thoughts on new minecraft update?
Thoughts on new minecraft update?
it was probably just some corporate decision since notch has no rights to the IP anymore but you faggots, who are basically an extension of twitter by now, turned it into le epic culture wars faggotry as per usual. sneed.
Ah poor billionaire
Then why didn't they do it when they bought the rights years ago?
Good. They shouldn't associate themselves with that loser.
lmao why was this even kept
But he didn't make it. He just lifted it from another game just like how angry birds stole the idea and execution from that castle crasher flash game.
Kinda funny how a board sperging out about chinks stealing shit and get rich worships a fatass who did the same. Guess self awareness is dead among the new generation.
maybe if he wasn't a manchild sperging out on twitter he wouldn't be dumped by the only thing he's known for
t. seething tranny liberal ooga discord booga SJW etc etc
This, you guys are retarded faggots.
He's gone full alt-reich /pol/tards, can't associate with him.
he sold it for a squintillion dollars to microshit and most of his "work" has been gutted and completely rewritten, why the fuck should he care considering it's basically not even his game any more
because back then Notch wasn't shiposting on twitter about how you should punch a commie and whatnot.
Notch could be respected back then, now he is a cunt who got rich and does nothing but be sad on twitter sharing rightwing conspiracy theories and getting into heated argument with leftist about how somehow the guy who shoot 50 civilians isn't worst than a bunch of idiots who destroyed a few showcases in protests
Who cares?
Are you saying that communists shouldn't be punched in a country where communism is illegal?
You just contradicted yourself
>t. Notch
I agree that Notch's contribution to society is now less than zero
>people say punch nazis
.get praised
>people punch others they accuse of being nazis and post it online
>get praised
>someone says punch communists
>this is the worst thing anyone has ever said
Communism has killed more people than any person, or ideology on this earth.
>ideaguys are the ones who actually create the games
the state of nu-Yea Forums
hello boomer
What the fuck do you mean he "didn't make it"? Are you retarded?
>copypaste an open source code
>"ahh.. all in a day's work"
>then hires others to actually program new stuff
Ok, Ching.
It's just marketing, they don't want to upset china. Everyone already agrees that punching Nazis is fine so that doesn't matter.
Oh, you ARE retarded.
Kill yourself resetera tranny
Calm down loser, I'm not them, simply saying what they were referring to.
Wtf bros... we truly are the most oppressed group in history. And all we wanted was just to genocide everyone else... It's not fair, we shouldn't struggle like this...
Utterly irrelevant seeing as the issue here is public reception and despite the cold war most of western culture is very adamant about hitler and the nazis being THE WORST so the communists get a free pass
How is this entire thing even an issue, notch sold minecraft and everything related to it, even when he owned it he hardly did any actual work once it got popular so the new owners decide to change load screen tips to reflect this. Why on earth would Microsoft want one of their most popular games associated with someone that goes on massive rants because his rich and does have to care? It's a timebomb waiting to go off
do you think this insult actually holds any weight when it is repeated ad infinitum as it is?
That actually seems like it might be illegal, since there's a little known subcategory of IP law called "moral rights" and that includes the original creator's right to be credited for as work. Even if you sell the IP to someone else like Notch, you STILL retain the right to be credited for it and that can't legally be taken away from you by any means, other than you personally requesting to not be credited.
At least that's how it works in EU, I don't know how you savages handle these things.
have they removed Yea Forums splashes too?
So it wasn't because he doesn't own the IP anymore but a political issue like OP was implying.
Good job contradicting yourself retard.
what ? how ?
if having a certain political opinion is the sole reason you have to punch someone then your either a cunt or living in a dreadful country
the thing is that people understand nazism as inherently evil, the common conception of the nazi is that he wants to kill everyone who isn't a part of his ethnostate and that's it.
communists are more seen a idealists who got their ideas twisted by tyrant and maniacs but aren't inherently evil: "they just want equality and free stuff" is far less controversial than "we're going to kill every nonwhites"
>kill yourself buzzword buzzword
go fuck yourself
Communism is illegal in Sweden? Funny, I thought you larpers said Sweden was a commie haven.
Let me guess, you're an Angolem, right? Nobody else is this dumb.
pre sure his name is still in the credits, it's literally just the joke text next to the title on the main menu that got changed.
Notch is still credited, they just took in game references to him out
>splash screen is now "credits"
Glad eurotards enjoy showing off their retardation for the world's entertainment.
Credits and loading screen text are different things.
I was responding to a guy who was asking why Notch's name wasn't erased when Microsoft bought the IP and my answer was that Notch wasn't an embarassement to them.
how is there a contradiction here ?
>they didn't remove him because of culture war faggotry, they removed him because of culture war faggotry.
literally an archive of notch's first video you tard. but it doesn't matter, it still took a lot of work to make minecraft and there is no legal case.
Notch lives in America.
OP didn't imply shit. Stop projecting
sounds like some petty bs to me like someone is still pissed they didn't get a cut of that 2.5B
but notch doesn't care, why should you?
When did he move? And why the fuck would he move to the country that literally gave birth to retarded extreme wing politics in the first place? It's like going to Africa and complain about how many niggers are around
>it was a corporate decision
>no actually it was the culture war I lied
You sneering bullshitters deserve all the mockery and condemnation you get and I am pleased to see it continue.
Yes, yes, say some more disgusting shit about how you enjoy fucking up society, we know you want to.
who gives a shit
He's a lonely nerd whose only human contact is through the internet, of course his views will be distorted
If you don't understand how those both tie together you are clinically retarded.
Kek. Even Konami still have Kojima in their credits when they re-release a game.
Notch himself already said he doesn't care so why the fuck are you dumb fucks talking about it so much? This is just like the censorship shit you pitch a fit about every other week when companies remove loli vulva of their own volition. You faggots don't actually have any principles that you hold dear, you just want to bitch about "the evil SJWs ruining video games with politics".
You're right, actually going outside makes me hate humans and want to see them die even more. Especially lunatics.
>I made this
>You made this?
>I made this
reading comprehension 0/20 see me after class
I was saying that Notch being a cringy basedboy on twitter is something that happened recently and that before he was the guy who made minecraft and microsoft wouldn't mind having his name in the game.
Now he is a twitter shitposter and people think of him as the sad cunt who did a decent game like 10 years ago and now spout controversial hot takes on twitter and of course microsoft doesn't want anything to do with that because they're a corporation and therefore very sensitive about PR stuff and Notch stunts wont fly under their watch
>what is capitalism
So it couldn't have been a corporate decision based on some dude being a jackass online?
Different user here, I'm having some real trouble trying to grasp what's so hard to understand.
>guy is ok in a public forum
>guy makes game
>game becomes popular
>guy sells game and IP
>guy starts being a faggot on social media and the new owners distance themselves by removing references to him ingame
Seems like primo example of board room thinking and reactions so where is this "culture war" coming from?
he's been a cringy alt right poster for years already
>more money than anyone could spend in a lifetime
>spends his entire life shitposting about /pol/ shit because he is an asocial freak
>he will never get his wife back
>he will never form a single genuine friendship
>he will forever be miserable
no wonder Yea Forums admires him, he could do literally anything humanly possible and he chooses to live his life just like them instead
> remove Notch's autofellatio from the game
> continue to credit him as the creator
> this is my game now
Must be hard wanting to kill yourself every waking moment then
And since when have corporations like Microsoft been fast on the uptake unless there is enormous public outcry about things?
I'm sure fucking whores and snorting coke gets old pretty quick
Infiniminer was nothing like what Minecraft turned in to. He didn't copy shit.
It's about principles in vidya industry! So we must go to war even if the victim of oppression says we shouldn't. We know better than the poor man.
you just lack imagination and goals
>/pol/ shit
What in particular are you referring to?
Or is just everybody that disagrees with your politics in any way is automatically pol?
>guy starts tweeting stuff that goes against the social mood of corporations because it's somewhat "right-wing"
>corporation removes him
Imagine my shock
Infiniminer is all but identical to early minecraft, in fact until significantly into minecrafts development it was straight up worse than infiniminer.
>defending commies and trannys
im putting you on my hit list faggot
>he didn't make it
>even though he wrote the code
QAnon lmfao
>/pol/, the political discussion board
it was probably just some corporate decision since notch has no rights to the IP anymore but you faggots, who are basically an extension of twitter by now, turned it into le epic culture wars faggotry as per usual.
Why did you say two different versions then?
>They removed him because he does not have the rights to the IP, NOT because of culture war faggotry
>next post
>They removed him because of culture war faggotry
Just fucking pick one. The fact that you are now tripping over yourself trying to cover it up is pathetic.
look at this dude
oh no no no no
Because before Notch wasn’t on twitter promoting q-user bullshit and saying he would rather be a fascist than a communist (even though they are kinda the same thing)
i don't understand your post, are you making fun of him for basically winning at life and now enjoying it the way he wants, something that you will never do, or are you just shitting on him like the trannys and commieshits do?
Maybe super early Minecraft (Cave Game, Indev, Infdev) but by alpha it was clearly distinct from Infiniminer.
Which was so terrible Jared basically had to rewrite the game. And proceed to update it without leadership since the lardass was busy sitting in his hotel room all day during his millionth vacation that month
No, /pol/ was used not politics, you would have said politics if you meant politics, you obviously would not refer as some super left person talking about politics as /pol/.
So what did he talk about that makes him /pol/?
Having all the money isn’t winning life faggot. Most poor people are winning life way more then Notch
the "you should punch commies" followed by the "I don't care about christchurch, commies are still the worst" kinda remind me of how /pol/ react to a lot of stuff
yeah yeah, day of the rope and all that jazz
>it was probably just some corporate decision since notch has no rights to the IP anymore but you faggots, who are basically an extension of twitter by now, turned it into le epic culture wars faggotry as per usual.
It wasn't me I don't agree with this user this is obviously a PR move from Microsoft to distance themselves from his internet meltdown.
>man criticizes communists
>is unpersoned by "capitalists"
>winning at life
he is currently spending his time like an aimless NEET does
you don't need money for that, and he himself admitted that he is feeling miserable about it
Minecraft today? Sure
Minecraft early alpha (read when the map was 1 chunk, you had no HP/food/XP and everything was basically creative with a menu to select what blocks you wanted)
Minecraft now isn't the same as minecraft a decade ago.
Just like Angry Birds is totally different from Crush the Castle
He's talking politics because the subject is political you absolute retard
So it's purely because someone committed wrongthink against your narrative? Got it.
>>man criticizes communists
>>is unpersoned by "capitalists"
Lurk more on the good boards NiggerKikeFaggot
It is.
Are Final Fantasy and Dragon quest the same game?
>go to another board
>Start screaming about vidya
>someone tells me to fuck off with my Yea Forums faggotry
>"perfect, time to be a pedantic retard"
Or do you actually think /pol/ is actually a singular political movement tied to a spesific political idea? Actually yeah, you do, fucking newfag.
Woah... what's going on big guy?
When it was pure creative it wasn't even in alpha yet
I'm not completely knowledgeable about the Angry Birds situation, but from Google Images, Crush the Castle does look pretty similar
Yes, it was his decision to speak like a paranoid asshole in public and it was MSs decision to remove his name of the splash screen. Its great how freedom works isn’t it.
>"The human model is intended to represent a Human Being. Not a male Human Being or a female Human Being, but simply a Human Being," Notch writes.
>"The blocky shape gives it a bit of a traditional masculine look, but adding a separate female mesh would just make it worse by having one specific model for female Human Beings and male ones. That would force players to make a decisions about gender in a game where gender doesn't even exist."
>Notch touched on this subject at GDC, during his fireside chat with SpyParty's Chris Hecker. Making a female character model wouldn't only be strange-looking, as Notch said then, but it would be completely unnecessary in a genderless world. Even the animals are neutral (rather than neutered).
>"Cows have horns and udders (even if I've later learned that there are some cows where the females do have horns), and the chicken/duck/whatevers have heads that look like roosters, but still lay eggs," Notch writes. "For breeding, any animal can breed with any other animal of the same species."
>Notch notes that this particular post serves only to provide official clarification on gender questions in Minecraft. Oh, also: "As a fun side fact, it means every character and animal in Minecraft is homosexual because there's only one gender to choose from. Take THAT, homophobes!"
How long after selling minecraft did Notch lose his mind?
Real subtle user
>t. Applied for asylum in USA because his home country was destroyed
he's rich and pissed
you can't stop a man with nothing to lose
>When it was pure creative it wasn't even in alpha yet
You could be right but I distinctly remember it being called an Alpha, then again it was just white text I saw on my monitor 10 years ago so whatever
It's actually the exact same concept, and plays the exact same way. Ctc is way older and free, but angry birds is what became the billion dollar franchise due marketing.
Survival mode was in the game less than a year after early alpha. EXP and food were two years later.
They are two distinct entities.
They are, and they weren't in which made original minecraft like Infiniminer.
What the fuck point are you even failing to make here?
"Alpha" is when it really started ti become more of a game, rather thst just a building sandbox. The versions before were called Indev and Infdev, and they were when the game was still pretty much an Infiniminer clone.
Notch is the proof that idleness rots your mind. Only by being actually productive and create things with your very hand do you keep a healthy mind.
Many such cases with NEETs. Sad! Christians were right, indolence is the path to a personal hell.
>don't give a fuck, be rather eloquent about it too all your life
>move to United States of America
>within a few years
What fucking point are you trying to make? Minecraft verged off from Infiniminer from basically the beginning.
Even early alpha showed that Minecraft was going to be a different type of game.
Comparing the two based on mining and voxels is stupid.
Mining and voxels are a pretty significant part of the identity of both games though.
>Minecraft verged off from Infiniminer from basically the beginning
True, this does not, in fact, change that fact that the earliest version of minecraft WERE basically infinimier.
Will you get this through your thick skull, I'm not arguing that minecraft is infiniminer, I'm saying as someone who played both when minecraftw as in early access before early access was a thing that they were the same game.
So? That doesn't mean they are the same type of game.
Mario jumps and stomps on enemies, that doesn't mean Sonic is a Mario clone.
And shooting zombies is a big part of Resident Evil and Left 4 Dead, but nobody would say that L4D is a copycat.
Yeah, its kind of sad that the moment he got rich he stopped caring about developing minecraft at all. He couldve even just hired more devs instead of doing anything himself but all he wanted to do is to take his money and fuck of.
I agree, the idle rich who only live off interest deserve to have their money taken away.
Nice, now when are they going to credit the poor dude that made infiniminer?
Are you just pretending or do you actually have a 60 year old grandmas understand of videogame genres?
>minecraft vs infiniminer arguments 10 years later
infiniminer lost a long ass time ago, how do people even remember that game
stop punching people
My thick skull? What I am trying to explain to you is that just because it took the basic concept from another game doesn't make it a clone.
communism is fucked up and i hate seeing americans defend it like it doesnt go against everything we stand for. that being said, notch has said some retarded, absurd things aside from that that is a complete PR disaster to deal with. I'd do the same thing in microsoft's shoes. If the big name in your game is spouting anti semetic shit you gotta clean that up real fast.
>basic concept from another game doesn't make it a clone.
And I'm telling you if both games only have the basic concepts and nothing else, they they are. Not in the technical sense obviously but from a consumer standpoint.
Literally nothing I said was wrong though. Minecraft diverged early on from Infiniminer. It was a glorified tech demo when it was still like Infiniminer. Minecraft quickly grew its own identity.
>anti semetic
because I was playing Infiniminer before Minecraft came out and was on Yea Forums telling Notch how to turn his shitty knock off into an actual game with other anons.
Notch is a literal hack, all he did was whip up a lego knock off of Infiniminers engine and a bunch of dudes on Yea Forums, myself included, basically told him to make it 3D dwarf fortress.
Notch didn't do shit, Infiniminer came up with the cool idea for the engine, and Yea Forums came up with survival mode. All of Notch's ideas were garbage.
t.someone that is still pissed off that Notch wouldn't quit going on vacation instead of adding all of the features he promised to the shitty alpha I paid like two dollars for
Yes America invented extreme wing politics. Fuck man how young are you
> it is not American to help thy neighbour
> it is not American to be honest
> it is not American to be fair
> it is not American to be a hard worker
However, it is American to make more money than most people will have in their lives for selling a videogame, then use your new position to insult people on twitter instead of ever being productive again in your life.
Good job taking your info from fairy tales instead of history books.
whats it like holding a grudge for a decade
still made by notch
>thoughts on new minecraft update?
Good riddance. Any white male who doesn't castrate himself in 2019 is a nazi.
>myself included
>those jews didn't die from gas, they died from lice and typhus, and the holocaust never happened, though I wish it had - neo-nazi revisionists
>some trannies got so upset at Notch's twitter shitposting they went ahead and petitioned the company that owns his old game that they probably haven't played in years to remove all references of him
Man, if people actually went all the way to achieve such an empty victory, that's so fucking lame. He still is a billionaire, and he is still known as the creator of Minecraft. Dude has fuck you money, and people will always listen to him because of that.
Resident Evil (up to 4 since that was L4D's release) wasn't anything like L4D from a gameplay perspective.
Again are you just pretending or are you talking about a bunch of games you never even touched?
>insult people on twitter
This. Hate speech is anything i don't like.
He’s still in the credits
Its been alright, its not like I'm literally seething every day, but I still think he's a fat faggot that got popular thanks to Yea Forums, then immediately quit working on the game while it was barely even close to finished, went on perpetual vacation because not working at all is very hard, and then cashed out after years of bullshit cosmetic "updates" while making no meaningful changes to the actual game because he had more money than he needed already.
That fat fuck quit working on the game he promised us as soon as he had a little cash in his pockets, he should have used that cash to just hire an actual dev team that would do more than add reskins of existing blocks twice a year.
I'm 26 and moved from Yea Forums to Yea Forums in like 2006, you basically had to be living under a rock to have not been a part of minecraft threads when Notch was still posting here begging for ideas.
No he didnt lol. He added tons and you fags constantly bitch about it
cope more you useless NEETs
I'm not saying they play lime each other, just that they had "the same concept". It's what you do with the concept that matters, and none of these games are very like each other
And anyone who has more money than me doesn't deserve it, regardless of how much effort they put in to get it.
>several references to Yea Forums are still in
>I was posting on Yea Forums when I was 12
>NEETs are literally living the life of a billionaire right now
Completely understandable, if I were in their shoes, I would have done the same. I wouldn't want my company or products have association to an outspoken alt-right supporter of hate.
>No he didnt lol. He added tons
>Hey guys this halloween update is gonna be huge!
>uh, I didn't actually finish it lmao, here's the little bit I actually did. I'll finish the rest when I get back from vacation lol
>mfw he never actually finished the rest of that update
>people in this thread saying notch didn't make Minecraft because he based it on Infiniminer
Oh I guess every FPS game is a literal copy and paste of Wolfenstein
>let's remove Lucas from star wars.
Big yikes
I was 14, learned about Yea Forums in highschool from a friend. Mostly lurked on Yea Forums at first but moved on to Yea Forums and other hobby boards once fucking around in Habbo hotel started getting boring.
If you were around on Yea Forums back when Notch was here asking for advice you'd know why people on Yea Forums think he's a lazy hack.
I wonder if all that candy in Notch's mansion is rotted by now.
>I'm not saying they play lime each other,
And I'm saying that early minecraft and infinimer did.
Sure, I can accept that you didn't play infinimner or early minecraft but for fuck sake
This is an anonymous imageboard, you can just stop responding and nobody will ever know it was you who said all this retarded bullshit, gaining new info is quite literally one of the goals of talking to people, today you learned that a game with a decade of patches is fairly different from its original form and that said original form wasn't all that original to begin with.
Early minecraft and infiniminer were very very very very very much like each other, that's all there is to it.
If Lucas started talking shit like notch does on twitter, his references would be removed too faster than you could say "redpill".
>people in this thread saying notch didn't make Minecraft because he based it on Infiniminer
Who said this? Where did you even get that? Go get a job at Kotaku this is some quality tier gaming journalism, hot takes and shit flinging based on things nobody even said is a sought after talent in the field
this is your fault for letting cultural marxism taking over the industry
>Notch is still in the credits
what's the point then
>But he didn't make it. He just lifted it from another game just like how angry birds stole the idea and execution from that castle crasher flash game.
Everyone knows that EARLY Minecraft was like Infiniminer, I'm arguing that by the time Minecraft mattered thst it wasn't much like Infiniminer anymore.
I was. I was one of the people constantly nagging him about adding seasons.
But to say he didn't MAKE the Minecraft game because he based it on another, that's just plain bullshit.
And yes, he is a lazy piece of shit and I can't wait until Hytale comes out. That game is already a masterpiece in my eyes.
>he never played CtC
underage pls go
Here you retarded fucking nigger
>Everyone knows that EARLY Minecraft was like Infiniminer,
Wow, amazing, well done, congratulations. You managed to craps what I have been saying verbatim for the last 4 posts.
Doesn't change the fact that minecraft WAS like infiminer was literally the only thing people have said, nobody is arguing that current minecraft is like infinimner, except for you I guess. Why are you defending the game so much anyway?
I'm mot just arguing that current Minecraft is different, I'm arguing that Alpha and Beta were different too.
Also because I have nothing better to do.
Woke Microsoft has a reputation to maintain and they won't keep it by propping up an alt-right Nazi like notch.
>big breasts
absolutely disgusting
>Alpha and Beta were different too.
You. Don't. Say.
Any other revolutionary ideas you might wanna come up with, I'll even give you a direction to start, ever wonder what happens if you take a square and then start cutting off corners until there are almost no perceivable corners left, I think it might create some kind of shape that would be useful for all sorts of things!
Seriously though what on earth is wrong with you, why would you think that when someone says "early minecraft" they mean "literally every iteration of the game before the current one"? At least I got my answer, you are an actual retard arguing for the same of arguing
>minecraft is like infinimner
>no its not
>but it is
>no minecraft has XYZ
>but it didn't always have that
>no those versions don't count minecraft was never like infininer.
>Hurr durr he disagrees with me, let's censor him from his own creation
Left is terrible, fuck you all
Notch has said he doesn't care and he is still in the credits
Stop being a SJW and getting offended on everyone's behalf
Notch = controversy
Microsoft doesn't want controversy.
Removing him is in their interest regardless of opinion.
>promoting q-user bullshit
Can someone explain to me the fuck this QAnon shit is?
What if instead of being retarded Donald Trump was actually a secret agent destroying a vast conspiracy, and sending secret messages that could only be interpreted by an anonymous fag on /pol/
There are hundreds of splashes in the game.
Its normal for a tv show to credit the creator at the end of every episode long after they've left, why would they have to change it here?
Whoa, its good that freedom works that way, i hope you'll join me in affirming that nothing a corporation does is wrong from now on.
Because said creator is calling people niggers on twitters and Microsoft would rather not deal with that?
>>people say punch nazis
>.get praised
>>people punch others they accuse of being nazis and post it online
>>get praised
>>someone says punch communists
>>this is the worst thing anyone has ever said
This was literally his point, he said that no one should be punched the same day.
> hey notch can you say nazis are bad
> punch communists lol
What did he mean by this?
Why strawman? No one cares
I'm not tough, that's kind of why microsft is doing this. I'm sorry that you want to be upset about this but everything that happened makes perfect sense
He means that he has no intention to apologize or grovel toward people who don't care what he says.
He wasn't doing that and Microsoft was receiving no backlash.
>tranny HR people have to erase history so they can continue to abuse the creation of a man that hates him instead of just going outside and not wasting their lives playing fucking Minecraft of all games
Somehow they’re made pathetic by every decision they make, their lives are truly miserable.
Michael Jackson's songs aren't credited to Sony just because the kikes are having a defamation campaign against him.
I wish there was a way to say this with words instead of having to shitpost and invite misunderstandings.
> listen to thriller by michael jackson
> sony splashcreen appears, associating their brand with him and the product
Gee user, I just don't understand how these two things aren't lining up.
Who cares, it's not his anymore.
"left-wing" activists are the storm troopers of the neoliberal system
go wank over corporate PR moves. "ooh they really care about me and my silly little identity politics issues."
notch's thoughcrimes have led to zero problems for microsoft, an unaffiliated company
I don't get it.
communists genocided a lot more people than nazis
but it's okay because they didnt genocide jews
enjoy not having a single thought of your own
He's still in the credits
>but it's okay because they didnt genocide jews
funny thing is, towards the end of stalin's life he started putting out ideas and plans to start genocide certain ethnic groups