Game is said to mock corporatism and capitalism

>game is said to mock corporatism and capitalism
>sells out to the chinks
You can't make this shit up.

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>I turned myself into a bugman, Morty!
>I'm Jackie Chan Rick!

>le you criticize the society and yet you are still a part of the society
high iq

Pirating epic store games is morally right since they are guaranteed minimum sales, that means chink money flows into the west again after we got sold out to them, buying these games on the other hand would be morally wrong towards yourself and your fellow man as it drains western economies further and gives bugmen money along with supporting consumer unfriendly practices.

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False equivalency

in what way exactly

This guy gets it

>dude hypocrisy isn't real lmao

It mocks corporate tribalism I.e my corporation is better than your corporation, so not only is it appropriate it’s applicable to both this thread and this entire board

I know this is just the usual Valveshilling, but will still point this out for the others

Epic is an american company, with over half of the company being in a single american hand. Tencent is a minority owner, that also did nothing in the west but invest in gaming (like with Path of Exile or League) and profit with their shares on their increased revenue without micromanaging or hurting any of them.

this chink-/pol/faggotry was never more than a strawman to attack

>dude in order to criticize corporatism and capitalism you need to live in a communist camp in the middle of the forest otherwise it's hypocrisy
/pol/tards once again showcasing their extremely high iq

This doesn't change the fact that their store and business practices are shit.

This. Most commies live in commieblocks rather than in the middle of bumfuck nowhere rural Russia.

doesn't really compare since their hand wasn't forced. they could have easily made the choice the fans wanted them to make, but instead they resorted to withdrawing already made promises just to support some monopolistic business.

Go back to your hive. If you think chinks bought almost half the company to sit idle and have no influence and have it remainin an american run company you are just wrong.

People that honestly think that comic was right are fucking retarded. Internet outrage is vapid and meaningless, to say nothing of the inherent hypocrisy. Which would be obvious if you were capable of self reflection.

Retweeting FUCK DRUMPF or doxxing some dev for having an opinion wont change fuck all when you as a consumer in the first world can only exist on the backs of exploitation and oppression.

Epic launcher scrapes a shit ton of user data, and takes almost weekly hardware/software surveys. The store also hasn't recieved major updates or new consumer tool/services for months.

You don't have to go into Tencent fearmongering to explain why people don't like Epic Games buying year long exclusives. Stop being a dullard.

No actually unless you're choosing to live in a communist camp in the middle of the forest instead of the capitalistic society that produced the epic game store it's hypocrisy to complain about its monopolistic business practices that are a feature of the capitalist system.

>steam is not capitalism and corporatism
Can't make this shit up.

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>game is said to mock corporatism and capitalism
>doesn't give out the game for free
Can't make this shit up.

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he's a shill

see, there is nothing wrong with expressing opinions like that, even if I would argue with them to an extent

intentional misinformation spreading to manipulate the retards who never do research is fucking disgusting tho

they invested and bought shares from the company to profit on the increased revenue you low IQ retard, not to control and turn the company into something else. This is what Tencent is doing, investing in successful companies to make them even more successful and then profit on their revenue.

they already did this shit with PoE and League, and didn't change them or affect any of them badly, just made them much bigger. You faggots never complained about PoE being owned by them, and the only reason you shitposted League with the Tencent boogeyman bullshit is because similarly it was Valve's (dota2) competition

when the fuck did I defend epic store? You are literally a seething valveshill making shit up
all I said is to stop spreading lies about Epic Games being some chinese controlled company

Why do you cunts never get it

I blame obsidian being hacks who cant ever manage to make things without running out of money

>game is said to mock corporatism and capitalism
>its published by take2 who make 99 billion dollars a day from gta
>take2 still takes a bribe
doesn't get much more disgusting desu

reminder america isn't capitalist (anymore)

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they literally lied to their fans. i am pretty confident i can judge them for that without any possiblity of hypocrisy.

>Epic launcher scrapes a shit ton of user data, and takes almost weekly hardware/software surveys.
Thank god Steam never does that. I can't go and look up people's hardware charts in steam right now.

When exactly did they lie to their fans?

steam lets you opt out faggot.

when they listed the game on Steam

what's wrong with selling out to Buddha?

cope harder commie

Kek, who said it's never releasing on steam?

C O P E. go try this with steam chink.

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