Here's an idea: bloodborne sequel with the doll as the protag
Here's an idea: bloodborne sequel with the doll as the protag
Here is an idea: no more braindead dodge then attack twice dogshit games.
Make a new Tenchu, the stealth genre is dying.
If you want a new stealth game and your go to is Tenchu, you are in no position to call ANYONE a brainlet, you insignificant piece of shit.
Because as much as i love Tenchu as a series, if you were serious about stealth games at all you'd be playing the (legit) Thief games right now.
You're just pretending to have taste when you, in fact, are the biggest brainlet of them all.
I want to marry the Doll
lol kys
maybe have actual weapons, armour sets and builds instead of allowing the atmosphere and art team to carry their game
It's not my go to you braindead fucking autistic piece of troglodyte shit, it's something that should've come out of the studio instead of Sekiro.
stealth is boring desu
You fucking braindead retard, your kind literally does not deserve to breathe the same air as me.
>variety in stealth games is bad
Like we are going to get a new Thief or Splinter Cell anytime soon you fucking mouthbreather. Unironically kill yourself.
>i can't get what i really want so i'll settle for a compromise
What a cuck you are.
No wonder you're so unloved.
ADHD zoomer faggots like you should be publicly executed along with the braindead.
>new game comes out that might have been started as a stealth game
>express that I would've preferred it to be a stealth game
Do you have brain problems you underage subhuman?
By the way literally anything is better than the dogshit that is dodge/parry/block/deflect a telegraphed attack then punish. It's the most braindead of gameplay imaginable.
>There are people who want a Bloodborne sequel
Why? There’s no guarantee that a follow-up will be just as good if not better than the first. And it has the chance of ruining the lore that was perfectly fine on it’s own and doesn’t need an unnecessary sequel. Why???
I bet you dont like it because you cant pull it off ;^)
stealth games are for shitters who cant handle a challenge.
>sit in a corner and wait until the patrol moves past you
>win the game
amazing gameplay.
stealth shit is dead for a reason
Currently playing a fighting game you casual single-player only babby.
>Currently playing a fighting game
So you're a brainlet and a button basher faggot too.
Great, no wonder you've got 2 brain cells left.
Mark of the Ninja was a masterpiece and you can suck my pixie dick.
>being so casual that you dont see the link between fighting games and action games
I bet you play some garbage like mk
>fighting games are just button mashing
Spot the casual shitter LMOA.
If you think this PvE shit is anywhere near the skill required when playing against a human opponent you are unironically braindead.
Oh wait, you posted a frog so that's a given.
drop the act its clear that you're shit at fighters
EU? What do you play fuckboy?
fuck off obvious discord tranny sjw shill. I remember you people shilling a doomgirl then months later they announce a female doom movie. Because you probably petitioned the studio also.
You fucks dont fool me.
I can body you in sfv free.
leave your cfn and we can arrange a set when I come back from work.
bet you will dodge though.
>I'm at work
Nice dodge fuckboy. Trash like you should not be allowed to post on my board. Post your CFN for an invite or kill yourself right now.
guess you wont post your cfn then.
nice dodge.
>When you get killed you broke into pieces
>You spirit have to pick the pieces to return back
I can Dig it
Did you post yours bitchboy? It's not like you can message me on CFN. Are you scared, casual faggot?
I accept your dodge.
avatarfagging is agains the rules
>I'm at work
I'm currently ingame waiting to send an invite. Dodge more you bitchmade fuckboy.
I sure as fuck didn't
But BB has more fun weapons than the entire Dark triology combined?
Seriously who cares about 100+ daggers when they all work the same with very minor status differences?
fun is objective and I disagree
Waiting for you, child.
For all the anons that like stealth I can only suggest alien isolation. It has a pretty well made stealth system. Sadly I'm an xbone so I cant my the og theif games.
Ohshinibba fromshills literally on suicide watch right now