>This is okay
>Scantily clad women aren't
Wtf is wrong with american devs?
This is okay
Wow that's awesome *clapclapclapclap
I hate it here
Don't you get tired of complaining about the same thing every day
Single mom households
The mean are hot so it evens it out
have sex
violence is ok as long as it doesnt have naughty words or naughty parts
he would if you wouldnt shame him for raping a woman
Back to TrannyEra with you faggots
what about this though
>Wtf is wrong with american devs?
gay, circumcised and conditioned to do violence for israel
>gore and all sort of violence and infinite amount of blood and guts
cool more please
>a nipple slip or a thigh suit on a woman character
that is progressive and empowering!
remember this you despicable hetero-sexual patriachal white cis alt-right incel nazis: there are two standards in this world how to depict nudity and sexuality 1.) OUR way 2.) the wrong way!
YOU are automatically on the wrong side of history.
new Tarantino movie looking good
negroids count as SJW you faggot
Funny how the same people that complain about sexy vidja outfits are the ones that go riot naked on the streets
Women are not objects, is what they tell us.
But we know lolis are
feels good being normal
also i shan't be purchasing mk11, due to its lack of attractive females. At least the kikes know that sex sells (unlike these tranny discord devs!)
Americans in general see sex and nudity as the devil because tink of da childrunz.
Violence is OK though.
Don't you get tired of being a virgin?
so fucking sexy. Too bad the sjw's took over, we'll never get sexy women like this ever again
Is this Shaggy's fatality?
cuck isn't filtered any more
it's as if these people are mentally ill schizophrenic freaks of nature who can't take two steps without automatically contradicting the previous one.
It's like someone gave up halfway through installing a huge pile of skyrim waifu mods.
Thanks for agreeing pal, we gotta fight this fight together
You fags who say this shit are aware that all you are going to achieve is getting violence censored too. You whining isn't going to get less censorship but more.
You guys realize OP is shitposting right
Lands of hypocrites and (literal) mentally ill faggots.
americans have been brainwashed by jews
violence is good because they need american soldiers to protect israel
Sure, enjoy your dead nerves you mutilated cutfag.
Why are Americans so easy to brainwash. Even /pol/?
They finally “won” by getting Trump elected but they ended up with an even bigger Israel supporter
Even when they win they lose
Maybe America should just accept they can’t compete and accept Jews are better, like niggers need to accept they were not kangs
American education is really quite bad. Common sense doesn't play a part in their lives because they were never taught to think logically or critically.
Enjoy article 13.
Soon you won't be able to shitpost.
I hope the sales are awful and Boon realizes what a mistake he made but I know it will sell millions. There’s no hope. Get woke go broke
This is the same board who gets angry and screams about "muh pedos" when lolis are sexualized in games. You guys are just as bad as the SJWs
Ms Marvel made a billion.
You lost the culture war.
I highly doubt it'll have that much of an impact.
Also how the fuck are you going to filter every single image that comes through considering how many posts are made every second?
Meanwhile you might want to kick out your penis mutilating jew doctors and hang your californian bug chasers and the faggot who made it legal. I don't understand how you can allow these 3rd world medieval barbaric practices in your so-called 1st world nation.
Have sex
It was originally meant for factory workers
I can call Muslims sand niggers and not get arrested.
You try it.
So in 80 years time nothing has changed.
Sounds pretty fucky to me.
Captain Marvel barely made its money back, what with the massive PR campaign they had to run.
I never understood how in RDR2 you can blow people's heads off with a shotgun, but anime titties in Senran Kagura is terrible and must be censored.
MaTuRe AnD rEsPeCtFuL
MK was always a joke series that appeals to normies who only play for LEEPICFATALITIESXD
Lol ok, cpt denial
But I can though?
What is this meme?
zoom zoom
It made $918,893,856
Didn't it turn out she was lying?
American here, allow me to explain to you how we are. See, we're a real violent and bloodthirsty people. We love violent movies, horror movies with lots of gore, and we LOVE war. During Desert Storm and other wars, we watch that shit on TV and love the fuck out of it. There is nothing more American than wanting to savor the screams of dying children, the wailing moans of women being violated, and the pained expressions of men suffering in silence as they are powerless to stop us.
You other nations better watch your backs, because around Americans, you NEVER relax.
"Death is my meat; terror my wine." -- Supreme Deathlord Andrew Jackson
How about you guys fight for the frew the boobs movment by those ugly feminists?
When did Yea Forums become pro-censorship?
>Its only in america
>hurr I got my dick mutilated by jews and some faggot gave me aids without my consent while illegal niggers and spics are allowed to vote
>but at least I can call mudslimes sandniggers hurr durr
You must be some special kind of retard.
Lol no, you can't.
Do it and I will send your ip to the police.
Muslims own you. How's brexit coming btw?
You got outsmarted by a small sand tribe to send your young to die for them, sit down
The white supremacy movement should really be called the “stop bullying stupid children” movement
I meant America desu
>Lol no, you can't
Source me then you homo.
See Europe too by the way
How is brexit coming?
Enjoy your sand nigger overlords.
I don't mind a bit of the old Ultraviolence but to claim they are removing sex because it's a mature game but then have said Ultraviolence is absurd, they are both immature.
Not for too much longer. Japan has been accepting the western way of thinking. Soon sex will be bad too and it's already happening.
No, our kind love and crave violence so much that some among us willingly throw ourselves into battle just to experience pain and death. It is you who should sit down, fool.
>Brutality is ok in a FIGHTING game
How about that, who would have thought? Maybe there's a whoring game out there for you people who are upset that you cannot get a peek at digital titties?
I'm not even a bong.
>how's brexit coming
Either way Britain's fucked. Not that I care much since the English are cucks anyway.
People who dislike Ultraviolence are pussies and a disgrace to the human race. To be human is to crave violence and pain.
I want /pol/ to go away...
Accepting or being forced to?
That is what I thought you slave. Nice freedom you have their.
Europe can never talk shit again. You are a literal Islamic slave state.
all those games get censored or delisted and has been a point of discussion for a long time now friend
You idiots, Japan always loved violence. It wasn't until after we utterly horrified them in WW2 that they shied away from it. The Japanese innately crave violence, they lust for it. Which is why the few games that allow for it, go all out. Look at Bloodborne, that game's setting is what japan wishes for the world. A hellscape filled with misery and death, where it rains blood and pain flows freely. Japan is returning to its roots, and its about time.
They get censored because humans innately crave violence more than sex. Sex is a mere tool to create more bodies for the slaughter. Now clean my boots with your tongue, you fucking filth.
Then fight against the censoring of those games, not against toning down pandering in genres that are not about pandering.
>can't cite a source
Yarp, enjoy your AIDS ridden mutilated cock.
Don't cut your dick off
what's going on here?
Sand nigger.
Proof I'm free from Islamic rule.
Your turn, sugar bear.
A half naked pregnant woman is duel wielding assault rifles while covered in blood. It's pretty self exploratory.
source is wolfsenstin 2
i bet that sounded really cool in your head
That's what you get for buying Western.
>To his defense, it was a period of history where the guy who look most like the bitch was the one getting all the females.
"Androgenous shit," according to Charlie Murphy.
Men acting like faggots is this generation's "androgenous shit."
>grown men are more grossed out by cleavage than they are by grotesque, violent mutilation.
Well, what did you expected from the people that think rape is worse than murder.
I wonder why the whole world didn't organize yet to completly genocide americans. Fucking subhumans without any honor and dignity. Literally destroy everything they touch and turn it to shit. I dont mind Asians,African Blacks, etc. but americans are truly fucking subhumans and the whole world would be a lot better if this whole country and people in it would cease to exist, thats a fact.
Human body bad
Human body getting horrifically mutilated good.
Makes sense, they support circumcision
shit I have no idea what to expect dude I'm just trying to get through the work shift so I can eat a burrito and play some vidya when I get home.
why are people so upset all the time
t. AfRiCaN bLaCk
t. amerimutt abomination living in a land infested with PC culture
Breasts are just sacks of fat. How can they compare to the sight of bloodshed, and the sounds of screams of the innocent being slain? If anything, it's weird to be more fixated on breasts than violence, breasts serve no purpose in sexual stimulation.
join the marines.
You redditeers complain all day about these games but they still sell 10 million copies
Remember Battlefront2? 15 mill baby, so much for your boycott
The world hasn't because the world fears us, and rightfully so. Honor is for the weak, dignity for fools. We desecrate and destroy because we can, and you can't stop us. We do as we please. This world is Hell, and America is the Devil nation. You lost souls are ours to do with as we wish. Now get on your knees and lick my fucking shoes you vermin.
Yea Forums still thinks shills come here at all.
this board has literally zero influence on anything.
Sharia law. They believe in owning women and no expression of sexuality.
That'll be 0.30€ for that copyrighted meme, sir.
t. dicklet mutt virgin with fapping addiction
>let yourself be limited by faggoty geneva convention rules
>not joining a PMC so you can do as you wish
War should have no limits.
It didn't sell 30 mil so GG ;)
My dick is like a mighty sword that pierces cunts and soaks them red with blood and juices. The only thing I fap to is the demise of all who oppose America and our core values.
I din't care about any of this.
But now that's affecting the core parts of my hobby, and I want it to stop.
>When MK was infamous for having the most manfaced clay faced bulldykes imaginable which was totally awesome because they had huge tits and asses
I loved the 90s sexy factor of the first 3 games but you faggots are insufferable.
it's just triple A shit. The top is getting crusty and dead from being exposed to the world at large but there's still good shit if you dig at the core.
>I...I'm not a d...dicklet
cope harder muttland
Maybe just don't buy the game? Vote with your wallet if you're really up in arms about this and stop wasting threads on this stupid incel bullshit.
Be a man and learn to crave violence, instead of wanting to see tits in a fucking game about FIGHTING TO THE DEATH. That's the problem, Japanese fighting games with all their whimsical childish characters and badly designed whore females has caused men to forget what fighting i truly about: It isn't about honoring your opponent and testing your skills against them as you give faggoty handshakes after. It isn't about saving your high school and becoming class president. No. It's about DESTROYING YOUR ENEMIES AND MAKING THEM SUFFER
All the zoomers born post-9/11 think those manfaced dykes are sexy
Just look a DMC and RE2 threads to find out what kids these days find attractive
He's role-playing as a Dark Eldar, holy shit how new are you.
Anyone playing the Beta today?
Only thing I am coping with is America being the greatest and most violent nation on Earth and knowing none of your pussy shithole countries can ever do shit about us.
>when your 8 old year funny comic is now reality
We truly live in a clown world
>Maybe just don't buy the game?
They take over and destroy games we love, while we are just supposed to suck it and take it in the ass?
Wow, look how much voting with our wallets did for Senran Kagura
Go fuck yourself you centrist loser
Where did we go so wrong.
just got here from reddit today, faggot. nothing you can do about it; die angry while I shit all over this gay forum.
why are amerimutt abominations so sad?
>mfw I have no face
Don't you get tired of being a fucking retard all the time?
NOBODY is saying "oh gore needs to be banned too"
What's being said is "scantily clad women should be okay too"
I'm fucking convinced that every fucking retard like you that says shit like this is a fucking shill, false flagger, or crisis actor
We won't have to. America will eventually implode in on itself.
>They take over and destroy games we love
You're fucking hilarious.
NetherRealm already ran MK to the ground when they made Deadly Alliance, Deception and especially the DC crossover. If covering skin is what "destroys" games you love, you're an absolute fucking idiot. Have some self-awareness and realize you're just as bad as the faggots in resetera.
Blame the Amerimutts. Due to being brutally and painfully circumcised as babies the pain reactors in their brain got damaged and short circuited. Their phantom foreskin that contained all the nerves that made sex pleasurable is tingling only through their newfound love for gore. Now their guns are their penises and explosions their orgasms.
The Jewish baby penis blood sucking ritual made them into ruthless bloodthirsty killing machines, lacking in empathy. They truly are formidable war mutts, bred to brutalize random sand people in some shithole desert and then die from friendly fire. Dog bless.
Yes it is. Try typing it in caps lock.
Why is your pitiful shithole country so worthless and weak that they don't even try to stand against us? Is it because you instinctively fear us, knowing we are the ultimate predator, and you and your kind are fit to be nothing more than our prey? You filth should be on your hands and knees praising whatever worthless god you believe in for allowing your worthless nation to even exist on the same planet as America. You fucking scum.
Americans love violence and are taught by their religion to hate anything remotely sexual which is odd because they glorify sex in all their movies and sitcoms
If it weren't for censorship we'd have naked shotas and lolis in videogames and nobody would bat an eye. Think of the pure beauty we've been deprived of thanks to fat feminists pretending to be outraged and companies bending their knees.
If only us Americans were as grand as our European cousins, spineless cowards that exist only to be chattel for the Islamic hordes. Our lust for death and desire for pain is all that keeps you from being completely dominated by your towel wearing camel riding masters.
we've nailed the whole tsundere thing
I'm not even defending him, avatar-fagging is pure cancer. But you are pretending like he's being genuine, which is fucking retarded.
I know where ou are getting at.
And I don't care about tits, I care about good games
If someone wants to destroy the vision of their game because of DESTROYING YOUR ENEMIES AND MAKING THEM SUFFER, for me its the same shit than doing it to have tits and ugu kawaii stuff.
Go get eaten by Slaanesh
Role playing is bannable, how new are YOU?
>believing the meme
Practically all of the world's porn is American.
>Infested with PC culture
>always a jew puppet country
>56% and raising
>mutts everywhere
>get shot for studying
>can't collect rain water otherwise they get sued
>Commiefornia culture is winning and taking over
>Shit food
>Obsessed with cuck porn
anything else?
Never played skyrim, but these are hilarious. keep them up
Americans are very prude but okay with higher violence
Europeans are okay with sexy stuff but butthurt about higher violence
Japanese dig both plus incest relationships
Thats pretty much it
>elf larper is a meximutt
Are you really that much of a Mortal Kombat stan? A series built on disguising shallow gameplay with controversial gore? I don't care for the series whatsoever, but even I understand that appealing to a wider swath of people is in their best interest to sell more copies. You're no longer the sole audience for video games my man, and you're probably just have to deal, or complain about it more on a Mongolian basket weaving forum.
Also I'm liberal, centrists are just diet conservatives.
The best porn is American too. Not that Euro garbage with women having hairy cunts and 3 guys sharing one woman as they lust for each orher's manflesh like a bunch of cuck faggots.
Bruh no laws are gonna make me cut my dick off but your laws are actively trying to ruin life
Lack of wars in the western side of the globe. If we had a ww3 you bet your ass this shitbwouldn't be happeningbright now
Whoa whoa whoa, Italian here, we LOVE hardcore nasty sex and filthy disgusting violence. Us Italians are the best of both:
Goddamn I'm proud to be Italian.
>being an Ameripuritant
> outsmarted to send our young
I don’t know about you but we’ve gotta lose a fuckload more young before it becomes a problem
>No longer the sole audience
More like no longer the audience they basically took a shit on their original fans in favor of the $JWs
I don't get this "ruled by sandniggers" meme.
The mudslimes we have live at the bottom of the food chain shitting out kebab places while you're implying they own all our top positions in business and politics.
Meanwhile you circumcize babies, signed a bill in Cali making bug chasing legal and allow illegal immigrants to vote because "muh racism".
Sure, Yurop isn't perfect, but comparing it to the States you're a lot more fucked. I really don't understand how the fuck this is happening in a "1st world" nation unless the population are mentally ill moronic fucktards.
>company does things to make money
fucking shocking. Write me a buzzfeed article about it, Matt.
>Also I'm liberal
Yeah it was obvious since you used "stan" unironically.
Now hold on there monkey soup, you have your own problems too. No need to toss stones in a glass house.
Not the other guy. But creatively, in regards to lore and new faces, I'll partially agree. Every new character after MK9, bar Kotal and D'vorah, has been shit. That's why tey do all the time travel shit. They suck at new characters.
Jesus Crist, it's real.
Finally someone has slain the beast
>ruled by sandniggers
We literally banned Erdogan who wanted to hold a campaign in our country.
I think that's more of a case of shitty boomer politicians being retarded instead of the majority of the population.
Both are good you faggot crybaby.
Germans and aussies are the ones butthurt about violence.
This looks like a fatality lmao
Surprised MK even has a fanbase, but your money is just as good as a white girl's, or a black guy's, or a gay guy's, or a tranny's, so get fucked
the bug chick from the last game was pretty cool
You say all this shit about 'sandniggers' being nowhere near ruling over you, yet are quiet as a mouse concerning the supposed jewish control and influence over you. Most of you fags think jews are semitic, for some reason. Therefore you ARE being ruled by 'sandniggers' by your own retarded theories.
Ive been browsing this piece of shit board almost daily for something like 12 years, including /tg/, and this is the first time ive seen someone doing this outside of Dark Heresy threads.
Didn't say it wasn't! You can kinda tell if a woman is Euro in porn as well, just by the screencap. I used to be able to, anyway.
I mean his question was aren't you bored writing some shit where people already agree with you for the most part on a board that influences nobody? It's basically just whining into the ether
Luckily all our jews are concentrated in one city which everyone hates because it's a socialist leftist shithole, the rest of the country is pretty much jew free. I'd worry more about jew control in your own nation.
These kinds of posts are constructive
>points out fucked up 3rd world shit America has made legal
>"hurr durr but you're more fucked than us because muh mudslimes hurr"
Jesus Christ user.
Again not defending avatar-fagging, I'm merely saying if you can't recognize Dark Eldar philosophy when you see it, you are probably a dick sucking faggot. It's either that or they were intentionally responding to bait, which is equally retarded.
I wish someone would nuke commiefornia.
America is also the porn capital of the world, but has issues with nudity and showing skin, let that sink in.
>sex bad because we don't want you critters reproducing
>violence good because we need you to be desensitized to violence to go die in the deserts.
>t.uncle sam
>4 threads
Can we tyrn this one into a clowposting thread?
Americans, and capeshit, it's like you're all manchildren.
What does that fucker want now.
Why are you so terrified and angry about seeing attractive women in video games? Do you also scream and cry about the topless men in loincloths?
Why are americans so delusional?
Imagine the smell
Prohibition only ever increases demand
Doesn't Moral Kombat 11 have multiple male characters with exposes chests, abs, biceps, and other things? I am pretty sure I saw Johnny Cage without his shirt on (the younger one) and Jax without his (also younger).
Why do male characters strip down before a fight? Why do the Klassic(tm) Kostumes(tm) for the old male characters look exactly like they did before, but now the old costumes for females are so different? I can understand changing the art design or whatever, but why this blatant hypocrisy, and why shit all over your old fans by butchering the classic outfits?
That and R* showing dicks are okay because reasons.
The people replying to this are clearly not mad at all
>humans innately crave violence more than sex
>source: dude trust me
>They get censored because humans innately crave violence more than sex
Only mutts do since they can't enjoy sex due to their jew-mutilated cocks.
Are you retarded. Faggot SJW devs=/=America. And no. Americans arent pro death and anti sex. Is OP one of those cucks? Or just ignorant
Perhaps because porn and smut will weaken and destroy nations faster than some rekt shit. Porn can ruin a man. Seeing blood wont
You know that some countries were flooded with smut (porn) to weaken mens sexual drives. No time in history has an enemy given gore to its enemy to weaken them
Just look at how many NEET incels cry about 3D pixelated tits being censored. I hate censorship. But why don't you worru about your future? The world. The country. Youre a slave to "women" you can never touch. Because you ARE too weak to better yourself to get a women who is real
Look how weak you weabus are. Familyless. Kidless. Womenless. Yet youll go on fucking rants about bikiki tits you cant even be with
You know jerking off is weak for you. Sex is more than your 2 seconds of jizzums or writing shit waifu love stories. Youll never feel that
Yes censorship is bad. Yet the reason sexual is seen as worse is because you are comparing loving sex and the beauty of women with fake badly animated waifu porn. Gore is just some blood. It wont turn your cock weak. It doesnt make you OK with bullshit and it doesnt turn men into faggots like OP
Kill yourself
>>Shit food
You know there is more to American food than the McDonald’s down the street from your commieblock, right?
I know your beef is genetically manipulated with hormones and that you dip your chicken in chlorine.
Most of the stuff you eat is banned in every other Western nation because it's deemed unfit for even animal consumption, let alone human consumption.
Uh, violence IS bad, user.
>j-just ignore it bro, it just affects comics and movies. They won't ever go for your video games!
>I know your beef is genetically manipulated with hormones
Now listen here: in our country, we have these cool places we call “supermarkets”, and in these “supermarkets” you have the option to buy beef without added hormones. You should come see it sometime, might be interesting for you to see enough food to sustain a human being for once.
Remember to DIAL 8
I mean you're a liberal lmao
Name ONE good """"""""american""""""""" dish, ONE
That guy with his legs spread out thinks he's a fucking supermodel. Kek
Pepperoni pizza
>just an average day in Mexico
No, seriously can you imagine the pain. It already fucking hurt if you cut your nail a bit too short.
cucked just like yuro politics
>Complaining about my gore and bloodshed
Fuck all of you disrespectful ass weebs. We did my fighting years ago when the church came after us and my vidya gore. Boo FUCKING Hoo the sissy nu males are after you. Man the fuck up and fight them or lie down and die like pussies
But don't you DARE try to tear our side down to make yourselves feel better.
Here's a case for fewer clothes when fighting. When you move around a lot you sweat making your clothes more cumbersome.
>Hamburger and Pizza
Amerimutts embrace the hideous because it resembles their hideous admixture.
Wow, what a mature game.
>I propose that the real thing they have a problem with is male sexuality. Like you said, it's not the idea of women wearing less clothing, it's the idea that men are looking at them. You see this in feminism everywhere. The male gaze etc. The issue is not technically sexualization of women, it's the sexualization of women FOR men. I imagine this is why they can logically (in their own minds) call it objectification. It's sexual objectification of women FOR men. At the end of the line, it's male sexuality that they hate.
>In my opinion it's about control and competition.
>Women want the desirable men to be looking at them and not sexy video game characters, and they want undesirable men to feel ashamed of their sexual urges so that they don't inadvertently deter the desirable men.
>The men who push this nonsense are "peacocking" in the best way they know how. They're showing women that they're on their side and that they will go to bat for them. Being able to attack other men and bring them down (lowering the bar in the process) is a convenient side benefit.
>It's about maximising your chances of success by eliminating the competition and dictating the terms of engagement.
Those guys in the comment section are on point.
warcraft is for faggots
Fuck you faggot
>grown men
the average west coast, so.i chugging cuck is about as far away from manly as you can get without HRT