You know what's my biggest gripe about BfA? I came back to the game because faction war was actually something I was looking for. The pre-patch event where everyone was on Darkshore and culminating on the Burning of Teldrassil was fucking awesome, game felt more alive than in many years. Then we get a big bowl of nothing as both factions go to their own zones, Warfronts are fucking retarded PVE instead of 15vs15 PVP, and now Blizzard as given up on Faction War and is going to push the "big bad acient evil" button in 8.2.
the closest thing we ever had to the Faction War promissed was when the Alliance had the 400 ilvl piece from killing horde and hordelet butthurt was glorious.
you can do the same in assaults but they have a time limit
Anthony Lee
>blizzard says for 4th or 5th time "we are going to put the war on warcraft again" >you believe them You drones never learn, right?
Owen Bell
>Blizzard as given up on Faction War and is going to push the "big bad acient evil" button in 8.2 But literally everyone who have even the slightest clue as to what is going on in the game knew this was coming the moment the expansion was announced.
Levi Brooks
The faction war is why I play World of Warcraft, honestly. It's just a shame that these retards can't write to save their lives. They're afraid to let a side win so we're just going to have Sylvanas be Garrosh 2.0 except instead of going to Draenor she's going to go to Northrend to take over the Scourge, thus begins Wrath of the Lich Queen.
Garrosh should have never been killed off, he was the last good Warchief, the last good Horde character. Sad!
>Horde character You mean Orc leader. The rest of the races made no fucking sense that they would follow him.
Robert Foster
I would unironicly like if the Horde took Stormwind and the final Raid was Siege of Stormwind and kill Sylvanas
Josiah King
Because they were lead by traitorous garbage. >Blood elves - were going to join the alliance >Trolls - lead by retard who threatened to Assassinate the warchief >Tauren - Child of Cairne who died in honorable mok'gora feeds information to the alliance to lessen casualties >Undead - Lich Queen 2.0 raising new undead and blighting shit when she explicitly was told not to >Goblin - No loyalty, follow the money, some even stayed with garrosh.
Garrosh didn't wan't to be the leader of the Orcs. He wanted to be leader of the Horde. Sure he was proud of the Orcs and their culture, but he was no racist.
"This is the difference between me and you, Vol'jin. I won't let MY people starve to death in the desert. I will stop at nothing - NOTHING - to ensure a proud and glorious future for the orcs and anyone with the courage to stand with us."
>Anyone with the courage to stand with us The lesser races just did not have that courage. They were traitorous scum.
>They're afraid to let a side win Isn't just bad writing, but also laziness. If they make meaningful changes, like one faction invading a zone or conquering something, they'll have to work re-making that.
Nathaniel Murphy
>The pre-patch event where everyone was on Darkshore and culminating on the Burning of Teldrassil was fucking awesome It was one of the most boring events ever what the fuck are you talking about
Matthew Adams
>Wrath of the Lich Queen I can see them doing this
Gabriel Stewart
One of the only good things about BFA was the enormous wake-up call to the community over the massive unbalance in factions. With War Mode turned on, most Horde players never even seen Alliance members. It was because whenever we turned it on, there were entire independent groups of Horde players that would come swarming down. No amount of extra experience could keep us from leaving Stormwind.
Kevin Edwards
why do you think they're setting up bolvar so much? That nigga gonna get his crown taken off and put on an elf bitch. I'd bet my life on it.
You are just another worthless low iq swine which is boringly easy to manipulate. Bitch as mutch as you want, Blizzard already has your money and thats the only thing which matters.
Isaac Williams
Are you ready for the next expansion where there is no Horde or Alliance outside of PvP? Baine will be chosen as the next Warchief, but he will reject the title and instead choose to merge the Horde with the Alliance so that another Sylvanas can never happen again.
Also, Sylvanas will die a heroic and generic death by sacrificing herself.
Joshua Nelson
even with pvp it got boring how often can you die to a cross realm zerg before you get bored?
Even if you were to get a group to counter them it just made the server unplayably laggy. World pvp is shit. It could be great, but its fucking garbage.
Charles Walker
>Baine as warchief Nigga i think you mean saurfang
They're going to have someone on the alliance do something like assassinate bane or kill a bunch of innocents in some grotesque fashion to try to keep things equal.
Samuel Price
He'll also buy the next expansion.
Jason Campbell
They're focusing more on Baine than Saurfang and the latter has already been offered the position before but refused it.
What I have said will happen. No factions next expansion.
Austin Howard
>pvp in bfa friendly reminder that they still havent explained how pvp scaling works the numbers you see on your screen are literally wrong you can hit someone for 40k and he loses 20k health also the classes are so fucking trash that pvp is just not enjoyable
Evan Morris
>make a group to counter the other group >youre group gets phased to another shart >now there are 2 sharts dominated by 1 faction because blizzards servers are too shit for more than 15 people in one zone
Julian Martin
The pre-Legion event was better than the actual expansion, too. >Legion invading EK and Kalimdor >Dozens of people fighting Legion mobs >Expansion hits and there is never an invasion outside of the Broken Isles again
Joshua Rogers
Collectors edition.
Gavin Brown
>Having 40-50 people in one zone to fight each other is now a bannable offense because it slows down their shitty servers. Wew.
Adrian Diaz
>flying between map points and zerging mobs >fun so this is your brain on neowow
Carter Nelson
It was more fun than anything else the expansion offered
Julian Peterson
now that's settled that op is a fag, post some Whitemane
>nothing serious at the start, maybe 1-2 zombies once in a while, quickly get disposed off >over the week their numbers start to rack up, people start dying and turning into zombies themselves >a few days later the biggest population centers aren't even remotely save anymore, Zombies everywhere in the streets >people start to organise groups to fight the zombies and patrol parts of the city >a constant back and forth between protectors and zombies >near the end the stormwind on our server got completely swarmed by zombies, everyone lying dead in the streets or a walking undead >LETS GO TO IF >about a hundred zombies jump onto the train from SW to IF >IF, while not as popular as SW anymore still has a decent population of people in it, strangely enough the zombie problem there has always been relatively managable and peaceful >suddenly the undead horde breaks out of the trainstation and begins to swarm the city, quickly taking the main hall, slaughtering people everywhere >last group of defenders flees to the dwarven kings throne room >main group of zombies follows them and gets slaughtered by remaining players, the elite guards and the king >other undead stragglers are disposed of over time, slowly restoring order to the cities again
It was a good time.
Logan Perry
What is the best realm for a complete newbie who likes PVE, is in the horde and in the EU? I know just choose a medium or high populated server but it is kinda important when every character you create will stay there.
Ayden Harris
There's plenty of war in warcraft it's just not PvP most of the time.
Owen Cooper
I want my Lordaeon back OR it should be a shared human and undead area that is risky. It's rightful human clay. The undead lore was and has been an underdeveloped mistake. Look at Tyr's Hand, Undead should be able to roll both factions.
Ayden Wilson
It literally doesn't matter anymore unless you do mythic raids. You'll be sharded in wherever the fuck at all times. Pick something with a good AH.
Cameron Scott
I want my Lordaeon back OR it should be a shared human and undead area that is risky. It's rightful human clay. The undead lore was and has been an underdeveloped mistake. Look at Tyr's Hand, Undead should be able to roll both factions. I don't care about Horde/ Alliance balancing. Go play BGs you whiny balance-wary twats.
This was one of the best community events in gaming history. I remember that some huge Epidemiology Centers surveyed the behavior of the playerbase for scientific reasons or some shit - which is kind retarded imo, but the event was fun as fuck. Some of my guildmembers didn't even log in for a while because the moment they logged in they got infected
William Garcia
Next allied races will have an ally undead race
Adrian Rodriguez
Funny because after playing bfa i am already tired of the alliance and horde killing each other in the war campaign
Gavin Brown
light undead is the most fucking retarded thing ever and over 10 years after TBC we still don't have playable ethereals
Jaxson Torres
ethereals are based and not elf trash so the chances of seeing them is low
Luke Ward
>event gets nerfed and ends barely halfway through because casual shitheads whined about being unable to do their dailies in peace the actual moment when WoW died
Jonathan Gonzalez
Here is what made me quit. Several of my best in slot items especially trinkets only dropped in mythic+ 5 mans. That meant that not only did i have to show up weekly for raids which had mostly shit gear i also on my own time had to do 5 mans that you could't pug. My guild had one group that always ran 5 mans together and never invited anyone else then bitched that everyone elses i level was so low. They need to either go back to making all of the best gear drop in raids or make all the mythic+ also obtainable by raiding.
Jeremiah Taylor
I pug M+ all the time, Raider IO was a godsend
John Garcia
>Light Undead
Then don't call them that. I know Ner'Zhul's magic is behind their reanimation but dammit turn that into a plot point or something. Human and undead worked together and that deserves LORE DEVELOPMENT.
>I remember that some huge Epidemiology Centers surveyed the behavior of the playerbase for scientific reasons What you describe though, was their research of "Corrupted Blood" accident after release of Zul'Gurub, which was unplanned, spontaneous and very deadly.
Nolan Powell
>Garrosh was supposed too be worse leader of the Horde >Sylvanas High Overlord >openly deseting in the middle of battle >refuse to rejoin with the Horde >swwitching to Alliance >meanwhile Garrosh Overlord
Nathan Phillips
Have you even read the book? I'm talking about since Arathor times man. Fuck that snobbish Paladin! That area all the way to Alterac is human clay and I won't let that bastard who doesn't respect dwarves change my ambitions.
Jose Lewis
is that ballsack?
Oliver Smith
>This guy who became grand marshall after like 80% of the military got wiped out is a racist, so it's fine to pretend to Ally with him, betray him, kill him, claim their land as your own, declare war on the living, slaughter everyone living in what you pretend is your land, then fail to defeat the remnants of resistance staying there until the Deathlord of the Ebon Knights decides he wants a fancier sword Fuck off it's human land
Adrian Torres
The only time when faction war existed was when add-on just launched and people were hunting each other for the PvP mount and lulz.
>The faction war is why I play World of Warcraft, honestly. It's just a shame that these retards can't write to save their lives. You mean shit that was forced into the game? Game would have been fucking better if it kept to the fluid faction system it was originally planned to have instead of dragging on stupid fucking conflicts with the most hackneyed writing imaginable just so they can make more money off of faction changes. God I hate Blizzard.
>, then fail to defeat the remnants of resistance Lol, you realise that after WotLK Scarlets in the Monastery literaly locked themselves ad didn't showed out?
Robert Powell
I miss world pvp with consequences, even if it was just running back from a far away GY and a repair bill it was something. World pvp gets no love, and the classes are no fun to pvp with outside of arena, and even that is sluggish as usual
Dropped the game in wod, picked it ut this expans and dropped it again because It's FUCKING TRASH
Elijah Torres
you can still do that with the bfa equivalent to invasions
Running around with warmode every fight in WPvP feels like such a fucking slog between me and some other guy that wont be decided until either he runs out of defensives or someone else shows up to the fight. For every 1v1 that ends as a 1v1 theres 7-8 fights that get another player jumping in because between the self healing and defensives every class has been given this 1v1 is going to go for about 2 minutes
Charles Young
I hate how PvP just started taking absolutely fucking forever after mid-Cata because everyone started doing shitty damage relative to healing. Nobody likes fighting with nerf bats and I'd take blowing people up in 2 or 3 globals Wrath-style over that garbage every single time.
Austin Carter
>October 2008 >build up to WotLK >new talent trees are available before the expansion >magic brooms from Hallow's End can be mounted instantly >be PoMPyro Mage >have Instant Invisibility >drop combat instantly >mount instantly >swooce right out of there, even into the sky in world PvP
same I've gone back a few times to watch some PvP vids and it's like "mage vs paladin" and WEW is it some fucking boring trash, literally a 10 minute 1v1. both of them are self healing, both of them have no mana problems. what the fuck is that? what is their vision for the game?
David Phillips
Jonathan Reed
>BC starts >mages instant cast sheep people from flying mounts to their deaths
>see some afk guy floating around in Nagrand while on my rogue >shuriken him to death over the course of the next 5 minutes
Jeremiah Brown
>he was the last good Warchief, the last good Horde Adding salt in the wounds when you fight his time echo the bronze dragon said we got the shit timeline where he was a fuck up but every other timeline he was the ideal warchief.
BFA is shit, but they just released Warcraft 1 and 2 on GOG.
Jacob Kelly
Making her wear plate armor was a mistake.
Nathaniel Hughes
>the closest thing we ever had to the Faction War promissed was when the Alliance had the 400 ilvl piece from killing horde and hordelet butthurt was glorious. >Imagine being proud of your entire faction bitching and whining so much that Blizzard literally bent over backwards to make you stop crying and gave you a ton of free shit.
Um, the residents of Lordaeon are the ones that were occupying it. The allyniggers where trying to conquer a city that was never theirs to begin with. The undead are Lordaeon citizens.
Luke Ramirez
nice celulite grandma
Robert Hernandez
She's a death knight now.
Noah Ross
Literally 90% of Forsaken quests in Tirisfal, Silverpine, and Hillsbrad are killing still alive citizens of Lordaeron, mostly farmers
Wyatt Williams
Good, better dead than allyfag.
Mason Davis
you do realize ally literally stands for Alliance of Lordaeron right
Asher Rogers
Not him but i don't give a fuck about the nu-Alliance. They betrayed the scarlett crusade, didn't do shit during the sourge invasion and are lead by nu-men like their King who enjoys to take femdranei horse cock his ass.
Jason Lewis
>ally literally stands for Alliance of Lordaeron right >controlled by Stormwind which controlled by reptile and Lich King
Adam Jackson
>tfw wintergrasp and old alterac valley both felt like more of an epic warfront than warfronts in bfa do
It was cool and also annoying as fuck that a raid was only accessible while your faction held wintersgrasp. I wish they did more stuff like that.
Daniel Cooper
There should be consequences in the game. It's an MMO after all. Everything in nuwow is too safe nowadays, and hardly anything matters because everything you do in this patch will be nullified in the next one due to huge ass increases in gear power and shit like that. Nothing matters.
Brandon White
>>USA literally stands for united states of america >>controlled by israel which controlled by reptile and merchant king
Connor Jenkins
>Everything in nuwow is too safe nowadays Because WoW devs do what the players want. People would go crazy if they made the alliance win, or X faction to disappear/change side, etc.
James Watson
>People would go crazy if they made the alliance win, or X faction to disappear/change side, etc. I am pretty sure user talked about the gameplay. But it is fun because Alliahnce players are the one who screeching at anything.
Ethan Ramirez
>both lacks of democracy >cannot pay to the workers or peasants Really makes you think