wow what a shit game, I guess they just got lucky with DS and BB
this stealh system is garbage, no heavy/fast attacks, no weapons
the enviroment is forgettable too
Wow what a shit game, I guess they just got lucky with DS and BB
Yeah the stealth system is trash-matic it's as if someone said hey let's make a game and put a stealth system in it but let's not fine tune the stealth system lets instead just leave it kind of mediocre and then they shipped the game out with this. Also yes having no option to do heavy attacks I find myself pressing Y out of habit and it doesn nothing but it should
DS1 sucks tho. Primitive easy enemies, primitive easy bosses, weapons are terrible downgrades from Demon's, roll/block/ranged shit on the game, tons of terrible level design, dark fantasy is just as generic as YOOOOOOOOOOOOO, retard design like poise, etc.
>Getting beaten by kiddy dino shit
What went so fucking wrong?
Exclusives have higher sales potential in an informed market.
Do you think Sekiro has worse gameplay than that?
Sekiro is the retard filter of fromsoft
In that everyone that likes Sekiro is a retard. It represents everything that sucks about From Software trying to develop action games.
So you couldn't even beat the ogre, huh? Sad
Are the graphics really as lastgen tier as all the screenshots here make it look? Some of them look like they are from a game that could be a decade old.
>Exclusive sell better then multiplats
Holy fuck the absolute status of Yea Forums , Nice damage control.
>no heavy/fast attacks
Wrong. There’s prosthetics, combat arts, and if you hold the attack button you charge up a strong thrust all outside of the regular fast attacks.
Graphics are dark souls 3 tier
>It makes sense that something that comes out on only one console sells more than something that comes out on multiple consoles
Jesus Christ m8
You're the one who's in DC mode.
Its true. There's another thread in the catalog right now about Horizon selling 12 million beating FFXV's 8.5 million. Spiderman and God of War broke past 5 million each already, a long time ago.
Then we get to the Nintendo IPs. Smash had already sold as much as Splatoon, and Smash is expected to sell even more. What's there to argue.
Not him but this non argument needs to stop
>Almost every boss has retarded tracking which requires you to even more so play the one play style this game demands besides some big bosses
>Environments are forgettable shit
>Same recycled mini bosses over and over even felt the need to bring back the fucking Boar again and make it white/pink.
>Some really bad hitboxes when the shit tracking wasn't bad enough.
Unless you really love deflect this is a mediocre game by any decent standards. Its just people are sucking its dick because of casual filters. Its a annoying janky shit game and every time I got further and further to the end never found satisfaction. Too many mini bosses are deflect mini games. Hell im not even sure why the corrupted monk was a sword saint. Not the true one but the one bar spirit one in the swamp if I can say only thing most of the bosses besides repeated parts of G.Ashina weren't clones so why throw that in there?
post yfw owl mikiri counters you
>comparing a cheap yoshi shovelware with AAA exclusive made to sell the ps4 or smash
>DMC5 comes out
>Game with one handed protag with mechanical arms
>Polished hitboxes for the most part DMD was fun besides some bloated life
>Tons of ways to go about situations cheese and style and lame.
>Sekiro comes out
>Everything feels unpolished
>Everything kills you fast off janky tracking etc
>Wants you to deflect shit to death or use baby mode stealth that feels insulting by comparison to kill the bad AI
>Enemies with bloated life because the posture/deflect system is essentially the game and if you don't like it get out
>Only other varieties in play style are cheesing certain bosses/mini bosses and it feels pretty unintentional and janky.
Its 6/10 game that no one would be defending if it didn't have the Fromsoft brand. Unless you're one of the few who legitimate jerk it to deflecting all day which isn't really difficult then i can sort of understand. But if this was just some modern Tenchu with janky tracking combat from activision all of you would call it shit and use the buzz term artificial difficulty and move the fuck on.
Ground textures, animations and lighting are good. There are many areas/textures that have that "copy and pasted" effect aka tiling. It reminds me of Dark Souls 2. It looks very lazy.
A little better than Dark Souls 3 overall, worse than Bloodborne.
Underwhelming compared to a real action game movement and tools in Nioh where better then arm shit in this game
>Combat arts
Only 1-2 that are worth using on bosses and anything else in the game is easy enough so its pointless
>Thrust attack
Does almost no damage over a regular attack to bosses encouraging R1x2 for posture damage after more then the R1 damage in general.
I mean its cute you think this makes him look dumb but these are such shit options on bosses besides stuns that I cannot help but laugh.
You couldn't beat the ogre too huh?
This. It's just bad gameplay design that relies on response rather than observation plus giving infinite stamina to enemies.
It bother me so mach that this board always shits on QTEs so hard but then somehow Sekiro's combat is the GOAT, when it is pretty much that.
>Gameplay design that relies on response rather than observation
based mental gymnast
It happens sometimes. Like with BotW. It was new to Nintendofags but to everyone else it was more of the same open world stuff.
I really wanted to like this game. I love Tenchu, I love Souls, and I love Bionic Commando. Unfortunately the mashup just doesn't work that well, and feels every bit of each feeling kinda unfinished or just not well thought out. At least it's better than Dark Souls 2, but so is colon cancer.
mfw I ichimonji double sword saint
It's more like a shitty rhythm game than a QTE fest, imo. Except the perilous attack Kanji and finishing moves.
You do know there's a level up system that adds new moves and mechanics right?
Wow, it's almost like you barely played the game. Just like OP. Which is to say, you're a fag.
It's my favorite game since Bloodborne.
It's fast and fun, the difficulty is perfect. I like not having a stamina bar and the fact that the gameplay could be balanced around a singular combat style. Different builds are fun sometimes but it made the difficulty really inconsistent in every other From game.
The way you can use the environment feels fresh.
Dodging attacks isn't that hard and the deflect and countering system gives you multiple tools to use in every fight, on top of items and prosthetics.
It's a solid 8/10.
I don't get it.
Sekiro's prosthetics add way more utility to the game than anything in Souls, actually.
Firecrackers stun everything including bosses, Sabimaru is like a second blade with its own combos, built-in i-frames, chip damage and poison that works on almost every boss, axe deals fuckton of posture damage, shuriken is a cheap gap closer, spear is a long ranged piercing attack, flame vent's burning debuff stops posture regen completely and deals ton of damage, whistle is a crazy stealth tool, umbrella is the most interesting implementation of shield mechanics in the entire soulsborne and the fan allows to instakill most enemies.
The fact you're complaining about the difficulty only shows you didn't explore the options game gives to you because it has an incomparably better combat balance and variety than any previous souls games and unlike in these games you will be heavily gimping yourself by trying to R1 through. I'm saying this as someone who has played hundreds of hours across all souls titles and Bloodborne.
Just defeated the ogre after several tries, felt gud. Once I discovered I could grapple after anytime he missed a grab, it was all OGRE
In all fairness, it isn't a stealth game. It just has stealth mechanics for mob clearing and ambushing. The issue is mostly enemy placement though, because you can still sprint through a lot of areas.
YOU have infinite stamina retard. there some flaws in the game but this ain't one. if anything, them attacking you too often makes the game EASIER.
So its just like Dark souls 3 then??? Weird, you niggers LOVE that one!
This is just objectivly wrong tho
>stealth system is garbage
It’s just a standard stealth system that most stealth games have sure it’s nothing crazy but it’s not garbage
>no heavy/fast attack
ok well this is just not true and how I know you haven’t played the game
>no weapons
I don’t know why soul soys think this is a bad thing many great games only have one main weapon you use throughout the game and also the prosthetics are different weapons that are really useful once you learn how they work
>environment forgettable
How exactly?? I played through the game once and I remember every area and most of them are really cool and unique to video games the way they made the setting made me excited for other games in similar settings
Meant for you.
mfw I spear extend, drag back, slash, praying strikes exorcism the final boss repeatedly. all these noobs saying spam r1.
You've just been spoiled by Souls games. They made other games too, you know? Most of the souls games were pretty shitty with bad mechanics and bloodborne didn't help with the series, but fuck niggas from Yea Forums will praise it because of all the unga bunga you can do in it. There are people still playing all these kusoge's with different builds to get a false sense of refreshment.
This. I have many problems with the game but why do most people only have the problem of "I don't get how to play it, it's too hard."
The problem is the game is easy as shit once you stop playing it like Dark Souls. There is no depth at all.
>Firecrackers stun everything
One of the many problems with the game. Should have given more weapons, instead gave 90% of useless prosthetics and then fucking Firecrackers.
No presthetic has felt anywhere close to useless for me.
Fuck off with your falseflagging, Nintentards. You're supposed to play it tactical, instead of being so retardedly obvious with your falseflag. You haven't even played both DMC5 and Sekiro so shut your fucking mouth. Stop trying to bait flamewar between fanbases out of asspain over Switch not getting both games. Stop being a seething manchild, for fuck sake.
>90% of useless prosthetics
Like I said, you didn't explore using these prosthetics and bother implementing them into your play style. Not my fault that you've been jaded by Souls' two dimensional gameplay loop.
the combat just isn't enjoyable
>amazon's charts
Why is this relevant?
>Not buying Sekiro on PC
So much wrong with your picture bruh
When you have no games to play, theres plenty of time to shitpost.
>every boss tracks!
So you cant roll through their attacks like a dumb nigger
Yeah buyers remorse here but I already passed 2 hours so I can't refund
This game just makes want to replay BB or DeS
Fireworks and Shuriken Dash already are more options than even bloodborne when it comes to extra items
I think most people bitch about stealth because they expected something easy like rogues in world of Warcraft or some shit.
What's with this boogeyman of shitpostings being made by drones? Since when do drones shit on games not on Nintendo platforms?
But it's piss easy user cause the AI is retarded
This is the game that keeps giving Yea Forums, all this salt from jaded normies refunding their game, Yea Forums's lack of self awareness that they fucking suck at vidya, and us true patricians of our hobby enjoying every minute of 2019's goty. I came here to giggle at at your "bad gameplay" "shit prosthetics" comments, for I know you're seething because youre stuck and refuse to learn the fucking mechanics and just go back to whatever other shit MP game you play on a daily basis
Its been proven there are discord groups full of nintenfags that raid against big games that do not have a switch release.
But you know this.
>every boss has retarded tracking
Yeah its a parry/deflect game they track a bit so can PARRY/DEFLECT you nance.
Combat is so fucking good. Nothing like getting that final deathblow on a tough enemy after getting bodied for a while.
>One of the many problems with the game. Should have given more weapons, instead gave 90% of useless prosthetics and then fucking Firecrackers.
As good as the stun is, firecrackers aren't omnipotent, doesn't deal with anything from range and is just a waste of time/resources against many enemies when you can just use the fan instead.
I love souls/BB but this combat is just so much more satisfying, I beat genichiro last night and after about 10 deaths, I just destroyed him (had a few gourds left) just felt so good.
It has also been proven that Eric has a discord for shitposting nintendo games though. I'm sorry to burst your bubble, but out of my group of friends I'm the only drone and I'm one of the only ones that actually likes the game and didn't shit on it before it even came out because >activision
To be fair the game teaches you to either sidestep or deflect thrust attacks but the sidestep timing is really inconsistent because of the tracking. It's usually not a problem but Sword Saint Isshin is a fucking asshole about it.
I dont know who eric is. But the shitposting against all the latest big releases has been quite telling. Ive been in this shithole for a while and this is much more than usual Yea Forums contrarian shitposting.
This is bait nigger. The environments are really beautiful in this game
If this was just another souls game I wouldnt have bothered with it. Dark souls was getting stale
Anyone got any more Sekiro OC? I need to stock up on memes.
>the shitposting against all the latest big releases has been quite telling.
Nigger, are you new?
> Ive been in this shithole for a while and this is much more than usual Yea Forums contrarian shitposting.
Unfortunatelly I've been here for longer, and I can't even defend Nintendo games in this place. This is no different. All souls games had this shitposting
Dark Souls was stale after the first one.
2 mixed things up enough to feel fresh
3 was just 1 but more forgettable.
Yeah because of the lack iframes, you really have to "learn" the timings of your jump and dodge. Honestly, I know everyone tries to slap their dick on the tabel about their low deaths but i always take my time and learn bosses so eventually after a few (to a lot lol) of deaths I eventually walk into a boss and slap their shit. Feels so satisfying to make so few mistakes and just stay aggressive
Yeah 2 wasnt good but I was still on the high from one so I put tons of time into it. But when I got 3 I got halfway through and got bored
Now everytime I try and go back I play for a couple minutes on a new game and just getting bored. I played bloodborne after this and didnt have this problem
DaS did not need ANY sequels at all really. FROM does best when they are doing something they really want to do. Its pretty clear they did not feel it with 2 and 3. 3 especially.
Is there a way to play through all the endings? Or does it force you into ng+
The meme about DaS3 being a chore to replay is absolutely true. I have no desire to make another character or go through NG+. I could make a charcter in DaS right now and have fun
HZD was sold with PS4 console bundles which the bulk of its sales came from, while XV didn't and sold on its own merits.
Backup your save at ending choices and reload after getting one ending. Easy as shit on PC, requires PS+ on ps4 I would wager if it even works.
Why are samurai games always SO FUCKING BORING? The environments are always the fucking same.
Yeah especially with the mods dark souls 1 has.
The scorched contract and daughters of ash were very fun to play through
literally no other game looks like sekiro
>why do all samurai games look the same
Holy shit brainlet, maybe because it's a SAMURAI game?
And they're shit. Seen one seem 'em all.
>tenchu is the same as bushido blade
>afro samurai is the same as ninja gaiden