Final Fantasy XIV

What did he mean by this?

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gas all savages

Based garland empire R&D team concocting literal Nazi gas chamber technology and chemicals. Why the fuck am I forced to play as a faggot and not one of these guys? Wouldn't PvP be way fucking better if it were garleans vs eorzean alliance? I mean, eorzeans wouldn't stand a chance, but still.

>Eorzean wouldn't stand a chance
They covered this in an A interview recently. They would stand a chance and then some. Due to Eorzea being so rich with either people are strong af. People able to use magic without a problem, people and to DRG jump stories high etc.

>a group of unkillable wizards can pinch WoL's ass cheeks like its nothing
>they literally never cooperate with each other and fight together to increase their chances of victory
>along with the entire empire backing them
Yeah I'd say if they actually had brains and tried, they could shit on everybody.

How many FFXIV threads are you going to make per day

>run Orbonne for first time
>completely blind, be the only first timer
>Ask about Mustadio, Ultima
>get no response.
Fun raid though.

It's better to go in blind and when in doubt for movement mechanics just follow the crowd.

Im a tank and still get 20+ minute queues for trials. How long do dps take?

Depends on the trial, the server and time of day

Did you get 420'd?


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As many as it takes for you to kill yourself.

I get in instantly on Primal

>Massive technological and numerical superiority
>Still get absolutely btfo

Yes. How the fuck does that mechanic work? Also don't know why Dark Holy kept instagibbing me.

Magic > technology

Faced the empty side against him, seems visually counter-intuitive but that's how it is.
>dark holy
No idea, never die to it.

>guys it's okay we destroyed the black rose factory they can't make more
>they make more
what did gaius mean by this?

Worse still, CID and his Ironworks have slowly been upping Eorzea's tech level.
On top of that the Alliance has been capturing Castrums and weapons left and right. Before long, their tech is going to catch up to the empire.

Oh I thought it was the opposite.

daily reminder that the regalia costs mgp, start grinding

Is BLM fun? Want to try a caster other than RDM.
pic unrelated

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It sucks until 60 then becomes one of the most fun classes in the game

>when you've exhausted everything on the challenge log except verminion and chocobo racing but you can't seem to win those events and you still need 100,000+

I've never bothered to powerlevel in XIV. How long would it theoretically take?

If you do roulette for leveling everyday it should take like week or two.

Just do master battles and lose for LoV. It takes only a few minutes for the bots to destroy your towers and you still get the challenge log rewards

Literally just do fashion report for 2 weeks. Easy 100k.

Technological superiority only works against the scrub soldiers, the rest are superhuman compared to garlean with being able to blast out fireballs or jump several stories high if they are dragoons from ishgard, etc.

Why did we have the option of asking about Alisaie and just a generic option? Are they actually listening to the waifufags or inching towards including romance? It's getting kind of hard to ignore them pushing her at this point, between that end of Coils heart-to-heart and "when we meet again I'm going to impress senpai!" anime shit, her re-intro being as a badass RDM who does indeed impress her senpai and says she will protect them now, all sorts of little moments, and now the way they upped the drama of her being the last to fall and now giving her special dialog treatment.

I mean, my WoL would probably marry her, but it feels jarring given how questsexual our WoL has always seemed, and the most emotion s/he has ever shown was to Hauchifaunt and Zenos. I guess I'm just fucking salty because they are turning Minfilia into a loli and I miss the sexual tension and her milkers.

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I'm going to marry Y'shtola!

Is that with or without PotD grinding on the side?

Don't worry she'll grow into those milkers again, just means you get to enjoy them when at their best

So MCH questions

I dont even know what the fuck im supposed to be doing with my ammo, i normally just use it all and spam 2, 3, 2, 3 on the basic combo, am i supposed to do that? What if i have no ammo (and assuming EVERYTHING else is used) am i just spamming 1 and fishing for procs on the 123 combo?

Also what exactly am i supposed to cram into my Wildfire window? I dogure it's be the rapid fire + (ammo) 2323 + OGCDs + turret overdrive shit right?

Also should i be maintaining heat or overheating? When would i use flamethrower if at all? Jesus fuck this class seems like a mess

See and . It also basically boils down to Garlemald has a massive army dedicated to holding so many different fronts it can't dedicate too many bodies to any particular one (the Empire problem) without tanking it's economy. Those war machines won't be cheap, and when all their normal soldiers are just mooks in slightly superior armor, and the enemy can casually use healing and destruction magic, and every 100th soldier is basically FUCK YOU ARE ALREADY DED on the power scale, it does make things more difficult.

No, it's a simple death flag. They are setting Alisae up as a character WoL is supposed to care about for extra juicy drama once she dies in ShB.

how much

don't bother with MCH until the 5.0 rework

No, playing BLM in on-level content sucks ass since the trend is high mobility fights and increasingly so


He underestimated how much Varis loves gassing savages

Yeah might as well put the brakes on it

That's suprisingly cheap.

My favorite pre-HW moment is when Thancred 'ahems' because Minfilia is staring into our eyes silently in admiration (and totally not lust) while we stare back into hers (and totally not at her tits). Then they fucking took her from us because the plebs found her 'boring'.

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Orbonne isn't too bad as BLM, not nearly as bad as Lighthouse.

You sure you're not missing a 0? Because that's awfully cheap.

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Gaius was an opponent of the Black Rose, it makes sense that he might not have known the full extent of the operations to produce the stuff.

Mystery nigga's and Varis would have kept it a secret

God I fucking hope you're right

Here you go bud.
Hit the SSS set next to rhalgrs for x amount of hours and practice your opener.
After hit a regular dummy for x amount of hours to get the loop rotation down.
After those two steps go to a savage fight and realize that all your time has gone to waste because you actually have to pick the rotation up after down times and such.

I'm sitting around 850,000
Am I good?

If they do that it will 100% work and it will make the story 10/10. The rage, grief, and compromise would be on such a scale it would seep into Earth and cause an actual Calamity in the real world. But they would totally reverse it eventually anyway.

I honestly don't think they are brave enough to kill Alisaie. The only perma deaths we've had have been secondary characters.

Is there any point to learning Machinist at this point? I keep being told it's probably going to play much differently in 5.0.

Oh and right, do the three ammo rotation. Go with the high latency if you clip because of ping.

The only point to learning it now is understanding why no one plays it anymore and why it's getting reworked


>Virgin Mogstation Whale
>Chad Gold Saucer Enthusiast

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It sucks. Minfilia actually started growing on me and then they took her away.

Well it's nice that it won't be a grinding nightmare like Yokai Watch was but from the looks of it it seems that the event isn't going to take that long to beat.

100% they are going to change it for the event.
There is just no way. You could start right now, and just doing the weekly fashion report you'd get enough to buy it.

Technically no one is supposed to know that it costs MGP since that's all mined information. Also the even has a time limit so they can't put up ridiculous requirements.

It's an event, user. One they want people to stay subbed for. They're not going to make it super hard to obtain.

Can't wait to drive up next to somebody on a Cloud Bike and laugh.

I think I already have like 80k I'm just sat on, so I'll just do weeklies and a few events. We have plenty of time and it's a pretty low amount, so I don't feel the need to grind it out.

The event lasts 6 weeks, even if they started the day of the event, people could get it.

You obviously weren't around for the Yokai Watch event.

Less economy (although it is an issue) more that drawing too much from any one legion could mean the region they are holding would be lost.Plus there's the WoL who is likely worth at the very least 3 legions alone.

>regalia costs mgp
what regalia?

Outside of fashion report, what are other good ways to farm MGP?

I've never done gold saucer before. What's the most efficient way to get MGP?

I'm surprised that they didn't put the first 4-person mount into the cash shop instead.

The yokai watch event was designed by yokai watch devs, and they're the ones who made it grindy as fuck.

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Challenge log.

Fashion Report is one. Mini Cactpot every day. Try for 3-2-1 for 10,000 MGP. Do easy weekly challenges like mini-games and do GATES, it'll add up fast.

Daily mini cactpot, weekly challenge log, chocobo racing, GATES, get gud the 1.0 mining mini game

Just do the challenge logs.

Gas all alamhiggers, trannies, lala, and cat shits.

how does the new haircut look?

why lala

Cant wait for dancer. I'll be the grooviest cat this side of limsa lominsa.

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t. trannyroe

Dunesfolk is the best

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Because beast tribes get the bulled too.

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Catmen are not gay.

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>HW Hildibrand
>Cringeworthy jokes, boring plot, literally was just a second season to appeal to the redditors that liked the cheesiness of the ARR questline.

>SB Hildibrand
>Actually okay. Better characters, better plot, jokes aren't as bad. Also does a good job of making me feel like I'm in Kugane for the first time.

Sure, you're just all beta bitches that couldn't beat your Chad father

>no Regalia Chocobo Regalia

Hildibrand was always cringy Reddit tier humour and the new one was no better. It's just the same tired gags over and over and the ending just confirms they are going to shoehorn him into Shadowbringers instead of coming up with a new sidequest.

That's correct. Scholasticate was the thinking man's choice during HW.

Based Hitler making a one true perfect race

How do I stop being so afraid of queuing up for those 8 man dungeons so I can finally try to continue with the msq?

>tfw don't want to wipe groups being retarded

Yeah, thanks for expanding, I should have worded it more carefully as that was kind of what I meant. They would have to train more soldiers, make more machina, or risk their holdings.

Only gays play RDM.

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they are and they're also disgusting furries

Varis is just mad that he's stuck in the ps2 dimension while the other characters get better looking faces

just do it and don't be shy to ask for help

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You press the queue button with the knowledge that you can get carried in all of them. I've solo healed absolute tragedies and honestly I don't throw an autistic shitfit when that happens. Be considerate, don't attribute your mistakes to others, look up guides if you really want to play it safe, that's it.

Sup bros, anyone wants to run Ala Mhigo with me?

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I hope it never comes back again either.

Those dungeons are fucking easy user. Just do it and stop being a bitch ass nigger.

Yeah but we need a Healer.

>tfw RDM could have been been a very high IQ balancing act between black magic, white magic and melee attacks
>is a braindead 121212 shitter rezbot with no complexities and no skill ceiling (more than an inch away from the skill floor) to speak of

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They're jokes and people can't even hate you for viewing cutscenes because the game forces everyone to watch them.
Just follow the pack

Get out mhigger

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>pozfurs btfo
>twinkfags btfo
>trannyfags btfo
>fujoshits btfo
Huge win.
...but it cost us lion mommies...
Was it worth it?

To be fair, ARR was supposed to he the end of it. It was players who demanded more Hildy.

Higher skill ceiling than summoner at least
Too bad it's worse in every way

>wiping on normal mode duties

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But you basically described BLM. It's a high IQ by the game's standards balancing act between fire and ice, with Enochian.

I really hope RDM gets something nice in ShB, I love the job but playing it for an extended period of time gets boring fast.

If anything happens to Alphinaud and Alisaie I will kill everyone in this room and then myself.