What would you do if you caught your kid giving your hard earned money to e-celeb trash?

What would you do if you caught your kid giving your hard earned money to e-celeb trash?

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>zoomer memes
I hope this person fucking dies, and I mean that

this doesn't actually happen, right?

Call the bank to tell them transfer back the money. By law they have to

What's with all the fags coming into our threads and making fun of streamers and Lets Plays? Streamers are are a great way to unwind when you don't want to play a game yourself and hanging out in chat and donating is the equivalent of going out with friends. I'm still in the company of people I like and instead of wasting money on stupid alcohol, I can donate to my favorite streamer and feel good knowing I'm furthering the career of someone that brings me great joy and a lot of entertainment. I mean, what's the difference between a small donation of $30-$50 and spending that at the bar? I don't feel like shit in the morning if I donate unlike the hangover I'll eventually have...

It does, usually with Twitch thots.

Ha, jokes on you I don't plan on having kids.

Scold the kid. Cancel the transaction or take it from the kid's allowance.
What else are you really going to do?

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Use parental controls and put a limit on their computer time until they get their shit together.

Yea Forums allowed it to happen

beat with electric cord

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Why would a child have direct access to any of my money in the first place?

if it was a cute girl I would be happy he found someone who loves him

Not being funny OP, how the fuck would my kid have MY money? Thats not happening.


Ok faggot where did you steal that from

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Look everyone, look at him and laugh

Because you hope you can trust your family enough to not do stupid shit like that. My dad always left his wallet in the living room and kitchen and we never took a single dollar or touched his credit cards.

This, and guess what? If he uses a PC its in the fucking living room and i make sure the fucking thing is filter protected.

If you have at least 51% of a US bank note, you can send them off to Washington and they put them back together for you and send you new notes in exchange

does twitch still have unblockable ads

Is this faggot still making videos?

Stick to chugging your sѹ I guess

>hanging out in chat and donating is the equivalent of going out with friends

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Giving money to a streamer is retarded because you don't really get any acknowledgement out of it or any tangible product. I think just watching someones stream and interacting with them is enough. Let other people donate to them. And unless you have a really decent college educated job, $30-$50 is a TON when you COULD spend that on a tangible product like a game or commissioning art from an artist. I understand supporting those that create things that you love, but c'mon, son.

Though you're probably just trolling, so whatever.

Make them repay me with interest.
Depending on their age and the age they get their first job, they could be repaying me well into their 40's

you get home, you put your wallet and keys in a little bowl by the door. your child learns about credit cards and takes it from you. you find out about the theft, and the stupid use of the money from the theft, and destroy something they treasure.

>having a child
probably kys myself for having a child in the first place.


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>donate 5 dollars to say a text to speech message

Impressive bait, almost as if a zoomer typed it themselves

so you can absolve yourself of any responsibility when you gamble away your cash in an online casino

this, having kids is the ultimate and final cuck

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I hope this is bait and nobody this stupid actually posts here.

how to run a joke to the ground

Good thread

This is completely reasonable. Carry on.

honestly anything is better than the 500 sekiro threads per hour that Yea Forums is getting right now

Unless your child is male, then it's all fine

>implying I'd ever let my kid touch my money and not instead teach him how to earn his own that he'd be free to spend on whatever bullshit he wants, letting him learn the hard life lessons and the value of cash, if he chooses to blow it on stupid bullshit and ends up with no money as a result
You don't coddle your children. You let them make mistakes, create things, break things and lose things, only that way they can learn their value.

Not him, but donating for me is too much, 5 buck sub can be ok if you really like hanging out in that streamers channel and chat emotes are good (if you ever use them), but for me that usually some small channel with decent community and you just play vidiya with these people.

>going to bars
Off yourself degenerate

9/10 shitter

You're actually doubting if it's bait or not, therefore there are people as stupid who post here.
i.e. you

>I'm so tired of seeing sekiro everywhere I'm gonna bring up sekiro in one of the few threads that aren't about it.
You aren't very bright are you?

>small donation of $30-$50
Ya, could I get a small to medium donation please?

I stole a twenty from my mom once. I was like 6 or 7 and didn't really comprehend how much money that was or what could be done with it beyond "$1 for candy bar?" nor did I have any access to any sort of store I could've spent it at given our little culdesac thing we lived in. I can't even remember why. I wasn't particularly shitty - besides the obvious I'm admitting to - and I didn't do anything with it. I can't remember what I did with it, maybe I hid it somewhere and she got it back I hope? Like, she worked a great deal of overtime to provide for me at her $12/hr factory job since lmao single mother memes. The prospect of money didn't even really appeal to me, I think I just saw it as a valuable item and by the transitive property of my mother wanting it, so too did I covet it - yet I didn't do anything with it.

Oh well I got that bitch her most highest paying job she's ever had in her life so I repaid her in spades at least.

go back to /pol/

If I catch my kid making non-vidya threads on Yea Forums I'm playing cave explored with him until he starts shitting red.

Take it from their allowance. If they want to support that shit, then it better be with their own money.

And cancel my current card, and make sure they never have a chance to use the new one.

>What would you do if you caught your kid giving your hard earned money to e-celeb trash?
embarrass them by become a streamer myself

I’d be mad if he wasn’t supporting good e-celebs like PewDiePie or The Quartering.

How could you question if that was bait? It was 100%, clear and easy bait.

>having kids

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That's bad enough


Nigga you best be having a laugh.

>paying someone money for playing a fucking video game
Height of cuckery.

back to /r/childfree you sterile freak

The poor fucking kid couldn't play a game on that tiny screen if he tried, of course he has no choice but to watch streamers

I don't think whales are even zoomers.

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>giving your son your credit card
gen x parents I swear...
my gramps gave me 10 euros every week and I sure wouldn't waste them on some thot to say my name

couldn't any bank do this?



Take nude pictures of them and post it online

I would take all his money away from him, make him work for his pocket money and make it so little that he would not waste any of it.

Guy tried to go viral by having his dad mow over his empty video game cases and going full REEEtard in "reaction". It somewhat succeeded.

Youtuber makes a series where his father “destroys” all of his video game

I would smack him in the head and told him that i will never give him money or presents.


Isn’t that his audience?

some of the larger streamers are legit millionaires (summit, soda, lirik, obviously ninja, and tons of others). people still feel like they need to "support" them.

summit has over 30,000 subs now and people still donate thousands of dollars everyday to him, not including subs he gets.

even assuming summit only gets half (which is unlikely, probably more) he's raking in $75,000/month alone from subs. ez 100k+ when factoring in donations.

people are fucking stupid.

remember to never seed torrents, never review anything online, never donate to streamers, never tip anyone

Donating makes no sense. If the guy won't stream because he doesn't get any money then he shouldn't be streaming in the first place. Same thing with Youtube channels and "ad money."

I fear this man more than I hate him.
This is like witnessing a posession, it truely frightens me that someone would act and do something like this.

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they aren't supporting them, they want attention from the "famous person"

I'll only think about having offspring when I have enough money to live comfortably in a third world shithole where I can legally beat the shit out of him for doing faggy stuff like that

I say that's ok since these money will be detracted from the money I would have spent for him.
Ohhh, you want NEW GAME? Too bad, money for NEW GAME are e-celeb's money now, no NEW GAME for you little faggot.

You mean, if my hypothetical kid stole from me? They're not about to see e-celeb trash again anytime soon, because they won't have a screen for it.

But I don't think I'd raise my kid to be a thief, so there.

>being THIS fucking retarded

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Sad part is, most donaters have this mentality

Give him a whole bunch of hard-earned money at once and tell him to save it in case there's something he really wants later.
Save the bill, print it out.
Laugh at him and shove it in his face 3 months down the line when he really wants some bullshit and can't afford it.

>do this
>10 years later its still there and accumulated like 63 cents
>with the rate of inflation, it's worth basically a quarter of what it originally was, and even less as a kid

the bar isn't the only other place to spend money you dumb faggot zoomer

>yes goyim don't have kids and don't worry about the white genocide that is currently happening you stupid goyim

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Big league trouble for little man.

Well if he wants to get his allowance in bitcoin or antimony oxide I can arrange that.

Whats the logic here? Have a kid and love it, only to see it be genocided...?

raise kids, and then genocide all the other kids.
thats what everyone else is doing.

Your website somehow mananges to be both a banhappy shithole that enforces respect for moderators and women, and ALSO the biggest flood of meme spamming non-content.

Whites literally have more children than minorities you dumb fuck.

Think about it rationally.

I saw a YouTube voice of some kid crying and begging to some e-girl that he accidentally donated $100 from his mom’s card instead of $1 for a refund

Got anything besides outlandish pol fantasies? You and i know neither of our kids would be killing others. They would just be subjected to reading news articles about how millions of more immigrants were allowed in and go outside to see desolate streets and buildings and third world trash waddling around. You choose to have a kid when the entire world is out to make that the least desirable option out there and it will be tormented the day its born...youre crazy

The difference is that the stream is completely free to watch and you’re under no obligation to pay.

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>donate just enough to get a text-to-speech message
>fill it with racial slurs and offensive lulzy shit
>chargeback donation once message gets through
>decent chance of streamer getting banned for hosting problematic content
>rinse and repeat

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Streamers do not care about you whatsoever unless you write nice/positive things about them or give them money

why do people act like they are their friends?

I'm already mad my parents decided to have me, and their generation proceeded to drop the world on my generations head so that its basically impossible to mete out a decent existence unless you go NEET and take government money or live in a shitty apartment for your entire life. I mean it helps that I hate kids, but its a principle thing really.

It's always been better to be lucky than good, but now being lucky or having connections is the only thing that matters in life. My kid could end up being a genius and get an engineer degree and still just flip burgers to make a living

not entirely true, some streamers have solid communities like PJdicesare or Puwexil. You mostly have to find the smaller channels that have actual decency and not just a bunch of spewing stream monsters.

>Waaaah I don't like accurate pictures of me!

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Agreed. This board would be infinitely less shit if all of these subhumans died.

Is there anything more cucked than watching someone else play a video game?

we're already living in a cucked generation where kids rather watch other kids play with toys though YouTube videos

slap his shit

Your mom should've swallowed.

Why would I give my child access to my money?

well guess what you sterile fuck, your parents and the rest of humanity didn't asked to be born so go out and have white kids already and stop letting the fucking JEWS win

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wholesome bait, you made my morning better. thanks

>when you are the undefeated top donor for years and the money actually transforms into a relationship with a twitch thot that showed her vagina and ass on stream and it's exactly what you wanted

pic related, me and legendarylea, aka my girlfriend and soon wife, stay mad

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The sad thing is, this is literally what people think is going to happen if they throw money at thots that are already married but take off their rings for the stream.