It is sourced from OneAngryGamer but William Usher isn't the one who wrote this...

It is sourced from OneAngryGamer but William Usher isn't the one who wrote this. But it's a supposed second hand info from a Arkane insider who says the company is having a serious issue with SJW garbage ruining the games, and claimed that they were working on Wolfenstein Cyberpilot...


If you see for yourself it says Arkane helped develop it. Seems this leak is legit.

Attached: wolfensteincyberwolfarkaneconfirmed.png (901x867, 171K)

Other urls found in this thread:

>>Zenimax, the owners of Bethesda saying no one buys single player games.

Attached: Jazz Music Stops.jpg (600x800, 65K)

"Wait, but I thought people buy single player games regardless of how shitty they are?!"

Zenimax are brainlets.

The Prey reboot underperformed due in part to those utterly insufferable Prey 2 faggots that'd appear in droves across the internet whenever the game was mentioned.

The game wasn't marketed well either.

But that didn't help, though the game wasn't really a reboot, just used the same name.

They're like locusts.

It faced counter marketing from the dropped sequel but also the featured enemy design was nothing but black blobs something even the most sheltered player would snub.

Cuckallone worked on it, so of course it flopped.

Where do they think their money came from?

That too...

And I liked the game, but for it's gameplay mechanics and some of the neat gimmicks it had.

They want Fortnite microtransaction numbers for their horse armor.

But their entire department is staffed by diversity hires who can only follow in the footsteps of those who beat them to the punch years ago.

The social marxist way.

Thus is the kind of shit anti-communist laws were designed to prevent.

I guess that explains Fallout 76

shilling zenimax (for free) to own the prey 2 fans

>"dead ass wrong"
>the source later added "hey, i'm walkin' here!"

And hence their inevitable downfall when they lack the talent to innovate or create good products.

>Breaking news: Higher ups and suits are disconnected from their userbase once again!
mismanagement 101

Why do they keep hiring these idiots into the companies anyway?

When something sells well, what happens is the wrong people usually take credit and get promoted for it until they end up in charge of big decisions that fuck everything because they have know idea what made their product actually good.

>no one buys single player games
or maybe they don't want to buy YOUR fucking games.

Attached: 1551715578597.png (424x341, 190K)

1. Everyone is conservative about what he knows best.

2. Any organization not explicitly and constitutionally right-wing will

sooner or later become left-wing.

3. The behavior of any bureaucratic organization can best be understood by

assuming that it is controlled by a secret cabal of its enemies.

Its true. Unless its attached to an extremely popular IP like spiderman, you are gonna lose out on potential billions in revenue.

Meanwhile in 2019

>Costs 200 million to produce
>Earn 120 million in peak sales

>Prey 2 faggots
All 3 of them

Let's wait for capcom fiscal year results before pulling numbers out of our asses, shall we.

i hope this is bullshit because Ive been half expecting a prey 2 announcement this year

Whoops wrong link. Anyway it's Steve Jobs talking about how companies promote the salesman instead of the programmers and then everything goes to shit.