I hate him more than anyone else in the vidya industry. Back when he was a hack at IGN he used to give every PS3 exclusive a 10 which started the tradition for a lot of places to just start handing out 10's left and right for games when before that it was only done for an actual handful of games for the prior couple decades.
He also is the most smug asshole and thinks he's just the funniest guy, started a shitty company with the most smug, self congratulatory name ever "kinda funny". Then he proceeded to send his shitty fans after Kyle Bosman because he made a joke thinking that him and Colin Moriarty were "less than kinda funny" and even baited David Jaffe to go on a rant on stage at psx about Bosman saying all this shit about him to the point where Shuhei Yoshida came out on stage and defended Bosman since he wasn't there. He also looks like a rat which seems to fit his personality very well.
I hate him more than anyone else in the vidya industry...
Other urls found in this thread:
He's a piece of shit. He literally hated RDR2 randomly on release day last year because it received higher critical reception than GoW.
just say you hate liberals
He literally ran IGN back in the day, not as a boss, but as a super slave. I greatly respect him for carrying the entire company on his shoulders, but leaving IGN got him nowhere. Fuck Colin, that dude has always been a worthless asshole.
I remember watching a few of his TPP streams that went up the week before release.
Good God, he was awful. Like, worse than DSP. How do people like him and Arthur Gies who can't play games to save their lives even get jobs in the field to begin with?
you can't spell ignorance without _ _ _
he looks like the joker on estrogen
rdr2 sucked ass tho.
Why would anyone who isnt a fag listen to a fag? He literally sucks dick so his opinions probably suck dick
This dude looks like he cut open someone's skin and wore it over himself. What the hell is wrong with this creature?
Don’t insult cute rattos by comparing them to this monster.
He looks like my girlfriend's lesbian sister
Worst of all, he's smug about being a consoletard that made his whole identity around loving Playstation to the point where Sony is putting him in every trade show they have.
If you're gonna be smug, at least be right about what you're shilling lol
He has the look of a guy who like young boys
Lmao you spend so much time and energy on things and personalities you "hate" so much. Your whining doesn't change shit, son. Lol @ your life
A few years ago I used to watch Kinda Funny, but I always disliked Greg. I really had a vehement disdain for him when he didn't defend Colin when Colin made a joke about women.
I only know of this dude from the game awards a few years ago when he got an award for something I don't know about. I never watched a game awards show again, and I was confused why people were talking about this guy like he was someone important like Kojima or something.
Yeah that was the worst since he was the first fucking person allowed to stream MGSV before anyone else and it was literally unwatchable since he was doing shit like using the night vision goggles in broad daylight and constantly taking them on and off giving anyone watching a massive headache. And as someone who claims to be one of the biggest metal gear fans he literally had no idea what the fuck was going on or any basic gameplay elements of the series. It really is shocking how many prominent/influential people in the industry are absolutely terrible at playing games. Shouldn't the basic qualifications to be a games journalist is you know how to actually play games?
Colin said that he reached out to Miller in a social way last year to see if he just wanted a beer and a talk, but was promptly told to fuck off.
That said, Moriarty is a HUGE douche as well. How he was ever able to recover from that GAMER ENTITLEMENT video I'll never know.
no shit retard. he made a podcast about sucking sony's cock
where the fuck do you think you are right now?
His Uncharted 3 review is insufferable
Oh no no no
>Colin Moriarty
he is genuinely the absolute worst both in physical appearance and personality
CrapGamer is that you? KYS
Shit I forgot about that absolutely embarrassing speech. Dude thought he won an Oscar and thought he was the biggest person in the industry when I remember at the time 90% of the people watching were literally asking "who the fuck is this guy?"
Did someone dose his drink with Estrogen Tablets?
It is a badass statue tho
isn't this video the literal definition of sexism?
noun: sexism
prejudice, stereotyping, or discrimination, typically against women, on the basis of sex.
thats the definition from googling it.. what the fuck dude
>isn't this video the literal definition of sexism?
white men aren't human though, can't be sexist or racist against them because of their inherent privilege of course
So, ignore him? Seems like you're putting a lot of thought and energy into hating someone when acknowledging their existence isn't mandatory. Spend that time and energy on something you like buddy, it'll add years to your life
>typically against women
isn't that kind of sexist to assume that sexism primarily happens to women?
He looks like söy became sentient
He's Californian
Is having a ps4 the ultimate cuckoldry?
I cannot think or comprehend of anything more cucked than having a ps4. Honestly, think about it rationally. You are buying and beta-testing games for at least 5 years solely so they can go and get played on other platforms. All the hard work you put into your beautiful little console - buying exclusives, subscribing to Sony services, console-warring on Yea Forums, letting it collect data for Sony, playing with it. All of it has one simple result: It's exclusives are more enjoyable for the men that will eventually play them on other platforms.
Raised the perfect console? Great. Who benefits? If you're lucky, a random man who had nothing to do with the way it grew up. He gets to play it's games every night. He gets the benefits of it's kind and sweet personality that came from the way you raised it.
As a man who has a ps4, you are LITERALLY dedicating at least 5 years of your life simply to beta test games for people on other platforms to enjoy. It is the ULTIMATE AND FINAL cuck. Think about it logically
Based. I dislike the entire group. I used to dislike Colin as well but he's actually alright on his own. I think he's kinda abrasive which doesn't work well in a group, but works fine in his own projects.
Also the “reactions” are some of the dullest bullshit I have ever seen from the entire group
Andre from gamexplain went to them to have a discussion twice and he admitted it was really fucking dull because Greg was never actually into the Nintendo discussion and threw out buzzwords
He's such a fucking Sony bootlicker. Faggot was going about how State of Play was a good start for future updates.
so punchable
he looks like a pederast
It's a really bad video. It's like they tried to go for this whole casual MTV vibe but it just ended up looking more ridiculous.
Yeah people compare the two once in a while but it's really shocking to see the quality and passion between Easy Allies and Kinda Funny since they do have similar roots except EZA were GameTrailers staff that were fired instead of IGN hacks that thought they could make it on their own. You've got Easy Allies who are actually passionate about the industry and are genuine people while Kinda Funny has Tim with his over the top annoying levels of fake hype and then Greg being just completely stone faced and thinking he's better than what he's watching.
>That Nintendo direct/smash reaction where literally only Bosman cared about anything
I’m not asking for onions screaming but holy shit guys, if you don’t care about any of this why the fuck are you watching, stay with your preferred games
When was this?
>Men can't hit the wa-
What the fuck is wrong with his face.
I'm not one to hop on the fuck game reviews crowd or what not, but what a poorly constructed video.
On his initial argument, while I do agree with some points on how to treat the devs it just seems he is outright ignoring that (and I have this burned in my brain) that a mere month or so before launch Casey Hudson assured people it wasn't a mere option a/b/c ending, and also he is dancing around the entire issue which was the recolouring and how there was no difference in the endings outside of 'implication' of the future.
Plus he defends Day1 narrative dlc which is silly.
Speaking as a film student, what the actual fuck were they thinking at every level of 'production'? IGN have tripods, they have filming equipment, so why is the footage so shaky and the camera flailing about like it's a 12 year old using a camcorder? How could someone look at that footage of that I'm assuming unintentional tilt and consider that acceptable? Why all the location changes, did he saying his whole terrible argument 3 times and cut between it or did this guy plan out in his head which line would be in which location?
Also this goes without saying but christ he has some terrible clothing choices.
looks like a tranny who got bogged
I’m 99% sure he’s from Chicago.
I used to listen to Beyond all the time, and listened to PSILY when it started as well but something had changed, and then I finally realized it was Greg. He’s a fucking douchebag now.
I got into watching Kinda Funny through gamescast which I still like, but you should really hear the way they talk about their fans as "bestfriends" they've created a community of losers for them all to hang out and say how we're best friends and shit, it's very slimey. Can anyone recommend a podcast that's just people sitting around talking about games they played that week.
Easy Allies has a couple podcasts. Their main one is for game news of the week and Frame Trap is them talking about games they played that week
>How do people like him and Arthur Gies who can't play games to save their lives even get jobs in the field to begin with?
His last name is Miller. How do you think?