When does it get fun? I'm not having fun

When does it get fun? I'm not having fun.

Attached: 3427842-trailer_sekiro_2018820-1.jpg (1280x720, 105K)

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like halfway in once you have a bunch of prosthetics and combat arts so you can dick around in a bunch of different ways instead of just r1 spamming

It started to click with me once I reached Ashina Castle

mad cuz bad?

once you mastered the combat

when you meet this guy

it gets fun once genichiro takes your training wheels off.

It's weird, I only started having fun when I made it to lady butterfly with no upgrades and she pushed my shit in. I didn't realize how bad I sucked until I spent 2 and a half hours in the git gud chamber. After that everything fucking clicked.
And then it turns out she is on the easier side of bosses. Dis gun b gud.

Once you upgrade your vitality a couple of times. Seriously, the breathing room it provides really helps you engage your enemies and avoid a lot of frustration. They really should have started you off with 12 vitality.

I'm beating it just for my gamer cred. Not having any fun. Combat is shit.

like every combat focused game ever it gets fun when you memorize the moveset of every enemy in the game and can dodge their attacks in your sleep


maybe you're just gay

Why is he missing his right arm?

Loses it in the tutorial fight.

>Shadows Die Twice
why is it always the japs with their edgy shit

He loses his left AND his right arm?

I’m pretty sure that part was Activision.

not all games are fun. mario is fun. this is challenging and satisfying.

Challenging games are fun, tho

As soon as you git gud.
