Do you think Cyberpunk 2077 will have moments like this?
Do you think Cyberpunk 2077 will have moments like this?
Other urls found in this thread:
Do you have a single fact to back that up?
Judging from the absolute terrible dialog thus far, I highly doubt it.
Post more dystopic aspects of our daily lives
JC, an inflation bomb!
How horrifying.
Never understood what was the problem with this.
>Steven Pinker
That's probably because you're sheltered.
No, Deus Ex is uniquely based, Cyberpunk looks like it be a basedbean equivalent, just like HR and MD.
Oh boy, now I can make masta even more money while he uses it on hookers and blow
>v-tec kicks in right as you gotta go out and sing cotton eye joe
Literally the USA
>everyone becoming homogonised consumers is a good thing
Pinker and all the other technofetishist wankers make me think that Unabomber was right and we should live in the fucking wood
It's even worse being a US territory than a state. At least states get representation.
No, Cyberpunk 77 looks like a pure exercise in aesthetics.
based and robotpilled
are you speaking of the USA now?
I very much doubt it
Not all cyberpunk really need to share deus exes gimmick. The gimmick being the story is a big what if all conspiracy theories that the writer could think off, were real?
I'm too old to be impressed by games anymore.
How is it bad? I mean, it worked out well for the USA no matter how I look at it.
What did he mean by this?
the problem is the homeless guy had no money and the rich dude has enough influence to get out of it, welcome to capitalism. This is the reason people vote against their own interests, they fantasize about being the rich dude not the homeless dude.
The american dream is quite unobtainable now, if it ever was. Basically pray you get born into it?
>dude let's write this outlandish game where we put the most ridiculous conspiracy theories, it'll be fun
>more than half have already turned out to be true
There will be something about Russians blowing up their president.
I'm too old to be impressed by games anymore.
ah, I see all you communist retards migrated from the notch threads. hey, by the way, you've reposted the same "graphs" already
Is this the real life blue pill?
This. I'm pretty sure Americans like to suck corporate cock and defend the shitty things rich people do because they dream of one day becoming rich, and when that time comes it would suck if these things changed.
I can see no other logical reasoning behind them acting so cucked all the time.
if your bait is so great, why did they get away scot free?
maybe because the US is the most successful economy in the history of the world? so successful, in fact, that even our lower class are considered upper class by world standards?
Well back then they were all crazy conspiracy theories. Im still waiting on alien clones being a thing myself.
Billionaires can kill anyone they wish. The police do not exist to help you, they exist to protect the rich.
The women who released the Panama Papers was "suicided" with multiple gunshot wounds to the head.
Well the gameplay video was full of "FUCK CUNT JAINA PENDEJO FUCK FUCK FUCK" so that wasn't too promising. Though large parts of the pre-release TW3 material never made it into the final game or were heavily altered so who knows.
I don't think they were actual aliens, rather than genetically modified cows or something
That has nothing to do with my post, but ok.
>I mean, it worked out well for the USA no matter how I look at it.
This. The USA is Trumpkino as fuck. Why shouldn't every nation be like us?
Oh, and I should note: she publicly announced multiple times that she was not suicidal and that if she was found dead she was murdered.
People like their way of life and speech
>By 1700, the GDP of Mughal India had risen to 24% of the world economy, the largest in the world
>Dec. 31, 2017 24.03%
A muslim Indian empire had similar economy hundreds of years ago. You're nothing special especially now that China has already overtaken you.
You will.
why is this shit so huge? you can get them in literally phone sizes
How else are they going to force you to watch an ad?
The whole front panel is just for the ads.
Get PILLS against my orders! Get moving!
I get US$51 a day on benefits. Im apparently on high income according to US standards.
Remember when the rich successfully convinced everyone that being poor makes you violent and a criminal?
Really was ahead of its time. No way it could come out now, it'd just be accused of promoting Jew conspiracies or something.
2077 is already well beyond that point, people eat kibble for fucks sake because you need to be obscenely wealthy to eat real food.
if anything the surprising thing is that the US government still exists in it and is willing to carpet bomb corps that push their luck, even if most states have gone autonomous.
Not even close, $51 per day, 7 days a week, all year is only $17,136, well below the median income of $56,516 in the US. You're poor by American Standards
Are you retarded?
Hey guys, we tested communism, remember? It doesn't work!
Our test was very scientific. Basically, we let capitalism get a 50,000 year head start. Once it controlled the entire planet and all of the power was consolidated within those people who benefit most from capitalism (the financial elites) we introduced communism. The existing capitalist superpowers stomped all over communism, even going as far as to spy on, imprison, torture & kill their own citizens (for being suspected communist sympathizers) under McCarthyism.
Now, this all proves that communism is an inferior economic system! Our test was very scientific.
Also, as we all know, the purpose of an economic system is to distribute labor & resources in the manner which generates the largest summary amounts of human happiness & wellbeing. Well, capitalism is great at this! The Jewish banker receiving a $60,000 champagne shower in Las Vegas right now? His slight dopamine rush matters more than the nutrition, happiness and wellbeing of the millions of children going to bed hungry every night in America, whose lives would be immeasurably improved by a $2 meal.
Imagine, in the not too distant future you won't even be allowed to be in control of your own emotional state.
Worst yet, the majority of people will support it and wonder why anyone would want to be in control of their own thoughts and feelings.
Nice conjecture, retard faggot.
>just undo a few thousand years of capitalist rule and then communism can soar
lmao you people are such victimized whiners
You will likely be gaslit and/or told you're some kind of nazi derivative if you don't consent to the pills. And you'll be microchipped, like any good livestock.
Is this really the fantasy world you live in? Get some help
> power and history don't exist
What year is it where you live?
Already confirmed to have a dialogue wheel
Not to mention cost of living in my country is roughly US$45 a day for the bare essentials.
No, it's more like: don't use existing capitalist power to artificially suppress communism with coups, invasions, sanctions, and blackballing/imprisonment/torture/murder of your own citizens who are suspected of being communists.
Why the fuck are capitalist superpowers so TERRIFIED of communism if it's such an bad system that can never work? Why do they feel the need to preemptively sabotage it every time?
Dude, just no. Forget it, move on.
capitalism as we know it has only existed since the industrial revolution, in the 1800s, the average citizen lived on less than a dollar a day, by todays standards. capitalism is not the illuminati boogieman thats controlled the world and robbed you of your communist utopia, its objectively the better system.
"Who wouldn't want to get microchipped? The System will tell you if you're eating unhealthily (and increase your insurance premiums), will call the emergency services if something happens to you, will notify the authorities when you're breaking the law and watch your every move! Only people who have something to hide wouldn't consent to 24/7 surveillance and tracking!"
>capitalism as we know it has only existed since the industrial revolution
>thats not real capitalism!!!
Any fucking system where you accrue capital and leverage it to acquire more capital is capitalism.
>leave as net payer
>EU doesnt want this so they make sure they get a terrible deal to scare off others from leaving
>because its made later the sovereignty is only just starting to be lost, just like the US it does so by first demanding more tax in return for more subsidies, and then once it got more tax can steer the state into do whatever it wants
>greece was in need of help since they were a debtslave to german banks but instead of just absolving their debts they could never repay they were forced to sell everything they had to greedy jews and now have nothing to pay their debts back
>many states joined out of their own will
>only lost a lot of it after being slowly deprived of power with absolutism
>states that are doing poorly economically are supported every year so they can at least keep up a little bit, instead of them slowly going worse until a crisis fucks them up bad
fuck centralization and FUCK SUPERSTATES
you're literally a brainwashed retard, and your false ideologies have already caused the deaths of hundreds of millions of people. communism is a more murderous doctrine than even naziism
>in the not too distant future
"Lawrence then makes the following adjustments to the calculations that produced the
chart above: (1) He uses output from the total economy, rather than just the business
sector. (2) He uses net output (which removes capital depreciation), rather than gross
output. (3) He includes both full- and part-time workers. Taken together, Lawrence
finds that measuring productivity as the ratio of net total economy output divided by
full-time equivalent employment reduces the 2013 gap in the chart by 20%.
Lawrence also considers a number of adjustments to the compensation calculation
in the chart above. He finds that using compensation rather than wages reduces the
2013 gap in the chart by 8.2%. By including workers in managerial and professional
positions, and by using a more inclusive measure of earnings, Lawrence explains 30%
of the 2013 gap in the chart. By deflating wages using an output price index, Lawrence
explains 35% of the gap. After those adjustments, the chart looks as follows."
>tfw when you realize that deus ex scenario aside for high-tech might become a reality
all commie retards need to reply to this post and tell me what jobs they have, what formal training they've received, and what qualifications they have, or else they need to shut the fuck up
No all of the characters will have hair
>hundreds of millions
Not by any remote count is this true, and by the way, billions have died under capitalism. Also, you probably should have mentioned that while those millions died under communism, the communist states were being besieged on all fronts - cultural, political, military, economic - by capitalist superpowers.
>somewhere in time and space
If you read what you pasted you will find out he literally made shit up until the chart looked how he wanted.
>Guatemala doing better than it ever has
>Vietnam won and still decides to embrace capitalism and is doing better than it ever has
>Brazil is now South America's region power and very well off, and it's current issues are linked to the socialist government of the 2000's/10's cocking everything up with corruption
>Chile is extremely well off and developed
>Cuba is embraced by the world other than the USA and is still a backwards underdeveloped shithole with only a praiseworthy healthcare system to its name
>Venezuela was an economic powerhouse because the state-owned oil industry played ball in the free market until Chavez died and the country is in flames because Maduro is an ineffective retard with zero knowledge in running a country and only has revolutionary rhetoric in mind
the communist states (namely the Soviet Union and Mao's China) actively sought to seize control of land throughout the europe and asia and were just as responsible for the proxy wars of the 20th century as the capitalist superpowers, if not moreso. quit living in your utopian bubble.
boss? boss, the evil communists posted on Yea Forums again. yes, they said you're taking all my money. no, i was a good boy. i told them to go away and that they were gay and stuff. please pet me sir
Ted was right
My favorite thing about capitalism is that it rewards companies who provide useful, honest service to consumers!
Quite ironic that the commie is calling someone else a footlocker. Stones are best not thrown from glass houses
Go suck Trump's jewish dick, you dumb nigger retard.
y-yes master, i told that commie "y-you are gay and comunism failed alot" and i was a very good boy. n-no, i'm not asking for a raise, just master's praise is enough. could i please be Good Boy of the Month?
Considering how fucking ass-backwards the food pyramid made by American lobbyists is, that sounds even scarier.
more conjecture, yawn.
>we let capitalism get a 50,000 year head start.
Capitalism hasn't even existed as a concept for more than 300 years and has only been put into practice for the last 200 or so and in that time it has drastically improved the quality of life of everyone.
Let me guess you think feudalism and theocracies are capitalist because you think that everything that isn't communism = capitalism right?
Don't forget corporate-mandated microchipping to monitor employees 100% of the time and garnish their wages if they live with an unapproved lifestyle, are late from breaks by even seconds, or are not working at 90%+ efficiency at all times
>Capitalism hasn't even existed as a concept for more than 300 years
Are you retarded?
damn....this really says a lot about our society...
I'd join unatco find my killphrase then walk into a google office and shout it
>insufficient stress hormone levels are detected
>drone #5523-E, this is your final warning of the year. work harder or you will be demoted.
Are you?
Linkola is unironically based
>le sweden rape meme
Sweden has some of the broadest rape laws in the entire world.
Does anybody else like Jordan Peterson? I like watching him BTFO commie retards
>makes 50k a year working for one of those said corporations
gee i wonder if that has any bearing on why people hate handouts for people and tolerate handouts for business
Those nobles sitting in their castles eating lamb while the peasants slaved away to feed them? That wasn't capitalism. U-uhh, that was feudalism, that's what it says here in the book written by Mr. Goldbergstein.
It says here in the margin notes that even though the peasants were feeding all of their profits to the elites, and the elites kept their throne of power thanks to their huge amount of capital, it wasn't capitalism, because that would beam capitalism was clearly evil when viewed through this lens of historical objectivity. We'll call it feudalism instead.
>Not realizing that MD was about false flags committed by (((them))) to push agendas and divide & conquer
I expect nothing less from Yea Forums brainlets.
you're a fucking retard and have no authority on anything you claim to say, you fucking retard.
>her life was not for nothing
>literally no one talks about panama papers anymore and those involved didn't suffer any punishment
When did Yea Forums become a bunch of corporate bootlickers? Fuck Capitalism, desu.
> implying capitalism can't be identified as evil from the industrail revolution
What you call a system where birth into a royal lineage afforded great power and status, and where the majority of class interaction wasn't centered around the exhange of money?
I'm pretty sure I agree with where you're coming from user, but pick a hill to die on that isn't retarded.
What Jews did with refugees can't be called "divide & conquer". They didn't divide an existing harmonious group of people, they took barbaric rapist criminals from shithole countries and introduced them to civilized societies in a deliberate attempt to pit the proletariat against one another.
The solution to this is not to embrace Islamic barbarism, it's to say no to refugees and then deal with the Jews.
are you fucking retarded? under feudalism, people don't own their own labour. under capitalism, you do. understand the difference?
well she still believed. shouldve taken the iron pill and walk into a lobbyist office packing heat.
>the problem is the homeless guy had no money
You really think that homeless guy is ignorant to the point he doesn't know what to do to get out of being homeless?
The only way someone is homeless is if they choose that lifestyle.
capitalism isnt a perfect system, but it sure as hell beats communism, thats for sure.
You don't own anything in either case. They give you enough to survive, exactly like what they gave the peasants. Do you realize you have no bargaining power, you don't own anything, you don't own the means of production? They set everything arbitrarily.
Lol worked
Its time to move on bud
You're really mistaken, and your pathology runs so deep that its impossible to penetrate.
Why do you hate your culture user?
If your ideology can't stand up to others then it doesn't work.
how did ultrarich jews brainwash people so thoroughly that they VICIOUSLY campaign against their own interests? lmao
the problem with these commie retards is that they set their standards at the very bottom class, instead of at the middle class, where they should.
once you realize this, you can just ignore whatever they say
don't buy it
Normally I'd tell you to fuck off for posting reddit screencaps but that's fucking scary.
A little bitch compared to mommy Lyudmila
Hegelian Dialectic hard at work here.
>Paul Allen
Oh, so are you prepared to reverse the positions? Let's give communism the 50,000 year head start, let it control the entire planet, and then a guy named Marl Karx will introduce a crazy new system called 'capitalism'. Communist superpowers will shit all over it and literally imprison and censor and blackball and murder and invade and sanction anyone who even thinks about practicing 'capitalism'. If capitalism fails this test, it's not a good economic system.
Sound good to you?
They could at least give you a comfy seat if they'll force you to watch a ad.
You're so fucking stupid, I hate you
Melting pots can't exist forever, and they can't be created without separate and unique cultures coming together to begin with. You can travel from one side of Europe to the other experiencing different foods, music and traditions that would no longer exist. It all merges together to become a singular mush.
>The only way someone is homeless is if they choose that lifestyle.
You don't 'choose' anything. Stop this magical thinking at once.
That picture is delusional
I’m not a communist but if we in America opened investigations into the top percenters, how much crime do you think we would find?
Having a meltdown, you ACTUAL brainwashing victim? Did your masters not prepare you for this one?
I can agree with most of it, but force-feed? Most people are hungry after waking up from sleep, this guy sounds like he had a chip on his shoulder're saying free will is a joke......damn........whoa......
>Can leave at any time without repercussion
Are Americans really so sheltered from the rest of the world that they actually believe this? Just look at the UK right now.
anything involving children is the world's easiest red herring
if you want to rob america blind, bust a "pedo ring" at the same time.
The panama papers already revealed they're all hiding massive quantities of money offshore. The woman responsible was killed in a car bomb and no prosecutions were made.
Yes, free will is magical thinking. You have no inviolate soul. Nothing magical happens inside your brain.
>can leave at any time without repercussion
There's been a massive thing surrounding the UK (and to a lesser extent Greece) over how countries shouldn't be allowed to leave the EU because there's nothing in place to deal with anyone that wants to leave. It was literally designed as "join forever".
Lol of course not. They are too involved with the industry now to be able to drop truth bombs anymore
>will there be any games devs that will dare to expose the kikes?
Fuck no retard.
>It was literally designed as "join forever".
Yeah that's why there's an article on leaving EU. It's not EU problems that UK politicians already for two years can't agree among themselves what they want and to continue throwing shit at each other.
we cyberpunk now
>what are indie devs
So what can we do then establish socialism? Increase taxes on the rich? A preemptive Strike?
Yes there is. It's called the homeless chose to be an evil.
>muh gibsmedats
>>muh gibsmedats
not an argument
wtf, I love communism now
What is some kike gonna care about some shitty indie game only 10 people will play.
It's funny, you'd think Yea Forums would be full of people who understand communism. But apparently every thread talking about not trusting a company and them being greedy shits because they can is just an isolated incident. Like, there's nothing in common between all these companies with vast amounts of capital that allow them to control the market?
>controll SSRI dispenses wirelessly
I'm sure this will never have any negative effects. The "security" is probably a cheap password too.
Taxes on the rich were 80-90% during the late 40s and early 50s. And that was by far, far, far the most prosperous time for America. So yeah, tax them, that's a good start.
Why is not being a corporate bootlicker seen as communism?
You haven't answered the question.
twitter has been confirmed to be literally mostly bot people.
Karl marx didn't create socialism, hell there were a lot of socialists in the 1800s, fuck Napoleon the III's main support were from socialists
Every poor Yea Forumstard hates what corporations do and simultaneously buys their anti-communist propaganda. It's literally doublethink.
True but the actual tax rate was only around 30-40 % because the bastards hid their income.
Sure thing, just make sure your college freshman "logic" includes
>communism naturally emerging from social interactions between people
>capitalism being based on a poor understanding of "social science" by a man who considers himself a scientist despite never creating a scientifically testable model of reality
>the logic of capitalism being based on an inherently metaphysical idea of Dialectic, while also claiming to be materialist because fuck philosophy 101
>capitalism being completely oblivious of individual psychology and concepts of motivation, incentives and resposibility
so the positions are actually reversed.
That's not a question
culture preserves a lot of practices, skills and knowledge that otherwise wouldn't continue to exist. A homogenized group loses connection to ancestry and history in general becomes distorted when a single perspective or motive becomes absolute. Cultural segregation is often an inherently beneficial thing long term.
>And that was by far, far, far the most prosperous time for America. So yeah, tax them, that's a good start.
It's almost as if like there was some sort of event and most of the world powers were in ruins and shambles.
>Most people are hungry after waking up from sleep, this guy sounds like he had a chip on his shoulder
most people I know have no desire for food and have their first real meal during lunch, or start snacking around 10 because they hunger just kicks in. If I wake early I often just eat a bit because, not because I have a desire for food
>most people
most sugar addicts and caffeine addicts*
You know that the rich would have easily moved to some where else during that time, but didn't because all the other places to make businesses were shitholes during that time. That's why the rich remained in America during that time period.
>sovjet propaganda girl
someone didn't read marx' the civil war in france
the IInd republic and the empire were bourgeois jokes and the workers were kept at bay from the levers of power
>>communism naturally emerging from social interactions between people
Nothing unusual about this. Communism is the more sensible choice for a civilization.
The whole point of civilization is that everyone helps each other, rather than behaving with self interest. This allows us to collectively achieve a great quality of life. It's why we're not living in caves any more.
Capitalism is contrary to this. It is "me, me, me" the ideology. It is anti-civilization. The only reason it still exists is because it's self-perpetuating: it assigns all of the decisionmaking power in society to those who benefit most from it, the financial elites. So of course they will never change it themselves.
It really doesn't work like that, you don't just pack up your corporation and go to another country. You have 90%+ of your assets tied up in the country. If you try to leave they will fuck you in liquidation.
>unironically being a separatist
Read a book you retard.
You didn't answer the question.
Imagine being forced to tolerate an evil races thinking and culture? Now imagine what would happen if say the White man's culture of hard work and dedication were to be wiped out by color people's culture which is nothing but laziness, entitlement, and being beta.
*nationalizes your assets*
nothing personnel
>try’s to leave
> seizes your assets for the state heh nothing personal capitalist
The problem is that you're posting false information and conjecture, either intentionally or not, your ideology are rooted in layers of layers of false pretense that I'm sure even you don't understand. I'm almost willing to give you props for being so steadfast in your beliefs in the face of objective failure, you have an excuse for every failure of communism, you have an excuse for every possible thing people can criticize your ideology for because its been created from the ground up as a victim-narrative.
here's the fundamental problem with your belief, you think that all interaction is about power and that capitalism is just the best way to accrue that power, but thats not true. in a functioning sovereign country, the people construct hierarchies of values, and people who are better at climbing the hierarchies (i.e. people who are more competent in their respective field) accrue most of the wealth. this isnt a tenet of capitalism, its something which has been around since the biblical times. matthew 26:11; "The poor you will always have with you, but you will not always have me." matthew 13:2 "For whosoever hath, to him shall be given, and he shall have more abundance: but whosoever hath not, from him shall be taken away even that he hath", this is the "matthew principle" but if you arent biblically inclined you can look at the pareto distribution which states that about a square root of the population will create 50% of the products. these are ancient ideas.
communism is correct in its assessment of the failures of capitalism, but fundamentally wrong with its assessment. Nietzsche predicted that communism would be a deadly failure long before it was even implemented, its misinformed on the nature of human interaction. the behavioral and clinical psychologists, along with the credible sociologists, have pointed out that interaction is based primarily on cooperation and competition.
>You didn't answer the question.
You haven't presented a question
why do you want to tax us :(
i need 151 billion dollars, what will i wipe my ass with otherwise
I'm about to play System Shock 2 for the first time and I want to go in mostly blind, but I just want to know if there are any complete noob traps in the game? Any skills that do nothing etc?
don't care, virgin
Yes, goyim. There's nothing wrong with society. Everything is fair enough, just work hard and you'll happy.
I stopped reading this post and literally belly laughed out loud right around the time I saw bible scriptures.
So you're a retard who doesn't understand what you're talking about?
Can we wrap this thread up, guys? If this doesnt out this guy as a retard, I don't know what will
Repair and exotic are worthless in vanilla. Repair is uneeded and exotic is too expensive
>get dabbed on by the g*rmans
the IInd Empire was a fucking joke and deserved his fate I only wished the imperial lackeys were shot on sight so that the commune may have an actual chance as an alternative.
I work for a person who pays me to work for him. I am grateful that he hired me instead of someone else. I come home from work and spend my time and money on my hobbies and personal interests.
>wahh I don't want to wake up early!
Work isn't supposed to be fun. Life isn't supposed to be easy. Would you rather be a farmer waking up at 4am instead? Stop being a casual.
As to oppose to what... sitting in your dirty room all day that smells of cum and dust while you bitch about the evils of the rich?
And these same people think they would actually do anything about dem ebil rich people when they can't even take of themselves?
That is the markings of a....
shut up you stupid fucking collectivists you're not better than communists
half the shit in this thread isnt even real
japan is certainly under-reported
>I work for a person who pays me to work for him. I am grateful that he hired me instead of someone else.
commies have to spread false information, all the real information proves their pathology wrong
What people don't realize that work also builds good traits of a human being such as dignity. If you noticed all these lazy people... these welfarefags are evil and degenerate.
the commune happened in the third republic though
>Yes, goyim. There's nothing wrong with society. Everything is fair enough, just work hard and you'll happy.
Yes goiym there ever was a time in history a society didn't face any inequality and there were no social issues and general unrest in populace no matter what system was in place.
Imagine being such a retard that there's a system which can fix all the problems and literally everyone will be satisfied with it and no one will be unexploited.
Yes, the best available statistics must be flawed in the direction which validates your bias. It is impossible that a foreign country has it better than you.
Bro when the pilgrims first came to America they tried communism. They gave it up after a year because the slackers tried to coast and the harder workers had no incentive. It leads to stagnation. Human nature won't allow people to be 100% selfless and grease the wheels for a smooth communism.
Yeah, their pathological to the core, and they don't give a damn about the poor they so desperately want you to believe they care about.
I already have it better than Japan, I'm not American. However employees there work free overtime as companies are fined if their regular overtime hours are reported.
You can leave whenever you want Nigel, you're not entitled to a deal.
Greece need money to pay public workers, if it default on its debt, they'll need to lay off most of them.
They sold everything to avoid that. But its muh EU fault right. Everything is muh EU fault.
Hey look, a corporate-seeded myth. In the wild. Actual brainwashing!
B-but that would marginally increase the price of each unit and slightly impact our bottom line user! Comfiness isn't necessary, but the ad sure is ;)
So, can we talk about the fact hat Finland tried a Universal Basic Income and it failed miserably?
They don't care about anyone but themselves.
Funnily enough, workers in the past actually worked less and would directly enjoy the fruits of their labour.
As technology has improved and our economy has changed workers have actually had to work longer.
E.g Amazon - why do their warehouses overwork their staff when the company makes money hand over fist, and is also pretty into automating parts of their workforce?
yes but the generals and soldiers who failed to protect france against the prussians were leading the charge to drown the commune in blood, the Versaille government who ordered the death of the commune came from the imperial senate.
>Implying that not kissing corp ass makes you a commie.
Keep sucking dick you coward.
homelessness is often mental illness related or a person losing a battle with something that consume wealth or their ability to obtain it in some way. It both is and isnt their fault, they lack the safety nets or experienced a circumstance that led them to abuse, but they also weren't strong enough to stop or overcome those problems themselves for whatever reason.
Can we talk about the fact that Alaska has been running a generous Universal Basic Income for 40 years and it's worked amazingly well?
Back to Twitter, faggot. Better dead than red. Sage for not vidya gaems.
>It both is and isnt their fault,
No, it just isn't. No doublethink here.
There are no human faults, no human decisions, only convergent circumstances and fortunate and unfortunate outcomes.
>working for one of said corporations
I hope you're not implying that one should be grateful for getting a job. A company only pays you when it makes them more money.
I wish they did outside of a very small group
> why can't an individual solve the problems of a system
How much personal responsibility would he have to take before his criticism of society is valid? Would you listen to him before or after he gave the man a dollar?
Yeah good for them except it's funded by oil money and Alaska is one of the least populated states.
Literally a corporate drone.
Nice try, I'm on a salary, not a wage. So I don't get paid overtime.
commies? you responded to someone showing that some gay pol boomer meme was fake
So you're really one of those post-modern neo-maxist intellectual types, huh?
It is their fault because they're choosing to be homeless. You don't need to be a genius to know basic things such as don't over spend, seek help from your friends and family if you're in trouble, put your money into a savings, etc.
So you believe the homeless are so "helpless" that they don't know how to get out being homeless?
Nigger what happened is this
>EU wants a eurozone (even though its obvious the south cannot handle the north's economy)
>they want this pure for E-peen
>get goldman sachs to cook the books to get greece in
>to prevent people loaning greece a shitload of money they make a rule you arent allowed to loan more than 3% of your GDP per year and other countries are legally not allowed to financially save another country. This is to discourage investors from thinking germany will save everyone
>investors call the bluff, knowing germany would rather take the loans than letting greece default or leave the euro
>german banks loan greece money and greece uses that money to buy german shit
>everyone knows greece is loaning way too much but dont interfere because it boosts hteir economy
>crisis hits
>hey, thats weird, greece is neckdeep in shit
>hey, germany does try to save greece, what a surprise
>force greece to sell everything that could make money
>free immigration makes all the greek youth leave greece, so there is no way for them to ever pay off the debts
>put the repay date of the loans you give greece to 100 years in hte future, practically absolving them because inflation will evaporate the value of the loans
>deutscher bank meanwhile gets the money after fucking greece over
>nobody wants to just let greece of the hook even though its their fault as well
>to make sure the loans and debts go away force inflation
>ECB meanwhile pumps money like crazy in the system to make this happen
>money goes straight to the financial sector, who use it just for making money
>as soon as the next crisis hits there are no measures left to absorb it
If you have an actual fucking job this isn't a problem. You think I want to run a hospital because I work there? Fuck no, someone whos interested in business, finance and law does that and they're employed by a corporate group made up of people essentially employed by shareholders. You can be on payroll as a free agent or not and still have dominion over your job and area of interest separately. Part of working is supporting a family and my own business which takes time.
I wouldn't listen to him period because he is a libtard and leftist systems are tools of Satan.
So many hours in the day
lost to the tidings of some lone tard
can we ever get back the time we spent?
I'm a wagecuck and any time we get close to over time our hours ""mysteriously"" tank. Not to mention more people than necessary are hired for a job so they can pay us even less.
I almost died last year and was in an induced coma for about 5 days, when I came out of it I was in this awful drug induced altered state of mind that had me mixing reality with horrifying hallucinations while physically restrained and strapped to a bed for 3 days or so, thinking I was in some sort of hellish future with little short term memory as to why I was even there in the first place.
Ever since then I literally grew to fear the future and all the dystopic shit that might be crammed down our throats along the line.
>can leave any time without repercussion
Ever hear about The Troubles?
I don't know what label you would print for the combination of things I think
>So you believe the homeless are so "helpless" that they don't know how to get out being homeless?
I don't know anything about anyone's case, but if they are homeless, it's not their doing any more that it's a leaf's doing that it floats on the wind.
>Normally I'd tell you to fuck off for posting reddit screencaps but that's fucking scary.
who are you again? sorry i don't see how your opinion specifically is relevant here
>You don't need to be a genius to know basic things
You're so naive its astounding. A staggering number of people don't get taught basic life lessons, dont get to a point where they have a job or develop the skills to get one, they dont have friends with disposable income, support from family or the life experiences that help others make long term sustainable choices.
>I don't know anything about anyone's case, but if they are homeless, it's not their doing any more that it's a leaf's doing that it floats on the wind.
But how would you know it wasn't by his own doing?
We're above your laws, goyim.
>to make the loans and debts go away force inflation
>ECB meanwhile pumps money like crazy in the system to make this happen
Wait a second is this a rerun? Could have sworn I've seen this episode before.
> just choose not be mentally ill
I understand this is a delicate topic for you, user. But some people don't have the choice of waking up and deciding their life is okay. Negative human experiences exist, and it is entirely possible they have impacts on a person's ability, psyche and wellbeing.
This is textbook shit, if people just decide to be disadvantaged (y tho?) that means the system that disadvantaged them is still fair - and you got where you are entirely on merit.
I'm telling you, assuming that you've been the user posting all of this nonsense, that your ideologies aren't even yours. They've be co-opted by french post-modernist intellectuals in the wake of Marxism being outted as a failed experiment, its just a sleight of hand trick. You're literally an NPC who's been posting neo-marxist talking points that are probably 3 decades older than you are.
>ignorant of life lessons
>in 2019
>in the age of the internet
No one chooses anything. Your decision is not a magical event within an inviolate soul. It's a physical process that obeys the laws of physics - those laws decide what you "decide", not you.
Your "decision is an electron migrating across a synapse in your brain. The path of that electron wasn't affected by "you" in any way, because "you" does not exist - we do not actually have souls even if it's fun to think that we do.
This is not determinism, it doesn't matter if there is (determinism-destroying) electron randomness, you still have no decision.
That word has gone stale and you lose any credibility for using it any time after 2016.
>being homeless means you're mentally ill
Either you're Greek or someone very biased, while completely not mentioning that Greeks themselves faked the data to meet Maastricht criteria in order to join Eurozone, not some Goldman sachs boogeyman, and they were notorious for faking public sector data, and eventually their bullshit caught up with them. Before you go alalala Germany fucked over Greece with loans and etc, of course they did that's literally what everyone does no one gives loans of good deed, but to make profit from it.
>"Take the Greek state railway. It was losing a billion euros a year," Ms Xafa remembers.
>"The [railway] company would issue shares that the government would buy. So it was counted not as expenditure, but as a financial transaction."
>And it did not appear on the budget balance sheet.
>So Greece fulfilled the Maastricht criteria and was admitted to the eurozone on January 1, 2001 - but by 2004 the deception was becoming transparent.
>That year a new, centre-right government was elected. Peter Doukas was appointed budget minister.
>"I said 'don't worry about persecution or anything, just tell me the true story'."
>The difference between the published deficit and the real one was huge.
>"[The gap] was about 7% of GDP," Mr Doukas says.
>"The budget said the deficit was 1.5%. The real shortfall was 8.3%."
And Maastricht criteria budget deficit was supposed to be under 3%. While they cooked up data of public sector to join Eurozone.
No matter how you spin this Greeks share a lot of blame themselves, not some external boogeymen who came to fuck them over just because.
this episode takes 8 years and is still going on. Although the concept of constant inflation to evaporate government debt is going on since at least the second world war. But now the natural inflation doesnt happen and it needs to be sparked artificially.
>In philosophy
>Professor asks me about the concept of evil
>Put on the spot, start panicking but remember a certain quote from Witcher 3
>"Evil is Evil. Lesser, greater, middling… Makes no difference. The degree is arbitrary. The definitions blurred. If I’m to choose between one evil and another… I’d rather not choose at all"
>Professor looks stunned, class gives me a round of applause
people are fucking stupid user.