clicked’ I think that’s because once you start to smartly manage your posture bar you can spam L1 a lot to be safe regardless of deflecting or blocking, which it has a really generous window for, I started NG+ and gave away Kuros charm and now blocking deals chip damage and deflects are the only safe way, it’s pretty brutal but it feels much more balanced
You can dodge thrusts too, you just have to sidestep as the thrust is actually coming at you. If you dodge while they're winding up, sometimes tracking will kick in and you'll get hit
and grabs are easiest moves to dodge
chained ogre have the fastest grab in game
you can side step thrusts. I think the game even instructs you to do so before you unlock mikiri. you need to sidestep very late.
I've sidestepped quite a few thrusts, and it does work which is why I'm specifically pointing out backstepping and jumping--the tracking and big hitboxes are there to make sure you're punished for attempting to jump if you thought it was a sweep.
>Schichimen warrior
What in the fuck is that thing?
Grabs are actually easier to jump away from than dodge.
when the ape got up
pfffff ok /g/ memelord
The problem is that Sekiro is an action game which is fundamentally a test of player's reaction time. So when a player is unjustly killed by invisible hands on their screen they feel less control and then have to do guess work with the fundamentals of the game. This is why the most revered action titles have extremely tight fundamentals to keep things consistent. Sekiro works 90% of the time but its that 10% that needs polish.
apparition, that thing rocked me the first time i found it
>get pushed into a rock
>too close to boss
>whine about it on Yea Forums for a week
yes jump is best option
you can easy left jump and 2x hit ogre to death
>to make sure you're punished for attempting to jump if you thought it was a sweep
This is the name of the game. You have to watch out for the boss animations, sometimes they trick you up by going for what appears to be a sweep then do a double sweep or have a followup attack immediately in case you dodge away.
Reminder if you're using Discord you're a literal zoomer
The frame unlock mod works 100% perfectly, by the way.
Seriously, those fucking spirit bombs everywhere, just how am i suppose to do?
From are turning into Bethesda in the sense that they refuse to fix problems that have plagued their games for years. It's crazy how stuff like the camera and janky hitboxes made it into the final product.
Can't wait for the TIHYDP
Just sprint away from them in get in his face
Dragonrot was my biggest disappointment with the game. It's a neat concept but needed to play into the endings to make me care.
Knew it before even watching it. I'm starting to think that this was just some sort of one time fluke because whenever someone brings up "busted hitboxes" (which technically this isnt) this is the only thing they show
Its worse that the fanbase will just shrug off obvious jank from their game like . I love fromsoft to hell but you're right, its like they know shitters will do mental gymnastics for their game so they don't have to improve.
this, once you get a few good whacks in most of those spirit balls will disappear and he’ll teleport away. it was the big ones that fucked me up until I just started sprinting towards him when they were chasing me
I like the tools, but i really don't like the limited usage, its makes them less reliable
I think because they’re ambitious people don’t expect them to be perfect, which is in many ways a fair assessment, I’ll take a From game with its problems here and there over a well polished turd any day
If they didn't have a cap, the game would be too trivial. Firecrackers and Raven Feathers are busted, as it is.
I absolutely hated the souls games. Thought they were clunky pieces of shit that were way too overrated.
Would I like this game? Premise looks great. I only have a 360 controller though. Is it possible to play with m+kb?
Yeah I’m nearing the end of the game and I realized I’m not using the prosthetics very much because of that. Hell I haven’t even tried most of the upgrades I bought
The fact you think being cornered into a rock is jank is hilarious.
the combat in Sekiro is noticeably different if that’s what your issue was but the game is still obtuse in a lot of ways, mostly by design
holy kek
Pretty boring, fights are just R1 r1 r1 circle/l1
Is this gimmicky boss done right?
What exactly is it holding?
The fight in the fields at the beginning with Genichiro
>dragon is missing its left arm
>sekiro is missing his left arm
>sculptor is missing his left arm
what is the lore behind this
Why does the existence of a masterpiece trigger you?
Solution: skill upgrade that removes the cost on some of the prosthetics, like the basic shuriken as an example.
It is objectively FromSofts best game and possibly the best action game ever made. You are the one who will eventually leave because this consensus is not going away.
I'd never heard of these swords before now, thanks!
A popsicle
>50% down from DaS
>30% down from BB
>rumors of from already going back to scamco
Tick tock, secuckro fags.
because he's too bad at video games to play it
>Standing here
>I realize
>You are just like me
>Trying to make history
People like to shit on DSP, but both him and someone more respected like Max don't love the game. DSP said he still doesn't like combat but he's getting better. And Max said that while he enjoyed the game at first, parrying gets old and it becomes a bit boring. BB > DaS3 > DaS1 > Demon Souls > Sekiro is how he ranked them as far as Miyazaki games go.
They also reuse too many bosses and the prosetic doesn't have a lot if use.
Was it kino, lads?
Fucking yikes. Pity nobody really replied to you so I will give you a reply out of charity.
Get the purple umbrella upgrade, it's incredibly useful against headless and shichimin. It makes them much more bearable.
I'm making a tabletop RPG that is like that + something like the movie Dark City in a setting with Bloodborne look and feel.
This game is the tightness and gameplay/story focus of a fun single player adventure like Uncharted with the unforgiving enemies and explorarion of Dark Souls, with the sword combat and vibes like Ninja Gaiden and MGR.
It’s sexy as hell,
>more respected
Literally who the fuck is this dude
Why do we give a shit what that doofus thinks about anything
He is barely more respectable than Jim Sterling
Which boss is the widely accepted casual filter?
>Chained Ogre
>Blazing Bull
>Lady Butterfly
dmc is complete joke of an action game
>hurr just hit this sandbag for style points
enemies in action games are supposed to fight you, not just sit there while you do your "stylish" combos
You did not understand MGS plot... The globalist Jew, general Zero was the main villain and source of huge problems for the world because of his ambitions of creating a one world government. Solid Snake and most other protags were manipulated to do his bidding for most of the series, only realizing at the end of MGS4 that they have been led around and that the real freedom fighters were Big Boss, Ocelot, Solidus, Liquid. The men you killed were trying to save the world, and you were unknowingly the good goy puppet of the genocidal globalist.
MGS has a pro-nationalist and anti-globalist stance. At the very end of MGS4 they talk about how The Boss really wanted to return everything to how it was, with different nations separate from each other.
Big Boss just misunderstood what she said for decades and did his Outer Haven thing, while Zero heard what he wanted to hear in her words, and used that to justify his genocidal plans for creating a one world government with no cultural differences, no different languages and no different races. But you kill him at the end and put a stop to it.
How do i help the bloody surgeon?
>imagine respecting someone that looks like that
This is true otherwise but Bayonetta and MGR are better than DMC.
But yeah Sekiro definitely currently is the best one in the world.
He is right. But the drones will jump unto anyone who criticizes anything about the game like brainwashed retards.
When I beat genichiro the first time.
fucking help me if I'm more aggressive I die to terror
This guy lucked out, Isshin is like 10 times more aggressive normally
The hitboxes are perfect, and so is performance and optimization (you are retarded if you play anything on console, its the machines fault, you understand it runs on almost 10 year old tech right?).
The rest you are right about, its graphically same tier as Bloodborne which came out almost 4 years ago, and camera CAN BE a mess if you get backed into a corner, though otherwise the camera is good.
God, why I wish that god hand and ninja gaiden were released on pc or any current console
God Hand emulates very well, NG Sigma is fully playable now too
I beat Blazing Bull and Ogre on my first try. I would say the real casual filters are Lady Butterfly and Elite Ashina miniboss in the Ashina Castle Dojo.
Funny how you retards don't understand what hitbox means.
First is a case of the ogres grabs tracking, nothing to do with hitbox sizes. Yeah his tracking looks silly, but this is the only mob in the game that does this.
Second is a case of invisible AoE around the shockwave, not hitbox sizes.
I mean do I really need to explain what hitboxes are? If Sekiros hitbox was so large that it was actually hit by that visible line from Isshins attack, then you would get hit by every single attack that lands that many feet away from you throughout the entire game. Yet it only happens in that Isshin fight, ONLY when he does that shockwave attack.
Obviously the attack has larger AoE than it seems.
Please, read about what hitboxes are.
NGB is on Xbox via backwards compatibility.
There is no jank, you're just fucking retarded user. No one is a shill or defending jank, you're just too fucking subhuman to even understand what hitboxes are.
someone pls
>And Max said that while he enjoyed the game at first, parrying gets old and it becomes a bit boring
>BB > DaS3 > DaS1 > Demon Souls > Sekiro
oh so mash R1 and dodge is much better?
trash opinion
I do not know what the significance of all of them missing the same arm is, but the reasons for Sculptor and Dragon are:
Sculptors arm was cut off by Isshin because the Sculptor was becoming a bloodthirsty slayer.
The Divine Dragon IS the Everblossom, so when father Owl took a branch off the Everblossom in the mortal realm, the Dragon lost its arm in the divine realm.
But you can mash slightly less or more or dodge slightly less or more depending on build!
DSP and Max are huge bitches, yes, and? This isn't news to anyone.
Max is a huge retard that gets easily salty about losing.
>This is true otherwise but Bayonetta and MGR are better than DMC.
MGR is pure parry to win but i agree its better action game than DMC
who the fuck owns a xbone?
It's NO masterpiece.
Many feel those games offer variety and are less intensive and reaction heavy as Sekiro. It plays a role. Some people want to be aggreesive and not only get a hit or two in before getting blocked.
Yeah, I was ranking the games as a whole not purely by gameplay. DMC5 definitely has better gameplay than MGR, but MGR is overall better as a game, mostly due to having the most hilarious plot in an action game in history.
Literally who?
>and the prosetic doesn't have a lot if use.
ah so a retard that can't think for himself.
You can be far more aggressive in Sekiro than in any of the other games... Your attacks getting blocked is not bad, it builds up the enemy posture bar which is what you want to be doing. You are literally making progress towards killing them every time they block you.
Sekiro and sculptor are both explained in-game, the dragon I don’t really understand especially because it ‘came from the west’ so I don’t see where it ties into the similarities between sculptor and Sekiro which are actually explored in the game, the dragon is still mostly a mystery, what were the old tree dragons before it even?
>It is objectively FromSofts best game and possibly the best action game ever made. You are the one who will eventually leave because this consensus is not going away.
Eh. I did NG+, and while I do really like the game, there isnt much replay Value after you get the Shura and Severence endings. I think it's far from the best action game when much more technical ones exist.
I also think the lack of multiplayer hurts this game. Ganking aside, it would be hilariously fun to dick around in this game with friends. PvP would have been absolutely insabe as well.
>not just mashing R1
It is by far FromSofts best game and the defining masterpiece of the action game genre right now.
t. couldn't beat lady butterfly
I don't think it's anything close to a masterpiece, but I enjoyed it a lot. Super refreshing after the staleness that was DS3. I kind of hope that From keeps away from sequels because every time they do a new IP it ends up being far superior
maybe form your own opinion, though I’m guessing you’re fourteen which means it’s too late for you already, sad
>I also think the lack of multiplayer hurts this game.
When will people learn that From and multiplayer is a waste of resources?
Right, so there is this one fucker that was near the well where you first started the game. He's some moat defender or something. Advance further down in the abandoned dungeon from that entry and he'll be down there where you can redirect him.
There's this fat fuck in the sectioned off Buddhist temple (Senpou?) and if you give him a red and white pinhweel, you're able to send him off where ever you want like the surgeon.
Ogre is most meme-worthy to me but I'd say Genichiro is the real filter. You absolutely have to know the mechanics by that point.
Nah they need to master this system and the improved enemy design. I seriously hope they're doing DLC and a sequel before moving on.
>you wonder why thief isnt as popular as MGS? I mean it HAS better stealth right? so it MUST be a better game right
Fortnite is the most popular. So it MUST be the best game ever made, right?
>right you underaged fucking faggot?
>there isnt much replay Value
This is not an argument. It objectively has more replay value than Souls games, because it actually has very different endings that even have unique boss fights to each of them.
>I also think the lack of multiplayer hurts this game
No it doesn't, it objectively makes the game better.
And you'd have to be really stupid to think multiplayer could ever work with this kind of gameplay. Not with currently existing technology.
you need to find him a soldier?
Genchiros charge perilous attack can clearly hit you even when you dodge it. And half of the enemies in the game magnetize toward you even when you avoid their attack unless you get out of what I guess is considered the invisible range of the attack .
Based and objectivepilled.
>the divine dragon IS the Everblossom
holy shit that makes tons of sense, I never thought of that
All grabs are busted and work weird, Ogre is the most posted one since it's one of the first and the worst ofender, as even dodging he'll TP and grab you.
Other grabs have a much bigger wind-up time and while they will look weird when connecting, most players will get away before it happens.
mikiri counter
Which move is this one? I iamgine it's a mikiri coutner for sweep attacks.
>Think I've finally got the combat
>Get to Guardian Ape
Complete and utter cringe
>all these paragraphs from a brainlet who doesn't understand what visual clarity is and probably has never played NG
Sorry bub, maybe instead of shilling from fromsoft you could help them polish their game and make it run better.
And a lot of faggots who get through the game will just claim "no bullshit haha get good" instead of addressing the actual problems. They would rather jerk themselves off than fix things.
it punishes you for the wrong action, sometimes it does look weird but I think the idea is fine, if it’s a thrust and you don’t Mikiri counter, jump out of range, deflect or dodge in time it should hit you, think the game is just accounting for that
oh just wait for double ape fight
and demon of hatred is even worse
go back to where you started the game in the Ashina Reservoir, or give Kotaro the red and white pinwheel but I feel like he has better uses
I know, but that only connects when you come in contact with what should be the range of damage for the attack. If you try to do slightly from the side for example, you will get locked on and damaged despite the fact that you shouldn't be able to even take damage from that position .
>use the flame protection umbrella
>demon of hate becomes one of my favorite bosses
my pirated copy doesnt recognize my ds4
any way to make it work or do I have to look for my xb1 pad?
I was probably overleveled for ape couple. sword ape's posture just melted and you can CC other ape with the firecrackers
>instead of shilling from fromsoft you could help them polish their game and make it run better.
wtf is this bullshit, sekiro works perfect
you have fps mode if you want more than 60 you stupid nigger
> it does look weird
That's the problem here. Looking weird is not all right when the game is based on timing and action.
Those are pretty subjective "objective" opinions bro. More replay value than a souls game doesn't mean shit. Nearly every other game in the fucking world has more replay value.
There are games way more complicated than this that work more than well with multiplayer, by the way. Maybe you should play other games instead of just waiting for FROM to release new ones.
>acquire fully upgraded finger whistle
>use flame umbrella
>shit all over demon of hatred
thank jesus I wanted to go for the sacred flame (even though I didn't end up finding the ingridients for an earlier step) because I don't know if I could've beaten him without the flame umbrella
Wish the arena was bigger for the ape couple. Beat them yesterday with a tip from someone here to use fire on the wife, but man, still don't like the fight too much because of how cramped the feels compared to where you fought the Guardian Ape the first time.
Yeah this one's fucked, you basically have to parry it, even running can be inconsistent
you can kill brown ape faster
and they dont attack at same time
So much mad cuz bad, the game is brutal and fantastic. I'm enjoying it so much I'm pretty much convinced people saying it isn't good are just not good at the game. While NGB is a perfect game and a great example of 2D going to 3D successfully, this game LITERALLY feels like NES Ninja Gaiden but 3D, I'm just blown away honestly I love it.
>Brainlets trying to say its the rock's fault when there is clearly no rock when the player tries to dodge from the wave
>Shockwaves are okay when fromsoft does it.
Lol I've never heard a more retarded group of posts in my life. I also like how you completely ignore the part in where the player is obviously hit through a wall because hitboxes are just sooooo precise in that game right? The point being made which you clearly cannot grasp is that in other action games, aka not fromsoft easy mode that is comparable to MGR in terms of depth and difficulty, the fundamentals of the game are to provide enough visual clarity to where bosses hit and don't hit. If the player runs into a shockwave they are then presented with guess work as the mechanics are not consistent. Though I'm sure you'll tell me how I should git gud and how its completely fine when other games have done it better and I've already beaten the silly game you're defending. Fromdrones I swear.
is shadowrush any good? I haven’t bothered to get it
I.....finish him only with melee.....
still feel like a god after that
but it’s just reacting to the mistake you yourself already made so even if it looks weird that’s not what causes you to get hit, it looking weird is a result of you getting hit
The manga Blade of the immortal, it even has an immortal protagonist like Sekiro. The movie adaptation is average.
Vagabond is great, but has nothing supernatural, and it goes to shit when the deaf-mute autist shows up.
I would also HIGHLY recommend the Korean film Kundo; Age of the Rampant.
I had legit forgotten about DeS / DaS "git gud" shitposting and why we even did it before Sekiro came out
it's the single most-applicable counter-argument when people bitch about the game. every once in a while someone has a legit criticism which will actually lead to an interesting conversation about game / lore mechanics but the other 95/100 times it's the same "I'm bad! I'm mad!" shitposts getting more and more aggressive and desperate
best example are ogre shitters and people posting someone else's screenshots of finishing the game and then instantly revealing that they know nothing about it
either way great time for condescending shitposts
>Best fight is locked behind the bad ending
they never attack at same time
I beat white ape while brown was still alive
All game is fucking KINO. Every fucking bossfight, from MUH NAME IN GYOBU ONIWA to really personal and emotional Sura ending fights and dozens of moments with regular enemies like this too
Have you ever even played an NES NG game? It's not even remotely the same, what the hell.
it's free damage on any boss that isn't super aggressive because they can't deflect it
for example Emma and Isshin in Shura ending eat shit
The upgraded one is shown here. It's a charge into a jump. After the jump you can enemy step and use whatever too. Pretty good opener since AI rarely sees it coming. And it looks cool.
The animations looking weird causes people to get hit because they are reacting and expecting a different outcome.
If NGB came out today you'd say it's bad due to exploding shurikens coming from offscreen. I fought both ogres easily and got grabbed maybe twice total, and this was spot dodging them right in his face. When you guys are using the fucking ogre as your goalpost it just ruins the argument because he's so fucking easy that only a brain dead faggot would ever have trouble with him.
This made me feel but you can tell the game was rushed a bit. They could have hyped him up way more. I seriously hope from makes more weeb games like this.
>They could have hyped him up way more.
Found the person who wasn't eavesdropping.
I would easily place this game as one of my favorites this year, but some of you guys sound straight up delusional praising this game as the second coming of Christ.
>using my NG+ for purification ending
>need to start NG for Shura ending
I wish there wasn’t an actual boss fight at the bad end because doing it cuts you off from some of the best fights in the endgame
lmao mad as fuck shitter trying to pretend he isn't getting laughed out of a thread
can i get shura, purification and return endings on my second playthrough if i did immortal severance as my first?
okay i beat him after I just did nothing but deflect overheards and just stayed away
those weird animations are only done when you lock yourself into getting hit from what I can tell
>hasn't actually beaten the game
lol typical Yea Forums shitposter get a life loser
>sword phases through and very clearly hits the character
>this is somehow a hitbox problem
No, this is a problem of from being fucking hacks and making collision stop player attacks, but not enemy attacks
You're kidding yourself if you think that was sufficient hype for a thematically cool boss like him. Almost all of the bosses were just kinda "there" without cutscenes or foreshadowing.
Thank goodness these well respected ecelebs have validated my opinion. Now I have some credibility when I discuss these topics with the respected gentlemen at 4channel.org.
hey man ive been disappointed so many times in the past year that this was a huge mood boost to have an actual fun game
this and Baba is You have convinced me to hold on for a little while longer
There is that one eavesdropping opportunity but the only fights in the game that are really ‘hyped up’ are the inevitable Genichiro rematches because that bitch cut your arm off and the Isshin fight because everything about him is badass
play on a keyboard you fucking casual
You have unlocked the Shinobi Death Stare, right?
No one places PC in Japan except otaku pedophiles and serial killers, user
is immortal severance the ‘standard’ ending? like no eavesdropping and no snake fruit?
wish I could re-create this but afaik nobody has been able to. from bugs are hilarious.
anybody find a way to sequence break a la Das2 yet?
>a player getting hit by invisible hands is the same as knowing how to iframe out of an exploding shurikens which there are at least 5 different ways of doing.
What an utterly dumb comparison, even fucking getting hit from enemies from offscreen isn't comparable. Hell in NG2 (which I've beaten on MNM) you have more of that problem but the game offers clear ways to iframe through it including its core technique obliteration moves. Here on the other hand we have players dodging out of attacks but still getting hit because newsflash: certain attacks have wider hitboxes than they should. Thats the point people are trying to make 80% of the game is fun and tightly made yet these massive misnomers somehow made it in. This ruins the experience for players who run into it as it shows the seams of the game and takes away player control. Stop defending obvious bad game design.
>giving activision money
no. thats for retards.
guess ill look for my other pad.
Yes I know and it's not a bad thing, but like I said you could tell it didn't have an ideal production period.
This happened to me with Isshin, it was intense.
Can love bloom on the battlefield?
After I became fully erect when I beat the ogre.
What changes on ng+ and how many times does it stack?
Alright then but this game is 1 million times better than NG2, some of the worst boss fights I've ever experienced.
>invisible hands
>misusing the word "misnomer"
hmmmmmmmmmm yep definitely not a shitter
>one platform vs one platform
>sekiro was the biggest steam release of the year
Your posture bar lowers a lot slower.
I am very, very excited to watch the TIHYDP
That said, Phil is a Chad and I love him. He just sucks ass at soulslike games.
He sucks ass at a lot of other games too
>never use block
>rarely ever need to recharge my posture because I perfect block everything I can
my body is ready for NG+ as soon as I BEAT SWORD SAINT FUCK
I'm not sure if he's gonna make it through Sekiro.
He sucks ass in general, he used to be a meme people watched because of how bad he is and now literal zoomer shitters that came to Yea Forums since then unironically like him.
Really wish this faggot with the retarded mlgs mod would stop posti g his shitty webms. Nobody gives a fuck.
Pretty sure zoomers don't give a fuck about DSP
he 'quit' after finding out butterfly had a phase 2
im convinced this is all a persona he's doing to get laughs like a fat kid doing irl truffle shuffle
he intentionally never revives to inflate death counts and his bitching seems completely half-assed now.
The fact youre still losing to sword saint proves youre not that good at deflecting
What gave him so much trouble in 3? I don't remember it being any harder than the others.
When Dragonrot is a joke and I can just purchase an item to cure it when it comes back or just run away when I resurrect
When Kuro gives you his sweet, sticky balls desu
He knows he's not entertaining and has been living off the controversy for years now.
Just another reminder to ignore all DSP posts and media you see
A lot of bosses will arbitrarily hold their attack animations for a second or two, to catch roll shitters.
>doesn't even have an xbone controller in his desk constantly
Not helping you, faggot.
Yeah you're all still using IRC to talk and play with your friends... you have friends, right?
Reminder that he couldn't beat Ludwig.
How do you defeat the miniboss in Ashina Reservoir, the one with the spear? He's so fucking tough.
Mikiri counter
He's so easy it hurts
Oof that is too bad. I guess he didn't like the game much if that made him quit. That was a very hard boss for me too, but damn.
Still excited to hear "pressing the button it doesn't work!!!!"
ever heard of steam, tranny?
oh wait, sorry, I forgot STEAM BAD
The champ was the biggest gate, really exposed his inability to learn patterns.
>stealth game where the stealth is shit
>stealth game where the stealth tools are shit
>stealth game that has trouble keeping up with Tenchu games from 20 years ago let alone modern games
>stealth game with completely retarded, deaf, blind and borderline broken AI
>action game where the combat is QTE shit
>action game with one weapon with an extremely limited moveset
>action game with sluggish animations, input lag, stored inputs and enemies reading your inputs
>action game where you get le cinematic kill every single time
>grappling hook is underutilized and hysterically inconsistent
>most prosthetics are useless
>one combat skill slot
>but combat skills are also useless so does it matter?
>ninjitsu not even worth mentioning
>exploration is extremely limited, but worse, boring and unnecessary
>shit camera
>shit hitboxes
>lock-on randomly breaks
>poor enemy variety with reskins everywhere
>mostly un-imaginative bosses that are rehashed
>runs like shit on consoles despite also looking like shit unlike DMCV that runs at 60 and doesn't look like a PS3 game
>music is generic shit flutes and strings that could have come from a "Japanese Traditional Music" library and no one would have noticed. A sad truth compared to DS and BB
Mikiri counter
>I don't like a popular gaem!!! Listen to my cultured opinions and take them as fact!
Cry harder.
I'm not sure about PC, but on console, the game does drop a lot of inputs.
>stealth game
wrong thread?
Or just outright track you all fucking day. Or have magic grabs. Or those wonderful shockwaves everyone enjoys.
The game is responsive as fuck but this cunt just spams buttons and cannot recognize patterns
You're thinking of DaS2.
Mikiri counter ALSO if you climb on the wall where the big dude is on the side with the ravine you can swing up there and he'll walk out letting you get a sneak attack on him
The one that spits magic shit at you and what not, divine confetti let's you cut the purple shit floating around, even the big ones, just watch out for the kamehameha
>Muh PvP
DaS2 is unironically shit.
>exploration is limited
a blatant lie I have gotten lost as fuck, much moreso than any other Souls game
I just don't seem to understand how Mikiri works. I press circle but 9 out of 10 times I still get hit by hir thrust attack.
baffled at how many people struggle with 7 spears
he's the same concept as the other beefed up miniboss generals. just be OK at the game and you can parry / mikiri / jump over everything. he can't OHKO you so you have at least 6-7 fuckups before he can kill you.
use DS4 Windows fellow piratebro it worked for me
Sounds like BotW
Go practice it on the guy at the Dilapidated Temple, until you can do it consistently.
It's From's best world design since Dark Souls 1, easily.
dash into the attack
embrace your inner chad
>tfw can't parry bosses only "deflect" for posture damage
Why am I so shit?
You have to actually wait for the thrust. If you do it right when the symbol appears it's too early. Really, the symbol system I'm not sure if I like it. I'd have to play the game without it and see how it works sometimes I think it's unnecessary considering you still have to watch the animation, you could just recognize the sweep or thrust without the symbol and act accordingly.
that is parrying user. You're doing it right.
The enemies aren't supposed to get stunned for 5 seconds like in souls
Him or the Shinobi Hunter are the Mikiri meatgate, they are both hard to very hard to beat without it.
Same thing happened when the game first launched and people were fighting shield guys without the axe, tears everywhere.
This game is all about posture damage. If you're trying to kill a boss by depleting their vitality, you're playing it very wrong.
EXCEPT in some cases you are better off focusing on health first because the lower an enemy's health the slower his posture recovers. That's how I beat Owl.
I have seen a webm of someone getting a deflect that leads to a deathblow just like when you actually parry an enemy. Is this only having to do with posture damage?
And yes, posture is key I know, I don't even pay attention to health bars anymore.
Good point.
Owl 2 is a cunt who keeps running away to recover posture so chipping his health is pretty much the only way to beat him in under 3 hours. Also chipping HP is the best strat for guardian monkey, chained ogre and DoH
Guys how do i git gud against ghost mini boss after one armed swordsman inside the well?
The sound cue would be enough of a tell for unblockables imo. The symbol is like a fake QTE prompt.
post QoL strats
>you can remove Drunkard Bros armor with spear
>you can bing bing wahoo off of O'Rin's head before the fight for a free stealth backstab
>aged feather is fucking great if your posture is too high to block and you're unsure about parrying
>fully upgraded whistle stuns demon of hatred
yes. When a deflect leads to a deathblow it means that the enemy's posture bar was full.
If you could perfect parry bosses like that I think I would have gotten it once or twice by accident since this game revolves around spamming parry so much
Yes that's only if your deflection pushes their posture bar over the limit.
Sekiro: Shadows Die Twice critique when?
you can rip out guardian ape's centipede with a spear in its second stage for some posture damage
Ah okay thanks bros. I legitimately thought I was just THAT shit when I saw the webm lol.
>moonlight sword
Yes for beast enemies you are better off focusing on health for the most part, firecrackers help to build posture damage a lot though so if you do it right you can still fuck them up that way. However, thematically it does make sense after all the bests don't have any defense, it's just offense.
>Hey look it's the giant headless monkey again
> okay, easy first phase down, i wonder what they're gonna do for seco...
>second giant king kong appears
Now that's just lazy
He had like 26 kills before he gave up on lady butterfly, then died another 20(?) times to the ogre.
You can lure O'rin back towards the waterwheel sculpture and get her stuck on a rock when she tries to walk backwards to the arena and her AI fucks up and lets you beat her to death for free
Lady butterfly 1st phase can be easily cheesed by spamming Nightjar Slash
Genichiro in general is a joke, you can just r1 spam his ass and dodge when he does his jump attack
That elite dude in the castle dojo who does his hilt-draw two-slash attack becomes an utter joke vs. the umbrella
Flame umbrella will save you a lot of headache vs. DoH
That combat art you get from the final boss is god-tier in general
The blue woman warriors get raped by poison
Most of these mini bosses are the same. It's lazy as fuck.
can you anti-air deathblow bosses? I only ever got it on the Captain Tsubasa cunts in fountainhead
Easier than the single ape you can take out shaggy in like 5 seconds
Mikiri counter. When he thrusts, he either does another thrust or an overhead strike you can parry.
mostly Pontiff and Champ, but also the world in general
Just beat the ape. Now fighting Owl
I'm just spent. This game is so stressful.
>disliking best sword
Mikiri counter needs a nerf, t b h.
Where's the fan art of rice loli?
so which one should i focus on ?
The return of the Ape was kinda cool. Too bad its alot easier to kill it by that point.
Fuck the second ape's posture up immediately and then back to headless
Just kill the headless. The other one just disappears when the headless dies
I literally put myself in a position where I HAD to fight them right after the first one.
I feel like the people who hate this game are DaSfags who can't wrap their head around parrying being a main mechanic, and thinking that the old roll and poke playstyle can work in this game
I don't think it's supposed to be a hard fight, it's just supposed to be a chance to sever his immortality. It's revenge for all the pain he caused you before
How is this nigga functioning without his head?
Damn. Now thats fucked up. I only fought these two after I beat the game and was exploring everything before I started the NG+
This is the best PvE game From has ever done. Bloodborne has a better setting and OST but everything else is better in Sekiro, especially the core aspects, combat, enemy design and world design. From Software outdid themselves, I expected this game to be good but rather mediocre and it was a masterpiece.
Rejuvinating waters infested with centipedes give immortality.
Just now after finishing the game on NG+
Psst after you deflect his overhead strike you can use the spear to do massive damage. This trick will still be useful
The Owl boss fight music sounds like a shitty Doom WAD.
So which tools upgrade are necessary?
for me
>butterfly kunais
>flame explosion
>drill spear
>purple umbrella
Sword Saint isn’t even about blocking as much as it is dodging/punishing then not fucking up the lightning reversal in phase 3
These guys.
purple umbrella if you're having a hard time against headless and shichimen
that's what makes me sad, the concept of tools was neat but the execution was poor, like there's no incentive in using them creatively due to the spirit ammunition
You can definitely parry his spear phase and get decent posture build up on him.
What is dmd?
Lmao i love how you went out of your way to not come off as a weeb.
Yees, I finally got him! Not by mikiri countering him, but rather jumping over his sweeps and chugging away enough health for his posture to not go back down faster than Sonic.
Still a joke. even LDK mode is a joke of an action game.
Delete this, Miyazaki is a god, this is edited HEAVILY.
I love Emma!
What do
>respected faggot.
I love the rice loli!
Lmao, it has been years and they still do this shit.
Oh, there's a lot more where that came from.
I picked option 2 and ended up having to help him anyway
doesn't matter
you literally can't do the second option yet
Dodge into them
I think he's just showing you skip the carp stealth bit.
people have trouble getting there
Okay, I'm going to expose myself as a complete idiot; but you can go underwater?
I tried diving a couple times when I first swam with dodge and jump, but didn't do it.
Always wondered how to get the fish I was targeting below the surface...
Demon isn't that bad, just stay under him and use the fire shield whenever there's something you think you can't dodge. The big jumping explosion he does just run away, jump and grapple onto him. There's one attack where he does an attack, 2 kicks and then another sword swing but the sword swing kept taking me off guard because the move looked like it was over, but once you memorise it's fine. Other than that just jump over the sweep and attack him when he does the fire circle thing
It's a mandatory skill that you get from beating a boss. You can't miss it.
You'll unlock it later in the game
>New, fun game
>proceeds to browse Yea Forums
>tfw I mastered this fight because of sword saint and my past experience with fighting him
It feels amazing to have had my ass kicked by this guy so early on and then absolutely ace him with no damage taken later on, this is the reason I play games like this, I truly feel like I progressed skill wise and that feeling is amazing.
Okay cool. Glad to know I wasn't missing a whole mechanic I should be using. On the subject of your webm, is the Monk fight around the same point as getting the Mortal Blade? I feel like I've explored all of Senpou, but never found that battle. Am I supposed to come back later after something?
what is the best combat art and why is it double ichimonji?
Did Scas make a new Looking Glass picture? I don't remember that one. Cool.
When I realized it's just Punch Out in feudal Japan
Sekiro more like Sekino, this game is hitboxes for the soul
There are two Corrupted Monks in the game (technically three, but it's ending dependent). The one you need to fight is in Ashina Depths.
as soon as it got a 90 on metacritic, the chat feels like a dream when my favourite twitch streamer plays it, also poopgrabber65 says it's an awesome game and I believe him, he's a mod for the channel since 2012, my other online friends agree too, I wouldn't play it myself though because it looks hard
contrarians get pic related ahah
This is oddly accurate
>Speedrunner finds a way to keep Sword Saint in phase 1
>He removes all of his HP bars
>Sword Saint still transitions to phase 3 when all his HP bars are gone and keeps going like it's a phase 4.
It is a 89 now because some meme magazine gave it a 4/10 for being too hard
Never happened, I was pretty underwhelmed. The best moment in the game is Mr Monkeyman getting up for round 2.
I realized it was a masterpiece after I beat butterfly and actually got a hang for the combat. Shitters in this thread will blame a million things before their own mistakes. Forever bad.
Hey guys how do I get past that courtyard of those fuckers that sap your vitality? The lady says go around but I can’t find a route
you just described any souls game
>easy game ranks higher
no shit
General Naomori Kawarada
great combat improvements mang
>Exploration gets disappointing after finding your 15 ceramic crap.
>Soundtrack is really bland and/or annoying( monks should stick their flutes up their asses) minus Divine Dragon.
>Combat feels shallow as all you do is parry, evade and attack you just have to learn enemy patterns.
>Hitboxes, FROM will never learn will they?
>Skill system is a joke as is prosthetic upgrades.
>Wolf is the worst shinobi ever, stealth is only useful to take 1 life of a mini boss as is far better to just run.
>no cool shit like mines, smoke and fire bombs like Tenchu just boring prosthetic that are worthless if you learn to parry.
>Terror is just a annoying gimmick as is the divine crap to kill apparitions just like it was in DS.
>The one cool mechanic Dragon Rot is render worthless by the abundance of items to dispel it.
>lackluster side quests.
Sekiro is a good game but no masterpiece, a solid 7/10 for me.
It's good, but arguably worse than all Soulsborne games and the weakest Miyazaki title.
It'll be remembered as a better Tenchu game with worse stealth.
>but arguably better than all Soulsborne games
At Ashina castle, when they open the game and tell you "now you're free" and understand that you're supposed to explore the castle by accessing the roof first.
>Didn't fight genichiro first and went to the monastery.
The rest was absolutely kino from this point.
Beating guardian ape by the skin of my fucking teeth. Then, finding him later and BEATING 2APE form in one shot.
Nah, keep up with discussions we've had for the past few days. Objectively worse due to it being weaker in pretty much all aspects but combat.
>Objectively better due to it being stronger in pretty much all aspects
I stopped reading at the first point. Exploration is great in this game, I find Prayer Beads and rare crafting materials and money which you always need. That's just in terms of items, there are also different ways to approach combat encounters and such. I found Sekiro exploration way more interesting than Dark Souls 3's for example.
>Exploration is great in this game
Imagine typing this
Holy fuck Shitkirodrones
Are you really so retarded to believe that the reward is the point of exploration?
no doubt you did fanboy
Seething Soulsbabbies.
indeed the point is finding ceramic shards or just nothing
what a great argument fanboy, besides Souls has most of this problems too.
As soon as i saw Chained Hogan
I found 4+ Prayer Beads just from exploration, in my last play session I found one hidden in the top floor of a house in Mibu Village, there's also one if you go to the top floor of the building where Tengu of Ashina first appears, I found one in each of two secret wall rooms (one in Hirata and the other in Ashina Castle) and I found two from exploring underwater areas in places I had already visited. Fuck you shitposters, you're worse than shills and you didn't even play the game or you are shit at exploring.
I'm pretty sure Sekiro has better exploration than any Souls game. I did like the world tendency system in Demons Souls which had some cool things associated with it but that's not really active exploration.
My man.
When this happened
The first Dark Souls is still the best, but Sekiro dumpsters the rest.
Reminder that Dark Souls 3 is a straight line.
>When you give the rice loli kaki
Is there r34 of her yet?
Sword Saint is too hard!
>start a new game for fun yesterday, not +, just regular
>get to Ashina Elite
>decide to have some fun with prosthetics
>poison him with Subimaru
>Umbrella deflect his iai strikes
>his poise depletes in around ten seconds for each phase, he's dead in about thirty
I'm imagining the umbrella is really good against Genichiro's tantrum attack, but I'm putting off his battle so I can enjoy as much of the game as possible during the morning phase. Senpou is best.
Maybe, could go either way I guess. Souls games have better areas but exploring them isn't as fun.
Just stay on the defensive and deflect, holding block to recover posture whenever possible. Only attack when you have an obvious opening like after mikiri or that one overhead attack he has that leaves an opening. I didn't try it but you can probably use the feather to avoid those attacks that do massive chip damage when you block them
That's fair enough. The thing I really liked about DaS was that it wasn't designed around any sort of fast travel, so exploration was rewarded by finding lots of shortcuts that had tangible rewards for navigating the world. Of course, this gets thrown out the window in the latter half of the game, but the first half is amazing.
What were you trying to do in this webm? Play dark souls?
Don't dodge right into the grab and maybe you won't get grabbed.
A lot of attacks track heavily because you're not supposed to be siderolling everything like you're playing dark souls, Sekiro doesn't work like that.
If you just play the game NOT like dark souls you'll have basically no issue with it.
I liked DeS' shortcuts more but I liked how you could skip stuff in DaS.
Bull is Capra Demon, Genichiro is O&S
Kratos Ape is O&S.
B team strikes again
>awful camera
>assassin's creed tier stealth
>parrying giant attacks with just a small sword
>grapple points
>useless items
>dodging is useless
>only one playstyle
>trash mobs but one hit kill bosses
>terrible third person shooting mechanics for projectiles
>no lore
>graphics that look like gravy
Why do you like Sekiro again??
It's one of the best looking games this gen.
The ogre grab doesn't have that good tracking. The way grabs work in every Souls game and Sekiro is the following: enemy throws out a hitbox, if you get hit by that hitbox, you get grabbed. In all Souls games except Sekiro, this makes you get teleported into the enemy's arms for the grab animation. Dark Souls 2 has really bad roll hitboxes, especially at low agility (they would linger a bit behind your actual character model) so this is what made them look so bad. But they all work the same way. Except that in Sekiro, they tweaked the animations a bit so that the enemy faces the character when grabbed instead of teleporting you to the existing enemy position, this makes the move look like it has infinite tracking. Check what happens when you iframe the grab correctly, it doesn't track.
This is a bug, not a hitbox problem. I have avoided that attack well, without iframes, being closer than that, it doesn't have such a big hitbox. It's the same as that one webm of Bloodborne's Church guys hitting the character with their cane from like two meters away, it's an one-off bug and not an actual problem of the attack's hitbox, which would be 100% consistent.
t. Souls series autist that played more than a thousand hours of every Souls game
Is this Canada?
git gud
when I took down genichiro
great fight
mechanics are so much better than souls, you don't have a single god mode button, now you have to actually think about what to use to counter an attack
Just finished it.
I miss non-Japanese settings and I miss being able to take different approaches to stuff.
I know this is bait but
>no influence in the genre
what is splinter cell
So you're an iframe shitter, got it. Must have been really fun spamming those OTs that make you invulnerable against a billion offscreen shurikens getting stuck to you and exploding on you as the minicutscene plays. Wowy zowy absolutely kino Gaiden.
Genichiro's second phase.
Fun as fuck.
This game would be nearly as hard if some of the stronger enemies didn't do unga bunga tier damage. Leaves little room for error so you have to pay attention to an autistic degree.
>the game wouldn't be hard if it was easier
no way
50% of what?
It's not Dark Souls 4, it's better than another souls game could ever be.
Aside from maybe Bloodborne 2.
Tips for the chained Orge? This is my first Souls game, and I want to beat him with 100% meele. (No fire or stealth).
I always have trouble evading his grab attack, any advice? I generally try evading backward or to the side, but he seems to track you as he grabs
You think he could fit 1 or 2 more blades somewhere?
If you press circle but then get hit by an attack, you didn't dodge it. If you dodged it you wouldn't have gotten hit.
What you did was sidestep into getting hit for no reason.
If you want to not get hit either deflect, jump, run, or use those in conjunction with your dodge to physically get far enough away from the boss to not get hit.
If you want to sideroll to avoid attacks like in dark souls, go play dark souls. There are like five games in which you can do exactly that. This isn't one of them, so stop doing it.
git gud
Outspace his attacks and punish them when they end (careful with that one combo move which has a followup) jump to evade the grabs. You can also evade them with dodges or running but I recommend jumping away for his melee grabs, and to the side when when he does the jumping grab.
Play him like a Dark Souls boss.
Nintentoddlers cant play on PC
they are too young
needs parents permission
When I timed my axe prosthetic perfectly as Lady Butterfly charged at me and shitted on her.
>the prosetic doesn't have a lot if use
Always be prepared to back away from him when he grabs. Dodge away from him, but remember that your dodge and your jump are more about moving your character than gaining invincibility to damage.
Instead of dodging way after the perilous attack warning goes away, you should already be backing up and dodging out of the way. The game tells you when he's doing to do a grab, use that knowledge to be already out of the way when he does it.
Anybody who thinks dark souls 3 isn't just as bad as dark souls 2 was is retarded.
>autistic screeching intensifies
Demon of Hatred is really fucking hard.
>it's the giant anime sword autismo posting his garbage again
may as well use a tripcode, faggot
DS2 literally fucks up the story though with its convoluted time fuckery which lead DS3 having to follow it.
2 also has the worst bosses and music of all the games too.
3 is shit but seriously DS2 can fuck right off.
>Dark Souls 3 is one of the worst games ever mad-
Yeah people are pretty fucking stupid
>AND my friends constantly fucking going on about it
>ive stopped going on discord because its all they ever fucking discuss now
Gee why would your "friends" be talking about a brand new game that came out literally less than a week ago. I have no fucking clue as to why they would be talking about it clearly it's old news
>console cucks getting this mad over a mod posted an hour ago
Is there a map on how everything connects and what order you can do shit in for Sekiro yet?
>h-he just doesn't like it because he plays on console
no, I just think it looks like fucking garbage
at least mod in a decent katana and not this anime jrpg-looking garbage
Not that I'm aware of, but the game is super open.
You can fight Corrupted Monk second.
>anime jrpg-looking garbage
It's the Moonlight Greatsword from Dark Souls
Dark Souls 1 didn't need a sequel. 3 is just as bad as 2 in terms of fucking everything.
2 is honestly less offensive than 3 in that regard alone. At least it tried to be it's own thing. It failed horribly but at least it tried.
Straight Swords 3: Swamp Level Number 5 is so absolutely uninspired that you can't even give it the benefit of the doubt.
It's only visually impressive because it reuses assets from Bloodborne and it only has a story at all because it banks on nostalgia for the first game. Everything Dark Souls 3 has going for it is stolen from better games, and even with all of that it's a linear slog through a patchwork mess. It's not even clear what it's trying to be.
Just because the textures are prettier and the item descriptions hope you remember who Gwyn is doesn't mean 3 is any less trash than 2.
and it looks like dogshit in a game about a ninja
>t. playing the game on less than 120 FPS
>it reuses assets from Bloodborne
[citation needed]
When I noticed the map design was amazing and it was even more opened up than Dark Souls 1. I did a bunch of shit BEFORE I was told, and found out after the fact. Felt great to explore and be rewarded, felt good to kill mini-bosses and get buffed up for it.
Miyazaki is at his best when doing passion projects like this.
>>assassin's creed tier stealth
Never playing an asscreed game in my life but I refuse to believe they've made 17 of those but still have dogshit stealth like Sekiro.
Play the game and see for yourself you nigger. It's just Bloodborne chopped up and pasted back down into five swamps and three cathedrals.
Sekiro has good stealth.
The tree fuckers in the one swamp level literally fire bloodborne projectiles at you, dude
>I can't refute his argument so it's buzzword time!
user you have absolute fucking shit taste and there's no getting around that
>tried to be it's own thing
DS1>2>3 you meme-spouting faggot
it had flaws but wasn't the worst one
even if we traveled back 20 years to the PS1 era that would still be wrong.
Once I met the horse dude. Whats his name again?
>someone else doesnt like it soil its bad
Just because max got exposed as a shitter doesn't mean a thing
What argument? It's the MLGS, a Ftom weapon, in a From game. You are literally seething.
from a different fucking GENRE
terrible list.
might as well mod on smough's hammer it makes just as much fucking sense
MLGS predates the Souls games, brainlets.
It's in several different genres already but... Sekrio and Souls are in the EXACT same genre, you realize.
It's a magical sword, and there are European swords in this game regardless.
Talk about a sperg. Why are you so mad? You ARE a consolefag, aren't you?
You're objectively baiting
ONE european sword used by ONE european character who is markedly different from EVERYONE ELSE
holy shit you are a fucking retard with ZERO sense of style or aesthetic
Someone already did, actually.