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Is it me or was this game more fun when I was younger? Downloaded it again a few months ago and could not play it.
nah im not bumping this shit
Is PC version of Borderlands 3 going to be Epic game store exclusive?
how many hours till the reveal?
You bet.
>Borderlands: Mayhem!
>The Battle Royale game set in the Borderlands universe
>Now available on iOS, Android, PS4, Xbox One and the Epic Games Store
>Pre-order now to get BADASS Fortnite skins and a BADASS boost to your V-buck earning!
Only the first one was ever decent. Key word on decent, not great. Very fun game with lots of loot but gets repetitive eventually and the gun scopes were all the same.
At least there is no Anthony Burke this time. And if they cut down the gay/meme stuff a bit. Ok we might have a game here.
I'm glad people are excited for the new game, but it seems like a 180 on Yea Forums's general opinion of the borderlands series in the past.
>no burch
>it's a battle royale
I'd be a little miffed to say the least.
1 is the only passable game in this garbage series.
It's certainly Interesting to say the least, if anyone tries to say the writing of 2 or Pre was good we'll know if it's shill season or not.
Oh boy, cant wait for Borderlands: Colonial Mariens lmao Gearbox is finished
it's just zoomers who played it when they were 8 and thought the writing was funny. haha butt stallion XD so epic.
Is there a game with more cringey writing than Borderlands 2? This shit was outdated years before it even released.
I hope this game is good
Borderlands sucks
What time is the reveal today?
I hope there's a melee class of weapons.
BL1 > shit > BL2
Borderlands The Pre Sequel
it took the cringey writing and somehow made it even worse
it feels like a parody Yea Forums would make up just to mock the Borderlands series
2pm EDT
Same, I thought that Zer0 would get a bunch of swords as loot when he was revealed, I was disappointed when I found out his sword was static.
Why? What made the first better?
Thanks user
Do you have a link to the stream? Has it been posted yet?
It cant be. All the characters are in the trailer. Balancing this to a BR would be odd. I think its a traditional Borderlands.
No Problem
All I want is for characters to have multiple skills. And no Anthony burch but I think we're already getting that.
Yea Forums always 180s their opinion on something once they notice it's popular or disliked. Case in point, there have been Battleborn threads creeping up left and right filled with the "I miss it Yea Forumsros." type of shit for the past couple weeks.
I really wanna hope they don't go all autistic with the microtransactions like they did in BL2.
Borderlands 1 goes down in history as having some of the most satisfying DLC. You just bought them and installed them and it was a straight up new chunk of game to play, Perfect.
Then BL2 came around and did that, while shoehorning in skins, class purchases, lootcrates, etc.
I didn't even touch BL2's DLC (which I hear are pretty good) because I didn't want to have anything to do with the rest of the MTX garbage available.
Oh who am I kidding, they're gonna double down on this shit.
Multiple skills was already confirmed in the leak that had numerous details the teaser trailer had, like Tiny Tina being all grown up, the three leaked characters, and the plot of a psycho cult worshiping a twin brother and sister.
It's a shame the writing and world design were so shit since the low-grav shenanigans were a nice addition and the characters were my favorite batch so far.
Then its gonna be a good fucking game. I want my Vladof waifu.
The playable characters, I mean. The NPCs were all shit.
It's on Borderlands.com, as far as I'm concerned
You can watch on twitch here.
>Rhys gets introduced on screen in the Borderlands fashion with a freeze frame and their name flying in on screen
>right under his name is the line "Rhys will remember that."
tell me this isn't going to happen, because I know it's going to happen
Will it be on Youtube too?
>Is there a game with more cringey writing than Borderlands 2?
last of us(any ps exclusive game actually)
fallout 4
I want to FUCK Maya's FOOTPUSSY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I believe so, think a few sites said it will be on the borderlands youtube channel.
I dunno, destiny's was just extremely boring.
>long hair maya
>grown tina
>6 sirens
>bl1 style guns
>bl1 writing
>finally off pandora
>cyberdaddy zane
>tight brown muscle girl
that's an instabuy for me folks, i dont even care if its on epic.
If they can get the writers from Tales From the Borderlands then it'd be fucking amazing.
I guess he means Infinite
Just bought the hj collection so I can play through with my lil bro.ive done every class except gunzerker and the dlc ones,of those 3 which should I use next?
>tight brown muscle girl
My man
I'm sure they can, seeing as they're unemployed
I found Krieg to be lots of fun, but I played him solo so I don't know how he does in co-op
zerk if you want to melt everything in front of you
krieg if you're an ebic rebbitor or if you're man enough to follow the chad hellborn instead of the virgin mania
gaige is just fun no matter what you want to do.
If yes, I'm not buying it.
Yeah, but can Randy actually pay them, I mean Battleborn was a massive failure and there was that whole debacle with his friend that had a credit card that belonged to the company wasting millions of dollars on personal stuff, essentially stealing the fuck out of Gearbox. It makes me worry for the budget of BL3.
you heard it here first
TPS is actually something else. The tutorial doesn't even feel like a tutorial, but a surreal experience. Like it's trying to be a Borderlands game, but it can't come up with a coherent plot chain to start off.
>Wake up and are immediately thrown into doing shit
>Claptrap steward just hands you an echo device
>Oh god protect me
>OH god, these guys have me pinned!
>Help me up...
>Okay, let's go save the sta-
>Okay, let's get outta he-
>Okay, let's uh.. kill this dude
>Okay bye!
Mfw Moxxi is in a bikini if you zoom into her on top of the bar
just get a fire fastball and fuck everything up
Oh shit that reminds me, have they shown Moxxi yet?
shes at the very bottom of the mask image standing on top of her bar
Would be cooler if they just didn't have a twist and the final boss battle is against the two of them at the same time, just sayin. Or if the twist was twincest.
But does it show the impression of her pierced nipples against the fabric or at least a glint of the buttplug she canonically only takes out for potty and anal?
>post yfw
>gacha game
>BR game
>mobile game
>dude any game announcement is BR/mobile game because battle royale is popular and diablo immortal haha :)
>remembering the weeks of my cousin playing on his pc and me trying to play on my laptop in the same room
Jesus Christ I didn't think I'd have borderlands nostalgia
>online only
>epic store exclusive
man i'm super excited for borderlands 3, borderlands is one of my favorite game series, i know that the writing isn't exactly all that great and that people might be turned off by the core gameplay loop but i'm ready to sink another few thousand hours in this series
Eh, I don't think so. BL is big enough to sell millions regardless of the platform and unlike ubi, Gearbox doesn't have their own launcher to push.
The twist is he's FtM
Sister is going to die very early on mission 24
Brother is going to flip out and basically go insane
He raids the s3 ship to kidnap Axton, but he also kills Gaige causing deathtrap to because a midboss
What if the twist is the brother "tried" killing off the sister but failed and she comes to us for help hence why their a character with broken wings next to her
except pre sequel wasn't burch either, yet it was filled to brim with faggotry.
todally fuggin ebic fug :DDDD
I'm curious about that card game too
Do we have a name for the brown siren yet
Better and more open map design, better enemy health and weapon scaling, far more orange chests scattered around, better writing, better characters, characters weren't screaming in your face constantly, vending machines actually had worthwhile stuff to buy from them, etc.
will probably drop it if it's the case
no way I'm installing that botnet for ANY game
worst case I'll wait a year
Raging virgins who have nothing but Yea Forums in their life. They came from places like r/donald or plebbit in general. All they know and want is attention or upvotes.
Their bitterness became unbearable in the past and dripped into their posts. Then they got their accounts suspended or are in constant fear of being removed and that's why they moved here.
5 quid on she is Indian and not black like everyone says. No name so far.
Borderlands 3 better kill off Moxxi and Lilith, Jack may've been a Neutral Good that slid to Neutral Evil, but Moxxi and Lilith are chaotic evil cunts, no debate. Lilith is the worst as she attacked Jack with intent to MAIM, not KILL. Am I legitimately alone that I want to murder these skanks hard until they die in the 3rd game?
amara supposedly. means immortal in poo language or something.
Borderlands Pre Sequel wasn't written by Anthony Burch yet it was still filled with faggotry.
nah i really hope i get to shoot lilith in the face. the fact that shes displayed apart from brick and mordecai gives me hope that she'll become an enemy at some point.
What made Moxxi so bad? You can't be angry with Lilith. Jacky boy killed her lover.
Good luck jerking off without a license govna
>Indian instead of black
Even better.
>Am I legitimately alone that I want to murder these skanks hard until they die in the 3rd game?
nah Lilith is fucking awful. TPS turned her from annoying but tolerable to a complete cunt who needs to die
>have to kill Rhys because he's been corrupted by Jack
>have to kill Vaughn because he goes native
>have to kill Sasha because she wants your loot
Are you ready to feel user
Infinite fucking ammo for christ sake Randy at least this time.
>Screen Cap this
>Borderlands 1 GOTY April 3rd
I liked how weapon designs were more tame and less chunky and colorful than in 2. Making certain manufacturers only produce certain types of weapons was a mistake as well
>Tfw Burch forever tainted the Borderlands series
What was it about a deserted barren planet nearly devoid of all life and was filled with escaped convicts that made the world seem like Mad Max that just screamed "You know what this world needs? SOCIAL JUSTICE!"
Moxxi endangered a city sized capitol ship with many non-combat personnel, has a questionable character, thinking she is in place to threaten you and all, and finally, thott.
Lilith is just a teenager that never grew up. How Jack can't deliver strategic nuclear warheads with the moonshot cannon is just bizarre, but eh? plot armor?
Please don't even joke about that.
Gearbox are dumb, but they're not that dumb.
That being said Borderlands BR actually sounds interesting
>Making certain manufacturers only produce certain types of weapons was a mistake as well
I actually really liked that aspect
mask teaser looks like we're returning to bl1 style weapons.
Jakobs>>>every other shit manufacturer
>nisha is already dead in cannon
I don’t care any more
I love variety, but, justify a Jakobs SMG and Laser to me. I'll wait.
imagine needing more than one shot to kill something.
>literally everything goes to plan against Jack and putting his daughter out of her misery
>Litlth Bursts in and ruins everything
>after she was EXPLICITLY told not to come by the guy she would end up getting killed.
And she starts becoming a tyrant afterwards. Worse characters ever
>going through the entire game using Jakobs rifles because of the DPS
>rarely used an automatic rifle
I've gone out of my way to scour the maps to see if I could find an auto rifle that was better than my Jakobs, but they were rare inbetween
Tommy gun
Laser musket
My nigga. Also
>Luck cannon > skullsmasher >Slayer
>jakobs smg class is dual wield pistols
>leak suggests lasers arent in new game
btfo (blown the f*** out)
>Laser musket
you sure that isn't copyrighted
aren't tommy guns full auto? I like the laser musket idea though.
Vladof & Hyperion > all
No way, if they did that and he has siren powers because he's actually a woman, Gearbox would be admitting that you're actually the gender you're born as not the gender you want to be and the social justice crowd they pander to will eat them alive. Assuming they have that much foresight of course.
Dat AK with minigun underrail
Can we not?
Jakobs guns being semi-auto only is a bad meme
>no Jakobs SMG
a small price to pay for a good variety of weapons that are unique to each other. Besides there are plenty of other manufactures that make SMGs so its not all bad.
also Jakobs lasers could work sort of like Star Wars blasters shooting semi automatic
Pre-Sequel was outsourced to Gearbox Australia so the humor is *vastly* different from the other two games which ended up turning alot of people off.
do we get a ''workaround'' like Eridian or E-tech? as pre-sequel lasers were shotguns, assault rifles, machineguns (beam, tickcount is similar) and sniper rifles (hyperion ''railgun'')
>aren't tommy guns full auto?
yes why
Zerk is monobuild dogshit. Avoid
Tidiore > Hyperion > vlad > everything else
BL1 was never that fun. BL2/TPS is a step up but still a bit rough around the edges.
He contributed.
I think TPS had the best gameplay, it just lacked content.
Fight me.
>mfw using hellborn Krieg for the first time today without understanding half the mechanics
>mfw shit is still dying left and right anyways and there's elemental status effects everywhere
>game has gatling gun
>is actually a volley gun
What the hell happened to Limmy
He still had a hand in the script/story structure. Same with Tales, he just didn't handle dialogue so it was much stronger.
If only they'd let us pick TPS characters in BL2...I don't think anyone's going to care how it affects the story.
Is a volley gun a rifle pepperbox or what? on pepperboxes, I hope the vladof barrel is legal on Jakobs, they had an innate 2 shot that became 4shot with double (I hacked it all in for fun). but please, make slag NEVER return and keep cryo.
jakobs, maliwan
pangolin > anshin > vladof > the rest
100% this. TPS might feel empty but that verticality and emphasis on movement made up for pretty much every problem it has.
I loved Jack the most of all vault hunters in the series, his tree that focusses on gun brands was awesome imo. switch from Torgue to cryo maliwan beam, shit was unreal.
REMINDER that vladof is best manifacture!
and nobody can change my mind on that!
you can get a legit pepperbox in tps in clap dlc
o boy another looter shooter, I cant wait
2 hours
Bandit shotguns are based even if the pistols/smgs/ARs suck
this but unironically
I coukd understand a jakobs smg not existing. But a laser could be a sort of sniper or a railgun
Now how can you justify that vladof/maliwan cant make a shotgun or torgue cant make an smg or that
>needing to pull the trigger more than once
GameStop has a sku in their system with an untitled game for release on 4/3. Some should receive shipment today I am sure someone will post a photo or it will go live after today's conference.
Most likely Goty B1
only as glitch wasn't it? owh god glitch was awesome.
Jetpack pls! Noxious atmospheres pls!
>yfw it comes out today
why did this and most automatic guns felt pretty bad to use?
That is jacobs user
Vladof just hold and release!
Vladof pistol with the minigun barrel and Valdof grips are 10/10 guns
I for one am glad Randy has not changed his faggoty ways
To me it was statwise. Even if a regular AR and a Jakobs AR had similar DPS, it would show that the Jakobs have more damage because it only shows the damage per bullet
They did say that BL3 would have the shortest announcement to release window of any of their games, so...
>getting a perfect glitched quad on jack and just deleting everything in sight
good times
>yfw the stream is just ambience and the actuall reveal is in 8 hours
Could this be Randy's redemption arc?
bl1 remaster in early april
bl3 in july
>Dahl Shields
What the fuck were they thinking
>hyperion guns in bl2
Boy I sure do love having a sniper with shit accuracy until I’m halfway through the mag
don't call it a comeback
Where's my B1 remaster Randy?
They had sick reload animations though
the bullets go exactly where you point the scope crosshairs, just the sway is really bad. their smgs and shotguns are still god tier.
>sane man constantly fighting his now psycho-self in an attempt to do the right thing
Is there anyone more based than Krieg?
imagine if it was just a regular shooter, instead of a grind-to-win piece of shit lol
>Equip shotgun
>get high level bee shield
>every pellet now does sniper damage
>delet everyone
Shame it got patched
>using snipers
>of any brand
>except for the elephant gun
What the fuck is wrong with you just run up and spray them in the face with an SMG
Still, what is the status on Cryo and Slag if we get no lasers? do we get Eridian back? I refuse to give up my freezeray.
Can't remember how it was at launch but at least today the accuracy steadies a lot when you zoom in
So they're basically Jakobs with way more ammo and fire rate, but less damage and you can't fire unscoped for shit
>not being a zer0 chad
Every other smg is better than hyperions too tho, the gimmick they had sucked ass
>that lowkey luchadore aesthetic
if borderlands 3 is cel-shaded dia de muertos dieselpunk i am going to absolutely lose my shit
randy on his podcast
What's the best DLC and why is it Tiny Tina's Assault on Dragon Keep?
>hit first shot
>every shot after that missed
but at least it doesnt have hyperion gimmick amirite
t. never played Gaige
Stack reload speed and Hyperion SMGs are fucking deathbeams
i honestly hope he's mostly rehabilitated and like a high level employee or ceo of one of the manufacturers but then plot shit happens and he goes insane and starts indiscriminately killing people. then he briefly regains his sanity long enough to beg you to kill him before he kills too many more innocents and then goes permanently psycho and you have to kill him
>”so all that stuff looked really badass right?”
>”so we were going to show a gameplay trailer but it doesn’t seem to be working”
>”instead we will just live you with this...”
>title shows back up
>bullets shoot out the words “TOMORROW”
>everyone flips their shit
I liked maliwan smgs disk mags more, and javelin tossing a tediore launcher was great
God i love that feel to shoot guns like these!
TTAODK and pre-sequels claptraps voyage were the best ones.
I prefer my guns to be consistent, hyperion guns are only good at point blank and at that range all guns hit
How does anarchy work with reverse recoil? does the recoil get straight up inverted by a * -1 function? as that would mean high recoil is good.
Borderlands 2 writing sucked but the telltale game was great.
Dead on arrival
>implying it wasn’t General Knoxx
it still reduces, but even with full recoil reduction, you're still hella inaccurate when you get in the high anarchy stacks
so it's a linear decreasing function instead a straight up inversion?
the reverse recoil will cancel out the bad accuracy until you like around 150 stacks
at 600 stacks bullets will go sideways or behind you
im pretty sure. havent played gaige in a while but thats how i remember it working.
could just be that with reduced mag size nothing ever had enough bullets for me to reach the full accuracy.
>we'll never get more krieg x maya lines
>we'll never get more krieg
>we'll never get more krieg
>we'll never get more krieg
>we'll never get more krieg
>we'll never get more krieg
>we'll never get more krieg
The Randy redemption arc begins now. He comprehends the value of healthy competition, so he's going to take the chinese bribe, but then release it on steam anyway a week later.
i was thinking more like
>”so all that stuff looked really badass right?”
>”well here's the thing, you all know how we were going to show a gameplay trailer back in october, but we couldn't get everything quite right until just before pax east"
>*crowd gets quiet*
>"but it ended up taking us so long to fix that, well--"
>his phone starts ringing
>"sorry, i thought i turned this off -- really? already? uh, i've got to take this, one second..."
>he picks up on speakerphone
>"hey, uh, gabe? i'm kind of in the middle of something right now..."
>"hi randy, i see you're quite busy so i'll make this quick - everything is ready to go when you are"
>"so all you have to do is hit the big red button?"
>gives the crowd a giant shit-eating grin
no its not just you borderlands fucking sucks
oh boy viral marketing!
You remember that one shot Torgue smoothbore cannon from he Pirate booty DLC that had 0 shots due Gaige's mag decrease? Never got fixed :^)
He was literally /ourguy/
Since a good chunck of the other vault hunters make an appearance in the teaser it's almost a guarantee that he's gonna be in BL3
>randy joins a public server for the gameplay trailer
same with the infinity. who cares, quads are better for gaige in every way.
If Zane, or any character has a time stop action skill then the game is saved
I like breaking the game user.
Question guys, i was thinking of playing the Reborn mod pack but at the same time i've found in these posts a modpack called MBGA and i don't know if i should consider either reborn or that modpack
wasnt the whole chink spyware thing debunked?
>implying faceberg and google and literally every app on your computer doesn't do the exact same shit
I hope they expand on Tediore weapons functioning as grenades for their reload. That's a pretty neat idea but I never felt like it was worth doing since the explosions did so little damage. Giving them unique properties like actual grenades would also be cool.
Like, imagine a Tediore sniper rifle that has a longbow mod, so you snipe somebody, then hurl it like a javelin and have it teleport to your target. Could be neat if you ask me.
>Tiny Tina's assault on dragon keep was go-
it's idiotic that you spam R and L1 though, how about an RNG jam?
Fuck rabid stalkers and fuck those guys
This, armored knights and dragons were cancer
>I never felt like it was worth doing since the explosions did so little damage
Tediore chucking gives you some of the highest DPS possible dude.
post em boys
My irl friend is a gigantic nerd for Borderlands and doesn't stop sending me screenshots of muh overpowered guns that he keeps acquiring by glitching as if I'm supposed to be impressed. How should I tell him that I legitimately do not give a shit despite really liking the games
>bloodlust krieg with full stacks and tediore allegiance and gunerang
unironically the fastest way to kill hyperious without abusing b0re
so weve fought Atlas, Hyperion, and Dahl. which company will give us grief this time? Im betting Maliwan
>shooting one bullet and reloading gives one of the best builds in the game
Calling it now, it's going to be co developed by Bethesdsa.
*is the best girl in your path*
|s Hyperion down and did their guns magically disappear now too? Maybe Torgue, I doubt Gearbox wants to give him up as character.
we kinda fought Torgue in the Thanksgiving event, right?
>tfw feeling somewhat nostalgic for bl2 of all things
>bought the season pass for it when it came out but only ever played the first dlc
kinda want to play it again sometime and check out the dlcs but worried i won't enjoy it much alone
Anyone have the boomer edit of soldier 77?
there's a giant M hidden in the mask in the same font as the maliwan logo, wouldn't be surprised at all.
Completely unironically right up his alley. Randy is a huge showman, so pulling something like that to get the maximum attention is something he'd definitely do.
Shame his relationship with Gabe is business at best, otherwise that could be remotely possible
>worried i won't enjoy it much alone
It doesn't hold up
play wif me fren
>not playing Sal so you can double fist Bonus Packages
sure, but occam's razor and all.
>fuck alternative gameplay all i want is to ads and pull trigger
>every BL2 legendary and even some of the quest reward items are just "fires multiple bullets in a pattern"
really hope they fix that shit
I would sign up for that. Were there even Tediore sniper rifles? I remember something being thrown that could teleport, but it might have been grenades only.
Their rocket launchers were on the funny side with this.
I think there were only tediore pistols, smgs, shotguns, and rockets
How about Helix? we didn't have that yet and it ain't too retarded?
I want individual character voice lines like TPS, that was the only reason I went back to play that game
100% certain
If Bobandy was hungry for money at the 2017 GDC conference, Epic sure as hell is partnering and making them exclusive
Right at the end of this conference is him talking about partnerships and shit: youtube.com
Stream's in an hour and 20 minutes, right?
yup yup
gearbox show starts 2pm eastern, 11am pacific.
idk about the stream itself, thats just when the actual show is scheduled for. probably gonna start an hour or half hour before the event itself just to get people hyped n shit.
>BL3 is feature rich as shit
>all because of time and money from epic
I'm conflicted
Why is she wearin a swimsuit?
"Ray of god"
2 years later and I still remember it without having to watch the video
All this epic games store shit is kind of sad, if it’s a good game then why care if some gook is stealing your data
Piracy time guise?
is the gearbox conference the only thing worth watching at PAX?
i hope gaige is an enemy and she kills you by stepping on you're face with her bare feet haha
As much as I would hate a Borderlands BR game, the concept of every gun on the map in a BR match being randomly generated is kind of a cool idea.
Tediore spam is one of the few things that lets Axton actually be viable, I pretty much always rock a Tediore in a slot with him, sometimes two.
no bethesdas gonna be there
and i'll be revealing some more info about starfield
One of the shittiest FPS on last gen with what has to legitimately be the worst writing of any game.
>stations around the map let you design your own gun but they cost bullets/points/whatever and require you sit still for way too long
would be fun
This but unironically.
>why care if some gook is stealing your data
if you have a google, facebook, twitter, reddit, LoL, steam, or any other social media account and/or browse Yea Forums, the chinks already probably have all your data, so who gives a fuck about epic launcher? its just whiny redditors and steam fanboys at this point.
Cool, I’d love to see Todd get shot by yongyea on stage
Tina is cute! CUTE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Hey guys, I haven't checked on Borderlands 3 for a long while, where can I read the abridged version of what we know? pretty please?
oops meant to say they'll be revealing more info about starfield
ALL of them
>if she's a good lay, why care that you just caught all STDs in the world
Regardless, buying out exclusivity to FORCE you to use their shit is a shitty business practice. I don't like it and I won't support it.
>mfw playing uvhm first time
>basically any and all assault rifles are fucking garbage
pissed me off so much
>those lips
Oh my.
>tfw the Epic store got me to start pirating again
What did they mean by this
Wee lad
suppmato on youtube unironically
We also fought Jakobs back in Dr. Ned's
>bigger now
>still called tiny tina
Its not just spying that is the issue with Epic
it has many other problems and the spying is just the cherry on top of it
Can you play splitscreen Borderlands the handsome jack collection on ps4? Every time my friend is over he asks if I have any 2player splitscreen games, but I don't have any. would pick up if this was possible.
Randy "Show Some Kids Some Magic" Pitchford
she's still pretty petite for her age
take a look and see if there's anything you like
>but they're not that dumb
I'd bet money on that they are that fucking dumb.
What a badass
the tiny is now in reference to her bobs
coolio, thanks, so the mainlines enemies will be a literal cult? Do we got moar on what kind of elements?
I just hope she made amends with reginald, he would be quite…. larger… too, won't he?
reginald was squashed by brick
What time is this retarded reveal?
I'm surprisingly hyped for borderlands 3, please no epic.
>she rides an armored varkid around, dropping assorted explosives on the baddies below
i can dig it
>having friends
Say what you want about Gearbox, but their music selections were 100% on point. Short Change Hero was the fucking mood of BL2 to a tee.
Reginald becomes an even-bigger Vermiverus and has to be taken down in the requisite raid boss mission.
in 1 hour
I only have 1 user.
friendly reminder that if you refuse to buy this game just because it's on a different launcher, you are actually retarded.
I swear to god if they turn Rhys into a slimy corpo-boss I'm going to be sad and complain about it on the internet but ultimately do nothing of substance.
it is
That was him in Tina's B&B DLC, not the actual Reginald.
Absolutely, BL1 and BL2 has great music.
fuck off randy
if I can skip Outerworlds then I can skip Badass McReddit 3
>Yea Forums
>Not retarded
I'm not gonna buy it 'cause Gearbox is fucking trash
he still probably sat on him or something. he may be best boy but he still a big clumsy oaf
I'll just block Epic fails launcher from acessing my shit lmao
tiny tinas assault on dragon keep
he slammed the dice on the board and squashed him
I'm not buying it because it's made by thieves and con men.
Fuck off Tim your company is shit and you are a pathological liar
get fucked
Fuck off, Randy.
>You might of noticed everyone here is trying to murder you
Frig off, you mean
Did the TPS or Tales ever explain what happened to "Jack" (the fake one you could play as)? I always thought he was the body double you kill in 2 but apparently not.
>still dead after shilling
wow, nobody cares about this shit game
Lol, kys yourself
theres a bl general
Dont think so. He is pretty chill with the witand only wants to make explosive guns. If anything he will just be a cartoon type of villain
Wikia says it was just a figurine. I wonder what he was so racist about? (I know it's an easter egg, but still)
this, /vg/ is more toxic than /pol/ yarly.
>hyperion smg
>5 bullet misses, 35 critical hits follow
All that while firing from the hip. Best for second winds. How is that bad.
Presumably Hyperion went down with Helios and Atlas will replace their slot.
For me it was
>20 bullets miss
>10 have normal accuracy
>10 are pinpoint
I’d rather melt them with a maliwan desu
how many hours until the reveal?
so magic will make all their guns disappear then?
0 hours and 56 minutes
I hope they fix class mods
Maybe add armor instead of something like it
No idea. Presumably had a bullet or twenty-hundred put into him between games. That or he'll be ret-conned into being the fake that was killed in BL2.
would you like another ? ;_;
>if you dont spend your money on something you dont want YOU ARE RETARDED
Gtfo retarded kike, you are close to being exiled again
I'll be in doctor to see if my condition is permanent so link me up when they actually show something.
Why are you here
but you ARE retarded, it isn't ''your'' money, it belongs to the jews! Goyim money is only HELD by Goyim, we, the JOOOOOOS! own OUR money!
Then why the fuck are you here? Does your faggotry knows no bounds to the point you have to express you are a faggot?
Smg you got me, but the laser could be a spartan laser style. Jakob snipers don’t follow the fast as you can pull trigger gimmick so laser could too.
Remember the weird shit you could find in borderlands 1, like the long barrel smgs that did rifle damage with an rof that basically made them semi auto
cool, well, how about a Torgue laser? he directly said he doesn't like them. so maybe a prticle cannon? these make a lot of noise. enough to blow your drums out. Or, but I feel this is retarded, a weaponized Turbofan (plane engine) that attacks with a pillar of PURE NOISE!
Friendly reminder to hide and report bait/angry user post
Hyped because borderlands 3 has potential to be good. Suck my cock fag
Die bitch
I really hope they scooped up some of the Telltale writers from TftB after they went kaput. Tales unironically used the setting far better than either actual Borderlands game.
There was an explosive laser in TPS. I forget the name of it. It was a stupid OP weapon.
Kaneda's Laser, a Tediore rocket launcher that could crit.
God I hope so
this, even the characters were cool
>Tales made me care more about a fucking Loader Bot than any of the cast in the main games
God I hope the beastmaster robot guy is actually LB, loader bots were cool even before tales
yeah but how would a torgue laser work if it has the maliwan beambarrel?
Ajax’s spear or glorious ogre?
Fuck me, im at work, can someone keep me informed?
>there are people here who are going to purchase 3
>after the bullshit memery that was 2
>after the Burch'd up Pre-Sequel
>after Colonial Marines
>after they failed to make Battleborn a good game because their Borderlands success was so far up their asses they thought they could get away with anything
>after Randy the cuckold told everyone under alternate accounts to tunnel borderlands porn onto a subreddit
>after Randy getting sued for siphoning 12 million USD for his own personal use
It's just a title card for the next half hour.
Ajax's Ogre
A daring synthesis
Burch doesn't work there anymore, and the gameplay of Borderlands has always been fun. Yea Forums memes have rotted your brain.
Didn't this guy die in the claptrap DLC?
you're still giving money to randy the shithead
In TPS she was an irredeemable CUNT. And that happend before Bl2.
Usually not a fan of "which game is better" arguing v does but in this case, bl1 was pretty great as far an action shooter (so not fallout or stalker) rpgish with high emphasis on loot, especially for pioneering it. Great job on original setting and xpacs as well. Weapons, including manufacturers, were varied enough that you could look forward to any but especially shit yourself if you got Atlas. Game wasn't perfect and definitely rough for a first of it's kind.
Bl2 kind of shit all over that instead of improving things, and the memelording didn't help. Sequel improving issues though isn't unique to bl2 though. Ton of companies doing sequels that are straight up different games from their precursors rather than improving.
Nope. Why would he die there and then still be alive in BL2?
Lillith became a completely different character, please don’t associate my goddess with that thing in bl2
Shes gonna be playable right bros
I think at the time Randy made a twitter post saying that he was opening applications at Gearbox for any TTG writer/dev that wanted to jump ship. I'm willing to bet he went and headhunted the Tales writers on top of that open application.
I fucking hope not or any who joins my game as her is getting kicked
I really hope so, just so we can have you crybabies "boycotting" it, spamming pooh memes while the rest of us are having fun.
this is true, borderlands kept me in for the shooting and looting but I felt like everything else was wasted potential. I didn't expect one of Telltale's best efforts to be the Borderlands one, where all the writing was always on point. Apparently the Borderlands game was also the one that went through the most troubled development, when they had the least money and were stretched thin.
>Tina grows up
>becomes Janey Springs
Why though?
is robot revolution canon? that would mean zombie island is canon since dr zed and thats retarded
but marcus dies fr in robot revolution so prob non canon i dunno someone needs to figure this shit out. i heard new us arnt canon either?
Where can I watch this shit anyway?
>Apparently the Borderlands game was also the one that went through the most troubled development, when they had the least money and were stretched thin.
Not only that, it's apparently one of their lowest-selling titles as well.
We're going home, bros... we're going home...
Thanks guy
I like to think the amount of bloodthirsty psychopaths on Pandora is owed to no one being able to actually die. As they die and are forced to reform at New U stations over and over, their minds degenerate to the point where all they can really think about is killing and dying.
literally the best telltale game
He got better. New-U used to be canon in BL1 until Burch got hold of the writing.
We never left.
They fucked up the item budget for the ARs so except for a few unique/legendaries they were strictly worse than a comparable SMG.
>20 minutes left
>it's apparently one of their lowest-selling titles as well.
>Best Telltale game, on par with Wolf
>Lowest selling
>Shitty trash Walking Dead is a best seller because I CLAPPED WHEN I SAW THE BRAND I KNEW!
If borderlands 3 comes out and it's actually good, I think videogames are officially back lads
>REmake 2
It's the videogame reinassance
Cant wait for a "IS THIS AN APRIL FOOLS JOKE?" when they announce Epic Games only.
In the closing narration of the DLC he says himself that he faked his death.
>Borderlands game was also the one that went through the most troubled development,
>they had to rewrite episodes 2-5, 4 TIMES
>Had to patch up the first episode so they could undo the changes
>The guy playing Vazques had to do unpaid overtime jst to get it right
>Game was almost Canned by episode 3
>Still did Borderlands better than borderlands
How did they do it?
>epic store
>always online
>mtx up the ass and shift codes now paid keys
Oh yeah, I'm thinking gaming is back.
18 minutes left! Get your booze ready!
Its going to be liberal, sjw trash.
should I bother with BL2 bros? I played the first playthrough when it came out but never got to the real game
don't knock season 1, that was always really good and the walking dead never reached that similar kind of quality until the latest one that was literally cancelled and had halted development for months
>i hope this game has all these bad things so no one likes
mute stream, play this instead
I think the timing of its release is to blame. People caught onto the Telltale formula just before it came out.
Maybe folks familiar with the games didn't expect any good writing out of a Borderlands game too. No idea.
to be fair Patrick Warburton is pretty based and I wish he was in more shit. I love his stupid fucking deep voice.
but what if isn't borderlands 3
What would make you drop this, Yea Forums?
>Shoot bandit in the stomach with Pimpernel
>bullet flies upward
>splits into 6
>each one scores a headshot crit from inside the bandit's skull
>Liberal, SJW trash vidya can't be goo-
Will borderlands 3 have characters that don't have Parkinson's so I can actually aim a fucking gun?
Randy has been seen there wearing a jacket with a gold 3 on his back. Hes not being subtle.
Epic exclusive.
Gunplay looking like shit.
>30 mins of BL cosplay and tweets demanding BL3
>teaser full of BL characters
>Gearbox already saying they are working on a BL title
Yeah, the Metal Gear is liberal trash and shockingly enough, its not good, maybe you'd do better on reddit?
>girls peak at 18
>no girls peak around 25
>randy at what age do you think women peak?
BL1 got a series of balance patches late in its life that removed all of the fun, supposedly to fix overpowered builds to make pve raids more balanced (???), but in reality to make people leave BL1 for BL2. If you want to play BL1 for real try to find a patch from before they fucked with skill cooldowns.
its been a while, robot revolution sucks dick and i always check out after the last fight
do you even know what MGS is about
Just go back to tumblr, underage crybaby.
Shit gunplay
More Burch
BL2 loot system coming back
BL2 Health scaling coming back
I understand the positive experiences people had with Borderlands and personally I loved the fuck out of Tales.
But we're talking about the company who stole money from Colonial Marines to make Borderlands, stole the entire artistic vision wholesale from someone to make Borderlands, and rolled out complete shitshow that was Battleborn. Pitchford stands proudly supportive of another shitter like CliffyB because guess what, they sit together on the board for Fig.
In the face of all this knowledge we have today, how the fuck can you consider supporting Pitchford and Gearbox? The nostalgia is understandable but these are among the most awful motherfuckers in the industry. Whether or not this fucker announces a partnership with Epic it would be a fucking awful thing to support Borderlands 3 with the amount of baggage we have at this very moment.
>Liberal telling ME to go back to tumblr
You got it backwards.
>Genes aren't important
>War is bad
>Armstrong is literally Drumpf
>The world should be unified, without borders
Found the ResetEracuck.
How much faith do we have in Gearbox to make a good game?
They won't give a fuck right? They shouldn't care about the tidal wave of sjw shit flooding the rest of the industry, They're badass right?
They remove all rule 34 sfm porn.
Who's ready?
>War is bad
>it's liberal cuck shilling to not want to see the world on fire
If it wasn't Borderlands then none, but it seems to be what they're actually good at for some reason.
The DLC characters would be all the gun brand CEO's
>BL2 loot system coming back
Good. Fuck all you retards that unironically believe high rarity shit should drop from anything and everything.
Raiden is the bad guy you dummie
Faith? None.
I do think Randy realizes this is his last shot before he runs out of stolen money.
cause its just video games.
I dont really fucking cares what the company did before or after the video game i want to play. on top of that who gives a shit what a ceo does, the court will catch up if its real bad
i never played the pre sequel is that ok
Yeah it's what cemented claptrap as the thing he became in 2. That and the web series. Burch started at gearbox near the last webisode actually.
This but unironically.
This, getting a legendary should actually mean something
>Rhys as Atlas CEO DLC
Sign me the fuck up.
If the game looks good, I really, really don't care about the company politics going on behind the scenes. Video games are not a big deal.
People are stupid.
It's boring as hell
>I need all these bloated features
Epic launcher runs games, thats all it needs to do. You fucking pcbros are a joke.
I sure loving giving my info to china.
>Epic launcher runs games
It also runs off with my info. Does it need to do that?
So does steam.
Could any human being imagine being so submissive to bad companies that constantly lie to you that you genuinely want it to succeed just to spite people who rightfully hate it?
Steam sure doesn't, right?
>New thread
>When this one is 40 posts away from the bump limit
>not even at bump limit
Very stupid, it seems
>premature ejaculation
Data selling is the complete norm. You cannot escape it, you literally have MUH INFO taken when you buy a phone, pay a bill or take part in any form of social media, including leddit, 4channel and discord.
I hate these faggot zoomers who were not around for 1.0 of the internet, and don't understand that data collection is a response to adblockers. Its not going anywhere, accept it or accept big chunky full page pop ups.
Also your data being sold shouldn't bother you unless you're trafficing kiddo porn, literally just selling companies what color shirts you like to target adverts at you that you likely already block.
God I hope the leaks are true.
Isn't it wacky how despite Steam having more bloat than Epic and Epic having less features than Steam when it first launched it has nearly twice the memory take up?
Did anyone else see that We Happy Few cosplay image that was just in the stream? Because whoever put the slideshow together definitely thought it was Handsome Jack.
Imagine thinking epic gives a shit if the vocal crybabies boycot their store. Imagine thinking you're being dominant and manly just for not using a storefront. Imagine not wanting spite faggots like you.
Too bad Torgue was fired from Torgue.
How the fuck do I get the poker night 2 shit I went to war with that fucking dog
Viral marketing is real
>Caring about the big fucking nothing that is launcher cpu usage
>Running multiple launchers at once
Turn them on for games, close them when you're not using them.
Fucking retards.
>supposed to be older
>still acts like a cringey brat
I hope the game addresses this.
this game better let me play as the Jack doppelgänger or at least, have the AI Jack around
>random battleborn art
>If you needlessly run every launcher at once, it uses up lots of resources
Can they really not even code a fucking launcher right?
Please let lilith die
Fucking Todd.
Found the Epic shills.
no you
they are testing the sounds and shit with that teaser
Yeah I saw it. Someone was sneaking up to bonk the copper on the head.
I wish small errors mattered but people can't even acknowledge the large glaring issues anymore. Companies don't need to depend on discerning customers because most customers aren't informed and the customer pool is so large now that you don't need detail-oriented players because they're in the very small minority.
>10 fps
jesus is their plan to blind us
>its a card game
fuck you guys i thought it was bl3
why is he crying
>epic runs games
games ran fine without launchers at all in the great before times why lock down on them now?
>It's okay for companies to take and sell your info, just use Epic Launcher goyim, even though Steam doesn't!
>battle royal games are fun
Can anyone else fell the emotion in these guys
wtf is that other guy a mute or something
holy fuck how scared is the guy on the right.
I feel on them how much of an epic store exclusive this will be
kasy is based
He might be dead. Vaughn has his axe and Tina have one of his armbands.
Name a better weapon than the Flakker
Pro Tip: You cant
Pestilent Defiler.
Nukem :^)
I have no idea how I managed to cram 80 hours into Borderlands. I barely remember it.