Define artificial difficulty in 4 words or less.
Define artificial difficulty in 4 words or less
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Buzzword for Yea Forums cynics.
hate fun
Fake term plebs use.
Dark Souls
Difficult without establishing expectations
no, fuck off reddit
Has never existed. Idiot.
Trial and error
Wait, no
Difficulty via defying expectations
>What is rubber banding
If Dork Souls is artificial difficulty, what is artificial fun?
couldnt see that coming
Too hard for me
"hard" game but notreally
its way to complex of an idea reduced down to 4 words. ts the idea that a games difficulty comes from things that are not skill based i.e. a Pokemon rom-hack where it pushes up all the levels of the trainers Pokemon, but not the wild Pokemon is arbitrarily difficult because while the skill to beat the trainer's AI is the same you have spend long to grind your Pokemon for a much longer time because the levels are higher
Nothing I Could Do
"Cinematic experiences"
The game is fooling you into thinking that something that isn't even interactive is fun by dazzling you with visual spectacle
It's not my fault.
just add health bars
difficult for wrong reasons
Resident evil 2 remake
Nothing modern is fun.
Your blind like a zoomer LOL
Pic related.
Everything past 2000
A term retards use.
There is no natural difficulty in video games.
Since it is always fine-tuned by someone, whose job is to fine-tune difficulty, it will by definition always be artificial.
Arbitrary word limitations.
I hate niggers.
rubber banding is the most classic case, but it's anything where the game's rules have to be broken and the ai quite literally cheats. in an rts or 4x game the ai breaks the rules and expands at a rule breaking pace to harass you. sports games kinda do it in as well where the ai will do some ridiculous score rallying or pass the ball at lightning speed to even the score and make the game more exciting. most people just use it as a blanket term for any time they have to spend on a game to learn something to beat it.
Health Bloat for ennemies
numbers increase beyond mechanics
this can also, and often does, lead to artificial lack of difficulty
bullet sponges
sreggin etah I
Sekiro Shadows Die Twice
Cringe and cope
Too hard for me
unfair bullshit
making a game more difficult without actually improving the ai system at all
Mad and Hope LOLXD!
>not a buzzword
kys tranny lover
Tedious tasks.
Not all of us shove large objects up our ass and play pretend LMFAO!
How does it feel inside you user?
the dark souls franchise
Rubber band AI
seethe harder
AI wasn't already artificial?
It's a flask i know.
enemies have more health
A shitty Yea Forums meme
Difficulty via shitty design
Halo Fireteam Raven
Artificial difficulty is when a game is designed to be piss-easy by default and turning the slider makes enemies bullet sponges.
t. souls baby
t. meme
Those glasses are retarded
Grandma wants her glasses back dumb bitch.
Skill unrelated to outcome.
cope harder souls baby
Hope harder cuck baby
>what is artificial fun?
Rewards for effort or time spent but not skill.
Dark souls isn't artificially hard you dumb fuck. We have the phrase get gud for this exact fucking reason.
>what is artificial fun?
A term used by zoomers to make themselves feel like there smarter for spending 100000000000000000000000000 training like a marine with autism on one boss on ultra mega hyper turbo remix suck my ass mode.
bad at video games
5ms reaction time required
breaks established rules arbitrarily
enemy ai in fighting games
No fun Fuck Zoomers
>racing game
>doing so good that the ruberband AI slingshots past you right before you finish race
I stopped playing these games since burnout paradise
Anyone who says this is an absolute retard. If increasing enemy HP and damage didn't make thing "truly" more difficult, then every game would just have all enemies die in one shot, or kill you in one shot, IE, heaven and hell mode from DMC.
Enemy HP being higher means you need to stay consistently good for longer. Enemy damage being higher means you can't make as many mistakes. Sure, they might be "lazy" ways of increasing difficulty, but they are also perfectly fair ways.
That said, I don't generally like increasing enemy HP since it can make battles boring and invalidate certain techniques, but increasing damage is completely fine as a difficulty increaser.
People talk about giving enemies new attacks and shit, but to be honest, I feel like these should belong on all difficulties to make the game more fun and add variety no matter how you choose to play. As such, even if a games difficulty literally just does stuff like increase enemy damage or remove health items, that's fine with me.
>What is bullet sponge
This. I fucking hate racing games and don't play any with the exception of Trackmania, and a bit of Blur/Burnout Paradise (specifically paradise, not the others). Almost every single fucking racing game in existence has rubber banding AI, and the only thing that matters in a race is the last 10 seconds, because if you fuck up 50 times before that, it doesn't matter, but do a track perfectly and fuck up once in the last few seconds? You're screwed and get 12th place.
Fuck that.
confirmed for not reading the post
i'm not the problem
In NFSU you can turn off rubberbanding, it's called "Catch Up".
Bloated numbers
Any Dark Souls "game"
excuses excuses excuses
Yes this 10000 times this kill people who supported this cuck series.
Go play apex you low iq nigger.
Bullet Sponge Enemy
>souls games
haha. ebin. if only you meme shitters would git gud.
Demon souls is shit
Dark souls is shit
Dark souls 2 is shit
Dark souls 3 is shit
Bloodborne is shit
Sekiro is shit
Any future games will be shit
OH forgot nice meme
punishment regardless of skill
simple as that. if skill isnt enough to avoid the punishment for fucking up then a game isnt simply difficult, its unfair. or artificially difficult. the difficulty doesnt come from fair or challenging design, it comes from design that puts you in a no win situation
in reality there are very few games like this. least of all the souls games. true CRPGs more often have this where some encounters will feature enemies with abilities you can't get or with stats or dice rolls far above what is normally achievable. its designed to make you lose regardless of knowledge skill or preparation
Na not even close
Sekiro: shadows die twice
The entire game is the definition of artificial difficulty
Let me know when they make a good action/hack and slash video game without autism.
AI cheating
Unlucky randomizations
Cranking up numbers
What if the game doesnt have that but secretly tweaks enemy attacks behind your back making them randomly faster or slower and do more damage?
Only faggots use it.
a hard game can be challenging but beaten with skill.
artificial difficulty is when a game ganks you, it doesnt matter what your skill level, you either have to know how to beat it before you even play it or you have a crazy amount of luck to beat it. So dark souls 2
its fine if theyre random so long as theyre made react-able within 300ms including network and display lag and other mitigating factors. what you're describing is basically For Honor lol
Free shit for nothing