What's the Yea Forumserdict?

What's the Yea Forumserdict?

Attached: Rezerobox.jpg (220x308, 28K)

second worst re game

worst mainline entry

Better than 5 and 6. Worse than 1-3

Attached: becca_face_worried1.jpg (390x355, 36K)

I played the HD remake and it was pretty good. Much better than RE 2, 4, or 5.

I liked it.

When little becca sees my PENIS.

How long does it take for a port holy shit?

It's on Steam in HD.

It got a remake awhile ago. It is on all of the major platforms.

But I want it on Switch for portability.

awww Switchers are still sending threats at Capcom over the loss of exclusivity.
Fuck OFF basedboys - PC deserves this game.

it's shit. worst RE game and worst RE girl.

But user the games already on PC I just want to play the game on the go I don't care about exclusivity.

As far as RE games in the survival horror genre this is probably the worst one. Its proof that just because you have the ingredients for a game you need a talented hand to arrange them. It also proves that you should never listen to "fans" ("BRO JUST LET ME DROP ITEMS FUCK BOXES").

Are you legitimately retarded

It's a legitimately horrible game in pretty much every aspect.


Rebecca-fags are the worst subsection of the RE fanbase, and I think it's always one autistic guy who posts the same two pictures.

you'd be right, user. he doesn't really try to hide it.

very meh, frustrating overall, had a lot of potential, RE5 took the partner system and made it not anger inducing
don't bully girl_action_number poster

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You're 100% correct

Then get a laptop.

But i already paid ed for it on switch desu! DX

Worst classic style RE game.

Then you are complaining about nothing.

B-b-but I wanna play now now now now now now now now now D;

train is good, rest is shit