alright which one is it?!
Alright which one is it?!
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I like them small and curvy
I like them mature and small
Tall and curvy. At least 1,80m
is she implying lolis or just petite woman?
tall, curvy, and 5 years old
DUMB oppai poster
Based and Redpilled
>I like them small
any particular reason?
I'm a pedophile.
I like both
loli is love
loli is life
In all seriousness though, I lived in a country with a low AoC for years, and when I got back home and re-adjusted to dating what's legal here, I realized how much worse it is. Now I don't even bother anymore, because there's just nothing for me here.
sorry for my autism
Based Achmed
>I like them small and curvy
This except also giantess.
A superior questionnaire girl appears.
Rename this to 'aspect raidou' tout de suite
Presumably, assuming they have normally proportional body parts, smaller girl = tighter pusi
irl? I dislike girls taller than me, I'm 1,78m
In games? Big titty fit girls with visible abs get me rock hard.
Shurelia best girl.
Jacqli >>>>> Shurelia >> Crusche >>>>> literally everyone else
>forgetting about Mir
Second best girl after Shurelia.
>forgetting about Mir
Sry user, dropped 2 after a few hours.
Gonna play it with the translation patch soon.
I like them 2D
Oh god no. I was in Eastern Europe, my dude. I'm only attracted to white and asian girls anyway.
I copypasted the image directly from the clipboard which is why it shows up as file rather than having an actual filename
All is well then.
I'm a man who loves extremes. Give me a 3 foot tall woman with an inverted chest that would make thumbelina blush, or give me an 8 foot tall thicc muscle girl with tits the government was forced to codename Heaven and Earth, thighs that could increase air pressure within a confined space to the point where it cannot sustain life, and an ass that has long since ceased functioning as bowels but instead simply pressurizes her farts into tiny diamonds which she uses to decorate her lovely asshole.
Either is fine.
I like the blood related sister kind of girl. Preferably prepubescent.
Keep trying. Not every country in eastern europe is a slavic shithole.
You're not terribly well versed on the region, are you?
Rachel is the best, followed by Listel
>are you?
No, please enlighten me with your wisdom about the region.
I was only seventeen
I fell in love with a gypsy queen
Any tips for playing ar tonelico? I hear lots about the characters but not so much about gameplay.
Does it run on emulators?
can we get a new game pls? modern atelier is bad
>Does it run on emulators?
Yeah, its on PS2 but you might need to tinker to the emulator a bit to get a better results.
Gameplay is different per game, 1 is turn based while 2 is similar to 1 except it time based. Just try not to break you game like pic related unless you want to see if you want to destroy everything using 1 character only.
>Does it run on emulators?
They run well, but there is a translation patch for Ar Tonelico 2 which fixes a lot of shit and bugs.
But sadly there is no such thing for the first game, so I you want to play it with nip voices, as always NISA fucked that one hard leaving cutscenes in english with pretty bad VA.
There are a shit ton of Germanic people in Eastern Europe. It's not all subhuman slop like slavs, gypsies and the like.
Also their numbers got rather thin after the last bullshit they pulled.
If you don't pick the latter you are defective
>that pure asshurt
I swear, wehraboos are some of the most retarded people that ever existed.