Sekiro help thread

Sekiro help thread
How do you beat these dudes

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Puppeteer ninjutsu or don't
They're an annoying waste of time that rewards you with a bit of money

Okay so I was watching DSP fight Genchiro yesterday and noticed he was able to resurrect twice without using that consumable that allows another resurrection. How did he do this?
27:33 is when the fight begins

Asking because I was fighting him yesterday and only got 1 resurrection even at 3rd form.

Ceramic and stealth or just avoid them.

sometimes i also get an extra resurrection
but only after i beat the first form

You get a res for getting to the next stage

Any advice on the final boss fight? Why does he have 4 fucking phases

Is Yea Forums ready for ogremania?

When they are jumping a shuriken will knock them on their back.

They're not worth fighting straight on. Either backstab or avoid them

Stealth exists for a reason. Lure with pot shards and kill them off one by one. Even if you are good they are just too much of a time sink to be duking it out with them.

You can buy mid-air deathblow technique from little dude in Ashina Old Grave. Just press R1 while in air with one of these guys and voila

Double jumping on his head after jumping over an unblockable sweep does a ton of posture damage. He does the unblockable sweep after sheathing his sword and does a 1-2 combo. When he is doing his crazy spear combo I just run away then miriki counter the stab at the end.

deathblows on bosses give you resurrective power

>when you're fighting your dad he can mikiri counter YOU
that was fucking awesome I love this game

first two use spear technique where you hold right trigger and pull tem back in by pressing right trigger correctly at the end of the animation (upgraded spear). follow this up with praying strikes exorcism and you will have done an immense amount of posture damage without ever being countered.

for phase 3 and 4 bait for mikiri counters and use firecrackers to create other openings. if it's still too much just sprint 100% of the time until he does a slam vertically into the ground because he will follow up with a sword/slash dash attack and you can punish it. repeat and win.

I did this but I've yet to actually pull it off. Any specific moves that it works on? Because the one where they flip over you hasn't triggered it for me.

i think it was absolute shit because i had spent all my materials upgrading a prosthetic tool that was now a death trap. unfun to just say to the player, hey, can't use that intergral attack for variance and opening creation anymore ha. crap.

How do I beat all of those randos when starting a miniboss without losing my god damn mind every time

You run. Fast.

How do I avoid Demon of Hatred's charge attack? As far as I can tell I'm not given enough time to actually avoid it if I'm up in his ass smacking him, which seems like really poor design especially for an attack that can tear through my fully upgraded health bar like it's nothing.

Which miniboss?

>why is he so cute??

Attached: Sekiro-The-Divine-Heir-Kuro-Profile (1).png (893x1077, 811K)


the drunk guy? sneak from the left, backstab the shield dude then run to the range dude and then pick off the other guys one by one. You can use the long corridor to the left to separate the mini boss from his minions. Once the minions are dead you can talk to the NPC for help.

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How do we beat our biggest challenge of all?

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most annoying fuckers in the game
was going to practice anti-air deathblow on these ninjas but they pissed me off so bad I just turned off the game