What are some upcoming games that keep you from ending it all?

What are some upcoming games that keep you from ending it all?

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Hollow Knight Silksong

Valve's three big VR games
You see if I look forward to a Valve game I will linger in this world for as long as possible

Why not work on a dream game instead? What good will becoming a corpse do?

>Risk of Rain 2
>Halo PC

classic wow
please post more

Skullgirls 2
It’s coming bros, I...I know it will...

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Death stranding.

jesus, how long are you willing to wait?

I recognize this soft shading!

>striped socks are now only associated with trannies

what happened?

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I can only hope it doesn't get poached by tim sweeney

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> tfw DMC5 has been out for 2 weeks

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Half life 3, it's sort of like a lifehack

Dragon's dogma 2

Venice Unleased

If I can play BF3 again and be happy for the first time in 6 years I can end it in peace

Halo on PC might be nice

There's still DLC user

Iceborne and /fit/ness are the only things that keep me going

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Final Fantasy Crystal Chronicles
Mechwarrior 5
Daemon x Machina
Link's Awakening

It's the only sexy underwear you can buy at Walmart

>what happened?
Trannies started wearing them, and I mean like all of them.

>Samurai Shodown
>New Guilty Gear
>Tekken 7 potential content
>BoI Repentance
>The thought of childhood franchises getting revived someday like EarthWorm Jim among others

Bannerlord. I shall live forever.

SMTV, P5R, DQ 11:Definitive Edition, Devil Survivor 3, the eventual bone thrown to Persona 1-2 fans, and Bayo 3.

I just enjoy life is all.

>smash dlc shit
>dmc5 bloody palace
>smt v
once i get all this shit i'll be done with this mortal world

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EVE online FPS game

a gf

mario maker 2

Which fetish is more of an overrated meme fetish, skindentation or feet?

Not games, but only because it would cause grief to my family

None. Everything is shit.

Liru DLC which was supposed to be released in 2017
Maybe that's a good thing Seismic is a lazy ass cocksucking motherfucker after all

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>see attractive girl on street
>now have to wonder if it's just a convincing mentally ill liar man
>can't even appreciate the one, single type of female (non-)interaction I get anymore
I want to fucking die.

Starfield and TES VI. The buyfag cope, zoomer shit taste and journo dishonesty will be astronomical.

mordhau and bannerlord.
ones coming in a few weeks, the other in a few decades.


>got an announcent teaser and a concept trailer in 2017
>complete radio silence ever since
C'mon Atlus

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>used to go to this hangout where occasionally this 40-something year old tranny would show up.
>Literally looked like a guy with boobs and would always wear old-lady attire like sweater, long skirt and shit
>He would show up with his "wife" who looked miserable and seemed to have only stuck around because she wanted to be "supportive" or not ousted by liberal hiveminds everywhere

Trannies destroy others lives for the sake of their own. They're probably the most selfish people on this planet.

They co-opt all kinds of things now because they felt like people don't already hate them enough.

Big meaty thighs

Another Dept. Heaven by Sting.
Gungnir feels like incomplete after that A+ Ending.

fuck off buglet. It's going to be the exact same game all over again, because team cherry have no original ideas.
The more "sequels" they will do, the more it will become obvious.

FE Three Houses

Also mario maker 2

Look on the bright side, that's two mentally-ill people who won't reproduce.

Actually to get Seismic to finish a game you have to wait until he gets broke as fuck, or wait until he is motivated to make it (extremely rare)
Fortunately he likes to buy a lot of expensive useless shits

Pantheon or Camelot Unchained. I know neither one of them are probably ever going to come out but they are the only hope MMOs have.

What’s that from?

>mingle with men
>know what they like best
>your mental illness takes over and you want to be a woman
>have insider information on whats hot
>pick all the best shit while actual women fuck up because feminism poisoned their fashion sense
>mentally ill men wear the best clothes, actual women wear pants
fuck trannies and fuck women

Still hot on either

if anything the future of gaming makes suicide seem more tempting
sjw and feminists have ruined all the franchises that I once used to like and I doubt modern games will ever again over the kind of content and story that I like

What crawled up your butt?

VRchat and making VR chat models is more important than you will ever be sperg

t. seismic

amazing that this small indie dev can pretty much make a product which looks almost identical to mass effect andromeda

fromsoft games.
Dragons dogma 2

He totally dropped VRChat though
Went from playing 12 hours everyday to less than 10 hours in 2 weeks within a day
Now he plays SFV and does his classic twitter procrastination posting thing he would like to buy even though he doesn't have the money

Looking forward to animal crossing

It doesn't need a sequel. Just more characters and a proper end to the story.

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After KH3 there is actualy no reason for me to live, Life has been just the same as that game, a massive disappointment...

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Oh and Todds games
The future for games look pretty bright actually, It's just so far away

Implying any of you pussies want even to end it all. You're all comfortable in your misery

Nothing, other than Hollow Knight Silksong. This year peaked early, especially with DMCV and Sekiro.

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There is literally no good games coming out

This one looks interesting but there's only bullshots no real gameplay.

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>Darkest Dungeon 2
>Rage 2
>Cyberpunk 2077

cyberpunk, i guess
bloodlines 2, maybe
FFXI still exists as a possible remake / mobile version, but its Nexon

everything just disappoints me anyway.

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Armored Core

>>Rage 2

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>Cyberpunk 2077
>Borderlands 3
>Doom Eternal
>Halo on PC
>Mario Maker 2
>Animal Crossing
>Spelunky 2
>Dying Light 2
Video games may be the only thing I live for but I feel like there's a lot of good ones coming so I don't really mind.

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Luigi’s Mansion 3
Ghost of Tsushima
Then possibility of Nintendo and Microsoft’s partnership will get Banjo in smash
Hollowknight and it’s endless stream of DLC

I’m still fucking waiting for the King or Cards and vs Mode for Shovelknight, i refuse to kill myself as long as the update still isn’t out

New Mass effect game circa 2020

Bannerlord, but its my Baiku who keeps me alive(ironicly) for real

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Steel Division 2, Gates of Hell, and even Arma 4 it the dream comes true.


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Is there one in the works?
Thought that franchise got btfod

you can pick them up for cheap at a local walmart after your budget has been raped by buying your trans meds and getting your surgeries and operations

Women sadly think they are too tacky I guess and trannies are still men who know what men like.

Actually nothing, almost done with Sekiro but I'll likely do ng+ at least once.
There is literally nothing else coming out.

>Cyberpunk 2077
Looks like GTAV, because in the future people will definitely be able to own houses in the suburbs (something young adults can't even do now), that screams cyberpunk.

>Borderlands 3
I don't like memes.

>Halo on PC
Always known as babby's first FPS. Not exciting, especially when there are dozens of better FPS already on the same platform.

>Mario Maker 2
Still vastly inferior to LunarIPS.


Stunning rebuttal, incel

Ys IX and the ToCS ports. That's about it. All my other favorite franchises are dead or might as well be. In Falcom I trust.

>DMC5 bloody palace and DLCs
>new Suda51 game (presumably NMH3)
Once all that comes out, fuck that shit I'm outta here.


I finished Sekiro the other day, and decided to start NG+ this morning. For whatever reason, the game bugged and the Mortal Blade carried over (it's not supposed to) and when I looked it up to see if it happened to anyone else, I found out that when that happens, it essentially breaks the game, hardlocking you into a dialogue loop you can't advance past when you reach the mortal blade part of the story. So... thanks, FROM! You managed to make a game shittier and more broken than Dark Souls 2.


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Gimme source and maybe I'll answer

Nothing else matters to me at this point.

I love big butt lolis.

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No more heroes 3
Evangelion 1+3
A drakengard with decent gameplay

Then i can go

men like them
trannies obviously know best what men want, so they wear them


Astral chain
Bayonetta 3
Metroid prime 4
Half-Life 3

You say that like that's a bad thing

>Just go work your dream job. I don't see what the problem is lol.

>why learn to program when you can kill yourself?

Hylics 2

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You imply learning to program magically vanishes your problems away.

Bloodborne 2

If you're going to suffer anyway you might as well get something out of it

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I'm going to throw myself off a building, only slightly sad I'll never get to play ES6

I recognize that artstyle

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Bannerlord, Kenshi 2, not even for the game itself its engine updates are to be applied to the first game which should mean better performance and more features.

The possibility of a Dark Cloud 3

this is all i wish

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No More Heroes 3
Final Fantasy 16 directed by YOKO TARO

Never ever

Didn’t this already come out?

a lot of deleted posts in this thread, i missed something funny

Just the mediocre loli source

Trannies destroying civilization is no laughing matter

Full pic?

Till Constantinople is Christian again.

VR games.

star citizen
witcher 4 with first person and modding support and customizable classes and characters since geralt's story is over

He still play VRChat but only 6 hours a day now.

>tfw no Bumpy Trot/Steambot Chronicles 2

classic wow
halo on pc again
animal crossing
metroid prime 4
ctr remake

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Next Etrian Odyssey
Smash Bros DLC
Pokemon SnS... maybe. I don't know how much optimism is healthy at this point.

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so long as Monster Girl Quest gets sequels/spin-offs i can't die

It doesn't need a sequel, it needs to become a 3D fighting game with NO meters and a focus on movement so it'll be deep enough for it to be enjoyable to non-brainlets

Mario Maker 2

Yeah, I'm thinking this is patrician taste

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>Next Etrian Odyssey

They did tease a continuation already
It won't be the exact same thing, just like the TWEWY ports weren't but I'm not about to quit playing my favourite series just because it's changing platforms

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If you kill yourself your mother will get dragon rot.

Deep Down, but probably Nioh 2

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Psychonauts 2
Hades on something besides Epic Store
And Beyond Good and Evil 2, even though it really doesn't look anything at all like the first game and will be disappointing for those expecting a direct follow-up to the first...

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DMC 5 dlcs
the next DMC

>nu-Yea Forums is really like 14 year old girls

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>Psychonauts 2
That games probably going to make you want to kill yourself even more when it comes out

>gaben say game is ready
>I run to his house, tears of joy in eye
>he say
>when it's ready

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Officially there's no info yet. But Bioware said they're definitely not done with Mass Effect". Which got me hyped for now.

learning to program takes literal years and even then you won't fully understand it


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>it doesn't need a sequel
>it just needs to become an entirely different game

Eh, I really don't expect it to top the nostalgia goggled love that I have for the first game, but it still has enough going on for it with the returning composer, writers, artists, and voice cast, that I'm happy to give it a chance.

And it's not like the first Psychonauts ever had amazing platforming or combat either, so there's nowhere to go but up in that regard.

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>it's going to be the exact same game all over again.
New NPCs. New Bosses. New areas. New weapons. New moveset. It'll feel like an extension to HK... But the same game all over again? Nigga you drunk go home.

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Remember that this is a Ubisoft game.
It will be absolutely horrible.

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It's a way of saying the game failed because it's shallow 2D crap

Stalker 2

DMC5 and Sekino are already out so I guess at this point it's just Bannerlord

Pathologic 2

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grandblue fantasy versus and a new guilty gear are the only games that comes to mind
can't wait to see how bedgirl will look like

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Bannerlord. So much Bannerlord. Every day I am dying and I am dying because of no Bannerlord.

God I love thighs.

Let me have my vain twinge of hope.

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Square Enix has already said that they want more Yoko Taro, so I'm waiting on that.

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I want to hope, but I'm really losing faith in EA letting them make anything that isn't a looty shooty live-service gimmick.

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It used to be Dragon Quest XI and RE2 Remake. Now that those 2 games are done I feel empty. I don't have anything to look forward to anymore.

I guess at this point I'm just hoping Megaman Legends 3, or a new Silent Hill comes out. Neither of those seem close or possible though.

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Just have to hold out hope knowing that Team Silent isn't the only group of people in the world who wanted to tell a psychological horror story.

We'll have a spiritual successor someday.

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Where the fuck is Babylon's Fall, we still know next to nothing about it except it looks fucking sweet
Same goes for Blasphemy


This. There's just nothing new that I can bring myself to care about. Every AAA release is just trending more and more towards a homogenized committee-designed live service beige-colored soulless grindfest. WoW might be old and shitty in many many ways, but at least I'll have a bit of fun and good feelings before I lose interest.

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>photo of your screen
Really nigga?

Maybe look at more than just AAA games then, gaylord

>Every AAA release
luckily there are no AAAs in development and all we have to look forward to are soulful AA MMOs

>Halo PC
>Doom Eternal
>Bordermemes 3

Go See a therapist.

Fuga and Freedom Planet 2!

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The one I am going to make when I stop being a lazy nigger

Sure, let's go was through the tide of indie titles that get hyped up as the clevererest game ever made, but end up holding your attention for about two hours before you either stop playing and never start it up again or simply finish it. Brilliant.

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That's why God invented weird indies.

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marvel 4
kof XV

To be honest there is not much vidya, but anime:
Re:Zero s2
Danmachi s2
A certain scientific accelerator

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Instead of relying on gimmicky shit like any other indie games, they just sticked with what works well and did it right

After DMC5, nothing much. But im interested to see what Digimon Survive has to offer.

CP 2077, Silksong and Rance X.

>Hey Yea Forums I don't like video games
Those weren't the quads we need, but they're the quads we deserve.

There's nothing wrong with Rage 2.

Based yikesposter.

>Mahvel 4
You think after Infinite, Capcom won’t fuck it up again?

You’re either a delusional retard or a thirsty weeaboo who only plays SK and gachashit. The current trend toward sex appeal as a central component of game design and culture is a far worse influence on gaming than SJWs will ever be.

Danm, imagine if you could do that in a game...

No I don’t think they will even make it, even though Disney got the rights to xmen they still wouldn’t give capcom the fun and cool characters and probably use the game as advertisement material. I’m just hoping for another tag battle game from capcom so I can let my autism loose and lab for 5 hours a day again and find stupid mus and teams. I don’t give a crap if it’s another capcom fighting evolution, Capcom vs Bandai, capcom versus shonen jump, or capcom vs tatsunoko 2

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Wow classic

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wrong thread my bad

Bloodlines 2 definitely.

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Also this retard wish he was some sort of Vtuber or some shit like that, so he uses some Facerig shit while playing SFV and display comments on the stream even thoughthere are like 2 people watching his shit and he gets pissed off when someone asks him about the DLC

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I'm looking forward to Atomic Heart and STALKER 2. Also some hentai games, like Quiet Girls.

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inFamous 3
Prototype 3
Bulletstorm 2

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Imperator Rome

You have a shitty attention span and are coping hard.
There are plenty of great indie games like Factorio, Darkest Dungeon, and Dwarf Fortress


That's not what photos of monitors look like

>it didnt fail

These are upcoming releases, are they? Also, darkest dungeon is the only one of your three listed games that isn't a literal autism simulator.

Both are released and playable.
Please elaborate on "autism simulator", because from here it looks like you're being a big bitch complaining that games are shallow, but at the same time you don't have the brain capacity to play anything more complex.