What games let me BE a maid?

What games let me BE a maid?

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bump for interest

real life

me on the left

No me.

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>be somewhat chubby
>SO still insists on making me crossdress
One day I'll be pretty enough

but you can be a soccer player

Maid_San's Caving Adventure on Steam
and Super Zangyura (castlevania game with a Maid) if / when it comes out

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Real men who crossdress are gross though

invest in walking

Lucky you.

>tfw no western trap meido service to work for
Is japan my only option

More about diet I'd suppose

There's also Touhou Luna Nights which lets you play as a maid in a castlevania. So I guess Castlevania with maids is a genre.

seems cute, thanks anons.

>Maid_San's Caving Adventure
I bought this randomly for some reason a while back, never played it
is it worth booting up?

2hu luna nights

wariza is hot as fuck

I eat fucking constantly and the only thicc part of me is my thighs and ass from all the walking. 45 minutes to uni 45 minutes back. Walk literally everywhere

I want to buttfuck Sakuya dammit

Unlucky me for having shit ugly genes and bones

Gravity Rush

I got those genetics too.
Only problem is that i'm not a huge fag who wants to dress up as a girl.

What is the appeal of being a maid?
You'd have to wear an embarassing costume, do boring chores, be subservient to someone more powerful than you, and be stuck in one building all day. How is that fun? It probably won't have a good pay at all, either.

You think you eat constantly but it's close to impossible with that setup. I'd have to walk 5 hours to even burn off the in-between-meal snacks alone.

Fire Emblem Fates

Here u go

>You'd have to wear an embarassing costume, do boring chores, be subservient to someone more powerful than you

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Sounds like someone isnt walking

I love traps and tomgirls, but only in 2D.

Been awhile since I played it, but It's a fun, if not pretty janky (it was originally a XBL Indie game) spelunker type game.

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I want to be a maid
To serve and be use for someone daily is my dream
But, I was not born grill nor am I cute or handsome
So a dream shall it be

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Shut up, fatass.
Quit eating, fat fag.

And sounds like someone doesn't know how any burning excess works
I'm not gonna spend all the remainder of my evening just walking

I got a gf who's into it, i aint gay
>tfw dont have to pay off uni debt by working as a live in maid

Are you doing this on purpose?

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Isn't that where she hides some of her knives?

Just be a butler.

no dude you can be a girl just cut your dick off, take these pills, and cry about /pol/ !

If you keep thinking like that, you'll reincarnate as an immortal cute girl (male) and have to be someone's maid for eternity. Be careful and let go your carnal desires.

She hides them under her skirt of course, though the risk just makes it more exciting!

>quit eating
Dude, two salads with half dressing over the course of a day, 450 calories, takes 3 hours to burn off by walking. Don't be retarded.

You don't have to, just walk to places you'd normally drive/use transport for if they're within an hours distance.
That said if you aint got any job/education to go to I can understand, and would recommend trying properly seasoned salad and replace some of your snacking with it

7th Dragon 3

Touhou 7 : Perfect Cherry Blossom
Touhou 8 : Imperishable Night
Touhou 9 : Phantasmagoria of Floral View

Get to live without any long term worries.
Have someone take care of you.
Wear cute uniform.
Spend time with people you like and who can tell you what to do.

Smash Ultimate.

Or you could just jerk off and do something else.

You forgot Touhou 14 - Double Dealing Character

You burn over a thousand calories every day just existing. the walking is bonus

What games let me be a skater maid?

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Gonna be one fuck of a trip to get groceries...

1kg of iceberg lettuce is 130kcal.

She fucks black men

Forgot picture.

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>You'd have to wear an embarrassing costume, do boring chores, be subservient to someone more powerful than you, and be stuck in one building all day
Sounds like a very structured and wholesome lifestyle desu.

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Touhou Luna nights. Pretty good metroidvania desu.

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Gonna be one heck of a crunchy water salad without adding something else to make it not want you to kill yourself

>wearing embarassing things and being subservient is wholesome.
Seek help.

Depending on how much I'm buying, I'll do it. If its two bags or less why not

Me, you little slut

This woman is a maid from a game with breast expansion, which I am pretty sure is what you are asking for op.

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You're immune to the negative effects if you're already suicidal.

>Structured lifestyle is bad
Ok fag

1, 2 and 5. Anything else is garbage.

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Perverted Education

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I wouldn't really trust a girl who wanted me to do that but it would be kind of hot.

>tfw have 3 and wear it sometimes irl
I just need to find a master now!

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Props to you, pal, my arms are too fucked to carry anything

You don't start the relationship based on that.
Gottan get lucky or meet people based on certain interests which make them more likely to be into it

No, I just don't like it.

Based. And they happen to be the hottest.

10 and 11 are fine. Even if I get the feeling a character wearing those wouldn't be an actual maid.

she said to you later maid

Good riddance, my bowldaughter's game isn't tainted by your shit taste then.

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1,2,3,5 and lolita style are best. 3 bad for actually being a meido, fun with friends

But I wanna be cute and wear maid uniform

I hope so. Then I will serve user and make him happy

>dressing your salad
Putting a load of cream and whatever on a salad else doesn't mean you are eating healthy. It just means you are eatting salad with a twinky squeezed on top of it.


5 is the absolute best.


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Same, but he likes embarrassing me and poking my belly. I hate it, I've just resorted to eating one meal a day now.

God, you almost make me tempted to try this shit

gotta pay real money for it tho

Plain and bland salad with tears for dressing it is then.

t 220lbs

I want to dress up all the anons in this thread as maids.


And then what user?

What game lets me be a giant maid?

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I dunno I didn't plan ahead.

Why are you all gay?

not if they're thin

Wanting to fuck a man dressed as a maid makes you gay? Since fucking when?

Yea Forums

Butler uniform can be cute too!

Since always.

Is this the biggest homo place on the internet?

You think Kawakami likes it up the butt?

well unless you've got a website, yeah

Not gay, just autogynephile

I could find some mundane tasks for a working harem I guess.

But skirts are much much cuter.

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Who says I'm gay?

I just like wholesome, purely heterosexual crossdressing.
>tfw no gf who will cosplay 9S for your 2B

prove it

Yea Forums is full of nothing but sexually repressed faggots user.

Isn't it weird that Skirts are feminine clothing?
Wouldn't it be more logical for men to wear skirts and for women to wear pants?

How so?

>Wouldn't it be more logical for men to wear skirts and for women to wear pants?

Where can i buy an outfit like #4? I want to dress like this for my boyfriend

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Being a maid and doing anything your master asks for seems fun.

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penis would raise skirt ya dumb dumb

Hello, I am master, please come stay with master.

W-wouldn't that be just horrible.

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>Yeah an eating disorder will solve this
>What could go wrong

Penis and balls can dangle comfortably under skirt. Vagoo doesn't need as much space, so the trousers being cut more highly isn't as much of a concern.

disgusting taste


yes and?
It's not like trousers don't pitch a tent either?

Only if you pay extra.

But then you could not just raise the skirt and penetrate at your leisure

How much extra? Asking for a friend

>Get bullied
>Become motivated to lose weight
Oh yeah, it's a real horrible thing. I'll call the president and have him declare a national emergency in this thread. Where's that image of the fat guy who lost weight when his buddy texted him "fat fuck" every day? It's the same principle as that but gayer.

but you can raise the skirt and penetrate at your leisure

Home Maid: Owari no Tachi

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I want to live in that timeline.

>not wanting to be that one wolfish Stacy maid who steals jewellery and netorares her young master with the butler
Nigga, you gay!

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How about both genders wear skirts so everyone can penetrate whatever they want

sounds great.
The skirt is objectively the more practical garment anyway.

I want to be the butler fuck

I think trap quest has a maid outfit but I haven't played it in a long time so I could be misremembering.
I wonder if it is possible to rape male enemies now or still only females.

"""women""" don't even wear skirts anymore so what's the point

good, we boys will appropriate that for ourselves now

It is free to play until level 40 or so.

Maids turn me on so hard for that very fact.
I want a cute, busty maid to dust the shelves while I oogle and grope her bubbly ass

But can boys wear it?

I always wear my maid outfit with very high heels when cleaning my flat. It makes things more fun!

Battle Maids: Gaiden for the SNES.

I wish.
Males get this.

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prove it

You want to breast expand a maid?


I'm going to let you in on a little secret. All of them.


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I will never understand you people, you try to eat something healthy then ruin it by drowning it dessert. Either way that walking is doing some burning and good for you in many other ways

That's pretty cute, bro.

Oh my god, you are the cutest fucking thing I've ever god damn seen. How do I kidnap you?

It's just a bit of oil and herbs

just be a girl (female)

Did you just censor your Switch collection on the back?

Boipussy boypussy

How do I get a flat, mate? How do I get a job? Not a crossdresser, just an unemployed prick.

No, those are my PS4 games

Sadly I am a guy (male). Though I could hook you up with plenty of girls, still though, absolute cutie. You have no right being this cute and straight.

Well, that shit is gay as fuck.

Based and maidpilled

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Melty blood.

Nothing wrong with 8 my dude.

Here we go again.

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Got a kik? I need another cute lad to fuck.

Bloodborne is a great game

>covers up his entire face
I'd say get some standards but I guess I should know better, given where we are

Maids are gay, Janitors are the Real MVP
Play Vicera Cleanup Detail.

squirm beneath my feet.

His lips and the rest of his face we can see are pretty cute.

get this janny apologize shit the fuck outta here

Guys without faces aren't human. I'd even be fine with a case of manface.

It bothers me that people complained enough to get the gold saucer attendant outfit wearable by males but the wedding outfit is still genderlocked, elegant cross-dressing is more fun than slutty cross-dressing.

Those are called butlers.

Oh boy, is this the sissy white boi thread?

You have multiple copies of bloodborne?

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I'm sorry, I can't help you with that either. It's pretty hard. A degree in ChemE helps, though.

It's a good game.

This is more my taste.

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post body or confirmed also a sissy

>go into thread expecting image dumps of cute maids
>get faggot thread instead

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Cute and also very gay threat

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>No game about being forced into being a maid and trying to find a way to get out of it

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I mostly just like the same stuff as that translator. If its about a specific artist then tonikaku sends my dick to the shadow realm every time.

>tranny thread #666

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here's your maid bro

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Gravity Rush has you be a maid at least in a portion.

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we know you love it user that's why you compulsively click on them. you love it many ways, the secret way and the way the denial makes you angry too.

>spilling coffee everywhere
What the fuck?

Speaking of traps, are you ready for tomorrow, Yea Forums?

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Geez, you're such a lightweight, anonymous~!

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>tfw no sugardaddy to buy me cute maid outfits so I can become a maid camwhore

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Bully me and my sexual preferences...

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>launching simultaneously in japanese, english and chinese
Holy shit, how did this happen?

Why not make you an actual whore instead?

Because I wanna be a cute maid and get paid to look cute and clean people's houses.

I'm still not sure how Aogiri Penta decided that his trap mpreg visual novels would have an audience in the west, but you know I'm happy it's going to be on steam.
Now my only worry is if it's going to have H-content or not.

>biggest sexual fantasy is to just sexually harass a maid while she’s just trying to work
>eventually coerce her to fuck me
>then continue to just fuck her while she’s working
Why couldn’t I be born rich bros

You're not cute though, you're a mid-20s anonymous poster on the video games board of Yea Forums. Being a whore doesn't require as much beauty standards, you can just be an ugly hole to fuck.

Way to project there buddy, I'm hella cute.

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But you could be earning a lot more ya know, people pay thousands to appreciate true cuteness.
Be nice to them.

Yea Forums sissys. . . .

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Another Yea Forums thread about cute girls becomes another cuck sissy thread.

Please go back to one of the 800 threads on literally every porn board.

Now these are the tags I live for.

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