Is it true that notch was deleted from his own video game?

Is it true that notch was deleted from his own video game?

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Yes, lefties are still mentally ill
Nothing new, just move on and wait for the 2020 election

He went crazy with power and started attacking women and less wealthy people on twitter for no reason. It's his own fault.

He's still credited, they just removed the other references to him, and who could really blame them?


Why do people use this kind of language to describe a fucking Tweet?

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This. Fucking millionaire CUMSKIN CIS MALE has the nerve to criticize anyone. He should feel ashamed for being embodiment of privilege.

>On Twitter
Low effort bait. No (you) for you.

Fuck him and everyone of you pasty motherfuckers.

Majority of his "attacks" are just him responding to people attacking him first

>sell your house for 2 billion

Awww fat millionaire manbaby is crying white men are being silenced when he has millions of followers just because he wrote few lines of code. Imagine being this deluded.

He could of just let those people be left alone, but no. He decided to be offensive and act as if he's some moral god, despite him getting rich was pure luck and not due to good deeds.

This privileged fatty doesn't get even half the hate the average female gamer gets when she joins any online game.

>that twitter post
Is he completely unself-aware or something?

>should I post in one of the 5 other threads?
>Nah, gotta drown Yea Forums with another eceleb drama thread from a fatass who hasn't been relevant in a decade

> make wildly succesful product
> sell to corporation for fuckyou money
> enjoy fuckyou money through constant hot takes on twitter
> poison personal brand
> corporation removes your name from the project you sold
> your legacy is now shitposting from a mansion instead of enjoying your life
> fade into obscurity with impotent rage
I kind of feel bad for Notch, to be honest

Really boggles my mind how he turned into a /pol/tard considering how he left Yea Forums because we called him mean names like a lazy fat jew

It seems like holing himself up in his mansion and interacting with nobody aside from twitter idiots has warped his mind

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Hilarious replies, when underage newfags make daily threads about being "attacked" by covered up pixel tits or literal who saying mean thing about altcucks

>Is it true that notch was deleted from his own video game?
no ? he just sold it, pretty sure he got divorced VERY fast and went full 14/88 afterwards
he's cool

It's just what happens when you spend too much time on /pol/

just the splash screens
yeah it's bullshit, trannies are just out to get him because he tells the truth about their retardation and especially because he has a platform on twitter and they can't stand that

A lot of people are /pol/ tards, its just easier to do it when you have money and no fear of some thing contacting your boss over social media to get you fired

hateful alt righters don't deserve to be remembered
they deserve to be mocked and shunned

>have "problematic" i.e. normal opinions about the current state of clown world for years
>tweet about Soros
>the next day have your name removed from your own game

really makes you think

But all right wingers will be voting Yang.

>*quote attributed to Voltaire but not actually him*

This. He even showed up drunk one night and declared that he HATES women and is going to KILL all leftists!*

*other words may have been used, but the subtle implication was there

He got divorced years before selling and his wife got nothing. That's pretty based in my book.

Autistic morons always look for something to blame but themselves. It's why every maladjusted group of idiots fancy themselves supreme intellects no matter how dumb or idiotic the group belief is. Just look at flat earthers, hollow earthers, anti vaxxers etc making stretch claims and simply cannot fathom why all the dumb sheeps simply can't "see it", so it must be Big X brainwashing everyone but themselves

Notch has lots of money
Money buys power
When will he start swinging his financial cock for /pol/?

Or is he just gonna stay the whiny fat swede he always was while he slowly burns through his wealth alone.

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>be you
>be violent retard who wants to actively genocide anyone who disagrees with you
>This makes you on the right side of history
This is why cannibalism should be legalized, creatures like you are only served fit too be food you fucking transretard cow.

I always remember when he said he was still really sad and depressed even though he had so much money

> see opinion that challenges my internal beliefs
> can't hold it together long enough to make an internally consistent comment
Trigger yourself harder, retard.

You could just leave this man alone, but no. You decided to be as judgemental and in-your-face as possible like you are some moral god, despite you getting enough money to buy a computer which you only use to shitpost on instead of doing good deeds.

he's not really a /pol/tard, he just rejects the sjws
or since when has he talked about niggers, jewish conspiracies, female inferiority, etc?

Let's be real, things have only got worse for him.
People don't get balls deep into conspiracy theories because they have a happy and fulfilling life.

He's too good for a company like Microshart

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He thought buying the fanciest house in Beverly Hills and having a fully stocked candy room and Lamborghini would make him happy

He really needs to take his remaining wealth and start up a trad survivalist colony already (a la Varg)
But he's probably too lazy for that

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Can someone punch this idiot in the face already?



he just needs to make a game full of anime tiddy

He's an anti-social basement dweller that got more money than he knew what to do with in a tiny amount of time. Cocktail for disaster. Lottery winners get fucked up for a reason.

Kek, I remember how excited he was about that candy room at first.

What's going with all that Notchposting today?

That autistic wannabe chink should have been deleted from life. Good think McDonald's is correcting this mistake.

>you aren't allowed to hold rich men accountable for their actions
Cuck. What do you get out from being submissive to rich men that would instantly kill you if they got away with it?

>Herf a derf i wanna remove from history literally anything that contradicts anything i want
I called you a transretard cow because that is what you are, I'm not trying too deny your existence unlike you, i'm simply saying your existence is better suited too something useful for the first time in your entire life, like being food.

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Some alt-right nazi is trying to make his hero relevant again.

He was "deleted from his own game".

Making fun of transgender people is mature. LMAO.

/pol/ finally has a guy on their side in the vidya industry so theyre excited about it

ahh man i made cookies and it really takes the sting off the fact that white people are being removed from the planet by jews

you've rly done it now user


They already had the WoW guy who likes to post anime thighs I guess

What have I done? Make you realize how immature and stupid you look?

Have sex

lmao same rhetoric and talking points here in this thread as in the ResetTranny thread. kys faggots

why would they have to come all the way from there, /pol/ is right next door

Out of all the people, they chose the guy who went on vacation every second day of work, is and was a useless lazy shit stealing source codes from other games and hiring others to do his work for him. Why? It's like injecting yourself with cancer and check into a hospital to own socialists epic style.

I'm not the same user, retard.
I'm just saying you're retarded.
> I'm not trying too deny

oh no, I mean you've invited the unrelenting scorn of a dozen shitposters who will soon proceed to give you many juicy replies

Because it's unfair

Notch really not giving a good name to billionaires out there. This is why we need to tax them more.

no because he doesn't own the game anymore

The "Minecraft cane fron space" meme finally came true

They dont care, he's rich and gets people mad on twitter

/pol/ is busy with memes and Trump.
8ch /pol/ is obsessed with le culture wars and trannies.

>he could [have] just left those people alone

Telling people to assault someone for wrongthink is mature. LMAO

poor retard is jealous because zer sociology degree isn't getting zim a job

This is what happens when he sells the IP guys. It isnt like he lost billions.

Hopefully Notch grows up a bit and turns into a fat John Mcafee

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Misogynist pig who tortures women? LMAO so based.

A drug addicted pedophile who is also a murderer?

>Feeling bad for a literal billionaire shitposting all he wants
Yeah, I'm sure you'd never want to end up like him huh?

He was gonna buy Yea Forums at one point

It's clearly not making him happy. If I was a billionaire I'd sure leverage my money into enjoying my life instead of scrooge mcduck-ing until I died.

Was he the one who said he didn't give a fuck about the muds being massacred in Christchurh in a tweet?

You have to think about it from a business standpoint really.

Notch is rich and belong to high IQ society :)
What did you achieve in your miserable life, little rat?

He still appears on the credits

>have all the money in the world
>live your life like some NEET without goals

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You have no idea if it's making him happy or not. The only thing you're seeing is him shitposting on twitter.
If we took all of your shitposts and whining would you look like a happy person?

Literally my dream

>deleted from his own video game?
He relinquished that privilege after he sold the right to Microsoft. He maybe the creator, but he doesn't owned it anymore.

Why would you have any goal besides being happy?

but you can already do that right now, the door to NEETdom is open to all of us
except it is paved with misery, unhappiness and no self fulfillment

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because you die in the end with the regret of "what could have been"

Is he unironically a Qultist?

Notch should sell his lame mansion and buy some old warehouse and turn it into a cyberpunk NEET hovel
If he's gonna lock himself indoors all day and tweet about gamer injustices, he might as well do it in style

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His hissy fit over that was pretty funny.

ITT: wagecucks

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Notch is far from being happy


No, they just dropped his name from the title screen.

>except it is paved with misery, unhappiness and no self fulfillment
Ok, I have this already. How I get the money?

I can literally promise you that Notch is far happier than any of you in your shitty 9-5 lives that can be upended at any moment by a medical issue or etc.

Notch will live to be 120+, he gets monthly stem cell injections into his blood, he has a full team of doctors. He will never have to worry about anything. Anything he wants he can have instantly.

dude we can vote for yang in 2024

I'm not shitposting using my brand though. Does Notch have a creative outlet that is positive and he stands by? Or is the thing that he wants to share with the world that he is angry and real big on conspiracy theories?

Notch is a fat unhealthy blob, no team of doctors can fix that

>attacking women and poorfags
Absolutely based.

Yes, one who hasn't talked to any real humans would assume his memetic prefabricated opinions is "normal"

what if you live in a country where you dont go bankrupt by illness?

>happiness in the US is being able to afford a single medical bill

what about Nazi scientists? because, yeah, that's what he can afford

Why would you need money when all you do is sit around and shitpost all day?
Notch is doing just that

Everyone says they wouldn't fall into celeb/wealth trap that fucks so many people up until they themselves stand in their spot.
It's no difference than claiming you'd do a 360 spin kick to some robbers face if YOU were the victim.


>Anything he wants he can have instantly.
>clearly doesn't want to be alone
>still is


nice facebook compression

I have a solid company subsidized health plan, and it still costs me $350 to say hello to a doctor

Its no wonder people turn into pustule ridden fat blobs with joint problems in this country. Shits expensive.

It's not like anyone needs to put any effort into that. They'll for away on their own

> lives that can be upended at any moment by a medical issue or etc
laughs in real country.jpg
If access to money is going to turn people into immortal vampires, Notch is at the bottom of the fucking list there. People with real money will have their maids living longer than him
> Anything he wants he can have instantly
If so, that means Notch is one of the least imaginitve people on earth, and is pitiable for that alone.

This is such a resetera post.

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I need money in order to live and have my own home so I don't hear my parents telling me to get a job I don't like.

Bragging right. Everyone knows the opinion of a rich person is far far more valuable than any researcher or poor people

He had too much free time and got bored, so he went on twitter lol

In that case there are still just about 1.5 billion ways Notch's life is better than yours.

Literally everything in the world revolves around money.

Yeah Notch would probably favor scientists that share his political views, but nothing can fix your body when you refuse to eat healthy food and never exercise
Maybe they could keep him alive with an artifical heart and feeding tubes

>he turned into a /pol/tard

you don't turn /pol/ you are born "/pol/"

Leftism is an objectively wrong subversion of humanity, example -There will always be 2 genders because no matter how hard you Leftists scream and cry about it you can't change reality.

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You misunderstand my point, I'd absolutely blow through my money and burn out. (Just like people do)
His version of blowing his money was to build a mansion with an M&M wall, then burn out and shitpost on twitter.
I'm saying that's a shitty way to ruin your life, even if he does have stacks of cash to replace his M&Ms in between hot takes.

>unkempt beard
>anti social
>almost as bloated ego as his waistline
>generally ugly
Why do these types always become the same conspirical WOKE&REDPILLED types? It's like they're made in a factory or something.

Does that negate whether I am happy or not?
People can live their lives in rural areas not leaving a 20 mile radius and still be happy. If he's so happy whats with all the shitposting and arguing on twitter?

Does your country not provide social housing to NEETs?
It's enough money to get internet and daily sugar infusions

>Telling people to assault someone for different Opinion is ok
>Making fun of transgender people REEEEE!

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Notch is the only developer who is actually based. He has fuck you money and is not afraid of anything.

Not really and I have too much pride to accept free money.

>For no reason.
Dude has "fuck you" money. He has plenty of reason to belittle shitheads.

>but nothing can fix your body when you refuse to eat healthy food and never exercise

Notch has a personal chef and likely personal trainers who I'm sure see to these needs. He's not eating fucking Hot Pockets like you, lmao.

On top of this he can afford the really genuinely elite-level medical care that they don't even tell normal people about because it's so fucking unfair. For example, cancer - there is a cure to cancer right now, did you know that? It's gene therapy, and unless you're a billionaire you're not getting it when they diagnose you. And stem cells & blood replacements: Notch is almost surely, like other billionaires, getting monthly injections of masenchymal stem cells directly into his blood stream. He could also easily afford to have his blood replaced with young people's blood every month, which is another potent de-aging device.

Its absolutely hilarious how daily Stormer actually shills for a Chinese democrat socialist the moment they heard they could get free money
So much for principles of the alt right.

Because they don't see these things are holding them back. It's an elaborate conspiracy from every single group they hate to hold back people like them.



>For example, cancer - there is a cure to cancer right now, did you know that? It's gene therapy,

Really stupid if he waited another year Microsoft would have gave him a few more billions.

He didn't even get billions in cash, got like a few million in cash and the rest in shares. Microsoft stock could tank any day and he has a legal limit he is allowed to sell each year.

The best thing about being a billionaire is that you get the freedom to do whatever you want without fear of repercussion. Can you imagine how good it must feel to say whatever you want.

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>Notch has a personal chef and likely personal trainers who I'm sure see to these needs.
Then they are not doing a good job, because he doesn't really look the part
'll believe it when he actually looks healthy and fit,
not your personal delusions

Get a brian, moran

They're voting for the most extreme candidate for accelerationist purposes

So you're saying the default human is actually an antisocial autist who hates work?

You stupid?

until he shows his bank account he is not a billionaire, Microsoft gave him a split payment of money + shares to make up 2 billion.

I thought Notch was decently smart until I saw him start babbling about how communism sucks. Wow, I am absolutely shocked that a billionaire thinks that.

Well, he's still smart, but he doesn't have "that", you know. That thing that lets people see beyond their personal perspective and interests.

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>"The human model is intended to represent a Human Being. Not a male Human Being or a female Human Being, but simply a Human Being," Notch writes.
>"The blocky shape gives it a bit of a traditional masculine look, but adding a separate female mesh would just make it worse by having one specific model for female Human Beings and male ones. That would force players to make a decisions about gender in a game where gender doesn't even exist."
>Notch touched on this subject at GDC, during his fireside chat with SpyParty's Chris Hecker. Making a female character model wouldn't only be strange-looking, as Notch said then, but it would be completely unnecessary in a genderless world. Even the animals are neutral (rather than neutered).
>"Cows have horns and udders (even if I've later learned that there are some cows where the females do have horns), and the chicken/duck/whatevers have heads that look like roosters, but still lay eggs," Notch writes. "For breeding, any animal can breed with any other animal of the same species."
>Notch notes that this particular post serves only to provide official clarification on gender questions in Minecraft. Oh, also: "As a fun side fact, it means every character and animal in Minecraft is homosexual because there's only one gender to choose from. Take THAT, homophobes!"
That's a pretty weird thing for a /pol/tard to say, user.

>h-he said thing I do not like! remove his name from his own video game, its no longer his game!

So how many commies have this fatass beaten up in his life so far? Could he even extend his arm without heaving for air?

Imagine having infinite power and spending it on twitter

Everything you described is his own choice though. He constructed the situation he's in right now.

You actually think communism is a good thing?

Are you genuinely retarded, no other ideology has killed more innocent people

Makes sense for the man that spawned Minecraft.

He does seem extremely afraid of women, non-alt politics, men in skirts, brown people, the gym, sunlight, showers and so on though.

He's still credited, they just got rid of him sucking himself off on the loading screens.

is this thread being brigaded

fucking savage.

Nah, Andrew just want neet money.
Pretty sure we're gonna see Billy D shilling him too, soon enough

Notch is just discovering the unfortunate truth that all billionaires find out: there is nothing at the top of the ladder. Humans aren't programmed to ever be satisfied with their life. They always want to go up. Now he's just sitting at the top rung, alone, with no prospect for things to ever get better but plenty of ways for them to get worse.

Its sad

I hoped he would start up an indie publishing house or something, but no he chose to be a rich loner shut-in btfo'ing libtards on twitter

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>you don't turn /pol/ you are born "/pol/"
You just described how far right politics are the politics of a baby who hasn't learned anything yet about people besides themselves.


Why can't you say what you want without money? Are you retarded?

I don't have time to speak to a literal brainwashing victim, sorry.

He's not actually disputing the mushy brain part

> no other ideology has killed more innocent people
Well someone's never heard of capitalism

t. person with absolutely no argument

>being a billionaire gives you the same perks that all the NEETs on 4channel have

>say "fuck you cunt!" on twitter
>be rich
>nothing happens

>say "fuck you cunt!" on twitter
>be not-rich
>job contacted, fired, homeless

And americans make fun of china's social credit system. It's been implemented in the west for a long time.

How does capitalism kill people?

user, he made it very clear he hates work when he was developing Minecraft. How does that come as a surprise?

A good friend which you can connect spiritually to is worth more than all extra money you can have, i know this as someone who has every commodity covered but just lost someone like this and everything feels empty and unrewarding nowadays...

Capitalism has been the single most beneficial idea that mankind has ever created.

In fact, it is the natural state of things.

Communists are simply examples of failures projecting their lack of success on Capitalism.

You could just not put a link to your job in your twitter bio though, right? Or not tweet about "Gosh I love my job at this company that has a clear social media policy" right before you tell someone to get fucked, cunt.

master may i have 5% of the profits i generated? n-no? oh that's okay... i love you anyway, sir... could i be Good Boy of the Month? please? will you pet me on the head of i defend you online?

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Not everyone is a retarded zoomer who puts all of his private info out there for everyone to see


nothing like the taste of master's boot

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>Capitalism has been the single most beneficial idea that mankind has ever created.

Colonization in Africa, Asia and South/North America would like a word.

And you seem extremely mad, tumblrina.

wtf I love notch now

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How did communism?
I suppose whatever figure you're working off doesn't include political executions, famines, wars or disease - after all, capitalism has never brought about or been in power anywhere where these things have happened.
> capitalism is natural
> brb while our ancestors created currency before they started working together

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Your average woke /pol/tard is gonna look at those charts and blame the wealth gap on something like women entering the workforce

>wagies and SJWs literally seething
Keep circlejerking lads, he's gonna shitpost on twitter all he wants and you can't do a single thing about it

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When did the fascist commies start posting here?

The style of Yea Forums, uncensored speech REALLY does not suit them.

Communists can only manipulate people when they control speech and punish any who disagree with them.

There is nothing a rich person can say to make commie like them.
>Richfag:Communism is good
>dumbCommie:Then give me all your money, capitalist scum

>Richfag:Communism is bad
>dumbCommie:Of course a millionaire would say that. Eat the rich!

Dude, look at the amount of NEETs in this thread, in this board, that do NOTHING despite barely having any money. Most people would do absolutely nothing but buy nice food and pay for entertainment if they became millionaires or billionaires as young men.

We both know the cause of the wealth gap.

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>nothing happens
He lost his reputation, people who worked for him don't want to be associated with him and people avoid him now. He has to live alone in his mansion. How is that "nothing"?

Honestly who gives a fuck about Africa, they didn't even create a written language, they were fucked from the beginning.

reminder that being a NEET could afford you the same lifestyle as the famous billionaire Notch, with all the misery that comes with it

>he thinks that what gets you in trouble is linking to your job
hahahahahahaah, dude, get familiar with cancel culture.

He made a product that Microsoft considered worth $2 billion bucks.

You're just a salty bitch who'll never have an opportunity like that in your life.

If a rich person genuinely thought communism is good they'd practice it though, yeah? It's not like they wouldn't have the power

What? No, I like rich people who support communism, socialism, etc.
I like that little ratty looking guy, what's his face, Russel Brand? He is a commie and has a lot of cash that he uses to advance commie causes.

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Oh god, the boot licking commies are trying to recruit people again.

>rich person prefers capitalism
What a shock

It's not his he sold it.

hey, quick question here wagepal, does your boss pay you to defend him on the internet like this or do you perchance do this.......
for free?

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You mean the countries that were infested with communism?

Whatever you say Notch

>a bunch of no-life druggies sympathise with each other
imagine my shock

Better dead than red mf, only a complete beta would accept communism

t. never been in a fight

How do they cancel you if they don't know who you are?
How do they know you are if you don't tell them?
If you want to post about personal shit, why not make your twitter friends only?
You can only be so retarded before it's your own fault.

how can you pretend to be for the poor and be a commie shill at the same time? what kind of fucking retardation is that? capitalism has pulled more people out of poverty than any other system and continues to mobilize people out of poverty at a faster rate than any other system, communism is literally a failed doctrine.


>brag about being a billionaire to peasants
>the cry how nobody likes you for who you are, just your money

I am the boss little boy

You see, I worked to attain a specific skill set, and I use tat unique sill sets to make money, buy a home, land, like any good person aspires too.

Most people would not like to live in a commieblock, licking the boots of the commissar the entire lives whilst earning a pittance doing back breaking labour.

Yup, mad as fuck lol

>unironically posting some random fags sassy twitter comment
>is a commie retard

Commies leave.

this is how zoomer brains work, absolutely unreal

>actual commies ITT

why, why have you been brainwashed,was it on the internet, college or university
I get americans not liking capitalism too much because of the retarded health care costs and school debt but come on, how can you unironically be pro communism, it has literally never ever worked and has such a retarded high killcount it's mind boggling.

But Notch already lost his entire reputation, was removed from his own game and has zero real life friends?

Why can't you guys just get it through your heads?

The dominant economic system, that has been around for tens of thousands of years used its pre-existing power and control of the planet in order to suppress communism while it was in its infant stages, even going so far as to spy on, imprison, beat, torture, and even murder suspected communists in the USA (google McCarthyism or just ask your parents!)

So, as you can see, this scientifically proves that communism is the inferior economic system. It's a fair test. I better not see any commies saying otherwise

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>111.11% total
Very believable. Fuck commies and their fake news

Communists main goal is to make the poor poorer

hey, don't lump all of us americans in with these commie retards. its only the millenials who decided to get certified in a jobless field think that communism/socialism is at all a viable economic system


>literally post the latest /pol/ psyops
Kek, are you even aware of it?

Imagine the outrage if the person that had their name removed was a woman and/or libtard.
There would be bloodshed.

And this once again, shows how WOKE Microsoft is.

> Can't read a graph
This is your brain on capitalism

>Communists main goal is to make the poor poorer
Yes! The television told me that, too! And I heard these other things as well. It said:


I love the television so much. It tells me everything I need to know!

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>How do they cancel you if they don't know who you are?

are you an alien not familiar with the internet? These days people find out where you work in minutes, my dude, it doesn’t matter whether you have a link to your job or not.

thread theme

All of these systems are dictatorships, not socialism

the lower to middle class in a capitalist system is still in the top 1% of world standards throughout history.

/pol/ pretends to have allies

Hi, I'm here to live in your house. Where shall my bedroom be? Where is the bathroom, also?

The closest society to 1984 is undobtedly the USSR

Communists clearly have a desire for power and to shit on everyone else

Man I'd be notch's friend he sounds like a good guy. He should find a D&D group or something.

You're not a woman, you will never be a woman.

hm, well lets see. you name me 1 successful communist country that didnt result in the deaths in millions of people through execution or famine, and we'll see just how good communism really is

It's making trannies and leftoids seethe which is always entertaining have the understand, most people HATE the aspect of communism where you are require to do, think and act exactly as you are told.

People desire FREEDOM, communism affords none.

What would notch actually do if he for whatever reason lost all his money? Could he ever go back to being a humble peasant?

> what if the rich didn't own the means to make money, and didn't use that money to ensure they controlled even more money
Good point user, I think we should just wait for the rich people to get bored of being rich.

>walt disney is both a jew and not a jew
yikes, /pol/fags actually believe this shit?

he'd probably turn into a commie and attempt to bring down everyone around him

the communist doctrine is based on the false notion that all relationships between people is a game of power and dominance, communists don't want to be your friend, they don't want to help you. they despise the fact that people more competent than them get better positions and better jobs and so they want to tear the whole system down. communists only want power and they'll do nothing short of murdering hundreds of millions of people to achieve it. don't take any of their false pretenses of "caring" and "compassion" seriously. they don't care about anything besides having power and taking it away from the competent working class.

He can literally spend the rest of his life spending a million dollars per day without touching the initial billions he got due to interest pay, I’m sure he’ll be fine

Just tax the shit out of the rich like we used to and tax like 90% of any estate over 1 million. No excuse for someone who never worked to be a billionaire.

Two things that will happen today under capitalism:

1) ~900,000 US children go to bed with aching stomachs, of which ~60% are white. A $2 meal would be sufficient to feed them.

2) ~$600,000 will be spent on champagne showers for wealthy bankers and petroleum executives in Las Vegas.

Attached: healthcare spending.png (580x405, 134K)

I'm apparently more familiar than you, since I'm not afraid of the SJWs hacking the gigabits to find out information people never provided.

In a capitalist society, anyone can become rich

Capitalism values peoples ability to think uniquely and better mankind

Communism aims to bring everyone down to a poor, programmable level, forever remain under the boot of the communist scum.

But it turned him into a miserable fuck

you're strawmanning so hard, that its almost insulting

He has no income, commie fuck

>the communist doctrine is based on the false notion that all relationships between people is a game of power and dominance

It is.
You're just losing so badly that you don't even know you're in the game.

Attached: jews on the goy.jpg (468x633, 84K)

there isn’t starvation in America

Parents should have worked harder, not have over bred

>In a capitalist society, anyone can become rich

> care about anything besides having power and taking it away from the competent working class
If the working class have the power why is there wage stagnation and ever increasing abuse of workers? Why don't the powerful workers of Amazon decide to give themselves good conditions?

Taxes aren't commie you retard. Property tax, tax his investments. Whatever you'vev gotta do.

We’re all miserable and would do much better with a million per day

>post graphs of inequality
>blame it on white patriarchy
>proceed to support those corporations because they fight the "evil patriarchy" agents in their basements

Attached: abs.jpg (400x400, 91K)

>no argument whatsoever

So this is the power of commie kids

I guess this is why communist have to force people to follow their sick, twisted cult

>reeeee how could he earn so much money take it away
I'm sure he's getting appropriately taxed

Why aren't you rich, user?


Attached: Notch.png (591x457, 52K)

I realize you are a very sheltered person and have likely never dealt with hardship in your life thanks to your parents having money, but I'm going to have to call you on this one my buddy. Children are missing meals all over the country. And there are kids whose three meals a day are ramen, ramen and ramen - I was one of them.

Attached: food insecure.jpg (380x62, 37K)

His friends and family consider him selling out a backstab and most turned on him and now outright hate him
I don't ever wanna be that lonely

Well perhaps not you, you were destined to lose from the start

Fascist commie bastard

Notch is living proof that it only gets worse from that point onward

you know it's people like you who do it, what he did is simply retaliation.

Bankers shouldn't have been bailed out. Oil execs have done scummy shit too. Proper capitalism is great, crony capitalism is trash.
Nah it's all offshore, I doubt he pays shit. Just leeches.

Strawmanning who? Strawmanning an entire century of communist implementation in Europe? Strawmanning the man who's beliefs served as the basis for communism? Have you even read the literature on this? I doubt you have, you've probably just read threads on reddit about how great communism is "in theory"
let me guess, you think that all of the previous implementation of communisms werent "real communism"? you pathological fuck

Oh come on now he’s a dick but I’d hesitate to call any of them women.

>>blame it on white patriarchy
Are you fucking retarded? Are you LITERALLY an NPC stuck in a logic loop? What part of those posts blames a "white patriarchy"?

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They don't sound like good friends, I'd be happy that they were exposed

I am middle class, a state of living that no one under a communistic dictatorship (and they all become one) would ever even dream of having

I am

That’s self-inflicted, probably due to retardation, anyone with a McDonalds job can get full meal for them and their children.

This is the power of jewish lawyers.
If you're defending any of this shit you're a fucking retard. Stop trying to hard to pretend you're a conservative, there's nothing "right-wing" about this, he's just a fat retard with too much free time.

Ah, you're right, the children choose to starve.

Well, I guess this settles the matter. Those millions of kids who will lay down hungry tonight? They should've gotten a job.

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> Capitalism values peoples ability to think uniquely and better mankind
You wot m8
It values the ability to seperate people from their money.

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If you can't be happy with money you're just a retard. All real problems stem from lack of money or health issues, he has neither.

If your white and love pussy the liberals hate you.

It's an oligarchy and it has been a mask off one since Vietnam. If you are not rioting on the streets right now it's because you're either fat or sick.

No wonder you're a fat, retarded weeaboo.

Someone explain to me how communism isn't facism

Communists literally aim to force people to follow their specific beliefs under the threat of death

And of course the 'trendy commies' posting in this thread envision themselves as being part of the 'political class' in a communistic system, perhaps a uniform designer!

Attached: 1544268308469.png (600x384, 147K)

You're unironically a privileged retard, in the actual sense of the word. Can't wait for life to kick your ass once you get out into the real world.

It's almost as if robbing someone at gun point threatening their life for 100bux is different than scamming retards.

>middle class
I miss the 70s too

Honestly, this is some guillotine worthy shit.

Privilege isn't a real thing

THIS! stealing billions of dollars and causing bankruptcy and homelessness and widespread ruin that touched millions of lives? thats no big deal :) he didnt see those people in person so its not a real crime!

Attached: bootlicker.jpg (300x300, 19K)

I literally worked myself out of homeless after being kicked out of my parents house and now make higher than the national average. Its incompetence which creates poverty, not capitalism. fucking retard

damn what a clusterfuck thread, nice to see the commie posters getting routinely btfo though

US is cucked lmao. real stockholm syndrome shit

No but their parents did. Probably too retarded and lazy to buy raw ingredients and cook instead of blowing it all on cheap fast shit.

Attached: wage crank.jpg (540x1249, 354K)

Is Notch's money the only fucking thing you can talk about?

This, capitalism is natural selection at work

Of course the failures of natural selection desperately resort to clinging to communistic fascist viewpoints.

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Good thing you can't separate commie peasants from their money, since they have none

kill yourself

just crank it faster LMAO

Wait so you're telling me rich people have a going into twitter machine?


Thank god for capitalism, the single best counter to fascists such as communists

Not really. I could easily murder notch and take his money if it was. He's a fat slob.

So, kids without fault deserve to be hungry. ok.
















>could of

Sure you could skinny boy, literally only the weak are subdued and tricked by communism

they prey on the weak you need this

brain damage

Kids shouldve been born to better parents

>that they don't even tell normal people about because it's so fucking unfair.
lol fuck off occupy wallstreet conspiracy retard

>stupid person will crank it
>smart person makes automated system to get himself free shekels

all you can do is impotently post helicopter memes from your mom's basement lol

Nigger logic. Good luck getting money out of his bank account, lmao

So you where just better then everyone else who was trying the same thing in The position you where in and failed?
Take you antidotial story and shove it up ur ass, statistics disagree with your statement.

bros, I thought capitalism was bad?

Attached: the success of capitalism.png (680x468, 44K)

>That thing that lets people see beyond their personal perspective and interests.
ah yes the impartial poorfag who wants to give money to the poor

Your concern is not to help the people
And I'll say again, though it's been often said
Your concern is just to bring discomfort, my friend
And your policy is just a little red

Now, ain't I right

It matters not to you how people suffer
And should they, you'd consider that a gain
You bring a lot of trouble to the town and then you leave
That's part of your Communistic game
I detect a little Communisim
I can see it in the things ya do
Communisim, socialism call it what you like
There's very little difference in the two

Now ain't I right

i love social darwinists like yourself, you always think if you lived in a mad max shithole you'd be the warlord and not the warlords slave

>this thread

Attached: 1510440805984.png (1000x1000, 34K)

Is there anything more impressive than how utterly the Jews have dominated white Americans? They get them to mutilate their babies at birth as part of some Jewish covenant. Like, holy FUCK. How dominated can a race get? And the americans PAY to have the baby mutilated! AND THEN THE JEWS SELL THE BABY MUTILATION PARTS FOR $30,000+ AS STEM CEL:L SKIN CREAM. It literally sounds like a fucking fictional dystopia but this is ACTUALLY how America works.

On top of that, Jews, who constitute over 90% of the top 0.01%, have actually convinced working-class Americans that communism is bad for them. They believe, somehow, without even needing any explanation why or even knowing how it works, that communism would be bad. It would, uhh, cause secret police to happen, or something! Nevermind the secret police that McCarthy used to spy on, imprison, torture & kill communist Americans, or Americans who were even SUSPECTED of communism.

Attached: circumcision.jpg (1031x1880, 546K)

>So you where just better then everyone else who was trying the same thing in The position you where in and failed?
Yes, thats exactly it. Don't you get it, fucking retard? Capitalism values competence

I love commies, they keep resorting to fantasy scenarios (like communism)

Communists : frail from starvation, bitter, boot licker

Capitalist: inventor, philanthropist and success

I know who'd I bet on in a fight

that meme about capitalism lifting millions out of poverty is junk shit, the majority of people that got out of poverty were chinese peasants and maoism helped them

no, retard, I’m saying America has a system where literally anyone can get out of starvation of they choose to, I didn’t say they’d have an easy life or have air conditioner, a car and a house along with it, I said starvation is not a possibility unless you have a retarded parent, in which case, it would happen regardless of the system in place.

It’s just like with unemployment rate, you could never make it zero due to the percentage of the population that has legitimate mntal issues that prevent them from even looking for a job or have enough coordination to keep the simplest one. You can only hope to reduce that number, but not make it zero.

Notice there are no replies to this. lol.

Lying commie cumrag fuck, fucking kill yourself

Cry harder, bitch nigga. He's more successful than you'll ever be.

Attached: notch cunt.jpg (611x633, 46K)

Most people in that position are alcoholics and junkies, it's not hard to be better than them

They simply can't. There's endless examples of how it brings out the most despicable attributes of mankind and leads only to further corruption and suffering while there's not a single example of it working at all. It's all because of the very nature of human beings. Socialist ideologues are idealists by definition, they have to believe that there's a good will in each and every human being for the prospect of living as a group identity to work.

The whole problem is in how and who defines "good will" as human nature makes us willing to make people suffer and to kill for what we believe is righteous. The danger of identity politics is that it will endlessly divide groups into further smaller just as oppressed groups until we're back to individuals. It basically mean that in the name of the greater good of the community, some injustice will have to be accepted: the few will have to endure in the name of the whole. This just created two distinct groups. They will grow more and more victimized and here I'm talking about -actually- victimized as in being beaten, jailed or left hungry. They will voice their complaint but in socialism, there's no room for the individual: there's only the community. It's easy to imagine where it goes from there. It's a question of time before one group becomes "not of good will" and get eliminated.
And I didn't even touch corruption yet.

Natural selection allows for divergence if it results in survival, and there are multiple methods of selection. There's no "one best strategy" to survive, and one of the candidates is unconditional cooperation.
The best way to suceed under capitalism is to have capital. And its selected by having capital, doesn't matter if it was inherited through family over centuries, that capital is yours and is even better at generating capital was when it was earned.
Food has a lifespan and acquisition requires requires continual effort.
Capital is indefinite and takes not actively fucking it up.

>people should get rich based on what i think are good deeds and nothing else, rite guys xD???

It's funny how a lot of communists hate Jews, even though communism is a thoroughly Jewish ideology, created and propped up by jews.

Because it's retarded
>I swear communism will work! Everyone on the entire planet just needs to submit to it, then you'll see!

>oh no a billonaire had my feelings hurt

Attached: yang gangbang 2.jpg (810x540, 66K)

And you say that without knowing anything about who you are talking about, proving mu point about you talking out ur ass.

Stories are not facts you fucking retard. Thanks for proving your overpaid.

>His own video game
Minecraft was never his to begin with.
It was abandonware that he modded a bit.
Then Yea Forums got hold of it and the rest is history.

>source(s): dude trust me

I work out because looks matter a ton. But nice try.
There's probably enough in his mansion to live comfortably for quite some time.

then explain neocons

So going through this thread I'm not actually seeing what Notch did that pissed so many people off.

Is it just because he's not an SJW?

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who was backstabbed? Some guy he hired to make 64x64 textures of rocks?

yes its true communism can't work while the US seeks to subvert and destroy any communist uprising or communist parties



Attached: capitalism.png (600x510, 86K)

fucking hell, he is such a legend.

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>The best way to suceed under capitalism is to have capital
Which Notch didn't have. What about Elon Musk?

And you bulk using capitalistic markets, yet you want everyone to live on a ration of a cup of rice a day

Jews attached themselves to communism for the same reason they attached themselves to the economic left wing today: those ideologies are dangerous to Jews and must be destroyed from within.
It is why you saw identity politics suddenly get attached to leftism in the span of one year. That was Jews protecting themselves from the oncoming surge of anti-elite sentiment (remember the Tea Party? "march against the 1%"? Remember the timing of identity politics merging with leftism?)

I wish Yea Forums wasn't so underaged, naive and generally retarded.

Attached: you need me.jpg (2640x3110, 2.33M)

It's similar to another game but it's completely his own code. He didn't just "mod a bit"

Get the fuck out with this faggot virgin cuck.
Quorthon >>>>>>>>> this faggot

Playing both sides as usual

>Make a dumb autism block game for kids
>Trick Microsoft into buying it for billions of dollars even after everyone on the planet already owns the game
>Spend rest of your life triggering little snowflakes on twitter with zero repercussions
Notch is based as fuck and there is nothing you can do about it.

Yes, fuck America for helping people escape the shithole dictatorship that is the communist country they live in.

>attached themselves to communism

Communism was created by Jews you idiot.

Fuck kill yourself tranny, become the 40%

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