Yikes. He ain't looking so good

Yikes. He ain't looking so good.

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Other urls found in this thread:


He looks fine. He's gained weight and not in a bad way.
He's balding obviously but that's been the case for years.

He like 40 years old. He looks fine.

Fair look for his age.

You tell me, people actually getting older? How is that even possible?

you have to remember that this board is full of literal 14 year olds

all things considered james looks pretty fucking normal for a 40 year old family man

I really hope his next movie is kino so he can finally move on from cinemassacre, its sad watching as he just goes through the motions

>People age

No fucking way.

Me too but at least from what he shows, he still has a passion for AVGN, as his newest ones are awesome to watch and have a lot of effort put into them

he is almost 40

Attached: avgn.png (1266x667, 1.09M)

He's still chill and not a complete faggot, that's all I care about.

You faggots are just a bunch a bottom feeders. James has class and provides the world with excellent comedy and entertainment.

resetera is that way

>seeking approval

Yikes. OP ain't looking so good.

Fuck guys I’m terrified of aging, life past 30 seems totally pointless aside for reproducing and raising your child. It’s worse than your 20’s and teens in every conceivable way.

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I remember being a kid, coming home from school, putting a microwave pizza in the oven, and watching him with my sister back in '06/'07. We thought he was the funniest fucker in the world.

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Who is this artist?

just accept the balding and move on

yes, that's how life goes. you are born, then slowly rot and finally die.

Just embrace your inner boomer. It's the ultimate freedom.

>Men age



watch the video. he looks fine in motion (which is what matters)

>favorite AVGN lines
What the fuck were they THINKING?

Maybe if you're clinging to the past/youth, or are some kind of decades-long NEET. It's okay to get older, user. Personally, my 20's fucking sucked.

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64 hairs
32 hairs

That line from Atari Sports, you know the one.

>this board is full of literal 14 year olds
sad truth

I mean most people stop caring about their looks after they get married, especially men. He looks fine for his age

He looks fine

These 14 year olds will end up looking worse than him anyway.

>It’s worse than your 20’s and teens in every conceivable way.
That mindset is why people commit suicide.

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I-is he gonna d-d-die...?

I feel a fear in this thread that I can feed from

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What caused that enormous jump in the 70s?

HEY zoooomers you will be 40 + one day too

shocking isnt it?

'Nam PTSD? Just my guess

Some say promiscuity but idk

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connome and shieet

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I'm something of a balding man myself

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we don't need a "hey anonymous internet friends, let's bully avgn for ageing" thread every hour

Nope, gene therapy will tackle aging by then

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modern life

And that's a good thing !

Mike has a full head of hair. I heard his dick is over 8”

How to tell a large amount of Yea Forums is hitting late twenties/early thirties

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you're not the first to have magical thinking

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>look I'm 18 and I watch anime XDDD

No they're actually working on that right now
They even accidentally cured balding doing it but FDA obviously takes like a decade for shit to get passed
The mice are looking fabulous though

anti againg will never be allowed. It would destroy the world with overpopulation

Who's that in the middle?

won't be so smug in 10 years

go listen to trap or whatever it is you do

This, the world would go to shit really fast if people didn't age and die.

Just sterilize them ez
What kind of retard would pick having kids over not dying

>they think they're actually talking to a zoomer on Yea Forums

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How did he do it boys?

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we were all 15 on Yea Forums once

hair implants

Not dying is the most boring thing i can think of
You’ll still have to provide for yourself anyway so that’s just means that instead of working yourself to the bone until you die, you’d just be a slave of the machine for eternity
Yeah, sounds really cool user

Nice fucking cope boyo
If life is so shit you would kill yourself

Pepsiman's dad

>make fun of this dude 24/7 calling him a cuck and the serial killer looking motherfucker that sits next to him who's really unfunny is based or something
>2 minutes later everyone is praising avgn and calling his reviews based

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stem cells 100%

how do we save him bros?

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>If life is so shit you would kill yourself

>want to not have shitty kids ruining my life
>the alternative is immense chastisement and disgust from anyone who finds out and being alone in your most vulnerable years to come
I would really like to not age thank you

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From what? He already had one kid, he knew what he was going to get into with the second(third?) one. He will be fine.

>the alternative is immense chastisement and disgust from anyone who finds out

What? Anytime I tell anyone that I don't want to have kids, the most I'll get back is the "When you're older you'll want kids." line.

You're right. The median age on this board is so low they can't even be called zoomers anymore a nu-zoomer persay

Yeah because you're still young enough to dish out that line
People aren't going to say that when you're visibly mature (most of a human's life) are they?

>He will be fine.
James pls

Nigger have you even read this thread?

>Kids never grow up and are impossible to deal with, no one has ever survived it

Yeah it's a great teenager RP thread

I once saw AVGN while I was in Vegas. He seemed drunk off his ass wandering through a casino. It was only a moment and I pondered what to do once I recognized him. What was I gonna do, scream "ARE YOU JAMES ROLFE?" and proceed to strike up conversations of shitty videogames he's already done episodes on? He seemed like he was having fun, albeit by himself, and in the moment, he had already wandered off and I decided against chasing after him.

Look, I'm a single dad of a 5 year old. My wife was seriously injured during the childbirth and had to stay in the hospital for 3 months after he was born so I 100% looked after him during this time. The wife eventually left the picture (reasons not relevant) so I'm his only parent.

The first 2 1/2 years SUCKED. No sleep, no schedule, kid constantly being sick, hungry, upset, etc...it is a lot of fucking work.

But you know what? Now that he is older I have a fucking awesome sidekick and I love being a dad. We love playing 2 player beat 'em ups (Streets of Rage 2, TMNT4, Fight 'n Rage) and he was heckling me when I would die to Vergil in DMC5 on Dante Must Die mode.

Being a father is the best. Just be ready to go through some real shit.

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He looks like me. He also happens to be around the same age as me. People age. It happens.

>no one has ever survived it
>every kid buries their parent eventually
Coincidence? Some would say no.

Neck yourself.

never reference your own post you faggot

having a child isnt bad at all
when its your own child, its completely different than watching or being around other little shits

you will never EVER know true, unconditional love until you have a child

and this


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>mike trying his damnedest not to look

Obvioulsy if you're an ugly man you're gonna have to use okay cupid. and if you're ugly you're standards are going to be lower

Vsauce made a video about this in his Mind Field series. There's a pirate link to it somewhere on reddit IIRC.

Not everyone. Dank shitpost but still.

Looks like we’re getting a Pepsi man episode next. Will it be good or will the special guest ruin it

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Yeah he's a fucking deathist cope nigger

>you will never EVER know true, unconditional love until you have a child
yeah but that' not REAL love. that's forced biological love. Admittedly it feels the same but I think it's more meaningful to love someone who you aren't biologically predisposed to love

>Women suiciding at 50 when it's prime cougar phase
What a waste

Accepting it and move on > doing whatever the fuck you'd call 's post


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Get a dog or a cat. More affection and you only have to deal with them for 12-15 years.

That chart said both sexes, but yes, it's implied it's more on the male side

per 100,000 per year? Suicide is that rare?

>this just in :the general public cares more about the lives of girls than boys
Next you'll tell me beast cancer gets more awareness than prostate cancer

That's just deaths though. Typically girls are so brainwashed that they don't want their face to look ugly when they die so they try to poison themselves instead of shooting themselves. Thing is poisoning usually doesn't work

>beast cancer

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Respect your betters zoomer

you come off as a 18 year old with your logic

you talk about loving your child is "forced biological love" but you dont realize that those same principals apply to someone you arent "biologically predisposed to love".
the only thing you feel when you're in love with someone is the biological urge to mate and reproduce.
with your logic, there is no "REAL" love

if you ever have your own child, you'll understand.
in the mean time, try to watch less rick and morty

>implying I'd say br**st in a christian blue thread

>the only thing you feel when you're in love with someone is the biological urge to mate and reproduce.
>loves his kids
you're fucking sick

Yep and you're going to think the same way in a few years retard. What am I saying, you'll surely manage to win a darwin award before then if you have such a low IQ.

Only the mentally disabled

I was just surprised the numbers are so low, even when you discount the ones that attempt suicide unsucessfully.

I guess. But literally everyone you see is someone who hasn't killed themselves.

God, so much this.

That video was comfy as fuck tho

>you'll want kids when ur older :)
>have kids
>omg arent kids the worst lol! bet you havent slept properly in years UGH say good bye to your life!
why are people like this?

Fancy that, the minority of people who've been here for almost 15 years are adults

Bsaed dad

Because the alternative is even worse?
They hate their jobs but don't want to be neet, hate couple problems but don't want to be alone
I mean shit most of the things anyone complains about are first world problems

Now he's just the Angry Videogame Dad.

My niece loves watching me play games and cheers for me when I win.
Kids are really cool but also a pain in the ass sometimes.

Not if we learn how to infest other planets with the human virus

Even if we did have the medical science to extend youth to elven or god-like levels, it's not like it would be in the hands of common fellows and given that some people in garbage cultures breed like rabbits, we're probably gonna have science slow to a crawl because of shitty theocracies taking hold.

Alternative to not having kids isn't that bad, It's just grass is greener. Parents wish they didn't have kids, lonely people with they did have kids. shocking

You act as though the treatments won't be so expensive you have to be a Rockefeller or Rothschild heir to get them.

Does his wife fuck black men?

Why, just make the slaves (us) immortal
No more education costs
Eternal worker
If you were playing any strategy game and could dial down the "death rates" of your cities/planets you would do it

Because robots are more cost effective.

Solution: Rent-a-Child

I enjoyed that camera video. Reminds me of the comfy AVGN hardware videos.

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You know time travel into the future at an accelerated rate is physically possible. All you need to do is move really fast.

Where did the hair go

Wrong, eternal life isn't the solution. Quality of life is. I'd rather live a 120 year life with 100 years of quality than 180 years with 100 years of quality and 80 years of being bed ridden.

If we improve the quality of life, then people will work for longer and it won't be as much of a drain on society. """overpopulation"""" is a spook

Even blacks have standards sometimes

Yeah, that's literally why they included a black guy in the movie.

>The second thing that has become apparent recently is the lack of diversity on Cinemassacre. In its beginnings it was James and only James, so diversity wasn’t an issue, but now as the site expands to include new shows like OverAnalyzers, Mike’s Glitches, guest actors on Board James or AVGN and fun little videos like the TMNT Pizza Party its all too clear that this site is a caucasion sausage fest. While I can’t help to add any ethnic diversity, I can bring a female perspective to things that I think all 10 of the female viewers will appreciate.

Well that's a whole different ball game
Fucked up how our society is set up to make us scared to lose our menial tasks

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I also liked his earlier Dracula comparison video. Its always cool to see him talk about things he cares about.

Mfw breeder friends are collapsing of stress and going through divorce and neck deep in debt because wifey wanted a house.

Ashes to ashes bitches, this world is doomed so why make more people to suffer in it? Just enjoy the ride for yourself.

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If gene therapy does extend life one day those people aren't going to be withered husks. Withering is a symptom of aging not some time based inevitability.

Probably because no one would want to have kids with you.

A lot of people in menial jobs are dicks anyway.


You've literally never interacted with a woman in any regard outside of your own family.

He's getting older. It'll be your turn someday, don't worry.

>neck deep in debt because wifey wanted a house.
What they should have done is simply pull themselves up by their bootstraps, look that property firm manager straight in the eye, and say "Sir, I'm going to buy that house".
I did that 40 years ago when I was 20 and I've loved this house ever since.

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>made first AVGN episode when he was 25
>he will turn 40 next year

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In my teen years I was high on crack and Heroin all the time and homeless from time to time. Shit fucking sucked so much being around niggers and human garbage all day. I enjoy mundane adult life so much - everything is so much easier. You just don't know how an actually shit life feels like.

High IQ user raging against the darkness.

Low IQ user unable to comprehend existential horror of oblivion.