Has there ever been in the history of ./ourguys/ a /guy/ more /our/ than notch?

Has there ever been in the history of ./ourguys/ a /guy/ more /our/ than notch?

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Imagine being a billionaire and still end up a loser.

Redpill is the same as bluepill, except you delude yourself with differenr retardry

Better than just being a loser

good luck finding that since they have a billion and you have what exactly...

What's in the interview?

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>defending this man

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Who is Soros and why should people watch him? Is it some MGTOW trash?

>talks about getting woke
>promotes caffeine jew that dehydrate you and gives you an addiction

what a mensa retard

How do you not know king Jew?

Can someone link the interview? Can't find it

The extent to which people kiss ass to protect their favorite billionaires never ceases to amaze me.

Cucks deserve the rope.

I think he's talking about the one where Soro talks about his childhood about ratting on kikes and that it made him happy.

>a literal cuck
That's why people here like him, this place a full of self loathing cucks

welcome to capitalism, where your freedoms are ultimately nearly as oppressed as anywhere else except they also suck the dick of the people that oppress them as well instead of go against them

It is objectively better to be a loser with a billion dollars than a broke loser which is myself and everyone else on this site including you.
Yeah damn that notch using his money to influence government policy

we're still willing to consider good men human despite their monetary status yes, outside of him deliberately throwing it all away he really has no control over his wealth so why lord it over him?

Jewish tricks

God damn
I hate Hank Green so much
What a pathetic piece of shit

Most of them aren't good men.

He's the reason to why your life is bad.

>he doesn't like that jew who turned in jews to the nazis and destabilizes countries for fun, what a loser
Hey, whatever makes you sleep at night champ.

Who knows, I don't keep track of billionares, you go to a place like Japan though and they tend to be better than say, Jewish billionares

You only think they're better because you don't understand 90% of what they're saying, weeaboo.

>x believes in something, y believes in something else
>they are the same because they both believe something, even if the things they believe radically oppose each other
centrists are fucking stupid

>defending a man who does this
shits unforgivable on top of not giving his co-workers millions when he left, Yea Forums has changed

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>finding yourself in a position where you can do anything you want because you freed yourself from all fiscal or social pressure

Thats right incel

>notch tweets 'punch a commie' as a blatant satire on the nazi punching
>twitter goes fucking nuts
That was unironically disturbing. How can anyone be in favor of communism? Not socialism, mind you, no, actual communism.

Centrists are normal human beings. If Party X has something positive about them, then it's OK. If Party Y does something positive, then good for them. Giving a shit about one or the other when they are doing evil activities, or letting America down (99.9% of the time) is just mental retardation.

why the fuck would he give millions to strangers?

these people are unbelievable. They honestly think they’re owed a living simply for existing

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>finding yourself in a position where you can do anything you want and you do nothing but cry on twitter all day


He co-developed a game; he hired shit developers for testing. It was a duo for 6 years of game development before he handed it off. He owes nothing to no-one you actual 0 IQ.

so centrists lack any personal convictions

That's obviously what he wants.

didn't he just steal the infiniminer concept?

You guys aren’t too stupid to realize he unironically called being gay a fetish, right?

No, they don't. They think that rich people should indescriminately spread their wealth around to whoever just because they can. You could use the exact same argument as the person in that picture to tell Notch he should fund 10000 african children, or feed the homeless of new york for a year, or whatever. You could use the logic to say that Notch should buy 50 limousines just because he can. The fallacy is that while Notch has any number of options, he can only choose a finite quantity of them. If he funds a bunch of marginalized trans indie devs, he can't spend that money on other things. There's an opportunity cost. More importantly, if he spends that money, that's money he can't invest and gain a return on, which would let him fund a LARGER number of marginalized trans indie devs.

Basically it just comes down to poor money management. People who think that when you win the lottery you should buy a house for every one of your friends.

What the fuck, are trannies this delusional?
>100k in debt

He is a Jew paying people to fuck with the western world. And by people I mean people who make decisions that have an effect on a lot of people's lives.

I fail to see how he is a loser in this situation.

Being able to see that both sides are retarded, just on the different end of a spectrum is stupid, OK.
People who complain about centrists are the stupidest of them all.

Centrism is a bastion of people who think they are smarter than they are. If you think both sides in this argument are equally retarded then you are the retarded one.

"centrists" are just closet-leftists with the longing to be very special and different

hey, that "pussy" aint gonna dilate itself. That shit takes money.

george soros is literally an evil star wars emperor, caricature tier billionaire jew who funds all sorts of leftist causes and literal terrorists, protesters, etc. however it is a difficult subject to broach because conspiracy fags got ahold of him so now every time you mention the stuff he actually does, lefties call you a conspiritard because people on /x/ think he's a reptilian hybrid moon man

>You guys aren’t too stupid to

It's Yea Forums.

Do you get paid to post this drivel? Because it would be pretty tragic if you actually chose to come here and do this for free.

this, lmao

He's known to interfere in the affairs countries other than his own by pouring millions in to all kinds of activist groups and various social/political campaigns. But that's ok because he's not a Republican or a Russian.

>only I'm right, anyone who doesn't subscribe to my retarded ideas are stupid, not me
And you think you are not the retarded one here, cute.

>insulting someone and begging him for money literally in the same breath
Is that a gypsy?

>"Marginalized, forgotten indie devs"


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And Mario's first own game copied Joust, doesn't matter.

trannys and SJW's are the American version of gypsies, the prowl on the weakness of gullible fools and leech money out of their pockets

>FUCK YOU FUCK YOU CUNT I HATE YOU btf here's my Paypal account I'm a marginalized trans-developer and I think you owe me reparations

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