Want to make game

>want to make game
>can't into art

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Other urls found in this thread:


That's why there are tons of readily available art assets out there.

You don't want to make a game if you think art is relevant in development, you are a child that wants to ~create~ but can't even bring yourself to do something as basic as doodling.

the only people who say art is important in games are artists because they want to get hired

Maybe you should try getting a job

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take the hrt pill and get your boipuccy creampied

tkmz thread?
I thought tkmiz was a girl, then I found:
I wonder how many people ejaculate at the precise moment a new year arrives
Things I want to do when I become a loli: That heel roller thing
When you jizz on the iPad, sometimes it goes crazy and switches apps
I wish I could stop just licking my fingers instead of actually washing my hands after masturbating
Are we at the future where middle aged men can pretend to be little girls in VR and cuddle eachother yet
I used to attend class wearing little girl underwear
It was my dream to post a cross dressing masturbation video on FC2...
All I dreamed about was having sex with pervy middle aged men as I turned into a bishoujo doujin artist.
I puke when I see naked adult women

>And planing
>and coding
>and debuging
>and testing
>and brave to push a publish button

Art style just need to be consistent. Go for it, op

>he can't into planing, coding, debuging and testing

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Never tried it.

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>ideas guy but with actually amazing ideas unlike 99.999% of other ideas guys
>cba to learn how to code

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yeah and people who actually make or play games

Just hire a shitty anime artist or calarts reject and you're good to go.

Sorry I'm not stardew guy .

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She could be a weird fujoshi that refers to female ejaculate as jizz. She also fantasizes being young again as she hates her own body.

make game with placeholder art, then hire someoen to put together the artpieces.

if this isn't a joke post, you're a joke of a poster

sexy wellcreated big tiddie vidya women are great for selling your game

me neither but I still practice and try to make games with my shitty art, so get to it nigger

takes a year max to get good at it, the best time to start is now


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just have to have soul

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We must go wider

This post reeks to neet scum

Honestly find an artist and show your shitty sketches
Any artist worth they’re salt can turn shitty sketches into significantly better design

>all these niggers trying to freelance their game development
Just go to school for it, not only do they teach you art in videogames they teach u how to code and debug

>want to make a game
>can´t into code

Attached: sad hitler.png (810x814, 883K)

just don't be lazy it's not that hard

>Want to make game
>Can animate design and create music and write stories and concepts
>Can't code for shit.

>want to make painting
>can't into coding

Where is that pic from again? Wasn't it some kind of new german show or something?

>want to make game
>cant into 3D modeling or programming
>all i do is write out scenarios and mechanics and design sketches and shit all day

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>I puke when I see naked adult women


>Are we at the future where middle aged men can pretend to be little girls in VR and cuddle eachother yet
He literally asks if we're at an age where he, a middle aged man, can be a loli in VR. It's a dude.

They could be a really weird fujoshi fantasizing about that shit :^)

>pretty good at drawing, could be a halfway decent artist with some effort
>can’t make a good original design worth shit

>want to make game
>can't draw
>can't write
>can't compose
>make it anyway because i'm not going to get better just wallowing in pity

you can commission art
you can't commission programming for an entire game

>Want to make webcomic
>Can't into art

Attached: new_robot.png (306x553, 76K)

it's from "Guess who's back"
I believe

>want to making fuck

>be drawfag
>want to work on game
>they're 99% idea guys who don't get anything done and won't pay

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What a time to be alive

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>want to make game
>can't do anything

>good at level design and game mechanics
>find coding boring
>terrible at art and digital music
Should I just stick to making board games instead?

are you me? I can code anything I want and even rig 3d models, but anything that requires an ounce of creativity is just lost on me and even my placeholders are awful. Anything I make looks very sterile.

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Art is as important as any other aspect in creating a complete game, but is the least important part in the actual creation process.

Are you stupid or something? There are alot of high quality engines out there that dont need coding. Unreal Engine 4 is one of them. Blueprints, that's all im going to say.


>can drawfag
>can program
>learned to make 3D models
>constantly lose motivation midway through the project
This time I will actually finish it, I believe it.

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Look at Baba is You. Every sprite is tiny, crudely drawn, and only has 3 frames of animation that don't even bother to match up with each other and that game is blowing up right now. Even if you lack talent, you can just throw shit at the wall until you finally get something that looks okish and pass that off as an "artstyle".

Make a unity game but keep it private
Tutorials abound

this, fucking hell how the fuck do you get through it without getting tired

PixaTool is your friend, user.
You can just turn whatever image you want into pixel-shit art.

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What was more hard to learn. Programming, drawing or 3D modeling?

not him but they have the same mindset generally.
As in you gotta be patient to make something half decent, they're not that difficult to get good at but drawing is the more abstract one, making it a lot harder to know when you do something that is actually "good"

It's a real pain in the ass, honestly. From what I've been told, it's good to have a team because then you can be kicked back into your senses if you start to get disheartened.

Drawing, at least for me personally.

>can draw
>can program

God fucking damn it

/x/ here, have you ever thought about selling your soul for the art skill? Everyone who has a Patreon has.

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>Someone who is younger than me is better at drawing
>Someone who is a minority is better at drawing than me
>Someone who has put in less time than me is better at drawing
>Someone who barely even tries is better at drawing than me
>Someone who says talent doesn't exist is better at drawing than me
>I am always trying my hardest but i barely seen improvement
>I am always doubting my abilities even though i am trying really really hard
>I always get mad at myself when i drawing something incorrectly
>I always trying to keep a positive attitude but i get frustrated
I JUST WANNA GET BETTERRR!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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>Can't draw for shit
>Try to self-teach how to code
>It's boring as shit.
>Try to self-teach how to model.
>Actually caught onto it pretty well even with Blender's retard-tier control scheme and lack of options.
>Can't actually fucking model anything in my head because I can't draw.
>Try to pick up drawing so I can model my own stuff.
>"Lul dude just spend 10 hours a day and soon you'll be able to draw something resembling a human xD"

Yea honestly just fucking kill me. All I want to do is make a game with an interesting twist on time traveling and yet I can't even fucking solidify the main character's model because every time I look at it I want to change something because it doesn't look exactly right and I don't want to hire an artist to do it because they might not draw exactly what I want.

Attached: This is the end.jpg (803x688, 104K)

post some?


>Can't code
>Can't draw
>Not good in sports
>Can't play any instrument
>Can't sing
>Don't know any craft
>Probably can't write anything good

I guess in a way, I'm already dead. It doesn't matter if I live or not because I will never create anything.

You can try doing requests in the drawfag threads. Anons are usually fairly good at pointing out obvious mistakes.

>>Can't play any instrument
>>Can't sing
Never stopped the DIY scene.

>friend is actually making a game
>asks me for some feedback
>pretty basic proof of concept, has potential
>say "neat, I assume in the final version it's gonna be like X?"
>blank stare
>"Holy shit user, I didn't even think of that!"
>asks me for more advice, so I tell them more things I'd assumed they'd already been planning
>apparently blowing their mind
>get asked to meet up with them regularly to discuss the game and see if I have more ideas
>mfw I actually get recruited as an ideas guy

I'm honestly still confused about the whole situation. My ideas were literally just the logical conclusion from the gameplay mechanics I saw. I always kinda thought that if you could art/code you wouldn't really find much value from an "ideas guy" but I guess some people need help in that area or something.

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>When you jizz on the iPad, sometimes it goes crazy and switches apps
>I wish I could stop just licking my fingers instead of actually washing my hands after masturbating
>tkmiz cums on his tablet and licks the cum off of his fingers
Lord give me strength

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People who say that talent doesn't exist are the same people who will try to disprove the fact that children who learn how to draw by the age of 3 and 4 are going to always be better than anyone who picks it up later in life even without constant practice.

The human mind is intentionally created to be good at somethings and worse at others because we are supposed to be a social species that relies on other people to do the things we are bad at.

Saying latent and inherent talent doesn't exist is like saying the last 300,000 years of the evolution of mankind was by complete choice.

>want to make game
>can't make music
>don't want to use any assets that anyone else made

Only reason to care is if you want to impress other people
Fuck other people make things for yourself

Sounds like you got self esteem issues

ageplay is based

Attached: daddi.jpg (1280x1496, 504K)

>plenty of free assets out there
>plenty of artists willing to collab out there
Just look for game related forums and ask around, its really that easy nowadays

>>Someone who is a minority is better at drawing than me
what an odd thing to say

>Want to make game
>Even bought engine
>Can't into music and sfx

I bet wow would have been as successful if orcs and humans had the exact same armors and everybody rode horses and only fought demons and skeletons exclusively

I'm certain that everyone would still love all of the popular modern games if they were made up of nothing but gray rectangular prisms

Drawing by far. Anyone could sit down on codecademy for a couple of weeks and have enough knowledge to slowly code something. It won't be optimized or pretty but it'll run

Drawing takes years before you could put together something passable. Or at least something that would match the quality it would want in my game

>tfw had a childhood friend who wanted to make a game
>kept the dream alive even when we were in college
>passed away few years ago
>learn to draw and code just to make his game
>too depressed to continue

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You don't technically need art to into game.

Art is just window dressing to make game look good enough for the normies to notice. Even then. There's Baba is You.

Make low res sprites. That way the player's imagination will have to fill the blanks.

I mean, remember Undertale?

So many ways to build a game with programmer art and still make it successful.

I'm always suspicious of indie games with good art because they're generally pretty boring gameplay wise.

>Want to make fan games
>Want to make money
I suppose I could replace the copyright characters with OCs & make the games modable, that'll be good enough right?

My uncle started painting at 70 and he became extremely good at it in no time. Guess he just had it in him this whole time and never knew it

>ideas guy with good ideas
>source: trust me bro

Make a (((spiritual successor)))

This. Wait a few years and you'll realise how retarded your ideas are anyway

Stop comparing yourself to others and go back to practicing.

And to all of you motherfuckers who whine about talent, post your progress over the years and what resources you used or stfu.

those games are hideous and good art would make them objectively better.
even if you wanted to keep it minimalist there's still room for improvement.


>want to help code on a depraved sex game
>its either futa shit with a tranny lead or a visual novel retard

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haha guess your amazing ideas will die with you

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There's nothing wrong about that.
EA is never going to a make another Syndicate game and their only shot at it was a fucking fps.
I'm glad some based aussies decided to make a spiritual successor in the form of Satellite Reign.

no time like the present

Apparently the only people autistic enough to actually learn how to do things don't know what to do with it when they figure it out

>Are these lolis sleeping?
>Wrong, these lolis are deceased.

Everyone can do art. It can be low quality art, but still. You didn't even started and already looking for excuses. You will never achieve anything.

maybe if you just want to make some random bullshit, if you have a specific vision in mind it's practically required

>have a decent enough foundation in art
>want to learn how to make good music and sound design
i literally don't even know where to start with this shit

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I am studying computer games and I do it all the time, because other people in my team are too uncreative to do working mechanics and level design. I am the best programmer in the team and yet I didn't wrote a single line of game code in a year.

>”Just learn to code bro, it’s easy!”
No it fucking isn’t, you liars.

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music theory for dummies

Don't worry about it, AI is learning how to code.

Coding itself isn't hard. Documentation on how to do any thing you want is already somewhere on the internet.
The problem is that it's hard to do it efficiently, so you don't waste time on thinking how to do shit.

I went to school for art, but spent years hiding because I was ashamed of not being good enough.
I studied game design on my personal time, but did not commit to making a complete product because I got convinced it was not the right path.
I spent my whole life starting and never finishing, being convinced to do something else, comparing myself to others, and letting the opinions of men lock me down.

I no longer desire to live this cowardly lifestyle. No more "getting good", I'm going to do it even if I suck, and I will no longer allow anyone else to stop me. If I can't "make it", I'll just build my own.

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AI can't learn how to code for vast amounts of reasons.

t. code monkey in machine learning and automation industry

>Coding itself isn't hard.
Yeah, right. There’s a million things you have to remember and you have to make it all work right with extremely strict guidelines or else the whole program’s fucked.

>started doodling
>started writing shit down
>started learning ue4
>can 3d model quite adequate
>considered getting a keyboard and learning to play it

Attached: madlad from the irish land.jpg (1280x720, 91K)

Coding is SIMPLE. You can easily learn the basics in one afternoon and anything new you encounter can be understood in 15 minutes.

It is not easy at all though. It's like playing a really hard puzzle game except the solutions are way larger and more complicated than any other puzzle game you've ever played.

No you don't. There is a reason why documentation exists and why every codemonkey has to look up usages and shit. All you have to memorize is the syntax and even that is corrected by the IDE.

>There’s a million things you have to remember
That's like saying you actually have to memorize those math formulas and rules. Just google retard, your boss wont appear behind your back and say "ARE YOU CHEATING?"

School =/= workplace

>It's like playing a really hard puzzle game except the solutions are way larger and more complicated than any other puzzle game you've ever played.
>implying any coding job is harder than finding hell temple without a walkthrough

That is my point, really. Coding is binary - it either works or not, and it all depends on whether you put the lines in correctly. All you have to do is follow a flowchart, there is zero requirement for you to have any creativity.
Coding is largely a memory game and you won't be good at it on day 1. Just chug and plug consistently until you remember all the schema.

Compare it to artfags where the result isn't binary and learning isn't as streamlined.

I mean if you wanted to start from machine code and end up with an open world crysis mmo sure. The way most coding is done is like people beating tutorial levels with gamefaqs constantly open in their second monitor. Very few people actually try the harder stuff.

the only people who say art isn't important are artlets who don't have have a single shred of imagination floating around in their skull and are basically NPCs

>want to make game
>get blacklisted because I disagree with sjws and like drawing sexy women
making porn on patreon it is then. still sucks that liberals are literally running gaming and comics like it is 1930s Berlin

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I would sell my soul for any kind of talent but I'm afraid that as a kid I sold my soul to around 15 different people, 4 deities and every devil I knew the name of. I kind of regret what child-me did. The only upside is that I bought the souls of a few kids in my class after that simpsons episode where Bart sold his soul aired.
Now that I think about it, I may have also traded my soul for other peoples souls a couple of times too.

I really hope there is no afterlife.

with an attitude like that you deserve to rot in mediocrity

>get blacklisted because I disagree with sjws and like drawing sexy women
Blacklisted from what? Fucking moron, notice how most solo-devs that are successful (with notch being the exception) don't ramble about politics

>art isn't relevant to game dev

blacklisted from gdc
also I know as a fact that most game developers human resource department talk to each other and have a list of people who they won´t hire for "being conservative"

Attached: murder_animals.png (389x120, 51K)

Holy shit!

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>tfw so good at art that a gamedev twitter account I started less than half a year ago has over 1.5k followers

God damn it I love myself. Feels good being talented.

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post it

If you just say things the right way you can get SJWs to agree with basically anything. Don't want to include black characters? "I didn't feel comfortable writing a representation of a minority whose struggle I haven't personally experienced and decided I didn't want to run the risk of hurting anyone through my ignorance."

Sexy women? Just include some men telling her to cover up and have her mock them or something.

Considering their ideology is more founded on groupthink than actual values it's easy to get them to go along with whatever you want.


>learned to code
>too lazy to write a single line
>learned to draw
>spend all day doing character concepts and backgrounds without making any actual assets
>mastered piano at a young age
>can't figure out music composition software for the life of me
>most of the day I spend fiddling around scenariofagging and writefagging scripts, dialogue. and pseudocode
i need someone to start kicking my ass into gear, I have zero motivation

>only has 1.5k followers

Thanks for the giggle mate.

dude just go to church

>ctrl + F

I'm Really glad cause loomis is shit to teach someone.

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Games should be made with passion, not as products, imo. If you do game dev as a job instead of a hobby then you'll probably come to hate it.

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>Can into art and cant into code
>But cant into music at all

I think I'll just stick with trying to be a animator, game making seems to rough
Like you either end up with making FOTM shit like AAA devs or making hit or miss indie shit but at least it will be your own idea, only nips seem to allow more so experimental stuff but that phase of crazy ideas guy is kinda over

Well then what's a better starting point?

Start with Java, then move to anything else.

Keys to drawing from Bert Dodson or Hampton figure and design.

I'm pretty sure that drawfag threads have a folder with pdfs.

fun with a pencil
perspective made easy
...and I always forget the last one but it was about anatomy, drawfags all over the boards will always link you to them

this, just look at touhou

today I will remind them

Attached: american cripple.png (269x184, 90K)

>fun with a pencil
That's Loomis, by the way.

Personally, I find forcing yourself to draw is just going to make you see it more as a chore than a hobby or something to enjoy. Something you might come to detest doing you know? It'll be harder to learn something you care nothing about or generally dislike. It takes years of practice because those people probably dont force themselves to practice 10 hours daily. Its more akin to exercise or something. Doing it for a half hour to an hour every day or every other day. Do it because you want to do it at first. And eventually just turn it into a habit. For me I'll draw for a half hour to an hour before bed. Doesnt matter if anything actually gets completed or not, just as long as Ive done something related to the skill. It all translates and improves your drawing ability in some way or another.

Also its really true that we are our greatest critics. Ive rarely met someone who wasnt self conscious of their work. "Good enough" is more the normal feeling. You can pick at your own work all day, but you arent going to complete shit and move on that way.

>tfw computers will replace artists
please help us daddy yang

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100% agree, most people should've stopped reading the thread right here.
But that image is a really bad example, even Baba's game unironically looks great. Technically poor art can be made in good taste.

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If you want to practice designing levels without needing to code, do you think working with the Cube Engine would be a good idea? It was in-game editing, which is pretty cool.

errors have been made! please disregard my stupidity

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Begcome a great toad sage like tarn adams and make an autism simulator.

I'd still say that it's a good beginners book. The material in it is simple enough for anyone to pick it up and start doodling right away.

Start with painfully small projects and then move on to painfully small games and then move onto making things you actually want

That's the spirit user

If you somehow can do everything else (you can't), then just hire a few artists

You have now discovered the way to becoming good is to fail over and over again

How do you cope with a idea you think is really good that you've been working on but then you find out its too close to an already exsiting idea

Don't worry about the ideas, it's in the delivery.

what if it's not delivery

then it's digiorno

>want to make game
>can't into programming

Attached: dose.gif (500x281, 343K)

>want to make game
>can't into programing, art, music, or ideas

Attached: 1453248814280.gif (233x226, 1010K)

>Don't have any skills to make video games
>Make them anyway

Attached: Nero smug.png (679x957, 544K)

Your art is cute
post more

Attached: 1507440231156.png (201x186, 94K)

>he doesn't recognize RUSTLE
Lurk more

Minecraft is fine nigger

Making a Video-Toaster for inexpensive production. Thoughts
> EliteDesk 705 G1 SFF (As a base)
> MSi AMD R7 240
> AMD Athlon X4 845
> 16GB Memory
> 500GB SSD + 1TB HDD
> Debian 9.8

Wanted to get something inexpensive to function as a workstation for creative stuff, including artwork, video editing and small scale game development. The tools I use regularly are FOSS, which usually aren't resource hogs, so I feel something light yet stronger than my laptop would be good for it. Also I'm broke.

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Attached: q.jpg (1920x1080, 279K)

>I puke when I see naked adult women

Jesus christ this board fell really hard

Attached: rsm.jpg (579x567, 387K)

yeah i'm totally gonna buy your pixel programmer art trash game that doesn't stand out at all

>want to make game
>can do art, writing, sound, level design
>can't into programming
>but can hire them

Attached: 1507413245582.gif (600x600, 297K)

Just build one, by getting a shitty prebuilt first you've wasted so much money

the only people who say programming is important in games are programmers because they want to get hired

Talent doesn't exist, chances are most people who pin their ability on talent started at such an early age that they can barely remember the fundamentals, it's just muscle memory at this point. It's why learning from artists or taking advice from artists who started at a young age is an awful idea, they usually won't know how to explain their learning process since it just clicked for them early on. Kids pick up things pretty fast and just roll with it due to how their minds work, while adults want things methodically explained to them before they attempt it in order to minimize mistakes. Especially when it comes to art, since subjectively there is a level where art starts to look "good" and not "passable" and everyone who starts art instantly wants to be at that level. Nobody wants to doodle on what can easily be considered a third grade level forever.

Also, regardless of your ability, the person that can draw will always be more valuable than the person who can't.

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as a minority, this offends me. your mediocrity that is.

I may be a nigger but at least I don't suck ass at drawing like you.
And I'm stealing that Gon image while I'm at it, ya big ugly girl

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I miss the days when I can just code like an idiot in Java. Now I have to deal with server-side shit, shit, shit, and more shit. Oh and some assembly on the side because fucking why not.

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i love this mangaka

this is why my whole phone background is full of his art

Forgot pic

Attached: Screenshot_2019-03-28-19-02-39-483_com.miui.home.png (1080x2340, 1.52M)

>tfw you will never meet a lonely neet who pretends to be a loli for you, while he jerks your dick and makes you cum as you're looking at lolis on his ipad

Attached: 2dd.jpg (600x600, 40K)

You know theres a whole industry behind making a game right? Now they've set it up so game devving is like an pay2win mmorpg
>need X to complete game
>don't have enough time or skill (not enough exp) for X, so end up paying for it
>pay for addons to enhance game graphics
>pay premium to publish game etc.etc
>90% of game devs end up never finishing their crappy game cause its too much work for one person
screw it, resist your urge to make a game, go play and master the hoards of games that are already out there instead, no one wants another game developed by some nobody.

Wait isn't it unhealthy to eat your own cum? Seems like it would give you cancer or something.

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if it gives you cancer then i got bad news about your mother

Honest question. Is it common for artists to fap to their own porn? I've considered getting into drawing for this reason.

Can't speak for all artists, but shadman [insert door closing.gif] and Shindol were asked this question, and they both responded with "no".

Basically you spend so much time on drawing it that you become desensitized to it.

Tkmiz confirmed for excellent taste.

It's not. Most people look at their art and think what they could improve upon or whats wrong with it. Some weirdos think it's their kid so it be weird if they did.

Oh yeah yeah

But having soul is not successful when it comes to getting every penny out the user.

>still don't know how to draw/paint backgrounds

Attached: c55997ff2043a0c7a8a2f25cf9b68b33.jpg (400x566, 35K)

>tfw working as artist in small startup studio

Attached: 996.jpg (1280x720, 102K)

Go make friends with artfags.

stop shitposting on Yea Forums and get back to work you lazy neet

For me its learning to code, its not that I have trouble, its that im the kind of person who learns by having goals, but im terrible at setting them for myself and no one will hire/intern me at my current skill level


>want to make game
>don't have good idea

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All work no breaks makes a man go fucking insane.
>tfw stuck working in a cutesy game when all I want to do is tiddies
It's an abstract kind of hell.

Be like the average indie game dev and steal one.

Art direction is by far the most important part of game dev, people won't play something mechanically interesting but ugly because Dwarf Fortress already fills that niche
Writing is by far the least important part of game dev

Mystics throughout the ages ate their own semen to prevent losing it through urination. If you don't eat your own cum, you are spiritually weak.

how did you do it?
yes i'm jelly

Drawing is the second hardest thing for a human being to master, the first being music.
Don't (You) me STEMfags, intellectuals throughout the ages have agreed on this.

I've been done tons of contract work for the owner of the studio for years. He founded a small studio and hired me as Lead Artist.

how do i emulate his art style?

Many games with a very basic look get released.
Baba is You for example.

make them

got any tips for a dumb neet who wants to get into the market?

Get clinical depression.
Draw doodles for 5 years(Tsukumizu has been uploading drawings for atleast 8 years) then draw cute girls after that.

Your gameplay is not as interesting or unique as dwarf fortress. People are not going to play your game unless it meets minimal expectations audiences have for its visuals.

Depends on your skill level. If you dont want to post artwork that's fine, but I'd need to know your skill first.

Majestic 12

Maybe you should join Majestic 12

Same story for voice actors.

global rule 2 faggot

I'm gonna learn 3d modelling and animation
but not today

I ain't that great, but I think i can do some stuff, I did this a while back on a lazy afternoon

Attached: jQl67qy.png (466x522, 61K)

I have some good news for both of you

>tfw can code decent enough and can draw but can't draw with proportions

Attached: RiseLick.gif (1280x720, 2.52M)


>want to draw
>can barely draw and get really depressed

Attached: asfasdghgf.png (1000x1000, 44K)

Well at the level you're at right now the only tip I have for you is keep grinding.
Read books, watch tutorials, sign up for Online courses (great and cheap way to learn)
I dont like posting my artwork on Yea Forums cause I got pestered really hard on social media last time I did, but this the kind of skill you need to have to get "into" the industry at a decent level.

Attached: CEQchtPWIAAenus.jpg large.jpg (1024x666, 175K)

user that’s the difference between someone who can truly understand a mechanic or idea and flesh it out and redesign a game and an idea guy. Idea guys just think “if I combine every mechanic from every game I like I’ll make a masterpiece come on please hire me my ideas are so good why has nobody else thought of this”

seems doable, thanks user

That piece is concept art though, they're made in less than an hour.
But yeah grind on.

Ok, but real talk. I know how to program and I know an artist. Where do I learn to do the other stuff?


Yuuri is cute

Attached: 72333653_p1.jpg (1109x1318, 522K)

>can make music and draw
>know enough about game design and have had an idea for a game I want to make for a while
>every time I try to learn programming i either end up with shitty tutorials that basically just tell you to copy paste their tutorial code and hardly explain how everything works, or I’m stuck reading documentation that gets way to advanced for someone trying to start out.
I would team up with a programmer but I have no money to pay them and no intention on letting someone else have control over the project.

Attached: C18E323C-A12A-4C74-9718-C2909D11668A.gif (208x200, 2.03M)

I'd say drawing is harder than music, but maybe that's because music is sort of intuitive to me since I learned it when I was a child. I agree coding and writing are piss easy though

>they're made in less than an hour.
well that's a problem... but i'll try my best user, thank you

Attached: gj.gif (499x281, 443K)

Where do I go if I want to learn how to code to make a game?

Here's one I did for Yea Forums's creation thread.
How fucked am I?

Attached: DnSLSharkBait.png (1000x930, 2.71M)

I like pretending to be a loli
But I'm not a lonely neet

>want to make game
>can't into programming


Depends on the game.

Are your best friends, also dont forget to stretch!

Attached: hen.jpg (900x695, 256K)

>also dont forget to stretch!
wait you gotta stretch before drawing? is that a thing?

I have contamination and mutants in my brain.

Attached: 1565841265_preview_faceapp-Deus-Ex-JC-Denton-Smile.jpg (602x602, 51K)

Just another parasite.

Attached: 5 seconds.png (561x606, 592K)

cute and retarded

Attached: 1549259298681.jpg (714x714, 39K)

Don't do this is makes mustered gas

Can anyone tell me what is preventing anyone from making a MMORPG with tens of thousands of players in one battle, if the actions of every player is limited to semi-turn-based of one action per 5 seconds or so? Latency and server load is the restriction, right? Imagine something like Valkyria Chronicles, but you only control one character.

Attached: metroid-2.jpg (450x347, 16K)

>is that a thing
Absolutely. That's how you prevent longterm injury like CTS and tendonitis.
As a Professional artist, I gotta draw up to 8-10 hrs a day. That takes a toll on your hands. Gotta take care of yourself.

>want to make game
>can't into anything

Attached: kennyh.jpg (480x360, 19K)

Attached: rW0xQfK.png (1080x702, 304K)

the retards are always the best grills

Attached: 1463711494263.png (347x429, 219K)

not always

So what? Just look at Raita.


Attached: DeEKpO-UQAEBh2h.jpg (501x450, 33K)

>I gotta draw up to 8-10 hrs a day
Yeah that does sound like a fuck ton of work
How many concepts/assets do you pump out daily?

>want to learn to draw
>can never find beginner groups with actual beginners
Fucking experts always joining these groups to post their work and fish for compliments. I want to work along other shitters and improve together not worship the guy who's been drawing 10 years.

Attached: 1456458005029.jpg (445x604, 35K)

you wanna throw down punk

Attached: drill.jpg (453x508, 25K)

>he hasn't even began learning how to creating games
You neets who still rely on the false prophet of motivation always make me laugh.
Just go to /beg/

Just like video game lobbies ;^)

Writers and programmers are expendable, everyone living in a first world country can do them. Artists and musicians are the only people who matter and your project lives or dies on their whims. Get begging, code and writecucks.

I work on tons of different things from concepts to finished Assets, so it varies a lot depending on the complexity of what I'm working on.

Both are easily replaced, programmers not thanks to "self documentation".

Nigger you have no idea what i'm capable of

Attached: Elsie.jpg (1280x720, 98K)

bring that shit nigga, BRING THAT SHIT

do you like it though? i hope you do, you're lucky as hell

Why would anyone think that the artists and programmers are not both equally disposable?

its shit and cancer

Artists and musicians have unique styles that are impossible for other people to replicate and your project's identity will suffer if you try
Meanwhile, writers are easy to replicate and programming style literally does not matter

You're messing with a GOD user

Attached: kon.png (704x396, 266K)

I'm gonna die unless I get to headpat Yui

Yeah, it kills your drive to draw outside of work a bit and it is a lot of work, but there's nothing else I'd rather do outside of drawing big tiddies, butts, and maybe some chub here and there.

Hello? Is this thing on?

>its both jagged up yet so clean at the same time
Amazing art style.
new chapter of ShimSim when

Attached: 1546729939816.jpg (4096x2304, 921K)

Everything is disposable if the goal is a souless product. You don't need art, you just gotta do the epic photorealism meme and normalfags will lap it up. Same with music. Just do some droning, generic gloomy shit.

If your goal is something good, you need good people on all posts.

>you have to learn how to do something in order to do something

Cringe. Have sex.

2 days ago.
Next 28 days.

Shit is sad if you know what happened in the prequel.

Man of culture all around, you sound like a blast mate i'd share a beer with you

we should be on chapter 3, right?
I couldn't find a thread on Yea Forums and none of the manga sites have 3rd up.
Is that story canon?

>7 years a NEET
>5 years trying to learn how to code
>Lazy so I never finished a project
>Turning 24 soon
>Can't draw at all

Attached: 1532668653797.jpg (499x499, 20K)

Have a real gender.

If programming is so easy and art is so hard, why do programmers who aren't basically rockstars get more money than every kind of artist that isn't super famous? Wouldn't the least disposable workers have higher salary?

k weirdo

>muh tranny hivemind bogeyman

Aside from the concept of so many people waiting around for turns being laughably bad, yeah, what you mentioned plus every player's computer's individual processing power.

how do i not get so depressed from drawing as a beginner?

Cringe and cringepilled

About 90% of artists are amateurs/hobbyists at best. Which muds the statistics

>how do i not get so depressed from drawing as a beginner?
You power through it. Sorry, user.
They say it takes about 10k hours of work/practice to become decent at least. You gotta endure it.
It sucks dick, hard, but there's no fancy answer/shortcut/trick.
"Talent" doesnt help either, Talent just changes your "starting skill level" or the Speed at which you learn (think of it like an XP multiplier), but you still have to practice.

The best artists get paid far more than the best programmers ever will
The top tier of programmers don't get six figures a month on patreon while high tier ecchi artists do. If you become a famous artist in the real art world, you get paid millions for just one painting

I'm talking about salaries for professionals at game companies. Hobbyists don't factor into it.

It's a more disjointed bellcurve.
The median for programmers is high, but the low/end points for artists are astronomically higher than for programmers.

just did with ur mom
pwnt hard l0ser

Attached: 1471010658295.jpg (480x360, 12K)

Accept you aren't a genius like your mommy told you and that you are starting from 0, and enjoy the ride.

Oh, that's just basic Supply/Demand.
There are more Artists than there are programmers, so companies can get away with paying less for artists.

>Are we at the future where middle aged men can pretend to be little girls in VR and cuddle eachother yet
>I used to attend class wearing little girl underwear
>I puke when I see naked adult women

>all that mental illness

How hard is it to make a point n click? I can draw but I just don't know how to code.

Any "superstar" programmer will be made to stop programming and move up to a higher ranking position to control the other programmers, and has their share of power in how a game is made.

That sounds like artists are more disposable, or at least that art is more easy.

Not that I think either are that easy. I just don't think that brushing people off because they follow a discipline with more concrete structure and rules correct.

god fucking damn I hate autists so much, just play normal games not spreadsheet simulators you weird fuck

/g/ here, it's a simple if then that statement
IF click here
THEN move here

just use blueprints and drag-drop stuff
Unreal has it and if youre looking fully free option then Godot Engine

>want to do sfm animations
>can't into patience

It's not even hard just tedious as hell

Attached: 1539274641180.jpg (1000x842, 132K)

There's probably engines for it out there already.

>you are a child that wants to ~create~ but can't even bring yourself to do something as basic as doodling.
how do i fix this

Whats a good engine to use? Gamemaker?
I tried messing with it but couldnt figure out how to do stuff like dialog, or making characters walk infront of / behind objects like a box.

>working for video games

might as well be working at McDicks

draw on a old ds

imagine being an EA employee
>painstakingly work on next FotM battle royale hit
>get paid jack shit
>some dyed-hair e-celeb faggot gets paid more money than you'll ever see in a lifetime just to play it

Attached: al.jpg (1905x1770, 252K)

>game idea again
>bought tablet I had a year and a half ago to learn drawing again
>haven't learned lua again to actually make the game

Attached: 1503253773156.jpg (190x288, 9K)

>Always liked making things
>Always want to go 200% effort and quality on fucking everything while having zero knowledge, know-how, materials or tools for making things
I hate it so much. The only two game ideas I've had is a fetishy /d/ game about a mermaid and the other is basically Team Ico games but in reverse where you're the big thing. But every time I think of them I instantly fall into the hole of wanting too much cool TECHNOLOGY shit that would never make it into an actual game or would take a century to properly do.

here's a secret: all you need is to combine some good ideas into one great idea. Hotline Miami is just a twin stick shooter with outrun aesthetics, and Undertale is just a cross between SMT and Earthbound.

This thread reminds me of s-purple, or whatever his name is. What a piece of shit. Literally the personification of "The ideas guy who makes the art." Won't join a crew unless they sign an agreement that they won't use his art if he leaves. And he WILL fucking leave. Motherfucker acts like he's totally innocent, like the sinking ships he's hopped off of weren't fucking tanked by him specifically. Can't wait until he ditches his own fucking game.

im a drawfag that wants to get into 3d modeling for SFM and all the shit i have to do with it is so overwhelming and exhausting compared to just "do draw and color :)"

Attached: brian render.png (1530x1868, 431K)

Brian's pretty cute

you have to know some code using godot though

i was about to ask how you know his name but then i remembered i had it in the filename

>unique style
Right because pixel and tumblr trash is unique and as for musicians the doom sound track uses lots of "inspiration" in parts of their songs



Yup, here is the thread.
And yes its canon.

>Name field
of course
thanks user


Fun fact, most artists can't actual do art.
Just make it low rez/poly and call it "minimalsitic" or "retro" and you'll probably sell even more copies.

You can!
i trust on you user!


>artists work so slowly on art they draw their art into components for animators to tween
>you can see empty space in some cases becase they tween it so poorly
Flash was a fucking mistake. It brought upon this shit tier, cheap animation style

you get better at it while making placeholders if you simply google some technique here and there

The LoK flash engine was a total fucking meme, it may be shitty but the only way to properly animate stuff like that is to do it by hand.
I know a guy that does lewd animation in flash, takes longer but looks like something you can actually get off to

Good art sells your game.

>I puke when I see naked adult women

It's easier to make the game and get somebody else to do art than it is to make art and get somebody else to make a game for it.

Attached: Wiiiiiiiidescreen.jpg (1650x1346, 496K)


>Get apprenticeship as in-house software QA
>First months of program are half training, half sitting on our asses doing nothing
>Spend the time going through the mini-courses we'll be doing on code
>Finish them
>Keep going on my own
>Have created a card dealer that shuffles cards, deals the number you want and actually displays a picture of each one in console
>And a Mastermind game
>And started learning how to use Windows forms to use actual images instead of just text
I've learnt more in the last two months from being bored as hell than the last several years of being 'interested in coding'.
I had no reason to post about this

Attached: Joey the Ripper.jpg (410x308, 79K)

>ideas guy brags about how good his ideas are

Attached: 1468423762593.jpg (480x360, 14K)

What an utter degenerate

>total idea guy but idgaf
>don't want to make my own game that's 100% original and my own thing
>just want to write out a story for a game in an anthology series where the games have little to no connection to each other anyway aside from reoccurring elements
>the only game creation tools for this series are ass
Oh well I guess it's going to stat unmade forever.

Attached: not so wide.png (633x469, 158K)

>can do art
>make music for the dungeons and towns I've dreamt up
>drawn up hundreds of characters, monster sheets, stat tables, maps, and puzzles for them
>literally zero programming skill, the most I've done is make some worthless little alarm clocks and a calculator in Visual Basic
I don't understand people who say programming and game coding is easy. I've tried for 6 months to learn how to code and none of it clicks.

Attached: doublenigfinal.png (281x255, 57K)

>I wonder how many people ejaculate at the precise moment a new year arrives

Attached: 1466865468683.jpg (203x213, 18K)

Look at undertale or baba is you or Minecraft.

>have motivation to draw for hours
>my hand gets weak and cramps if I do it for more than an hour, keeps me up at night


You start doodling

>want die
>watching potatoes go around apocalyse is sad and fun at the same time

3D Modeler here. Drawing is by far the more challenging and more skillful endeavor.

Coding "for games" is pretty easy for the most part. Any monkey could learn the ropes in six months and be competent within 2-3 years, especially if you don't dive into engine work. Sculpting and topology requires it's own unique skillset, but 2D art requires a lifetime to learn and master.

>can write, art and code
>don't have the time or discipline to make my game

>mfw reading to the end
i can't say i didn't see it coming, but it still hit hard regardless

Attached: wlc.gif (336x256, 401K)


I was doing some tracks for a game and this one got cut. It's a sample of what would have been the final level. Any thoughts?

>want to make game
>can into art
>can into music
>can into writing
>can into gameplay design
>can’t into game making

You do know there are other parts of game design besides the art right? Games need coders, storyboarders, writers, managers, people to place and manipulate assets made by several different types of artists working together, lots of them need mocap and voice actors, etc, etc, etc.

You misunderstood. There's no waiting for turns, everyone can act every 5 seconds regardless of other people. As for processing power, sure, they would have to be rudimentary. For battles with tens of thousands of actors, sprites might be a must. Dominions does that.

>ideas guy
>can't even be fucking bothered to write it down

Drawing, by far. It's somewhat like modelling but you only get 2 dimensions to work with and can't place light sources so you have to manually create every bit of light and shadow, you can't easily fuck around with texture settings you have to create texture entirely from scratch, you have to abstractly generate shapes from scratch and understand how they go together seamlessly.

>that Kettenkrad scene

>the stairway scene

The true test of a big brain idea boy is to know when to stop telling the rest of the team more stuff to do. Game systems can't always be pushed to their ideal potential, sometimes deadlines have to be met and your coding sluts and art sluts actually do need to rest and eat and drink and stuff (otherwise they'll die) and the game probably only has so much memory and the code might only be able to deal with things of so-and-so much complexity.

>Can't do anything creative no matter how long I try
>Shit at video games too even though I've been playing them for basically my entire life
Don't know why I haven't just killed myself already tbqh.

It’s really easy to be stuck in a logical trap for years that makes it impossible to improve or not be a retard. Try to force massive changes in your thinking by pulling your foreskin back and eating the smegma flakes.


Think that you can do it better if it already exists

Attached: 6BB12331-D347-478A-A7B8-EF47AA585C7D.jpg (1024x576, 71K)

Pretty good, but I feel like the drums might get a bit too busy for a level background, good for a blend into a cutscene though (or if it's a dramatic, cinematic-style level where there isn't much focus on the gameplay while the track is playing)

>Want to make a porn game to rake in Patreonbux from thirsty weebs/furries
>Years of programming experience but can't draw or write for shit

Attached: 1553288002901.jpg (512x512, 23K)

Why not just keep working on it? You might find a way to execute the idea better or more efficiently, or by seeing real world examples take shape you can be inspired to make your own better or come up with a new one. There's no shame in learning, most big ideas aren't thought up by one single person and you shouldn't feel shame just because what you thought up on your own already exists somewhere else.

Let's do it bruhb

For me it's programming.
Drawing isn't so bad if you love to draw imo.

>want to make game
>no creativity or inspiration

Literally make mario dude. Cross the what the fuck is it bridge when you come to it.

>For SFM

Nononononno. SFM is a dead fucking end. Its better just to do everything in your 3D program as you WILL waste 90% of your time learning all the bullshit with a broken piece of Source Engine horror. I wasted years on Source when I could have been learning more modelling.

Seriously learn some 3D editor lighting and rendering and you won't have to deal with the assfuck that is importing into an inferior program that valve has already abandoned.

Attached: image0.jpg (1073x1069, 120K)

Holy shit. My hero, no I'm not being ironic.

Attached: 1526964337934.jpg (1280x720, 120K)

but sfm is easier to animate in (for me, at least)
i've been animating in it on and off for like two or three years(?) now

Attached: virgin part 5 vs chad part 1.png (861x496, 305K)

SFM doesn't even have proper rigs also, let me break it down for you on the horrid shit you have to do to get a model into SFM:

-Materials have to be converted to VTF, and the shaders have to be setup in these awful VMT files that you have to dick around in notepad. No node-based editors here, you are stuck in the past with this crap. Also material paths are a mess of confusing bs and you will probably waste time troubleshooting mat errors. Don't get me started on QC eyes setup
-You have to export to DMX or SMD and exporting and setup especially for face flexes/morphkeys are a big pain
-The dreaded QC setup: a shitshow of sphagetti code that you have to set up just to get your model to compile and get the flexes to work; causing you to waste time on the VDC and on forums for obscure issues
-The model compiling. No easy way here, a total mess and setup with a broken SDK, good luck getting anything to work and skeleton issues/physics/compile errors

I will repeat myself: It is easier to learn real animating than attempting to make stuff for SFM.

I've been meaning to ask about modeling actually. I'm curious if crocotile 3d is any good for making stuff for games

learn trigonometry and make everything 100% vector art nigger, we need more Geometry Wars slash Rez type games o the world

i guess
but idk what else to do, animation is really confusing and intimidating in other programs and i'm still a newbie

Never heard of it. Also quick rundown of other stuff if you are interested:

-3dsmax: Old and showing its age but still good for hard surface for gunz and spaceships/cars and buildings. Easy to learn since its UI is unchanged in over 20 years
-Maya: Most used these days, hard to learn but what most studios use and also best for animation
-Blender 2.79: Free program thats horrible to learn and backwards to every other editor
-Blender 2.80: Free program thats improved greatly but still in Beta. Has lots of potential. Not as good as pro software but getting up there in time

Start simple, also yeah while intimidating most 3D animation concepts cross over from other programs. Also start simple and work your way through some youtube videos.

Also if you really wanna half-ass it most programs you can just turn on "autokey", scrub the timeline, grab a bone then move or rotate it. Even slapping on 2 IK chains and you got yourself some easy limbs to move around.

>Someone who is younger than me is better at drawing
Fuck my life

Attached: ideasguysbelike.jpg (917x656, 151K)

crocotile 3d is this thing
I had 3dsmax on my list, deliberately avoided all forms of Blender.

Attached: croccy.png (1280x711, 152K)

fucking kek, its so accurate

Attached: 1543552515750.jpg (300x300, 10K)

Yeah you're right- story, music, and graphics are completely superfluous.

Attached: 9a5406207aff2622df93c474116495975c6ad8b8ffa91b148dde836fc4d267b9.jpg (408x408, 18K)

would blender be good for it?

Do Touhou. ZUN doesn't care unless you start doing Kickstarters or releasing in platforms he hasn't been on yet.

Can be, just for the love of god start with 2.80.

2.79 and below is an absolute nightmare to learn due to the worst UI design in history and overly dependent hotkey workflows; pic related.

Attached: blender-infographic-SM-1280.png (1280x1812, 257K)

thank you user, pic related gave me an idea for a project ive been working on

What the issue with Loomis?

Attached: 1518634365869.png (600x802, 418K)

>need to into art to make a game

Attached: file.png (640x480, 61K)

spoken like a true nigger. you make me proud, user.

This is actually some good criticism.. Thank you!

Drums are my weakpoint. I always am worrying over making drumlines too simplistic or too complicated. It's a lot easier on my chiptune soundtracks since I don't have to manage as many sounds.


Attached: dt-soundcloud-cover-v1.jpg (1149x1149, 2.24M)

its just there's so much to 3d modeling and rigging than just "draw it properly" like weight painting, flexes, and retopology (depending on your method of modeling) that makes it intimidating

Yeah unfortunately 3D is learning multiple skills at once but to prevent burnout/frustration START. SIMPLE.

For example, you are not gonna have a PBR well shaded fully rigged waifu with jiggletiddy and soft-body physics with mocap right out of the gate, that shits gonna take time.

Make a simple prop. Unwrap it, do some rigging to learn how to weight paint. Then move onto the next prop, do something different, learn materials, learn better topology. Just keep making new models, and dont get stuck in the hole of trying to "perfect" something. Keep working at it and then move up to full characters.

I'd say start with basically halving the number of beats, slow rhythm can sound very dramatic even if the tune over the top's the same

>Want to make a game
>End up procrastinating when i have free time

Attached: prince.png (552x584, 9K)

thanks my dude

dont compare to others and just focus on practicing to improve yourself you cunt

pick something you like and start practicing the basics, you cant get any worse if you do it every day

>Never stopped the DIY scene

Attached: smug.jpg (900x810, 55K)

>tfw never gonna make it because I think everything I draw is amazing and perfect even when it looks horrendous to outsiders.

>Someone who is a minority is better at drawing than me
wut le fuck

Attached: 1552338417304.png (675x694, 34K)

laughed so hard it hurt

I don't think I've ever seen a Unity game that supports Workshop or even a level editor. Do they exist?

t. chris

the only people who hate on art are brainlets who can't art or shitty artists who can't take criticism and never improve

t. 3000 hours in dwarf fortress

Doesn't Endless Legend have Workshop support?

I will always be in the "Gameplay > All other aspects" camp but art is is pretty important to the experience a game offers overall

Off the top of my head, I know Rimworld is Unity, supports mods and has a ton of workshop activity.

lmao looks like a tumblr/deviantart tranny propaganda

learn to code
take add
work on tons of projects
stop going to Yea Forums

>Have a shit-ton of characters I've made up over the years, shaped and fleshed out stories for that all interlink, but never written/drawn said stories
>Have plenty of ideas for animated videos to many songs I know, but haven't found a software I like drawing and animating in
>Have a large interest in making vidya, but would need to find out the best engine for my purposes and learn how to use it
I'm becoming an ideas-man-of-all-trades and it's not good for me

Attached: Wouldn't say it's that good honestly.gif (254x196, 1.8M)

Same here, fuck it's weird thinking about all of them
I did draw some though

let's hear them

i've never met a self-proclaimed idea guy with actually good ideas, maybe you're the first

It depends on your talents and personality really
from personal experience though programming is not as difficult as the others, and drawing is probably the hardest