Was this supposed to be difficult? After Lady Butterfly this guy is a joke

Was this supposed to be difficult? After Lady Butterfly this guy is a joke.

How did people struggle with him?

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>How did people struggle with him?
they are probably retards

He's probably the easiest non-gimmick boss in the game.

>How did people struggle with him?
Literally nobody struggled with him
It's universally agreed that he's the easiest boss in the game

I thought LB was the first boss in the game, which I found super dumb. But after I beat her and ran into this guy I had my “oh so this is what is supposed to be the first boss” moment. After LB, this guy is literally just a trash enemy

I...forgot that I could sprint

I'm not far in but this was by far the most fun I had in sekiro because you didn't have to stealth kill randos for half an hour to get a fair shot at the boss

The only people who I've seen struggling with this boss are the dark souls fags who think that dodging every single attack is necessary and won't ever get close enough to him to actually do damage because they're allergic to parrying.

>Literally nobody struggled with him
nah you're wrong. some people have.

This guy is the easiest boss/miniboss fight in the game bar mist noble
Also I would like to complain about the final fucking boss of this game, jesus christ

He killed me a couple of times because I didn't understand the combat system and I assumed that I couldn't just survive a giant man on a giant horse charging at me with a giant spear by standing in place and holding my katana up.
Like what a retard I am for thinking that I would have to get out of the way.

>Like what a retard I am for thinking that I would have to get out of the way.
a massive one

imagine running away from a giant horseman with a giant weapon on a giant horse

there are so many ways to play dark souls games
its their own fault for being brainlets and only following the general meta created by and for npcs

I dunno I was still figuring out how to play the game at that point, fought Lady Butterfly after him and beat her second try

Those weren’t real bosses though

There’s no way on earth you beat her on your second try

Just because you're bad doesn't mean everyone else is

Lady Butterfly is not as hard as people are clamoring about

her AI is finnicky sometimes she does really dumb shit

He is supposed to be your first boss

I struggled with him yet beat Lady Butterfly first try
It's weird how varied the challenge is from person to person.

I was using greatshield blocking everything in das even skies and allah. I am fucked in Sekiro, i guess.

But he has a major gimmick

>He dodged the one shot attack first try without knowing what it does
Highly doubtful

Even if you’re a fuckjg god at video games, you still cannot possibly know a new boss’ moves. So stop lying you fag

>beat LB first try with no upgrades
Sure :) user :) did you make yourself believe in this?

wut, if you're talking about the spear charge it's not a one shot, I got caught in it like 3 times and didn't die as long as you don't take it directly to the face with no escape. it's feasible that plenty of people just never got hit by it

many people here think they first try when they watch entire guides or watch other people beat the boss first.

But I did, I only found her after beating Genichiro who I struggled with and who pretty much single handedly taught me how to play and she was a joke in comparison, and would be a joke even without the extra health/gourd seeds. Lots of people have the opposite experience, they get btfo by Lady Butterfly but don't have problems with Genichiro

Just because you're bad doesn't mean everyone else is
Stop projecting your retardedness on others

Lady Butterfly is not nearly so difficult as you seem to think she is, but apparently we live in an age where children like yourself shriek to the winds and demand that the standard be set by them

Because normally people go to LB before Genichiro user. A lot of Yea Forumseditors fought LB with only two healing items and no upgrades

this if you did not play this game blind on your first playthrough you pretty much cheated anyways.

About to start NG++, can't wait to be one shotted by bosses and have my posture broken in one deflection, maybe I'll throw in the difficulty modifiers too for some good fun

Lady Butterfly is the third hardest boss in the game

1. Demon of Hatred
2. Sword and mostly Spear Saint
3. Lady Butterfly
everything else dies in 2 tries

She is supposed to be the second boss in the game. Thats like me pretending its an achievement that I killed all the ape bosses first try with 8 healing gourds and several prayer beads because I chose that path as my last

>Lady Butterfly is the third hardest boss in the game

Show me one that is harder so I can laugh

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That list lmao. Hardest boss is Isshin literally every speedrunner agrees with this after that Owl and the mini boss in the swamp area.

swap area mini boss has legit only 4 attacks lmao
Owl is just genichiro with a smoke bomb, ez has fuck

ok user you're better than the people who can beat this game in 1 hour.

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>She is supposed to be the second boss in the game
Says who?

4 attacks and the grab can be avoided by just jumping in place
Four attacks


>Here's the path forward clearly balanced around your skill level
>But you should ignore it, go back and explore some side area before you've even fought the actual boss
Not my fault FROM's garbage at making the intended order clear. Besides the extra health and gourd seeds helped but not much, the biggest thing that contributed is learning how the game fucking works thanks to Genichiro, that you can mash through combos, that you can interrupt a ton of attacks and manipulate boss AI not letting them do much by staying aggressive and build up posture. The main thing is that I noticed that I could effectively loop Genichiro's last phase by hitting R1 and interrupting his lightning faggotry, so I did the same with Lady Butterfly and it was just as effective there

>owl (father) not in the top 3
shit list confirmed

R1 R1 -> He perfect parries -> L1 L1 L1
repeat until victory

Most kino fight?

>Speedrunners dont rank optional and skippable bosses
??? WOW

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The devs intended you to do him and temple area before Butterfly. It's made even more evident by the difficulty differences and the fact that the monk isn't in the temple if you kill Genichiro first.

I can't understand the issues people have with lady butterfly. Best her on the first try, sight unseen. Just sprint around while she's in the air and when she's on the ground she barely defends herself.

Owl second fight

Are you talking about LB or this guy?

Someone help me with Sword Saint. Holy shit he is raping me.

Which phase because his sword phase is actually easy once you figured his moveset out. His spear phases are a fucking nightmare

I had no trouble with the first fight with him, the second one is destroying me.

>After Lady Butterfly this guy is a joke.
How did you get to LB before horseman?

I thought it always linear: chained orge, snek, (drunkard), horseman, bull.

>the mini boss in the swamp area
but... she kills herself by walking in poison while you sit on a cliff, untouchable

do vit dmg
then dick him with parry

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Lady Butterfly
Sword Saint
Corrupted Monk 1
everything else

Don't think there's an easy trick to it, you just have to learn his moves. It helps to keep attacking him and stay aggressive, doing counters after perfect deflects, that way he has a smaller range of moves he can use and you can expect them more. But he has a bunch of very damaging moves with hyperarmor so you can't be dumb about it. And many attacks that look safe like his jump attack often aren't, he can combo after them so watch out.

what a stupid question

I have more trouble with his sword phase. Mainly just the quick punch with either a horizontal or stab follow up.

just fucking parry. You dont even attack her, just parry and she kills herself in 30 seconds

u wot

with confetti she's a joke

bercause you're supposed to beat him before lady butterfly

How long till an easymode cheese has been found for every boss?

Get gud at parrying, you can defeat his first phase in like 30 seconds if you keep on attacking and countering everything he does, basically keep the pressure up. Hesitation is defeat and that's a really good tip for that fight honestly, straight from the boss himself.

That sword looks retarded with katana animations.

Confetti is literally cheating. In my first playthrough I used basically no items. With confetti you dont even need to learn the shichimens moveset because you kill them in 30 seconds

Seriously? Well he only does it after perfect deflecting your attack iirc so just be ready for it.

It looks better than the katana honestly because Sekiro is constantly stabbing in finishers.

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>How did people struggle with him?
everyone brags about getting him 1st/2nd tries, what are you on about?

What do you do when he does those? Dodge, Parry, Jump or Run?

You can always "cheese" the bosses by waiting for a big opening, getting one hit in and running away

fucking shitposters lying about the difficulty of this game
whole game was a cakewalk


>the shitchimen
Fire lazor and spam homing soul balls?

What a complicated moveset.

embarrassing opinion

That isn't cheese. I'm talking shit like being able to stealth deathblow monks first 2 health bars and then stunlock her to death on the 3rd.

t. used confetti cheats and doest know how to dodge any of it

I got there before Genichiro so I was still learning the ropes and she almost burnt the damn thing

It looks to big for him to be waving it around like that.

Wait hold on now I'm not sure what you're talking about because the punch I'm thinking of can ONLY be a thrust attack I counter that every time, and the sword charging thing he does can only be a horizontal swipe if you stay close to him when he does it.

at least use some real sword for swap that over sized lump of garbage looks like shit

since i didn't cheat in +99 attack upgrades, yeah i kind of had to dodge it when it came. But i guess to you running sideways is diffcult.

confirmed confetti cheats

It gets waved around in every Souls game the same way.

fuk u

>reach the spear dude in Hinata Estate that people say is super hard
>sneak attack him once for one of his health bar
>land a couple of mikiri counters and smack him around with the axe for a posture break and kill within 10 seconds
ez game ez life

I didn't use confetti, just parried.

I don't think this game is very cheesable, the most you can do is get like one or two mini bosses stuck on geometry

Counter counter escape use hook strike strike axe strike

parrying her is more fun.

He has a quick One Two combo that has a perilous attack as the second attack. That one

literally mini bosses are harder than him, blazing bull is bullshit easy too, just circle him

You didn't even fight him yourself because you don't fucking dodge anything about shitchiman. You parry the beam.

Honestly ever spear user is a joke thanks to mikirimeme

Why? Game is locked by these bosses.

Didn't have that counter when i fought him.

This? It can only be a thrust, mikiri counter that shit. Otherwise I have no idea, beat the boss 2 times now and haven't seen the attack you're talking about

there are several. Nice youtube playthrough knowledge

>You parry the beam

Yes. He sometimes does a sweep instead

There's a one shot attack?
She was very easy to read for me, easiest boss next to the flaming bull. Here's me beating her
I played the game blind faggot

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huh, probably true, you can parry beasts and bullets in this game why not beams, simply not everyone thought to do that

>phase 2 is literally just mikiri counters
>does not hyper armor once
wow how much luck can you get with rng

>After Lady Butterfly
Lady butterfly is meant to be the SECOND boss dude, that's the first.

No way I've played this fight for like 2+ hours and he didn't do a sweep a single time, you must be mistaken. Or you've rung the demon bell and it gave him a new attack?

How do I kill headless?

he does do a sweep attack but it's pretty rare

You should have 0 trouble fighting sword saint, it's when he gets the spear where he's a little bit harder

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the one I saw on youtube is after double ape fight, how the heck are you even supposed to find that? run through all locations 3 times just because?

they're all the exact same so what difference does it make faggot

>After Lady Butterfly this guy is a joke
I mean, I fought him before Butterfly. Is that not the norm?

>tfw just beat Genichiro after 50+ attempts
>scared of Headless and get my ass bungled every time I try to fight the gun bitches
>mfw imagining what's ahead of me

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The Idol is greyed out when he spawns and you have to activate it again, just like in the Castle areas

Headless aren't that bad.. Just remember to take your anti-anxiety medication before you go in, and throw some confetti around.

is that a greatsword

Otogi's moonlight sword > Dark Souls' moonlight sword. It would actually fit Sekiro too, unlike that huge hunk of paddle-looking shit.

Not really feasible to rip and add that one, though.

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I'm talking about the spear mate the dude has so much luck with the patterns it's unreal. btw bell buff does not do anything for the bosses the only thing that makes the game harder is if you don't the charm.

me too
I wanted some kind of duel between genichiro and sekiro, but the isshin was fine
now if you talking bout difficulty... probably the hardest fucking final boss in the souls series.

The game gets much easier from Genichiro onwards because you get so many health and gourd upgrades. Only the final two bosses are a challenge

wtf lol, well I guess anything's possible with pure RNG

what the fuck is his problem?

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I struggled with him first run because I was playing defensively, my second run I basically beat him as fast as any speedrunner because the second half of the game taught me how to be aggressive

Where's a good place to get confetti? I haven't been able to find anything other than the one outside the first Headless room.

>but it's pretty rare
Do I just have bad luck or weird positioning?

lady butterfly isn't supposed to be fought that early.

I hate having to use multiple consumables in a fight, I always fatfinger the dpad

this is the 1st boss you are supposed to fight
but my retarded ass didn't realize that, so after butterfly he was as easy as a normal mob

He's jelly of your prosthetic arm.

You get access to Hirata pretty early on, it's a matter of choice. Personally I just like to finish a zone once I started it.

everyone fought here before the horse. it's set up that way with the bell

they have one shot attacks?

blue samurai top floors of Ashina castle.

probably bad luck sometimes Isshin hyper armors like crazy through your attacks and I get that pretty much always.

I am not really good at the game, but the gun bitch was harder and more frustrating for me, than any Genichiro boss fight.

You know the game pauses when you go into your menu right? You don't have to put confetti on your quick items.. You don't have to put anything there except your gourd really.

Oh my bad.
> btw bell buff does not do anything for the bosses the only thing that makes the game harder is if you don't the charm.
I see.

The BB one looks worse. It's longer and overall uglier since no transparency and it's less shiny.

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Lady Butterfly has a lot of RNG t b h. On my first run through the game I played far worse and less aggressive than I do now and she never summoned her illusions on me.
On my second run through she summoned them literally 4 times while I was much more aggressive and constantly on her ass

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I can't beat this guy. The camera fucks me up every time, can't see wtf he is doing.

real monk
to name a few

oh fuck, didn't realize you could use consumables from the pause menu

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then control it

already above her on my list
already above her on my list

parry parry makiri parry parry jump, don't forget to backstab first bar

Firecracker, hit until he blocks, firecracker, hit until he blocks.

If you still can't beat him after you're out, use a fistful of ash for more cheese.

he fucked my up ngl. like goddamn idk why I struggled with him. but genichiro, lady butterfly, fucking guardian ape were all easier than him.
also, half the minibosses are harder than the actual bosses. the headless have all fucked my shit up, and so did that faggot swordsman at ashina castle with the 4 gun niggers near him.

>easier than butterfly
it's like you do not want anyone to take you seriously

in terms of visuals

not an argument
you can win both butterfly phases by just being super aggressive and shuriken her when she jumps away

in case you arent already, if you walk a little farther up the hill you can jump on top of him for a free bar

R1 R1 -> He perfect parries -> L1 L1 L1
repeat until victory

Why is everyone missing left arm in this game, even a fucking dragon is missing the left arm

Oh, of course. I'm a fucking retard.

just writing a name is also not an argument
This isnt an argument in the first place, these are facts

Mfw there people who think they are some hot shit 1st 2nd trying, while i was actually learning how everything works and beaten all bosses hitless.

Because "lmao parallels"
also Miyazaki really likes berserk.


until he starts trading you for hits out of nowhere
did you see someone else beat him or fought him only once? it's not so simple for everyone

>From Software game
>no patches characters

wait what?

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>the seven spear guy with the samurai buddy helping him

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Miyazaki wasn't writing characters this time
Miyazaki loves Patches.

Play the game and stop watching twitch.tv/darksydephil

except he doesnt just randomly starts attacking

you are the Patches this time, even twice.

You can stealth kill his buddy

no source?

90% of Yea Forums doesn't even use prosthetics or combat arts.

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Just walk on the branch you can grapple on to. They cant reach you there and one of them will fall down the chasm for sure turning it into a 1on1

butterfly is the only boss i beat on the first try.
literally just safe scum her and wait out her like 10 hit combo.

The bosses feel purer if you don't.

>sandwiched myself between them and stealth killed the normal mook
Nice encounter FROM

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Thats because there is only 1 combat art worth using and maybe 2 prosthetics

>tfw had to parry his ass 4 times because didnt understand that i had to qte him 2 times in a row instead of once like with everyone else
My heart skipped a beat or two

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Well he's the first non-optional boss. Butterfly is optional.

literally how, they are one besides the other.
(talking bout the one that appears after the castke invasion)


>After Lady Butterfly
he gives less XP than butterfly. he's supposed to be fought before her.

Buff your stealth
Go left slowly
In between them you can stealth attack one of them depending on what you prefer.

Start by crouch walking to the right, move along the wall and then once you pass the rubble move in between them, the way they're facing you can backstab one of them before the other gets aggrod. It's pretty precise though

>except he doesnt just randomly starts attacking
duh, that tactic worked once in 5 tries for me though
and I could kill butterfly no damage on 10th.
you got lucky with rng, it doesn't work every time from my experience

>jacked up with 15 vit and 8 sippies
>genichiro still dicks me

I may be retarded

not that owl

I had more luck approaching him from the left.

>not puppeteering for entertainment value

No it isn't, you get the bell before you even get to the Ogre, let alone those other guys. You jsut get the bell, use it, finish Hirata.

only loser incels have trouble with this game. I watched some speedruns then beat everyone first-second try

you still play it like souls, learn to deflect and counter unblockables
genchiiro is more of a tutorial boss than butterfly

>you got lucky with rng
I got lucky in NG and NG+? Damn nigga I am good.

The Hirata Owl just throws shuriken 90% of the time and does the easily punished ichimonji. He is even easier

>I watched people play point and click adventure and solved all puzzles first time
hope you are pretending to be retarded.

Where's the best place to farm XP? Getting the last couple skills I need is proving to be hell.

I got the bell and I just thought, "I'll use this later". I had no idea what it would do anyway, and I was fine continuing on the initial path. Did you fight Butterfly before the fucking Ogre?

Firecracker works on people?

>tfw he destroys me in less than 30 seconds every time

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Either prosthetic arts are useless on posses (or at least less effective than just parry spam/r1), or they are cheese and trivialize the fight (like firecrackers).

Dumb soulsfag, Patches isn't a recurring element in From games, you'd know this if you'd ever played any From game aside from soulshit.

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Firecracker works on near everything.

Only exception I can think of is guardian ape phase 2.

Not him but I did. I also beat monk before Genichiro.
Yes I am retarded

getting the good prosthetics takes time, the lady butterfly needles are broken once you get them

I watched my favorite souls player beat it and when I tried it I died to the first mini boss but whatever, I could do it if I wanted to but I don't feel like playing this easy game

>Damn nigga I am good.
sure, why do you think butterfly is harder than him though? she is even simpler what is wrong with you?

I'm so pissed that the finger whistle didn't work on Guardian Ape 2.0, I thought that would be the point of the fucking thing.

>Did you fight Butterfly before the fucking Ogre?
yup, ogre handled me too well I beat her before him

>i watched compilations of the best strategies for every boss

>Every boss first try

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>Armored Core
He was in every Miyazaki Game
In fact I would put money on him being in the Sekiro DLC

>Do Genichiro and Isshin's sword phase l i t e r a l l y without taking damage
>Get my asshole torn open by his spear phase
what the FUCK man

>not Souls
Also quite sure he only appears in 4A, and maybe the ACs after (4A was the most recent I've played).

In any case, he's not a recurring From element, at best he's a recurring Myazaki element. The Moonlight Sword, on the other hand, is, and I'm surprised it's not in the game considering how easy it would be to fit in. I guess the closest is the seven-branch sword.

>what the FUCK man
>kill owl first phase no death 7 heals left
>get poisoned in second phase, panic and die

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>he doesn't know

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I remember Patches even in Shadow Tower: Abyss.

He is since Demon's Souls.

>at best he's a recurring Myazaki element
And Sekiro was directed by?

I died a few times because I didn't know i couldn't parry while jumping
After his fight the first skill I got was the one that allows to parry while jumping

Isshin is using the same spear as Gyoubo, so why not testing the spear tool?

How old is Kuro? One hundred years ?

what am i supposed to be seeing in this screenshot?

Oh nvm you are talking about the sword mod, thought you were talking about patches

>replacing a katana with a greatsword
If it were a slimmed down moonlight sword it would work a lot better.

The photoshopped weapon

It's a mod

So you can't fight Owl 2 (Father) in the standard ending, correct? So after Sword Saint I've done everything and should just advance to NG+? My stats are 19 vit with 2 prayer beads left over and 13 attack without mask boosts.

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Having problems with this nigger at 11 VIT and 2 ATK right now, gonna see if I can beat him later.

tfw can't trick anyone

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I only got eight prayer necklaces, did the standard ending, are the last 4 in the other endings? pretty sure i didn't miss anything

She attacks a couple times and flies around transparent for half an hour and her posture recovers.

it gives you a choice, you can prep all ending, and when talk to kuro after isshin fight you got 3 choices

there are 2 that are in Hirata Estate at the end

I killed the Divine Dragon super early (didn't do any of the rice stuff with Kuro even though I have both serpent viscera) so I was locked out of everything else. Looks like I'm just going into NG+

> thought he'll be a challenge judging by e3 trailer
> ended up beating him 2nd try
Is he any stronger on NG+? Though I really doubt that, since your character is usually overpowered on early-mid NG+ in From games

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kek same. I bet they did that intentionally cuz THAT'LL BE TOO EASY

But everybody itt says items are cheating

Just try using a confetti, fight headless and tell me if it's really cheating

Isshi gets around

I beat this guy first try, however for some reason I could ressurect twice in this fight.
Still don't understand what the fuck hapenned there.

I can't, he already beat me the first time i tried it and I'm not far enough in the game to get more yet


You still had your second resurrection charge. If you have two charges and die in the first phase, getting a deathblow will re-enable your resurrection and you'll be able to use the second charge if you die again.

Already there, shit's taking forever grinding ministry guys. Really lame considering that most combat arts end up being trash anyway but let's be hopeful here. That super expensive Tomoe technique is totally not gonna be trash.

After drunk and butterfly..?

if you take the time to learn the combat by actually fighting enemies shes really not that hard.

I find it funny how people mod in a Moonlight sword when your DEFAULT SWORD in the game is literally this games moonlight sword
>you get it in the moonlight tower
>while moonlight is shining on you

It looks completely out of place anyway.

You were by my side, all along ;_;

Snake eyes poison pool is so fucking easy.. just take her to the mist wall in the tunnel and deflect the shit out of her, mix it up with ichimonji double and there's literally nothing to it. Got her on the 2nd try...

I died heaps because i thought i was playing bloodborne

Brainlet only have yourself to blame

They're a pretty rare drop even with bell active

the demon is objectively easier than isshin

lady butterfly is optional and you can di it right in the beginning when you get the bell from the old woman

he did write some characters
and miyazaki said that they didnt include things like patches or the moonlight sword because they dont want to feel forced to include them in every game and they dont want people to expect them to always be there

is it just me or do the butterfly kunai become cheaper once you give the theif the salt info?
pretty sure it was 5k before but now it's 3k

nani the heck
demon is 3 times harder than isshin because it's an attrition boss instead of posture

It's fromsoft fanbase, most "players" watched it on twitch then attempted 3 hours of it before going back to twitch and backseat some rando telling they are experts

What do you hope to see in dlc, for me:
>boss fight in bamboo forest
>samurai showdown in pouring rain
>blind boss with "poorfag" looking katana that can insanely track you if you move

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Why are old jap grandpas always so badass

he has braided hair....

Same. Lady Butterfly is the perfect git gud boss, teaches you everything (except thrust attacks) about basic combat and instills it into your brain, and you can access her early into the game.

>lady butterfly is optional
Only if you are fucking casual dumb baby

it was allways 3k, you are probably mixing it with Dragon mask part that costs 5k

probably yeah

Had more trouble with geichiro than with lady butterfly

Anyone else literally loves this game? The graphics are gorgeous, the music is mesmerizing, the setting is godlike, the level design is simply insane (everything is connected) all enemies feel different and ai isnt dumb as fuck

I am enjoying every second of it

>Hidden room in ashina castle with prayer bead in it
Fugg, I only discovered it on NG+

Every time you say this it makes me want it less.

there's another one in the hirata estate

>ai isnt dumb as fuck
but that's objectively wrong

Yeah I somehow managed to find it on my first playthrough, I think everybody knows about that one

In the building with butterfly or before that?

He's the only boss where you can literally spam l2 and win.

in that building, yeah

They probably fought him way before Lady Butterfly.
I fought Lady Butterfly as my first non-mini boss and I only lost twice, against her, and yet I lost like a dozen times against the drunkard outside of her boss room, and like half a dozen against Gyoubu.
Don't know what my problem was.

I beat him first try. Was a lot of fun. I am not even that good either. I'm currently stuck on illusion corrupted monk

Looking imthe fight up online and Cheesing doesnt count fucktard

>I'm currently stuck on illusion corrupted monk
easy parry to win

i didnt know i could sprint till the bull boss.

They're dumb but not as dumb as souls enemies. There is a healthy level of being able to do shit that would realistically work.

i mean, that's fine, i myself didn't know you could charge your attack until much later, but still that's pretty embarrasing

Armored Warrior

Thought ape was bad then beat double apes then comes the owl every time he always seems to clip me when I try to run and heal.Been stuck on him about an hour now I just want to progress fuck.

>The graphics are gorgeous
imo, most of this game looks very grimey. engine's showing its age.

The combat in this game is honestly pretty bad. The parry system is stupid. Every boss has come down to mash attack, and the second they parry parry their first attack and mash attack. Also dodge a few times. There is no thinking or anything involved whatsoever. Nioh has way better combat, and this doesn't even approximate a real action game.

If parrying was a dildo you sekirofags would be goatse tier. When was the last time a fanbase shoved a mechanic so far up its ass?

>Nioh has way better combat

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I did it bros beat bull and lady butterfly she wasn't that hard i guess i got lucky

Anybody else feeling a little disappointed and underwhelmed from the areas? Most look nice, but I never got that feeling that I did when I walked into the Cathedral of the Deep for the first time in DS3. I know that the setting was very purposeful not to look like that, but I feel like they missed some great opportunities to make some gargantuan castles that you explore. (You could only explore a little bit of the inside Ashina Castle, and that was mostly unimpressive). Japanese architecture is my favorite, especially when it's warped into a fantasy setting (like Spirited Away).

Also most of the outside areas later into the game look very odd if you pay attention, like in Mibu village; if you look up to the cliffs that surround the village you can only see one constant line of trees. It doesn't look believable that there's more world beyond those trees.

>Nioh has way better combat

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good job user
it is just going to get harder from there

Reaction images are not arguments. This games combat is remedial. You literally just spam R1, until a parry is confirmed, then spam L1. This beats all the "hard" bosses people ITT talk about. Everybody ITT who is dying to the bosses is simply resisting this. The most the game changes this up is when you play rock paper scissors once they get that red thing, and then either jump, or press b to...do a super parry.

Nioh's combat has way more depth to it and feels much more tight and responsive. I'm sorry you are one of those people who just hates on things based on developers and not on merit, but despite having worse level design Nioh has way better combat.


t. DSP after getting owned

LB is not only not the first boss, shes an entirely optional boss that you can do after beating every other boss. i dont believe there is a single story requirement that requires LB to be beaten

Niohs combat feels like ass. I can't comment on its depth because I couldn't stomach the shitty combat after 2 hours and quit

>AI isn't dumb as fuck

You can literally kill them one by one alerting them all over and over again and just walking far away, and then get a backstab on a miniboss after doing this.

Literally did, she was the easiest boss for me, but thats because i missed he bell and she was my 3rd boss rather than what seems to be the average 1st or 2nd. so i had a health advantage

the only reason people suffer on her is the fact they're basically "underleveled" and dont have the HP or damage they expect you to have there

In Nioh you spam dodge until an opening is confirmed and then spam the attack button, wow such different combat

People who say the game isnt interconnected haven't found the shinobi shortcuts. You can end up in Mt. Kongo in the first 10 minutes if you're nosy. There's also one that leads to the castle.

Beat him on my second try, I would say he’s comparable to the first or second Souls boss. Butterfly Bitch took me around 6 try’s though, I really did the Revengeance style parrying. Im listening to the Grey Fox theme and RP’ing a him albeit in feudal Japan. Yes I’m autistic

Where can I get that mod? Looks sweet.

But spamming R1 and then L1 in Sekiro is AMAZING I'm sure, Fromdrone.

Sorry for not using a walkthrough user. I got a bell so i used it and then beat the area. Guess i should've known better

>nioh combat
>press square
>press x
so much more depth than sekiro

You can do the same in Sekiro, except the dodge and parry in Nioh feel much better. Dodge can allow you to dance through combats and the different parry's actually require timing.

Sekiro actively doesn't want you to dodge most attacks and therefore makes the parry trivial, and combined with a block in case you mess up.

patches originated in king's field 2, he's the gravedigger that sells you back key items you were stupid enough to sell for 4x what you sold them for

My mind was blown when the castle passage lead to the sculptor (for some reason). Do you know if you can access that passage and make it straight to the castle as soon as the game starts, or is it locked?

>dodge, dodge, dodge - hit


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It does feel good though, great sound and visual effects really enhance it and you feel like a real shinobi, it's not very deep combat system but it's simple and fun, is that really so bad?

>yfw Isshin says that fighting Sekiro makes his blood boil
What a stark contrast with a tired old depressed Gehrman.
Isshin fucking enjoys that battle and readily admits defeat when he is bested.

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>Video game with combats combat
>Press buttons

wow video games are horrible

It's locked from the other side

its okay, i also didnt use a guide and completely missed the bell until i heard about it online.

I'm just stating a fact not meaning to diss

I haven't tried it since I didn't notice the cave either. I found the other Mt. Kongo entrance before Genichiro and a Buddha painting warned me not to go in there. I left the bell alone. I'll probably ring it first thing into NG+.


its locked until you get there

>It doesn't have depth but it doesn't majorly detract from my enjoyment of the game because I enjoy it



Are two very different sentiments. Sekiro is an okay game but the combat is not that great, and Nioh has better combat. Nioh has many problems in game design that might make people enjoy it less but if I was given !Geralt and Wolf and made to fight all the bosses from both game as either !Geralt would be much more fun to do it with than Wolf.

Just beat him the feeling you betting a boss is godly

>it's the same faggot every thread trying to show off his shitty mod
>shitty sword mod ruins admittedly good gameplay videos too

kill yourself if you think it looks good
swinging a bigass sword like that around like a lightweight katana is some gross anime shit

The loot grind necessary to keep combat fair in Nioh makes it trash

I want a lighting ping pong duel against Tomoe and thunder prosthetic.

You're playing an unkillable ninja with a spring loaded arm, user. A sword that's a little too big is hardly an issue

Kill a grave every once in a while. Grind done.

you technically could fight owl 2 in any ending but Shura, but getting owl 2 needs setup and story actions before the Ministry attacks the castle/outskirts

What has to be done in that case?

it looks like garbage

Sounds like an obnoxious way to break immersion and game flow, but that's just me

>though I finally killed Genchiro
>Lightning round

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Well the monkeys

Butterfree is fucking ez, both Owl 1 and 2 are harder, apes are harder, fucking O'rin cave nigger samurai are harder.

you can make save backup before final boss and do 3 endings only shura is different.

doing the final boss again is easy after you beat it once did it all in like 30 mins

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Gehrman is a blackpilled old fart who saw too much interdimensional shit to have fun anymore.
Isshin probably had a fun life.

he picked the worst looking MLS in history too.
if an HD version of the original existed it would fit much better (and is what FROM should have put in)
there's really no excuse for them not to have put the broken sword somewhere in the game, and have wolf take a shard of it for use in a prosthetic or something

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>I play on console
>can't do that

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You have to eavesdrop on Emma+Isshin, find the black scroll next to Isshin' room, then eavesdrop on Kuro, talk to Emma and agree, follow her to old grave, then eavesdrop on Emma+Sculptor, then confront Emma, then return to Hirata via the Buddha Statue after beating Butterfly for the second version of Hirata. If you do all that and beat owl2 you get the option to get that ending after beating GenIsshin.

>usb backup
>cloud backup

pic related is literally console

only scrubs save scum

Bell Demon is semi-confirmed to up enemy stats/damage/posture damage so now I feel vindicated for doing Demon of Hate and Sword Saint with that shit on
Well I have to go into NG+ anyway since I already did Sword Saint
Alright, thanks.

Not every game needs 5000 different combat systems like Nioh has in order to have fun combat though, I think simple combat system works in favor of Sekiro, they wanted you to focus on the parry mechanic to make you feel like you're in a sword fight and they tailor made the whole game only to enhance that feeling and it works great

>usb backup
I've never done that before but I might if the only difference between two playthroughs is literally that one dialog option.
>cloud backup
no thanks
>replaying a 20 hours long game for one cutscene change

>people crying about chained ogre
>beat him on second try after seeing how fast he grabs and kicks
>it's literally a "smack him 2-5 times and then dodge his attack that leaves him vulnerable for 8 seconds"

Are people really that shit?

Do I really have to run from the Abandoned Dungeon Entrance to the Castle roof everytime I want to fight owl?
Is there no idol I can reach closer?


anything i should do before the owl?

shouldn't you kill him before butterfly? i was sure he was supposed to be the first boss

there's one one floor below it

Google "Sekiro Nexus". Don't use the DS3 pack though use the older mod. Looks a lot better.

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Console player tears?

Like user said earlier, Otogi sword would be ideal but alas.

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>he thinks my shity mod looks like garbage
>he must play on console!

I play on PC you gigantic faggot, I just think that giant sword in a speedy stealthy ninja game is fucking retarded and you watch too much anime

ds3 moonlight is ugly
Bloodborne and Ds1 is the good one

I can see the icon, but how do I get in?

Is it kuros window?

Why would you not use the bell you got in the first area instead of going through like 5 more areas to get to the "first" boss

why would anyone want that thing
needs a moonlight katana

Wake me up when someone's modded in the buster sword

You go in from the inside much further below. I don't remember now where. The wiki probably says it at this point.

i did
and stopped after i killed the shinobi hunter
outskirts is the first area

Thanks user

Dunno, beat him without dying. Same with flaming bull.

>buster sword
i'm ashamed to play on pc

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It's just the MLGS. It looks cool to me just like it always has. I zoom around with it in all of the Souls games so why not here as well?

Wasn't it the same as DS1?

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no you ds3bab faggot

>can't detect irony
>unironically has animated wojaks saved to his computer and shares them

anyone else feel bad killing the knight? he just wanted to save his son

Someone needs to make the Moonlight Sword from Otogi, that would fit the game very well. Too bad that means making both model and texture, because the original, aside from being very hard to rip, would also be way too low poly and low res.

Isshin holds no animosity against you when his shitbag adopted grandson resurrects him and simply takes the opportunity to give you a great fight.
Genichiro really is comical levels of jobber. No one likes him and he always loses.

But Lady butterfly was a joke?
All you had to do was rush her down. I had way more problems with the spear shinobi hunter than her or this guy

You did get the Mikiri counter, right?

What was different about it?

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I beat her on my first try? She was really easy to read and you just had to rush her down

why would you dodge the bullets? Just deflect them so he'll do a thrust right after.

Don't have any good pictures with it apparently. I guess it's blue and not green but it looks pretty similar to me.

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kek i liked genichiro

It looks cooler to dodge them.

Im not sure?I might have dodged that attack the few times she used it. I mainly just remember getting her into a corner and throwing shurikens at her when she jumped back so she'd fall
Plus she only got a summon off at the very end so i didnt even need to use a snap

everything they look very different
it's also shit in ds3 while it's the best weapon in the game in ds1

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I think you're confused about what is and what isnt a boss.

Ah I see it not.
>it's also shit in ds3
Agreeing with you there, the lock-on aiming for the beam and the range of it were so fucked. Did they ever fix it?
I dunno if it was the best in ds1 though. I used it though alongside that butterfly spear, it was fun.

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what is there a drunkard reskin? his brother or something?

Mikiri counter is for thrust attacks. You just do the combo and spear enemies will forever become jokes.

>mini-bosses aren't bosses because you don't have to push r1 an extra time at the end for an epic shinobi execution
The line is pretty blurry in this game, desu


>me imagining a berserk game made by from.
Why hasn't it happened yet?

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I struggled with him because I thought I could just run away and dodge him. I beat him after 2 tries of standing still and using deflections until the red won dot came up.

Why is it so hard to believe lmao?
And i'm not even gloating, like i said i got trashed by Gyoubu and the ogre.

Oh no I thought you meant for the grandma
The only reason the spear guy messed me up is because I kept pressing A instead of B. But that was early on and I fought Lady after fighting genichiro about 10 times before trying to get more health or damage from other bosses


>muh berserk
berserk didnt invent prostethic arms
the whole character of guts is based on this guy
the name, the prostethic arm, the big sword, the mercenary background

would be better made by the dragons dogma team

actually he isn't Muira said he didn't know about that guy
maybe because berserk didn't invent big swords and being a cripple
tons of other things have those

If anyone is still having trouble with any of the Guardian apes, try using the Spear. When he does the slam attack and You parry, use the Spear and drag. You pull the centipede from his neck and It fucks pretty much ALL of his health and posture.

how do you drag the spear? never worked for me
but i did keep poking him with it
the spear is good for everything really

>blow whistle on lesser guardian ape expecting him to turn on the white one
>nothing happends
why? the whistle said it makes beasts turn on allies

>Im listening to the Grey Fox theme and RP’ing a him albeit in feudal Japan.
You. I like you.

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After Sekiro, I think From would do it well. They kind of nailed the monkey and totally nailed the sword bosses, a good Berserk adaption would feel al ot like Sekiro does.

Just incorporate the parry mechanic into straight up attacks and have more of a focus on mobile movement/dodges for positioning purposes.

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from literally stole the shitty recolor i made ages ago for the ds3 one lol

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You didn't actually struggle with the game.... Right, Yea Forums?

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I can't wait until the tihydp video for sekiro.

Probably would make the fight too easy

The Shinobi Hunter was easy. Just sneak behind him and get a deathblow then mikiri counter until you get another.

>DS3 was the first souls game I played (just slipped through my radar I guess, didn't think I would like it)
>Run into patches, walk into his obvious trap because I thought it would be funny
>Make my way back up to him
>Think about how he has Siegward's armor and how he's trapped in that well, and how Patches would just try to jape me again in the future (to be fair he will if you spare him)
>Kill him
>video related

I'm sorry guys

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there's at least two other reskins, don't think they're related

why would you want that?

Patches is the one-eyed scavenger bandit.
Only now he is a genuinely nice person despite being a petty thief.

Which 3 bosses gave you the most trouble? For me it was:

1: Sword (Spear) Saint Isshin
2: Demon of Hatred
3: Double Trouble Apes
I was stuck on Demon for about an hour but Spear Saint took me literally 5hours til I figured out all his spear bullshit and could just go full offense and pray for no bullshit spear thrust hitboxes.

dlc where we learn lightning when?

I used to, now I think the game is too easy. Maybe ringing the bell will make it challenging again.

Struggle no but some bosses did take me a lot of attempts to beat them

I wish there was a bit more variety thats what souls games had at least. It's just deflect the game for the most part.

>he liked ds3

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really where?
and that's fucking stupid if there's not a lore explanation that he had 3 twin brothers
that really takes away from the game, why would they do that?

>Double Trouble Apes
really? i thought that was easier than the single guardian ape

I loved it as much as I loved your mother in bed last night fag

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>After Lady Butterfly
>Oniwa wasn't your first boss

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Did I fuck myself out of anything with that first merchant? I accidentally killed the merchant that sells you info inside the hirata estate...


That'd be Divine Dragon.

what a 9 year old xbox kid response
and guts would hate ds3 you shit eating queer

I almost finished sword saint but he did a final lightning attack and I couldn't endure the guaranteed chip damage from countering it in the air. I tried demon of hatred and got to phase 3 but got floored. I know I can totally do it, though and that's what drives me to finish it all. Please tell me the demon doesn't do something stupid like fucking get up with all his bars back.

Blazing bull is destroying me bros

who here (never uses firecrackers)
shuriken combustion (needs a dmg buff btw) and spear

the drunk

Drift inside the curve

That was the point

Also guts doesn't even know what a video games is, faggot

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I've struggled but not in a way where I feel it's bs or anything. I'm still getting rid of souls habits. Question though, was I supposed to fight LB before him? Gyoubu and the Chained Ogre are the only bosses I've seen so far.

but if he did he would hate it
anyone can see it's iunronically soulless trash

Played the game blind, didn't use firecrackers as a crutch but found them effective for cancelling big moves so I saw no reason not to use them

>anyone can see it's iunronically soulless trash
SOUL is literally in the title. Not only that but it's SOULS, indicating that there's multiple soul.

I bet you feel like the biggest retard right now.

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Single ape was super easy for me since you can just be in its face, especially in the headless form other than during the scream. That never worked for me on the double one because whenever I parried the big slam that knocks the ape over, the brown one would constantly fuck with me so I could never get any damage in and then the posture bar reset.
Seen lots of talk about using spear against him so will try next playthrough, and knowing the fight now helps as well.

Nah demon just has the 3 bars, third phase is pretty much same as second from what I remember with one added move, much like how Sword Saint works.

that's like the first boss though, i think you are supposed to kill Lady after him, either way it doesn't matter, both are pretty easy


I think people just don't know how powerful spam blocking is against butterfly

Just hug its ass and never find yourself at its side or front. I had more issues with some trash mobs before it than I had with it.

2nd phase was easier
i just locked on sprinted and waited for him to finish a combo and kept poking down his hp
did it for both apes

What the fuck? I thought Yea Forums said this game was about fighting humans.

I died lots of times because I forgot I could block attacks. Please don't laugh. It was also one of my first bosses

demon of hatred
guardian ape
genichiro 1 or owl

I of course racked up deaths on isshin, but I found a routine that was very repeatable for the first phase, and then you just survive for 2 and 3 and lighting takes care of the last phase. Overall this is the best I've been naturally at a From game, I sucked shit at all the previous ones.

thats what you get for playing on console.

I died more to that gun slut in the gun valley than any boss.

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I thought you were supposed to fight him first, still easy, but without the attack buff from butterfly it definitely takes more to kill him (also it was before I finally got dark souls out of my system and stopped trying to dodge everything).
Replaying the game I ran straight though him.

Just beat Demon of Hatred lads, fuck his circle of fire. Finally got him once I kept my calm if he ever got me inside of it.

His dialogue at the end made me a bit emotional, rest in peace Sculptor.

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Just poison her

>Literally nobody

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this fucking faggot and his Sekiro clickbait titles...

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1. Owl (Father)
2. Sword Saint
3. Demon
these are unquestionably the three hardest bosses in the game, I'm pretty sure Isshin is the hardest but owl 2 gave me more trouble because I wasn't gud yet

how do you kill the 2nd snake in the cave?

This game literally switches "spam r1" to "spam L1", how it is hard?

every youtube vid has a scrub spamming that shit to cheese through the game instead of relying on skill (literally blocking animation going on/off after the enemy stopped attacking). I swear Fromsoftware games can't strike a good balance between player skill and game difficulty, always a way to cheese.

I think I took around 10 attempts, but the Fire Umbrella was a huge help.

I did bro I did. She killed me so much and I one shot double monkeys.

>Needs to respect players
>By adding baby mode
Yeah ok

Im NG+7 and still haven't died once, what does the dragon rot mechanic do?

Which Isshin? You fight two completely different versions on different paths.


>Sword Saint
There's only 1 Isshin by that name. The one if you side with Owl isn't called Sword Saint.

It disables NPC interactions until you heal them, they won't die from it

Parry 2nd phase overhead swing for a long stun and use the spear-pull move in its neckhole.

should i fight the big ape first or go the other way?

I went to him first and still had no problems. Granny Cuntflaps gave me my first death but I managed to beat her with ease on my second try because I knew her moves.

You referred to him as Isshin there. I thought for a second that you weren't aware of that route. Nevermind then.

I wasn't the original user you replied to, just figured it was worth pointing out.

>Take invisicandy
>sneak in and stab his friend
>run off and lose him
>come back and take of one of his health bars
>Proceed to fight him just like the first seven spears but without the dieing 40 times

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>Not puppeterring the samurai dude and completely fuck the spear dudes day up.
It might be unfair but fuck being fair, it was funny as hell to do it.

do you think from will every make a game with a easy mode?
if so i'm no buying it even if it's good otherwise

Give me tips on phase two of guardian ape. I never had to deal with terror.

dodge it

So I just beat the game but I feel like I've missed things. Where did the sculptor go? What's this Hirata Owl people are talking about? Is there a way to unlock a secret area that I haven't found? I did the ending with the rice girl by the way

Parry pretty much anything he does with the sword besides the two sweeps he has, if you see him start putting the head back on, run away from him. Once you get the parry timings down it becomes really easy, especially thanks to the long stun it gets from the big sword slam if you parry it.

do i have to run every time to owl from the bottom of ashina castle if i die?

should i give the snake organs to the loli?

Use the dojo bonfire


you can run away from it

there is no entrance to that besides the one with 2 monks.

Wait what do you mean? There should be a window at the dojo. There's also the antechamber one, you can use that too I think

I can't manage to stun him or keep up with the parries before my posture breaks.

i've found only one window that leads straight to mini boss Lone Shadow Vilehand.

time wise probably both owl fights, the final boss wasn't really hard for me maybe because I got better at the game by then, I also knew some of his moveset from shura ending that i save scummed

just beat owl on my 1st playtrough
but unironically butterfly was hard as fuck
but her fight taught me a good lesson to be aggressive and every other boss after that was way easier

same brother it's gonna be a gud

Wait the poison swamp gun boss? No dude hes easy as fuck. Unless its DSP (I doubt he beat the first fucking guy) I find anyone saying that highly unlikely amigo.

This fucking cunt Armored Warrior made me finally get dragon aids.
Fuck this faggot for not falling down on the first try.

What...you can sprint? Fucking from man, hiding basic features.

it took me 20 tries but i was also half asleep

lady butterfly took me about 5

spam all your shurikens on the second ape

gouging top can get it to lose 75% of it's health

you have to build up his posture and deathblow him off the edge

constantly keep your distance, only go in to deflect specific swings

if you deflect his overhead slam you will stagger him

you have to use that one

do a puppeteer death blow on the second guy by the entrance and it makes the fight a total joke

honestly, no one tells you to deflect when you see the enemy's sword spark. once you learn that it makes the combat so much easier

blocking on this fight helping me a lot more than deflecting

apparently you can use the dried finger to stagger him?

ringing the bell on NG+ gives you chip damage when blocking and forces you to use a hit and run approach with you wet noodle sword

Juzou also kills you in a single swing

i never managed to learn lighting reflect, lol

I think I died to ghost monk the most. Sword saint I think I just got a really lucky run, if I were to fight him again now I'd probably get fucked.


every single hardcore sekiro fan calls dark souls easy and every single person that dares call sekiro hard is called "souls bab roll spam" so make of that what you will

>every single hardcore sekiro fan calls dark souls easy
there is no such thing, and no one has ever said that

ok i've killed owl recently in castle, how do i get to fountainhead palace now? ghost of corrupted monk is defeated as well.

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marriage altar in that cave

That loud thud and quake afterwards was funny.

it just says eavesdrop and she's in pain
what do?

sekiro's levels are easy as fuck, it's the bosses that have challenge

but once you learn to deflect when the sword sparks, it's a lot easier

ds3babs are the only one having trouble though

Talk to Kuro I think, then go back.


ok lmao

I 1 shot Genichiro without using healing and died to horseboy twice.

Genichiro is way easier

i did
and started the incense
nothing happend?

Then progress for the Dragon Tear.
Go to that wedding altar for starters.

what's the best ninjustu and combat art?

that was the one for the snake right?
i thought you messed up if you progressed to far in kuros quest
i just want to good ending and this one is supposed to be good

just keep resting or run somewhere

>Ashina Depths
>another Headless Nigga

How am I supposed to beat those fuckers?

It's after the corrupted monk fight, the wedding cave.

oh i see thanks

>puppeteer his bud


>tfw kept dodge-rolling Isshin's art sweep
>only realized on my 3rd playthrough that I can just fucking jump

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all of them are piss easy, just apply confetti and maybe anti terror drugs
just whale on them to no end and parry obvious shit

>Was this supposed to be difficult?
It's the first boss so no

Wtf im getting my ass kicked by this granny

k, thanks where can I buy those? (If I ran out)

Lady butterfly the first time through. Fought her before oniwa so my damage wasn't great. Also wasn't the best at parrying and jumping her perilous attack. True corrupted monk took me a while too, but i fought it at like 4 in the morning after 12 hours of playing so that's normal.

you can't until the game is nearly finished

you can also parry kill them so kill the casting ghosts before headless

You don't really need to either. They just give you spiritfalls and some exp.
