Based son of dob

based son of dob

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Other urls found in this thread:

What about other game though?



>I could only afford the Wii and ergo it is the best


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At this point, do you hate Dob or just feel bad for him?

Why doesn't he work for the dying newspaper industry instead? 50$ is bum tier

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Dobson is genuinely representative of your average nintendie

It’s funny for the fag fanboys like him. For anyone else

Still hate. You should only feel bad for someone if they know they are flawed. He has an ego that masks the smell of his own shit, and comes off as unbearable.

I don't hate him, but I'm curious to see how low he can get. Also, how his patreon doing?

Is Dobson the original console warrior?

>no jokes
>just shilling his preferred console or headcannon
cringe and dobpilled

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>I need three websites
No you don't?

It's that type of entitlement you see in America these days

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>I have 3 websites I need to get back up and running to store all my artwork
Wh- but why?
Why do you need 3 websites?
Why not just store them all on ONE website?

Honestly I think it's just a way for him to procrastinate and do nothing. "Oh I need THREE websites to host all my shit I can't POSSIBLY start working on them all without dedicated websites. And anyway why would I make content if no one is even going to look at it?"




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Not even close.


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People have been console warring since the very start. It's basically a fact of life now that children will argue with each other about which of their toys is better.

didn't this fuck drew porn?

>Can't pay off student loans
>Not just buying fake diplomas from Yugoslavians
It's not like you would have learned anything in college anyways.


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Dobson likes racism?!?!

Why does every fucking nerd who hates sports pretend they’re fucking smart and like shit about the periodic table and other dumb science shit

You know I am a big supporter of free healthcare but maybe it should be void on the obese.

This is kind of funny if you ignore Vivian's dialogue.

Fat people should be ground down and used at replacement fuel

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imagine being at computers

Obfuscating costs (free healthcare, subsidised education, etc.) is almost never worthwhile.

It's called COPE


>metabolic privilege

Attached: GODDAMMIT.jpg (1280x720, 46K)

Imagine being this brain-broken by postmodernism.

Fucking white people and their
*shuffles deck*

2 and 2 make 5

>comic artist who can't into art

Should've modded a PS4, so at least it would have games.


>fat cell
Do you think he really believe this or is he just trying to find an excuse?

>white people

>pretends to like science
>can't do basic algebra

Attached: tp.png (480x424, 187K)

Ewpecially when they cannot comprehend math and even RPGs make them all dizzy.

Amputation is the quickest method of weight loss

Wait a minute, isn't this that LessWrong guy? I thought those people weren't complete fucking psychos

These kind of fuckwads sicken me. I may be tubby but I'm not going to blame anyone else than myself for that, and I'm not gonna go around asking people to "accept" me for being fat. Being fat is terrible and all I really need to stop is to get off my ass but some people will do anything to justify their ugliness to themselves. Reminds me of the dumb fat cow complaining about heathism.

I have no words for my disgust.


>are there any completely reliable methods of weight loss

Attached: 1548072144967.gif (520x920, 16K)

reminder that this guy is one of the most famous members of the "rationalist" community

>wii fit
>all day!

fuck off shill

Cocksucker wants to lose weight without doing something. And he is pretentious on top of all.

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>Life is like a dying apple in red wine...
What part of that requires a thesaurus?

>claims to be Zelda's biggest fan
>hates Zelda games

What did Dobby mean by this?

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wtf I love ps3 now

Tell that to his pall bearers

Zelda fans don't even like Zelda games. They can't agree on anything

My god the hair is like one of his darkest insecurities, what happened in his childhood

Did they change link’s hair?

I go back and forth on it, but mostly just sad at this point. He's a truly a very small (not literally) and pathetic man.

Dobson insists that the DiC cartoons are Nintendo canon. He bans people who try to explain to him that Nintendo didn't make them.

Attached: muh cartoons.jpg (640x918, 225K)


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Got bullied by some blond kid.

They change his hair pretty regularly. But Dobson's hung up on how it used to be brown and now it's blonde.

>Joker drawing on 2015 frame

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Remember. No matter how depressed you get, at least you're not Dobson.

Zelda fans are natural enemies.
Like Majora fans and Ocarina fans.
Or Wind Waker fans and Ocarina fans.
Or LTTP fans and Ocarina fans.
Or Ocarina fans and other Ocarina fans.

Imagine how depressing it must be to wake up and tell yourself you are Dobson.

It’s almost like it isn’t the same link in each game, huh

He literally thinks he's Link. He thinks that because he's left handed and has brown hair that makes him Link, and he gets angry when Link doesn't look like him.

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Is it better or worse than being Anthony Burch?

Reminder: He thinks Cuphead or as he calls it "Cupman" is a poorly designed game because you have to remember patterns for boss battles i.e the majority of boss fights since video games introduced the boss battle. Also, the concept of "git gud" is problematic and all games should be winnable without having to learn the game via playing it.

I'm surprised he hasn't killed himself yet. I would have.

>I will delete comments suggesting diet or exercise

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Do you consider inflation porn? He made some stuff under the name CattyN which he's likely to never live down.
It keep it vidya related, why does Dobson have such a boner for Nintendo? Probably for nostalgia reasons, right?

holy shit, he is pathologically obsessed with this shit.

If I were lonely like him, i'd have committed suicide. it's really sad to think about

>Not posting ObnoxiousDouche

I don’t think Mario being from Brooklyn was ever true outside of Donkey Kong and that cartoon.

Fucking Dobson.
Could have picked any of the good games on wii but instead he went with shit like wii fit.

He became autistically obsessed with the shitty Dic cartoons to the point he considers nothing else canon

Leave him alone you bullies!

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>claims to love something
>hates it

hes Yea Forums

He has a boner for Nintendo because he never grew up. His mind is stuck in the past and that's when he was happiest. Wearing all his nintendo gear and watching nintendo cartoons. That's what Dobson wants to go back to.

>no 2017,2018 or 2019

The reason he hates blonde link is because his high school bully was blonde. I guess in his mind it's Nintendo siding with his bully by changing Link's hair colour from Dob's hair colour to his bullies.

Much, much worse.

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i wish i was so fat i ate computers

Bullying Dobson is a good way to relax

Anyone got that video of him talking to himself and playing his Wii while a drawing of Link sits next to him?

I don't think Dobson ever finished the first 3 Zelda games to be honest. All he did was watch the shitty cartoon. Otherwise he'd atleast know that Link always was blonde.

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>says he's fat due to "psychological" reasons
>starts losing weight and suddenly accuses women he dated as feeders
>starting to lose popularity? Pulls the "I'm Bisexual" card
I literally can't think of any more pathetic human being than Boogie. Dude's literal claim to fame was acting like a giant manchild and now does "Serious Topics" videos, like lmao I'm not taking your fat ass seriously.

Who the fuck smells like piss when they sweat?

Thread is going to get deleted anyway, might as well

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Why does that art look familiar.


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Danger Dolan, creators of the most fuckable cat in recent 2D history.

Attached: 266523 - 3D Mei-Ling_Zhou Overwatch Reaper_(Overwatch) Source_Filmmaker URBANATOR Zarya(1)(1).jpg (533x594, 53K)

It's planet dolan.

Why can't he just learn to stay quiet?

The fuck is his problem?

>0 results

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Did anyone ever find out what really happened to Shima?

the artist draws for danger dolan

Attached: 43.png (1473x1877, 650K)

i'm losing my shit, why did he write this? What would you gain

When he rebooted his Alex Ze Pirate comic, he renamed countries and cities after Anita Sarkesian, Brianna Wu, and Zoe Quinn (as well as himself)

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So does anybody know what is actually wrong with Dobson?

Wow Dobson, are they an evil capitalist merchant republic as well?

I want to say autism but that would have the opposite effect.
I think he's just retarded.

In Nasuverse terms, his origin is wrongness. I'm sure the universe itself changes laws whenever he says something in order to make it wrong.


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Dobshire? More like Dobshite!

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sorry bro, but this isn't attractive

This one always gets me irrationally angry. It's almost as bad as when he compares himself to Calvin and Hobbes.

Shit nevermind, I didn't even bother reading it. Just how recent is this edit?

>starting to lose popularity? Pulls the "I'm Bisexual" card
When did this happen?

That'll be $40 plus tip, pay piggies

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>Brianna Wu

Okay, this guy is out to lunch. He put them in there despite them being a rich, egotistical asshole that got their dog killed because they left it out during the coldest night in Boston while they went out and partied. Even tried to paint the event like it was super sad for them saying the dog loyally stayed there. Jesus fucking Christ, kill this abomination already.

>here's your commission bro

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Why does he draw himself with hair, yet other characters as balding?

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After all these years, I still don't get the joke.
Because there's a joke, isn't there.

This really pisses me off

Why would I feel bad for an autist?

Good lord that art is ugly

>those prices

Wow. He's really underselling himself compared to what lesser known people do.

He got triggered by people asking him why he draws himself with hair, so now he's a blue bear.

Self loathing/denial.

he's a brainwashed american who can't understand the savings by making systems that are centralised

What the hell did he do to Bismuth?

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There's no way he actually did this.


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Don't insult the autistic by claiming Dobson is one. No Dobson's problems is depression, narcissism and not wanting to grow up and face reality.

Why deny that you're going bald? It happens to tons of people, just shave your fucking head, the guy has a beard already.

I have a bunch of ps3 games and they're all weeb shit, did I ps3 wrong?

At least I'll be smiling when I kill myself, ecstatic in the knowledge that I'm not fucking dobson.

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>I have super fat that proven methods of weight loss have no effect on.
>I totally didn't just lack the drive to properly commit to these proven practices, they were definitely bad and useless.

Is this what someone looks like after being redpilled against their will?

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How do we solve the Beige problem?

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>mfw i'm not Dobson

Attached: Euphoric.png (336x329, 182K)

Because his beautiful brown hair is his most important feature, because it makes him just like Animated Series Link, which he thinks was actually made by Nintendo and is the final word on Link's hair color for all time.

Just get the Grey Ones to go against them, they will annihilate each other

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Can someone explain me this inflation thing? Is this his fetish? Any sauce?

>body stores fat for times of famine
>body eats its own heart before starting on the fat
Yeah that sounds like something that gets through a billion years of evolution.

Post the edit.

Is Dobby aware of Yea Forums making fun of him?


I literally stopped eating but one meal a day and lost 100 pounds in 1 year

It's not just Yea Forums or Yea Forums, pretty much every place dislike him for one reason or another, he's really that much of an self-centered asshole.

He went to /ic/ once and got some legitimate criticism and almost improved because of it but then buckled down on being a talentless hack

>acts like an intellectual and a nerd
>Can't into math
>can't into tabletop rpgs

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>narcissism and not wanting to grow up and face reality.
So autism...?

This may sound crazy, but I'd rather be Anthony Burch than Dobson. Burch at least has a job he likes, works with people who like him and overall has a better quality life.


>can't into console RPGs because reading

No. He's an asshole who thinks the world needs to change and not him. There are lots of people like that out there.

In “Things I will never understand” and “Things I can’t do” should both include making comics

>the effect of american education

He needs another spritzing

>who thinks the world needs to change and not him

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The RPG one blows my mind. Sending a range character and a wizard no doubt to take on an entire horde in melee combat and he doesn't see anything wrong with this. Dobson is a fucking idiot.

To be fair those shooters really was shit. Everything was "realistic" and brow and it was just boring

Eating less and well makes you lose weight, that said it's true that starving doesn't make you lose weight because your body will try to keep as much reserve as possible and will burn muscle mass first.
That said when fat fuck talk about starving, it usually means "eating less than my usual 50 pounds of trash"

You keep using that word. I do not think you understand its meaning.


only in america, you guys disgust me

>Samus can have emotions and still KICK-ASS!
This always fucking bothers me. Wasn't one of the primary issues with Other M how robotic and unemotional she came off?

>having shit taste

Features of autism:

>Self-centeredness; inappropriate to developmental level and cultural expectations

>Poor self-awareness, poor ability to develop remorse or learn from mistakes

>Poor empathy or appreciation of others feelings

>Poor ability to reciprocate emotions.

>Hostile dependency on safe relations.

>Failure to develop emotional relationships appropriate to developmental level and social norms

>Treating people as objects or preferring objects over them

Sounds like the lot of you are just mad because you share similar traits with dobson, and don't like him being labeled an autist because all of you are autistic

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He started out as an inflation artist. Now he blocks people who bring that up, and also makes comics criticizing people who like tits in video games. Mind you, he drew pictures of women EXPLODING.

Did anyone work out the meaning of pic related?

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You'd probably understand the point I'm making better if you weren't autistic

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Just the average "old good new bad" comic. Nothing remarkable really

Can't believe the nazies used to dab.

>console RPGs

I think it means we live in a society


Starvation mode only applies to when you’re on something ridiculous like 500 calories or less per day.

All these kids making fun of him, he'd kick your pussy asses and he's pretty good looking honestly

I love how he just stays there and lets the guy spray him, to then reach for the paper he left.
He's like "Ohhh man! FInally something interesting happening!! I can turn this into a comic where I look strong and get revenge!!"

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Holy shit why no one posts that instead of the usual strips, that sounds like a must watch.

Hi Dobson.

She was a roller coaster of inconsistency. She was only cold and robotic until the script called for her to have daddy issues and weep about Adam shooting her in the back for being a woman, before apologizing to him. And the feminist Son of Dob finds this empowering.

>crying about Link's fucking hair for THREE PANELS IN A ROW
Jesus fucking Christ, Dobbo, let it go already.

Wait, so there's actually people staying in line waiting to meet him? The fuck.

>implying that potato could even lift is leg beyond a 20 degree angle.

It's never free. You still pay taxes for it, it's just that everyones money gets thrown into a big pot so you can visit the doctor without ending up in debt.
The problem with fat people is very often no knowledge about proper food. They are often a bigger/more expensive burden but honestly, that can get higher demand to fix some problems/issues with certain people.

I guess higher rates or more co-payment for therapies/treatment that come from bad health choices might help. For example Mark's weight is 150kg, he has problems with his legs. Three years later, his gall bladder has to be removed, Mark weighs 180kg and his bloodsugar is 250mg/dL. Mark has been diagnosed with diabetes and weighs 200kg and his regular bloodsugar is at 270mg/dL. Fuck Mark, if he refuses to even try to lose weight and at least eat healthy, he should have to pay more.

I mean people only goto burger king when everything else isnt open or they want cheap nuggies
So many better places for burgers


>I miss Link's hair

Wasn't this Nester going on after SNES and 64 came out?

It's "hoard". He's attacking treasure.

>draws detractors as fat and bald

>go to BK during lunchbreak because I'm too lazy to make my own lunch
>friend is mad at me because her ass got bigger because she follows me there

>Mario's not from Brooklyn anymore?
How the fuck does the NES game convey that he IS from Brooklyn?

Weird how the last panel became true

50 dollars a month huh
way to shoot for the stars buddy

>only 20 dollars for a colored full body
>only 5 fucking dollars for a colored background
There are a great deal of things to mock dobson for but this isn't one

My best guess is:
>Blindly following Nazis
>Blindly following Smartphones/Social Media/etc

Is he going to be okay?

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Autist here. We're a completely different brand of retarded then Dobson.

It never did. He basically assumed the cartoon was canon. Same with the Zelda one.


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>Furries: I’m NOT one!

This denial though.

stay mad

It's not that uncommon. It's possible your body changes (nothing serious or maybe your kidneys are fucked), some people smell bad because their body can't process the food they eat properly which makes them smell bad

Rule of all fiction to play into the Halo effect. Always make the "good" guys better looking.

What makes one a furry though?

The hair looks pretty brown to me in that image.

Dobson might just be the list unlikeable person on planet earth. Goddamn dude.

Look at the panel about Final Fantasy.

Sometime this year. He said on Twitter that he's made out with men and is open to the idea of dating one.

Really makes you think

It's an edit. The fact that it's believable says volumes about the standard quality though.

Finally, an "old good, new bad" comic I can agree with

Does anyone have his chronicles with his ex jewish girlfriend that stayed with him out of pity and thought she could change him for the better? I think it culminated on a Hanukkah where he said some really cringy shit to her parents or something like that
I remember him posting his tellings on deviantart but he deactivated his account and can't find them anywhere now

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Yeah, I realized after I finished reading it. But you're right, it's a convincing edit, fooled me.

I unironically like Star Trek Voyager. Should I kill myself?

Now that's a pretty dumb comic.

maybe his comics aren't even good for newspapers?

I don't like sports, but not because I'm smart.
I just think it's really, really fucking gay to worship another man or group of men to the point that you religiously watch him/them on TV every chance you get, pay hundreds of dollars to sit in a packed stadium so you can see them in less clarity than you would on TV itself, and wear their jerseys with their names and numbers on it like some teenage girl wearing her jock boyfriend's Letterman jacket.

I still want to fuck Vivian

If there is one memory that I have burned on my mind is watching Tekken for the first time and being mesmerized by its 3D graphics; they may look as milk cardboard boxes today but to my teenaged mind they looked like the future.
I'm pretty sure that a kid seeing the Wii's 3D graphics wouldn't react with boredom or annoyance like the kid in this comic does.

So he's like a one.

Attached: kinsey_scale_by_mdimotta-d5h855c.png (900x584, 397K)

Just realize that OST, TNG, and DS9 are all superior and that Janeway is a psychopath.

He spent an entire meal talking about nothing but Nintendo games and trying to explain the plot of some Zelda to her 60+ year old mother and how she should buy it for the Wii they had in the attic to play it through the virtual console.

Her aunt had died the week before and the rest of the family was mourning her at the time, he seemingly thought he was polite because he waited until after the toast to start up on it.

Attached: why 4chan hates dobson.png (619x246, 15K)

the kinsey scale is bullshit

how long until he starts to pander to the furry crowd

Okay, Tom.

Attached: 75.png (600x441, 371K)

>sucking his finger like he needs a dick between his lips by two
"Predominantly heterosexual" my ass.

I didn't watch any of that shit. I just watched Voyager because that was what was airing when I was vaguely interested in the series.

>Last panel

I want to fuck that Link

it’s an edit

Even trannies hate him


who doesn't hate him?

You made the worst choice.

>He spent an entire meal talking about nothing but Nintendo games and trying to explain the plot of some Zelda to her 60+ year old mother
>after a family member just died
Jesus Christ

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I love how even in a completely unrelated comic he still manages to slip in his Apple elitism bullshit.

How many friends do you think Dobson has in his life? Like I can't imagine anyone putting up with him enough to go see a movie with him on the weekends or something.

That's an edit. Originally he "only" brought it up the first two times.

It's just so pointless. 'Well I guess you can be different amounts of gay so maybe you can be gay out of ten'. Then most people who bring it up do it to imply most people are some amount gay.

I dont get it

He did so in that very same "I'm Bi" post.
Sadly, it wasn't half as impressively pathetic as the most notable one by Anthony.
I'm legit pissed that I can't find a screencap of it.

This can't be real, right?

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Post the journal of him complaining about Christmas at his GF's because it wasn't Christmas enough cause they were Jewish and how he felt he was being mocked cause they tried to include them in their festivities

Ok I have just one question

Why is he so OBSESSED with link's hair and mario being from Brooklyn?

It's below 1500 for the average person,

That's not what I'm getting at. He wouldn't have complained about Link's hair because he would have been around for OoT which is when this shitstorm with really kicks in and in reality would not give a shit about such a petty thing because Nester's thing was being the biggest Nintendo fanboy. Dobson is just injecting his opinions into this character.

Do you mean the one where he tells the internet it's not his fault his gf mad at him for refusing to attend her family's holiday get-together because he says hannakuh is unamerican?

Why are getting more naked the gayer they get?

>he seemingly thought he was polite because he waited until after the toast to start up on it
How socially retarded can you get?

I guess he was trying to be nice and recommend something that helped him through some tough times.

Because homosexuality means promiscuity, don't you know. The leading theory is that if you're gay enough, you absolutely can't help yourself and must get naked in public at parades

nobody uses the kinsey to define how gay they are, they simply say they are or not or just say they are bi.

the same reason why furfags wnat to push wolf and fox being secretly gay for each other

>Guys if I smelled like piss its because my sweat smells like piss. not because i pissed myself.

Nah, I was referring to his attempt at furry pandering over Robin Hood when his popularity started dwindling.
Not the actual worst shit he's ever done.

Well that's what I'm saying, it's a bunk chart that nobody uses, and it's no mistake why the only most popular image you could find about it, is an amateur's drawing of increasingly naked ripped men

fucking amazing

>heterossexual is a slav
>homos are white bois

Holodoc and Seven of Nine. That is LITERALLY the only saving grace. Borg get expanded upon which is nice. Holodoc is Data's character concept but way goddamn better.

Ok Yea Forums combining all the Trek series who would your dream crew be? Can be any character in any position.

I really don't get LOL threads, half of them are nearly decade old irrelevant comics and political bullshit, you're getting yourself riled up over nothing. I haven't checked routinely in years, but they're still the same Dobson comics, same Loss and edits, same Nintendo tumblr comics, maybe one or two recent ones.

I genuinely wonder if it's autism or new people who haven't seen these for very long.

Does it have a running story, though? Dobson is so incredibly lazy he seems to drop everything before it gets going. Alex Ze Pirate is fucking pointless btw he's got no serious idea of what it even is.

>Borg get expanded upon which is nice
Voyager ruined the Borg

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Muh board culture

We are getting new material, now there are stonetoss comics too

I had no idea it was possible to lack self-awareness to the point you keep making a fool of yourself for years and don't give a shit about it.

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Pretty much

He could actually make a fortune if he did furshit. People pay up to 100 bucks for furryporn

Rent free


Because there are other cute gay enough boys around

Nice opinion you have there. Let me ask you something, do you think the amount of video games you play is as black and white as sexuality? Like you're either a gamer or not just like you would either be gay or straight? If so, would you consider women who play facebook games as gamers? Because you don't seem to believe that there should be a separation based on the degrees that someone is a gamer/homosexual. So trying to quantitative the difference between facebook playing casual middle aged women and men who spend $1000 building a gaming PC is worthless. Just treat all those farmville playing grandmas as hardcore gamers, because it's basically the same thing, right?

Attached: 2018-08-20-image-15.jpg (690x437, 127K)

also funny how the more gay you are the more promiscuous, this definitely does not paint well for the community that wants monogamous marriage and be treated as normal

Dobson doesn't even have that big an internet footprint, he literally just posts some art like once a week on a tumblr, it's just everyone reposts his entire archive any time they want a thread. Most of this stuff is from literally ten years ago. Why the fuck is anyone posting comics about the PS3 and Wii?

You're not wrong, I'm just saiyan. Pick any son of dob comic and you can play a drinking game with the number of things wrong with it.

/pol/ hates him for political reasons
/r9k/ hates him because they are jealous of his autism
Yea Forums hates him because he is a faggot

I bet we can do all the boards. Expand this list a bit? What would /lqbt/ and /mlp/ hate him for?

Funs things are fun.

>Can't paint
Oh it shows Andrew, it shows

Attached: 1483660442510.jpg (260x273, 17K)

All I do most dies is try to rile up channers but I can never compare to this manlet/bear/yellow thing. He really got your number.

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How the fuck do people like him even live day by day knowing even the most stupidest of things will piss them off?

I think that time spent performing homosexual activities has nothing to do with some 'homosexual quotient', and I don't really see the value in declaring yourself numerically gay along a scale, as though that would somehow be useful in deciding how to act or how you should behave.
I get that's its just a simple intuitive scale for psychologists or someone to help visualize 'how gay' someone is, but the idea that you have some quantity of gay in you needing measurement, is pretty useless in real life, isn't it?

being a faggot

>sunglasses are now toxic masculinity

I want this ride to end.

>Becomes increasingly sluttier as the scale goes higher
I'd like to think there's a better way of portraying homosexuality, but I can't really think of anything else

Tends to happen when you tie your identity so closely with your sexual preferences.
The only way to show off your gayness is to have gay sex and wear the most flamboyant shit possible.
It's honestly kind of funny how similar they are with furries.
I even tend to consider those gay as fuck leather strap outfits and broadway plumage getups their own varieties of fursuits, and wearing girly shortshorts that only go halfway down their asscheeks kinda like going into public with headband wolf ears and a tail.
They both have their reasonable individuals that you never hear about because who cares about boring shit like sane human beings?
Let's all look at the faggots literally sucking each other's dicks in the streets in a giant orgy they call a parade trying to get STDs because that's their fetish, and the autists dancing around in mascot suits while going into debt spending thousands of dollars on porn of their poorly designed OCs to jerk off to.

Attached: F is for.gif (292x161, 234K)

see lol

Let me guess they included people who play only phone/facebook "games"

>Literally trash in Spanish

>he's such a beta cuck that even the old phrase "nice guys finish last" triggers the shit out of him

Attached: Bliss.jpg (500x500, 42K)

he traced it, not the first time he does that though.

Bonding over mutual disdain is a refreshing experience and there's always something to hate about this guy.

>Ice Blood Bay

This is 100% distilled cringe. Confirmed for WoW's next expansion overworld.

This post is schizophrenic as shit, by the way. Why the fuck would some tangent complaint about casual gamers have any bearing on if a homosexuality quotient is used, or is useful?

>Make Jim Henson roll in his grave
Pretty sure his son has got that one on lockdown

Its one of the more accurate drawings.

Which says more about Sugar and her team then anything else that DOB can pull it off.

I don't know how to draw or how long it takes but isn't this really cheap for a man's labour? Say a full body with background is $25. Will it take less than two hours to do?

and now with this trend of pup mask, that line is blurred out because furfags are into it and so are gays. some furries debate the mask is not a fursuit and that it shouldn't be used in public because of its use but they get called kinkshamers for having common sense


The problem isn’t the price, because the prices are really cheap. The problem is that Dobson’s shitty art isn’t even worth those bargain barrel prices.

You just find Yea Forums or something?

>I'd rather be Anthony Burch than Dobson
That's fair, just remember to be thankful you're neither of them though.


You're assuming everybody who is part of a group is a fanatic just because there are fanatics in that group. That's fairly low IQ behavior if you ask me.

Imagine being dobson

>>I will delete comments suggesting diet or exercise
He's retarded. But even then, just eating healthier will already make a huge difference. You don't even need to eat less, just stop eating shit.

Just fucking fast?

It is really cheap, but he's also really lazy. The real problem with Dobson is he really doesn't have any respect for anyone, and he assumes that because he 'can draw' that anything he quickly shits out must be impressive to 'those who can't'. So he makes these promises to draw comics and do commissions, but when he sits down to do them, he really just wants it to be over, so he rushes it.

/lgbt/ would hate him for being too much of a faggot
/mlp/ would hate him for not being a brony
/ck/ would hate him for driving up the prices of food for eating so much
/fit/ would hate him for obvious reasons
/jp/ would share the same sentiments with Yea Forums
/vp/ would hate him for being a genwunner
/vr/ would share the same sentiments with Yea Forums
/trash/ would hate him for making shitty art
/soc/ would hate him for being unattractive and his obvious disdain for women being objectified
/int/ would hate him for being an amerilard
Yea Forums would hate him for listening to chiptunes and Nintendo soundtracks
/trv/ would hate him for not travelling
/fa/ would hate him for his aesthetics
/k/ would hate him for being nofunz
/m/ would hate him for hating mecha
/sci/ would hate him for being a brainlet
Yea Forums would share sentiments with /sci/

You don't use the value to decide how you act in the future, you use the value to describe how you already act. People have different boundaries on what they find acceptable. Some people would suck a dick of a trap that they think looks cute and feminine, but would never suck the dick of a masculine bodybuilder. People need a way to easily convey their preference and the only other option is to make up a bunch more of those over 9000 tumblr sexual orientation/genders like demiboy and genderfluid to describe what types of dicks you will or will not fuck.

Attached: original (1).jpg (500x752, 216K)

The entire point of the message is to falsify permission not to lose weight.

Wait, why is dobson himself criticizing his blue bear alter ego

steven universe characters always looked that shitty

>be a fat fucking fat nerd
>not into Transformers, Final Fantasy, D&D or Star trek
>Can't do simple fucking math

Attached: 1513640193983.png (430x329, 158K)

>why no one posts that instead of the usual strips
Because we are on Yea Forums,despite the laughable state of this board this is not /trash/ or /d/

>eople pay up to 100 bucks for furryporn
yeah, for the good ones.


Actual drawing can take a really long time depending on how much work is put on it (up to entire days on big projects)
That said I don't believe Dob spend more than an hour on his stuff.

The average person has a maintenance of 2000. A 500 calorie deficit is not enough to go into starvation mode

>a boy and his blob
>new IP

Attached: file.png (212x301, 181K)

Nah I am that autistic.

Did he really need a thesaurus for any of those words?

What the fuck use does a number between one and ten have, when you already know what you want to do sexually in the first place? The only use I could imagine, is in gay flirting, which is fine, but are people really out there comparing their self-declared Kinsey numbers, rather than just offering or looking for their desired sexual act?
Other than that it's just outdated sexual identitarianism. Be my guest though,. I really don't mind.

>tfw actual fat bald people are literally 10000x more friendly and personable than dobson

>*hits pipe*
I cannot think or comprehend of anything more cucked than being Dobson.

Attached: A78849BF-93A7-4016-97D9-457786FA0497.jpg (123x132, 13K)

Can't believe even his own drawings dislike him.

So sexy that the universe imploded and they kicked her off the show


The fucking IDEA that ANYONE would want 1977 Hobbit fanart. He has no idea what people like about drawings, does he?
Also I always find his shadows are way too dark and it makes the image hard to read

I thought furries freaked her the fuck out so she went off the show and also changed all her aliases and accounts and shit.

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Because everything has different levels to it. An artist can mean anything from some guy making oc sanic drawings on deviant art to a classically trained painter. You don't just lump both of these types of people together under one category. Just like you wouldn't listen to the opinions of a facebook gamer when doing market research for your next AAA game. Or like how you don't assume that a dude who wants to fuck twinks is also willing to fuck bears.

If you found out God was Dobson, you'd shit on him all day too

Your a god. Someone screencap this.

in deviant art of some other stuff he made a poll where he asked if people were ready to spend 1$ to access his gallery.
Even his hardcore fans didn't want to

idk about the voice actress, but Vim went on a fucking Drawing Spree after she got popular

Dobson is not all that terrible as far as his drawings go, it's all the rest of him that is absolute crap.

I'm not saying gay is black and white, I'm saying nobody uses the Kinsey scale because it's about one percent as valuable as just saying you're very sexually active or you have a fetish or that you like a certain kind of porn or that you live whatever lifestyle you do anyways. When was the last time you saw anyone use the scale? Too little information.

Boy you Zelda fans sure are a contentious bunch

No thats what actually happened. I fapped to fanart of the cat girl before but there is difference having a fetish and having mental illness.

It's just that he doesn't respect any audience and he doesn't really have a point. He wants to be a successful internet artist, but he doesn't even draw images that he himself wants to look at. He has absolutely no idea in mind when drawing to try and make something worth looking at. He rushes everything.

This is either edited or intentionally a joke. I don't doubt that that yid is crazy, but he's not that crazy.

hes a fatass american

Stonetoss can be funny sometimes

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HUT HUT HIYAAA (you just made an enemy for life!)

Attached: manual_image.jpg (1494x840, 324K)

Hahah the c-word! Again! C-word! :')

are you actually so stupid you don't get the joke


The joke is the c-word. The rest is just a contrived set-up for it.

>haha its a scathing indictment of internet 'cuck culture'
Dude it is quite literally a normal cuck joke

Pretty ironic.

so link is vegeta
and a cute girl???

Attached: 1539379244980.png (545x543, 36K)

>that graph
If you think that graph is worth anything, you are wrong. Saying that anyone who plays games is a """gamer""" is the same as saying that anyone that does any kind of physical movement is an athlete, or anyone who dismantled a pen is an engineer.

he looks like what my one friend could have ended up as had he not given up his alcoholism and started working out. Also joke's on dob, that one friend is STEM making six figures in flyover.

Only when he's not shoving his far right viewpoints into his comics is he actually funny.

>Wii Fit
Geez. Like, technically he's right, but that's just scraping the bottom of the barrel man.

he's too full of himself to admit defeat like that

>gay to worship another man and religiously watch him on TV
lmfao 2002 called, they want their no-brain infantile overreaction to not wanting to exercise or watch the game back.
No seriously,. if you posted this in earnest, you're insecure as shit. I don't even know what to say, I feel like you need guidance.

>claims to not understand Klingons
>yet somehow describes them perfectly in one sentence

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Jesus CHRIST cannot he not talk about anything else!?

unironically based though

I actually saw CWC in person the other day.

how did he have a GF

why does he always stick his foot in his mouth?

>8% of gamers are grannies
i'm sure this is totally legit

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What was his end goal?

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>look, you can record stats
lmfao okay. I'm not against visualizing data, but why do people think the mere existence of a graph is 'scientific proof' that whatever is being recorded is helpful or natural? Like seriously I can make a thousand graphs of the proportion of colors in different jars of skittles, none of it makes observing skittle colors more important.

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this is great

>People pay up to 100 bucks for furryporn
>up to 100 bucks
>100 bucks
You forget a couple digits there, user?

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You're aware you're in a daily general thread where we repost images he drew from a Wii phase he had over a decade ago, right?

Wow, /tg/ would really flip their shit if they saw how fucking atrocious this map and world building is


I want to do lewd things with that cat.

Attached: 195D9F93-0CA8-49C2-B2DF-FA00C362E427.png (258x222, 55K)

$5k for one image? Tell me more

Anything above $0 is overpriced for Dobson's "art"

>paying money for furry porn
>when e621 has fifty gazillion images for free

Isn't his problem with D&D that he once went into a closed gamestore and got pissed when he got kicked out. He even made a comic about it.

But where are the video game?

He'll have to pay me to watch his shit.

>wii fit
ok I smiled

Id let him draw for me for reverse comission. He pays me to give him requests.

Isn't it kind of self-defeating and pathetic when people try to make right-wing statements that also call people like Disney bigots? Like seriously, that is a sensitive comic.

well, I appreciate that you tried

holy fuck it's like dealing with a child
>"I'm sorry that you got mad."
>"I already apologized so you can't stay mad."
>"I cleaned up my mess so that counts as an apology."
Is it really that hard to just say sorry that you were a jackass for literally zero reason? Just eat humble pie for a little bit, he looks like he's eaten every other type of pie.

Fake right?

>Tell me more
Some people (not even other artists) will defend you for charging this much.
You can make a living by drawing mediocre furporn.
You can make a living by drawing high quality safe furshit.
You can retire early by drawing high quality furporn.

there are degrees of severity between fiction that happen to be made by bad people and a guy who mostly makes lazy fascist propaganda

Attached: 1552055203-20190308.png (684x1722, 481K)

You don't know ANYTHING about 2D internet prostitution

bullshit, no one willingly goes to Ruckersville

How long till he dies?

his inflation shit is fucking disturbing

I've never spent money on porn because there's a functionally infinite amount of it on the internet for free

>Is it really that hard to just say sorry
He did I think, he tagged her directly with an apology.
What's sad is that he had to have a bunch of unrelated people get angry at him and tell him he's being a cunt before he did it.

>never clicked that link
Fuck we're too late we're already on Yea Forums

If I need fresh porn I just makes it myself, then get my friends to make an art trade.

Attached: Stonetoss.jpg (987x490, 90K)

>Some people (not even other artists) will defend you for charging this much.
I honestly don't see why there was a problem with that guy charging $5k for a drawing. In real life art circles rich people will commonly pay $20k for abstract scribbles some hippy drew in his free time.

I should really learn how to draw

>that Full Body drawing

No kidding, I saw him driving back from getting groceries. I've been staying in the Shenandoah area. I nearly lost my shit and laughed my way into a ditch when I saw his "SONICHU" license plate on a blue Chrysler. I thought it was someone who stole it for a joke plate, but I was sadly mistaken when I drove by and saw his balding head.

He didn't look too good, from passing by his car.

Homosexuality is weird because of the types of people it attracts. Sometimes you'll meet someone who's curious, but ends up regretting it immediately afterwards, a lot of them turning hostile and psychically violent on whoever they just hooked up with. Other times someone might seem like they're interested in a serious relationship, but then you find out that they're not even out of the closet yet, making it difficult to have any semblance or a normal relationship with them. These are most likely the types of people who would rate themselves a 1 on the scale. Having a scale to refer to is an easy way to weed out these people. I mean you could try to do it without referring to a scale, but it would be like two people into bdsm trying to explain their sexual preferences without using words like top, bottom, switch, power bottom, hard limits, soft limits etc. So you like to be in charge, but do you only like to be in charge or do you like to have someone else in charge too? So you don't like getting fingered in the ass, is this like a definitely absolutely no for you or a maybe no, maybe yes type of thing? Kinsey scale, bdsm terminology, they're just tools to get your point across easier. Having them hurts literally no one, getting rid of them would just make conversations more convoluted.

Isn't the most expensive piece in the world still one of those dogshit pollock splatter paintings

It's kinda difficult to jerk off to your own drawings.
Hence why I have friends with whom I can do art trades, so they draw my porn and I draw theirs.

You were never funny nor a good voice actor.

People pay exorbitant premiums for 'exclusive', 'unique', and 'original content'. There are domination fetishes involved in having control of a porn artist, much like people have with prostitutes and other subs in the gay community and otherwise. People pay others to produce copywrited content, for the expensive sense of ownership. Custom furry porn is bling. Paying an artist to design you an OC and to proliferate it in public porn space is a form of influence. Having a depraved private collection curated personally for you by a hardworking porn artist, is a personal treasure.
All very egotistical and thrill-seeking behaviors that move millions of dollars into the hands of artists.

Pretending to be an animal.

I dunno I can jack off to my own stories so I figure jacking off to my own art wouldn't be that big a stretch

Are you even following this conversation? Because you're literally just proving my point correct by agreeing with me.

Does that include drawing yourself as a blue bear?

I'm glad the jewess left him. I am glad that he's sad and alone.

>I thought those people weren't complete fucking psychos
You must not have read much from their community, lol

I mean I get it, it's just are people really using the Kinsey scale? I legitimately don't know. 'Oh, what would you say your Kinsey rating is, because I'm not prepared to go in with anyone less than a six'? Does it happen?

All of the day bro.

It's neither. Yud has a long streak of believing literally nothing is his fault.

I didn't it was impossible, just difficult. Mostly because you see the lines rather than the character(s) or the pose, the tips is too imagine the character(s) in your mind first.

>I will delete any comments suggesting diet or exercise

Back in 2014, I looked at a picture of myself on the beach and felt shame at how pudgy I looked. In about half a year, I dropped from 200 to 150 lbs. just by dieting and exercising. That took me a whole lot of effort, but I made the conscious choice to endure the pain and resist the temptations, I bargained with myself and realized that my physical health and appearance were more important to me than eating without moderation or not feeling muscle soreness, and it paid off in the end. It sickens me that stupid lazy idiots like this just want to do nothing, have zero self-control over what passes through their gullet, and don't even try to improve because proper weight loss methods don't provide immediate gratification and require consistent effort over a long period of time. Then they turn around and cry when people don't think they're as beautiful as skinny people and come up with all sorts of dumb bullshit like "thin privilege" and "fat acceptance" just so that they can drag the rest of society down to their level, and then be perfectly content with themselves as they ride around supermarkets on their electric scooters that should be reserved for the handicapped and elderly, shovel a fifth piece of cake into their fat face, wash it down with two cans of Pepsi, and then die of a heart attack at age 50. If fat people can't burn calories, they should burn at the stake instead.

Attached: 1493591884218.jpg (600x884, 326K)

I was just replying to the image


>t. metabolically privileged

Attached: dobson hero.jpg (656x3926, 674K)

Imagine liking the zora enemies better that the friendly ones.

After all these years this song is still relevant

Fuck me, now I really want to cross over to the dark side for some easy money
I fucking hate furries, but I like money way more...

Wow, Dobson jumped over a counter and screamed at some guy. A true american hero.

Attached: 1424804768422.png (537x452, 78K)

btfo'd so hard they have nothing to say

What exactly did he think he would gain by doing this? Did he expect any of those 3 to see this and praise him for it or something?

Fat people be like that. They develop strange coping mechanisms to try and give value to them pushing people and advice away. Two very obese people I know, are very proud and self-assured in correcting people who do not accomodate their obesity. I tried to go up the stairs and I get an 'Uh uh uh!' with a smug look, as if I had been 'caught' being bigoted and not accomodating, for not naturally assuming my friend was so obese he could only use the elevator. In the same way, Yid says 'you do not have the privilege of contact with me, if you cannot respect the rules I made up to deflect shame and pressure to lose weight'.
They get very proud when they give up. 'I've made my decision, and it's these bigots who can't live with it!'. They become sedentary, stuck in their spot, and all they can do is learn to take pride in scoffing at the people who can just walk on by. Like an obese and nearly immobile cat, 'this is my spot, and if they can't follow the rules, i won't let them be here'.

>Somebody needs to be held accountable and they need to pay

Attached: 980-80-8950808.jpg (1280x720, 70K)

this fuckin guy


I think so.
It's not as bad as walking around in a fursuit, but it's part of the same scale.

I've done a similar shit a couple of times

I can't comprehend for the love of fuck why he started to cry. Can anyone explain what the fuck goes through his head?

I pulled a drunk biker dangling and about to fall off a bridge. Didn't feel like a hero either.
Its was baffling then nerve wracking, exhilarating, then turned hilarious.

Oh, so he kicked out a shoplifter and called the police. I mean, good for him, but this is an incredibly normal thing.

Adrenaline rush left him tired and needing a nappy. Most people just grumble they had a bad day.

_ ____ __ ____ ____ cat

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Nobody tell him

Attached: chosen.png (502x380, 166K)

What I'm saying is that ""gamer"" is basically a title, so effort and time spent is required to "earn" that title, just like you need effort and time spent to be called an "athlete" or an "engineer".
But that's not the case for gay, you are either one or not, the amount of time a person spent being gay doesn't make a person more or less gay, neither it matters how far he is willing in a sexual relationship.

This culture of acceptance needs to fucking end. Mentally ill people are unceremoniously warping the human image, and our civilization is celebrating them for their "diversity". Where will we draw the line?


Attached: dobson.jpg (540x720, 115K)

Quick reminder that you aren't supposed to chase after a shoplifter. I guarantee Dobby made this comic because he was yelled at by his boss for putting his own life at risk for fucking DVDs

Its a goodway to get shanked, but most lifters don't have anything on them anyways.

Eh. It's helpful when you're dealing with confused straightish guys. Like, hey, maybe you're having fun with this guy, but you've always been with girls before. That's okay. You don't have to be 100% gay or 100% straight or even 100% bi. Just do what works for you.

Its only superficially a culture of acceptance. In bureaucracy and when so many people are watching you have to assume at least one of them is crazy, people work their ass off to be accommodating because it's at a society level, and it is virtuous to continuously give every outlier and weirdo as many chances as they need to be generative, but on an individual level you'll find most of the obese and mentally ill live with constant depression, anger, and thoughts of suicide, and people are basically left extending a helping hand, or walking off disgusted. Most people leave disgusted.

Yeah, specially because usually theft is covered by insurance while a worker getting hurt running outside his workplace to chase a shoplifter isn't.

They're on the right track with the color thing. The straight guy should be flat colors and there's progressively brighter colors.

Using cellphones makes you no different from the nazi’s

Don't be mad user. They always die in pain at the end, I hope

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So that's what a coçkroach infestation looks like if they were humans?

Normally I'm a 0 on this scale but when I'm balls deep in another man's asshole I think it gets pushed up to a 1.

poor reading comprehension


You have some issues. Straight people talk about sex and dress provocatively too, calm your Puritanism.

Attached: 268x0w.jpg (268x402, 45K)

What if diet and exercise had failed?

fucking KEK

This is a post I wish I had made an hour ago.

Good motherfucking LORD

Attached: 1553564968408.png (900x600, 770K)

Dobson is pathetic

>never tries to make anything entertaining, his webcomic is just a podium for him to spout his opinions that nobody asked for
>has the most contrarian opinions about every little thing, but acts like he's superior for it and paints anyone else as losers or idiots
>can't take any kind of criticism, thinks his art is just fine and that he doesn't have to improve or even have an open mind about anything in his life
>gets hated for his stubborn refusal to accept anything that doesn't fall within his very narrow world view
>half of his comics then become him retaliating at the hate he receives
>wonders why he's so hated

Attached: 1538717604696.png (369x238, 12K)

>common sense
Pick exactly one.

>power girl
wow, he actually did it
i thought that comic was just something made up but this is much worse

Attached: 1547706872905.png (620x550, 168K)


like how you're acting like a whiny cunt

I kek'd

Dobson was shopped into the pic though

That pic's an edit

>tfw archive got fucked
sad times

That is a terrible comic.

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How is it bad? I'm being genuine here since I don't know shit about maps but I always loved the look of them.

Is there any more pictures of this thigh goddess?

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It's just a way of describing things. Like instead of going "I'm 200% straight, not even in prison." You can just say "zero". Instead of saying "vaginas make me physically ill", you can say "seven".

because she looked like livestock

In appropriate times and places user. They at least keep some civility.

The thing with link fist bumping him is one step away from sonichu

>vaginas make me physically ill
That doesn't mean you wouldn't put your dick in one tho.

So you're a six

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Didn't /tg/ get trolled hard by some user who posted who a map they all thought was boring and cliche until someone pointed out that it was a map of europe turned sideways?

Then you're probably not dieting/exercising the right way. For eons in mankind's history, you would have never seen ANYONE look like the average American of today, except for the (literally) privileged European royalty at the top of the feudal system. This is because back then, there wasn't an overabundance of food, and there were no computers, smartphones, or video games to sit at all day. Everyone had to do labor work in order to live, everyone had to play and exercise in order to have fun, and everyone had to eat considerably small portions of organic food that wasn't chemically processed and filled with 24 different kinds of artificial sugars. If, even despite that, you were still fat, then you probably had a more serious condition, like a gland defect or something, but that was a far outlier from the norm. And for the most part, every normal human being's body responds similarly to that same kind of stimulus, as history has shown. If diet and exercise has failed, then you did something wrong, or didn't stick with it for long enough. There's no such thing as "big boned", just normal bones buried under layers and layers of blubber.

>Anthony Burch had sex at one point
>Anthony Burch was paid professionally for his craft at one point
>Anthony Burch has hair
>Anthony Burch isn't morbidly obese
>Anthony Burch doesn't have a fursona
>Anthony Burch doesn't get off on the idea of making women violently explode
>Anthony Burch never convinced a girlfriend he was anti-semite

Burch is a loser cuck, but Dobson is just a waste of oxygen.

Attached: 1514905655164.jpg (400x400, 37K)

Sins of a Complacent artist still holds true. Andrew Dobson is the saddest motherfuckers on the internet I've ever had the displeasure of coming into contact with.

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Because rainbows are a common gay identification?

Appropriate times and places for straight people was anywhere anytime until MeToo.

that image was always a joke

user, everyone at first glanced knew it was a joke.

Even though Ronnie's not bald, it reminds me of how cool of a guy he is in person despite being so self-deprecating.

being flirted doesn't equal to harrassment, plus some women willing to do it to get the job so is more their fault, too

Then you’re either not burning enough calories, or you’re eating too much.
It can be more difficult if you have an odd metabolism that makes the calories out difficult to calculate, but ultimately there is no way that CICO, I’d properly done, can fail, outside of someone summoning forth calories from the ether or secretly being a perpetual energy being.

kenny is such a gift, god i miss his videos of just shooting the shit, why did he stop anyways?

Attached: 91dbd54628e774d5d843317ed4dc241c.gif (209x180, 1.18M)

Anywhere and anytime that's appropriate.
why did you even point post this image its a fucking raunchy romcom, it course its going to have sexual themes.

I'm just a 1

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I guess that makes sense at this point. I still say the rainbow thing is a willfull symbolic campaign to associate a world without gay people as drab and meaningless. There is a lot of merit to the idea, but you really don't have to be riding down a rainbow to be gay or expressive.

From what I remember at the time he's was worried about being too toxic. He wanted to focus on the music and was generally pretty bored of the whole forever-pandering thing

>I've ever had the displeasure of coming into contact with.
>coming into contact with
Do you have a story for us, user?

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That story how Dobson got his vendetta against anime because he showed some retro anime to an anime club (that he co-founded if I recall correctly)
They lampooned and tore apart every anime prior with their wannabe mystery theater 3000 antics and he expected them to react differently to it?

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Then you either failed your diet, or your diet was not properly designed for weight loss. The modern 'diet' is literally just a word made up that means 'eating in a way that causes or accomodates weight loss'

Usually at conventions people are just perusing the tables and seeing what's on display. Sometimes you find cool artists and sometimes you accidentally make eye contact with a desperate artist and are forced to endure a few minutes of awkward conversation while they try and cold sell you on their comics or commissions.

>mel Gibson
>Walt Disney
alright (((stonetoss)))

>"no way fags"

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He sounds a whole lot like Joel, is he swedish?

Everybody makes fun of him.

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>They lampooned and tore apart every anime prior with their wannabe mystery theater 3000 antics and he expected them to react differently to it?

Everyone knew it was europe, the entire thread was taking the piss
I'm a disgusting phoneposter right now, so I can't give a good answer
Consider things like how the cities are completely spread at random, there are no topographic points of interest besides ONE mountain range from which no even fucking rivers come out (speaking of which, no rivers except to stupidly tiny ones).
Also no possible to tell if there are different biomes, impossible to see where there would be forests, plains or tundra (there must be a fucking tundra or cold ecosystem because the unoriginal faggot put viking names to the cities at the north)
There are many other things to nitpick, but I'm not the best at it. You get the idea tho
Names are just fucking awful and unoriginal

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Exactly, it's a self-eroding complaint that stresses the importance of what it claims to criticize

The fuck are you talking about

Anyone still have the video of Dobson playing Skyrim at 5fps?

>ending a statement with a quotation mark
oh no no no