Other urls found in this thread:
Cassie is pretty sexy though.
No fun allowed. Thanks liberals, you shoulda left vidya alone, you've gone too far this time. Im officially on The Trump Train for 2020.
MK fandom is strange, on the one side you got people who are angry they can't jack off to videogame girls. I'm the other you have diehard fanboys who blindly slurp up whatever shit nrs push at them with a smile.
Why is there never any inbetween fans?
didn't trump say violent video games cause school shootings?
How is life in Sharia Law middle East OP?
thank god, go fuck yourself /pol/
>gore is okay
>showing bellies are too much
America, everyone.
>Why is there never any inbetween fans?
You're assuming the most vocal ones are representative of them all. Most just play the games if they're good or move on to something else if they're bad.
I dont care if theyre sexy or not, what i care about is a coordinated effort to censore everything and to shame male sexuality by a bunch of ppl who dont even play vidya.
Back to your containment board NOW!!!!!
>purchasing western AAA games
>purchasing western indie games
>giving the "video game industry" money.
>their favorite president ever is a jew puppet
/pol/ always lose
No Country for Straight Men.
She got changed for the better from that.
Isn't that what the modding community is for?
No sexy = no buy. Eat your own feminism shit yourself.
>playing any MK game after MK2
It's exact opposite in France haha
It's ok, all I wanted was to brutally kill women.
Not exactly, but even if he did at least trump love tiddy.
How is Jade not sexy?
screencap this I will save videgames
You will know it is me becuase I will say The game has extra sexualized women for the fanbase
Wew you’re a dumbass
no thinks
Hitler is a Jew shill?
Honestly even as a tranny this shit is just stupid. who the fuck cares if women in video games are sexy, if you dont like the game just dont play it. Im so tired of crybaby trannies and sjw snowflakes ruining everything. You faggots are why no one irl will never know im trans. I refuse to be associated with you.
Don't you have a life to prematurely cut short?
Gee sometimes I'm grateful I don't like women because it seems to suck lately.
We got you straightbrofags, this is blatant censorship for the mere purpose of not hurting women's feelings (women who don't even play videogames) because sex is bad nowadays I guess. If we homofags can help with something just tell us so. We are not all resetarded.
post boobs
Post ass
America was a mistake.
This is Ed Boon using controversy to keep people talking about MK11 because at the end of the day, it’s still a Mortal Kombat game and nobody is going to play it otherwise.
I HATE HIM!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
il get banned
Unironicly yes
>it’s still a Mortal Kombat game and nobody is going to play it otherwise
yes those over 5 million people that got mkx where fake
Nose to big/wide
Big lips
Prominent brow ridge
Gross black butt
Shes basically serena williams on steroids
post feet
post benis
Post on Yea Forums pls. I don't click shady shit.
>according to the devs women expressing their sexuality is immature
>Maturity s covering up and being owned and beaten by men
What did they mean by this?
This is probably my fav meme of all time. It perfectly captures everything wrong with the world in one picture. The world was fine until sjws started stoking the flames of the culture war.
>thinks pol is pro porn
Newfaggots/plebbit kys.
>that character
>not sexualized
her boobis are not flopping around so its not sexualized
>fan favorites locked behind paywalls
>dropped Takeda for Jacqui of all things
>Kotal still a jobber
>dash sucks
>animations still suck
>fanservice, one of the few selling points, now gone
>Billy D
Oh boy it's this clickbait thread again everyone. Beware the signs of 8ch in this thread to bump it up.
>Liberals are the new Evangelicals
Weirdest timeline.
>Playing NRS games
What were you thinking?
Means it’s a video game and that they are hoping you don’t realize the main white girl villain has 3 negroes(Jacqui probably joins her dad later) under her SERVICE kek
Agreed. It's becoming annoying how this gets spammed here constantly yet there is no proof.
>thinks [INSERT BOARD] is a hivemind.
here's a a (You)
>we want the sharia law audience
I honestly think libs/sjws dont have any actual convictions they just wanna ruin everything for everyone.
There were always left-leaning people acting this way, it's just now people actually do what they want for some reason. Maybe because the internet makes it seem like there's more of them than there really are.
I was hoping Boon would come to his senses seeing as Black Canary was pretty good in IJ2. Guess I was wrong.
thios retard spammed this shit all day yesterday
You're a faggot tranny nigger cunt. Enjoy your mediocre, micro transaction infused, glitch game.
>Rip out spine : good
>show boob : bad
What is wrong with people?
Yes, he's also the most pro israel president in US history. but he owns the libs so /pol/ doesn't care.
The west is afraid you might want to have sex.
Why left have Trump's name in their slogan?
Thats their brain on cultural marxism.
hitler wasn't a president you mong.
yes, go back to resetera
on the bright side, it's still better than removing both and making it Friendly Kombat
We are wining don't let it stop!
>Still find all the girls sexy
Nice try NR, but my dick can't be stopped.
wow that whole article is cringe.
Die faggot.
Based retard
Grow up, video games are for adult now
Only white nationalists like sexy busty women
Nice. Women are disgusting, I want to see them with as many clothes as humanly possible
>go to UK
>porn is illegal
>watching porn puts you on potential rapist list
Could be worse.
i think the "moms against rockmusic" or the comics code was blown way out of proportion to their actual impact or influence, these fucks today actually get stuff removed, small or big have payment processors/banks seize businesses and have ICANN/domain registrars remove websites from the internet, along with all the other multitude of shit they do, the old "satanic panic" isn't even comparable at this point
I can't wait for the inevitable "Mortal Kombat 11's Release Sabotaged by Misogynistic Sexist Alt-Right Groups That Bombed it With Negative Reviews" Polygon/Kotaku article.
No argument shill
>Alt-right fucktards act as obnoxious as they can and parrot neo-nazi propaganda for the epic upboats xD
>dude! Why are other people trying to make a political statement against us?
>don't click shady shit
newfag you realize thats literally just an audio recording website right?
What the fuck do you suppose is "in between" those two unrelated groups?
My wife Christine (she's trans) doesn't let me play any lewd games so this is perfect for us!
This is why we laughed at you on Yea Forums. Maybe video game can grow up like comic books did.
You shouldn't LARP as a reseteraposter unless you want the actual Resetera to move on in here, believing they belong here.
You mean like me who is going to pirate MK11 because of this, play the campaign, see all fatalities and then never spend any actual money in it?
just imagine actually being attracted to biologically female women. EUGH! that's sooo white cis heterosexual incel nazi alt-right!
attractive women should be outlawed and said group above should be put in jail for lusting over them! both species are on the wrong side of history now.
get fucked Yea Forums
>Billy D
No wonder he's got dick on the brain.
>Thanks liberals
puritan culture in america is a conservative trait
Fucking hell. I was defending this game but if they won't even give us the options with the customization, then fuck them. I was so on board for this game since I've been a fan since MKII, but I can't defend hypocrisy. The west is lost.
>shame male sexuality
male sexuality is pathetic and only worthy of being shamed. wanna be taken seriously? then stop being a lousy fuck
Not anymore. The left has gone full religion with their beliefs.
Its the opposite. Men are allowed to be sexy but women have to be modest, and the SJW art director didn't notice the irony of that.
MK vs DC was the last good MK
>thinks literal neo-nazis aren't a hive mind
That's how fascism works son. If you step out of line, they call you a jew lover, or a white supremacist, depending on which side we're talking about.
>the left are saying a thing now, so puritan conservatives just abandoned their values
i mean, i wouldn't be surprised i guess
>puritan culture in america was a conservative trait
fixed that for you. the tables have turned 180° degrees since the 90s.
post teratoma
congratulations, that's a nothing-statement
welp there goes more of the fan base. Thank God for the japanese!
>they call you a jew lover, or a white supremacist, depending on which side we're talking about.
THE HORROR you get called names on an anonymous website, on a board with people talking smack at each-other, if you think /pol/ is a hivemind of nazis i wouldn't be surprised if you extended that thought process outside of /pol/
a libertarian and a socialist can have an argument on /pol/
how come? because you don't like it?
>playing western games
They do cause school shootings
Puritans took their shot at video games over a decade ago and didn't affect it then. These changes are not in reaction to Christians
First this went from a pre-order to a "I'll get the complete edition later" now I'm not even going to bother. The series that used to make fun of any kind of censorship via new moves like friendship and babality are now censoring themselves, this is so fucking sad that I want nothing to do with it, fucking sell outs.
I wish they would do this with rpgs instead. The genre is at stage 4 cancer with the loli and chick shit and I doubt it will ever recover.
church ladies seriously need their names cleared at this point, they don't' deserve be comparison, they were never as bad.
>conservatives tried and failed so they abandoned their values
lol sad
This is all about denying “incels” eye candy and nothing to do with morality.
Puritanical Christianity doesn't have a stranglehold on music, movies, games, new media, advertising, and general culture like the left's authoritative identitarianism does. It hasn't since 1700s.
When liberals are so against attractiveness and homosexuality, and its common knowledge they are low test ugly people, why do they call those who actually have homosexual relations "incelibate"? That's like the pot calling the kettle black, except the kettle is actually white
Its all about putting eye candy on DLCs so people pay for them separately.
>its common knowledge they are low test ugly people
i know exactly one attractive trumpfaggot, and she's my gf
May I suggest you play western RPGs instead of JRPGs if you don't like character archetypes that JRPGs have been filled with for the past 25 years?
Hey NRScuck, remember when you kept repeating that MK11 will have sexy costumes and that all who are complaining about their default costumes being burka-tier are fucking retarded? I remember. Kill yourself.
good, here's to another 300 years of christians being cuckolded
>The series that used to make fun of any kind of censorship via new moves like friendship and babality are now censoring themselves
This. Fucking Ed Boon of all people has no business pulling shit like this, he's the ultimate hypocrite.
>Love Trumps hate
Me too
no, because you are obviously low IQ who likes to think he is a real brainiac.
but keep on posting your meme pictures from Retardera
post suicide note
I agree with you man
>literally sounds like a guy hiking his voice up
You'll never be baily jay you fucking balding uggo.
>no answer
lol it's almost as if you have no argument
LITERALLY only positive thing in the whole fucking game I've seen son far is that they changed Cassie's horrible haircut. That is it. Everything else is just shit and more shit and more shit, just a giant flood of bad decisions drowing the streets in feces. Fuck this game and fuck this series and fuck everyone who defends it or makes it or is in any way related to it. I'm ashamed of having supported it in the past, I should never have done it.
But the don't like the gameplay. I used to love diablo 2, but that's about it. The jrpgs have some nice gameplay or simple turnbase which I liked. Western rpgs seem like more gibberish than gameplay.
>First this went from a pre-order to a "I'll get the complete edition later" now I'm not even going to bother.
You were never going to buy MK if the removal of tiddies is what broke it for you.
>caring about MK
>in the year of our Lord 2000 + 19
I really thought better of you, Yea Forums
I'm being honest when I say this just depresses me. No matter your stance on the censoring of females the fact is that MK was the series that stood up against any forms of it, it's one of the games that created the rating system for fucks sake and as you said Boon has thrown that all away, all so he can chase fucking esports. Fuck I need a drink.
Just don't buy it.
On the one hand, I do not support censorship and I consider this wrong. On the other hand, I hate all forms of sexualization in video games because they're just lazy gimmicks to draw in suckers.
>i hate myself because of video games!
the hardest of cringe
Well tough shit faggot. People who actually buy and play JRPGs love them just the fucking way they are, the way they have been longer than you've been alive.
If you don't love anime you honestly should kill yourself anyway, you don't deserve the gift of life.
their company has slowly been hijacked by left wing activists since MKX
Why would you make such a retarded claim? You don't seem to have any fucking grasp of why or how people like things.
Let's take a second to be grateful all the disingenuous censorship movements of the past died. This one will too. More people are aware of the hypocrisy than ever
Titgamers are like like "boxing fans" who only watch female combat sports.
>orange man bad!
did you get lost on your way to youtube comments
I had it on pre-order and have posted my canceled order in MK threads before. The issue is censorship itself and to see a series like MK do it to themselves when in the past they fought against it is sad. I would have canceled it if they did it to the gore as well if that makes you feel any better.
>doesn't have "overly exaggerated" features
I'm pretty sure hypersexuality was a part of her character; she was compensating for her fucked-up Tarkatan face
Which they inexplicably tried to make sexier by giving her lips
>the company owned and operated by Warner Bothers who also owns and operates CNN is filled with regular left wingers.
color me shocked
If you play videogames just to ogle at heavily objectified women you seriously need to go outside and socialize before you become so disgusting nobody wants to do anything with you anymore
Not him but that's untrue. I might buy it for 20 or less but that's it. MK used to be fun, now it's 'respectful' and woke
Goregamers are like "fighting fans" who only jack off to cartel decapitation videos.
FF7, FF8, Resonance Of Fate, Last Remnant, Chrono Cross, Legend Of Legai off the top of my head don't cater to the loser weeb shit that literally ruined the genre. Do you people not know that hentai exists?
>orange man good!
fucking gas that
what does being aware of it do, really?
This doesn't mean the same thing as 'deliberately'. They are specifically stating here that there is an agenda that they want to push by way of desexualising.
I can't wait until they finally achieve the removal of all sexual women of video games, then in like 5-10 years they will turn around and claim that women are oppressed and that they aren't allowed to be displayed in a sexy manner, mean while if you look at the men they are all scampy, clearly because they patriarchy is oppressing women and men have it good.
Just you watch, it will happen one day.
Oh sorry, I assumed you guys played games for fun gameplay. My mistake.
>On the other hand, I hate all forms of sexualization in video games because they're just lazy gimmicks to draw in suckers
But that is factually incorrect. Some of the best games ever made are sexual as fuck. Nier Automata was Yea Forums's unironic GOTY 2017 and it's borderline porn.
You need to realize that pretending to dislike erotic content does not make you look intelligent. I pretended that too, when I was in puberty, because I thought that's what smart people are supposed to do. But it was just childish idiocy. In my adult age I realized that intelligent people are intelligent even when they whip out the ol' kielbasa, and that I actually loved all of the erotic content I denigrated.
>generic sci-fi armor that we've seen literally a billion times
>play videogames
>ogle at heavily objectified women
Give me a 1 (one) good reason why shouldn't anyone be able to do both?
ALL of the things you listed are hardcore weebshit and have pedobait characters. Are you stupid?
Takes away it's momentum, the ideas ability to spread, and if it fucks up profits it will be dropped in no time
>"We purposefully made our female characters less sexy because sexism is wrong and should not be what we stand for in this modern, tolerant America"
>"Also here's Sonya Blade getting her face torn off and her brain eaten, COOL RIGHT!?!?"
When the fuck are devs going to realize that these people brigading on Twitter don't buy as much of the game as they seem to think? They just complain until they get their way and move on to the next thing.
I actually like Skarlet's design because it's actually a design, not just a girl in a red bikini
>support censorship the gameplay is good!
Alright then I'll play it. I'll pirate it instead does that make you happy? because NRS aren't seeing a penny from me.
>no source
You all are retarded faggots
That's it. I'm going to eliminate every ESL piece of shit I see. Whitewashing this fucking site one image at a time from now on.
Exploitation is more entertaining than modesty and prudishness.
because you're gay LOL
Gameplay is not the only thing that matters in a game, retard. That's just a meme. It has never been true and never will. If it was true, every fighting game would just have monocolored hitboxes jumping up and down with no actual charactrers.
It's the 90s all over again.
based retard
>she still thinks objectification is a real thing
Lmao get a life
fuck french """people"""
inbetween fans arent vocal.
Haven't bought the last Mortal Kombat, but now they've turned it into full Muslim Kombat with every female character wearing a burka.
Fuck the series, just play Soul Calibur, DOA or SF instead.
you can have both of those things when you're the conservative right
But I thought/pol/ was pro-censorship?
What the hell is happening to us? Why is "up" "down", and "right" "left"?
How the hell did we do this to ourselves? Why is everything backwards?!?!?!
no, its worse. because in the 90s they didnt try to hijack game companies and coordinate fake articles and do all sorts of shit to push their religion on you the way marxists do.
I just want to know who are nrs trying to appease with this. Kotaku and sjws don't actually play videogames so whats even the point.
why can't we have both, zoomie?
No, 90's was a great fucking decade with fantastic entertainment, and when crazy Jack Thompson tried to ban videogames, the entire industry AND press AND fans rose up as one to oppose him, and his career and life was destroyed forever like every censor's career and life should be.
What we have here is Jack's victory: the industry itself trying to destroy itself, and the press cheering while the fans wonder what the fuck went so wrong.
i would need something to go by with the first two, i don't think i can believe that, and the last one about profits doesn't really matter since it's not like the corporations owning these actually take that much of a blow, at all.
spoken like a true virgin who hasn't even held a girl's hand in all of his life
Except developers and gamers tended to be on one side against people who don't play games
We should love Trump's hate?
Well what does he hate?
It even worse when the game turns out to be shit and no one plays it, company close down, no game for anyone.
It not even a win win for either side. People this days doesn't even play the game for fun, they feel the need to bitch about everything.
Pretty sure Hillary said so too.
Honestly there are no characters I'm hyped to play as. I usually play as females but there's no point if they look like trannies and are covered up, they might as well be male characters at that point. I'll probably play the game when the komplete edition is on sale for five bucks in a year.
Only way I'll buy is if frost looks attractive but with the track record so far it's not looking good.
ironic, seeing as to how women spend 2 hours a day to be pretty
>More people are aware of the hypocrisy than ever
Being aware of it is not remotely sufficient. It won't stop until people have balls to OPPOSE it and say "yes, I fucking love light erotica in my videogames and that enhances the experience for me and there is nothing wrong with it".
There has never been a good post with this image.
What was wrong with the 90s? Some of the best, and also most gory and sexy games came out then.
Censoring games causes school shootings.
"alt-right fucktards" arent the ones ruining video games
wtf happened to his forehead got some blue vein on it
remember how you guys said there wasn't any agenda or they we'rent purposely desexualizing women? how retarded do you feel right now
He also made a montage to show how violent they are
i'd give anything to go back
>i think ... the comics code was blown way out of proportion to their actual impact or influence,
Are you retarded? Comics Code singlehandedly destroyed the comics industry of America by banning ALL genres other than capeshit. It DEVASTATED the whole artform. Even now most Americans still think comics are for kids even though Comics Code hasn't been in use for ages.
This. Beta males don't need to be having sex. Just leads to more.
>showing the market that any old garbage will sell so long as it has titties in it
yes they are
Exactly you don't have to play this game
Who gives a shit if some fat guy looks at some nake women in video game? You sound like one of those attention whore who needs maximum attention from everyone and gets mad when people doesn't pay attention to you when they have video game to replace you.
Uhh, can you be any more retarded?
You are retarded and need to be late term aborted.
not an argument
Can you? he's right. Vidya is more than just gameplay and to devalue any part of it makes you a complete faggot. Megaman's soundtrack is just as loved as the gameplay, the nonsense plot of MGS, Killer Instincts character designs, all as important.
>not yang gang 2020
You seem to have missed the loyalty switch
That is literally what a game with only gameplay looks like. A bunch of boxes bumping into each other. Yet a game like that wouldn't sell a single copy because aesthetics are at least as important as gameplay, if not even more so.
In conclusion: eat shit nigger.
Atheism is declining though turns out godless people don't breed
that's not even true, it is similar in tactics used by today, i.e they went to stores and publishers and asked if they wanted the COMICS CODE but they could opt out, there was no force involved, they didn't ban anyone from selling and or purchasing anything, comics with violence and tits were made, and sold.
Why are "liberals" so anti-sex these days?
It didn't used to be this way.
blaming conservatives for progressives coopting the term liberal doesn't make much sense
You are advocating for censorship of art and entertainment. Only argument you deserve is a bullet in the head. All of your kind belong in a mass grave.
Because they aren't getting any
You can pull someone's guts out through their mouth, wrap it around their neck and hang them from a tree but showing tits and ass is not allowed anymore.
>being this angry about video games
>being this angry on Yea Forums
No u. You can have all the aesthetics you want, if the gameplay isn't good, the game won't be enjoyiable. Unless you're a Sonyfag who likes movies made with console visuals, and censorship.
>there was no force involved
There is no fucking force involved today either, yet it's absolutely censorship and it absolutely destroyed comics in America both as an industry and an artform. Fucking anyone who knows about the history of comics knows this. It is the most significfant thing to ever happen in comics in US of A.
>You faggots are why no one irl will never know im trans.
Trust me, they know.
Not an argument.
Who the fuck are you even trying to argue against?
They weren't before either though, at least back then they didn't have a problem with T&A.
All people who censor games deserve to die screaming.
soon they'll get rid of that to but idiots will be too busy dunking on "incels" to notice. How the fuck does SFV come out more appealing than most fighting games to come out this gen.
Tell me more about how they rose up, user, was it glorious? Did the Jessicas finally go out with them?
>if the gameplay isn't good, the game won't be enjoyiable.
If the game doesn't LOOK good it won't be enjoyable either. And if it doesn't SOUND good it won't be enjoyable either. To be an actual good game you need to be good at everything, not just one thing. Retard.
seething incels arent worth arguing with, they're an evolutionary dead end anyway
i discogree, "Comics Code" did not go to the banks and have them cease payment processing for publishers that did not want the comics code, there were stores that did not want the comics code that also sold comics without the comics code, there weren't mobs attacking the publishers of those comics, if you wanted to read those comics you could find them, read them and work for them, if you wanted to.
this isn't comparable to the insanity today
t. resetera tranny
>Tell me more about how they rose up, user, was it glorious?
It kind of was, actually. The whole industry put its foot down and went "no, fuck you, you're full of shit" when Thompson claimed games like MK cause criminal behavior and need to be banned. The fans did the same, publicly instead of quietly in their own homes. And the press, instead of calling them or the fans entitled manbabies did what it's supposed to do and supported them, boosted their signal as the redditspeak goes. And as a result, games were not banned (though the industry did set up a ratings system which is kind of a half-measure towards that but I think it's harmless).
That is how it's supposed to work. That is how it happened. It was good.
Good, they knke exactly what they are doing user
>Think adolescent is automatically pedo.
Wow, I should be more grateful waking up in the morning after seeing just how special other people are.
Splatoon shouldn't be on there since you can just choose to play as a male cephalopod
Why the fuck is there a movement to make fake characters less sexy in a game that's all about ripping your opponents in half and spilling their guts everywhere? Oh but that doesn't need censorship, here let's ret-con the design of this character and turn her into an ugly SJW because the five women who play this game need to feel empowered. The characters all have two dimensional personalities too.
I thought you're posting on Yea Forums, not /pol/? Also I don't see you won what? I also didn't know only /pol/tards like sexy women? You must be degenerated lgbt with mental illness, which can explain why you're screeching for nothing
Nuke the westacucks yeah?
Imagine being such a bitter loser you “ironically” argue for more corporate control and censorship. Good luck living like this
Comic books are a joke these days. I could understand being into them a decade ago but they’re just garbage now.
>she is ugly, therefor she is wrong
Have you ever looked into a mirror?
imagine being such a bitter loser that you unironically get upset because pixel tits got changed
just get laid lmao
Is BioWare making this game?
>if you wanted to read those comics you could find them, read them and work for them, if you wanted to.
No you couldn't. You literally could not.
Superhero comics went from a niche genre for babies to ONLY genre that exists entiurely because of comics code. Crime comics were more popular than it, but to write a crime comic you need to show realistic violence and criminal activity, which Comics Code forbade. Same happened to horror. Romance comics were popular too, and they also got fucked because that same code drastically reduced what they could show.
I am not defending the current day crazies, mind you. They all deserve death, and I pray every day for news of a mass murder of SJWs. However, to call Comics Code anything short of apocalyptic is ignorant.
>Turning on the fans and rushing to the side of the people that more or less want to censure you, have you add more "wokeness" to your games and hope to shut you down if you go against them.
Times have changed, but Jessica has not.
The real redpill is that Jack Thompson was tight
Better yet, I'm not going to waste money on a video game.
The only fucking thing that's different in modern JRPGs compared to the ones you listed is that modern RPGs have better graphics so you can actually see all the anime shit that's happening in the game, instead of having it be implied. All the games you listed are 110% weebshit.
Realistically what it gamers actually rose up?
the new hardcover prints of Elric, those were cool but they were of course zines, very short french comics.
I'm going to wait until the GOTY edition is $20. Thanks for saving me money and time.
Not right. But he was the lesser of two evils. I would much rather have all graphic violence banned from games forever, than have all sexy women banned from games.
>this is the face of those who use 'incel' as an insult
>Muslim Kombat 11
It's good to see Westerners finally embrace our values.
Injustice fucked this series up.
What's a "sexy item"
MK got its start by courting controversy. People got so used to the gore that they couldn't get much attention anymore. This is their desperate attempt to get noticed again.
i want to strangle the life out of this man as an act of mercy
As one? Realistically, the industry and the press would have to change their tune super fucking quick because both of them are financially dependent on gamers. They're the ones literally footing the bill on the whole 135 billion dollar industry. Problem is, gamers are not one unified group, and include a lot of faggots incapable of cooperating or understanding that you need to oppose all censorship or they're eventually going to come for the games you like.
But if they DID rise up, the whole awful trend would go away in a single quarter just from a modest consumer boycott.
imagine playing nrs trash
Giant dildo.
tfw I actually am okay with this because it encourages actual thoughtful character design instead of just dude titties lmao
Congrats now we know you are gay.
me when i try to grow a full beard but i know i really cant
>thoughtful character design
You misspelled "boring".
They're just not catering to kissless virgins
Welcome to the REAL lgbtq. HAHAHAHA
character design is not their strong point
Moron Kombat sucks dick anyway, why the fuck would you give a shit if the ugly manfaced women showed cleavage or not? Play a better game.
>muh evangelicals
how does it feel to still be scapegoating a group that doesn't exist and where it does is a majority black and urban movement.
Not near as boring as this shit.
Hey man I think the new stuff looks better. I don't really give a shit about titties or SJW trash. Atleast they're trying new things.
>Sexy women no
>Naked man in underwear yes
1: Why not?
2: Are you implying that only virgins like T&A?
Video Games are supposed to be fun and everyone loves tiddies.
>gay furry nigger ruined MK
liberalism and it's poison is the basis of left wing insanity. read some mearsheimer you plebeian
>visible areolas
not like the pc version is gonna be lacking those anyways, you do own a pc right?? you aren't playing with the kiddies right!?
No, they are actively against sex. Not just in games, but in all life. These are the same people who think flirting is tantamount to sexual harassment.
Compare to liberals of the 60's and 70's, who were all about sexual liberation and mass bonings everywhere. They've done a total 180.
Just mod the game you idiots
There sure are a lot of angry leftists and centrists on Yea Forums these days
Literal palette swaps are 100 times more interesting to look at than the fucking "realistic" trash they've showed in videos. I DO NOT WANT REALISM IN MORTAL KOMBAT. It doesn't belong there.
you don't know who or what the puritans where do you. key word WERE. uneducated brainlet lmao
attractive women arent realistic
every single male in the game being a greek god statue with veins popping out, ripped pecs to the point of being cartoonish ARE realistic!
He's also a kike loving sockpuppet but "he owns the libs" so retards here love him.
their character designs have never been blander.
their roster choices too. somehow they thought it would be a good idea to add three generic military women.
>millions of porn websites are a single click away
>thousands of rule 34
>all free
>they’re taking our fun away
>mfw kotaku and polygon and sites like them started saying there was nothing wrong with violent video games right after this came out
Uh no sweaty. Ssri’s, adderal and Xanax cause school shootings
dunno, why don't you start by describing how you feel about SJWs
Hillary isn't president.
What? Are you trying to say something user? Are you not a REAL man?
>you must resort to drawn disgusting pornography made by literal dog rapists and pedophiles to enjoy cheesecake
>jacking off to western games
>old MK designs are just color swaps and glitched outfits turned canon
>new MK designs are terrible awful shit
how about we stop pretending MK deserves any merit at all beyond being a mindless gory cartharsis
Nah. I won't even pirate this shit, I'll just write off NRS as a pozzed company and wait for them to come crawling back, which they inevitably will.
Is this considered tranny posting?
I dunno ahmed, I think I see an upper arm, and her hair. Clearly they still have much to learn.
I unironically prefer the new designs instead of just recolors of the same bikini.
Doesn't matter, the lack of fighting games and the name recognition is gonna make this game super successful. Its already the most preordered game of 2019 from retail numbers alone.
Normies just want simplistic Injustice fighting games with "muh cool violence" without concern for the devs comments. Most gamestops have over 100 preorders as it is.
I'm a hardline leftist and I hate this. It's because I'm an artist myself (donate to my patreon) and every time I see something being censored a part of my brain tells me they're going to come for me next. All artists should always aggressively oppose all censorship as a matter of self-preservation, regardless of political beliefs.
>I would rather take low effort copy and paste shit than shit that atleast had thought put into it
Not gonna disagree there my dudes. Character choices are pretty bland this game, but I still like the fact they're trying new things with their designs.
Getting off the computer and out of the fake outrage feedlot helps
They're slutting it up as usual
I don't like them. Sorry you're uneducated I guess. Read a book or have sex. Do something fatty.
It does matter. All these products are meant to sell and if they don't they will change or not be made. It doesn't have to be a huge blow it just has to not be viable money wise
Not necessary just think about it. If people are pushing back against those ideas then it's not going to spread freely
>Billy D
you can change the format, but you can't change the cancer behind it
But what if fox could have grape?
>shit that atleast had thought put into it
Are you retarded? NO ONE put any thought into the new designs. They're as generic as generic gets. The palette swaps had way more character and flair than a single one of these fucking piece of garbage "realistic" designs.
Don’t shoot up a school
Check out Mileena's new design
You know I can't promise you that.
It's not even really about the erotica to me, it's more the fact that there are peak conditioned dudes showing skin but if they do it for the women it becomes a no-no.
You're right and that's what I see happening
Wow nice bait. You seriously believe palette swapped characters are more interesting than what they’ve shown so far?
I just want the gameplay to be good...
Wrong analogy genius. Everyone here can pirate the game for free if they actually want it.
Things like this are why I no longer purchase American made games. I can't support companies that are catering to activists who don't give a shit about the product, just for some positive journalism. I'd sooner quit gaming altogether than purchase something that lacks love and soul.
Fat women when?
Not him but I agree to an extent. Sub Zero and Scorpion look like utter shit in 11 with their "classic" attire looking far better in that game and they still haven't topped the original cyber ninja designs, they were so shit in 9 and Triborg can fuck right off.
you're going to push back against Warner Brothers? against Disney? Viacom? because WB owns Mortal Kombat for example.
women are literally out of their minds
They absolutely are. Because they're palette swaps of a design that's good and fun to begin with. Meanwhile the new designs are actual fucking garbage that is not even slightly entertaining in any way. Nobody needs another character who wears military pants and some type of generic scifi armor, that is the most boring thing possible next to "some type of robes I guess".
Funny how it says "FEMALES" won't have sexy items, as though such things should be exclusive to males.
The shitty knock off kunoichi designs aren’t very good either. Just because it shows their tits doesn’t make it good.
You just know there's some fat bitches somewhere, screencapping random assholes on Yea Forums and calling all men a lost cause
Agreed. Only western games I have bought in five years are European ones, and even those are getting gradually worse.
If the disease ever spreads to Japan I'll just quit games. There is literally no point if I can't have fun things anymore. I will never give these people one cent of money.
Keep deflecting, everyone already knows it's about sexism and not puritanism.
>fat woman
>action hero
Why not
In fact let's make her disabled too because who says an obese bitch in a wheelchair can't do backflips and such
>Just because it shows their tits doesn’t make it good
Funny thing is you say that but Kitana never looked so good before in X
It's as simple as not buying their products and saying why.
damn... this was a really smart comment... huh...
Did anybody think the girls in MK9/10 were hot to begin with? I haven't kept up with 11 but I distinctly remember Netherrealm girls always having a bad case of Manface.
It's really just hating men and masculinity and male entertainment and literally everything men might like. Just mass androphobia.
>If the disease ever spreads to Japan I'll just quit games.
the left is yukky so no one would want to do it, the right is pedophilia being sold as a good thing which makes people want to pedophile around
are you going to stop watching HBO? CNN? CW shows, adult-swim, cartoon network, DC movies? etc
>Did anybody think the girls in MK9/10 were hot to begin with?
Hotter than they now are, sure as fuck.
Yes, they have strong jawlines, that is bad in a woman, but at the very fucking least their BODIES were nice to look at. Meanwhile now they have literally no good traits at all, just worthless trash that should be deleted from the game. In fact delete the rest of the game while you're at it.
I think this is it, it’s a publicity stunt.
>that is bad in a woman
retard opinion power hour?
Please mass shooting at NRS offices
>NRS dont want to use sexy outfit as a crutch to get people to buy their games
I don't see the problem. Mortal Kombat is a fighting game about gore first above everything else.
>but muh weeb games
How many AAA Japanese games even have the balls to show bare tits in their games? Outside of the SMT series, I cant think of any, meanwhile theres tons of Western games that has nudity.
They were fine when they had the mask on except for Mileena who is fine with or without
Simple as that. Now go out for a jog and exercise you fat slob of a humans! Mortal Kombat is for FIT FIGHTERS
Abby Yates would like a word with you.
It is bad and has always been bad and will always be bad.
Lady would look much hotter with a softer, more feminine jawline.
find another genre to ruin. jrpgs will continue to be based, redpilled, and the ultimate pleb filters.
Atheism is only declining as an identity retard, most just go "agnostic" the world is at its most secular in human history.
i simply cant imagine having taste this wrong
Only shit I watch from any of that is GoT
99% of the world thinks that and the 1% is gays in denial.
That one is fine because it’s actually sort of different. I’m talking about the shitty classic design
>We are wining
Apex Legend and CM are both flops m8 especially in the case of AL where it lost a fuckload of popularity 2 weeks later.
And yet, comic books sales and readership are at historic lows as they continue to shrink.
Just canceled my pre or- nevermind i haven't bought a single game since dark souls 3 lmao
Classic design didn't show tits unless you're talking about the MK3 version.
im gonna need to see some stats on that
redditera in the houseeeee toniiiiiight!
>girls without makeup
That’s fine, this game is simply being honest
Men tend to look way better than women when they aren’t able to cover their faces in 9 layers of powdered crap lol
I ask every person who plays this shit "can you still hit people?" And then when they answer "yes" I ask "what's the problem?"
>Atheism is only declining as an identity retard
lol atheist cuck thoroughly BTFO.
oh the irony of retarded post such as this.
>try to cope with SJW
>SJW don't play videogames
>videogame fail pretty hard
It's everytime like this but they just keep trying.
>more clothes
good, that's my fetish
Man what the FUCK is wrong with white males lately?
why would any man pay money to have their sexuality attacked in the product they buy? you have to be crazy
>It's everytime like this but they just keep trying.
>Except for that time overwatch did this and became massively popular
>drink tap water bro
>fluoride is good for you bro
sorry @alpha dingo
Nobody cares about MK, its the fucking politics that people are only talking about.
Have you seen anyone in these threads talk about actual gameplay? None, it's fucking resetera crossposters trying to have a hayday by shitposting and provoking reactions from actual players of the game or crosslurkers from /pol/.
Why is this thread even still around, who fucking knows why.
Welp. The time to stop buying new games is coming.
back when it launched there was no LGBTQ nonsense propaganda characters or anything. Then it started and now overwatch is dying and everyone who plays the game knows it
>that entire website
Thats a yeouch for me lads
Also every thread is the same , /pol/ using vidya to turn radical virgins into shitposters
Like they always post the same pictures and talk about muh politics instead of videogames.
Literally muslims if u ask me
The problem is not the lack of slut outfits is just the lack of art direction, Jun Kazama and Chun Li dress pretty modesty but they have style, and they also would consider Jun Kazama a slut according to trannies. They even censored Jacqui.
Skarlet doesn't even make any sense and Cassie looks cute but she is the most covered
Stop supporting western industries
East don't give 2 fucks about all this liberal shit nonsense
yeah I'm sure people who reach that size drink tap water, yeah, totally.
overwatch lost popularity when they did it, and the most popular characters are the cutest ones like mercy and dva
The U.S is such an interesting place. You'll make a game where you can do the most violent horrible things to each other, but a little bit of titty puts you at Defcon 1. The English really should have killed off all the Puritans rather than let them settle the New World.
In animal species, when populations increase, the number of homosexual members rises as well.
Nature has built in population control.
I did a long time ago. Can't even remember the last western game I bought.
That's a VERY disingenuous way of putting it, and while I wish you were right about not just OW but all of blizzard dying, I doubt it
Internet communities don't even make up 10% of the playerbase for the majority of games. The overwhelming majority of people stick to social media platforms or talk to their actual friends. Not everyone is some crazy SJW or meme spouting /pol/lack and you'll get looked at like a crazy person for even ironically getting upset over this.
>burka kombat
>FF7, FF8
>pedo and weebshit
Yet Lui Kang is shirtless. Pandering to people who won’t buy the fucking game
>shariah law for thee but not for me
sexuality is only bad when it's being enjoyed nby boys virtually right?
good golly miss molly
The problem is it is hitting Japan. Sony is going full SJW and it's only a matter of time before it spreads. I seriously feel the next collapse is coming.
Better than the average nu/pol/ spammer that could care less about the game but its here because its "a habbening" and they think Yea Forums is for shitposting only
Again thanks /pol/ for bringing redditors , yes literally what Yea Forums hated the most , here.
And women love cute characters. Mileena and Jade had a lot of fans who are girls
fucking lmao
overwatch copied designs straight out of hentai mangas and games like anarchy reigns.
now that they push sjw shit nobody cares about it anymore and their designs are super fucking generic like that new healer.
Until injustice 3 is out
itt: seething incels
I remember girls buying FF8 just for Squall.
>The English really should have killed off all the Puritans
Puritans we're sexually adventurous after marriage and encouraged to produce offspring. Their rules only applied to dating practices.
Go back to school you fucking dolt.
Trump may be too left leaning for me now, going after mk was the last straw
Over what?
i mean blizz doing a SJW agenda didn't make Overwatch die but i guess they focus too much on pleasing the SJW that they forget to improve the game at all
this double standard is hilarious.
it's okay to sexualize men but not women?
BASED, sexualizing real children is so progressive! Right Resetera?
mostly right, but the esrb wasn't because of jack thompson. it was a response to democrat politicians dragging the industry into congressional hearings and trying to censor their games. and even before that, there were already some experimental attempts at rating systems like sega's vrc and pc's rsac.
A burka is not a "design"
Post hips and tits as those don't lie.
Has it really gone up even more?
>hehe i saved it just to own the libs i swear!
>my anime pedophilia obsession isn't coming true! i-i swear!!
Imagine being this tranny
>a bunch of discord trannies who spend all day shilling for Yang and constantly screeching /pol/
>they do it everywhere but on /pol/
It really makes you think
i dont know, i lost track of all the random percentage memes so i posted the one i knew
>women forbidden from showing their bodies
Just as it should be
Have fun voting a shill for the Jews
Holy shit, based and redpilled!
Why does /pol/cucks hate Israel so much? Are they pro-muslims now?
Maybe the non-American branches, but I ain't finding any of that shit online when it comes to the Puritans that came to the U.S. If anything marriage life was about as stereotype Christian as you could get. Men were the head of household in all ways and wives were subservient to them.
No, it's actually gone down about 6 feet
I find it offensive they think user won't notice
>but "he owns the libs"
Based I bet the ones that hate him are just retarded trann...oh
I told you yesterday: they are on /pol/, they're the yangshills.
>Posting the fucking old cassie cage
You're not up to date are you lad?
Not him but anime girls don't exist and weebs will just die in their rooms whereas leftists like you ignore all those little girls forced to marry and all those drag queen kids being the sexual mascot of adults.
because israel controls their government and what goes on in some shitty sandlands in the middle of bumfuck nowhere should be of no concern to them
no, the time to stop buying western "games" is already here. japan still makes great games and they aren't full of annoying western political commentary that will make them age like milk as soon as everyone moves on to the next fake outrage.
Mortalk Kombat again falling for the "all attention is good" meme. How many financial disasters have to happen before publishers realize that bad press hurts sales.
>a political thread
Because they bring muslims to the west and brainwash you to be cucks and pedophiles
post yfw you're boycotting this game and no amount of incessant flailing will change your mind
Democrat that voted dem, pro abortion, equal rights, government aid for citizens and the usual. Am I going to have to stop supporting those things to keep good video games?
Liberals just have an untamed and completely aimless at "hating the old" thinking it will make them stand out. It's like a never ending teenage angst fase, which is why they end up supporting conflicting ideologies without even realizing it. They bash christianity, which has undergone secularity and several reforms, while shilling Islam, whose holy blood is to be taken for it's considered the very word of god itself. They indulge themselves in freedom of doing what you want ("I'm gonna do what I want mom!") regardless of consequence, while thought policing everything and everyone and hating on the West - which is the biggest freedom-supporting civilization on Earth. They indulge themselves in said capitalist freedom and sucking Apple's dick, while shilling communism.
They simply don't know what the fuck they are doing, which is why the NPC meme even became a thing.
the kid he (you) posted is real and he (you) has the image on his (your) computer
Jokes on you women in ninja masks is my fetish
There are lots of non-political western game released. Its just been drowned by the wave of shitty western games that contain retarded leftist ideals.
>defending muslims
t. zoomer
you sound cringy and have no argument lad.
>There are lots of non-political western game released.
Name ONE
The kid was in one of your progressive webs and you resetera defend this.
>he knew video games didn't cause problems so he just said they did to force contrarians to argue in favor of them
i hope
>n-no! i o-only saved it to own you! y-you're the one that likes this!
transparent, desu
Stop comparing to MK9, that was just oversexualized shit
>2 months from now
>"MK11 sales don't meet expectations and childish gamers are to blame"
I have no intention of buying it at all ever. Bought Soul Calibur day one though, those devs aren't ashamed of their own games.
I think you should kys
>fighter without good looking characters
What's the point
sony is throwing the western sjws a bone here and there while continuing to make billions off of a literal erotic vn franchise in japan. even they aren't as insane as these western companies.
Literally the first Google result, try harder.
Muh lesbian black tranny pro tag story
What is more pathetic, yuros obsessed with America or era trannies obsessed with /pol/?
>haven't bought either of the Injustices
>can't even remember the last MK I bought, probably one of the shitty one from the 360 era
>didn't consider your friends across the pond
you're not a decent human being shaking my head
fighting, probably
What the fuck is wrong with most current developers in western vidya industry? It's like they are deliberately antagonising their old fans and going full contrarian towards them. The old fans who, mind you, supported these companies and made them rich all these years.
And many gamers are sucking it up. Do we have such low self-esteem that we surrender everything we like about our favourite hobby?
>defending jews
Wish they would change the nails as well. She's got manly potato fingers.
Jokes on them
I like new Jade way better than old Jade
But the fighting game community doesn't care about trannies
welp , our only chance of getting hot females on western vidya again is getting d.trump to say " female objectification in vidya is bad"
Grim Dawn
Hollow Knight
Battle Brothers
Steel Division
>buying mk since I
>have one arcade for MK3
>going to buy 11 because Noob looks ace
Where have you been the last 10 years?
lolz that's when this pc shit started. 80s action movies vs mid 90s ones being the clearest indicator.
>coolest guy in the game is an anti-slaver
umm... sweaty?
>Euro tranny that hates /pol/ and whines about America
on planet earth, wbu?
The in between fans are the ones who care about the gameplay above all else and they’re too busy playing the beta
>coolest guy in the game is an anti-slaver
But Beep is not the coolest guy at all.
Jews don't murder people.
>USA posters
Lmao what is Gaza
>literal photos of men
>impossible standard
have you tried putting in effort?
bring me solo and the wookie
I'm confused, is he saying America to go back to the good ol days or is he saying white people should go back to Europe?
no but tinfist is
I said people. Terrorists aren't people, Rachid.
Then you don't like MK. You mostly like Noob.
They lack any self awareness about their main consumers at this point user
this, but literally
>People rising to arms against the "SJWs" and the "Trannies" and shit in the whole thread
>Just because women, in one game, are not dressed as bikini supermodels
You know what's funny? On most incel groups, people seriously consider sharia law a work of societal art. I'm starting to believe those countries with super prudish and draconian societal laws were created by incels who get fed up with being denied pussy and had to be told to tone down their behavior.
Post your eight pack, bro.
really nigga ?
I just played the beta.
all the characters have decent customization. The best ones being scoprion and barakka (from the 5 they let you pick).
But damn is jade boring. Both her skins are boring. the gear you can change consists of a mask, her pole and a shuriken you don't get to see.
THATS a drawing retard
dobson's here
>"you're not equally as strong as the world's strongest man? fucking beta."
They are. All this stuff is an overreaction to the alt-right/pol-types/white supremacist's/whatever you wanna call them. That's why it's so successful. If you harp on for years about hating faggots and blacks, guess who people who want to be anti-that will start putting in their games. By extention, when more gays are in the industry, they'll start tailoring designs to their tastes. Straights, will then try to distance themselves from 'alt right types' by pandering to these groups.
It's push back. inb4: alt right is push back to sjws. Discrimination gave cause to PC lol, which led to 'sjws'. Morons do not learn from history at all.
Pretty much. The vidya industry is basically the only industry that has gotten away with actively antagonizing their core audience while that audience still defends them. It's probably because video game nerds were bullied as children so they accept it as normal
>purposefully and intentionally making women cover their bodies.
I wholeheartedly agree with this message
MK has always been for adults.
oh that robofag, lmao just kill him to get lodsamoney
>it's unironically Muslim Kombat
The gore is good for Muslims, but the tit is bad for them. That's quite the poetry right there.
that's a man right?
which one of the men pictured is the worlds strongest man?
to be honest, i've seen the video where they give you a look at how Jacqui and Kotal Kahn play, and she looks fucking good. She's got some fast moves that don't focus too much on shooting from her glove guns or whatever they're called
>They are.
Based retard who literally don't have a lick of proof what he's talking about and don't understand the word he typed.
post your score for this thread lads
Not an argument, muslim lover.
post statistics
Just think about it. The Muslim faith was created by insecure dorks who get pussy for free and it never can leave. It's specially obvious when it comes to how women must act and dress and how the relationship with her must play out.
Yeah based Israel killing children
>the removal of tiddies is what broke it for you
no, its "we don't even say the word FUN" assholes infesting games. for once, its about more than just "tiddies"
Future terrorists. I bet you're for terrorists children to come back to Europe.
I know the OP is bait but it concerns me that liking sexy women in video games could very well be considered /pol/