"console grade graphics"

>"console grade graphics"

Attached: 1553752733218.jpg (2960x1440, 2.38M)


TES Blades

It gets better.

Attached: D2ul1-dUkAEI8xm.jpg (2048x946, 107K)

Looks like when I had to play Oblivion on an ancient toaster and turned off all lighting kek

It's literally a cell phone game you absolute retard.

Because you're not playing on the latest GoyPhone Excess Max.

>must log into Google Play Games
>must also create a Bethesda account
>can't link it with your Google account
>password must have lowercase letters, uppercase letters, symbols, be at least 8 characters and pass an arbitrary strength test
>must fill out a security question
>must manually log in after you create the account

>after all that, get this screen

Fucking hell.

Attached: Screenshot_20190328-111428_Blades.jpg (1440x2960, 1.8M)

Attached: marv.jpg (936x532, 76K)

What's the problem with mobile games looking like mobile games?