we're going home,Classic bros...we're going Horde
alliance discord trannies not allowed in this thread
We're going home,Classic bros...we're going Horde
Other urls found in this thread:
this fucking dungeon in its vanilla state has more content than bfa
any qt wanna be my healer?
what if I'm going both? Plenty of comfy zones on both sides
to me the most infuritating is all these videos spreading lies
thankfully i can watch this
who the fuck wants to play horde
literal mudhut niggers eating KFC in their designated nigger KFC huts in the middle of every zone (complete with every vendor, more quests then alliance and FP ofc oh and sometimes there is even a zeppelin or free transport thrown in) while chimping on anything that moves in numbers only despite rolling for pvp racials but never actually 1v1ing to use them
then porting into their literal mudhut nigger KFC city called "orgrimmar" more like ogreshit lol blizzard literally took some somalian shithole town and copy pasted it into wow to give that authentic nigger feel to the faction le monster races br0 check out these NO SHOES so whacky better name myself something fucking retarded like boogerbones to fit in btw get owned kid totally bg queued out of that 1v1 close one
you want a sick capital city to afk in br0? take your pick :
- literal sewer shithole with aids and feces everywhere
- some fucking retarded canyon thing where you fall off and die
- literal nigger kfc somali city
fuck your video faggot
Man of taste right here
>- some fucking retarded canyon thing where you fall off and die
Yep, since it was ultimate anti-alliance weapon
>what if I'm going both?
You are me
>human paladin on a PvE RP server to LARP as a deus vulter
>undead rogue with a spit macro on every keybind with friends on a PvP server
Rogues fear the dwarf hunter
im going hpally, but only if you roll a chad warrior
Alliance fear the Orc Warrior
Nothing personnel kid
>tfw me
>tfw girl
>tfw shaman
>tfw no warrior BF to forcefully pin against the bed and penetrate his butt every time he loses aggro
I didnt think there was so many blizzshills on Yea Forums left. Instead there are WoW threads back to back every day
*fears u*
.exciting is shilling now
Is that retailcuck or weebshit?
>undead rogue
ayy my nigga. I wanna roll UD on my rogue, the combo just feels right to me I've mained one every single expac and it's never gotten old and pretty much every raid set looks great on them. But i think i'm gonna force myself to go femorc rogue this time because I always found myself wanting more out of wotf. its a great racial but idk i just always feel i get stunned or slowed much more often. Also considering gnome because hunters and mages are my nightmare and escape artist would be a godsend. i dunno i dunno
>human paladin on a PvE RP server to LARP as a deus vulter
>undead warlock dropping infernals on Goldshire
>not tricking people into summoning a doom guard as alliance and not enslaving it
didn't think of that
don't wanna be a gnome or a humie lock though
[Laughs in Paladin]
t. Female night elf rogue.
>*Bubbles out*
*reck bombs u*
heh, nothin personel, kid
uhh...just put the fucking dress on,okay sweaty?
>on Goldshire
Dead in only 10 minutes. Drop them in low level zones like wetlands, or redridge.
>*towers over u with bulking hump*
He's with me, faggots
mmm kfc
I can't wait to roll an undead warlock bros and run through the barrens at level 6 to level in Mulgore
thanks, chaosfren
Are...are those the healing pants?
Yep since Holly is oonly valueable spec
Shove it up your healadin ass!
>it's been over 10 years
can i be a tauren roooj
Why the fuck would you play anything, let alone a paladin, on a PvE server?
Dumpstering rogues and warriors is like 90% of the class appeal
nostalgia fags hoping itll be as magical as back in the day
in reality, itll be filled with zoomers complaining it takes too long to level and gear up
todays generations want instant gratification, not to work towards something in the future
I watched it again recently, and despite a few pitfalls it’s amazing how well it holds up.
It's time for you to take this to /vg/. The fact that you retards are gonna pay a sub just to play on a server for a old game that blizzard themselves took down private ones and shat on you every time you asked. Them realeasing this is the last option they had to keep this dead mmo going.
Male undead caster animations are Blizzard's masterpiece
What server except Nost Blizzard shut down?
>in reality, itll be filled with zoomers complaining it takes too long to level and gear up
yeah same. A lot of stuff from back then I find impossible to watch now, but Illegal Danish isn't too terrible
>world of warcraft
miss me with that zoomer shit, we're really going home bros
Who /WARLOCK/ here?
Wh-wh-wha-wha-what do you want?
Why do you keep touching me?
you know it brother
Trannies aren't women.
I miss my dindu bros
horde EU bros, I expect you to make SVT a hellish nightmare for ally babbies. We need to show them what classic really is and that's undead rogues killing people while they have multiple mobs already attacking them
reminder that dindus will never ever
>there are going to be faggots rushing to 60 as fast as they can instead of helping new bros you meet with quests, ganking in STV, baiting faggots into attacking them in goblin towns, and forming chink gank squads at tyr's hand.
play maplestory instead you faggot
>ESL euro can't read
can't wait for article 13 to ban you faggots
love this one
I know it's not from classic but the last part is kinda
Thank god Elysium launches in two days Chinkdale is horrid nightmare
>tfw wanted to stay in touch with my dindu friends but discord admin was some faggot autist who banned 90% of dindus except a couple of his buttbuddy circlejerkers
Human Mage is patrician.
literally the only reason I will be playing Classic is so I can poopsock to 60 and make as many boomers as possible ragequit by shutting down entire 20-30 level zones
no you fucking underage cuck, you don't get to pretend that old Gnomeregan was good. it was arguably one of the most reviled dungeons in the game. to not look like a clueless moron you could've at least said Sunken Temple or LBRS/UBRS
You can’t deus vult anyone one a pve server
Heh, ye won't be laughin' once I kite yer rotten arse, laddie. Wash yer back.
Gnomeregan can literally be completed in under an hour as long as you're not fucking retarded and know your way through the dungeon.
>Sunken Temple
Ah yes, I too enjoyed cleaning every single inch of the dungeon from Trash Mobs so that the group won't wipe at last boss.
you are a kike and noone likes you, you don't have any dindu friends
>mfw patiently waiting for Classic to fall
>classic wow
>not being shut down after a year when the servers are completely barren due to 99% of nostalgiafags realizing how shit vanilla wow was
Based and redpilled af
>mfw repeatedly ganking zoomers, retailfags, and dadgamers until they quit and never come back
but thousands people have been playing on vanilla servers for 5+ years now so you are an absolute retard
We aren't talking about Nintendo shit, user. You might have entered the wrong thread.
What are good Alliance sided Warrior weapons to level up with, that you can get from quests.
>Before you DM weapons.
They send cease and desistletters all the time
Yeah for free. Classic won't be free you dumb motherfucker.
Any other shocking hot takes for us you fucking mong?
She looks like she fucks orc guys.
calm down angry retailfag
what level range
1h or 2h
kill yourself
>because it’s free meme
Hey dumbass, the free private server is the ONLY way to play it because until this summer blizzard didn’t offer it. The private server trannies are only a small portion of the people interested anyway
Bros Im Almost there, ive been slowly sabotaging my relationship for the past month so i can be single by classic and have no worries. And its working
.... bros
Were going home...
level 5-20
2h and 1h
Nigger i would ha e payed 60 dollars and the 15 a month to play classic again the game is so much better than you understand.
Also Zoomers coming to play classic ia good its like us when we were 15 and 16 playing it in summer, instead of chuck Norris jokes well get some stupid ninja jokes or something but its still the same really. New blood is good for the community we need it and it will make us oldfags feel like kings when we can 3 v 1 them
Going to quit my job, already saved up 20k+monthly neetbux I'll receive
why would I give a fuck if classic is popular or not? There'll definitely be some full servers and that's what matters
I can’t wait for all the retailfag tears when classic ANNIHILATES it
Ok bros
>what year did you start playing WoW
>what age are you now
>firat classs and race?
>whats ypur favorite noob memory
>Nelf Hunter
>AQ opening
>oh no, people will have to pay 13 euros a month and not even buy a base game!
unless you're 12 with no allowance and no side job nobody is going to be put off by this
Not him, but instead of relying on Yea Forums to suggest weapons, you can go here:
Then you can go to zones in the database, click whichever zone(s) you're going to be questing in, and sort by quest reward.
It's a fast way to see everything that's available without needing to memorize.
do your class quest at level 10 and get a decent 1 hander from that
there's a 2h mace from a dun morogh quest called protecting the herd. need to kill an elite yeti
people's militia in westfall also gives some good early weapons
>Orc Warlock
>Gurubashi arena
Gnomeregan was fine if you just used the shortcut, skipped the worst bits and rushed the main bosses
The issue was that to do a complete quest run you had to do a long and winding path with bugger all loot to show for it until the end, large mob packs, large areas that had deceptive paths, wandering mobs and plenty of ways for even one retard to cause wipes.
>Dwarf Hunter, but quickly rerolled to human warrior
>one of the elite dragons was kited to red ridge by a hunter and killed me
>nothing has come close to this since its release
What has gone so horribly wrong
paladin dwarf
leveling in northrend
>undead warrior
>level 32 adventuring through zones way too high level to just look at shit
In hindsight would you guys play with the 10 year old yous
Catering to casuals and prioritizing new players over their fans
Horde is for casuals in classic
>Better racials
>Shitton of dungeons are very close by, no traveling
>Don't have to deal with contested territory until level 45
Alliance is the proper classic experience, like it or not.
>Nightelf wetlands run
>Defias Pillagers
>Shadowfang Keep run
>Forced into Stranglethorn at level 30, equivalent of being drafted into Vietnam
Just a taste of what hardcore Alliance chads need to overcome.
Idk, I kept pretty quiet and I had a deep voice at 10 already so I was pretty alright to play with
>sunken temple
>good dungeon
why do you have opinions that are objectively wrong morally, logistically, and emotionally
>Troll Mage
>PvP and guild shenanigans
no cause i was fucking retarded
>>Don't have to deal with contested territory until level 45
Yeah because your questing in barrens ends at 45 llvl and Ratchet doesn't exist
>>Forced into Stranglethorn at level 30,
>>Better racials
its actually more hardcore players that choose based on stats and gameplay. Lil casual fags choose based on muh fee fees
Yeah no. WarCraft games on GOG is where we're going back to. Not WoW.
>was 15 in 2005 and kept my age a secret because of how young I was
>half the people in this thread were like 5 years old and also played WoW in 2005
I'm not sure if this site has a complete database. I am 90% certain Arcanist Doan in SM Library dropped a 29 epic ring which I cannot find.
>weeb tranny that is going to roll human/nelf female
im playing on horde so i don't have to play with retards like you
Dwarf paladin iirc
Hard to say, exploration probably
oh im certain it's not complete for boss drops, but I'm also not an expert. I meant specifically using it to find quest rewards easier so you can prio certain chains if necessary.
>tfw you randomly remember an embarrasing thing you did in WoW when you were a dumb kid
I outrolled a mage on the red hat from Stratholme on my paladin because it looked cool
This or female human. Alliance is pure crossdressing faggots
Wasn’t that the SM graveyard guy?
I wanted to get into this but honestly I really dislike the western cartoon style, reminds me of what tumblr does nowadays.
Was stacking spellpower as paladin and bursting people with holy shock judgement a thing in vanilla or was it just in TBC
im going to roll a male human warrior that looks as close to me and with a name that sounds like mine and none of you are going to stop me
>m going to roll a male human warrior that looks as close to me
user, Vanilla don't have Kul'Tirans models
Spellpower is WotLK, spelldamage and healing were separate stats in vanilla, and healing gave you 1/3 of its value in spelldamage in TBC. Shockadin was mostly a meme spec in vanilla, it still existed in TBC but by WotLK lolret stopped being complete trash.
That ring was added in TBC. Patch 2.3, I think.
Instead you get to play with weeb tranny female orcs/undead/trolls. There’s no escape
>Orc Warrior
>First Rag kill
Male human warrior is based, though. Best racials for both tanking and melee DPS.
I remember being a retarded kid and not knowing what vent was in 2007and saying my dog peed on it
nice cope, vast majority of trannies roll human and night elf females
What does that make female tauren?
furfags and soccer moms
Based and Alliance pilled
>Night elf warrior
>Making my friend reroll his hunter before level 10 because he thought my warrior abilities were way cooler
>female orcs/undead/trolls
literally nobody plays those compared to female humans and night elves which make up like half the alliance
Don’t say I didn’t warn you, I’ve experienced it firsthand
gamer moms or druids who got forced to roll horde to play with friends
He is comming for you, tranny, and you know it.
ERP on grave
>nobody plays those
lmao you're fucking retarded and delusional
Dude there is a reason why Goldshire Inn became a meme, not Razor hill or Brill inns
>what year did you start playing WoW
>what age are you now
>first class and race?
Nelf hunter lol
>whats your favorite noob memory
Wetlands walk and entering stormwind through a metro. I couldn't believe there can be a virtual world this big and detailed. I saw the elite sea monster underground and thought about killing it with a guild some day
Oh goddamnit, you just made me remember something I hadn't thought of probably in 10 years
Fuck you, man
It wasn't even embarrassing, just something incredibly fucking mean I did to a friend and now I feel terrible
I don't like this
Honestly if you're in a position where you are interacting with dudes pretending to be females, you're in the wrong guild. Or the right guild by Yea Forums standards, I guess.
It's definitely an alliance focused thing for obvious reasons - look at the /wpsg/ trannies and how they refuse to play horde in vanilla but once belfs are available they go almost 100% belf.
Any remotely normie guild won't tolerate someone larping, and if they do they're usually simply ignored unless they're actively creating drama. And e-trannies avoid guilds with actual biological females in them (which has its own problems depending on the guild but that's irrelevant).
There are always exceptions but drama cancer tends to be removed fast in any serious guild. In Yea Forums or /vg/ guilds it's a feature, not a bug, so may be different.
Playing a mmorpg with Yea Forums or /vg/ is a big mistake for the most part.
orc females are the human females of the horde and you’re kidding yourself if you think otherwise, trannies want the overpowered racials too
Based Blizzard
Undead Rogue
Farming the mats for the phantom blade just because I thought it looked really cool or clearing the ZF temple event pre-nerf
>dwarf pally
>forming a guild of lowbies to take on the infernals at IF even though we all wiped on pull
>orc females are the human females of the horde
They are much less pretty
trannies dont like orc females because they're ugly
WTF I honestly had zero expectations of them addressing that. That's huge.
Well they already fixed sharding, chancged loot trading.
What, what if with Classic the old Blizzard was revived too?
I don’t have any of my own, but I remember when my brother, who was tanking, ninja looted an int ring and claimed he needed it because it boosted weapon skill rate.
I think BRD is the perfect example of what endgame content could have been for 5 mans and non raid groups. The first time I did BRD it took my group 5~6 hours and is still one of my favorite memories from vanilla.
>they put spell batching back in
the absolute mad men
That's a big "what if" but I do think if the classic experience is a success it could have a positive impact on future xpac development (bfa beyond).
But who fucking knows?
I just want them to maybe add additional content in line with the original game so I dont feel like I'm playing the same goddamn private server
>That's a big "what if" but I do think if the classic experience is a success it could have a positive impact on future xpac development (bfa beyond).
I don't think so. Because despite how deep BfA fall from grace it's still making money, so it's unlikely that Blizzard would eliminate one of their playerbase, especially since path from Vanilla to WotLK will be pretty long
But female orcs look the most like them
And here is the problem
Same senpai, can’t wait to do it again. Haven’t done a proper run in almost 13 years as I’m not a private server player
>classic devs have been more responsive to the community than retail devs have in years
Trannies are trying to escape reality thats why they are trannys
>so I dont feel like I'm playing the same goddamn private server
>working quests, mechanics and literally everything
>healthy economy
>no need to deal with corrupted GMs and their friends
>like playing the same private server
I am really excited for an elf free Horde again. But do you really trust Nu Blizzard to not fuck it up?
even if this guy has a point how could you watch it knowing he's taking someone's "content" and making his own "content" out of it. don't help retards liek this make a fucking cent by clicking on their shit
True, but they play horde too albeit in smaller numbers
Will Alliance players ever not be salty about Horde racials?
Doesn't matter that they get the best healer class in the game or the best priest racial, I got ganked by an undead rogue in STV so the Horde is OP lol.
i remember the first time doing this i thought it was going to be a quick run like all the other dungeons
boy was i wrong
You've convinced yourself it will be different, but it really wont be. Like the spell batching they make a huge deal out of, that was already in those corrupt servers you hate so much.
>no need to deal with corrupted GMs and their friends
This is the big one.
My faith grows with every update we get, spell batching confirmed in now. Next is right click reporting
>Green Niggers
Trully men of culture. Trolls are the only based race from that faction.
Imagine caring about what race you are in an MMO
Imagine caring about what race OTHER people are in an MMO
take your meds
>You've convinced yourself it will be different, but it really wont be
1) I haven't played on Nost, or Kronos, or other private servers recently.
2) As a kid, I've played on private servers, so I had enough of this shit
>>Green Niggers
Back in Vanilla they were proud and noble savages/brabarians unironically
And they had best starting zone
>Being this dumb
why does every wow thread turn into whining about trannies
>no u
Classic nigger behaviour :^)
I know a guy in Wrath that did this
Edwardjoseph is that you
None of the past 20 posts mention transexuals except for yours
Drama spill over from the private server general and discords
Warlock class quests >>>>> any class other quests
Nemesis > Judgment
We can essentially play 1.12 AV right now on retail, and have been able to for over a decade. Why are you giving us this version of AV and not the true classic version?
I don’t understand, the people who DON’T want long epic games have retail WoW av for that, the people who WANT long epic games have nothing, and never will have anything. Why can’t you give us the version that was in for the majority of vanilla? Why are you settling for a version that’s essentially been around for over a decade?
I’d rather Blizzard give us as close to 1.0 AV as possible, please. Shredders, mine fields, EVERYTHING. This is the true authentic vanilla experience. I want day(s) long epic AVs. Fighting at a choke for days, kiting entire zergs to mines to watch them all die, summoning epic npcs to push into the alliance or horde base to finally move some ground. Desperately defending from the enemies summoned champions trying to hold your ground.
Leaving the battle, going to bed, then waking up and joining the same struggle again? Man, that felt so good. That was such a cool feeling I’ve never been able to get before. Then once you finally break through, capture their final graveyard and enter the boss room and win the fight? You felt like you just won a decade long journey, and remember the people in /yell trying to organize and give orders. You remember the enemies who tried so hard to hold on and not lose. There were heroes on both sides, and it felt like a real battle.
All of this felt so EPIC and an experience you haven’t been able to ever get again in WoW since the massive nerfs. Give us our truly unique experience that’s the AV I remember from my times playing Vanilla back in the day.
AV went from a massive battlefield - a true war where every persons contribution mattered all over the entire huge map - to a a centralized zerg on a single objective where you ignore PvP to end the game faster due to all these nerfs over time.
>first 60 was a female nightelf rogue
>doing BRD shanker stealth run with a 60 rogue from my guild
That would make sense.
Aren't you thinking of the Headless Horseman?
>We can essentially play 1.12 AV right now on retail, and have been able to for over a decade
if you think that retail av happened in 1.12 then you did not vanilla abd you're just trying to fit in
Post this on reddit and maybe they'll change it
>I’d rather Blizzard give us as close to 1.0 AV as possible
>This is the true authentic vanilla experience
Learn to read bruh.
>the authentic vanilla experience
again you think that 1.12 is retail av where you can just run into vann's room and just aoe everything down
it's not
Implying people havent been playing private servers for 15 years already.
Nostalgia goes away quickly. The fact that most of us have been playing 10+ years proves it's not just nostalgia.
And have you ever played on a server for more than two years? Blizzard isn't going to constantly release new servers for F R E S H subhumans.
>tfw starting rag early cause someone double dog dared me
You're right, they will more than likely go the route of osrs with horizontal progression if it is successful.
>what year did you start playing WoW
>what age are you now
>firat classs and race?
Human paladin (wannabe 40K inquisitor)
>whats ypur favorite noob memory
Me and a friend 2-manning the Silithus group quest Into the Maw of Madness. Slowly advancing through Silithid tunnels one gruesome bug at a time was hellish and intense. We felt like kings when we completed it.
>laughs in gnome mage
>2006, 2 weeks before TBC pre-patch
>NE Druid
>Spending the whole week before pvp titles were removed grinding to get sergeant because I didn't know when during the week titles got updated. I spent the entire week doing WSG in the 19 bracket (wtf why is private taking so long how do all these guys pvp so much to get titles?)
I hate nublizzard but the classic team seems based as fuck.
>gnome mage for 15 levels then went undead rogue
>a couple guildies told me I could see rag through the little cubby behind golemagg and I fell for it
I'm going to make a lock alt just do those quests again, but the Shaman quest for Skyfury helm is pretty based too.
hope you have a lotta cigars, frognigger.
Holy shit guys why is Shield and Dagger so good with Warrior?
>WARRIOR that uses a dagger
How to spot small penis man
from a moderate position consider this: You play for 1-2 years in vanilla on the horde with hideous hulking beasts and stinking rotting corpses. There is obvious bias towards some of these races than others, but you still get enough of each race to feel like you're part of a united front of monsters under one banner. TBC launches, bringing blood elves to the horde. At the beginning it's cool, the scarcity of max level blood elves lasts for a month to two months before the first boom. Now the elves are equal to you and your beastly brothers in terms of number of players. Nothing wrong with that, it feels again like you're a united front of monsters and reject elves under one banner. A year passes, two years pass, Wrath releases. 50-65% of your united front of monsters players are now pretty boy reject elves. The numbers continue to grow out of control. People care about no elves on the horde because they'll feel again as if each race is working the war machine, not just a bunch of elves with a few cows and green boys helping.
Faster attack speed > Better rage gen > More rage for heroic strike and battleshout
>Blizzard doing the right thing for once
Warlocks are more raid desirable than hunters yeah?
I never knew it was this good. Is there any Dagger Progression for leveling Warriors?
Looks like a young version of Rayveness, my fucking dick.
Did all the white dudes from the HOTS team move over to the Classic team or something?
Holy shit this is great. I was worried warrior vs warrior was going to turn into a fucking war of who has the best latency.
Apparently the put all of the weird guys to do Classic because the women didn't want the weird guys in the retail WoW team
No they are not.
Hunters are more useful all around
>implying I dont gank every female night elf hunter I see.
implying your class can beat a hunter in pvp
Warrior vs hunter is usually fun. The huntards die like the idiots they are and you can get a good fight against someone better as well.
Not like fighting a mage where they have to be fucking retarded to lose to a warrior.
>gnome mage
>first zg raid at 60 and I didn’t know how to buff groups
>Warrior vs hunter is usually fun
Yeah, for the hunter. You still have to be just as retarded to lose to a warrior, it's just that there are a lot more retarded hunters out there.
dragons are the only part of the warcraft lore I dislike. They're just so gay. The role they play in classic is fine tho
They should've never amounted to anything more than a background role, I agree. Hints of powerful stuff left over from an old age that existed just to guide you in your current day struggles against big evil shit. As soon as something like that gets involved more directly it all goes to shit.
Based incel bros
Really? Are there that many kite/tranq fights? Particularly enough to outweigh that hunters are much more numerous?
This. Until you get some instant attacks like MS or WW you might as well use a fast weapon. Also don't forget that there are a number of staves that can be great while levelling, and can often be picked up cheap if they have shitty caster stats.
Hunters are usually the raid leaders, masters of pull and combat abilities for very different situations.
Not him but the answer to the question is a bit more nuanced than a hard yes/no. Hunters have a reputation for being shit dps but that's really only true in later content once people start getting geared in AQ. In early content hunters are very good dps while spellcasters all suffer due to shitty itemization. At that point aside from the utility they offer I'd definitely prefer a hunter over a warlock. Then that reverses as the game progresses.
You need 3 hunters for some bosses, without 3 hunters you simply cannot kill some bosses
Warlocks aren't technically needed but without curse of recklessness, elements and blood pact you are kind of handicapping yourself
Warlocks are more worth having in your guild though as they scale well into aq40 and naxx whereas hunters fall off
So it depends on what you mean
what else is left for this to be exactly what we were hoping for? just getting rid of sharting after launch right?
>member when Thrall didn't sucked?
worst dungeon ever
Allow me to be your warrior buttslut
right click reporting
Sharding is the only big one as far as I can tell.
>what year did you start playing WoW
2007, about a week after Black Temple came out.
>what age are you now
>first class and race?
Orc warrior on Kilrogg EU. Didn't understand how servers work and I had to remake him because my buddy was on Draenor EU.
>whats your favorite noob memory
I had no idea about WoW lore. I made a Night Elf hunter after my warrior for solo play. I kept getting frustrated because my bear I tamed kept running away (because I didn't understand the feeding mechanic) and so I just gave up and went exploring. Ran through Darkshore to Ashenvale then through Felwood. I got stopped by a high level mage who asked me if I was lost, and I said "I'm exploring". He just laughed and told me to be careful. I ran into the Horde outpost called Bloodvenom, and had to jump into the ocean to avoid the ?? Tauren guards. Realizing I was stuck, I just swam north expecting to find a way back in. Instead I drowned, and ended up spawning in Moonglade. I had no idea why Tauren and Night Elves were here, seemingly friendly to each other, and to me. I thought I stumbled on upon a secret cult of faction defectors.
discord tranny
What is the best way to distribute loot in raids? DKP, council, straight roll? I want to run a raiding guild but I always remember this being the most contentious bullshit of all time.
>Farming the mats for the phantom blade just because I thought it looked really cool
Are you me? I still have my ancient rogue from back in the day, still wielding his fire enchanted phantom blades.
This is why i will never horde tranny niggers
Just straight dkp, or mainspec/offspec dkp? Further more what about sub-optimal specs rolling against good specs, like ret paladin vs combat rogue? There are still issues.
Exactly. If Blizz does eventually make classic into an alternate universe, I hope all of the dragonflight stuff is left out. For me, Warcraft is fun when it's about mortals fighting shit. Having these insanely powerful dragons (with very flat personalities) around who inexplicably do nothing when evil arises is lame
didn't Deathwing rape Sinestra or something? And wasn't Alex forced to poop out dragons for the Horde?
Weren’t those main hand only in vanilla?
>didn't Deathwing rape Sinestra or something?
Nah he just fucked her so hard she became unable to breed ans wass turned into abomination
Troll hunter reporting these allykeks will suffer with my white tigger
>tfw buying beastslayer enchant on your melee weapon as a hunter
Dude it fucking GLOWS.
With enslavement word is different than actually saying ''forced breeding''
>Just straight dkp, or mainspec/offspec dkp?
IMO straight dkp but ms/os is ok as well (and more common)
>Further more what about sub-optimal specs rolling against good specs, like ret paladin vs combat rogue?
I would never raid in a guild who allowed ret paladin but assuming I would I wouldn't have a problem with it, I mean if you accept a shit spec into the raid you kind of have to accept that that person also gets gear, if you don't think that then you shouldn't have invited him in the first place IMO
But personally I think free bid for anything is the best idea, the only exceptions being some kind of bid limit for trial members, tank prio on all tank items and no grief bidding
Just not loot council
I'm a TBC baby.
Also quicker Heroic Strike due to faster attack speed. Or am I wrong... ?
>locations are back to pre-Cata open world state
>Thrall is on the right place
>Jaina is on the right place
>Magni is on the right place
>literally everyone on the right place, including Varian and Anduin
Lmao trannys, kids and womans unironically choose alliance because humans, elfs and paladins
What was pre update Dustwallow and Silithus like? I know they got changed during vanilla, and I'm fairly certain, if the Blizzard is patching classic to 1.12, we won't see the older versions of those two zones.
>ever good
It was fucking hated back then, probably more than now. It may have been the most hated dungeon in vanilla.
That seems fair actually. Loot council seems the most cancerous.
That said, what are the best ways to allow raiders to earn dkp? Should it be limited strictly to raid attendance/boss reward? How about things like providing mats for guild supplies? Is extra curricular dkp bullshit?
Thrall looked so much cooler when he wore that armor.
>trannies trannies trannies
You absolute dorks aren't going to encounter "trannies" unless you play with /vg/. And if you are so dogshit obnoxious that playing with /vg/ is your only option, you have far more serious problems than some micless euroneet pedo pretending he's a girl.
>What was pre update Dustwallow and Silithus like?
A bit more mysterious emptiness.
I 've started to play in the later Vanilla, but travel to Silithus was still one of the most amazing things what hapenned with me in WoW
Christmas of 2004.
Undead Warrior for some reason, I then switched to Troll Hunter and has ever since been my main
I went to Ashenvale at level 10-13 with a full group of similarly leveled random people and we started fighting those stealthed Night Elves by the town. I think we also went way down to southern Barrens and fought some Dwarves too.
Silithus was just empty for the most part. Very little to do there. Dustwallow didn't get its big revamp until TBC so you'll still get to see the mostly empty zone. There's a few quests there, Tabatha still lives out in the swamp, but that's really it aside from Onyxia's lair.
>madmen actually implementing batching
While I prefer it would not be here, it is really surprising that they are addressing such things as spell batching. It means that they actually either give a shit or being pushed to be authentic as possible, since the crowd would eat them alive.
>not mountain dew
monster a shit
I'm pretty sure that Dustwallow Marsh got it's update in TBC or later. In Vanilla it was still pretty incomplete with a few quest chains just randomly ending with no resolution. Not sure about Silithus though.
I love this so much. No edgelord Jaina, no Thrall getting married, having kids and retiring as central quest lines, no glass Magni without personality
>Early spring 2005
>Troll Shaman
>Exploring vanilla Hyjal/Caverns of Time
>orc females are the human females of the horde
lmao at this Allykek, undead females were the human females and yet weren't even the same % as human females in the alliance
Shit you are right. I had it in my mind that Dustwallow got updated in vanilla. Must have been during the TBC old world nerf where they remove elite status from lots of old world content for leveling ease.
It was the same update where they made quest items sparkle, yeah.
>Is extra curricular dkp bullshit?
Absolutely not, if you contribute to the guild getting loot you should also have a higher chance of getting loot, whether that is by attending raids or something else like bringing dousing to MC
IMO bringing flask to raid should give +20% dkp etc
Obviously you have to draw a line somewhere to not make your guild members slaves 24/7 and punishing those who don't do favours for the guild all day but no it's not bullshit
Also giving people minus dkp for wiping raids/making mistakes motivates people to pay attention
Just because you have dkp doesn't mean you have to go full commie, you can still reward some people more than others as long as you are fair and consistent about it
yeah, you're pumping out more HS because faster attack speed which is better threat gen
Sounds like a plan, healslut.
Faster attack speed weapon so you miss out on less rage per heroic strike (since it costs rage, and the hit doesn't generate rage)
Yeah I get that there's nuance, I was just curious about the general stance on how people should be able to accrue it. I can see people getting a bit butthurt since neets will be able to stack more dkp than them, but honestly it does seem the most fair. I mean fuck even as a guild leader I know I will have people that will contribute more than me in some cases and I'm absolutely fine with that. I just want to do my best to keep loot drama to a minimum- it's hard enough just getting 40 people together consistently enough to raid, but keeping them together is another thing entirely.
>taking out literally the only thing that required skill in vanilla
>people cheer for it
you guys don't deserve good games
>Horde gets the best dungeon in one of their starting zones
>Alliance gets the worst dungeon
It's not fucking fair
>Not having the time of his life in STV
You're doing it wrong.
Gnomeregan easiely one the best dungeons.
Do paladin, druid and priest have specs that let me heal 5-man content, while also not being garbage at killing mobs and gold farming when I'm on my own? Having to gather both healing and DPS gear is going to be challenging enough for a casual like me without having to respect every other day.
Rogues are easy pickings for the actually good WPvp classes (good hunters, frostmages, and shadow priests)
Im playing on a PvE realm and there's NOTHING you can do to stop me
The fuck are you talking about.
Gnomergan, ST and BRD are the best dungeons this game has ever seen.
Absolutely based
Horde vs Alliance is the epitome of Virgin vs Chad
Why anyone would pick the neckbeard horde aesthetic over the alliance's is mind-boggling
People don't like to admit it but Horde gets the better end of the stick in vanilla. Two amazing low level dungeons right out of the gate, zeps right outside their two main cities, way better outpost positioning, a more convenient route to all world buffs before entering raids, hell they can even stay in The Barrens where they don't get force flagged for pvp all the way to 25-ish with a dungeon in the very same zone while Alliance has to run all over between both continents for Darkshore/Westfall/Redridge/Loch Modan/Wetlands/Ashenvale and get flagged in most of them so they're constantly ganked.
While leveling you can heal 5-mans with a DPS spec without issue.
You can heal dungeons without a single talent point spent as long as you wear a few INT pieces all the way up to around early 50's.
Yeah that's kind of the upside with DKP is that there is no drama so having a bunch of bonus dkp given out to people counteracts that and then you almost might as well have LC
But I still think that if you have consistent rules like flask is +dkp and raid mistakes -dkp is fine. But sure, farming consumables for yourself and showing up for raids is already demanding enough, having demands on people to do more than that to get loot is too much
That's good to know. What about endgame dungeons?
Very based poster right here.
>horde aesthetic
Since when NElfs became a Horde?
Any reason I shouldn't take an owl as first pet and later pick up a cat to benefit from flurry?
Endgame dungeons are still doable with a dps spec but it's more challenging to actually get the gear for it since you'll be competing with primary healers that are specced properly.
I play horde, also I’m aware that dudes played femdead “for the animations” as well, but look at all the peeps praising orc racials these days. Even people like monkeynews plays orc female
>Short Humans
>Purple Humans
>Shorter Humans
Nice faction you got there.
irrelevant in a few months so who gives a shit what he does or doesnt do
>Why anyone would pick the neckbeard horde aesthetic over the alliance's is mind-boggling
This might be surprising to you, but not everyone is a tranny.
The one time I leveled an Alliance character on a server. (Night elf rogue) I had a much smoother leveling time than Horde imo. I did Teldrassil and Darkshore till I was high enough for Deadmines then I went to EK and chilled there basically until Tanaris. Horde has you hopping over from Stonetalon, Hillsbrad, Ashenvale, and northern Stranglethorn every 3 quests because all your new quests turn red the moment you turn the old ones in
I agree but just an example
Are you retarded or something?
There’s also the simple fact that more Soulstones and summoning cuts down on raid times significantly.
It’s an underrated advantage to be able to have the tank(s) get their gear repaired and be summoned back.
Your faction is literally:
>Native Americans
>Carribean/Pacific islanders
>Alliance humans except evil and angry
If you play druid you can literally spec however you want and nobody will give a shit as long as you wear a dress and cast healing touch in raids
>the only bad part about Classic will be 1.12 AV without all the cool things like introduced in 1.5
Man I know it's just 1 problem but fuck, that's huge. I wanted the old, epic AV so bad, and it's just going to be similar to modern AV now. I'm bummed, bros.
There's been a big uproar about this on the forums, maybe they'll change it
Imagine playing with a UI this terrible
not him but what's wrong with it?
holy jesus retail looks horrible
>Green buff humans
>Minotaurs aka cow humans
>Lanky humans with back and dental problems
>Edgy humans
jk I love both horde and ally
>troll rogue
>going to northrend for the first time blew my mind
>pacific islanders
Double lolwut?
>faction doesn’t have fear ward
Oh your poor souls...
>faction doesn't have seal of blood
We'll have the last laugh.
>his faction doesn't have windfury
>Faction doesn't have tremor totem
That is tbc though
>Faction doesnt have Fear Ward
well we'll get classic TBC too so even then we have the last laugh
>Summer 2007
>Dwarf Hunter
>At level 15, a level 70 Paladin named Mom gave me 5g to learn new weapon types.
>She rode the Deeprun Tram with me to SW to personally show me the sword trainer.
>The whole way she is regaling me with her stories of raiding Black Temple
>vanilla zone
>vanilla armor
>vanilla weapons
>retail looks horrible
>fight honorable 1v1s wherever possible
>will not engage on an opponent that is weakened or in combat with another person or mob
>will not engage in pvp where they have a numbers advantage
will not engage in pvp where they have a significant level advantage
>rogues need not apply, they are basically horde rejects that like elves too much to pick undead
>The less honorable the better, will jump into an honorable 1v1 to turn the tide
>will only engage a weakened opponent, or one who is already in combat with a player or mob
>will always engage in pvp if they have a numbers advantage
>will always engage in pvp where they have a significant level advantage
Is this still going to be true in classic?
>His tanks are too retarded to stance dance that they need Fear Ward for the 2 encounters that require it
Not as a sequel for classic servers I hope, TBC lore/story was awful
Outside of the Barrens, the Horde didn't have many game defining experiences in Classic. When I try to think of other moments notable for the Horde, it usually comes back to the Barrens such as animals not having hoofs and Mankrik's Wife
Are you a dyslexic retard? The fuck are you talking about?
>Nelf Druid
>my first raid (a pug Malygos)
Is there just no way to counteract the scaling issue? I don't care about meters but I'd feel pretty shitty not carrying my weight in later tiers. Do hunters become actually BAD dps or are they just low?
Classicfags really are fucking retarded, it seems
Have you ever been in pserver barrens
just make 1lvl orc and listen their chat there for 1 hour
Playable races aside Could have been worse as the alliance almost got Pandas what was wrong with TBC lore?
Kael'thas changes were fine. Bite me.
Hunter DPS eventually drops to the point of hybrid classes like ferals and spriests but you've still got tranq shot, can still pull and kite like no one else, so who cares? The biggest factor of keeping your raid spot that late into the game will just be whether or not you can actually be bothered to show up for raid night each week. As long as you actually attend regularly you're already a locked in pick.
Hunters are last in dps barely over the tanks in Naxx
Do you guys know why i TipsOut?
DPS Warrior lol
>don't have to deal with contested territory till lvl 45
You clearly have never been camped by 60s in Stonetalon
>Fear ward is relevant after nefarian
Hunters scale like dogshit and past BWL they are outperformed by every non-healing class. You only ever need 2 or 3 for tranqshot and some boss pulls.
Warlocks bring a huge amount of utility and support (summons, healthstones, buffs to damage and HP). By Naxx, a warlock isn't too far behind a Mage for damage.
As a horde getting to gnomer was half the fun of the instance. The dungeon itself sucked ass, but going through the alliance harbors and taking boats only intended for alliance players to walk down into the cold snowy mountains of the dwarfs was a reward in of itself.
Female undead is unironically ironic weebs/discord trannies favorite thing to play
None of this applies.
Basically the gist is:
My faction
>is cool
Their faction
>big fags that team up on me
Time of day, quest density, your class and level, the enemy class and level, and competition over farming has FAR more to do with how wpvp plays out than meaningless faction garbage. Add bg queues to that as well depending on how the server handles that (cross realm or not).
Anything else is useless anecdotal experiences or opinions based on your feelings. Doesn't make them less valid, but does make them irrelevant.
It was the opposite in Vanilla, that's for sure. BRD has a lot of effort put into it but getting ALL of it done in one go is a huge effort.
Fuck ST though.
The damage output is so low in 5-mans that you can be any spec as long as you have a full set of healing gear.
I sort of wish they would time the release of new raids just a little bit.
With 1.12 including all of the vanilla raids from the get go I'm a little worried the lifespan of classic wow will be a little short. It would be better if we started with UBRS/MC, then a few months into release BWL and so on, so people had time to prepare/grind etc.
Then again, the way I remember these raids back then is they were so difficult you had to grind the previous raids for months just to get gear to progress the next one.
>actually walking to Gnomer
There's a teleporter in BB.
First, you need to get over thinking of it as a pure meter issue. It's not. Period.
You need some hunters. Their personal contribution to dps is irrelevant.
If you show up, do your best, and are on top of tranq and kiting when necessary, you're doing great.
Imo: belves going Horde yes, draenei retcon and half the WC3 cast going ''HAHAHA I AM EVIL NOW HAHAHAHA'' without any reason. NO KAEL WAS BAD ESPECIALLY BECAUSE IT HAPPENED TWICE
I want to believe she was some kind women in her 20s helping a kid out. Probably not true, but when I was 12 I did legitimately believe it.
>Troll hunter
As soon as I hit level 10 and were heading to org there were Alliance attacking the gates, so I sat there plinking arrows at level ?? people and got to Sargeant rank exclusively through that.
jesus wtf dude. horde actually has easier access to gnomer through teleport.
horde generally has easier access to most instances, which is my main reason to play horde.
This level of speedreading shouldnt be possible
What? There are stages in which raids/instaces will be released. They wont release bwl naxx etc right away
Blizzard themselves could do it by changing aq40 and soulstring weapon speeds, but that's it really.
>People arguing Hunters are useless
While they do the lowest DPS out of the pure DPSers, you need 2-3 hunters for tranq and to avoid any and all item wasting.
You can go Deep Survival to have some measure of scaling also; Plus if you're alliance no nature resistance totem so you need hunters for aspect of the wild for AQ and a bit of Naxx.
The races were the major issue though. Specifically the Draenei. They marked the precedent of making major retcons without thinking the implications through, and all for very shallow reasons that ended up making little sense.
I’ll credit it for at least not being as bad as Wrath fucking around with the lore and telling people they needed to read the books to understand what the fuck was going on and who the fuck certain people were, but being better than wrath is not a high bar to leap.
woooooooooooooooooooooahhhh maaan hunters
hunters so epic we need them!!!!!
1 warrior 39 hunters oohh yeaaah so epiiiic
all just play dead until boss ddrops loot xDDD
You can grab the +15% Agility trait from survival and focus purely on Raw Agility in Naxx.
But the advantage of a Hunter is they are one of, if not THE best progression DPS.
>Provides utility in Aspect of the Wild + Tranq + kiting
>Can ignore the threat charge almost entirely
>Need less hit than any other spec.
Everything with the Draenei retcon from the Eredar connection to the Naaru.
Illidan basically wasn't involved in the plot apart from being crazy in the black temple, his influence should be been more apparent in the zones, not like fucking Arthas in WotLK but more like there being Illidari outposts oppressing the locals, but also fighting the Legion left overs. Illidari shouldn't have just been legion 2.0, they should have been oppressive pricks who were fighting for control.
As a Human frost mage I can safely say I never initiated without an advantage, ganked dozens of underleveled, preoccupied hoodies and would poly + portal/blink any time I was remotely outmatched.
What a fascinating hot-take, user. I'm glad you could share your concerns.
No raid won't bring any hunters though, you can replace warriors and rogues with each other.
Hell, come Nax, you only have Rogues for drop variance as Warriors are better than them period.
hope I can log on quick enough to grab the name boogerbones
Turning Illidan and Kael thas into bad guys, Draenei retcon and Naaru, Blood Elves joining the the faction that has Orcs, Trolls, and former members of the the goddamn Scourge
you're dumb as bricks
Your weight is not tied to your meters, this is a terrible mindset that led to all the classes being as homogeneous as they are now. Hunters have two important auras with aspect of the wild and trueshot aura, they have Tranq shot which is a requirement for several bosses, they are bar none the best kiters in the game which is important for several trash pulls and bosses.
Could they have used a slight buff to damage? Sure, vanilla was not perfect, but gauging a classes contribution as a matter of how much damage you do is a retail mindset.
They're pretty good dps in BRM. It isn't until people start getting geared that they taper off
I could honestly learn to live with the Draenei if they resembled Akama in TBC e.g a mix between the original design and the Eredar. I always liked the idea of the Eredar retaining the beauty but were more or less pure evil, as an attempt to go against stereotypes (especially in WoW, where all the ugly races were Horde)
>his influence should be been more apparent in the zones
I totally agree. The Ilidaris presence in Blades Edge, Nagrand and Terokkar was severely lacking. Terokkar you have the Mana Tombs, but the Ethereal presence in the zone is less pronounced than other zones, so it sort of doesn't count. As for Blades Edge, I wish they'd established some connection between the Black Dragonflight remnants and the Illidari. Afterall, the Illidari consists of cast offs who have formed together out of pure surivival. It would explain as to why Sinestra is using the twister nether rays to breed more powerful black dragons. Of course, with regards to Cataclysm, you could just say she was using the Illidari as a means to an end and the failure of pure Netherwing drakes saw the rise of Twilight drakes as an alternative, but similar style of cross bred black dragon.
And fuck you Blizzard for pushing this fuck stick Wrathion as a major lore character when Deathwings other son Sabellian is just sat in Outland doing fuck all.
so raid leader will bring that one hunter for the buffs, his tranny gf
and you will not get any spot regardless
>no wall walking and jumping on pservers
>no wall walking and jumping in Classic
Fuck this gay earft
Might be my only disappointment so far, but I still understand it. They started patching that stuff out pretty early anyway and completely killed it in BC. It'd be nice to have back but it would also invite things like WSG camping back and I can understand why they can't allow that.
I can see that on paper, my concern was more that given hunters are always a highly popular class (so no guild is particularly starved for someone to tranq or nature resist, or kite, damage capability becomes more of a factor. I'd imagine I would be more helpful to a guild as a lock or healer or something than as an nth hunter doing not great damage the deeper into Classic we progress.
Just like young me back then, Classic will forever have the same problem that WoW had back then, minus the hope.
>I will never be able to play a High Elf Paladin on the Alliance.
It's not like I wanted this since the entire idea of World of Warcraft was announced, Blizzard. But no, keep your army of Horde-based traitors.
i want to be a muffin
Should I bother rolling a healer class if I only plan on playing one character, or will my damage outside of groups be so garbage I might as well just plan to go for a pure dps class and make a healer alt from the get-go?
>That spergy faggot who still clings to his high elf dream
Well in that case you have two choices.
1; get into a guild early so that you can progress with them and make friends so that you dont get benched because another hunter is doing 15 more dps than you.
2; be good at aimed shot weaving so that you do 15 more dps than the other guy and get recruited by a some tryhard server first racer.
The dream died with Burning Crusade, nigger.
You have void elves now.
>find some piece of shit night elf warrior killing some tigers in the jungle
>my rotten visage appears from the shadow as I cheap shot him
>immediately I too am cheap shotted by a gnome rogue
>heh, luckily my orc rogue friend is right behind me and he cheap shots the gnome
Actual tranny here. I'm rolling an Undead female priest
Do you mean outdoor content or just respeccing for raids on fun farm runs? Shamans can have good hybrids while sticking to Restoration which allows for solid dps and wand damage/healing gear carries priests despite their talents. With the amount of consumables and gear you need to farm as a healer i'd just stick to one character and see how you feel
Your DPS will be trash, but you'll be more efficient than most classes until everyone is in epics. I'd rather take 30 seconds to kill something, but have no down time than take 15 seconds to kill something and sit down for 30 seconds just to regen what it took to kill that thing so fast. Also, you'll be grouping a lot in classic. A lot of people will like having you around for quests and shit just to make their lives easier.
>And fuck you Blizzard for pushing this fuck stick Wrathion as a major lore character when Deathwings other son Sabellian is just sat in Outland doing fuck all.
sorry, but he's EVUL.
The fact that he's a clear pragmatist, and would certainly be inclined to be helpful if something was in it for him, is just your imagination.
Going Warrior and Mage for raiding and Lock to drop infernals on Goldshire people that attempt to tranny erp it.
What did I do to you, user? Why do you insist on hurting me?
I can see/hear this post
just finish all quests as dps spec and farm gold in a group/by herbing or some other method that doesnt require killing mobs alone
I meant outdoor content, yeah. I'll probably play in short bursts some days and I don't have a very predicatable schedule, so grouping and especially raids are going to be tough at times. So not being garbage on my own would be a big plus. But I do want to heal dungeons, since some of my best memories were running deadmines and scarlet monastary as a clueless noob.
I've been debating going priest or druid when classic hits, but I don't want to be constantly respeccing. I'm leaning towards druid because the shapeshifting is neat, but priest is probably easier to get a decent spec going for my purposes and has an out of combat resurrect spell.
I mean soulstring is 4hm weapon, it won't really make a difference as KT is just 2 bosses away with nerubian slavemaker
A good AQ bow and a better t2.5 set would help slightly though
I'm going to rush hogger just to the human death pile
druid with hybrid balance + resto spec is actually completely raid optimal and can do alright spell damage too, youre only missing moonkin form and 10% damage increase from the balance tree
>We can essentially play 1.12 AV right now on retail
Incorrect. 2.3, for example, had massive AV changes, including reinforcements and removal of commanders and lieutenants.
>that was in for the majority of vanilla
Which is what, exactly? AV received changes in almost every major patch. 1.5 introduced AV. 1.6 had a bunch of changes, though many of them minor, biggest being a large change in the respawn time of tower guards. 1.8 had major changes, with portions of maps being closed off and pve content being removed, korrak moving, NPCs receiving major nerfs, GY locations receiving changes, etc. So the 1.5 AV essentially lasted for 4 months.
1.10 removed Korrak but only had other minor changes. 1.11 removed a bunch of guards and reduced npc HPs. So 1.8 AV lasted for 5 or 8 months depending on whether you count removing Korrak as a big enough change.
And then we had 1.11 AV for 6 months until tbc-prepatch.
So the AV that was "in for the majority of vanilla" is either 1.8 or 1.11 AV. They can implement 1.5 AV for all I care, but it'll receive the same complaints it received then, and it's not going to last for days because people aren't as retarded anymore. Not like the average AV back then lasted for days either.
That's another point to druid then. Shame feral isn't really optimal. Feels like kind of a waste to have these combat transformations and not using them.
Classic is the official term for vanilla, you mean legacy tbc servers. Also lol horde in tbc, gonna be 90% blood elves
>spell batching confirmed
He's right, you know.
If you've got it, flaunt it.
I genuinely think the only people who want "original" AV are the ones who never actually played it and just heard the exaggerated stories of its greatness. Original AV was fucking obnoxious and most people were happy as fuck when they changed it. Besides it's not like matches didn't still turn in to 4 hour long turtle matches, I still saw the elementals get summoned plenty after the major changes. Truth of the matter is AV was only kind of cool the first few times then it became a chore and a rep grind and that's how it existed forever.
which race is the most aesthetic warrior for each faction?
Pick one.
> hell they can even stay in The Barrens where they don't get force flagged for pvp all the way to 25-ish
Have you even leveled a horde character? Despite barrens having mobs up to +25, there aren't enough quest to actually go that far. There's a reason why stuff like joana's leveling guide has you go to stonetalon and ashenvale in the middle. And while barrens has some extra quests compared to alliance zones (98 vs darkshore's 73, loch modan/westfall are fairly bad quest-wise though), horde as the issue of being underleveled compared to the alliance in many contested zones. Redridge, Wetlands and Duskwood may be contested, but leveling horde have no business there, and such, your only threat is high level people who go there to gank. But it's not like a horde in stonetalon or in thousand needles is any better protected against level 60 gankers. Now look at something like Hillsbrad. Horde has quests starting from 20, alliance has quests starting from 30. You're not only dealing with people who go there simply for ganking, but other levelers who happen to be 10 levels higher than you. Now which do you think are more numerous - 60s who spend their time ganking lowbie zones or levelers?
>Wanted to play Alliance like I used to back in the days
>Suddenly hear that a friend of mine wants to play too
>He wants to play Horde
It was called Warcraft: Orcs and Humans for a reason user.
>mfw all my friends want to play alliance
>mfw I'm going horde
>mfw im the center of our group so they will either go horde or not play at all
Orc and Dwarf.
>when you want to play alliance mage
>gnome racial is a match made in heaven
>hate gnomes and want to play glorious human
Not a min-maxer, but 5% more intelligence for a mage is just too much to pass on. Fuck this choice.
>he thinks retail looks good
>I'm the center of our group
What are you going to do about my fireballs OP?
Stop making these fucking threads idiot. A release date hasnt even been announced and even if it was we're still months and months away.
5% intelligence is fuck all, in raids it's barely 1% damage difference
Main reason to play gnome is because escape artist, that shit is so strong in pvp
>not a min-maxer
>but I am
just follow your heart, user
>want to play alliance, human rogue
>friends wants to play horde
>Guess I'll play Orc rogue
Ok you convinced me, reminds me of the good old of fucking over rogues via perception.
Bannable btw.
t. someone who played on a small RP server in vanilla and there was a lock who used to do it
which gender
honestly want to form some kind of lock raid to spam infernals in goldshire, it'd be fucking chaos
>want to roll a druid alt
>already going to be priest main, so healing spec isn't attractive
>both dps specs are subpar to regular dps classes
Speaking purely from a pve perspective here. On the one hand I want to meme oomkin, but on the other hand I want to go with mage/warlock and have an actually good time.
Feral druid was the only other viable tanking option endgame. Not nearly as sought after as warriors, but not totally rejected.
just don't play on RP servers user, you're allowed to fuck with ERPs on PvP/PvE realms but doing so on RP realms is bannable
>friend who got me into WoW played an undead warrior
>looked sweet as fuck in T3 gear
>he had arlokks for shits n giggles too
someone stop me from rolling an undead warrior
Former cm ythisens mentioned that wanting high elves on alliance isn’t entirely impossible. Maybe it’ll be a panic button they press along with Arthas coming back
>someone stop me from rolling an undead warrior
>but not totally rejected.
They didn't have block or parry, they were absolute garbage on most boss fights, they could tank some trash, sure, but even a pala would do it better.
Avoidance is way better than armor, especially when tank druids get so little of it
Idk if I'll want to kill myself when I hit 60 and have to come to terms with the fact that I'll never wear normal looking boots
>you're allowed to fuck with ERPs on PvP/PvE realms but doing so on RP realms is bannable
Nah, killing your own faction members is griefing in both cases, you're just double dipping on the potential ban on an RP server. Not saying you're going to get punished for doing it on rare occasion but if you make a habit of it, you're gonna end up suspended.
You get 1% crit for 60 int, so even if you wanted 1% crit (about 1% extra damage), you'd need 1200 int. I don't think you have even half of that.
And with vanilla bosses dying fast, having mana gems and even mana pots/dark runes if you want them, the extra mana doesn't help much.
>orc has 25% stun resist
There you go.
This. Undead warrior leveling isn't nearly as bad as some other races, because of the QoL racials like underwater breath and health regen from eating bodies.
that hunch is fucking disgusting,though
Swap mage with paladin and that will literally be me
>people want to experience something they didn’t get to and only have heard stories of
Not hard to imagine why. I’m fine with 1.12 personally as long as there’s no cross realm bgs
>warrior charges at me
heh, nothin personnel kiddo
I agree and the fuckhuge pauldrons too.
But I'm still gonna run Orc rogue over undead rogue.
if nothing else then for the sweet, sweet rage whenever you resist a kidney shot.
So tell him you want to go alliance and make him switch instead of being a beta
I get that. My point was more that people keep pretending like they were there, and that it was so much better, despite never having touched it. Most people would zone in the first time and either get bored or frustrated before even making it through the first proper match.
To be perfectly honest I prefer some of the zones are they are now. Especially ones like Azshara, Thousand Needles, and Stonetalon Mountains.
wtf, I always thought the blink icon meant something diferent
I've never seen the nose before
>when you realize people will ride on authentic mounts for the most part
>very few people will have access to ultra giga dragons and meme mounts
I can't wait to go home.
where my Gnome bros at?
I fucking loved going into an AV in the morning, getting some shit done, come back home later and go back into the same AV, go for dinner and then back into the same AV.
Felt like it was actually a huge battle
You guys ever get jealous of these youtubers that latch onto a new MMO and get hugely successful?
God that model looks so fucking disgusting. Why are we trying to normalize/celebrate fat shit?
No because I'm not petty
nice, have fun
>hugely successful
A bit of a stretch. They might have a few nights of decent donations but that lifestyle isn't maintainable and they're all mentally unstable as fuck. That is not a life to be jealous of.
this is why female orc is best orc
Is it a bad idea to be a notorious ganker and have ways for people to find out your real life name? I feel like stalking and other dangerous shit would be a thing. I've already been doxxed a few times on Yea Forums for bullying weirdos.
tfw i only want classic to be a success so we can have BC and Wrath servers
Would you crybabies get the fuck over it already? They don't exist, they don't influence reality, nobody's forcing you to use them, just shut the fuck up about it. You don't hear me constantly crying and screaming about all the furry shit in WoW and I'm sure you didn't throw a fit over the obese Ogres.
That's a fairly standard body plan for a European woman. We're supposed to have a bit of fat on our bodies.
They already normalized fatties with pandas. Basically they want more characters to appeal to their audience. Fat, unkempt, morbidly obese people with fairly plain features.
>stopped playing as soon as official FRESH was announced
>my willpower is starting to fade, downloaded the client last night
talk me out of it bros
>complaining that fucking pandas are fat
Nigger that ain't 'a bit'. People aren't supposed to be obese. Shit's disgusting and should not be promoted.
I just want my T4 as mage
If you’re gonna be a horde rogue go male undead for their sick animations
what giga dragons?
What special mounts are there even?
The ones i can think of off the top of my head:
zg tiger
zg raptor
baron skeleton horse
scarab thing
frostsabre rep thing
ravasaur rep thing
what am i missing?
>female warriors
but I'm a min-maxing faggot so I need that 25% stun resist user.
>should not be promoted
There are 20 other races to choose from
Hey don't mind me just an undead male rogue cheapshotting you, kidney shotting, and getting you to zero~
PVP mounts before they opened the doors for everyone to get them. I guess the Alterac Ram counts too.
>not going undead so you can gank people in redridge and eat their bodies as they seethe
no one is going to come to your house because you corpse camped their gnome
that said why are you telling everyone you gank where you live? there is no reason to insert your real life into the game, no one in your guild gives a fuck about your address, no one else in game does either
just don't play with Yea Forums or /vg/ if you are avoiding butt rapers
It was a fucking hyperbole referencing retail's state of mounts. Just seeing someone ride a non-faction mount in Classic commands more respect than everything you would ever see in retail.
don't spoil actual classic by playing a shittier version of it, user. Plus, you'll lose all your progress. It's only a few more months, I believe in you
How often do people camp your corpse and the graveyard so you can't spirit rez? I've never seen it happen so far.
>female warriors
Sarmatians, Vikings, Celts, Dahomey...
I would rather have bones poking through my boots as I am a ravaged corpse come back to life to fuck arthas in the ass than play an orc or Tauren with shoulders that take up half the size of the character model
*plays on a PVE server*
oh yeah, i did forget that.
Still, those aren't particular special really. Tho I suppose thats purely subjective. i think the frostwolf looks neato but not neat enough to sit in org pretending to be afk with it
I want to user, I really, really do.
But the feeling of resisting that 5CP kidney is just too good.
Depends on if you piss someone off, did you steal a questmob with a long respawn timer in STV or Tanaris? if you're unlucky they'll spawncamp you till you log out
you're in for a surprise
ah i see, fair enough then.
Can't wait to see you faggots crying when you realize you'll never be able to relive the magic.
do female undead look as good as male undead in plate armor? I love the femdead animations but can't find any pictures of a geared femdead warrior
>put in different varieties of things
>Yea Forumsirgins start screaming about "pushing" this and "normalizing" that and other retarded nonsense about society and politics solely because "omg if it not anime teetees it make me ree ree!"
Can't speak for the other ones but the so called "shield maidens" were so fucking rare that we don't actually have any written proof of their existance, the only thing that points towards them maybe existing is some burial mounds where female skeletons had armor/weapons/shields with them.
t. Danish fag who's been taught viking history his entire life
Agreed. A coworker and I were looking at our old characters in armory yesterday and I happened to open the mounts page- I had no fucking clue they had added so many. Shit's so fucking ridiculous and removes any level of prestige from actually earning a cool mount.
Not everyone wants a super streamlined experience user. If people wanted that, bfa wouldn’t be a ghost town
You people whine about this shit constantly.
>as good as male undead in plate armor
the fuck are you smoking. Literal worst race for any gear
Spoken like a true land whale. Fat people should be fucking shamed, not celebrated or given representation. You people are a fucking cancer on this planet.
Do you hate yourself? Be happy with your body and mind user
Would you rather Classic go the OSRS route or bring in TBClassic? What are the pros and cons of either path?
No girls are allowed to be warriors in my fantasy MMO >:(
I hate every non-Vanilla era of WOW but I hope you get what you want, user. We all deserve the chance of going home.
This dude spreads the truth.
Fat people are literally destroying their society, they cost so much more than people of normal weight or even underweight people.
They get more diseases costing the healthcare system.
I mean, how the FUCK can people say it's "normal" in the same breath as them asking for disabilities?
I want them to add more content specifically for classic vanilla. Gilneas, Uldum, Northrend, things like that but all tuned, retconned, and made specifically for level 60s.
A fucking pipe dream but they can do it if they agree classic is a separate timeline or whatever. I don't want the current game pasted into 60, god no. I want the current game to fuck off. There's just so much mystery in classic that could be tuned and revealed to 60s. The Emerald Dream.
>needing a crutch to pvp
I see, you’re one of those
Cope harder you lazy obeseast. We'll be sure to print 'healthy at any weight' on your tombstone when you die 30 years early.
I never got to experience the "magic" in the first place. I was only 8 when vanilla WoW came out.
Played a bit on Nostalrius before it got shut down though and enjoyed it so idk why I would be crying because of Classic
This is a myth actually. Fat people die sooner and cost less than keeping Grandma Betty alive to 99 years olds in a care home for dementia.
Look it up. Fat people cost less because they die sooner. Old people are more costly to keep because get this, they live longer!
>implying it will be the same
There's plenty of leftover content that just plain didn't make it into vanilla, we could get Kara, Hyjal, Uldum, even fucking Outland was almost there. I'd love to see it come in custom-made for vanilla.
There's a bunch of dicks with these believe. Relive? There are a lot of people that never played at all. My 20 yr old gf hasn't played WoW at all, her dad did, but she never touched it. I've been introducing her to pserver and she is having a lot of fun playing with me. Helps me enjoy it as well seeing someone new have a lot of fun with the game I played years back.
Nothing to do with crutch user, if undeads racials were even half decent I would pick them in a heartbeat, but if I'm going to invest thousands of hours on my character I don't want to end up regretting not getting the right racials.
And because I don't view wow as a dress-up simulator I don't care too much about how shit looks more how it plays
You people are so precious, you know that? Waging this holy way against fictional characters who aren't what you think they should be because in your minds only what you like is right.
Is the argument here that NOT putting any fat people in WoW will somehow encourage the players to stay fit?
Have you SEEN the kind of people who play WoW? wtf
fuck it I'm just going human warrior
They pull off the female fallen knight look fine enough and they do flips, the only issue is the voice imo. Go check em out on the classic wowhead modem viewer and thank me later
I'm just miffed that it took them 2 major patches to deliver a fatter human race that SHOULD have been in at launch, and even with that additional time they look HORRIBLE.
I played Ret paladin in 2007 and I will play Ret paladin in current vanilla. Fuck yall haters. We can be viable, we can clear content, and you are wrong about your minmaxing faggotry.
Fat people are vile and should be kept out of sight
Tried it first at a friends as an Undead Warlock. When I got the game myself I was Undead Mage
Finally got the mats for a Blue Robe design for Tailoring. Felt generous and wanted to make it for some lowbies. Advertise my deal in Trade.
I get told it's Bind on Pickup.
Picked him up again during a free trial. I didn't like how Frost Mages played anymore.
When are we getting, dare I say it, pandapack servers?
Do they count it the thousands of fat people who are too fat to work?
Do they count the changes that has have to happen to public transport because they have to now support a much higher weight?
Does it count that a fat person in a car uses much more gas than a thin person because of the weight differation?
If not then it's not a myth, it's just not researched enough.
I don't give a shit if your fat, I give a shit if your fat and also think that it's "normal" and "good" to be fat. It's not, it means you either have TERRIBLE impulse control or no want to improve yourself, both horrible traits in human beings
Your opinions are vile and you should keep them to yourself.
>I don’t need a crutch I just want the race with the biggest crutch
Wotf is like the second best racial anyway and better against warlocks and priests, you wouldn’t be settling very low at all
>caring this much about model and animation
you realize that's like step 2 on the 7 steps to taking it up the butt, right? Just skip to the end and get gay-married before you murder a hooker and wear her face. The level of denial with you tranny chasers is unreal.
>SHOULD have been in at launch
Fat people should never have representation. Period. You are all a fucking blight and should die fat and alone. You should feel ashamed at what a waste of fucking resources you are. Nothing in this world should ever make you feel like your disgusting existence is normal and worth living.
Imagine... And ENTIRE FACTION without fucking elves
>Undead Warlock
>Going to DM with my friends to get my Epic Mount, then we went around world pvping and ganking lowbies who weren't fast enough to escape. Carrot on a Stick equipped and all
You're assuming so much about me because I'm not throwing a tantruming shitfit over a nonexistent character not being an hourglass-shaped titty monster.
but warlocks/priests are the easiest targets to kill as a rogue, it's much harder to kill other rogues.
I agree that WotF is the second best racial by far but it helps you against classes you shouldn't need help against
Being fat is kinda normal because your instincts tells you to stock up because you never know when you will get another chance. It's not really fat people's fault that we have such an abundance of fat rich foods in modern civilization.
Also if you're European it's normal to be fat because it works like insulation for the cold. Not obese of course but a bit chubby.
Ret is viable not optimal and people from private servers and shit have confused the two words and think you need to copy all the speed runner guilds or you can’t clear the content at all
Nice cope posting fattso, but get real. Just stop eating and drinking everything with calories, you won't die, trust me. You've stored all that fat for a reason, now is the time to use it.
Kys fattie
Yeah I agree. It's not optimal, but it is workable. It's not going to top any charts but compared to 2007 there is nothing stopping us from clearing content and add to the raids. Getting 40 people is a challenge, and a little bit of dps dropoff is not going to be the end of everything.
Most fat people hate posted is actual fat people who hate themselves and project it on other fat people. It's ok bros, I love you.
This, pretty much. Not a fan of ret since it's pretty worthless but it's nowhere near the deal-breaker that people will parrot about.
What sucks is you have barely any wiggle room - either people will hyper min-max based on what some poopsock speedrunning pserver guild does (which will NEVER apply to most people), or people will "i play for fun lmao" and end up with 20 boomkins while getting angry that anyone suggests they're a waste of a spot. Tho i suppose that problem is self-correcting eventually.
Who are you quoting? The guy asked about female undead in plate and I gave him a tool to show him. While I understand certain types pick certain races and genders or whatever, I don’t subscribe to the idea that everyone who rolls the opposite gender or cares about how they look is a tranny or homosexual
so are you my dude, I never said they should be an hourshaped animu tittymonster, but on the flip side, how does it make sense that people who spend their entire life adventuring being fat? how much fucking food do you need to eat to stay fat when your entire life is combat and travel?
>Being fat is kinda normal because your instincts tells you to stock up
Only true if you actually experience famine, which I highly doubt any fattie actually has.
>Also if you're European it's normal to be fat
That's why the cold european countries are way slimmer than let's say California right? there's also a huge jump from chubby to fat.
Way to completely misunderstand where I'm coming from, dickhead. One of the two factions deals with these people day in day out, they were advertised as launch content, and look fucking awful even with additional time to work on them. This shit's a fucking sham, but sure, throw away all that rational thought because I'm just a fat nigger screeching about fat acceptance. Dumbass.
I've done some of the fat hating in this thread and I'm morbidly slim to the point that I was hospitalized once, I'm better now, doctors tell me it's actually my metabolism and i'll be fine in 10-15 years
Yo you guys screeching about fat shit. Go back to /fit/ and FPH stories. This is about going home not your hatred of fatties.
It's a video game, it's not reality, why are you shitting yourself this much over it?
>second worst expansion gets a server
>morbidly slim
I'll crush you under my belly you little twig
Warlocks on alliance only really worry about undead til they get death coil, but I get you want to spank other rogues and don’t care for warlocks as much so you do you senpai
you aren't wrong, I used to be almost 300lb and now that I'm 180-200lb I can't fucking stand fat people they're disgusting
>like druid for the flavour of the class and the shapeshifting
>Don't like how it's a worse version of other classes in each spec
What do I roll instead?
There is anti-fat posting and then there is this ridiculous hater going off on tirades. I'll use this chance to chime in that alcoholics are just as bad as fat people.