Other urls found in this thread:
he's not wrong
He's right
Anthem is bad. Their subreddit is in open revolt:
If only retarded redditors realized all of this years ago. Fucking circle jerking thoughtless cucks.
Bioware bad
yep yep, make sure to click on the video (and turn off your adblock!)
god i think i hat gaming 'journalists' just as much as they hate themselves
A coworker of mine bought this game and I haven't heard him talk about it since the week it first came out lmao
Why those videos are always so popular, are people really that afraid to be challenged with even slightly different opinions nowadays?
>hurr durr how dare content creators be compensated for their work
Kiddos please go
>hurr durr how dare people criticize creators who produce nothing but a low effort content
based retard
How much is EA paying you?
I agree
I agree
I agree
>still frothing
He probably killed himself
ea is bad. s why I bought division 2
more than this
That game is fundamentally broken, getting better weapons means you do less damage.
And its not a bug, its a deign flaw in how damage is calculated, the game will be broken for a long ass time.
At this rate Anthem looks like it will be f2p by the end of the year. What a glorious shitshow to watch.
>virgin protagonist freelancer
I warned you Yea Forums
You know you fucked up when the hugbox that is reddit is pissed off.
It's great at luring in normies.
Ironman sim? Can't go wrong.
never let him live it down
rub it into his face that his video game instincts are shit
>news reporting bad
>contrarianism good
>are people really that afraid to be challenged with even slightly different opinions nowadays?
The opinion that Anthem isn't a fucking disaster? lol hell no.
go woke go broke
True things are true, no matter who says them.
Imagine buying a game with 99% of the characters being niggers and or women, kek. They deserve the hell they live in.
But this Youtuber I hate said it so now I love Anthem! That'll show him! RISE UP!
are you ok, tranny?
Real talk, not memeing, how do you fuck up jetpacks? Add some weight, ridiculous speed and a tiny bit of motion blur and land impact, Bam; perfect jetpack. How do you make it so lame it feels and looks like a floating brick
yes and?
Sitting in front of a camera reading other people’s articles ver batum is not creating content.
wow lmao, actually seething because someone cashed in on some ez money.
based socialist ass blasted that this is possible and not goverment regulated
Dunno, you seem to think differently when you donated to Feminist Frequency, trannyboi
Is Patreon money considered taxable income? Some people make so much off of it that it's basically become their job.
That's literally every news show ever.
>2K a month for reading internet articles
holy fuck i wish it was this easy for me to make money holy shit why is life so fucking unfair i wanna die
>Environmental factors are obviously hugely at play.
>Being this /pol/
Maga my fellow pede
Think of your dad
and that's why i hate all of them. lazy fucking leeches.
I'm a tranny who thinks most trannies should neck themselves, what are you gonna do about it libshit
Not him, but why? He never thought of me
It hurts seeing all these dads just watching their son slip away into this retarded trans shit. I pray I never have this happen to my child.
>I'm a tranny
What's stopping you. Get some recording equipment and pirate adobe cs4 master collection. Stack some stupid shit behind you to show what you're into. Find articles that lean a certain way politically; i suggest conservative since they have money to actually blow. The milk those tits every day by blowing out some otherwise asinine article out of proportion for clicks. Bam, you are now like quarter-lb-dring and yong pass me the dog ying.
sounds pretty based and red piled to me
small tip for those who want to make it on patreon.
don´t try to get a big audiance. try to get a niche, autistic and loyal one.
I have seen plenty of patreon that make thousands with only a small number of patrons
Just make a not incest porn game (you only need teaser images and mock ups to start) and maybe through in some light furry porn and you'll be getting $10k a month before you even roll out a demo
I never could understand why Yea Forums has no sense of what costs are put into the games they play.
>Can't drop loot mid-instance
>No loot filters
>Allies autohoover loot into your inventory
What a nightmare.
and yet the game is apparently a financial success, these redditors bitch but they're still the idiots who gave EA $60
>Any semblance of intelligence and self-reflection
Pick one, user.
Can you honestly say that anything of what you wrote is wrong though?
anthem is bad because it's basically a destiny clone, but instead of having enjoyable, fairly balanced pvp, it has nothing to do after you finish the story in 4 hours, but run the same missions over and over for cosmetic stuff.
That's fine and all but like, there's no actual goal to work towards.
I don't get your post, you just said it's a destiny clone and followed it with "but" then proceeded to keep describing destiny.
If my son turns out to be trans, I'll gladly support him.
They're nothing more than cattle who exist only to be exploited.
Yep, you know something is truly garbage when even reddit tells you to fuck off.
The people is that they bitch and moan about it, yet they're the ones who bought this piece of shit in the first place.
OP let's not pretend anthem is a game you will play for "years" like the devs said.
There are actual goals in destiny, unlocking exotics via questlines that involve unique versions of missions, there are raids, a mini dungeon, etc. these are only from the top of my mind.
Anthem has nothing.
sensible to-the-point report:
>So Anthem is still shit. Here are the patch notes *insert 2 min montage of bugs terribly implemented features*.
All in all done in 5 min.
average yong vid:
>So Anthem *insert 2 min recap of the shit show*. But *insert developers reaction of said shit show*, so they are clearly committed to improving. *insert 3 min of what they did since* but they had issues with the implementation. *insert 2 min repeating developers comments how their attempts at improvement failed* "close" the video with 5 min of repeating a mix of comments and boring bullshit common sense in an insane word salad. Yong out!
Why won't he just get to the point?
Anthem is bad but yong is also a lazy fuck.
No one on YouTube gets to the point because if you do that, your video is under 10 minutes long and they can't get that drip feed of YT shekels. People pad shit out with fucking clipshows, memes, cartoon references, entire fucking dramatizations of the thing they're criticizing they refuse to get to the point because it hurts their revenue.
It's why I try to keep as much videogame shit out of my YouTube as possible because it's all garbage.
I gave up on watching this kind of content. Especially since most of them (like this Yong dude) sums up the video in a single thumbnail.
If someone is relying on Youtube itself for money they will stretch their video to 10 minutes on purpose to game the algorithms. I do think they should have the decency to timestamp their videos.
Patreon has rules about that. Their tl;dr is basically "depends on where you're from".
They had 6 years to work on this, what the fuck have they been doing all this time?
>men looking stoic
whats the issue onionlad?
I assume it's like work 4 years, toss it all in the trash, rush a hack product for 2 years.
If I recall, the Mass Effect Andromeda team had five years, but it took them three and a half to put together a working proof-of-concept. Stuff happens.
So successful it got a bunch of people working on it fired
>Content creators
God I hate phrase. Couldn't be more up your own ass when you say that unironically.
When hasn't EA fired off the people from the studios it bought?
>tfw Yea Forums said the same about FO76 but I enjoyed that
Shame I haven't got to Anthem to prove Yea Forums wrong.
The game looked monumentally unfinished when they started showing it a year ago. BioWare clearly bungled the project and the main writer fucking off before even getting to write the main campaign was a big red flag. Dude basically came up with the base concept and then left.
Hey now, when we talk about facts we're not supposed to actually talk about them, just cite them and move on, user! That's what Ben Shapiro and Candace Owens taught me and they're geniuses!
>socialist trannies hating Yong
Let me guess. The Quartering triggers you too?
Only commie trannies like yong and quarterpounderwithcheese.
EA fired marketing people from across the company not just bioware in particular, im not defending this shitty game but somehow idiots still buy this crap
Say what you will about Anthony Fantano, but the dude will just drop a 4 or 6 minute video to just get a quick word in on a topic or express something he feels. Man doesn't need no YouTube shekels for what amounts to "Hey, you should listen to this track."
See you guys in a year or so when you all come back to the game and theres loads of videos about "is anthem gamings biggest comeback?"
Happened with the division, happened with fucking no mans sky.
Youtube should lower that timer to 5 minutes just to make there be less bullshit on Youtube.
Oh boy you don't know the half of it
Post some stonetoss and you'll have them frothing at the mouth for the rest of the thread
>Wah people dont like my favourite jewtubers
If the game stops being shit and becomes something enjoyable 1 year later, I will be more than happy to come back.
What is even wrong with that?
Because sometimes, Anthony realises he shouldn't waste time editing together something just to jew people out of money or even make a write up or the worst thing, freestyle his opinions while obvious padding out for time.
He's fully aware that it's a shitty practice and doesn't hide behind "But this is what i do for a LIVING" as an excuse to upload garbage to the platform at every conceivable chance he gets. Can't agree with him on everything, especially his politics but Melon is alright.
How is that a bad thing?
Because its supporting triple A Early Access and shows theres really no consequences to releasing a game in a horse shit state
As opposed to not playing the game even if it was fixed, and you already paid for it? How does that make any sense?
EA couldn't care less if you still play the game or not if they already have your money.
This reddit thread pleases me. So many regretful idiots still clinging desperately on the stinky turd that EA has served them, its just so fun to read their salty posts
Then why did you post it?
Heres a revolutionary idea
Is Division 2 actually good? Got like 30 hours from Warframe and couldn't get into Destiny 2
Calm your tits, autist.
The topic at hand was about the guy presenting it's a bad thing to come back to play the game after it was fixed. Nobody gave a proper explanation why it's a bad thing, only deflection and full retard comments.
These retards fucking deserved it.
Anyone getting hyped for a BIOWARE game, let alone an
>obvious cashgrab
>Western AAA
>loot shooter destiny clone
in 2019, is beyond fucking help.
Do you not know the word "verbatim?" Embarrassing.
No, why is it "coming back" at all? Why did you buy a game that was shitty at all instead of waiting a day or two after release to find out if the game was good or shit?
And miss out on those sweet pre-order bonuses? Nah fuck you.
I laughed when he said early in the video that he believed Anthem had promise and he was hopeful for it.
But if I don't pre-order they might run out of copies!
Anthem was pretty shit, though.
woah really made me thing
i guess anthem IS good and loot boxes are just great
thanks EA shill, you truly turned my life around
Holy fucking shit I just realized you fucking still bought anthem AFTER the pre release thing where you get to play it before it comes out. Holy shit you are stupid
You okay?
Fucking hell, even the Sea of Thieves subreddit wasn't this thermonuclear when it turned out the endgame was fucking nothing and the beta was all they were gonna get.
Now why the fuck do you think I bought it? Are you guys being stupid on purpose? Because I'm just about done with this conversation, I really don't have the patience to deal with morons anymore.
All I want to know, if someone bought a game that sucks, and it is fixed one year later, how is it a bad thing?
Can anyone at all answer this without trying to deflect the topic to strawman about something nobody ever said?
Fucking shit man, if you guys are trolling 10/10, and I fucking hope you are trolling because nobody can be legit this fucking stupid and incapable of following a conversation.
Eh, I put these kinds of videos on in the background while I'm grinding stuff in FGO, so I don't really notice all the filler.
>the guy who bought anthem is calling me a moron
>hes also pretending he didn't say "you already paid for it" like a retard
Thats how I know you bought it. Because how normal you treated the concept of purchasing anthem.
I don't think EA will ever even start to accrue the mountain of successive flops in a row required to topple them until people stop pre-ordering based on the bullshit eye candy they can afford to pump out.
50% off when? I want to experience the shit storm.
And maybe enjoy the combat, just a little bit? I liked the demo...
>he plays games that don't keep his brain busy
fucking lol
We could have a dragon age 4 with 6 years of full studio development time instead of this...
Have you actually played Yakuza? The combat is fucking dogshit.
A stance either has one OP string that you need to spam over and over without doing anything else, or it doesn't and it's crap.
Except trainwrecks usually will cause a fraction of the fanbase to boycott the next games. I refused to give Anthem a chance from the start because of Andromeda.
Not him but I refused to give Anthem a chance because the art direction was generic, the gameplay looked shallow, and overall it reeked of yet another no-content crappy console game.
Saw this from the very first gameplay trailers btw. I don't get why some people ( i'm not referring to you personally user ) need to pre-order and wage war in subreddits for months to realize a game is garbage.
>friends buying up Anthem
>finally learned my lesson with EA years ago and avoid it
>friends passively treat me like some overreacting tool for not even giving the game a chance, but we all drop it
>listening to them going on about how amazing the game is on launch day
>the next day a couple complaints are slipping through
>eventually it's discovered that the best way to improve your damage is to not use weapons
>they patch it
>people immediately find out there are even more pieces of equipment you can take off to kill things faster, that EA didn't even care to check on when fixing the weapons
>friends moved on to the next fotm in record time
based yong speaking obvious truths and working corporate marks into a sizzle
EA is the best gaming company right now. Lots of IPs across many genres, not just milking 1. New IPs, not just remakes and sequels. TOP TIER technology in graphics and destruction. Unmatched in graphics and only rivaled by R6 siege in destruction tech. They actually make games and dont just sell other people's games like Valve. Origin is just as good, if not better than Steam. Their DLC practices, aside from FIFA, are MILES more consumer friendly than most companies, Especially JAP companies.
EA is literally the best gaming company out right now.
Good post.
So it's really as bad as they say, huh?
What a shame. I had such high hopes during the beta, but I had no idea I was playing the whole game then.
I can't believe people would buy a multiplayer looter shooter made by Bioware.
>gets mad a content creator wanting to promote their work
>promotes their work on Yea Forums
You have issues.
Okay so basically no answer. Try imitating pic related.
I can't believe they just fucking killed off Vegeta.
>the best way to improve your damage is to not use weapons
Say what now.