>20 men dev team >less than million dollar budget >horrible shit graphics even by 2001 standard >dumb arpg with minimal skill involvement >no support from mother company but jealousy and putting it down on every occasion and actively sabotaging it until lead people quit
Pic related, and literally THE BEST game ever made.
Also mandatory fuck Blizzard, and you got what was coming to you. Rest in Shit.
Michael Robinson
>portal scroll simulator It's not even the best ARPG ever made, PoE blows it out of the water.
Daniel Peterson
I liked the first one better because of the map structure It made sense enemies are getting stronger as you get deeper and closer to what looked like hell Wish there were more hack'n'slash games designed like that
Jose Foster
>Being this toxic Holy shit this sort of attitude is exactly why a small company like Blizzard just had to lay off 800 unlucky workers! If you care at all about the future of gaming, you should continue to support our products.
Carson Cooper
PoE is garbage tho. Grim Dawn is miles ahead of PoE as well.
Nicholas Cruz
>no support from mother company but jealousy and putting it down on every occasion and actively sabotaging it until lead people quit quick rundown?
Some games just did it right, right from the start. It’s not for nothing Diablo defined a genre. Yeah there were arpgs before it but you have to remember that it didn’t even start as one. Some of the best games in history come from people’s ability to innovate when operating under heavy limitations.
Chase Thomas
Diablo was always considered runt of the litter, probably because it was not made by Blizzard but Condor. That's why it's rarely updated, talked about, and a testing ground for new shitty Activision schemes, such as RMAH, mobile market etc.
Just look at it's anniversaries or special events. No remakes like Starcraft or Warcraft, only cosmetic shit like pets, mounts for your other Blizzard game, crappy reenactment of Diablo 1, and I think they gave like beer coasters for 20th anniversary or special portrait for paragons?
Diablo 3 has been out for 10 years now, and only content they added is constant polishing the turd with primal ancient greater primalier ancientier legendaries and readding class for D2 because they're so fucking out of ideas or they don't care. probably the second.
Sad how they treat it, but expected from rockstar whores.
t. Hasn't played Diablo 2. PoE is good, but they aren't even the same kind of game anymore. Hell, /poeg/ might die this league because no one likes the new mechanic.
I honestly liked the first one better. Harder, better atmosphere.
D2 was more replayable because of all the different builds and patches though.
Isaiah Parker
>bring a gorillion thawing potions to fight this fuck >had no idea it was because of holy freeze
Connor Perez
Can't wait for 4.0 PoE and Exilecon it will be fucking glorious. Can't wait for my female Shadow
Austin Price
I used to love ARPGs, but I feel like I developed an allergy all of a sudden. >friend convinces me to play PoE >have fun but drop it for no reason >get back to it later, friend has been playing a shitton, recommends me an "optimal" build >game becomes completely braindead, he's storming through everything and i'm just running along >reinstall D2 later >i'm just clicking on things and almost falling asleep >try median xl >i'm just clicking on things and almost falling asleep >try reaper of souls with another friend >i'm just clicking on things and almost falling asleep >there are fun skills but they don't make a viable build >repetitive as shit but friend loves it because bigger numbers
Adrian Butler
Take a break and watch anime, don't play any games.
Brayden Morgan
Holy shit can you please come up with a new joke? You say this shit LITERALLY everytime Grim Dawn is mentioned.
Josiah Bell
>>i'm just clicking on things and almost falling asleep This is me but my whole life. Diablo-likes are just not for me.
Jeremiah Cruz
Where's your endgame bro
Alexander Parker
You are obviously not talking about Diablo 2. Diablo 1 maybe, since Blizzard just bought company that made it - but D2 had many many prototypes and redesigns and was massive corporate effort.