Why arent you running a reshade user?

Why arent you running a reshade user?

Attached: Screenshot (15).jpg (2546x1080, 670K)

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I usually do. This one looks horrible though.

is this a mod?

Hmmm i could be convinced. I think it's a horrible program though.

Soul soulless

because they have a shitty selection of filters, you just added a blue filters to the game and it still looks like shit.


Here is a good reshade, makes it pop, without changing the color grading

The first Dark Souls had such nice color palletes and rich colors but by the 3rd they had nothing but washed out brown, grey and blue for Ithryll.
What the fuck went wrong?

Because the vast majority of presets are horrendous. I've been trying to find a good total war warhammer 2 one to no avail.

because the game came out a week ago, i might for NG+ but for my first run im playing it the way it was meant to be played (+playstation button prompts mod)

Right looks souless, unironically

Color and shading like that doesn't fit the atmosphere of Ashina falling to shit

Reshades are for absolute faggots who don't understand colour grading at all and think cranking the saturation and contrast up to make one scene look painful is a good reason to completely trash 70% of the games visuals.


This is what i used in the op

I only use Reshade with Lumasharpen in games that force TAA or are just too pixelated without it. Color correction always felt like a meme to me, too hard to get right for every area.

Many games have the notorius gray fog of blandness that only reshade can fix.

and it still looks like shit why do retards not understand that is over saturated.

Attached: 2-1553238223-529563777.jpg (1600x900, 755K)

Key to saturation and contrast is to go easy with it, if a preset is too aggressive then tone it to half of the values it uses.

>Many games have the notorius gray fog of blandness that only reshade can fix.
Try correctly configuring your monitor faggot.

i always do, from games always look like dogshit especially grey souls 3
not saying right is great but left has no soul whatsoever

Fucking kek, I was just about to post that and got a duplicate file error.

It looks like absolute shit, reshade kiddies need to fuck off, learn to configure their monitors, stop buying cheap as fuck monitors and learn how to adjust basic things like contrast and saturation before they they start hamfistedly fucking with an entire games art direction.

It worked perfectly fine for Dark Souls, denaturation is just a meme that people mistake for artistic choice, the real artistic touch is good use of color not lack of color.
Just too many people got memed on by Hollywood trash into thinking, desaturated colors=mature and artistic.

Attached: 211420_20180610042847_1.png (1920x1080, 1.91M)

My monitor is fine, black levels are nearly perfect on desktop.
Some game just fucking lie in the brightness/contrast test and you have to go lower than what seems correct or use reshade.

DaS3 looks nice with reshade actually

I bet these fags would turn on the BT.2020 color space and just use that for everything if they knew how to. Instant eye-raping over-saturation everywhere, no reshade required!

If it's too much just use the reshade sliders to tone it down, or are you too retarded to do that?

This will forever be true of SweetFX/Reshade

Attached: a16.jpg (512x512, 128K)

>not using color correction 3D LUT file for reshade on every game
I did a config for many filters for seikro game but uninstalled the game shortlt after because the game was boring.

If you have brain problems and set the contrast to 300%, sure.

They don't work with DMC5 at the moment for me, I keep getting this

Attached: ss (2019-03-27 at 09.38.46).png (630x523, 33K)

It's got nothing to do with your black levels user.
We've got actual hardware at work to calibrate them properly, but i'm sure you can find even some shitty half assed software calibration tools for getting it right.
I guarantee you and 99% of people don't have properly calibrated monitors.

True. All those "cinematic" presets use far too strong filters.

>My monitor is fine
I bet it's not.

Attached: Colour.png (600x375, 422K)


it uses DX12 m8

>playing it the way it was meant to be played (+playstation button prompts mod)

you're a faggot stop posting on this board

Change DMCV to DX11

very funny
i've had it on DX11 this whole time, i'll try DX12

Because I'm the sweet spot of autism where I'm still autistic enough to browse Yea Forums but definitely not enough to run a game through a custom launcher just to make it look slightly different

nope, it hangs on the "Loading." message every time with it installed

Yeah, Im not a fan of the washed out colors. Upping the color vibrancy and sharpness just a little bit really makes a difference and brings the otherwise boring samey environments in this game to life

Which one is supposed to look good? Sekiro looks like ass no matter what you do to it.

That's not how it works.

>run a game through a custom launcher just to make it look slightly different

Attached: literally (You).png (485x443, 22K)

Yes, if you use SweetFX/Reshade.

Because it looks like shit.


Attached: 1552370641727.png (1766x992, 3.46M)

It looks so fucking bad.

Lifeless Vs. Life
Dunno, user: apparently left is more in tone with the game's themes

Modders really do have the worst taste. It's quite embarrassing. Something getting more saturated doesn't make it better. That's literally the mentality of a child.

I prefer the muted colors over eye raping oversaturation. are you colorblind op?

because very rarely does it actually fix problems with graphics, it's a bandaid at best

I passed on that one. Using the Phoenix one.


Attached: sekiro 2019-03-28 06-27-41.jpg (1680x1050, 599K)

How is color childlike, how the fuck do you come to such a ridiculous conclusion? Movies and games before the current era always had strong color, you're too young to realize that the desaturated look is nothing but a fad of the current age and will probably be gone in a few years never to be seen again.

Attached: 36ukCK7X1P1qq1PpJoV8F6Xd6zc.jpg (1920x1080, 333K)

A month ago or so I've realized that Nvidia's using Limited range RGB when connected with HDMI by default.
When I've switched to Full the difference was unbelievable. Something may be wrong with your settings. I was using it like that for 5 years without even realizing how much better image quality can be.

I'm glad I didn't have time to play Sekiro because I would have played it with that awful gamma bug.
I noticed it was weird but I thought it was just the art direction that wanted that.

holy shit this is awful

much better

Attached: 1536704569764.jpg (2560x1440, 1.65M)

This, I didn’t have this issue when the monitor was set to 144hz, but every time the game forced 60hz, the colors would look washed out. Then I found out what that setting in nvidia

>not playing the game as the devs intended
>muh colours

easily distracted like a child

was the game too depressing and forebrooding for you?

You can set the values however the fuck you want, so no.
Reshade trully save some game's visuals. Especially older games since current games basically use the same kind of post processing effects, but by default, and you can't turn them off obviously, making your pic looks even more clueless.

Fuck, I should replay ds after Sekiro

This is true, however OP's pic is still too much

I have one that fixes the black levels and that's it
anything else is superfluous

the clown gen isn't allowed with adults, little shit stain.

Why bother when you could just bump up the color and turn on dynamic contrast on your TV, it's the exact same artstyle ruining shit.

cranking the saturation on a desaturated image doesn't make an image "colorful", it makes it oversaturated. a colorful image has color highlights that stand out from more muted tones. in an oversaturated image, everything looks equally colorful

in the OP image, the snow on the right looks fucking blue. it's not supposed to be blue.

Sekiro is a little undersaturated, and it might benefit from upping the saturation a couple notches, but these images are garish and horrible.

I usually do but I actually like sekiro's default orange tint type look

Most people overdo settings when using Reshade. Moderation is the key, especially when it comes to color adjustments and sharpening. Don't just crank every slider to the max (like in my pic). Only make the colors a bit more vibrant and use a slight sharpening filter.

Attached: Sharp+Saturation.png (1920x1080, 1.99M)

left looks better

>artists work for months and write shaders to set the tone they want and avoid the basic nood mistake of using pure black dark everywhere
>kids think they're being robbed of color and think their tinkering with the already rendered image "improves" anything
How many decades these thread are going to pop up?

Attached: 20f843078a02d89420a5bff26f31dd21.jpg (2052x2772, 3.72M)

Even though I agree with you, I still believe it’s perfectly fine if someone wants the game look differently. That’s the beauty of PC, you can tweak the game in whatever way you want to

Yes that is true that many people oversaturate games when they get reshades and overdo it but it's also true that the default of many games is just plain drab and the opposite problem of under doing it.
People are going to look back and say, "Hey I remember when people thought that looked good, what were they thinking?", it's going to be like people looking back at mullets or parachute pants, as a silly fad and are going to go back to interesting use of color.
For as long as drab=artistic lasts, at no time in the history of art have people thought that lack of color ever looked good except for now, it's going to pass, no one is going to look back at now and think it was a good artistic choice, but as a passing fad that people are better off leaving behind.

Attached: 1550651105463.jpg (2023x1589, 2.29M)

The game on PC is fucked and uses the wrong black space, you can fix it easily with levels plus filter.

It doesn't matter what the artists and developers intend for the game to look, most TVs/Monitors are going to be calibrated incorrectly and display different colours than what the artists see with their colour accurate monitors.

Because I'm playing with HDR you pleb

I just use vibrance gui

what mods are you running?

I used Reshade to make the black levels lower, but that's it. Fucking with the contrast, saturation, or anything else is fucking retarded for this game.

reshade aka "make everything more blue"

You're retarded. There's no "makes things more blue!!" option. It's a very complex tool and only retards get retarded results.

Reshade is only good for games which have a LUT that fucks up the whole atmosphere through the entire game (such as Ghost Recon Wildland's default sepia filter)

In pic related, left is without reshade, right is reshade on

Attached: reshade.png (2480x701, 3.1M)

left looks better

It's been out for a week and PC bros are already ruining the graphics, like clockwork.

Attached: 2374963.jpg (1280x720, 170K)

all i do is use the fake hdr setting and some sharpening because most new games are blurry af

Attached: Tom Clancy's The Division® 22019-3-17-19-19-25.jpg (3840x2160, 885K)

Look at the picture half the shit is blue you goon

Left looks alright.

Just the higher resolution fix, that's it.

The person that made this reshade must have been colourblind.

>reshade bad!!

Attached: batmann.jpg (2471x805, 287K)

Attached: 1536530748390.jpg (2560x1440, 1.93M)

this game is ugly

That's the results of this particular Reshade preset. You can always make your own preset or edit a premade one.

It's really not though. I'm not having fun with it but I find it beautiful. I pirated it if you're wondering whether it's buyer's remorse or not.

the pissfilter and textures are garbage

Attached: 1524630329079.png (500x282, 205K)

Cuz reshade is for wanna be artists that think their own vision is better than the devs. The only acceptable "reshade" garbage is fixing contrast and brightness, nothing else.

That's why you make your own.

>Reshades are for absolute faggots who don't understand colour grading at all
Or for people who do and want games to actually have decent colors. Most games have fucking retards making them and they're washed out as hell. Like the vast majority of them have their entire palettes smushed, so they look gray all the time.

Attached: sekiro 2019-03-22 21-32-36.jpg (2560x1440, 711K)

>that think their own vision is better than the devs
They often times do though. There's a reason reshade, sweetfx, and enb were made.

Because I have an actual HDR+FALD display.
I don't need to fake it with bad software that tanks performance.

Attached: 8458364.jpg (413x413, 121K)

Not him and both do look alright but sometimes people just don't want sepia filters and reshade will let you fix that. One game I enjoyed fixing was Dragons Dogma because there is a ton of color in there but the colors were just so shit they had to mute it all. I restored the colors without fucking up the balance and felt really good about it.

Turn off sharpening, that looks awful. The game already has a sharpen filter.

Only necessary for Bethesda games because they're stuck in mid 2000s graphics and the darker bland lighting that goes with it to fake realism.

>devs know best meme

Attached: 1540140974078.png (1424x562, 1016K)

Not him but sometimes the sharpening is actually more subtle depending on the display and how far you sit from it. I play DMC5 on my TV and my sharpening settings are perfect to counteract the blurry TAA. Then I looked at a screenshot on my computer monitor and it looked like AIDS.

you legitimately must have some sort of colorblindness if you think right looks better

Sure but that still looks awful, you're only increasing the aliasing with settings like that. It's okay for games to look a bit blurry.


Attached: 568.png (3840x1080, 3.54M)

Demons Souls looks good too. I dunno why they kept making the games uglier color wise.

Attached: Demon's Souls 2018.10.14 - (1920x1080, 552K)

>It's okay for games to look a bit blurry.
no, it's not

how's the emulation now? at least you can see what's happening in the regen shield's texture now

>too hard to get right for every area.
It doesn't take much work, just focus on adjusting contrast/levels to make colors pop and not be washed out. There was a really good shader I was using called Filmic Grade I think, and it was a powerful levels tool that let me darken darks and brighten the brights. It totally eradicated washed out game visuals.

Attached: sample_light_contrast1.jpg (306x124, 8K)

Holy shit, forgot about this. Will check this out over the weekend.

Attached: reshade.jpg (1920x1080, 350K)

Yes it is if the alternative is major aliasing and ugly as fuck screenshots.

just SSAA bro

99% perfect for me but I use an older build

Attached: Demon's Souls 2018.10.14 - (1920x1080, 556K)

every example that's been posted of Sekiro looks better before than after

Are newer builds worse or something?

I wish someone could fix the horrific tiling textures

Attached: 1526888408635.png (1920x1080, 3.02M)

Attached: 1525526715991.png (1920x1080, 3.09M)

They were when I tried them half a year ago.

Turning up the contrast and adding a shitty color filter on top of the game doesn't make it look better

Gotcha, thanks. Maybe I'll replay it and have it actually look bearable.

Is blue and bloom about to be the new brown and bloom ?

>Activision part of the project
>Red watermark on screen when low on health
Fucking hell.

Reshade is good but you have to learn how to use it or you're going to be downloading presets made for someone else's system meaning it'll probably look bad to you. And most people releasing reshades seem to be mentally retarded so it proably looks bad to everyone.

Pic here isn't an example of something good, it's just showing what you can do with reshade in literally 2 seconds by moving sliders around. This tool is what I used, it's really fast and easy to completely change the mood of a game using this

Attached: levels2.jpg (3814x775, 894K)

>moon turns into a lightbulb
>plants become a mess

I am. But usually on second or third playthroughs. When I see the vanilla look and what changes I want to see. Also helps that by then I have multiple presets to choose. Dragon's Dogma looks great with a ReShade. There's something about the default shadows in that game that make it look so smudgy and shitty.

I really don't get these posts. It's like a bitter consolecuck wrote them. It's like they hate choices and freedom of other people. And it's like they're not even aware that ReShades and ENBs are highly customizable for whatever "feel" they want out of the game.

And they always fall back to "b-but devs intended!" when that's clearly not the case for a lot of popular mods and fixes. No devs didn't intend to make their games buggy and ugly while also dropping to 20FPS on shitboxes. Some mods are more inline with their original vision then the actual finished products.

Attached: 1551877177554.jpg (768x1024, 119K)

Which one is the original? The one on the left looks better to me.

>"b-but devs intended!"
This is the worst meme. Devs can be retards too, just look at remasters.

Attached: 4.png (2618x924, 2.81M)

>Dark Souls 2 team

Left is original.

That's the original. Right is bluray edition.

The one on the right is BluRay rerelease.

What's his point then? In that case, the "developers" do know better than the "modders" (BluRay creators).

The company that has the rights fucked up the bluray, showing that devs/creators don't always know best.

They are one in the same.

What a dumb nigger. Mods are free and made by the community. BluRay and HD re-releases are official and from the fucking company itself.

And the individual "devs" are fucking retards sometimes too. Just look at George Lucas.

This would make sense if you were talking about remasters, not the original version.

tfw when u use a mod for 3D games ona a movie and the movie looks better

Attached: levels.jpg (3456x1442, 744K)

people unironically like this


that looks fucking terrible.

Attached: 1526956742893.jpg (350x310, 37K)

For the same reason I also don't turn up the brightness on my TV to 100, apparently.

The problem with reshade is that its universal, game developers can the tone of individual area by changing its lighting but a reshade preset will apply universally unless you're autistic and make 20 presets for every situation.

>not making your games cinematical

Attached: Okami 1886.jpg (1600x900, 123K)

this is very obviously low settings and people are still taking the bait.

The only thing you should enable with reshade is "levelsplus" and fix the limited RGB range.
This game doesn't have true blacks so the contrast is bad. It's a common thing with japanese games.

It's on the highest settings, actually. Those are taken on the first area, one of them before you even get a sword. I haven't returned to the game since then but I hope the later areas are actually more refined.

Lying retard.

Start a new game and go check the area yourself.

yeah, no.

Attached: 1504671783340.png (640x360, 238K)

It's so fucking easy you brainlets

>download it
>select the exe
>the only filters you really need are clarity, colourfulness, lumasharpen, vibrance
>maybe anti aliasing depending on the game
>enable lumasharpen
>hmm that's a bit too sharp
>turn it down to .4
>enable colourfulness
>turn on performance mode

Why tho? Your shader makes the game more blue

That was the problem with SweetFX to some extent but Reshade is significantly more powerful. You can create luts on the fly and adjust individual colors. It's also got some powerful lighting shaders, the qint bloom for instance is mind blowing when you use it on a modern game(doesn't work well on older games). And thanks to hotkeys you can turn on/off shaders on a whim if they look bad in one area but good in another one.

You're not wrong, but it's not impossible to make a game look better without adjusting sliders all the time. Just keep your tweaks small and try to fix the base issues with the visuals and not the base issue of an area. I persaonlly just get rid of fog whenever possible and bring out colors as much as I can without damaging the game's aesthetic. Sometimes I tone down bloom or add bloom too, can really change how a game looks(pic related had majorly toned down bloom and it looks pretty cool).

Attached: NieRAutomata 2017-04-18 20-35-31.jpg (4480x2520, 2.03M)

As always, the truth is somewhere in the middle.

or I could just not do this stupid shit

>It's a common thing with japanese games.
It's a common thing with all games. I love seeing Boris sperg about it, it's hilarious that he made ENB and the shader you're talking about strictly because he hates those dumbass console devs.

Attached: bloom adaption.jpg (1778x2392, 789K)

wise words


Attached: Bully 2018-09-04 18-45-18-97.jpg (1920x1080, 347K)

You probably don't realize it but this is peak reshade.

Attached: Bully 2018-09-04 19-53-33-89.jpg (1920x1080, 488K)

Sekiro actually fucked up by outputting only 16-235 limited RGB levels. This is why you can't get black blacks no matter how much you adjust the brightness slider.

Reshade with levels+ lets you fix this.

Normal levels would work too. I left the blacks alone though I just tweak the colors a bit to make it look a bit more realistic and not washed out with one color. Game looks okay as it is imo.

>Demons Souls looks good

prove me wrong

Attached: Demon's Souls 2018.09.30 - (1920x1080, 464K)


next gen is here

Attached: GbtGbEr.png (954x636, 337K)

Normal levels is OK but I've had problems with it clipping ungracefully, so I've stuck with levels+ out of habit. Either way.

Mustard Gas, dont click.

tfw I clicked it earlier
spooky link, I hope I'm not infected

why sekiro mod engine wont work on pirated copies ?

I'm pretty sure only retarded zoomers use these.

I tried these way back with F3 and F:NV and I still preferred the original drab look to the games

because washed out isn't inherently bad no matter how much you fags complain about it

The dev wasn't trying to be a dick, the games are just different down to the folder they're in. I bought it though just so I could use his mod lmao, and because my DS4 was fucked up.

Attached: Sekiro Screenshot 2019.03.24 - (2560x1440, 1.03M)

>I'm pretty sure only retarded zoomers use these.
Spoken like a true retarded zoomer.

Attached: Fo3.jpg (2904x1225, 1.06M)

You're just proving my point. That looks like dogshit

if youre not stupid then using reshade will always make your games look better

Attached: 20190326175751_1.jpg (3840x2160, 1.4M)

Yes, literally the only good thing about it. The rest is either mediocre or outright shit.


Attached: 13018512565_ac86736790_o.jpg (2880x1215, 3.27M)

I'll cut you

Attached: Demon's Souls 2018.10.10 - (1920x1080, 462K)

Because it tends to compromise the artistic vision of the dev team because I thought high saturation cold filters looked good as if I'm on wallbase in 2007.

>Windows still lock you to 8-bit unlike other OS.
I'm not gonna buy a Quadro to get full usage of my 10-bit monitor.

>Because it tends to compromise the artistic vision of the dev team
That's why you make your own, to improve it instead of compromise it.
>Sekiro actually fucked up by outputting only 16-235 limited RGB levels. This is why you can't get black blacks no matter how much you adjust the brightness slider.
Developers are fucking stupid. The vast majority of games are outputting below normal color ranges. Forget HDR, this isn't fully LDR.

because enbseries and nu-enbseries are for underage that think everything is better with more saturated colors

>I really don't get these posts. It's like a bitter consolecuck wrote them. It's like they hate choices and freedom of other people.
but user, consoles have reshade too! you just go in your TV's settings and turn the color saturation all the way up because that's what every fucking 'shader' is.