Imagine thinking the old designs are better because they have """soul"""
Imagine thinking the old designs are better because they have """soul"""
Yeah imagine caring about art direction in videogames
Based opinion, but everything is about the quality of each redesign in particular. Some may be better, some may be worse than the original
What's up with the massive quiffs on the bottom image? Couldn't they have toned them down?
Old Crash had better sound effects and character animation.
Old Spyro didnt have tumblr dragons. Also sequels were shit to begin with.
Old Resi wasnt a bland third person shooter reskin.
I have never played a remaster of a video game that either preserved the aesthetic of the original or improved upon it.
The only bad artstyle remakes are middle left and bottom right
It’s okayish but a bit soulless.
In some aspects better than the originals
>nuBlizz shit
Actually soulless.
>RE2 Leon
>monkey island
Different designs. I like the old more and the female visuals were cheap, but not soulless.
imagine having autism
What if it's raw textures the devs sent me mapped in dolphin? Is it soul or souless?
Don't get me wrong, HGSS were great, but they had nowhere near the same level of soul as the original GSC
It just so happens that DPP had an amazing aesthetic with tons of soul that combined very well with Johto's geography and style. It's not bad, but it's not the same.
Left archimonde, omnipotent demon king
Right, me not that kind of orc
quite literally the most soulless remake ever made
>they had nowhere near the same level of soul as the original GSC
Now that's being delusional
Snes dk has a massive soul
>gave all the bosses glaring weak points
The moment I beat Odalwa in MM3D was the moment I quit indefinitely. Given how they allegedly fucked up Goht's fight because of the eye and Zora swimming, which were my absolute favorite things in the original, playing through the remake would've been a waste of my time.
Why did they give Archimonde down syndrome?
imagine defending modern companies that can't no longer make interesting games cause the juices rooted them up and modern gamers can't play a game without easy mode
Remake Cloud actually looks significantly better, honestly. At least, more like a real person.
I never liked FF7's blocky aesthetic though. I might be a minority but I think FF7 drops a few pegs on the tier list simply because it's so fucking ugly, even by PS1 standards. Every other Final Fantasy game looks great for its time, and games like FFX still stand up today in every department except animation without sacrificing a distinct art style. It just feels lazy as hell.
I can't tell what the fuck is happening in the second row, Gyorg's redesign is welcome given how fucking awful he looked in the original, and the bottom three are all improved greatly in the 3D version. What's the problem?
And for the record I don't understand why the top picture is even there. What does it mean?
Turtles in Time Re-Shelled says hi.
>Old Resi wasnt a bland third person shooter reskin.
shut up, retard. Fixed camera is shit now.
Not gonna lie, I think two or three look better.
Don't worry, HAL is well aware that Nightmare in Dream Land was a supreme fuckup.
Almost, but it looks a little off. I think it's the snout.
there is no might. you are.
The mouth, the shoes and the gloves.
There's also this edit
Mouth is fixed on this one but the eyes are better in the previous one.
Also the shoes and the gloves/hands still need fixing.
Christ, they really fucked up mancomb seepgood didn't they?
I don't get this pic, all those designs on the left look good. Also post nu-Claire and not Leon and this whole thing falls apart.
To have soul means that there is more than meets the eye. With a detailed model, you know exactly what you're looking at. With a low poly and low texture model, the player is forced to imagine what is behind those rough edges. Soul doesn't come from the game, but the player's imagination.
I actually think the eyes look better in the alternate edit, they only needed to be bigger in the original to be more expressive but on the new/hybrid model it looks overdone.
I just want to say you should've used Bianca instead of Elora. She's objectively terrible because the fucks at Toys for Hobos never fixed her fucking topology. How do you not notice such glaring issues with the face? Its like it was only modeled from a single angle. Lazy fucking gay furries who care more about their fag dragons than actual characters who get more than 5 seconds of screen time.
Just because the old one looks primitive doesn't mean the new one is an improvement. You look at that face and tell me it doesn't look like a goblin going through withdrawal. It's also explicit furfaggotry, taking a character that was half human/half animal and turning her into an anthro deer thing.
Leon better, crash comperable, rest trash
Parsifal Gaben a best, square glasses were a mistake
Pikachu turned into a tranny
>pikachu lost weight and became a trap
god speed, pikachu
Why would there be Palm trees in a desert?
>Sonic Boom Sonic
That's disingenuous since that was always an alternate universe, not really a true redesign of the same character.
>Counting medieval Kirby spinoff and shrinking artwork
Are you dense?
>1994 & 2016 Pac-Man
Wait aren't those out of context?
>Only two Yoshis
C'mon you can do better than that.
Not even trying to be chronological anymore.
Oh yeah, I totally remember when every Pikachu ever was forced in a dress.
>Two nigh-identical Bandana Waddle Dee renders
Wait what's the comparison here?
You forgot the different colors.
You fail again user, see me after class.
Look at the new and old Crash and Resisdent evil images in the OP post and tell me with a straight face the originals had better art direction.
>posting the Crash 1 model and not the Crash 2 one
Rayman, Zero, the dinosaur and Pikachu are all objectively improved.
Fat Pika was always shit. Only nostalgiababy genwunners like it when in reality, it looks like a bulky retard with limbs too short to function and no neck. Anyone who prefers it has an easily disregardable opinion.
Eyeball aside, Gyorg looks better. The rest in the image is shitty though.
Not that guy you're replying to, but come on it should like a flat cartoon, not a realistic pixar film.
>old desings are better
but they are, also that archimode image isn't even a real thing
This guy
is right. It looks weird trying to apply realistic detailing to what is essentially a Looney Tunes character. He doesn't need distinguishable fur or a glossy sheen on his eyeballs or light reflecting off his leather gloves, it's offputting.
The thought of him opening his mouth and what we would see scares me.
Also using the ugly-ass Sonic Heroes render to represent Sonic Adventure (which was technically 1998), overlooking the subtle differences of early and late Classic and Modern Sonics, and counting the Werehog (a TRANSFORMATION) and another medieval spinoff as redesigns.
Either horribly misguided or trying to push a narrative, you be the judge.
>it should like a flat cartoon
then why doesn't the original look like that either
Crash, Warcraft 3, and Monkey Island's remasters are all definitely worse.
>US Dream Land boxart
>JP Adventure boxart
The picking and choosing is real.
Looks fairly flat with some gradients with vertex colours. Looks more like a cartoon than realistic lighting with shadows.
Okay, that's your personal opinion on how the character "should look", but does not answer my question:
do you genuinely think the original had more work put in to the art direction than the remake?
i want arthas to marry me
>Looks more like a cartoon than realistic lighting with shadows.
It's on the original PlayStation, you dork, of course things are flatter and less detailed.
Shouldn't be so hard for you
I can't help but laugh at 2016 Conker's face.
jesus christ what a nightmare that was
They did, and do.
Then why does the remake look realistic if the Ps4 can so much more?
and the old crt TVs probably failed to even produce those colors I wouldnt know, someone in my family always set contrast to max
Blademaster is the only one that wasn't ruined.
Where is the left image from? Because it isn't in-game. Promotional renders of Crash had wildly inconsistent models too.
This question is nonsense, try again.
I will never forgive what they did to zero
Look at the face of the old one, dude.
only monkey isalnd looked better in the older version
>Promotional renders of Crash had wildly inconsistent models too
Not really, they all pretty much look like this except for the Crash 2 high poly model
Imagine saying any visual remake in Warcraft 3 ruins the original, like, how can you be picky about getting a girlfriend when you're so fucking ugly?
Are you schizophrenic perchance?
Dumb Zoomer
Jesus fuck you couldn't have picked worse examples. The new versions all look horrendous in that picture.
>tfw have the same face as Cloud
are you a cute malnourished twink with a bad sleep schedule?
Yeah? It's just okay. It's not any worse than any of the other character models. The new one is distractingly ugly. You've got Spyro, Hunter, Moneybags, and then this... thing.
nu-Leon's parted chin is so disgusting
No, I'm a buff boy who wrestles. But my face is literally Cloud with different eyes and a bigger nose. Same shape tho
The WoW ones are so fucking shit. Makes Arthas look like D&D playing basmenet dweller with a unibrow
what you look like a lego?
Crash looks great in N. Sane Trilogy and you'd have to be retarded to not think so. Same goes for most character designs.
Spyro's designs are lackluster and a lot of them, including Elora, look like they contracted some kind of contagious strain of down syndrome.
Leon looks ugly but that's just my opinion.
>sequels were shit to begin with
This. All three Crashes are good games, but the 2nd and 3rd Spyro games had no charm even when they were on the PS1.
>worse environmental design and lighting
>Deku Link runs slower
>Deku Link's dash and water skip momentum was completely butchered
>the Bomber's Notebook is forced onto you and it utterly butchers the flow of the game and ruins the moments of many side quests with its slow full screen transitions for EVERY note (plus it now makes a note of far more tasks than the original, enjoy)
>Zora Link's swimming was utterly destroyed, the magic swimming still manages to fuck up the old style swim physics
>the Ice Arrows can't be used to freeze whatever water anymore (you only get rare designated sparkly water patches to freeze now) and regular Oktoroks now are hideously bluescaled and sparkly to make it extremely obvious that they can be frozen
>the bosses are progressively worsened with their changes: Odolwa is minimal but still has the ugly-ass eye
>Goht undoes the speed of a fun, energetic boss fight by forcing you to stop your momentum to attack his weak point for massive damage
>Gyorg changes the second half of his fight to a fucking underwater battle
>Twinmold forces that stupid wrestling shit for the second worm (and as a bonus, holding off the Giant's Mask get until the first worm dies ruins the mystique of the Mask)
>These boss changes also borderline entirely eliminate what little non-glitch fun there is to be had with the Fierce Deity's Mask since FD is nearly or entirely useless for almost all the bosses now
>the Fishing Holes don't contribute anything, not even for full Notebook completion
Fuck Aonuma for butchering MM3D. There are a couple fine fixes but the tradeoff isn't worth it. OoT3D at least be played fine despite the crapped lighting, but MM3D is a disgrace to the original.
fuck the mine cart level
>a malnourished twink with a bad sleep schedule
I feel like that's a lot of people on this website
it's me for sure tho
delusion, convince yourself.
Enormous improvement. More soul than the originals.
Half of these mean literally nothing, soulfag.
Top three are basically okay, all the rest don't even resemble the originals outside of "tropical tiki land" or "rainy place with building" or whatever. Aquaria Towers looks like an abandoned military submarine base instead of a colorful underwater seahorse city.
If you're gonna nitpick Spyro's new designs at least choose the ones that actually got worse.
Oh my Annon! Is this available publicly?
>tumblr dragons
I was looking up shit on the fan wiki and discovered that in the earlier concepts they were going to resemble the originals much more closely.
>gameplay changes
>mean nothing
Cope, brand loyalist.
They look better now except the mose, what were they teenk ing.
Nobody complained about the graphics for crash, they complained about the physics
>b-b-b-but the ice looks different!! and i walk slower!!!
Imagine thinking soul doesn't exist
I never found the physics to be bad. Other than some jumps than are a bit tighter than usual in 1, and that one huge bonus level jump from 2, it felt the same to me.
You are delusional.
soulless unfaithful focus tested 3D movie abomination
"soul" is just a term used by idiots who don't know how to properly critique what they like or don't like about something.
soulful fanart rendering by the guy who did sonic mania adventures and cares for the character
>actually defending half the forms being made slower and more awkward to use
>but they had nowhere near the same level of soul as the original GSC
They had just as much but in different ways. Both represented Game Freak throwing almost every good idea they had up to that point into one complete package. GSC has props for setting the foundation, HGSS built on it in ways that were fun and charming that more recent Pokémon games haven’t even bothered to try and match.
Plus you can’t say that Pokewalkers weren’t amazing up until they eventually fell out of your pocket and disappeared.
The Brave Fencer Musashi one hurts me the most, what the hell happened, he went from cool anime swordsman to bootleg Kingdom Hearts.
Yes really, the design is all over the place.
I want to _____ Bulma
Old Leon doesn't look like a faggot so yeah, he's better.
"Soul" has nothing to do with why Super is trash. Failing on every single level is the real issue.
Super Bulma is way better than old Bulma.
Gyorg looks better and the astral observatory dome is what the devs originally intended.
i want to bulma her breasts
>hair moved decently naturally up through the Namek Arc
>Androids/Cell Arc begins to make hair stiffer
>modern DBZ/DBS art fully completes the transformation of hair into plastic helmets
One of those is prerendered art. The other is actually in the game. Also all of those buzzwords do not form an argument.
Why was Gyorg different enough to get his own 2D artwork for the 3DS version but not Princess Ruto? Did they realize that boobfins were a mistake?
Noticed it too. But the Theepwood guy has it the worst. The devs for that need to be flogged hard.
Eddie looks better, the rest are trash.
>Odolwa is minimal
For what it's worth they did a far better job on the art style of the LeChuck's Revenge remake.
Justify that Guybrush design with a straight face.
>making movement slower is a good thing in a 3d platformer
Compared to how hard the other bosses got reamed, Odolwa got off easier.
WOW Perfect!!
I can.
The remakes come with original filter built in, wow they're really trying to replace the original ain't they.
its literally going into soul mines
They knew it , the image destiles pure soul hahaha
So how would you explain what you dislike about that sonic dracula image in precise terms?
Microsoft is the biggest cancer in gaming.
old Blizzard characters do look better tho that's for sure
I actually need this one explained to me. In each case, I'm just seeing differences, not downgrades - unless that isn't the point that's trying to be made.