Who was in the wrong here?
Who was in the wrong here?
Thanks for buying them.
You for console war shitposting OP
>he bought two copies of the game
Why does he have two copies?
The people who brought blacks to America.
seething, it’s all in good fun bro
>he bought twice as many copies as most fans
You can only blame your retared ancestors little Anglo.
to hold up his tv, you can't do that with only one.
Himself for buying the same game he finds bad twice
kill yourself console waring faggot
Why does he have to copies of Zelda?
>it's all in good fun
i'd hope so. but im pretty sure alot of people who console war shitpost on here take it extremely seriously and actually pledge "loyalty" to these companies
because he's a retarded nigger
Just stretch it out bro.
did he forget to steal the tv stand?
Imagine being so autistic you spend 120+ dollars to make this shitty shitpost hahahahahahahahahH
He's a nigger. He doesn't buy stuff.
>tv can't stand on it's own
>probably stolen?
like petter
I know his aim was really bad but was it just unlucky that at least enough of those to kill her didn't hit, or bad net code?
97% to make the TV stable hm?
so pc is just for shooter and strategy fags. got it
You know why
Why can't his TV just sit on the table? Does he really need the extra 1/4 inch in height?
Nintendo for making shitty games that are only good for holding up his tv so he could play his PS4.
How did this become a ps4 vs pc thread.
maybe that tv tends to tilt forward and he's using them as a wedge for internet points
PC owners generally have a Switch sidearm not a PS4 one
I have both, but let me tell you, they never see use.
>Ps4 games are too cinematic and filled with politics
>Switch games are casual trash filled with disgusting sex fanservice and waifu pandering
I'd rather play a cheap dimestore indie game than either desu.
So I just looked at this guy's twitter.
100% guarantee that OP is the guy who owns it and he regularly shitposts about everything that isn't Sony. All that's on it is sony hype retweets and shitposting about Nintendo and xbox.
>he did blame them
>being actually retared
based nigger
Fuck off ACfag.
tranny spotted
Wait did his tv not come with a stand or legs?
>console warriors arrive out of the woodwork
Like clockwork.
>disgusting sex
Compared to PC?
Shit falseflag tbqh
Don't reply to ACfag.
He'll eventually go back to his Minecraft clone.
Yes, compared to PC. I have consistently amazing games that I play every year on the PC. Exclusive or not, they don't need cheap gimmicks like tits and storytelling to sell.
I'm more just mad I'm finding out he's PC
>Minecraft clone
quality over quantity
quality and quantity are not mutually exclusive
This. I love when games like BOTW And Bloodborne run at a wonderfully cinematic FPS of 20. Who needs a stable framerate anyway? And who needs free DLC? I'm more than happy to pay upfront for content that was blatantly ripped out of the game. And thank goodness for wonderful cinematic experiences like Xenoblade and The Order 1886, because who has time to actually PLAY their video games?
One is the switch version and the other is the wii version.
He is obviously a nintendo fanboy.
Literally stole them
>But do you have...
Yes, we do have shovelware, but we also have good games too, unlike PC
>He is obviously a nintendo fanboy.
His tweets say otherwise.
Bad netcode @ LAN tournament?
in this case they are
keep seething I would rather spend my time with Bloodborne at 20 fps than play a shitty game on 60fps
>he says while gladly accepting slop
>w-well they're all just shit games anyways
>ports them over from PC en masse
The Portuguese were the slave traders.
post the new terminator xbro
That's a lot of good Switch game recommendations, thanks
>thanks for beta testing pcfags
Who is this nigga trying to fool?
>exclusives are the best ever, indies are shit
>*indies get ported to consoles*
>wtf we like indies now
Sekiro > Bloodborne
>game boxes to hold up tv
>two (2) botw boxes at that
>those "games" on PC
Now we get exclusives, indies, AND exclusive indies! Thanks!
Well he bought a Switch and Some switch games.
Nintendo has his money, why would they give a fuck what he does with it?
So the only loser here is him.
>holding up my tv
But you said indies are all shit. I guess Cadence of Hyrule is shit too. Make up your mind, hypocrite.
Sekiro is best action game ever made
ok god hand is harder but less fair
I never said that, I just said thanks for all the Switch game recommendations. The best place for indies.
And yet they still pale in comparison to my GOTY's.
Come on it's only a joke, have sex.
>the best place for indies is behind disgusting DRM
Don't reply to ACfag.
>I would rather spend my time playing a shitty game at 20 fps than play a shitty game on 60fps
Weird, but whatever floats your boat.
>he fell for the FTL meme
>all this cope from a blackie tweet
jej nintendo
I prefer Into the Breach but both are based
>not drm
Sonegroes are all fucking niggers, prove me wrong
>yfw consolecucks will never breach 144fps
Tick tock
What a fucking idort, PS4 has no games and Switch has only just started releasing good games
lol, the only ps4 game
>switch has only just started releasing good games
That'll only happen once Metroid Prime 4 comes out.
>implying it didn't happen with Mario Tennis
literally 99.9% of the games contained in that list are bad
Yeah the creator included aged games like a moron
>bad net code
are consolefags this stupid?
controllers are not exclusive to consoles
>pc is just for shooter
a.k.a. 70% of all action games
It's been 4 years
>ps4 poorfags can't get a good tv
>they can't fix their broken tv
>have to dumpster dive behind gamestop for "tv stands"
Does that Bloodborne machine feel like a good idea right now? Was it a good idea to steal something so useless?
>all that shovelware
>all those MMO expansions
>all those outdated football manager games
>some random dead mods like action half-life
>fucking darkspore
>infinity abermud, lpmud, mmog???
>international cricket captain
heh, funny enough I have PS4 games, especially those with metalic cases holding up my TV so I can play my Xbox, Switch, PS4 vydia.
lol, it's a nigger. He ain't been buying them
Don't brag about being a nigger
>listing expansion packs
He has not enought PS4 games to hold his tv?
All honkies are blind