>Yea Forums defends gachashit now
What happened?
Yea Forums defends gachashit now
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Play Azur Lane
To be honest, I'm as surprised as you are. I assume it's a combination of "free" and waifus. That and they have virtually no gameplay, and we know Yea Forums doesn't play games.
So for short, it's Yea Forums.
Facebook twitter and reddit invaded.
Yea Forums is zoomers central now
people want to owned cute girl
Yea Forums is thirsty as fuck and will lap up anything with tits.
I've said it before but GBF is fine with me even though it's a shitty game since CyGames is using the money from it to fund stuff like
And other shit like the new Zone of the Enders. The rest can go burn in hell.
Yea Forums is filled with phoneposters now. what do you think they do when they're not shitting up the board?
This. Yea Forums is now the casuals we used to hate.
ironic weebs happened
basically if you got into anime after 2009 you have a huge chance of being a faggot
The ends don't justify the means
Please stop pretending to be autistic, you're making actual autists look bad.
Fgo is for whalers that has noife. The gameplay is absolute trash and repetitive, you just need some absurdly overpowered servants like Merlin to buff a servant and blow up everything by spamming np
Anthem is also a shit game that could be used to fund a good game but I still won't be touching that shit with a ten foot pole.
Also thank you autocorrect for screwing up my spelling
The RPG looks cool, but wasn't Plat removed from this game's development recently? I'm not sure how confident I'd be in Cygames completing a game like this on their own. Have they actually made non-mobile games before?
is why
Yea Forums is incel general that makes /r9k/ look normal
i grew up
u ok?
Huge triple A companies used to give me everything I need. Now, I get Claire, Trish and Lady goblina. I needed to get it from somewhere else and gachashit is available.
>Yea Forums is pro-censorship now
What happened?
>being this much of a waifucuck
>mfw seeing all the DOA6 and DOA gacha threads lately
It's true
You can't stop me. Adding beautiful women to your game is only going to add to it. I don't like looking at ugly women the same way I don't like looking at an ugly artstyle. MvCI bombed for a reason.
Only lucklets complain about gacha
Way too prove the points presented in and
I grew up and realized the only thing that matters in the world is money.
What's a good gacha game if there is one
Yes. I'm not ashamed since my points right true.
The gacha companies have you by the balls, then. You're no worse than the people who support EA or Activision
They pander to me and I don't waste enough money on it as if I was buying single player games all the time. It's a lesser evil. The other companies better keep up then.
why do you have five fingers and a thumb
Mouthbreathers will play/pay for anything so long as it has anime girls in it. Doesn't matter if it's a shallow game, doesn't matter if it's designed from the ground up to milk them for every dollar that they're worth, doesn't matter if the only reward for their endless grind ends up being just low effort PNGs they could easily find on Google. Self respect and standards of quality go out the window, all in service to MY ANIME TITTY WAIFUS!~
Honestly, it's pretty fucking pathetic.They make the kinds of guys that play stuff like Senran Kagura or Neptunia look like well-adjusted people in comparison, because at least there are actual games buried deep down under all that fan service.
i started downloading anime before GG/BSS/Eclipse groups existed, am i hardcore?
>Modern triple A games
I'll rather eat shit with beautiful women than just eat shit
There’s this, or spending their hard-earned money for Twitch whores to acknowledge their existence for a second.
Which one’s the lesser of two evils?
>playing triple A
We live in a well-adapted society to milk and take advantage of people, it's simply our own fault if we don't do it successfully.
Anthem only purpose was to make Bioware die sooner
Either way, you're still eating shit all the same
Line Tsum Tsum
At least the money being sent to Twitch thots isn't being used to fund evil corporations that are actively normalizing and pushing the boundaries on more anti-consumer and anti-fun monetization to video games.
>gachashit thread
>people are actually discussing the game
>western game thread
>its only identity politics, /int/, /pol/ and shitflinging
Waifus and ironic weebs were a mistake.
>gachafags always resort to stating they only "play" gachashit because they have nothing to do while sitting on their toilet which implies they are also constipated all the time
It's fucking ABIB. That nigger.
I thought King's Knight was kind of fun, but that closed. There aren't any others that I like that much.
>try some out
>they do have have gameplay
>been playing DL and GBF for a few months now and I alongside conventional video games
I guess you guys weren't kidding when you say Yea Forums doesn't play games
FPBP, unfortunately.
Indieshit isn't any better.
That's the fate of this industry.
>>people are actually discussing the game
>lmao I wasted $500 to get muh waifu!! woah lol xdd
Nice """""game""""" discussion
>be westcuck
>eat up shitty "gameplay" loops
>be threatened by superior nippon gatcha experience
Threadly reminder that these "people" believe that their mastery of "difficult" video games and imaginary ranks and achievements are something to be proud of.
fuck off
>look mom, i'm projecting!
>Indieshit isn't any better
gacha is indie shit
i'm never constipated and i've been given that excuse over 10 times so far when they have no real excuses for playing gachashit left
>"why are you playing x?"
>"y is triple A trash"
>"z is for casuals and normies"
shut the fuck up, you faggots don't even play anything
Here's that reply you wanted.
>He isn't constipated all the time
Low test
Except that most people never drop a single cent on game.
Whales are 1-3% of playerbase. And anyone with a half brain just refund anyway.
>anons give more care about other anons (gachafags) than the average gambling addict gets from their own family
that's kinda sad
If you have a phone that can run gacha shit, you could be playing almost ANYTHING else via emulators. Including real JRPGS with some actual substance. And yet, you choose to play garbage that only meets the bare minimum requirements of having "gameplay".
No excuse.
>b-b-but western games!
>Yea Forums is one person
>caring about what Yea Forums says
Let me guess, pepe/wojak poster?
durr wai... foo? PEEPEE FEEL GOOD
Imagine wasting money in a phone game so you can see graphics of your big tiddy waifus when you can just look at them for free on sadpanda
Because the gambling addict's family deep down thinks that if the gambler ever does somehow strike it rich, they can leech off of them.
>implying you can't leech off rare/sexy .pngs
>you can play actual Fire Emblem entries on your phone now
>deliberately play an even more gimped version
You aren't exactly supposed to waste a entire day playing kusoges.
Drop few minutes a day and you are done.
I wonder why the whole world didn't organize yet to completly genocide americans. Fucking subhumans without any honor and dignity. Literally destroy everything they touch and turn it to shit. I dont mind Asians,African Blacks, Latinos etc. but americans are truly fucking subhumans and the whole world would be a lot better if this whole country and people in it would cease to exist, thats a fact.
I will just because of your post
>this is the kind of loser that plays Gacha games
I'm fucking shocked!
>OP is gonna make the same thread every time he gets the opportunity
honestly, whats your end game?
>play FFIX
>done in 40 hours
>play random gachashit
>still in tutorial after three months
f2p btw
still more game related than "muh sjw, white genocide, gamers rise up, niggers commit 5000% of the crime, muh discord trannies"
imagine my shock
>slapping a pair of anime tiddies onto a pile of shit is enough to get you to eat it
Waifufaggotry is a disease
The only genres i like aymore are shitty turn based jrpgs and RTS games
RTS are fucking dead and i only have little time to play games anyway so i just spend that time on shitty gacha games
Someone just make a new good RTS game already so i can play something else for once
How do you cure a gacha craving then? I still have so many characters that I need to level and roll in FGO, the thought of showing off my fully grailed support team to anons drives me to keep going.
if you'd half a brain you wouldn't be playing gacha shit
You don't need to drop an entire day playing ANY game. There's nothing stopping you from loading up a rom on your phone, it could be anything but let's use Final Fantasy IV as an example, and grinding out a few battles and maybe talk to a couple of NPCs while your on the toilet or the bus or whatever. Then just save state when you're done and pick it up again later. You'll get a better experience, and you'll also actively be working towards completing something tanglible rather than grinding endlessly for fucking jpgs.
its only trash BECAUSE its repetitive. it shines during challenge quests, too bad as you say you can just bulldoze content with merlin
THats typically why i lock myself from using any top tiers during challenge quests
actual video game thread > dev/publisher discussion > gachashit > e-celebs > waifushit > off-topic > politics > wojak/frogs
You're telling me that instead of playing the same repetitive, shallow bullshit designed to keep me hooked forever, I could actively be playing and experiencing a bunch of new games on the regular (for free) with only a tiny bit more effort on my part?
aren't gachashit just pick up and play MMOs? I don't see anything wrong with that
only granblue and dragalia lost qualify as lite-mmos
Take this, then.
>pepes/wojaks/eceleb image hashes'
>text filters
I have countless hours of EO and Pokeyman, yet I still find some time to play some kusoge.
Also Soon or later you going run out of things to do, while a mobage at least keep updating at constant pace. Isn't any different from picking up a F2P PC game.
But I can show the jpgs off to anons as a show of achievement for the characters I like.
>the most active generals on /vg/ are all gachashit
everything else doesn't? I have to admit those two are the only ones I play
to be honest, even off-topic conversation has more value and is less pathetic than a bunch of people vehemently trying to defend their objectively awful chinese time/money traps. especially when you factor in that it's almost as pathetic that people think they can convince those delusional losers otherwise by arguing with them.
seeth and cope
>Attacking the speaker and not his point
>Samefagging replies to yourself to justify literal reddit tier tactics.
Kill yourself, I'm serious
>calling others waifucuck on Yea Forums of all places
thats how to spot a newfag, go back to gaia online or reddit or tumblr
There are some others but games like FGO or Dokkan Battle are essentially singleplayer casinos.
Gran Blue Fantasy
Raid Shadow Legends
Dragalia Lost
Another Eden
Here, I just saved you hours upon hours of pointless grinding.
Now go play a real video game. It can even be one with cute girls in it if you want.
What about FGO?
Only for Ajax.
All shit.
That is bullshit and you know it. Gachashit threads are, at best, 60% waifufag posting.
you're sad
good if you like fate, otherwise you're better off with the afformentioned since they don't require you to know the source material to get the full value
No such thing exists
FGO, Granblue and AzurLane only
its sad because its true
Have sex.
>are quick and simple to pump out
>combine gambling/gachapon tactics with things such as facebook/mmo tier shit like login bonuses and daily spins
>encourage microtransactions
>add cute girls or pander to franchise full of cute and sexy things
>use guest artists
>encourage the ability to pick up and drop quickly
>use platform that allows for easy use through browser or mobile
>some games try to mix other genres into shit
Then why Yea Forums does, because they're one or multiple of the below
>chronic masturbators
>preferation of japanese shit or have anti west views due to current state of western games
>enjoy doing image tier dumps
>really fucking gay and self inserty with erotic fantasies
It's a match made in heaven or hell, depending on how you view it
I enjoy the instant gratification but rolling only really ever happens like once every two or three months, people who claim that rolling is the only aspect of gachashit has clearly never played a single one.
Most of the satisfaction comes from team building and watching huge numbers in attacks, which takes a while to get to and the improvisation needed to achieve just that with what you have at hand.
In more action oriented ones, it's fun to pull off feats like no damage runs or beating something in under an allotted time.
In that sense, they're really no different from traditional video games. I really don't see much difference between grinding for rubies in MH vs grinding for Magna weapons in GBF, both have the same goal of killing stuff faster.
Imagine actually getting angry over what other people spend their money on.
Imagine ACTUALLY getting mad someone deigns their money to be worthy to be spent on something you don't like.
Also imagine getting angry at mobile games because you can't pirate the content like the filthy poorcuck you are.
God I'm glad I'm not some petty miserable shit stain that gets angry people like something.
IMAGINE spending money on JPGs of cartoon girls
What can I say, I like cute anime girls. My main game is granblue btw
It has women and gambling.
What else do you need?
>Imagine imagining things
That's a hot yikes from me
>Also imagine getting angry at mobile games because you can't pirate the content like the filthy poorcuck you are.
>says this when half of the gacha defense force's arguments amount to "I got my shit for free"
Don't most gachas have a wiki where you can find the art, though?
I play GBF because it's essentially an MMO-lite and satisfies my grindathon needs.
Higher standards
>God I'm glad I'm not some petty miserable shit stain that gets angry people like something.
user says while getting defensively angry.
I don't see how those two things are mutually exclusive retard kun
They aren't dumb dumb. It's just funny.
Have sex
I've been playing Dokkan Battle for 1.5 years now and I still love it. I spent about 30$ on it so far. It's a nice time dump whenever I'm travelling or have nothing to do for a while.
People get attached for some character for ton of different reasons, story, relevancy on story, voice or just because it's too damn useful in game.
Looking at wiki or put the tag on booru means nothing.
And by this logic nobody buys pokemon because showdown exists.
>just ignore it bro if you don't like it
And then more faggots like you contribute to the playerbase, making gacha seem more profitable and making upcoming/struggling developers turn to making mobile games and implementing skinner box tactics in existing games.
Why can't gacha retards ever see the bigger picture?
>Trying to explain shit to someone that legit believes the games are all just "jpgs"
These same niggers would bend over backwards to try to explain how JPGs with character cut outs aren't the same because "weel game" "60$ price tag, but I bought it for 5 on sale"
These "people" are just angry because they can't Have sex
imagine being so invested on some obvious waifubait phone game that you defend its honor on anonymous imageboards.
>Yea Forums doesn't play video games
>Yea Forums likes games with no gameplay
>Have a shit ton of gacha games
>Also have god luck
>Get the rarest, latest, spiffiest shit in a couple tries
>Havent spent a single shekel
>Also have the privilege to laugh at luckless losers
"MUH INDUSTRY" the retard cried as he bought all his games on sale for 5$, pirated on release and claimed any attempt the company made to retain revenue was "anti consumer"
Better gachashit than sjw infested bullshit.
>all these seething replies
People like you are why pokemon go and the SMT phone games exist.
You're complaining to the wrong people. You need to convince the entire world to stop playing FGO. Once that's gone, something may happen.
>probably lives somewhere in SEA so already lost the lottery of life
>loses to whales anyway
People like you are why AIDS exist, kill yourself, thanks bye
>He isn't a SEAchad
Yikes, I bet you are a wh*toid as well
>Imagine waifufagging so hard you spend your entire bank account on gachashit
Waifufags are the worst.
>tfw 35
>tfw most of my gaming is done in a final Fantasy Gacha
>tfw this is my life now
>installing chink software
The absolute state of Yea Forums
>western games
>boring and cucked by sjw's more and more
>japanese games
>got women like this
>He can't financially support his waifu.
Me and the boys will be confiscating your daki today at noon, poorfaggot
How come the west haven't realised the power of gacha
Why not just play a fucking Final Fantasy game instead?
West aren't about cute girls.
I'm not about to spin a fucking chance wheel to get a gun attachment or a fucking RTS unit.
A cute girl on the other hand...
Do you guys play gachas on your phone or an emulator?
If you need all that then watch the anime. If you've watched the anime then the wikis are the better option.
Because I’m an adult wagie and looking at your phone is ok but looking at your vita/3ds is not.
fifa card packs sell like hotcakes. sports games by EA have tons of built in gacha systems just look it up.
>Roastie mad people won't play their sjw game
>instead of paying for 3D women, pay for 2D women
Why not just pirate women
>tfw bought a character with real money
I fell for the meme bros..
but she was limited...
>almost every gacha has uninteresting gameplay
>the only gacha games with characters I care enough about that I'd stay invested is Fate, Tales and NIS stuff
>Grand Order isn't in EU, doesn't seem like it ever will be, and I'd only want to play it on my phone, not on a PC, and my phone is a hand me down iPhone 6s I got for free
>Tales gachas keep closing and then a new one happens or some shit, I tried Link then stopped playing after a while, apparently there's a new one coming?
>Makai Wars shows no signs of a western release
Just emulate
After western devs abandoned male heterosexual fanservice the people have to search for it elswhere.
You can emulate them on your phone easily. Those arn't the kind of games that require precise controls or inputs, they're perfect for that shit. It's 100% free too. No excuse.
>playing classic games with touch controls.
Wow its almost like I can copy file names and pose as this dude
Are you stupid? Loot boxes and Fifa cards sell like water on desert. Shit even make more than half of revenue of FIFA.
FGO have lots of pirate woman
>playing games for the girls and not the gameplay
Try some rhythm games bud.
Everyone single one is doable on the hardest difficulty regardless of units if you've got the mechanical skill, none of it is RNG except for scoring
>still gets cucked by jewery that would make even EA blush
>playing classic games on TV
You need a $2000 crt and the original system and console to correctly play retro games
>playing classic games on phone
Yeah touchscreen controls are fine!
Make up your mind Yea Forums
>paying for pirate women
On the contrary, EA charges 60USD for a game, THEN adds microtransactions.
>gachashit defense force coming out of the woodwork
don't ultimate team make mad dosh for EA? I kinda doubt that the average gacha makes more money than EA can from FIFAdrones, literally everyone and their dads play that shit
roasties are also dumb enough to play these "games"
I tried Bang Dream but the clusterfuck UI was legitimately off putting and I think at the time I was basically just waiting for my copy of Taiko Switch to arrive so focused on that once it did. I'll give it another go though.
I think I also tried the Love Live game but it crashed during the first dialogue consistently for some reason. That might've been on my old 5s and not the 6s though.
I wish.
Resetera is that way
I have fun with my gatcha and don’t spend any money to play. Don’t combine people like me with faggots who pay $1000 for games that they look at little anime girls.
Nah, too busy rage mobbing on twatter against game companies.
Do gacha games really not have any gameplay and it's literally just gambling for pictures? That's kind of not very believable, no one is that stupid.
>Those arn't the kind of games that require precise controls or inputs, they're perfect for that shit
Context is important, brainlet. No one is telling you to start emulating fighting games on your phone. Stop being lazy and making excuses. You're the one who acknowledged how gay it was that you were stuck in a Gacha game loop in the first place. Be a better person and transition back to real video games.
Also, Yea Forums isn't one person.
Never liked Bang dream because I think 7 lanes is fucking stupid, Love live has fucking 9 which is also retarded. I mainly play Theater Days and Starlight stage because of 3D MVs and costumes
They do, but don't expect be anything deep and hardcore.
>everything I don't like is resetera
Mostly basic RPG gameplay with character specific events but you got somewhich try to be SRPG, or rhythm or action or even try and cram in a story
Nope. True for most older gacha though.
Who said I’m stuck. I like FF Record Keeper, it’s as much of a game as many current console games and it’s not like I play nothing else. I’m making it though EO untold currently.
BanG Dream! is fun but I think you'd enjoy it more if you read the stories, which are kinda better than most run of the mill trash. It's quite the demanding game though, so I wasn't able to keep up and when I stopped playing I found it difficult to start over once I missed a few events
The power creep got way too ridiculous for me to keep playing this. Also my luck is shit. Shame because it's the only gacha game I've ever liked.
>tfw 35
>tfw most of my gaming is done in a final Fantasy Gacha
>tfw this is my life now
Literally your post, verbatim. Keep living in denial. Your complacency will be your undoing. I hope you'll realize that before it's too late.
Well you could be playing a real FF next to EO, why play some gacha?
>used to just be NOTporn dumps
>Yea Forums(nel) update
>suddenly actual gacha discussion threads appear
Beats the fuck out of me. Pure coincidence
Yes, because what I DO like is based and redpilled. Therefore, everything I don't like is cringe and bluepilled and therefore resetera
all gacha is shit but atleast i don't have to pay 60$ entrance fee
Is it really just loot boxes for jpegs?
You're on the wrong side of history, and quite frankly, it's gross
No here is the Gameplay for the Gatcha I play.
Because the gameplay is actually fun and challenging. I fail to see how RK is much different than any other turned based rpg.
I defend gacha because it makes people mad
I also do the opposite at the same time
GBF "gameplay" is only interesting if you push it to the limits. Like trying to solo UBHL, racing when new content (being still "difficult") is being released etc. I know lot of people are dismissing mobile/gacha shit by default because all they've done is the tutorial, but fact is between two GBF players with similar level of gear, how they play and choices they make will make a massive difference on how efficient they are. That's why you always have a bunch of shitters complaining that X is too hard to farm, too long and so forth simply because they're retarded and can't play properly.
Yes and Snoy censoring games. Time change, industry change. Deal with it.
not him but man RK looks awful as a game, props to you for sticking with it
What makes it look awful? unironiclly curious?
The sprites look like trash and how it's styled with janky particle effects out of the ass with minimal actual spritework make it look very jarring. It has an olden look but it's more like how the 15 year old thinks old things look instead of how old people remember it truly is.
How about neither you buttfucking retard? Have you tried not spending every dime you earn?
In a real RPG, you're going on an adventure. Alongside your characters, you're working to achieve something. All of that grinding, exploration, testing of your skill/knowledge, and time invested is in service of reaching a tangible goal. Even if, in reality, the only real reward is the satisfaction you get for completing a long/challenging game.
Gachashit is just grinding for grinding's sake, to unlock a JPG or increase some arbitrary number to help you better grind for another JPG. It's a skinner box designed to waste your time. Forever.
visuals are subjective but that doesn’t make the game unfun to play.
Aside from Sony's new policies and the Chinese, I firmly believe gachashit is the biggest threat to gaming as we know it. People are so willing to whale on this GARBAGE it's just embarrassing
you mean guilds?
Ah, my mistake. I guess I meant that it just looked awful (graphically). Gameplay wise I don't have much to say. I suppose it has depth due to the whole choosing your characters and weapons and all, but I haven't really played it so I can't say for sure.
RK has an ongoing storyline much like an MMO. With an overarching story that ties into other parts of the game OC caracters and a mystery we are tying to solve. It’s as much a game as an MMO.
I can understand that like I said visuals are subjective. Like I think the Opera omnia artstyle is bad and I hate looking at it.
But yeah the gameplay really is very deep and challenging expecally in the high level content.
>be kid with no money
>want to play cool games because you have all the time
>no money so can only play a few games over and over
>grow up, start making lots of money
>nothing to spend it on since today's society is either spend everything on clubbing or be forever alone
>no time either because full time job
>no use for money, spend it on a game you can play during commute and casually during rest phases at home
Gacha games perfectly cater to wage slaves around 30-40. They aren't meant for young people.
>Very deep and challenging
When people say that I think of shit like Street fighter or StarCraft or whatever. Final fantasy 6 combat will never be very deep.
It's not just about there being a story. It's arbitrary, and like gachashit it's only there to drip feed people shallow "content" so they'll keep coming back forever. It won't end until it stops being profitable, at which point they'll drop it and most likely leave it unresolved. It'll never end, it was never intended to. There's a reason 99% of players don't play MMO's for the story, where those games really shine are the stories you create in the world while interacting with others. It's why MMO's can get a pass. Meanwhile, gacha games are generally comprised of all of the worst parts of MMO games (especially the freemium ones) without any of those redeeming factors.
Gacha are the best mobile games
prove me wrong
The problem with gachas isn't the rolling, it's the grinding. They usually start off okay enough but eventually they just turn into work.
It’s deep and challenging for a gatcha and equivalent to any FF game.
>tfw play MMOs for the story.
You know not everyone is the same right?
If money can't buy you happiness outside of rolling for a sprite of a gay futa version of Stalin or some shit then you seriously need to reevaluate your life.
>You know not everyone is the same right?
Sure, but come one. Certainly you must realize you're in the minority on that one, right?
You Know I’ve never had that problem with RK and I’ve played it since launch for 4 years.
I use to play that Simpsons tapped out game and fuck did that game end up being work.
It's the way society is right now. Gacha games are just a symptom.
Don’t realky care what others think.
I agree with gatcha haters on like 99% of the games out there but RK is one of the rare ones that actually has some level of meat on it.
>looking for approval from anonymous people on the Internet
You know, Red*it is just a stone's throw away, right?
Grub fulfills my progressquest needs. It doesn't hurt it evokes all the nostalgia of when Final Fantasy was good thanks to an abundance of ex-sqeenix people at cygames.
>Dragalia lost
> gacha constantly screws you over with 5-star full hp wyrmprints
This user speaks in lies
>Equivalent to any ff game
I've beaten every single one and none of them are challenging besides one, maybe, which is more hard than anything. You play ff for the story and music, not the gameplay, which was outdated twenty years ago.
just don't get hit bro
Stop taking my words out of context. I am saying RK is as deep and challenging as any FF game, I’m not saying it’s equivalent to Dark Souls.
>Yea Forums used to hate mobile games with a passion until japs found a way to add waifubait to them
The double standard is real
So it's Final Fantasy, but without any of the redeeming qualities that make up for it's shortcomings that you find in most (not all) FF titles.
In your opinion yes. Luckily I’m not you.
>Don't pander to me
>I don't like it
>Pander to me
>I like it.
Maybe you're right, maybe I should just start buying gay porn even though they have no intention of adding straight sex into it because it's a double standard to only buy shit I'm interested in.
Fuck off
Good for you. You can equip 2 now and be bulky.
>what is high Midgardsormr?
>what is high Brunhilda?
>what is Void Zephyr?
No joke, the endgame content screws full hp tactics hard. Heck, I bet even that Maribelle squad of yours is going to get fucked by High Mercury when she comes out in April considering the fact that the only wind healer is fucking Iowen. That shota ,along with Thaniel, is Cleo tier with their dumb defense buffs.
I like the special moves they give some characters in this game.
>Being proud of playing a 25 year old game revamped to have a gambling system with worse odds than a game called craps
To each their own I guess but it seems to me like you're proud of eating shit
noone will, because it is true
people here like to shittalk gacha but there is really no better option to play on your phone
different characters for different things bro, why would I use Maribelle/full HP stuff for anything that involves taking mandatory damage? just use Louise or GRanzal with Valiant Crown/Resounding Rendition when HMC drops
Maribelle is for Frost Hermit nuking only, as is Naveed for breaking Zephyr or Lily with Golem
>I agree that 99% of toxins are bad for you, but this toxin is special because I like it more.
You are molding the gaming industry into being a shitty gacha, mobile game, microtransaction filled mess. People like you are what's killing the gaming industry. I hope you know that and repent before it is too late.
>but the story is deep and ongoing!
As other anons keep trying to tell you, the story will not end. It is designed not to end. That is how they keep making money off of you every update they have. If they start losing money, they won't complete the story. They will leave it as it was and move on to their next project.
>but the gameplay is deep and interesting!
Definitely an opinionated comment, but it is very doubtful that this mobile game has deeper gameplay than a lot of the cheap indie games on any platform right now.
user, I hope you can cure yourself from being a slave to corporations. If not, I hope you die happy knowing you ruined the future for others.
>worse odds
It’s not worse odds if I have never spent a penny in 4 years. Craps does have an upfront cost.
I can’t debate the first part, but I enjoy it so I’m going to keep playing
The game has had multiple storylines that have finished. There is zero difference between its story and an mmo story.
Stop taking my words out of contexts I am saying it’s gameplay is comparable to final Fantasy expecally the ATB ones. No other game is being taken into account.
Download a fucking emulator you jackass
I'm playing tactics ogre right now
It's the reason I quit Azur Lane and may even quit playing these games altogether. Events especially really suck. When your attitude towards a game goes from "I can't wait to play more" to "I have to get this done" then that's a sign that it may be time to leave it alone.
already played the worthwhile psp games, everything else emulates like shit on mobile
Get a controller.
>le you are killing the game industry
the industry isn't dying. It's changing. You are upset because the changes don't please you.
I 100% agree. If RK ever started feeling more like work than a game I can pick up when I’m away from the house I’ll quit.
Are you running a flip phone? Gba, snes, nes, all run great. Haven't tried anything else yet since between those and a psp that's a literal lifetime of games
zoomers literally dont know about sites such as gelbooru, pixiv, exhentai and whatnot so they have to get their anime pictures by paying dollars and playing those puke-inducing "games".
That's the reason why I play Dokkan, I burn through the stamina ridiculously quick and events either last for a really long time or come back eventually. Dragalia on the other hand can kiss my fucking ass, every day was a chore with the ridiculous amount of things you had to do. Same goes for Anamnesis and its stupid coop only system.
Arknights tomorrow. Excited
It combines two things men are most willing to shell out for: women and gambling. How would Yea Forums NOT defend it?
I like gambling
that was easy
>This caterpillar is metamorphosing into a shit sandwich
>You're just upset since they used to turn into butterflies, what, u mad?
Yes becuase games like risk of rain, ballisticNG, terraria, FTL, and magicka are all garbage
Have you Gachafags been so deprived of gameplay you don't know what good gameplay is anymore?
>tfw you pulled this beautiful man on the second multi
not removed. they just finished their part of development, which was probably just combat anyway.
>Played MMO's for years
>Quit when they started going to shit years ago
>Started playing gatcha shit
>Now thinking about realized all of the people I use to raid or play MMO's with play gatcha shit all of the time
I'm just going to blame this on MMO's.
To liberate anons from gacha hell
What are tower defense games?
Oh right, better than gacha "games"
Gachashit is just as bad as lootboxes
Why I dropped warframe
Staring at a wall or talking to people are better than gatcha
play Crusader's Quest
rename /vg/ to /gacha/
>didn't really know what a gacha was
>tried to install one because cute girls
>took up so much space on my shitty no sd card phone so my podcast downloads kept failing
>deleted it before i could get into it
My stinginess might have saved me.
Gacha games have tower defense too though.
why the fuck is it that the best girl in anime is stuck in a shitty browser-based MOBAGE game
when is DxD gonna get an actual goddamn gacha game?
Isnt the top most money making gacha game tower defence?
At least i heard that thats what the monster strike is like, i havent actually played it myself ever
I started GBF recently and I enjoy it, feels like an FF game somewhat. I used to emulate on my phone but something about playing with a gamepad on the screen bugs me. It's autistic, but it is what it is. I've also played all the gb and gba rpgs I've wanted to play and I emulating ds on a phone looks awkward to me.
>What happened?
People realized that dopamine from jpeg with animu girl is identical with dopamine from any other game. You're still wasting your time, it's just less so.
That is actually shit tho. The waifus are not even that amazing to
The only reason I played GBF because I saw Minaba's artwork in the game and I'm a really big fan of his work. Then you heard Nobuo music and stuck with the game ever since.
It's actually the otaku Yea Forumsutists who would defend this shit ratger than zoomers.
Why are 90% of the gachas using the same rainbow puke gems as their premium currency anyhow? Do they scientifically appeal the most to braindead whales?
Play bandori
You usually roll for characters of different colors (colors meaning different things in different games, class, element or something like that)
Rainbow has all the colors, also rainbows are really pretty and glow
I've spent $500 in FGO.
Would be pretty convincing if the games had single coloured gems to roll for a single element/class/etc, but I've yet to see that.
I haven't played an awful lot of gacha though.
>people are actually discussing the game
Imagine spending money on gachashit to get big tittied thot in a whore costume, drawed by some low-quality h.artist just because you think she is for (you)
>outdated and useless waifushit
>buzzwords buzzwords and more buzzwords
not even that guy but are you old enough to be here?
I want to think you're just shitposting but it's hard to tell nowadays
Gacha is the last bastion of loli content.
i'm legitimately mad that you're not wrong
I'm envious
You're still part of the problem
I wanna get raped by her.
>being a gachacuck and a fatecuck
>Can equip 2 of them
>recent batches have good ones to boot.
Stop complaining you lucklet.
Ironic weebs ruined this board
>no ass.
No. And don't say last ascension because it's just angle.
fgotards would unironically defend this """"""""art""""""""
Bur can you prove them wrong, resetera?
Weebs are to blame.
They were already willing to pay for kawai~ugu with no gameplay.
>can literally f2p Euden for High Middy, now even easier than ever
Lucklets, not even once
Loli form is the best.
>tfw too dumb to register
Won't be able to play but will check the streams
>He is too stupid to learn boss pattern.
HP check on high dragons is just to filter retards mt padding, the rest of fight is pure pattern. Also you can even auto void zephyr.
>best girl
>Not Akeno
Shit taste.
Okay, what is this game? The endgame bosses are high? Do they smoke weed or something? Also shota? Since when do gachas have shotas? Aren't all fantasy gacha 99% waifu content?
Pro-authoritarian astroturfing and the internet is full of sensitive people who don't want to see anything that does not conform to their sensibilities.
>Yea Forums unironically argues about which Barbie is prettiest
Unironically this
I like Granblue, if anything. As a F2P player, the Gachapin roulettes are incredibly generous.
Yea Forums is full of horny retards addicted to the ecchi bait, and zoomers who were raised on mobileshit and don't know any better. what did you expect?
The endgame of Dragalia is basically killing stronger versions of the dragon trials called High Dragon Trials. No weed, just higher difficulty with more complex strategies. Also yes the game does have a shota and plenty of gacha games do. You gotta please all crowds of degenerates after all.
>He says with a library full of Steam """"GAMES"""" he doesn't actually own.
Sasuga retard, I'm sure most of your retard brigade are the same way, man it'd be beneficial if you all ended your lives, but you lack the self awareness to feel shame that deep.
Pretty sure Yea Forums does that too? At the very least, it's better than all the /pol/ crap that Yea Forums has been spouting about lately. I swear ever since Black Panther and Wonder Woman came out, they have said nothing but hooie. It's always "minority this" and "strong female character" that with a little bit of "Aqua chad" sprinkled here and there.
Poison expands the mind
How's your first day on the internet going?
You forgot to mention Capeshit.
More my last day. I'm no longer with it. I couldn't give two shits about which anime girl jpg has the kawaiiest hair. I'm gonna go replay megaman x again
Based and retropilled
Oh man, awesome, wanna play Deus Ex for the 10th time and suck each other's dicks?
>it's just angle.
t. never seen a woman in that pose in real life
>gachafag talking about shame
I'd rather blow you six months straight than watch the next generation try and justify their gambling addiction. This is the future of all games, by the way. Being turned into Skinnerbox addiction machines
>turned into
Videogames were always skinnerbox addiction machines.
>Literally butthurt weebs
>"Granblue is waifushit" meme
No, it's pure faggotry.
And fun.
Please, tell us more about how 90% of gachashit isn't waifushit with a different name
Time to start going to the gym.
Is this achievable natty?
>what are arcade games
So you're saying gachashit is the same or worse as 40 year old arcade games?
Like Has previously said, here is exhibit A to disprove your current claim.
weeb anime fags are not humans.
But arcade games were the absolute peak of gaming, modern or past, so that would be quite an achievement.
>Go to any arcade post-2010
>It's $10 to play all you want for the whole day
Wow, almost like nobody likes the shitty quarter-eating business model.
Perhaps the comparison you're looking for is slot machines?
You mean frogposters aren't human, right?
I have nothing against gacha players who spend $1000s of dollars. Im a khhv incel myself who indulges in 2D to cope but I don’t have as much money as they do so I spend time in Koikatsu or AA instead
Yes. Teenagers should not waste time and money on some over glorified game box. Why not spend it on water dispensing machine. At least you can drink something from it. What does arcade game gives in return? Nothing.
>lmao you used money on a game you fucking retard
>excuse me while I buy another full price cowadoody, and yes please all the DLC too
>lmao fuck gachagames
It doesn't disprove anything though, learn to read
>Hating on Brad
Poor form
This was actually a big controversy in the very early arcade days. Pinball machines were banned in New York City between the 1940s and 1970s, because they were thought to be gambling. The ban was lifted when a man famously demonstrated, before a courtroom, that the machines were skill-based by calling out specific targets and hitting them.
Can you do that? Could you prove before a courtroom that gacha rolls are anything but random chance? Of course you couldn't, because they're not.
>Let me spend 75$ for some stupid nonsense that will keep me busy for three months
>Or let me spend 500$ a month playing literal roulettes
You know there are other games besides FIFA, call of duty, and fate grand order right?
He probably doesn't. Yea Forums is filled with these people now.
*kills console and PC gaming in your path*
>skill based
This is a gacha game.
There is a similar story with pachinko-machines in Japan, the Japanese govt want to forbid it as it's basically gambling but the machine manufacturers claim that there is actually a little bit of skill involved so the Japan govt can't do anything about it
Not sure about the details though
That is unironically FGO’s best design.
Why is there that console-colored tip at the bottom making console look bigger than it actually is? This is either horrible design or purposefully misleading.
You know, you don't need to whale to play mobile games. GBF is known to be pretty generous, and my experience tells me Crash Fever is, too. Well, those are the only ones I can think of off of the top of my head, though.
>b-b-but it's generous!
Fuck off
This is also a gatcha game. If you ever have money tied to your rng it's just gambling. Make a jrpg with titty monster waifus if you want, just don't have it built around sucking every last cent out of retarded weaboos
Seethe more.
>GBF is known to be pretty generous
O newfags. They had to become after literally getting caught by the Japanese government being EA-tier jews.
I said gacha rolls.
>But muh gameplay
If the gameplay is so great, then why do they need to rely on such a shitty, predatory, addiction-based business model to keep people engaged?
I couldn't imagine ever paying for a jpg
Admission for playing is free. Gambling is not.
Arcade still waste people money. People compete in arcade, it is still gambling. What gacha have to do with pinball I have no idea what you are trying to compare.
Literally none. They aren't made for you. If you aren't a whale, the game tolerates your existence and nothing more
>Yea Forums tells me gachas are shit
>decide to play a gacha to see how shit they truly are
>download Dokkan Battle
>play it
>all this fucking content
>all that nice shit
>all that good music
>keep playing it because is fun
Granted, the gameplay is very simple but the team building is nice, F2P, not a single penny used and I have done several good rolls because they give dragon stones constantly, I got good stuff like the new Broly and LR beerus, LR black, build my movie bosses team, grind my Broly SA to 10, shit's just damn good, there is always something to work forward to.
So yeah, always do the opposite of what Yea Forums says, that or Dokkan Battle is the only good gacha I don't know.
Most gacha games are the same, Yea Forums is just seething that $100 console games with day one DLC are lacking in all of that now.
I didn't mind weebs until gachashit started showing up. Now I fucking hate them, not because of their tastes or the things they like, but because they're so fucking stupid. I even have more respect for the mouth-breathing third-worlders who buy FIFA year after year, because at least they know 100% that they're getting what they pay for. It boggles my mind that weebs, and ONLY weebs, will pay/grind for the CHANCE to get something stronger. Even the normie retards who were hype for Star Wars Battlefront 2 stood up against this shit.
If only EA realized they just needed to slap some anime tiddies onto battlefront 2, everything would've been fine.
Ironic shitposting is shitposting.
>It boggles my mind that weebs, and ONLY weebs, will pay/grind for the CHANCE to get something stronger
But isnt that what the EA fifas are nowdays too? full of loot boxes that give out some random players that make you stronger or some this?
And its making shit loads of money for EA too, probably much more than any gacha game out there
Fucking idiots. You think EA didn't try those shit with their endeavour into mobile market? Remember Dungeon Keeper mobile? No? Educate yourself.
I play King's Raid and I have yet to spend a single dollar.
mmm gachacock in my ass
>sucks dick
I love spending $100s to get a picture of my waifu, there is nothing wrong with this
>Gets creampied in the ass
If you didn't manage to pull what you wanted you need to git luck
>swallows a load
I'll be real, I've played Dokkan Battle JPN since 2015 and I have an account that would make those who play the game let me fuck their entire family to have it while being worth thousands of $$.
Problem is, it cost me thousands of $$ to get there and years later I learned just how little that shit meant and how much it destroyed portions of the industry because of the practice.
The games are fun as hell and if gachas existed somehow where the currency wasn't actually $$ based, it would have been soooo much more acceptable.
Because the shit is free to play and it's an easy, reliable monetization model. I have no problem with gacha because there is no upfront buy in. What I do have a problem with is games costing 40-60 dollars while simultaneously gating content behind gacha. THAT is horseshit and something that exists almost exclusively in the realm of Western game development.
>Arcade still waste people money.
Let's ignore the gameplay for a minute, because pinball machines from the 1970s and modern mobile games are apples and oranges. Let's look purely at the pay models.
On coin-op arcade machines, you're paying to play a game for a few minutes. The length of your play session per coin (usually) depends on how good you are, and the action of inserting a coin is completely unrelated to the game.
In gacha games, you're paying for the chance to upgrade your capabilities and progress in the game. The quality of said resources per money/time spent (usually) depends purely on random chance, and the rolls themselves are core to progression in the game.
The difference here is that the arcade player knows exactly what his quarter is going to give him, and has indirect control over how much value that quarter is going to provide. The gacha player gets neither of those things because it's all random. Thus, in terms of payment model, the gacha player has more in common with a slot machine player than a pinball player.
That wasn't the same at all. Plus it used an existing IP and and made it shit.
t. lucklet
Just reroll bro.
so i started playing FGO and azur lane at the same and difference is amazing, i had to drop FGO in favor of azur lane, while FGO hates your guts for being F2P, azur lane has no problems rewarding you for actually putting time and effort into their game
Spit out that gargle of cum you have in your mouth and try to say it properly this time.
Post LRs.
Zoomers like you don't have the patience to play gacha properly, they need shit quickly, just mature bro.
>you are paying the chance
You don't have to and you have choice to spend money or use the currency provided by the game to roll the gacha. Arcade is and will always require money to be played. There's also arcade machine that strictly have gambling element in it whether you like it or not. Remember those things that shits out coupon upon playing them so you could exchange them for some price that worth less. Probably yes but for the sake of arguing with gachafags you pretend those thing does not exist. Don't get me started when you play a fighting game and keep getting back on it because you kept getting wrecked by that one player and then realized you have nothing left on your wallet.
WRONG, zoomers love gacha. It's us boomers that hate gacha
Any Housamo bros in here?
Zoomers love gacha
I is still monetising. Gacha also use existing ip dude. Shows how much you people know about gacha.
>But isnt that what the EA fifas are nowdays too? Full of loot boxes that give out some random players that make you stronger or some shit?
Fair enough, I'll take your word for it since I've never played a FIFA game. But I'll still say that weebs are worse than FIFAtards, simply because FIFAtards are turbo-normies who probably don't know any better, and weebs are generallymore tech-savvy and should know better.
>Dungeon Keeper tried this shit
And it failed miserably. Again, this kind of shit ONLY works on weebs, every other type of game-savvy person will outright reject it.
Jokes on you I'm a boomer and I play gacha, zoomers be seething over gacha.
These days there's more effort behind gachashit than "AAA" games. Although Yea Forums should never forget that gacha games are born with an expiration date.
I’m 30 and I like em
>its mandatory to spend money on gachagames
I play FGO since day1 on JP, day1 on another NA account, and just recently picked up FEH too, never spend a single dollar and enjoy the games, gacha is such a minor feature just like a regrade / enhance system in a MMO
>And it failed miserably.
Why do you think they did it? Because EA cocksucker keeps supporting them just like what you are doing now.
Actually wrong, statistics from Japan show it's over 30s who are the majority.
Nah I'm 37 and I play them.
There's two competing philosophies in developing a gacha, I think. Philosophy 1 is to just jew every gold nugget out of the otaku's wallet--the F/GO way. Honestly it's almost unbelievable Type-Moot lucked out so hard that they smashed mainstream with what was supposed to just be a soulless cashgrab based at otakubux. Then there's the Philosophy 2, the "we award loyal grubber" because the goal is retention (the longer they play, the more potential money can be siphoned out of them) and because keeping a high active users count means there's a potential to get more new players and their wallets to get in the door.
In all gbf player surveys average player is 30-40 years old
Zoomers are the ones who hate gacha because they have time to play better games, boomers are working and only have little time but also have money so they waste their time/money on gacha shit
Same. I have played since Brave Frontier/Fantasica era and not a single penny wasted.
>AAA comparison again
Still doesn't justify nor excuses the cancerous business model they're built on
Show me the anime tits in dungeon keeper mobile
>anime tits
What does that have to do with using existing ip?
>You don't have to pay anything, said the man defending a game style that makes billions of dollars a year each
Someone didn't get your memo I think
>You don't have to and you have choice to spend money or use the currency provided by the game to roll the gacha. Arcade is and will always require money to be played.
All games need to be profitable. Arcades are a unique situation because every quarter earned goes to the venue owner, not the game developers.
Gachas on the other hand make the game "free" based on the assumption that if 10 people play the game, 9 will play for free and 1 cuck will pay as much as the other 9 would have. Your "free" game is actually funded by a gambling addicted weeb somewhere in the world.
>There's also arcade machine that strictly have gambling element in it whether you like it or not.
Yes, they are called gambling machines and they are not found in arcades.
>Remember those things that shits out coupon upon playing them
You mean tickets? Those things that you get more of depending on how well you do in the game, and can be exchanged for prizes at a set guaranteed rate?
>So you could exchange them for some price that worth less.
You're not paying a quarter to get tickets, you're paying to play the game because it's fun. Not that a gachafag would understand, you've brainwashed yourself into thinking that all games need to have some sort of currency reward in order to be worthwhile.
Also, do you really think that that jpeg of Saber in a yukata is worth any more than a stuffed bear or candy bar?
>Don't get me started when you play a fighting game and keep getting back on it because you kept getting wrecked by that one player and then realized you have nothing left on your wallet.
Trust me, you don't want to bring PVP into this. PVP mobile games have notoriously awful, the person who pays the most money gets to stomp everyone else. At least your opponent in Street Fighter can't insert more coins to get stronger or heal himself.
>brave frontier
How I thought word around the street was that the power creep in that game was atrocious. They released 5 stars, 6 stars, 7 stars, omni evo, Omni plus, damage mitigation, etc.
Yet you spend time shitposting here. Face it, your standards aren't as high as you think.
Alim is like the EA of mobage. I have BE downloaded because some of my friends play it but the powercreep is so bad that my motivation to do anything other than login is shot
>Being mad about how other people spend their time and money
>Why do you think they did it?
Because they thought it would work.
>Because EA cocksucker keeps supporting them
Obviously they didn't get the support they expected if the game failed.
AGAIN. I'll say it as many times as it needs to be said: these business models ONLY work on weebs and retards. And sometimes even the retards see through it.
>Look up Brave Frontier
>Made by gumi
Holy shit it had to be. I remember when I used to play Brave Exvius but dropped it because I couldn't keep up with the massive powercreep. That and the release of 7 stars plus massive 24k gems for the guaranteed character was way to much. Are all of gumi games the fucking same formula?
Because they ruin my hobby you ignoramus
You retards are over here playing sarcastaball while everyone else is playing football, wondering why people are yelling at you
I just find the correlation between overly defensive waifufags that play gacha surreal. I know friends that are shit at most vidya that vehemently play gacha and defend it. All the while making those self-aware, ironic self-deprecating "dude gacha is shit lmao its a hellish grind", all the time. I know some casual gacha players, but the correlation with them is that they're decently good at video games. Also, to a half surprise, a lotta gachafags are also MMOfags.
Gacha can be fun, but please don't be one of those retards who treat it like an esport.
They also just released 5 stars who are only on time-limited banners that can't be ticketed, called summon fest units. It's such a joke
PAD is still the most fun game. I wish it wasn't half dead.
Nah, how about you do more research?
Another one being ignorant. You think hose machines are in gambling machines not found in arcade. Why did I even bother? I love how you skew your argument the same way the gachafags do when I said the same thing about arcade. You waste money in arcade and some spit out prices for money you spend. You complain about gacha wasting money but its okay when its arcade? Nah.
>It only works for weebs
Not really. Study more.
have sex
jokes*, all the time
What's ruining your hobby is people's continued support of non-indie Western games. If you do this then you are part of the actual problem.
Actual brainlet. Gacha is directly funding Japanese console game projects.
Follow the chain user. And if you're about to say no ips have anime tits.
Only GBF does that.
What game does the billions of yen FGO makes faund?
>You waste money in arcade and some spit out prices for money you spend. You complain about gacha wasting money but its okay when its arcade? Nah.
Jesus dude, get it though your fucking head: In arcades, tickets come out DEPENDING ON HOW WELL YOU DO IN THE GAME. In gacha games, the prizes come out BASED ON RANDOM CHANCE. How do you not see the difference?
t. lucklet
Extella series right now and movies and anime.
It's still gambling and money wasting.
The Tsukihime remake
>Not really. Study more.
I don't speak Japanese, what are you trying to show me here?
ITT: Lucklet zoomers seething
>a lotta gachafags are also MMOfags
Has to do with how dead MMOs are these days and how mobile games have adopted many of the same systems of guilds, weeklies/dailies, grinding for loot/upgrades, etc.
That self-deprecating shit always happened with MMOs too or just grinding games in general, like Warframe.
In the end, I only hate gacha when it's the only way to continue playing a series. Living on as a gacha is no way to live. I even give props to Cygames for taking their gacha money and funding real games with it.
>Yea Forums is full of phone posters
>Suddenly, there's a shitload of phone gacha threads
It's almost as if phone posters does not have a taste.
Dead gacha game.
both the extra series and anime adaptions existed before fgo even launched.
It's not founding anything.
That’s the free market baby, if you wanna talk about the pitfalls of capitalism and the profit motive I’m all ears
>when western companies try to scam you with lootboxes, season passes, day 1 DLC and on-disc DLC it's cancer
>when Japan tries to scam you with gacha, it's based
>It's still gambling
It is by definition not gambling. If pinball is gambling then so is baseball.
>And money wasting
All video games cost money. I don't hate gacha games for charging money, I hate them for their methods of charging money.
It funds the big pockets of the executives who fuck real women with the money virgin weebs pay to them
>Using KemonoF image
You know they are from mobile game right?
>Comparing local arcades to mobile freemium gaming
Developers making Castlevania 1 hard as shit on purpose is not the same fucking thing as making your whip upgrades only come every 1/5000 candles but with the option to pay 10$ to maybe get a whip upgrade. It's not even remotely the same scale, either. Pac man, by far and away the highest grossing arcade game made 7 billion in 11 years. Donkey Kong, the #10 most successful, made 700 million in the same time frame. FGO makes 3 million a day now.
You already payed full price for one the other one is for free.
Gacha games are typically free, and grind heavy as opposed to a 6 hour Experience. I’m much more forgiving for the former
No one said it founded anything, they are just able to use it towards other projects, which they are doing.
One is free and one costs $60 plus $30 for season pass plus additional $ for microtransactions plus tip.
Which is why feh made over a billion dollars last year right? From how free it is?
I know, user. It's also dead
wtf I paid 5 million dollars last week when I downloaded feh how could this happen to me!!!!
Yes it's fucking free. The payment being opt-in means the shit is free.
This, how can it be free when it makes billions in profit???
I don't trust all these gacha niggers on here who swear they have never spent a dime and finished everything just by being f2p
Waifucucks will do anything to justify their addiction to jpgs.
This. We've got more and more phoneposters over the years so of course they're gonna defend shitty phone games.
FEH literally has no content and gives you a free roll on every banner. It survives the same way FGO does, waifufags gamble for their waifu until they get her. That doesn’t mean that the average player is paying money
Japanese devs don't tend to add lootbox models to $60 releases
I dont care about gacha, but lootboxes ruin actual games that would be better off without it
gacha games are a fun little thing to do while you're not playing other games i primarily play bleach brave souls and duel links
Nyarl-chan a cutie.
You can literally play free with gacha games. Only whales pay absurd amount of money and that's like small if you compare to the playerbase. Is it okay to spend absurd amount of money? Not really but that doesn't mean that if you play gacha you are obligated to pay for every fucking banner the game shits at you.
>Spend x and x amount to get upgrades!
You really have skewed perception on gacha games.
Well no, it’s okay when there’s stuff for me to do in the game and I didn’t already pay full price with half the game sectioned off until I pay $50 more. If there was a fun western gacha I’d be happy to play it
This, these games are literally kept afloat by the very tiny number of whales that either have assloads of disposable income or just don't give a fuck
name me one game that would be better without it
Clash royale would be kind of fun if you actually had access to all the cards
Gacha and lootboxes are pretty much the same thing
>western games want you to buy the game twice, wait for 6 months of updates, then slowly add in missing content for 20 dollars each over the span of 2 years
At least mobage players don't perform mental gymnastics to explain their game being great. They're there for the simple gameplay or characters.
You mean these games designed from the ground up to trigger addicts as hard as possible, same as gambling and drinking, have people who get addicted? Maybe instead of building a billion dollar industry on people with addiction problems you can make a fun game that doesn't have the option to drop six grand a year in?
>Every game is either FIFA or fgo
I'm gonna go play literally anything else so I don't support two money hungry Jews trying to ten and twenty weebs to death
As long as we're both on the same page that gacha is a souless addiction machine designed to bankrupt people by a group of suits
I'd argue that console/PC lootboxes are a little different, because they're (usually) cosmetic in nature. Whereas mobile games (usually) base the game's entire progression and balancing around opening/rolling.
There were a few games that experimented with breaking this rule (like Shadow of Mordor with the random orcs), but for the most part randomized progression has stayed on phones.
It's just mental gymnastics from gachafags to try defend their shitty phone games.
>But its generous with the currency
>But it's a limited rare character
>But you don't need this character
>But it's free
>But you get a free spin after every 10
Just masturbate to the porn and fanart.
>just masturbate to porn instead!
Sure but most things are. You have to find the soulless bloodsucking entertainment that you enjoy the most. For me, i like gacha.
Explain your reasoning. Whats the non brainlet thing to masturbate to?
What makes it different from gaming in general? I mean gaming for long hours are now count as mental illness.
>It's just mental gymnastics from gachafags to try defend their shitty phone games.
my reason is i enjoy them is that so bad?
Go play StarCraft or megaman
Brood war is free and will give you >5000 hours of entertainment, without costing you tens of thousands of dollars. Most vices are like that, which is why they're called vices. Read a fucking book, go outside, play dark souls, if you get addicted to reading, it's a good thing. If you spend 20,000 hours on dark souls it'll still only cost you 60$.
Welcome to the entertainment industry
I'm going to spend money on anime girls in military uniforms and you cant stop me
I never said anything about liking. I said about defending. If you recognize it's shit and still enjoy it more power to you user.
Please show me how dark souls can cost me in the hundreds of dollars a month if I want to be a whale
>Playing video games is now a mental illness
>Dressing up in women's clothes and letting men cum inside your butt is not
>Cutting off your dick is not
that ain't right
Why aren't you doing these things instead of bitching?
fuck off suzaku
Why do you fucking faggots honestly believe that “playing video games” is considered an illness, how is it possible that you absolute mongs are without fail the least nuanced people in the entire world. It’s addiction that’s classified as an illness what the fuck is wrong with you
I've seen the reports, it's something ridiculously low like 2-3 hours a day
it's not shit
Rules have exceptions.
Also Dark Souls is trash, go play MonHun or Metal Slug or something
it would be a good game if they didnt focus on scam boxes and cutting content
It costs real money. I got 700 hours out of monster Hunter 4 ultimate, game has an epic fucking grind. It cost 60$. It will cost anyone and everyone 60$. Dlc is free. It also has no option to pay 10$ to maybe get a rathalos plate
Right in the fetish
Every game used to be like this. I've been fucking screaming at you buttfucking retards enabling this shit since horse armor dlc, and now it's everywhere.
Um, gaming costs real money?
Console vidya has a complete ban on characters like this now, so I think I'll enjoy them for free in gacha games instead of playing games with only dry used up hags in them.
at least recommend actual good games
Horse armor is not the same problem. You are fighting a wrong and pointless battle but I can't expect Souls niggers to think rationally.