Other urls found in this thread:
Hey guys, greetings from Germany. This donation goes to donations choice. It gives me great glee to save to a such a disappointing cause. Long time runner, second time viewer. Had to kill during this run. My doctor passed away from donations 4 years ago. PS: kill the cancers, view the viewers.
>3 month to go
No one cares
>I don't care
>3 N64 games
>56 PC games
>Ctrl+F Yoshi's Story
>No results
who else here is attending?
>trannies care
>wahhh not enough bing bing wahoo collectathon trash
When does dilation take place?
You guys just watch it for the tranny memes now, right? This shit hasn't been good in years
>Mort the Chicken
Pity it wont have that ESA 2017 magic.
is this a jojo reference?
Are SJWs finally removed from the event?
No? Then who cares
Remember that time they were caught openly laundering funds?
>KH3 Beginner any%
reddit trash
>marble madness
Because that’s what Yea Forums needs more threads with anons screaming Tranny.
They never will be. This is the industry now.
Deltarune twice? I like the game but come on, its a fucking demo.
Last GDQ the trannies were seething and livid how the GDQ staff poorly treated them.
The crowd last GDQ treated the trannies like zoo animals.
>our boy Caveman is back with another run of TRAG
Are you ready for the robo girl?
It's true, they took to Twitter to air their grievances.
There was only a few trannies at AGDQ this year and there was a conspiracy that it was Wendy's who paid the organizers to keep them out or something.
>Fire Emblem in GDQ
Please stop.
Can we rename Yea Forums to /t/ - trannies since that is all you fags wanna talk about?
ESAM and RagingCherry are racing Divekick’s Damn Tough story mode
/t/ is a good board though.
>Cookiepocalypse Deltarune
Trainwreck incoming.
>Illumina Minecraft
Trainwreck there too.
>MajinPhil Majora's Mask
>Kingdime Starcraft BW: Protoss campaign
Unironically interested in this
Wait, are they really doing all 8 stories for Octopath?
But what do you get?
fucking based
I can't get into any retro speedruns, they all seem to be 2D sidescroller shit. The games themselves might be good, but fuck do they make for boring speedruns. They're glorified Let's Plays. I can only watch 3D games or special cases like Castlevania.
post tweets
oh dear god
this never becomes old
Go watch the blindfold Super Punch Out and two controller Lost Vikings run.
There are a handful of really memorable runs each year, spending 9 hours tweaking and watching FF9 while shitposting with Yea Forums was really fun
based wendy's
The actual story is that one of the prominent trannies is also strongly against a few government policies that I'm sure you can guess.
That tranny looked into MSF and PCF to make sure they aren't promoting those policies, found evidence of misappropriating donations because of course they are.
Tranny publishes a video in their shock at finding out that charities aren't all charitable.
GDQ staff FLIP THEIR FUCKING LIDS and go full on nuclear. Other trannies, seeing the choice between fellow tranny and a fucking (((white))) male, join the tranny's side.
Aww yeah I can't wait to kick cancer's butt with my tranny friends! We're going to do hrt% so fast! Who else HOOOYYP here?
Any info on this? Want a laugh.
>last year’s gungeon “speedrun” that was essentially a let’s play where he died twice and didn’t even finish the run
What are some other notable chokes?
Maybe if you're looking for JAV or one of the specific threads that have been kept alive for 3 years.
god imagine being choked by those thighs
>xenoblade 2 didn't make it
>jojoshit meme first thing I see
Ultra yikes
Kill all jojofags
When did this happen? Must have missed the whole thing.
>33 years old
>see my hairline starting to recede
what do trannies do when this eventuality comes to pass? Suicide even harder?
What was the game at AGDQ where the guy was rushing too much, ruined his run and accidentally quicksaved causing him to be unable to finish and just storms off?
>every GDQ runner dresses like a grandma
The anatomy on this one is fucked up.
>that fucking left leg
So why are they back this year
>Ristar 100%
That's awesome
>Air Ride mode but no City Trial
>what is perspective
>YoshiZilla's PB didn't get accepted
Jaguar King's MGS3 run
Semanari's Divinity OS2 run
>waahh stop playing popular games and make way for my indie PC tranny game that only 4 people played
Look at where her left leg is going (from your perspective), and then look at the size of the right leg. The artist fucked up because he can't into anatomy or perspective.